magz · 1 month
Article date: March 27, 2024.
Article Excerpt:
Puerto Rico has declared a public health emergency amid an ongoing outbreak of dengue infections, a mosquito-spread viral infection that can cause fever, aches, rash, vomiting, and, in about 5 percent of cases, a severe disease marked by internal bleeding and shock.
The US territory has tallied 549 cases since the start of the year, representing a 140 percent increase compared with cases tallied at this point last year, according to the territory's health department. The Associated Press reported that more than 340 of the 549 cases have been hospitalized.
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mindblowingscience · 6 months
The discovery of a particular subgroup of antibodies may open the door to more effective dengue therapeutics and the development of a universal dengue vaccine. Dengue fever is a viral infection with a devastating twist: those who have caught it once are more likely to develop life-threatening disease the second time around. Why our bodies not only fail to learn from prior infection but also become more vulnerable as a result is a longstanding mystery that has prevented development of a universal dengue vaccine. Rather than protecting against disease, such a dengue vaccine could instead serve as a first exposure to prime the body for it. The new antibodies are those responsible for dengue’s increased deadliness upon second exposure. “We definitively proved that it’s not the presence of dengue antibodies that are a problem, but the quality of those antibodies,” says Stylianos Bournazos, a research associate professor in the laboratory of Jeffrey Ravetch, a professor at Rockefeller University. “Now that we know the pathway that these antibodies use, we can develop therapeutics against it.”
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All but two São Paulo districts facing dengue epidemic
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Having already recorded more than 1,600 deaths from dengue fever in the first three and a half months of 2024, Brazil’s epidemic of the mosquito-transmitted disease has reached previously unprecedented levels. And in the country’s biggest city, São Paulo, home to more than 12 million people, all but two districts are officially facing dengue epidemics.
Epidemics are officially recorded when there are more than 300 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In São Paulo’s 96 adminstrative districts, only two still find themselves below that threshold: the wealthy areas of Moema and Jardim Paulista.
Conversely, the district of Vila Jaguara, to the northwest of the city center, has recorded more than 9,650 dengue cases per 100,000 residents.
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nayadefenix · 7 days
WARNING! It is common in Brazil to have outbreaks of dengue fever and unfortunately my mother has been infected with the disease, to the friends I am chatting with I ask for understanding if I delay, I am taking care of my mother.
even this week's commissions were delayed I apologize!
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wreckrinho · 1 month
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Im home :)
Now I'm going to roll over in my bed and sleep until eight at night, bye
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thundersyst3m · 2 months
Hii! I have updates about my health,
I got dengue :(
Thank God It doesn't seen to be a bad case of It, rest and medication will heal me with time
I'll keep you guys updated!
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dreenwood · 3 months
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Reforce os cuidados CONTRA A DENGUE 🦟 faça sua parte! A população deve ficar atenta e redobrar os cuidados para eliminar possíveis criadouros do mosquito. Essa é a única forma de prevenção. SE VOCÊ AGIR, PODEMOS EVITAR. Faça sua parte! e ajude a eliminar os focos do mosquito. #TodosjuntoscontraaDENGUE
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pocketglobalhealth · 7 months
Dengue Outbreak in Bangladesh
Coverage from the NYT on the ongoing Dengue outbreak in Bangladesh:
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didanawisgi · 7 months
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macarraqui · 7 months
Los mosquitos se han vuelto viajeros
Unos de los efectos del incremento de la temperatura de nuestro planeta es la distribución más amplia del mosquito vector (transmisor) del dengue, que se está mudando hacia los nuevos climas templados donde ahora puede sobrevivir sin problemas.
En el momento actual, se calcula que la mitad de la población mundial está en riesgo de enfermar por dengue. Y en España, como en otros países europeos, se han detectado los últimos años casos de dengue autóctono que no guardaban relación con viajes previos a zonas endémicas. El mosquito está ya en la península y actúa como vehículo para este virus.
El virus del dengue se transmite por la picadura de los mosquitos hembra de la especie Aedes aegypti (en menor grado, también por A. albopictus o mosquito tigre), que también son responsables de la fiebre chikungunya, la fiebre amarilla y la infección por el virus de Zika. Se trata de un mosquito fundamentalmente urbano, y es en las zonas metropolitanas donde se producen los brotes y las infecciones.
Clínicamente, la infección adquirida tras la picadura se manifiesta con síntomas gripales de mayor o menos intensidad, pero en ocasiones puede evolucionar a un cuadro potencialmente mortal (dengue grave y hemorrágico). Además, en la piel donde se ha producido la picadura, puede aparecer una reacción inflamatoria más intensa y molesta que la que produce el mosquito común. Eso lo saben bien quien ha sufrido las picaduras del tigre.
El dengue no tiene tratamiento específico, pero su detección precoz y el acceso a la asistencia médica disminuyen las tasas de mortalidad por debajo del 1%.
El control del dengue (y su prevención) se logra adoptando medidas eficaces frente al mosquito vector. Dado que el mosquito se reproduce principalmente en recipientes artificiales con agua y agua estancada (jarrones, piscinas, bebederos, acequias, platos de macetas), es fundamental el control sobre estos focos que actúan como criaderos para las larvas.
Para evitar su aparición hay que controlar al mosquito transmisor: cuando no hay mosquito, no hay dengue.
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mindblowingscience · 4 months
Two private companies announced Friday a partnership to release mosquitoes across the Caribbean bred with a bacterium that blocks the dengue virus as the region fights a record number of cases. Orbit Services Partners Inc., a company registered in Barbados, is partnering with Verily, a San Francisco-based health technology company, for the project. The companies have been meeting with government officials in the region in hopes of launching the project early next year, said Orbit chairman Anthony Da Silva. It would target nations including Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Maarten, St. Martin, Suriname, Dominican Republic and Haiti.
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Brazil’s staggering dengue fever crisis is a warning to the world
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Patients lying motionless in the waiting room, moaning for help. Desperate hunts for an open hospital bed.Emergency room arguments over medication.
Not since the darkest days of the covid-19 pandemic, when hospital systems all over this country ruptured under the weight of the disease, has Brazil witnessed such scenes. But this time, it’s not the coronavirus that has led states all over the country to declare a state of emergency and even spurred the construction of a field hospital in the nation’s capital of Brasília.
It’s dengue fever.
The disease is ripping through much of South America, where scientists say rising temperatures due to climate change have both extended the territorial range of the mosquito that carries dengue and increased its proliferation.
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aluisiofmn · 3 months
Dengue, uma batalha sem fim
A dengue, uma doença transmitida por mosquitos, é mais do que apenas uma preocupação de saúde pública; é uma batalha constante que todos nós enfrentamos. Com o aumento de casos em várias regiões do mundo, é crucial estarmos informados e preparados para combater esse inimigo invisível.
O que é a Dengue?
A dengue é causada por um vírus transmitido principalmente pelo mosquito Aedes aegypti. Os sintomas incluem febre alta, dor de cabeça, vômitos, dores musculares e articulares, e uma característica erupção cutânea. Em casos graves, pode levar a complicações potencialmente fatais, como a dengue hemorrágica.
Prevenção: A Melhor Estratégia
A melhor maneira de combater a dengue é evitar a proliferação do mosquito Aedes aegypti. Aqui estão algumas medidas que todos podem adotar:
Eliminar Água Parada: Mosquitos se reproduzem em água parada. Verifique e elimine água acumulada em vasos de plantas, pneus velhos e outros recipientes.
Uso de Repelente: Aplicar repelente de mosquitos regularmente, especialmente durante o dia, quando esses mosquitos são mais ativos.
Roupas Protetoras: Usar roupas de mangas compridas e calças para reduzir a exposição à picadas.
Telas e Mosquiteiros: Instalar telas em janelas e portas e usar mosquiteiros ao dormir.
Além das ações individuais, é vital promover a conscientização na comunidade. Organizar limpezas de bairro para eliminar possíveis criadouros de mosquitos pode fazer uma grande diferença.
A batalha contra a dengue é contínua e requer esforços conjuntos de indivíduos, comunidades e autoridades de saúde. Mantendo-nos informados e proativos, podemos reduzir significativamente o risco desta doença e proteger nossa saúde e a de nossos entes queridos.
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sataniccapitalist · 6 months
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dreenwood · 6 days
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Missão Extermínio!
Todos Contra a Dengue!
✓ Febre Alta!
✓ Dor nós olhos!
✓ Dor de cabeça!
✓ Dores nas articulações!
✓ Falta de apetite!
✓ Manchas vermelhas na Pele!
Procure ajude médica!
todos contra dengue!
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deletedg1rl · 6 months
ok everyone i lied about having dengue at my office and now they are asking for medical reports. so please suggest some good editing apps or give me ur dengue diagnosis from last year idk IM SORRRRYYYY IDK WHAT TO DO
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