#DW Moffett
eutravels · 11 months
Doctor Who 60 Years - Once And Future : The Artist at the End of Time (2)
So at first I thought I wouldn't like this one as much as the previous one, because it failed to get me hooked right from the start, but I have got to say that the multiple themes explored in this story past the first fifteen minutes were so interesting.
It talks about grief, legacy, it reflects the aim of art and mostly its value, whether it is financial or not.
I'm in love with the idea of the curator, having the Doctor retire, and it was very well used in this story.
Jenny was true to her TV character and I liked that a lot. I guessed that she's already met Fivey before? Anyway I think this is an ideal pairing for obvious reasons and I liked the depiction of their father/daughter relationship, even though I would have preferred my hero to be a perfect dad but we all know the Doctor is not perfect.
One point I enjoyed a lot is that it happens at the end of the Universe. Usually, when the show goes into that part of time, I'm not that much invested, because how worried can you be that time is ending when you can just go back in your time machine. But in this story, I really felt the gravity of it all and it helped giving the story more urgency.
I still have no interest in the main story arc whatsoever but I guess I have to wait for later stories to get involved in it!
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whogirl42 · 10 months
BREATH OF LIFE | Jenny & River Song (+the Tardis)
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alex-iltempo · 2 years
So I'm here just waiting to see grandson of 5th Doctor, son of Doctor's daughter and stepson of 10th Doctor to play nephew of 11th Doctor...
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And they say Targaryens lineage is complicated
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405blazeitt · 4 months
i'd forgotten how much of a miserable experience it is to browse an internet-popular show's tags, let alone a controversial show's tags
look up anything not for toddlers and you're quickly reminded how many people don't understand how stories and characters work or how shows are made, but how else do you find jokes and cool fanart?
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enigmasong · 1 year
I keep seeing people post an image of Doctor Who with a line calling it British people's One Piece and... eh, I guess somewhat, but also no, not really?
DW at its most politically left leaning, yeah sure, they're a lot alike.
But One Piece is a single coherent story that, despite its length, is working towards a specific end, written by one man who's able to commit to showing his views on how the corrupt system that governs the world destroys it. While Doctor Who is an episodic collaborative series that wants to never end where you can absolutely have an episode written by one person that has that same message of 'corrupt systems destroy those who keep them running', but then have another episode written by a different person that says 'the way Amazon treats its employees is fine and acceptable actually'.
I mean, that mixed bag nature is what I loved about Doctor Who (having an actual work of art one week, a fun pulpy no-thoughts adventure the next, and something to bitch about the following week was a delight), but like, it's not on One Piece's level in the way they're actually comparable.
And One Piece is not really on Doctor Who's level on the one other way they're actually comparable: the time scale. OP has been running less than half as long as DW and finally closing in on its ending. DW is meant to be a never ending semi-tragedy following this immortal demi-god - it's been able to run successfully for an only once broken sixty years and may potentially by one of the few stories out there that might actually get away with never ending.
So no, Doctor Who really isn't British people's One Piece. It's just Doctor Who.
I will say, though, if your favorite parts of Doctor Who is RTD and Moffett's better episodes (which was the corner of the fandom I'd settled into on here back when I was all about that series and I know some of those people still follow me) and you're really looking for the hard stuff now, you should totally give One Piece a try. I know @as-i-watch was into it too, so I think there could be a real DW to OP pipeline here.
As for the people who joined me with One Piece who've never watched Doctor Who... you know what, if you're someone who actually likes the Long Ring Long Island arc and a lot of the anime's filler, I think you might like DW.
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bonniehooper · 6 years
So, I just finished the series finale of Switched at Birth. I felt they wrapped everything up well, although a couple storylines felt a little rushed, but other than that I loved it. I’m so glad I was able to finish this series, I just wish I could own it on DVD. 
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mytvjunk · 7 years
Connor's dad
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It is completely foul of Jeff to think that Connor is slumming it for being in a relationship with Oliver. It may not seem it to him at this very moment, but overall Connor has become a better person because of Oliver...however Jeff is choosing to turn a blind eye to his son's matured reality and flag their relationship as a burden to his son's alpha male lifestyle.
In a weird twist, Jeff's opposition mostly stems from a deep rooted feeling of wanting to still live vicariously through the Connor of yesteryear. Jeff needs to move the hell on, be happy with his man and stop acting like a disgruntled stage mom.
I truly hope Connor doesn't take to heart his dad's misconceived thoughts on Oliver and does something wildly impulsive. He needs to stick to his words because he knows deep down that this relationship is the real deal! 💚
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billiepiper-rares · 3 years
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docmsday · 4 years
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Georgia Moffett as Jenny icons, part III.
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switchedatbirth · 7 years
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You are DEFINITELY a Kennish, our dear Bay. 
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who-niverse · 4 years
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Jenny - Georgia Moffett
Doctor Who - Story 193 - 4x06 - The Doctor's Daughter
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spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga REACTS to... Switched At Birth (S05E03) 'Surprise' Airdate: February 14, 2017 Ratings: 0.516 Million :: 0.20 18-49 Demo Share Score: 0.5/10 (Just like their ratings) ***POSSIBLE SPOILERS IN SPIRITED REACTION*** LETS GET THIS OUT OF THE WAY REAL QUICK... AS APPARENTLY THE CONTROVERSY HAS RETURNED... Welcome back, Tank. Lizzy Weiss, the creator and mind behind SAB, created what transpired between Bay & Tank to be purposefully ambiguous just to 'get people talking'. What does that mean? That means that it is unfair that to hold Tank to a standard that he is a rapist, when the show wants it to look like it could go either way. I've mentioned several times, this was a terrible execution in an attempt to 'get people talking', as what it did was just create a lot of fighting and a stigma that just because Bay was the female and intoxicated, that she was the victim, yet Tank was intoxicated too. As I said before, I held the hand of a friend who went through a rape that happened on a big campus by a person who was very high profile. She was even on again off again dating him. His downfall, his inability to to turn it around on my friend and call her the things that so many people on the internet already had? He recorded it and his sick ass kept the video. The public who wanted to see him as a saint because of who he was created websites and forums and public discussions defacing and attacking her character, even saying she was a 'BDSM slut' and wanted this. I can assure you all she did not want to filmed being violently raped. This is a girl who I knew for years, through childhood, through adolescence, through teenage and 20's and now 30'a, and remains to be one of my best friends, a word I do not use loosely. She was brave. She would call me in the middle of the night, sometimes during the day because she couldn't help but read these awful things people were saying about her. Then when it came down to a verdict, he was found guilty.... She could finally reclaim what he attempted to take away from her... But no, he slipped away from the courthouse, just walked right out and for around a year she lived in fear as he walked around this world freely after what he had done... After all the man was a lunatic and running from a hefty sentencing. She went into a catatonic state, she was afraid, she was even afraid for me, calling me from different numbers every few months. Finally he was caught and is now where he belongs, caged like an animal behind cell doors and thick musty walls. This whole storyline, this ambiguous bullshit where people jump to a conclusion and call a man a rapist is BULLSHIT, it's offensive to what my friend went through and it's offensive to any other person, the hundreds of thousands of people who have actually been sexually assaulted, raped, or like me... Molested for over two years by both a male and a female. SO AS YOU SEE THIS IS SOMETHING THAT IM NOT ONLY PASSIONATE ABOUT, I'M MAD AS HELL, BECAUSE THIS IS PERSONAL!!! There was no ambiguity in what happened in my childhood. There was no ambiguity in what happened to my friend just a few feet from a major University campus. If you are under the impression that if someone is drunk or high than they cannot give consent then it applies both ways... But either way, these days I take MDMA or Methylone just to spice up my sex life or may have taken a weird drug or drank alcohol and had a one night stand. These were events, these ARE events that haunt us, I'm still trying to make sense out of what happened to me, what to call it, how to define it... And that started almost 30 years ago. So excuse me if I don't agree that a half assed ambiguous portrayal of two people who were getting fucked up together and woke up and realized that they had sex is anything close to what REAL victims of rape go through. You know what SAB didn't address correctly? People that cry rape to get something... To gain sympathy, to make people forgive them for a mistake that they may have made, for attention, for god knows what... How many rape allegations out there are true? How many are false? And how many of them out there can't be completely sure? If this was shown in a less ambiguous light and was put on for something more than to just 'get people talking' I would take it seriously, but it wasn't. Once again, by the words of Lizzy Weiss this was AMBIGUOUS. Lizzy, you have helped create some groundbreaking tv over the years and brought a much needed light to the deaf community. Switched At Birth has done some great things in and out of the world of television... But take a look at your numbers... You ran this Tank story in the previous season and viewers tuned out in droves, never to tune back in. Just like your half ass attempt at attacking black appropriation without a black voice behind it... This is a travesty to television and poison that drips into our society. I posted a picture of your staff that had not one woman or man of color. You claim there is a woman of color on your writing staff, yet we see no one credited, and I definitely don't see anyone stepping forward and claiming that trash you put out last week. I talked to many women of color that felt like you made a serious issue into a joke, just like this friend of a campus rape victim and a molestation victim myself thinks you made of sexual assaults. Shame on you. Shame on everyone who worked on this series and spread your muddled message. You may aim to 'get people to talk' but all you do is insult the people directly effected by these real issues and FURTHER DIVIDE OUR NATION, OUR WORLD.
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julielilac · 6 years
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Last of the Time Lords // The Doctor's Daughter
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drwhoboards · 6 years
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Doctor Who moodboard: Jenny & Donna Noble, mother figure (requested by: anon)
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asmudgedmind · 7 years
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Oh no, not you. It had to be you. I’ll tell you now-- I’ve no time for the excited puppy routine. And all that grinning. Why did I ever think that was a good idea? - The Twelfth Doctor
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #3.8
Writer: George Mann
Artist: Rachael Stott with Marcelo Salaza
Colours: Rod Fernandes
Twelve’s reaction to Ten.
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