#Croatian man
dadsinsuits · 20 days
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Andrej Plenković
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starlettescarlet · 18 days
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started shaking like a chihuahua after seeing these
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soracities · 1 year
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Slavko Mihalić, from “The Man Who Decided” (trans. Peter Kastmiler), Contemporary East European Poetry: An Anthology
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mountsgirl · 4 months
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Love the bromance
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foursaints · 4 months
you talking about talk barty made me think of a guy i know from uni who is like 6’4 and smokes and is talk and lanky (but that about it he’s a forestry major and wears plad and a beanie so no barty) but yeah t a l l and l a n k y
nah you see the vision… i know i was just talking about enjoying different barty interpretations here but barty’s interminable Lank is so engrained in my mind that when is see anything different i start reacting like an animal that doesn’t recognize itself in the mirror. who IS that
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chillenby · 13 days
I need to talk about the croatian dub of both spiderverses. So here are my unprofessional opinions about everything because I watched both of the movies way too many times in the past 7 months
Honestly, I have nothing to complain about. Voice actors nailed it. Maybe Gwen's VA bothers me a bit, but that's only becaus3 I have heard that VA way too many times in way too many differnt media and cartoons. Doesn't mean that the VA's bad, I'm just tired of her voice. Same goes for Miles, but he nails all his lines and some translation for Miles is soo funny that I forgive him everything.
Peter B. Parker has the perfect voice actor and my favorite thing is the line "ubit ću se" (which for my non-croatian speaking friends means 'I'll kill myself'). I didn't expect that and it made me laugh so hard, I sometimes just think about that scene. Anyway, the VA did everything perfect. The comedic moments were comedic, the heartfelt ones were heartfelt and he sounded so fucking done with life.
Also, honerable mentions are Spidernoir and uncle Aaron. VA's did a great job, but not anything too amazing. Translation for when uncle Aaron was dying was so bad that that scene single handedly is inspiaring me to rewritw the whole script for both movies. (I'll never do that, but I already have nickpicked how certain scenes should have been translated)
Miles, Gwen and Peter B. Parker have the same VA (I'm not sure about uncle Aaron). Miles' spanish from the croatian VA made me physically cringe, I don't know spanish, but my ego tells me I could have done a better job. Miguel has a great VA, nothing to notible, nothing to complain about, but nothin too amazing.
SPOT is great. (I already said my opinions on a reblog). Spot has a great VA, he sounds like a pathetic loser, but he has a lot of trouble sounding menesing. If the croatian VA told me he would murder my whole family then me, I would just say 'whatever man'. Which is great for the first part of the movie, but for the second part not so much. Also, the VA didn't give it his all at certain scenes. Like 'ja sam stvorio tebe i ti si stvorio mene', great translation ("I created you and you created me), but it sounded very monotone. I should have sounded like 'JA sam stvorio TEBE. I TI si stvorio MENE' a bit more emotion was needed. Also, the echo scene is so sad. He doesn't do the proper echo like 'Jeka, jeka, jeka' it just is 'jeka. jeka. jeka'.
Hobie and Pavitr are amazing characters and the croatian dub did them dirty. I get that they need to have an accent, but it feels like we're giving them a steriotypical accent and making fun of them. Also, the casting was so bad. Hobie should have gotten a deeper voice, but no, he got a avaregly deep voice with some weird accent. Pavitr also has some weird accent and they got his voice wrong. The VA doesn't suit the character. Though, through translation we perfectly managed to capture both of their personalities. Hobie sounds like some city punk and he has the perfect slang (maybe a bit biased since I sometimes use the exact same words as Hobie. Also, it would have been interesting if he got some serbo-croatish words in his vocabulary, since he's from the 70s or something and at that time, Yugoslavia was still a country, but I digress).
Pavitr easily got the best scene ever. In croatia we don't drink chai and we don't call it chai tea, since tea is called čaj (it's simmiliarly pronounced to chai). So instead of just translating that scene they rewrote it. And instead of chai tea we have iced tea. Which is way more relatable and funny to me. Since Pavitr goes 'LEDENI ČAJ!? ČAJ JE BITAN DIO NAŠE KULTURE I TREBA SE PITI TOPLI' ("ICE TEA!? CHAI IS AN IMPORTANT PART OF OUR CULTURE AND IT SHOULD BE DRUNKEN WARM") something like that. I can't remember exactly.
But yes. I think we screwed up the second movies VAs a bit, but the translation is relatevly good. A few translations iritate the hell out of me and I verbally correct them everytime I watch the movies, but never the less, they're great. (Not as great as english translation because we don't have Jason Schwartzman and John Mullany, but never the less they're enjoyable.) I enjoy the croatian translations very much
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theladyofbloodshed · 9 months
My goal when I move is to find a best friend who lives nearby who I can hang out with all the time… maybe even a group of besties
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nikolajoker · 2 months
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homosekularnost · 1 month
its been weeks but "you treat your mouth like heavens gate, the rest of you like the tsa" still feels like a gut punch like thats VILE
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dadsinsuits · 4 months
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Ante Čačić
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buckleysg1rl · 11 months
Mateo and Stefan 🥹🫶
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the-ic-corner · 2 years
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he loves talking to the press, doesn't he 😐
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shinmiyovvi · 1 year
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As promised, here's our new main oc I haven't given him a name and nationality yet so I let his Ultimis wear his casual in the meantime. I also didn't color him :>
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'i pjeva i pjeva o slobodi bez granica, i kako su ljepše velike šume od oranica' is too real of a line to be written by a man literally named dobriša
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goldrushzukka · 8 months
do any croatians follow me? how do you say bestie in croatian
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