mglur · 1 year
“Ahora pasa que las tortugas son grandes admiradoras de la velocidad, como es natural.
Las esperanzas lo saben, y no se preocupan.
Los famas lo saben, y se burlan.
Los cronopios lo saben, y cada vez que encuentran una tortuga, sacan la caja de tizas de colores y sobre la redonda pizarra de la tortuga dibujan una golondrina.”
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nicecarito · 5 months
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Ax Cortazár, Doppio's Boss...
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t-balkanski-subekt · 3 months
Пазете се от тези, които знаят как да пишат, защото имат силата да ви накарат да се влюбите, без дори да ви докоснат.
- Julio Cortazár -
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poesiablog60 · 1 month
"Eppure, nonostante tutto, solo noi, sappiamo essere così lontanamente insieme."
Julio Cortazár
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jessaerys · 9 months
babe are you ok? you're re-reading julio cortazár's axolotl again.....
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dolcementefemmia · 1 month
"Se mi vedi in qualcuno dei tuoi pensieri abbracciami che mi manchi.
Perché senza cercarti ti incontro ovunque."
Julio Cortazár
Il mio abbraccio ideale , il posto dove appoggiare un momento…
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alonewolfr · 1 month
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Se mi vedi in qualcuno dei tuoi pensieri abbracciami che mi manchi. Perché senza cercarti ti incontro ovunque.
|| Julio Cortazár
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bored-dandy · 3 months
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"Se mi vedi in qualcuno dei tuoi pensieri abbracciami che mi manchi.
Perché senza cercarti ti incontro ovunque."
—- Julio Cortazár
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number63liveblogs · 3 days
Persepolis Rising, Prologue & chapter 1
All the previous Transport Union presidents before her: Michio Pa, then Tjon, Walker, Sanjrani, and her own thin, stern face looking back at her from the end.
Almost three decades had passed since Paolo Cortazár and the breakaway fleet had passed through Laconia gate.
Wow, the time skip was even larger than I expected. Looks like there weren’t any stories that the authors wanted to tell about the establishment about the Transport Union, and instead we’re jumping straight to the war against the rogue Martian faction. Although as they’ve spent almost thirty years on Laconia I should start calling them the Laconian faction.
A really interesting choice, jumping this far into the future. The book is going to have to spend time in introducing the new context and what the characters have been doing in the mean time. At least somebody needs to have died in the mean time, to really drive the passage of time.
And no word on what happened to Cara, but that must have been, what, over twenty years ago? So it wouldn’t be at the top of everyone’s mind anymore, even if it lead to startling findings.
But the narrator from The Vital Abyss came back into relevance after all this time, so it might have been set-up for something that comes out in the last two books. I still think that there’s a chance that the aliens themselves and not only their technology could become relevant at some point of the story.
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praxthebotanist · 9 months
reading cortazár’s intro in persepolis rising: hahaha what the FUCK
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euiasminxx · 11 months
Axolotl, CORTAZÁR, Julio
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thescribereport · 1 year
Continuidad de los Parques - Julio Cortázar
El cuento “Continuidad de los Parques”, escrito por el autor argentino Julio Cortázar, apareció por la primera vez en la segunda edición del libro Final del juego, de Editorial Sudamericana, en el 1964. Además, Cortazár es conocido como uno de los escritores más importantes de América Latina, sobre todo de Argentina. 
Con relación al texto, Continuidad de los Parques es famoso por ser un representante del género fantástico. El autor introduce un personaje sin identificación a nosotros, los lectores. El primer acto consiste únicamente en leer historias y asimilarlas con recuerdos de la vida. Todavía, sin especificar lo que pasa y cuáles son esas memorias. 
Asimismo, Cortázar nos ayuda a transportarnos a otro mundo, fantasioso, por medio del acto de leer un libro. Sin embargo, el autor sabe conducir los detalles como nadie, hacía un hombre que aún no conocemos en la historia, como que se halla en el parque de los robles.
De la misma manera, somos presentados a otra dimensión con toda su memoria, haciendo conexión con los dos personajes del libro que está leyendo. Una de las cosas más interesantes en este tipo de cuento es la oportunidad de utilizar un lenguaje metafórico, por ejemplo, las descripciones de la mujer y del amante, como también el final de la historia es un diálogo sobre un arroyo de serpientes, seres de su imaginación.
Por tanto, en las últimas tres líneas, el autor rompe con el realismo y regresa al género fantástico, terminando el cuento al inicio. En concreto, la dualidad entre lo que puede consistir un ambiente verdadero y la ficción, hace que el texto posea mucha riqueza y sea muy complejo.
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ghosttfazes · 2 years
Nadie se aguanta aquí mucho tiempo, ni siquiera tú y yo, hay que vivir combatiendose, es la ley, la única manera que vale la pena pero duele.
J. Cortazár
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mah1995vkusno · 2 years
Venha dormir comigo: não vamos fazer amor, ele nos fará.
Julio Cortazár
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giuliavaldi · 5 years
E so molto bene che non ci sarai.
Non ci sarai nella strada,
non nel mormorio che sgorga di notte
dai pali che la illuminano,
neppure nel gesto di scegliere il menù,
o nel sorriso che alleggerisce il "tutto completo" delle sotterranee,
nei libri prestati e nell'arrivederci a domani.
Nei miei sogni non ci sarai,
nel destino originale delle parole,
nè ci sarai in un numero di telefono
o nel colore di un paio di guanti, di una blusa.
Mi infurierò, amor mio, e non sarà per te,
e non per te comprerò dolci,
all'angolo della strada mi fermerò,
a quell'angolo a cui non svolterai,
e dirò le parole che si dicono
e mangerò le cose che si mangiano
e sognerò i sogni che si sognano
e so molto bene che non ci sarai,
nè qui dentro, il carcere dove ancora ti detengo,
nè la fuori, in quel fiume di strade e di ponti.
Non ci sarai per niente, non sarai neppure ricordo,
e quando ti penserò, penserò un pensiero
che oscuramente cerca di ricordarsi di te.
Julio Cortázar
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jessaerys · 9 months
"I know now that there was nothing strange, that that had to occur. Leaning over in front of the tank each morning, the recognition was greater. They were suffering, every fiber of my body reached toward that stifled pain, that stiff torment at the bottom of the tank. They were lying in wait for something, a remote dominion destroyed, an age of liberty when the world had been that of the axolotls. Not possible that such a terrible expression which was attaining the overthrow of that forced blankness on their stone faces should carry any message other than one of pain, proof of that eternal sentence, of that liquid hell they were undergoing. Hopelessly, I wanted to prove to myself that my own sensibility was projecting a nonexistent consciousness upon the axolotls. They and I knew. So there was nothing strange in what happened. My face was pressed against the glass of the aquarium, my eyes were attempting once more to penetrate the mystery of those eyes of gold without iris, without pupil. I saw from very close up the face of an axolotl immobile next to the glass. No transition and no surprise, I saw my face against the glass, I saw it on the outside of the tank, I saw it on the other side of the glass. Then my face drew back and I understood."
—julio cortazár, axolotl
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