#Daniel krall
cryptocollectibles · 5 months
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One Plus One #1 (September 2002) by Oni Press
By Neal Shaffer & Daniel Krall, cover by Michael Avon Oeming
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graphicpolicy · 10 months
Insight Studios Brings a Creative Powerhouse Line-Up to Baltimore Comic-Con 2023
Insight Studios Brings a Creative Powerhouse Line-Up to Baltimore Comic-Con 2023 #baltimorecomiccon #bcc #bcc2023
Insight Studios, a bastion of artistic innovation, is set to electrify Baltimore Comic-Con once again, from September 8 to 10, 2023, at the Baltimore Convention Center. Under the spotlight this year, visionary talents Mark Wheatley and Marc Hempel will headline an ensemble of renowned artists, writers, and creators. Brace yourself for a captivating showcase of creativity, inspiration, and…
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tessa-liam · 5 months
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A Princess for a Prince – Chapter 8
Choices – The Royal Romance, AU
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret?
Marabelle Series Masterlist
Main Pairing – Prince Liam Rys x F!OC Lady Sophia (Sophie) Taylor
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F!OC Melanie Smithson
Most characters belong to Pixelberry Studios
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, crude language & innuendo.
Not Beta’d - Please excuse all errors.
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff
Words: 2436
Chapter Summary – Sophie receives a personal invitation to the New Year’s Eve Celebration Ball at the palace.
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A Princess for a Prince, Chapter 8
Music Inspiration:
The Look of Love, Diana Krall
Kiss Me at Midnight, *NSYNC
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother.
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events.
A/N3: My submission for Choices Flashfics @choicesflashfics, Week #65, prompt 1 - “Sometimes, being with you feels so much like a dream ... and I don't ever want to wake up.”
A/N5: My submission for Choices December 2023 Holidays Prompts – New Year’s Eve
A/N4: My submission for Choices Holiday Prompts 2023, Quote Prompt – “You look even more beautiful in candlelight.”
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A Princess for a Prince
As they finished breakfast, Aunt Bethany glanced at Sophie with a knowing smile. “Sophie, I believe that Prince Liam left a message for you earlier this morning, my dear.”
Beaumont Estate, Duchy of Ramsford
Sophie's heart skipped a beat. “Oh, oh ... thank you, Auntie.” She excused herself from the table, her steps quickening as she made her way to the study where the message awaited her. A sealed envelope with the royal Insignia sat elegantly on the desk. With trembling fingers, Sophie broke the seal and then unfolded the letter.
Liam’s elegant handwriting greeted her:
‘Dearest Sophie,
I hope this morning finds you well and that the memories of last night’s ball linger as fondly in your heart as they do in mine. Your grace and beauty illuminated the ballroom, and I found myself enchanted by every moment we shared.
I would be honored if you would join me at the New Year’s Eve ball at the palace. The evening promises dancing, champagne and a fireworks extravaganza. I can think of no better company than yours to enjoy the splendor and ring in the New Year.
Yours sincerely, Liam’
Sophie’s cheeks flushed with excitement and a hint of optimism. She folded the letter gently, holding it close to her heart. She quickly composed a response, expressing her eagerness to join him for the Ball.
With her heart aflutter, Sophie entrusted the letter to the awaiting palace messenger, requesting it to be delivered directly to Prince Liam’s chambers. Beaming, she made her way upstairs to her room to start planning for the event.
December 31st, Cordonian Royal Palace
The entire palace and grounds were adorned with sparkling, opulent decorations; the air felt energized with excitement. The chandeliers in the ballroom cast a warm glow across the room as the orchestra played holiday melodies. Waitstaff circulated with flutes of champagne, as nobles enjoyed sumptuous gourmet platters of hors d’oeuvres.
Entering the ballroom with her aunt, Maxwell, Bertrand and Savannah, Sophie glanced around the room. She spotted Liam very quickly, resplendent in his royal attire, engaging in conversation with Leo and Madeleine. When his eyes caught hers, he smiled delightedly, and excused himself from the conversation to make his way across the dance floor to Sophie.
Liam’s eyes sparkled as he approached her with an appreciative smile. Sophie, wearing a stunning deep purple gown that shimmered in the candlelight, returned his smile blithely and dipped into a low curtsy. Her gown, embellished with delicate lace with intricate beadwork, accentuated her curves perfectly. With a tender smile, he leaned in, closing the gap between them, softly kissing her cheek.
“Good evening, Sophie,” Liam greeted her with a charming smile, “You look even more beautiful in candlelight.” Lifting her hand for a kiss, he then pulled her close to whisper in her ear, “...and you shouldn’t curtsy, it’s just me.”
“Good evening, Liam. Thank you for inviting me.” Sophie replied, her voice tinged with excitement. The air crackled with anticipation. Sophie responded to his request with a breathy whisper, “I will remember that always.”
Offering his arm, Sophie slipped her hand around his arm and joined him to move onto the dance floor, finding a spot in the center.
Liam placed one hand on the small of Sophie’s back, the other holding her hand. She stepped into his arms, and they began to move to the music.
“You look beautiful tonight, Sophie,” Liam whispered in her ear.
“Thank you. You look quite dashing yourself.” Sophie responded shyly.
As the orchestra transitioned into a waltz, they began to move effortlessly across the dance floor, their chemistry evident in every step. Their conversation flowed seamlessly as they danced and the world around them seemed to fade as they lost themselves in each other’s company, their laughter blending with the music in perfect harmony.
Dancing the Cordonian waltz, Sophie’s gown flared and billowed as Liam twirled her under his arm. As he pulled her back to his chest, she rested her head back, enjoying the feel of his arms around her in an intimate embrace.
As the night progressed and the countdown to midnight drew near, the energy in the room heightened. The air buzzed with excitement, and the guests gathered awaiting the grand moment.
Maxwell and his mother stopped by the open terrace to wait for the fireworks show as Bertrand and Savannah joined in with the celebrations on the dance floor.
Sophie found herself standing beside Liam as the final seconds of the year ticked away. As Leo and Madeleine stood with the herald to announce the countdown. The ballroom erupted into cheers and applause as the clock struck midnight, marking the start of 2024.
Amidst the celebrations, Liam turned to Sophie, his eyes filled with warmth and determination. In that fleeting moment between the past and the future, amidst the cheers and revelry, he took her hand and whispered, “May I steal a moment with you, away from the crowd?”
Sophie’s heart fluttered as she nodded, following him as they made their way to a secluded third floor balcony overlooking the palace gardens. The night sky was filled with fireworks, with vibrant colors against the dark backdrop of the night sky.
As the echoes of fireworks lingered in the air, their eyes locked in a shared understanding; a silent acknowledgement of the unspoken emotions that had bloomed between them over the past year. Liam gently cupped Sophie’s face in his hands, his touch tender and filled with a depth of emotion as the world around them disappeared. It was just the two of them.
“Sophie,” he whispered, his voice a soft caress in the quiet night. “This past year has been a revelation, and I find myself drawn to you in ways I never thought possible. Your laughter, your kindness, and your grace have captured my heart.”
The air was charged with an unspoken electricity as Sophie gazed into Liam’s eyes, feeling her heart flittering with a mixture of excitement and a tender vulnerability. She could sense the depth of his sincerity, his words stirring something profound within her. “Liam, I feel the same about you.”
In that fleeting moment, as the world seemed to stand still, their lips met in a gentle and tender kiss. It was a kiss filled with the promise of a new beginning; an unspoken vow to explore the budding romance that had blossomed between them.
As they parted, their breaths mingling in the cool night air, Sophie’s cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, and Liam’s gaze held a warmth that mirrored the newfound connection between them. Taking her hands in his, Liam pulled her closer to him as he lowered his head to re-capture her lips. Moving one hand to her waist as the other cupped her cheek as he deepened the kiss.
The kiss spoke volumes, conveying feelings that words could not quite capture. Their shared hopes, fears, and the uncharted territories of their hearts that they were daring to explore together.
As Liam and Sophie looked up into the night sky, and more fireworks shot up to celebrate the new year, their eyes met once again.
Liam’s smile was tender. "We finally have a chance to spend some time alone," he said, squeezing her hand, pulling her even closer. As their lips met once again, Sophie felt more butterflies in her stomach. She was nervous but excited. She knew Liam was experienced, and she wanted to make sure she did everything right. She trusted him and was ready to take their relationship to the next level.
Liam kissed her passionately, his tongue exploring her mouth. She melted into his embrace, her body responding to his touch. He pulled back, his blue eyes meeting hers.
"You're so beautiful," he said, running his fingers through her long mahogany tresses.
She smiled shyly, his words making her blush.
He cupped her face with his hands, kissing her softly, his lips lingering on hers. He traced his tongue along her neck, nibbling her earlobe. She moaned softly, his touch sending shivers down her spine.
She could feel his growing desire pressing against her, his hardness against her softness.
“Liam!” Sophie’s voice was full of laughter and warning as she pushed away, her heart pounding. “We’re not alone, you know.”
“I can’t see anyone else around here.” Liam chuckled.
“That does not mean there isn’t anyone watching. We don’t want to give your guards any concerns, do we?”
“Liam sighed. “You are right, of course. But ... ”
Sophie looked up at him, raising an eyebrow, “But what?”
“Let me make this more private.” Taking her hand, he tugged her hand to walk down the long corridor, Liam turned to lead Sophie into an empty parlor. After locking the doors and closing the heavy drapes, Liam led Sophie to sit on a large sofa.
“Now,” Liam whispered, “where were we?”
“I think you were telling me about your gua...”, Liam moved in quickly to secure her lips in another passionate kiss. His passion was clear as he sat down beside Sophie. The two of them got lost in the moment as Liam pulled her onto his lap.
“Liam, I ...” Sophie began. She wanted to explain that she was unexperienced but wanted to learn more with him.
“Sshh ... No more talking,” he whispered as he closed the distance between them.
Sophie nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck, savoring the feel of his strong arms around her.
Liam gently removed the pins that secured her hair. Her curls cascaded over his hands like silk, and he buried his face in her perfumed tresses. He kissed her earlobe, then her throat. His lips moved lower, to her collarbone, while his hand gently caressed her neck and shoulder.
Sophie was breathing faster now. She tilted her head back, encouraging him to continue his exploration of her skin. Her eyelids fluttered closed, and a tiny moan escaped her.
"Sophie, there's something I've been meaning to tell you," Liam paused, his heart beating rapidly.
"What is it?" Sophie asked, her voice slightly questioning.
"I am falling in love with you," Liam whispered, his voice full of emotion.
Sophie gasped, her eyes filling with tears. "Oh Liam, I love you," she replied, her voice shaky.
"You do?" Liam asked, his face lighting up.
"Yes," Sophie replied, her smile mirroring his.
“Sometimes, being with you feels so much like a dream ... and I don’t ever want to wake up.”
Liam cupped her face with his hands and kissed her passionately. "You have made me the happiest man in the world tonight," he said, his eyes shining with love.
Sophie beamed up at him, her heart full of happiness. She had never expected to fall in love with a prince, and now, she could not imagine her life without him.
Liam pulled her into his arms, “I don’t want this night to end,” his lips brushing her ear.
“Me neither,” Sophie admitted, her heart pounding.
“Maybe it doesn't have to,” Liam said, his voice low and husky.
“What do you mean?” Sophie asked, her eyes widening.
“Well, there’s no reason we can’t stay here a little longer. The party will go on for hours, No one will miss us.”
“But, Liam, we can’t just disappear together,” Sophie protested, even though her body was already responding to the suggestion.
"Why not? No one would know where we are," Liam pointed out, his hand stroking her back.
"They might guess," Sophie said, her breath catching in her throat as Liam's hand slid lower.
"Let them," Liam murmured, kissing her neck.
"We shouldn't," Sophie whispered, even as she tilted her head to allow him better access.
"You're right, we shouldn't," Liam agreed, his lips moving down to her collarbone.
"We shouldn't," Sophie repeated weakly, her eyes closing as Liam's mouth found the spot on her neck that drove her wild.
"No, we really shouldn't," Liam said, his voice muffled against her skin.
Sophie's last resistance melted away as Liam's slipped his tongue into her mouth in search of hers in an all encompassing kiss.
Sophie's last resistance melted away as Liam's tongue plunged into her mouth, just as Liam's phone pinged with a message.
Sitting back, Liam pulled his phone out of his pocket and read the message from Maxwell.
‘Sorry to interrupt, but we're getting concerned about your whereabouts.'
Liam sighed. "Maxwell thinks we need to get back."
"We could say we got lost," Sophie suggested, her hand sliding down Liam's back.
"And what? Stay lost for the rest of the evening?" Liam chuckled.
"Well, maybe not for the rest of the evening."
"I wish," Liam said, regretfully.
Reluctantly, they made their way back to the ballroom, their bodies still humming with desire as they walked hand-in-hand.
As they approached the doorway, Liam turned to Sophie and grinned. "How about we plan another escape for next weekend?"
"I like the sound of that," Sophie replied, grinning.
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💕Thanks for reading
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onetwofeb · 11 months
Alan Silva & The Celestrial Communication Orchestra | eremite records
released July 26, 2023
Allan Silva: conduction & synthesizer
Marshall Allen: alto saxophone, flute, E.V.I.
Johannes Bauer: trombone
Joseph Bowie: trombone
Karen Borca: bassoon
Roy Campbell, Jr: trumpet & flugelhorn
Baikida Carroll: trumpet & flugelhorn
Daniel Carter: alto & tenor saxophone, b-flat clarinet, flute, trumpet
Joseph Daley: tuba & tenor horn
Bobby Few: piano
Edward "Kidd" Jordan: tenor saxophone
Jackson Krall: drums & percussion
Bill Lowe: bass trombone and tuba
Sabir Mateen: tenor & alto saxophone, clarinets, flute
Wilber Morris: bass
Itaru Oki: trumpet, oki trumpet
William Parker: bass
J.D. Parran: baritone saxophone, clarinets, wooden flute
Warren Smith: drums & percussion
Steve Swell: trombone
Ijeoma Thomas: vocals
Oluyemi Thomas: bass clarinet, c-melody saxophone, wooden flute
Francis Wong: tenor saxophone & flute
2001-05-24, The Uncool Festival, Le Prese, Poschiavo, CH
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theimpossiblescheme · 2 years
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little pan and jelly darling : playlists for asparagus and jellylorum (for @the-cat-at-the-theatre-door)
01. well did you evah – bing crosby and frank sinatra | 02. sloom - of monsters and men | 03. big black car - gregory alan Isakov | 04. let it ride - gordon lightfoot | 05. auf der heide blüh'n die letzten rosen - thomas hampson | 06. night and day - diane krall | 07. lazy place - caravan palace | 08. they say it’s spring - erin mckeown | 09. sighing softly - matt kahler and doug pawlik | 10. catch another butterfly - john denver | 11. erlkönig op. 1, d. 328” - daniel norman | 12. two - sleeping at last | 13. cucurrucucu paloma - caetano veloso | 14. dance with my father - luther vandross | 15. children and art - george abud | 16. francesca da rimini, op. 32: IV. allegro vivo - pyotr ilyich tchaikovsky | 17. your song - elton john | 18. i gotta crow - mary martin | 19. a story short (suite b) - rachel portman [listen]
01. try to remember - julie andrews | 02. great mass in c minor (“laudamuste”) - anne sofie von otter | 03. home - edith whiskers | 04. she’s got a way - billy joel | 05. the lullaby of the bells - edward ward | 06. i’m old-fashioned - ella fitzgerald | 07. this women’s work - kate bush | 08. orpheus - sara bareilles | 09. i will - mitski | 10. é strano! ... ah, fors' è lui/sempre libera - margareta niculescu | 11. passing afternoon - iron and wine | 12. liz on top of the world - jean-yves thibaudet | 13. c’est le printemps - tatiana eva-marie and avalon jazz band | 14. a sunday kind of love - etta james | 15. qué será, será - doris day | 16. the place where lost things go - emily blunt | 17. dolcissimi baci - gloria banditelli and roberto abbondanza | 18. traveling song - ryn weaver | 19. amas veritas - alan silvestri [listen]
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caitaifunas · 6 months
Prinzipiell hat ja Daniel Matissek durchaus recht. Er lässt jedoch den wichtigsten Aspekt außen vor. Bürgerliche Mehrheiten können in Deutschland, Stand heute, nur mit der CDU zustande kommen. Aber wie soll das geschehen, wenn innerhalb der Union der ökosozialistische Flügel weiterhin das Sagen hat und die liberalkonservativen Kräfte an den Rand gedrängt werden? So lange die alten Merkelianer mit Zähnen und Klauen ihre "Brandmauer" verteidigen, so lange wird es in Deutschland keinen Politikwechsel geben. Zersplitterung der Splitterparteien hin oder her.
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16strings · 6 months
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The Danish String Quartet, illustration by Daniel Krall
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newagesispage · 7 months
                                                                     NOVEMBER   2023 
Hackney Diamonds is out. The Stones performed with Lady gaga in NY at the release party. In attendance were Elvis Costello, Diana Krall, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Rock, Trevor Noah, Christie Brinkley and Daniel Craig. The Stones are all in their 70’s and 80’s but Mick was still showing some nip. 
Foo Fighters are heading out on tour in 2024!!! 
If you’re afraid that books might change someone’s thinking, you’re not afraid of books, you’re afraid of thinking. - Andrea Junker 
In May. Russia banned all late- night shows except Fallon. 
Did ya catch the rant that Congresswoman Jasmine Crocket had?? She called out the lack of evidence against Biden and wondered why our Government’s secrets were in Trump’s “shitter.” 
New York was flooded. 
Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift (Traylor) are keeping the NFL and the gossip pages talking. 
It seems that the last few years, China is rehearsing war in Taiwan. 
Gwen Stefani got her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 
Hooray for Vera Wang. When asked what keeps her ageless at 74, she told us, “Vodka, McDonalds, Dunkin and hardwork.”  
Matt Gaetz filed a motion to vacate and they voted out Kevin McCarthy on October 2. McCarthy blamed the Democrats. 45 Republicans issued a letter that things have to change and they were embarrased about what is happening. They put a speaker pro tempre, Patrick McHenry, in place for a bit. Steve Scalise seemed a better choice but he wasn’t it. They went with Jim Jordan but there weren’t enough votes. In the end, the fifth choice was Mike Johnson. The Trumper who is an election denier and won’t even discuss the subject, was voted in. I can’t wait to see what his scandal is. Bill Maher commented, “Loves Jesus, hates democracy.” **And, what of  this terrible Virginia Fox from N. Carolina who told the reporter to shut up when asking Johnson legitimate questions. Another democracy hater, no doubt. 
Chloe Troast is the newest SNL cast member to join. They came back live on October 14 with Pete Davidson.** Mick Jagger made a couple of cameos on the Bad Bunny episode!!** Chris Walken popped up on the Nate Bargatze show. 
The Writers settled their strike. SAG AFTRA is still trying. Healthcare workers are on strike. It seems like the UAW may have settled. 
Biden’s dog, Commander, keeps biting people. 
There is a new coke for the younger set, Coca- Cola Y3000. Ok. 
Stevie Nicks has a barbie with her name on it. 
Days alert: Ok, there is no rhyme or reason to the ‘new’ Theresa. After the initial shock, her colleagues are cheering her on. Nothing against Emily O’Brien but bring Jen Lilley back!! Talia and Chloe and Phillip are headed out of town for a while. Clyde and Lucas are back. Holly and Tate have been soap aged and are back as teens. ** Is that Nick that is back?? Same actor but this time he is Everett with a link to Stephanie and Jada. The Pawn storyline is coming back around. Since Everett seems to have a past with children of men from stories of the past, is he a part of it??** And speaking of Jen Lilley, during covid she started ‘Christmas is not cancelled.’ The program has bought toys for 72,000 kids so far!! 
Jessica Lange is getting ready to retire. 
Joaquin Phoenix is Napoleon in the new film of the same name. 
The Vet aid concerts will be held in San Diego on Nov. 12 with Joe Walsh, Stephen Stills, The Flaming Lips and ELO. 
The B-52's were to perform at the White House on Oct. 25 but instead were guests. It was decided that the ongoing crises in the world, there should just be instrumental background music. So, nobody should be happy? 
George Santos and Meghan McCain were on a podcast together. That sounds about right. I could see them becoming a duo. The man has 23 counts against him. By the time you read this, he may be ousted!! 
The World Series has the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Texas Rangers. 
Pete Holmes has quit drinking he seems much louder now. 
What?? Geddy Lee has a show about bass players and all they can do?? What?? I am there!! 
The film, David Holmes: The Boy who lived will be out on Nov. 15. David and Daniel Radcliffe got together to work on the tale of David, Radcliffe’s stunt double on Harry Potter who became paralyzed after a stunt. 
Simone Biles is now the most decorated female gymnast in history. ** Apparently, Mary Lou Retton has no medical insurance and is in a Texas hospital with pneumonia. 
Hamas attacked Israel. Militants carried out early morning surprise murders and abductions. Israel responded by telling the world they were at war.  
Mike Lindell says he is out of money and can’t pay his legal bills. All these shady republicans from the Trump posse could not have been as rich as they kept claiming. They all seem to be unable to pay their bills. 
About 1,000 migrating birds crashed into McCormick Place in Chicago.  
Biden says that he has no choice but to work on the border wall. 
The story of Jimmy Saville is coming to the BBC. The story itself is horrendous but needs to be told. The Reckoning stars Steve Coogan. Will it come to the U.S.?? 
I have noticed that true crime shows are telling tales of the covid years. Murder continued thru the pandemic. 
Prequel is the new book from Rachel Maddow. This looks like an interesting, timely and frightening lesson in the silver shirts. I never knew Eric Severeid discovered and infiltrated the American Nazi’s. The Christian front plot involved those in our own Government. There are a lot of books coming out. There was a great deal of writing going on during covid. 
Sly Stone has a memoir out, Oh that gotta be wow! (thank you falettinme be mice elf agin), brought to you by Questlove.  
Barbra Streisand also has a memoir, My name is Barbra coming out Nov.7. 
Wayne Brady stars in the Wiz on Broadway and has just told the world that he is pansexual. 
The Zuckers and Abraham also have a book, Surely, you can’t be serious. 
Leslie Jones has a memoir too: Leslie f#cking Jones. 
Henry Winkler wrote Being Henry: The Fonz and beyond. 
Channing Tatum and Zoe Kravitz are engaged. 
The Great British Baking Show will have no more theme weeks. There were some complaints after Mexican week. 
About a year ago Schwann updated how they do their service and became Yelloh.  
California law will ban red dye #3, potassium Bromate, brominated vegetable oil and propylparaben. 
Bobby Kennedy Jr. Has become an independent. Four of his siblings have already condemned him. 
Steely Dan was replaced as opener on the Eagles Farewell tour. Steve Miller Band will take over. 
The Peoria Journal Star will become postal delivery only. 
There is a film coming out about Anita Pallenberg. 
Clarence Thomas is recusing himself over a suit about the 2020 election. 
Dean Phillips is running for President. Mike Pence has dropped out. 
Scary Clown 45 is teaching us so much like we need to dampen the forests and that the letters u and s are in U.S. and that spells us.** He also announced that, “People in Beverly Hills, generally don’t smell too good.”** Another gem:  “the low rated late- night creeps are back.”** The Trump parade of trials continue. In the NY civil fraud trial, he is already guilty, they are just figuring out the rest. Trump was again fined cuz he can’t keep a thought to himself. The Trumps could lose control of their company. They repeatedly submitted fraudulent documents. 
Sidney Powell pled guilty to Georgia election charges. She received 6 years probation, fines, must give an apology to the citizens of Georgia and testify against other defendants. Ken Chesebro pled guilty to conspiracy to commit filing false documents. These fucking people are like spoiled rotten children. If they don’t get what they want, they do whatever they please to get it. ** Courts have told us 60 times that the election was good. Will it ever sink in? 
Congressman Jared Moskowitz is proposing that if Trump insists that Mar A Lago is worth 1.5 billion (100 times what the tax man says it is really worth), then they should raise his taxes accordingly. 
Word is that 1 oz. Gold bars are selling like crazy at Costco. 
Governor Huckabee Sanders of Arkansas got into some hot water over a $19 thousand podium and fudging government tallies.  
Kari Lake is running for Senate. 
Lesley Matvszak, former CEO of WTVP passed away. The board is now looking into, “questionable, unauthorized and improper use of funds.” The station also owned Peoria magazine and that seems to have now gone under with all the budget cuts. 
It seems that the migrants shipped to Martha’s Vineyard and other places was done illegally. The covert criminal operation is being looked into by a Sheriff I nBexar Co. Texas who is not too happy about the whole situation. Deception and unlawful restraint are just the start of it. Operatives including former U.S. Army intelligence are suspected of driving around approaching migrants. Calls from the operatives go back to Gov. DeSantis office where the $600 thousand in costs seemed to come from Florida. The migrants were given gift cards if they signed a paper that allowed transport. They claimed to be promised housing and jobs. 
Wolfgang Van Halen married Andraia Allsop.** Frances Cobain married Riley Hawk. 
The Dept. Of the Treasury has put sanctions on 11 entities. 
Sen. John Kennedy’s advice to his colleagues: “Take your meds.” 
The latest in sexual misconduct: 7 women have alleged sexual and physical abuse by Brian Foster.** 2 women have accused Danny Elfman of sexual abuse. He was ordered to pay $830,000 to Nomi Abadi but did not pay the full amount.  
Watch for the film, The Treasure of Foggy Mountain from Please Don’t Destroy. The offering from Ben Marshall, John Higgins and Martin Herlihy with Conan O’Brien will air on Peacock on Nov. 17. 
The guinea worm problem continues to decline. Infections are down 27% from 2021. 
Netflix will open Netflix House, real stores with merch and events. 
Carl Ruderman, an executive whose family once owned Playgirl, pled guilty to conspiracy to commit securities fraud in a $250 mil scheme. 
X-rays on the Mona Lisa (Lisa Gherardini) have shown that a unique chemical was used . The make- up of the paint used plumbonacrite, a by- product of lead oxide. The paint in each of his works was different. 
R.I.P. Dick Butkus, Keith Giffen, Phyllis Coates, Rudolph Isley, Tim Wakefield, Mark Goddard, Suzanne Somers, Louise Gluck, Hughes Van Ellis, Charles Feeney, Al Petteway, Burt Young, Lara Parker, Joanna Merlin, Louie Meriweather, Joan Evans, Rock Brynner, Richard Roundtree, Judy Nugent, Aaron Spears, Tyler Christopher, Matthew Perry and Piper Laurie. 
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (October 28, 2022)
23:56 DARRIUS JAMAR - Forget Me Nots (Feat. Dayve Stewart) 23:51 TONY SAUNDERS - Just Letting Go 23:48 ART RUPRECHT - City on a Hill 23:43 DAVE KOZ - Definition Of Beautiful (feat. Javier Colon) 23:38 JODY MAYFIELD - Sunshine and Rain (feat. Heidi McLaughlin) 23:34 DARREN MOTAMEDY - All You Wanna Do 23:30 DANIEL CHIA - Cali Style 23:26 BRETTINA - New Day 23:22 BYRON MILLER - Say Hello 23:17 MIKAEL - Trippin Over You 23:13 NILS - Red Wine & Sunsets 23:09 MISZ - Our Place 23:04 NELSON RANGELL - Human Nature 23:00 NILS, STEVE COLE - California 23:00 FLAER SMIN - Alone In The Dark 22:55 EVANESCENCE - My Immortal (Acoustic Version) 22:52 GARBAGE - Milk 22:47 MICHAEL ANGELO, MELISSA LORETTA - Hearts Unspoken (Christopher Breeze Chillout Mix) 22:44 METAHARMONIKS - Doors 22:39 MIGUEL LARA - Oblivion 22:36 MOBY - Porcelain 22:31 FAR EAST MOVEMENT - Like a G6 (DJ Dan Karim Relax Mix) 22:27 MICHAEL E - Deja Vu (Short Mix) 22:22 DEEP MOTIONS - Memories 22:18 MIA LEMAR - Colourful Life (Photo In Lounge Remix) 22:10 DELIRIUM, SARAH MCLACHLAN - Silence (Michael Woods Mix) 22:07 ERIK HAKANSSON - Smooth (Original Mix) 22:01 ALBERT ST. BARTH - Balearic Treasure 21:56 ALY, FILA, TIFF LACEY - Paradise (Original Mix) 21:52 MR. SPECIAL - Aren't You Clever (CJ Alex Chillout Remix) 21:45 PROJECT BLUE SUN - Ibiza Zouk (Sunny Mix) 21:41 DOMINIK POINTVOGL - Step Up (Original Mix) 21:37 AHY O - Shine On 21:31 MATHIEU & FLORZINHO - Life Is Just a Dream (Levitation Remix) 21:27 PRIME CIRCLE - As Long As I Am Here (Cafe D'Afrique Mix) 21:22 BLANK & JONES - Coming Home (Afterlife Mix) 21:17 KUBA - Kailash 21:11 DENIS SERGEEV, 4ONE - Merging Of Two Destiny 21:05 DEEP SECTOR - Rainbows (Original Mix) 21:01 DEEJAY HOUSE PROJECT - Komodo (Stefy Martinez Lounge Mix) 20:56 CHRIS B, LADY V - A New Direction (Original Mix) 20:50 CHRISTIAN HORNBOSTEL - Waiting At Potsdamer Chaussee 20:46 HOKKAIDO, DEBBIE DIGITAL - Sigh For The Beauty (El Gambrero Remix) 20:42 CJ STONE, ANNA TURSKA, SHERLOCK - Believe Me (Chill Out Classic Mix) 20:37 CLAUDE CHAGALL - Obsession 20:32 CJ RCM - Humans Of Space (Original Mix) 20:30 DAVID VENDETTA - Love To Love You Baby (Lounge Mix) 20:26 DJ MATISSE, LOUNGE PARADISE - This Love (Maroon 5 Cover) 20:20 KITARO - Caravansary Original 20:18 HOUSE MASSIVE, J. GOLUBEVA - Apologize 20:14 IDENLINE - At Sunset (Original Mix) 20:08 DON GORDA PROJECT - Attractive Qualities 20:03 DOWNTEMPO GROOVERS - Smooth And Sexy Mix 19:59 EXIMINDS, AELYN - I Feel You (Chillout Version) 19:56 BROCKMAN - Live Your Life (Free Your Mind) 19:49 COASTLINE - Adriatic Sea (Lounge Cafe Chillout Del Mar Mix) 19:46 INMOTION - Summer Days 19:44 INNA - Hot (Chill Out Remix) 19:40 CRISTINA CAMACHO - Thank You 19:34 AK47, TRACY DIAMONDS - It's No Good 19:27 HALDO, GEORGIA CEE - Clouds 19:22 DEPECHE MODE - Enjoy The Silence (Pacific State Chillout Mix) 19:19 GYSNOIZE - Loving You More 19:15 ELLIE GOULDING - Heartbeats (Cosmonaut Grechko Edit) 19:11 HEAVN - Bright Lights 19:08 DJ G.ROS, IAN CAREY - Keep On Rising 19:03 DJ A - Let Me Love You (Andreas Agiannitopoulos Remix) 18:59 DJ ANTOINE - This Time (Acoustic Mix) 18:53 DJ ARTAK SAMVEL, SONE SILVER - I Feel Your Body 18:49 DJ ELECTRA - I Feel You (Acoustic Version) 18:45 DIMA ZIMAKOV - Right Back (Original Mix) 18:40 DIDDY, KEYSHIA COLE, B-STAR - Last Night (Slow Version) 18:36 DIANA KRALL - California Dreamin' 18:31 DINKA - Hotel Summerville (Original Mix) 18:28 ROB NUNJES - Smells Like Teen Spirit 18:23 DJ GROOVE - So Late 18:18 DJ KODI - Love Will Tear Us Apart 18:12 ROAN PORTMAN - In Faith We Trust 18:07 RIHANNA - We Found Love (Dj Fernandez Chillout Remix) 17:57 ENVIO - Touched By The Sun (Rusch & Elusive's Chillout Mix) 17:51 ENRICO DONNER - Chicago At Sunrise 17:46 DJ MILEWS - Children 17:43 ENIGMA, SARAH BRIGHTMAN - La Mer 17:39 DJ OKAWARI - Luv Letter 17:34 ROMAN MESSER, LJ AYRTEN - Break The Ice (UltraNova Chillout Remix) 17:29 ROGER SANCHEZ - Another Chance (Afterlife Mix) 17:25 EMILY UNDERHILL - Fly 17:21 ERICK MORILLO, EDDIE THONEICK, SHAWNEE TAYLOR - Live Your Life (Eddie Thoneick Chill Out Mix) 17:16 EMILIA DE PORET - Weightless (Chillout Mix) 17:11 LOREEN - Euphoria (Cool Bill Seaside Mix) 17:08 JAMES BUTLER - Dinner For Two 17:05 SAGI REI - Your Loving Arms 17:00 ARMIN VAN BUUREN, FIORA - Waiting For The Night (Zetandel Chill Out Mix) 16:56 JS FLOYD - Sunrise 16:52 KEITH MASON - I Wanna Thank You 16:47 MAX HIGHSTEIN - The Ship Hail Mary 16:43 BONEY JAMES - On The Path 16:40 CHAZZY GREEN - At My Place 16:35 JEANETTE HARRIS - The Ride (feat. Darrell Crooks) 16:31 ROD TATE - United 16:27 ANDY SNITZER - Breaking 16:22 AMANDUS - Groove Infection (feat. Uli Brodersen) 16:17 MICHAEL ROSS - On the Beach with You 16:13 KIM WATERS - Wonderama 16:09 LES SABLER - Tranquility 16:04 DR. DAVE, THE HOUSECALL BAND - Carefree (Revisited Version) 16:00 ROCCO VENTRELLA - See You Smile 15:56 NILS - When I Think of You 15:52 ROBERT CHRISTA - Mother Earth 15:47 QUINTIN GERARD W. - Cleared for Takeoff 15:41 JOYCE COOLING - Daddy-O 15:36 DREAMING IN COLOUR - Twilight Drive 15:32 DWIGHT SIRLS - Stand 15:28 EJAZZ ARTISTRY - We Belong Together 15:24 KEN POWE - Above The Clouds 15:20 LIN ROUNTREE - Me for Me 15:16 TIM BOWMAN - Watchout 15:11 ROBERTO VAZQUEZ - Simple Life 15:07 CHRISTOPHE GOZE - Soul to Soul (2022 Version) 15:04 DAN SIEGEL - Street Talk 15:00 LOWELL HOPPER - No Turning Back 14:57 AVENUE BLUE - The Conversation 14:53 2UNES - Sweet Baby 14:49 PAUL JACKSON JR. - B.F.A.M. (Brothers from Another Mother) 14:45 TONY LINDSAY - Fixed 14:40 JULIAN VAUGHN - A Feeling 14:35 EDGARDO CINTRON - Make It Real 14:30 TOM BRAXTON - Hope For Tomorrow (feat. Bob James) 14:26 ROBERTO RESTUCCIA - That's It For Tonight 14:22 ADAM HAWLEY - Traveling Mood (Feat. Julian Vaughan) 14:18 PHIL DENNY - Lifted 14:13 CHUCK LOEB - Cotton Club 14:09 FOSTINA DIXON - Good Vibes 14:04 FRANK PIOMBO - Luv Dat Smooth Latte (Nicos Theme) 14:00 AL DEGREGORIS - All in Good Time 13:56 FRANK MCCOMB - Patrice (For Patrice Rushen) 13:52 ZOLBERT - Everyday 13:49 FUNKTASTIC PLAYERS - Glad I Met You Tonight 13:45 WAYMAN TISDALE - In Love 13:41 EVERETT B WALTERS - It's for the Love of Music 13:36 GARY MEEK - Monterey Groove 13:32 GHOST JAZZ TRIO BAND - Dreams Above (feat. James Morgan) 13:27 GIL - You & Me 13:24 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - After Hours 13:20 HIROSHIMA - Someday Soon 13:15 ILYA SEROV - My Funny Valentine 13:10 BOBBY LYLE - Nujazzy (feat. Nathan East) 13:04 EUGE GROOVE - Rise 13:00 GERALD ALBRIGHT - Hope 12:59 JAY KING - Feels So Nice 12:54 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Fish Grease 12:49 JOHN E. LAWRENCE - Step into a Dream 12:45 JUSTIN KLUNK - Dive 12:40 KENNY NIGHTINGALE - New Day 12:37 DAVID BENOIT - @Home 12:31 KIRK WHALUM - Afterthought 12:27 KOOL&KLEAN - Feel Again 12:22 3RD FORCE - Carry On 12:17 NOTEWORTHY BAND - Surf to Smooth 12:13 ERIC DARIUS - All Around The World 12:08 PETER WHITE - Could It Be I'm Falling In Love 12:04 WILL SUMNER - The Girl 12:00 FRANK SUTTON - Rain Serenade 11:58 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Layin' It Down 11:53 MAURIZIO GRONDONA GROUP - Looking At The Sea 11:49 MARQUEAL JORDAN - I'm Coming Home (feat. Chris Big Dog Davis) 11:45 WILL DONATO - Jaywalkin' 11:42 MIKE PHILLIPS - Hangin' With Mr. D. 11:38 RICK HABANA - Cocktails 11:34 YULARA - Bridges To Shambhala 11:30 NAJEE - Bounce 11:26 ALEX FALDIN - Comfortline 11:22 TERENCE YOUNG - Dance with Her 11:17 BLAKE AARON - Bumpin' on the Wes Side 11:13 ANDRE CAVOR - Without a Doubt 11:08 GREG MANNING - I Need To Know (Feat. Adam Hawley) 11:04 GREGG KARUKAS - Soul Secrets 11:00 ROB SABADO - Spice Of Life 10:55 ANDREY CHMUT - Those Sweet Nights (feat. Valeriy Stepanov) 10:50 BILL MCGEE - Stay 10:46 BENNETT B - Tell Me About It 10:43 PETER HEROLD - Still the One 10:39 CHRIS STANDRING - Piece of Cake 10:34 ALTHEA RENE - Inner Circle 10:29 STEVE OLIVER - Circles 10:24 KEITH SLATTERY - The Last Minute 10:15 JEFF KASHIWA - Let It Ride 10:09 AXIOM - Magunda 10:04 BLUE SIX - Aquarian Angel 10:00 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Fingers On Fire 09:59 BROOKE ALFORD - Shine 09:55 CHILLAXING JAZZ KOLLEKTION - Wherever I Go 09:50 CHILLAXONIC - Quintessence 09:46 KEITH ANDREW - Bayon 09:42 ALAN, RITA BLAKE - Return of the Mack 09:38 JAKOB MAGNUSSON - Karlsson's Arrival 09:33 TERRENCE RICHBURG - Treasures 09:29 A RAY FULLER - A Coastal Breeze 09:25 STEVE COLE - Living Out Loud 09:21 SIMPLY RED - So Not Over You 09:17 SERGEY CHIPENKO - All For You 09:12 ANDRE DELANO - Face Off 09:08 JAREZ - Slow Motion 09:04 BROOK ALFORD - Empire State of Mind 09:00 RICHARD ELLIOT - Given It Up 08:58 RHODA GRAHAM - Finally 08:54 SONNY EMORY - Latina 08:50 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Shine (feat. Randy Scott) 08:46 KAYLA WATERS - Apogee 08:42 SONIX - Cloud 9 08:38 RODNEY GREENE - Real Close 08:30 JOY RIDE - Strollin' 08:25 MARC ANTOINE - Still In Love 08:21 KEIKO MATSUI - Return To Eternity 08:16 MEZZIFORTE - 02-Nightfall 08:12 JIM ADKINS - Get Over It 08:08 BACH & A. KILLIAN - No Next Time 08:04 ATTILA ZAVODI - Beetle by the Road 08:00 BILLYRAY SHEPPARD - She's Lovely In Yellow 07:56 496 WEST - Boo'd Up 07:52 ZACH BRIDGES - These Hands 07:48 WALTER DUDA - Invisible 07:43 THE V.I.P CLUB - Night Move 07:39 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - Between The Sheets 07:35 JAMHUNTERS - Tah 07:30 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - Susie Mae 07:27 DEON YATES - The Night 07:22 PATRICK BRADLEY - Exhale 07:17 A & MARK R. HARRIS - Westside Memoirs (feat. Ignacio Nunez & Dean Rickard) 07:13 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - I Love Your Smile 07:08 STEVE WATSON - Playtime 07:04 CHRIS 'BIG DOG' DAVIS - Fall Back 07:00 DAVE BAKER - California Dreaming (feat. Rich Kurtz & Walter Runge) 06:56 THREESTYLE, MAGDALENA CHOVANCOVA, ROBERT FERTL - Better Days 06:53 SHAWN RAIFORD - Chunky 06:49 SHAUN LABELLE - Tomorrow 06:45 MEKIEL REUBEN - Zoraida (A Feel for Hope) 06:41 NICHOLAS COLE - Summer Groove 06:38 MICHAEL MANSON, BEN TANKARD - Right Turn Ahead 06:34 MARK JAIMES - 6 After 8 06:30 KIM SCOTT - Take It To The Rink 06:26 MARION MEADOWS - Lunchbox 06:22 PIECES OF A DREAM - Going Home 06:17 BOB BALDWIN - Morning 06:13 PATRICK YANDALL - Try the Blue One 06:09 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Get Up (Levantar y Bailar) 06:04 BLAIR BRYANT - Squid 06:00 PEET PROJECT - Megy a lany 05:58 HERB ALPERT - You Are So Beautiful 05:49 BLUEY - You Are the One 05:45 GARY MEGGS - Internal 05:41 AL GOMEZ - Who's Right, Who's Wrong 05:37 DARREN RAHN - Sonic Boom (feat. Jonathan Fritzen) 05:31 JEFFERY SMITH - Fantasy 05:26 GARY METZ - Summer Night Jam 05:22 HANK BILAL - Glass Slipper 05:18 GARY PALMER - Lisa 05:15 PAUL TUVMAN - Something 05:10 GABRIEL MARK HASSELBACH - Litmus Test 05:06 NORMAN BROWN - The North Star (feat. Marion Meadows) 05:00 NATE WHITE - Step up to the Plate 05:00 KENNEY POLSON - Love on a Two Way Street 04:56 DEE LUCAS - Full Tilt (feat. Blake Aaron) 04:52 ALEXANDER ZONJIC - Rolling in the Deep 04:48 DEE BROWN - Love You Too 04:44 BE'NE MUSIC - ZiZi 04:40 BILLY EVANS - Let's Save the World 04:35 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Only You 04:31 SAN GABRIEL SEVEN - Moment by Moment 04:27 SLIM GAMBILL - Up (feat. Charlton Singleton) 04:23 SEAN U - Sunburst 04:18 DERRICK HARVIN - Another Day in Paradise 04:14 JACKIEM JOYNER - Step With Me 04:09 DOMINIC CAMARDELLA - Headwinds 04:06 KEN NAVARRO - That Time Of Evening 04:00 JAMES SAXSMO GATES - Killing Me Softly 03:56 RJC (Rhythm & Jazz Coalition) - Best Part 03:53 RONALD BOO HINKSON - The Comet 03:49 SPECIAL EFX - Lavish 03:44 SPONTANEOUS GROOVIN' COMBUSTION - Jackie's New Car 03:39 JEFF RYAN - Edge of Tomorrow 03:35 PAUL BROWN - Nothin' But Love 03:30 JEFF LORBER FUSION - Louisiana 03:27 BUFF DILLARD - My Destiny 03:22 ROBERT HARRIS - Your Memory Lives in Me 03:16 MARCUS ANDERSON - Your Wish Is My Command 03:12 CENTRIC, KENYA - Always On My Mind 03:07 DARRYL WILLIAMS - Reflections 03:04 RONNY SMITH - Funny How Time Flies 03:00 CAL HARRIS JR. - Bridges 02:58 NICK COLIONNE - When You Love Somebody 02:54 MOTOWN MOE - Shades of Funk (feat. Chris Campbell) 02:50 NAI SOUNDS - Can't Deal 02:46 PAOLO RUSTICHELLI - Voyager 02:42 PAT BELLIVEAU - Lakeview Drive 02:38 PHILIPPE SAISSE - And So But Then 02:34 REBECCA ANGEL - Just the Two of Us 02:30 RICHARD BROWN - Stars In My Eyes 02:26 DESMOND MEYER - Lickamore 02:22 DIRK K - It's On 02:17 DONN BYNUM - Our Turn to Dance (feat. Paul Jackson Jr.) 02:13 BOBBY WELLS - Oooh Baby 02:10 GEN SAX - Trapped in the Beat 02:05 NORMAN BROWN - Heart To Heart 02:00 DAVID PETROSYAN - By Happy 01:56 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Echoes Rising 01:52 PAUL TAYLOR - Told Ya So 01:48 MILES GILDERDALE - Remind Me (To Never Let You Slip Away) 01:45 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN, JULIAN VAUGHN - Make You Feel 01:40 INCOGNITO - Selfishly 01:36 ELLIS WHITE - Keeping It Real 01:32 J. WHITE - Spirit Walk 01:26 REZA KHAN, PHILIPPE SAISSE, DAVID MANN - Zero Tolerance 01:21 JAWANZA KOBIE - Let Me Lead 01:17 JAZZ HOLDOUTS - April and May 01:13 DARRON COOKIE - Another Day at Work 01:09 EARNEST WALKER JR - Chandelle Drive 01:04 UNDER THE LAKE - Last Day of March 01:00 BRIAN SIMPSON - Mystical 01:00 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Versace On The Floor 00:55 MICHAEL SILVERMAN, ERIC MARIENTHAL - In These Times 00:50 POP'N BOSSA - Too Good to Say Goodbye 00:46 R.L. WALKER - Just a Feeling 00:40 RHYTHM LOGIC - Beverley 00:35 REZA KHAN - The Way 00:31 REZA KHAN, DAVID MANN - Under the Moon 00:26 REZA KHAN, JEFF KASHIWA - Gathering 00:22 REZA KHAN, NILS - Drop of faith 00:17 REZA KHAN, JEFF KASHIWA, MATT KING - It's About Time 00:12 CHRIS GODBER - Rolling 00:08 KEVIN STEVENSON - Talk To Me 00:04 RICK BRAUN - Brazz Street 00:00 DANNY LERMAN - Snoopy's Dance
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supersonicart · 4 years
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25 Days of Christmas with INPRNT: Daniel Krall.
For Supersonic’s 22nd artist selection in our annual 25 Days of Christmas with INPRNT, I’ve chosen Daniel Krall.  Krall’s 60s inspired illustrations are all available as fine art prints in his INPRNT Shop.
Be sure to follow INPRNT on Tumblr, too!
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umblogsemnomeainda · 5 years
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Stark family by Daniel Krall
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fizzyfitz · 5 years
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Kitty Pryde - Daniel Krall
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
Mark Wheatley, Marc Hempel, Mark Redfield, Mike Gold, Glenn Hauman, Daniel Krall, and Jennifer Rouse head to Baltimore Comic Con
Mark Wheatley, Marc Hempel, Mark Redfield, Mike Gold, Glenn Hauman, Daniel Krall, and Jennifer Rouse head to Baltimore Comic Con #baltimorecomiccon #bcc #bcc2022
Mark Wheatley and Marc Hempel, the creative dynamos who engineered the Vertigo hit Breathaker, created the pioneering Blood of the Innocent mini- series, and developed the acclaimed First Comics series Mars, will lead a full roster of Insight Studios creators and guests to the Baltimore Comic-Con, October 28-30, 2022 at Booth #116 at the Baltimore Convention Center. Tickets are now…
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danielkrall · 7 years
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Thwip thwip!!
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twoq24 · 4 years
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theblackestofsuns · 7 years
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Daniel Krall’s illustration of The Jazz Passengers for the Night Life page of this week’s New Yorker magazine.
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