#Convert Web App to Mobile App
eastsonstech · 3 months
Benefits of Converting Your Website into a Mobile App
In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses to succeed. With the increasing usage of smartphones, businesses are recognizing the importance of offering a seamless mobile experience to their customers. One effective way to enhance user experience and reach a wider audience is by converting your website into a mobile app. This article explores the numerous benefits of such a conversion and provides insights into the process.
To read full post, Visit: https://tech.eastsons.com/blog/benefits-of-converting-your-website-into-a-mobile-app
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freeweb2app · 2 years
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#Web2appz is the best #web to apk converter #tool that turns web app to mobile app Visit: https://web2appz.com
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engineering · 2 years
Making GIFs load faster
AKA why are some of my GIFs being turned into videos?
We’re experimenting with serving GIFs as MP4 videos instead of GIFV (which typically serves animated WebP) on the web to a small subset of folks on Tumblr, not everyone. This does not affect anyone using the mobile apps.
The performance improvements from using MP4s in this way are huge, and will make Tumblr load animated images faster and use less data in almost every circumstance, with no discernible loss in quality.
This conversion only applies to specific types of GIFs, such as ones without transparency in the first frame. We’ve tested this conversion on thousands of GIFs, and we’re still tuning it to be virtually indistinguishable from the original GIF.
XKit’s “Vanilla Videos” extension was causing a bug with this experiment, but a recent new XKit version release has fixed that issue.
If you’re served an MP4 instead of a GIF, clicking on the image will still open it in a lightbox, which you can download as GIFV or GIF, depending on what’s served.
Since this is still just an experiment, there is no way to opt-out yet; adding some kind of opt-out (on the creator and/or consumer side) is a possibility though.
If you’re served a GIF as MP4 and it looks wrong, please contact Support with a link to the image and what looks wrong about the conversion. We need examples to help us improve the experience. Also, please do not send duplicate support requests.
As a recent Changes post mentioned, we’re experimenting with transforming GIFs into MP4s on the dashboard on web. Our goal is to get GIFs onto dashboards as fast as possible, while retaining as much of the original quality as possible.
For years now, we’ve delivered GIFs using our GIFV format, which transparently transcodes GIFs to more modern formats, like WebP, supported by the <img> tag. We’ve made improvements to that process over the past year, better supporting large GIFs and increasing the quality of the transformation, but conversion to WebP has limited benefits. A typical conversion only halves the file size and animated WebP isn’t well supported by Safari. Meanwhile, MP4 conversions offer even smaller files, often 8 to 10x smaller than the original GIF, as well as faster loading times and broader browser support.
We’re being picky about which GIFs get converted to MP4. We only apply the transformation to GIFs that pass our criteria for transformation. Currently, that means GIFs that don’t use transparency in the first frame, have constant frame rates, and are under 10 seconds long. 
We’ve tested this new process against thousands of GIFs from Tumblr, ranging from your typical TV show gifset to pixel art to animated text, and are confident the transformation looks good for the vast majority of content. However, we’re still tweaking the algorithm and are open to feedback. This is a subjective process, and if you see an MP4 that looks worse than the GIF, please send it our way!
Currently, the change only affects the experience within Tumblr (www.tumblr.com). The blog network (i.e. your-blog.tumblr.com) is not affected and continues to use GIFV to deliver GIFs.
Why are we doing this?
As mentioned above, GIFs are almost always inefficient compared to modern formats. They’re larger in size, take longer to load, are slower to render, and use more cache space. Whereas our GIFV conversion usually halves the size, the new GIF->MP4 conversion is often 8 to 10 times smaller for film- or TV-like content. We have a lot of that kind of content on Tumblr (go check out #filmedit or #moviegifs) and delivering the content as MP4 makes those tag pages load quite a bit faster, especially on slower connections. 
As an example, here’s an original GIF that’s 3.4 megabytes. Converting it to webp using GIFV gets us down to 2.3 MB, 68% of the original. But converting it to MP4, gets us down to 641K, 19% the size of the original and 5x faster to load. On tag and search pages, where we often show many many GIFs at the same time, this makes a huge difference in the loading and browsing experience. 
However, Creators on Tumblr regularly churn out hand-tuned, pain-stakingly optimized GIFs that really take advantage of the format. We really don’t want to make these look bad – they’re works of art, and they’re natively better than these modern competing formats. For now, since this is still just an experiment, we haven’t determined yet how we’ll handle the ability to opt-out of this change (for creators and/or consumers of GIFs), but we have it in mind. 
In the meantime, if you’d like to download the actual GIF version of any GIF, just replace the extension on the image url with .gif. So https://64.media.tumblr.com/af554ca5b0e60d313e40c8c47e13824b/d422d5f60551ce04-12/s2048x3072/4b5293df9726acfe461f7eaf661f92acd060dd21.mp4 becomes https://64.media.tumblr.com/af554ca5b0e60d313e40c8c47e13824b/d422d5f60551ce04-12/s2048x3072/4b5293df9726acfe461f7eaf661f92acd060dd21.gif
We’re rolling out this change on the web in phases over the next month. We’re currently only analyzing newly uploaded GIFs, so existing GIFs won’t be affected for a while. And it’s only rolled out to a percentage of users, so you may or may not see the feature yet today.
Guidelines for GIF creators
Reporting bad conversions
If you found a poor quality conversion on one of your GIFs, we’d love to hear about it. Please contact Support with the URL of the post and let us know which GIFs could be better. Please include what aspect of the transformation is problematic.
How can I preview what my GIF will look like after the transformation?
If you want to see how any GIF would look converted to MP4, just find the media URL for the GIF and replace the extension in the URL from gif or gifv to mp4. This works for any GIF on Tumblr, not just the GIFs that we’ve flagged as good candidates, so that we can see what the results could be like.
As a GIF creator, how can I opt-out?
For the moment, adding a single transparent pixel to the first frame of the GIF will opt that image out of conversion to MP4. It will not opt you out of conversion to WebP or other formats that our GIFV implementation may support. We’re still thinking through what another kind of creator and/or consumer opt-out could look like.
That said, we would love to hear from you! So please send in anything that looks wrong. Also, keep an eye on the Changes blog for more updates about this.
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pillowfort-social · 10 months
Site Update - 8/3/2023
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Hi Pillowfolks! 
How has your summer (or winter) been? Our team is back with a new update! As always, we will be monitoring closely for any unexpected bugs after this release, so please let us know if you run into any.
New Features/Improvements
Premium Subscription Updates -  Per the request of many users, we’ve made a number of updates to creating & editing Premium Subscriptions.
Users can now make credit-only Subscriptions without needing to enter in payment information, if your credit balance can fully cover at least one payment of the features fees.
Users can also now apply a custom portion of their available accrued credit monthly– i.e., if the cost of features is $5.97 every month, you can choose to cover only a portion of the cost of features with your credit. 
Users who have recently canceled a Subscription no longer have to wait until the payment period expires to create a new Subscription. 
To access Pillowfort Premium, click on the  “PF Premium” icon located in the left-hand sidebar. This page will allow you to convert your legacy donations to Pillowfort premium, review & edit your subscriptions, and more. 
Premium Image Upload Limit Increase: Good news! We’ve raised the limit for Premium Image Uploads to 6MB (formerly 4MB), at no extra cost! We may raise the limit further depending on how the subscriptions service performs and how our data fees fare.
Premium Subscription Landing Page & Frames Preview: We improved what users who do not have a Premium Subscription see on the Subscription management page to provide more information about the Premium features available. This includes the ability to preview all premium frames available.
New Premium Frame: We’ve released a new premium avatar frame! We hope you like it. We also have more premium avatar frames in the works that will be released later this month.
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Modless / Abandoned Communities Update - Our Developers have made changes to our admin tools to allow our Customer Service Team to be able to change Community Ownership and add/remove Moderators to help revitalize abandoned and modless Communities. We will make a post soon explaining the process for requesting to become a Mod and/or Owner of a Community. 
Bug Fixes/Misc Improvements
Some users were not receiving confirmation e-mails when their Pillowfort Premium Subscription was successfully charged. This should now be fixed.  Please let us know if you are still not receiving those e-mails.
Related to the above bug, some users who were using their credit balance in Subscriptions were not seeing their credit balance being properly updated to reflect the credit used in those Subscriptions. We have now synced these Subscriptions, so you should see a decrease in your account’s credit balance if you are using that credit in a Subscription.
Fixed a bug where users were unable to delete their accounts in certain scenarios.
Fixed bug that displayed errors on the log-in page incorrectly.
Made improvements to how post images load on Pillowfort, to reduce image loading errors and improve efficiency for users with slow web connections.
Fixed a bug causing the checkmark on avatar frame selection in Settings to display improperly.
Terms of Service Update
We have made a small update to our ToS to specify that “deepfakes” and other digitally-altered pornographic images of real people are considered involuntary pornography and thus prohibited.
And that’s all for today! With this update out, our team will now be working full steam on post drafts, post scheduling queuing, and the progressive mobile app! Be sure to keep checking back on our Pillowfort Dev Blog for further status updates on upcoming features. 
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changes · 2 years
Friday, August 12th, 2022
🌟 New
There’s a new login/sign up flow on web.
For folks with the new “Your tags” tab in the mobile apps, you can now long-press a tag to filter the results.
We’re testing Tumblr TV in a few spots in the mobile apps: A “Tumblr TV” tab, a “Tumblr TV” carousel on the explore page, and “Tumblr TV” recommendations on the “For You” tab.
🛠 Fixed
Fixed an issue in the new post editor that caused newlines (shift + enter) to not be saved when editing an existing post.
Fixed an issue that caused a message about unsupported browsers to appear in some (supported) versions of Safari.
Opening up a new post while viewing one of your secondary blogs now defaults to the blog you’re viewing.
When viewing a post permalink in blog view on web, that post will now display in a single column layout even if you have enabled the grid layout (it was previously loading in a mostly empty grid layout).
You can now drag to move/rearrange audio blocks in the new post editor on web.
Pasting image URLs into the new post editor on web now consistently converts the link to an image block instead of a link block.
Pasting markdown into the new post editor on web now transforms it into the correct block type(s).
🚧 Ongoing
Nothing to report here today.
🌱 Upcoming
You’ll be able to purchase Ad-Free Browsing and TumblrMart items via PayPal soon.
Experiencing an issue? File a Support Request and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!
Want to share your feedback about something? Check out our Work in Progress blog and start a discussion with the community.
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One way you could link to pages on your blog and have it open correctly by someone using the mobile app is to buy a custom domain... A custom domain would remove the tumblr.com association with the URL, so Tumblr will stop trying to convert it to dashboard links. The downside to this, though, is that, well you have to pay for it. It also breaks the Likes feature when viewing your blog outside the dashboard
I thought about it but I'd rather not have yet another web site. I pasted my ask policies page into a post and linked that, so it should open now. And oddly, I recently downloaded the app again and I'm able to open page links through it. I'm not sure why some people can't. Maybe they haven't updated their apps or they're using a different phone than I am.
Thank you, though! :)
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hiberniansleepercell · 4 months
Simple desktop and mobile resources for the discerning muslim revert
Dropping the links I use to study Quran
The Noble Quran - contains 66 different languages (including transliteration). Also has good (short) summaries of many tafsir, surah/ayah/word recitation/pronunciation.
Legacy Quran - same as the first link, but only text. May be less demanding or easier to navigate on certain browsers.
Quranic Audio - same as the first link, but only audio. Has countless recitation options, from the Holy Quran itself to Taraweeh to non-Hafs recitations.
Quranic Arabic Corpus - invaluable classical arabic dictionary that let's you search by ayah, word, or root, and explains the grammar and syntax of each word, as well as frequency of usage.
Quran: A Reformist Translation - this is the translation I use to cross-reference everything I read from the other webbed sites. very well-researched, but also probably "blasphemous" by the standards of conservative Islam. considered to be of Quranist persuasion, the three authors both give a more metaphorical understanding of the Quran and debunk many common misconceptions about the Islamic faith from both inside and outside the religion. Unparalleled if you're a convert but the centuries-long debates of different Islamic schools has deterred you from exploring Gd's message.
The Prophet's Prayer - based on cross-referencing many different sunnah and hadith, the author seeks to give the most logical and accurate account to the guidelines of prayer as described on behalf of the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him). Great source of clarity if you're unfamiliar with navigating supplementary texts.
English Quran Audio (Part 1) (Part 2) - Saheeh International translation; great to download and listen to in your free time. I let this play while I sleep so that I may drift off and wake up to Gd's word.
Al-Azan Prayer App - privacy-focused open source adhan and qibla app. Lots of good features with plenty of customization. Be sure to download the F-Droid app store onto your phone, then install Al-Azan from there, so that it will automatically update. (F-Droid also has other great privacy apps you should check out while you're there, including Youtube and Twitch front-ends).
Noor Ul-Huda - another F-Droid app but with a customizable mobile Quran reading experience. Allows you to tag and bookmark different surahs and ayats, as well as the option to download translations of the Quran in 44 different languages. Same as the previous app, be sure to download F-Droid first in order to automatically update.
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specialability · 6 months
Since I've seen some bad "convert to firefox" posts here is the setup I use to only rarely see ads on desktop or android:
Firefox (or Firefox Beta, or Firefox Nightly if you're feeling spicy)
ublock origin
That's it.
Firefox blocks third party cookies and trackers automatically by default, you don't need any additional add-ons for that & they will just slow down firefox. ublock origin (not the plain ublock, not adblock plus) has many filters you can select from the settings and you should go through and add whichever seem to make sense for you. for example, if you're in Germany or visit German-language sites often, there is a filter for that specifically. if you ever do happen to see something you don't want to see on a site (it doesn't have to be an ad) you can remove it with ublock origin. ublock origin will block ads in spotify and on youtube in the web browser. if you use add-ons to make youtube better in other ways, disable their adblocking features or they may interfere with ublock origin.
blockada is a mobile app that blocks ads in apps before they even reach your phone. you will only find the subscription option app on the app store, but if you search their website and click download there is an option to download Blockada 5 which is free and works fine. if you have iOS you have to buy the subscription version, I don't use iOS so I can't offer you alternatives. some of your apps may break when blockada is turned on. you can whitelist those specific apps in blockada or try to figure out which specific url needs to be whitelisted. However, it can't block ads in the youtube app. So...
NewPipe is a youtube replacement app. It does all the things you can do in youtube but faster and better and doesn't show ads.
aside from that, if you want to keep your stuff secure the number 1 thing you should be doing is using randomized unique passwords with a password manager. there's one built in to firefox. it even syncs across devices.
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mahmudulhasan46 · 2 months
AI WebProfit Review - Create SEO Optimized AI Blogs & Websites (Ariel Sanders)
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AI WebProfit Review – Create SEO Optimized AI Blogs & Websites
Welcome to my Honest AI WebProfit Review. This is it! Brand New Cutting Edge – World First AI WP Blogs Creator, AutoGenerate WordPress SEO Optimized Blogs That Generate Effortlessly Free Google Traffic!
As I arise from my slumber and reach for that first cup of coffee, I can’t help but marvel at the miracle that is AI WebProfit. With a mere stretch and yawn, this digital magician has conjured up a website so captivating it could make a cat jealous.
But this isn’t just any old website – it’s a powerhouse of content, sizzling with engagement and charm. It’s the kind of content that could entice even the most technologically challenged grandma to click those enticing ads.
And speaking of ads, AI WebProfit doesn’t just stop at creating captivating content. Oh no, it’s a master of monetization, turning clicks into cash like a seasoned pro. With every pixel perfectly placed and every word meticulously crafted, my website has become a virtual goldmine, all thanks to the wizardry of AI WebProfit.
AI WebProfit Review: What Is It?
AI WebProfit is a cutting-edge web software poised to transform the way you create and monetize WordPress websites. Powered by advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, AI WebProfit empowers users to effortlessly design, develop, and optimize high-quality websites with unparalleled speed and precision.
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Create & Sell Stunning SEO Optimized Blogs & Websites For Architects, Dentists, Fitness, Lawyers, Restaurants, Pets, And 1000s Of Other Niches With Just A Keyword & Charge Instant $1,000 Per Website.
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AI WebProfit Review: Overview
Creator: Ariel Sanders
Product: AI WebProfits
Date Of Launch: 2024-Apr-04
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Product Type: video, software (online)
Support: Effective Response
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Skill Level Needed: All Levels
Discount Code: “WEBPROFITS5” Is a $5 discount on all funnel
AI WebProfit Review: Key Features
Unique Content in 10000+ Niches
Create a Website in 25+ languages
Automatically Publish Own Content and Images Directly From ChatGPT
500+ DFY Themes
Connected OpenAI to Answers Visitor Questions Automatically
Hybrid Website Builder
100% Mobile Responsive
SEO Optimized Website
DFY Marketing Graphics & Templates
Royalty-Free Stock Images
Woo Commerce Integration
Feature Rich Slider
Appointment Booking Functionality
CTA Management
Inbuilt Social Media Tool
Analytics Ready
Advance AR Integration
Custom CSS for Design
Fully Customizable Typography
Fully Functional CMS
Inbuilt Lead Management
Ready to Use Short Code
Generate Graphics From AI Using Just One Keyword
Commercial License Included
>> Get AI WebProfit + My $17,000 Bonus To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these bonuses anywhere >>
AI WebProfit Review: How Does It Work?
All It Takes Is 3 Fail-Proof Steps Start Dominating ANY Niche With DFY AI Blogs & Websites.
Step 1: Login
Login to the AI webProfit App to get access to your personalized dashboard and start right away.
Step 2: Create
Just Enter Your Keyword Or Select Your Niche, And Let AI Create Stunning And Smoking Hot Blogs & Websites For You.
Step 3: Publish & Profit
Just sit back and watch thousands of clicks come to your newly created stunning AI website.
AI WebProfit Review: Can Do For You
Launch Stunning SEO optimized Blogs & Websites within Minutes- 100% On Autopilot
AI Will Tell You Exactly How Much You Gonna Earn BEFORE Doing Any Work…
All SEO optimized Blogs & Websites Are Prefilled With Smoking Hot, AI, Human-Like Content
Instant High Converting Traffic For 100% Free
High Ticket Affiliate Offers For DFY Monetization
We Let AI Do All The Work For Us.
Instantly Tap Into $1.3 Trillion Platform
Promote Offers from ClickBank, W+, & JVZoo
Build a Huge List with Inbuilt Forms & Popups
100% SEO Optimized & Mobile Responsive
No Complicated Setup – Get Up and Running In 2 Minutes
ZERO Upfront Cost or Any Extra Expenses
30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
AI WebProfit Review: How Is It Different?
AI webProfit stands unrivaled as the sole application on the market that effortlessly manages every aspect of website creation and management for you.
Without any manual intervention required, AIwebProfit seamlessly takes charge of crafting your website, populating it with engaging content, executing promotional strategies, and even implementing monetization techniques.
Operating autonomously in the background, AIwebProfit eliminates the need for any human involvement, ensuring optimal results with minimal effort on your part.
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AI WebProfit Review: Who Should Use It?
Artists/Content Creators
Affiliate Marketers
eCom Store Owners
Blog Owners
CPA Marketers
Video Marketers
Product Creators
Personal Brands
AI WebProfit Review: OTO And Pricing
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>> Get AI WebProfit + My $17,000 Bonus To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these bonuses anywhere >>
AI WebProfit Review: Free Bonuses
Bonus 1: WordPress Automation Secrets
Automation is the key to success for every successful marketer today. If you’re able to save your time and use it for other productive tasks, then you’re on the right track.
This 8-part video course is designed to show you how to free up your time by quickly and easily automating tedious tasks within your WordPress site!
Bonus 2: Lead Generation On Demand
It doesn’t matter what kind of business you’re in, if you aren’t able to generate new leads and turn them into paying customers, your company will never succeed.
So, to help you build your leads and make the max from them, this comprehensive guide lays down proven tips and tricks on creating lead generation on demand.
Bonus 3: Video Training on How To Create a Profitable Authority Blog in Any Niche
Want to learn how to create a profitable authority blog in any niche that converts, then you’re at the right place.
This useful package helps boost your authority by giving useful tricks on creating a profitable blog the right way. Use it and scale your business to the next level.
Bonus 4: Social Media Traffic Streams
Social media is a popular way for businesses to engage with their target audiences. But getting people to your website through social media engagement can be tricky.
So, don’t hang around! This stunning guide will teach you how you can successfully drive traffic from social media to your website.
After purchasing, you’ll get my Special Bonus Instantly on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus button on WarriorPlus.
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And before ending my legit AI WebProfit Review, I promised to give you my very Special Unique Own Developed PFTSES Formula for FREE.
AI WebProfit Review: Money Back Guarantee
AI WebProfit’s money-back guarantee, if any, is often a crucial deciding factor for potential customers. Unfortunately, including a money-back guarantee section in the original review wasn’t possible due to the lack of readily available details.
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AI WebProfit Review: Conclusion
AI WebProfit offers a suite of functionalities designed to leverage artificial intelligence for online marketing optimization. While it promises significant benefits such as efficiency gains, data-driven decision-making, and improved conversion rates, there are drawbacks to consider, including limited transparency, over-reliance on AI, and potential data security concerns. Carefully evaluate your specific needs, budget, and technical expertise before deciding if AI WebProfit is the right fit for your online business. Consider exploring alternative tools and strategies to achieve your marketing goals.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Do I need any experience to get started?
None, all you need is just an internet connection. And you’re good to go
Is there any monthly cost?
Depends, If you act now, NONE. But if you wait, you might end up paying $997/month It’s up to you.
How long does it take to make money?
Our average member made their first sale the same day they got access to AI webProfit.
Do I need to purchase anything else for it to work?
No, AI webProfit is the complete thing. You get everything you need to make it work. Nothing is left behind.
What if I failed?
While that is unlikely, we removed all the risk for you. If you tried AI webProfit and failed, we will refund you every cent you paid And send you $300 on top of that just to apologize for wasting your time.
How can I get started?
Awesome, I like your excitement, All you have to do is click any of the buy buttons on the page and secure your copy of AI webProfit at a one-time fee.
>> Get AI WebProfit + My $17,000 Bonus To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these bonuses anywhere >>
See my other reviews: Six Figure Side Hustle Review, Ai Money Sites Review, And ProfitTok Review.
Thanks for reading my AI WebProfit Review till the end and I hope it will help you to make your purchase decision.
Source: AI WebProfit Review - Create SEO Optimized AI Blogs & Websites (Ariel Sanders)
Affiliate Disclaimer :
Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
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nividawebsolutions · 11 months
The Debate of the Decade: What to choose as the backend framework Node.Js or Ruby on Rails?
New, cutting-edge web development frameworks and tools have been made available in recent years.  While this variety is great for developers and company owners alike, it does come with certain drawbacks.  This not only creates a lot of confusion but also slows down development at a time when quick and effective answers are essential.  This is why discussions about whether Ruby on Rails or Noe.js is superior continue to rage.  What framework is best for what kind of project is a hotly contested question.  Nivida Web Solutions is a top-tier web development company in Vadodara.  Nivida Web Solutions is the place to go if you want to make a beautiful website that gets people talking.
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Identifying the optimal option for your work is challenging.  This piece breaks things down for you.  Two widely used web development frameworks, RoR and Node.js, are compared and contrasted in this article.  We'll also get deep into contrasting RoR and Node.js.  Let's get started with a quick overview of Ruby on Rails and Node.js. 
This method makes it possible to convert client-side software to server-side ones.  At the node, JavaScript is usually converted into machine code that the hardware can process with a single click.  Node.js is a very efficient server-side web framework built on the Chrome V8 Engine.  It makes a sizable contribution to the maximum conversion rate achievable under normal operating conditions. 
There are several open-source libraries available through the Node Package Manager that make the Node.js ecosystem special.  Node.js's built-in modules make it suitable for managing everything from computer resources to security information.  Are you prepared to make your mark in the online world? If you want to improve your online reputation, team up with Nivida Web Solutions, the best web development company in Gujarat. 
Key Features:
·         Cross-Platforms Interoperability
·         V8 Engine
·         Microservice Development and Swift Deployment
·         Easy to Scale
·         Dependable Technology 
Ruby on Rails: 
The back-end framework Ruby on Rails (RoR) is commonly used for both web and desktop applications.  Developers appreciate the Ruby framework because it provides a solid foundation upon which other website elements may be built.  A custom-made website can greatly enhance your visibility on the web.  If you're looking for a trustworthy web development company in India, go no further than Nivida Web Solutions.
Ruby on Rails' cutting-edge features, such as automatic table generation, database migrations, and view scaffolding, are a big reason for the framework's widespread adoption. 
Key Features:
·         MVC Structure
·         Current Record
·         Convention Over Configuration (CoC)
·         Automatic Deployment
·         The Boom of Mobile Apps
·         Sharing Data in Databases 
Node.js v/s RoR: 
·         Libraries:
The Rails package library is called the Ruby Gems.  However, the Node.Js Node Package Manager (NPM) provides libraries and packages to help programmers avoid duplicating their work. Ruby Gems and NPM work together to make it easy to generate NPM packages with strict version control and straightforward installation. 
·         Performance:
Node.js' performance has been lauded for its speed. Node.js is the go-to framework for resource-intensive projects because of its ability to run asynchronous code and the fact that it is powered by Google's V8 engine.  Ruby on Rails is 20 times less efficient than Node.js. 
·         Scalability:
Ruby's scalability is constrained by comparison to Node.js due to the latter's cluster module.  In an abstraction-based cluster, the number of CPUs a process uses is based on the demands of the application. 
·         Architecture:
The Node.js ecosystem has a wealth of useful components, but JavaScript was never designed to handle backend activities and has significant constraints when it comes to cutting-edge construction strategies.  Ruby on Rails, in contrast to Node.js, is a framework that aims to streamline the process of building out a website's infrastructure by eliminating frequent installation problems. 
·         The learning curve:
Ruby has a low barrier to entry since it is an easy language to learn.  The learning curve with Node.js is considerably lower.  JavaScript veterans will have the easiest time learning the language, but developers acquainted with various languages should have no trouble. 
Final Thoughts: 
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freeweb2app · 2 years
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Simply Convert Web App To Mobile App With Freeweb2app Visit: https://freeweb2app.com/
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photomatt-drinks-piss · 4 months
Reasons why you should move to a fediverse social media platform:
(Specifically Firefish, since I mainly use dvd.chat, an instance of Firefish, but I think these points may be applicable to other social media fediverse platforms, like Mastodon, Pleroma, and Pixelfed. Also can someone add captions to my screenshots? I'm on mobile and the "add alt text" option keeps automatically closing on me and erasing what I typed so far):
Migrating from instance to instance is easier than moving between tumblr and twitter, and easier than remaking/moving blogs within tumblr. Example screenshot:
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You can follow any user from almost any platform/instance. If you're on firefish, you can follow a mastodon user, a misskey user and a pixelfed user and have them all in the same home feed/dashboard, and vice versa. Example screenshot:
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You can self-host your own instance exclusively for you and friends (or only yourself and no one else). I don't know how to do this, but you can see a few instances with one or a few users with signups closed/disabled on fediverse.observer.
You can mute entire servers from your global and recommended feeds, and for misskey & misskey-based instances: you can also set up "Antennas" to follow entire servers (you can only view posts that were posted after setting up the antenna. If you want to see earlier posts, follow individual users or view the individual user's profile either within your instance's user interface or their profile's instance, both will usually work equally well on my instance.)
For misskey and misskey-based instances: you can add plugins to your account to affect your experience and posts.
There are several apps for various instances. For me, I prefer using the mobile web app and Milktea.
Two things to keep in mind:
Not all platforms can fully communicate with others. For example trying to follow communities on Lemmy from Firefish is extremely clunky since Lemmy functions like reddit and firefish functions like twitter and tumblr, so I have both a lemmy account and a firefish account to browse both platforms. I don't use peertube, but I feel like it might be just as clunky to view its content from my firefish account if not more so.
You can mark your profile as a cat and/or a bot account on misskey and misskey-based instances. Enabling cat mode will give your icon cat ears and convert all the text in your posts to include nyas. You'll need a plugin if you want to speak normally while having cat ears (you can also intensify your posts' cat-speak with a plugin, if you want). Screenshot of the option toggles:
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Feel free to add some additional pros and cons to fediverse social media platforms/instances in the reblogs.
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otbsolutions · 5 months
6 Cutting-Edge Web Development Trends in London for 2023
Innovative websites balance creativity, performance and future-proofing across digital experiences. The latest web development requires ongoing learning due to fast technology changes. What are the popular frameworks, techniques, and interactions are people discussing for the upcoming year? Top UX Design Company London and coders are sharing the latest web trends that influence their strategic consulting for 2023 engagements.
1. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
Web Design Services London says Progressive Web Apps are a game-changer. They bring together web and mobile apps' high performance and user engagement. Like traditional web pages, PWAs load quickly, offering functionality like offline accessibility and push notifications. Businesses in London that choose PWA technology will enjoy better user experiences, higher conversion rates, and lower development costs.
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2. AI and Machine Learning Integration
More and more web design services London UK include artificial intelligence and machine learning in web development. They analyze users 'behavior and preferences and provide customized experiences for users. Whether through chatbots that provide immediate customer service, or through AI-assisted personalization of content and gifts, AI and machine learning are changing how companies do business online with their customers.
3. Voice Search Optimization
With voice-activated devices becoming ubiquitous, focusing on voice search is becoming essential. Digital Marketing Services in London believes that web content must be adapted to voice queries, which are more conversational and longer than typed searches. This trend is geared towards making your website's information easy to find through voice search, improving navigability and user experience.
4. Motion UI Design
Motion UI is a rising trend among the London UI design Company experts. Animations and dynamic graphics are used to liven up web pages and make them interactive. This year, you will see more sites using inconspicuous animations, hover effects, and background animations to direct user focus and to enhance storytelling on pages.
5. Cybersecurity Enhancements
Experts in IT Consultation service London are discussing the need for strong cybersecurity in web development due to the growing threats in the digital world. It means using modern security protocols, doing regular security audits, and following data protection rules. Companies must protect their data and build trust with customers.
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6. Sustainable Web Design
Sustainability in web design is an emerging trend. Therefore, Web Design London firms have focused on developing environmentally friendly and energy-efficient websites. This means optimizing images and videos for quicker load times, using eco-friendly hosting services, and designing for less data transfer. It's about designing sites not only pretty and functional, but friendly to Mother Earth.
London Web Development Services stays ahead of tech shifts. They do this to serve clients better. They experiment, test solutions, and adopt new technologies early. They also choose the right time to implement these changes. OTB Solutions is the Best UX Company In London and a digital transformation expert. They combine strategic vision with tactical implementations. Their goal is to convert ambitious ideas into engaging online experiences. These experiences are future-ready and prepared for what comes next.
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pawborough · 2 years
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[ID: Text that says FAQ. End ID]
Below the cut is our extensive FAQ, which we update regularly! If you have a question, check here first!
Last updated 10/13/2022.
How long has Paw Borough been in development?
Paw Borough has been in development for over a year. We started initial concept design in early 2021!
Will Paw Borough be free to play?
Paw Borough will be free to play after the closed Beta, with premium currency bought with real money; however, premium currency will also be obtainable through regular gameplay.
When will Paw Borough be playable?
As long as we reach our funding goal for Kickstarter, our roadmap puts public launch in 2024. We predict the closed beta will release late 2023 - early 2024. We will keep backers updated if there are any hiccups that may compromise this timeline.
Where do I download Paw Borough?
Paw Borough will be a browser game free to access from your web browser, and we plan to convert it to a mobile app for the best mobile accessibility in the future, but it is not currently playable. Our demo (cat creator) is available for everyone to test a key functionality for the game!
Will Paw Borough be mobile friendly?
Yes. While we would like to convert the game into an app to better accommodate mobile users, the website itself will be playable on mobile.
When is the Kickstarter?
The Kickstarter will run from October 5th at midnight EST to November 5th at midnight EST. Here is a link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tbpt/paw-borough-the-feline-virtual-browser-rpg
Can I back the Kickstarter without a card?
As far as we know, Kickstarter does not allow payment without a card. If you're very anxious to back it, we recommend sending the money needed to a trusted friend or family member to back it for you, under your own e-mail address.
Will there be more breeds/genes/colors?
Yes. We intend for a color wheel expansion, which will bring our color total to 151, but no more colors beyond that. Paw Borough will have 20 breeds in its site's lifetime, counting both "Domestic" and "Mystic" breeds. We intend to add new genes and eye types to the game indefinitely.
Can cats die?
No. While we will have a feature to allow players to "retire" cats, which will give players a small payout, cats will not die due to inactivity. Feeding your cats is an incentive for site bonuses, but never a punishment.
Is there a cap on how much regular currency a player can obtain every day?
Players will be able to obtain a daily amount of currency through minigames, daily site activities, and the site's future battle system. After the cap has been reached, site activities and battling will give players items instead (daily activities will function similarly to Nook Miles from Animal Crossing New Horizons.)
Additionally, players can sell items in their Inventory back to the site, or receive a payout for "retiring" cats, neither of which will have a cap. The daily currency cap is to prevent inflation in the site's economy.
Can players cancel unwanted nests?
There will be an item for players to cancel an unwanted nest. Cats can also be made infertile with an item, and have the effect reversed. This secondary function exists for the purpose of roleplay.
Will the Kickstarter items be obtainable after the Kickstarter?
No. They are exclusive to the Kickstarter. If you are looking to obtain any after the campaign, you will need to trade with another player. Moontails and Longhairs will still be obtainable through breeding and trade, but you will not be able to obtain a Luna Stone to "breed change" a cat into a Moontail or Longhair without trading.
Can I get more than just 2 Luna Stones?
Yes, we have Luna Stones among other perks available as add-ons on the Kickstarter. Luna Stones as an add-on are $30 each, or $35 for two.
How will I receive my beta key and Kickstarter rewards?
Two codes will be sent to your email, one for the beta key and one for your rewards. You will be permitted to use the rewards code twice; once during the Beta, and once again after public launch.
Can Domestic Breeds be turned into Mystic Breeds (and vice versa)?
Yes, with caveats. Any breed may be changed into another breed with conversion. We will release a chart to allow for more comprehension of our specific breed-change system.
Can Domestic and Mystic Breeds produce offspring?
Yes. All Paw Borough Breeds can breed with one another, with a chance of one or the other Breed being passed down to the offspring, not hybrids.
Will some Breeds/Genes/Colors be more rare than others?
Breeds and Genes will have rarities. Offspring have an equal chance of being any color between two parents' colors on the color wheel for each gene. Additionally, cats with previous lineage have a chance to pass on their parents' color ranges to their offspring.
If I miss story events, how can I catch up?
Story events will be summarized for site-wide consumption in the site library. We also plan to turn the site story into fictional reading.
Can two or more people share an account?
No. However, multiple people under one internet connection may have their own accounts. Paw Borough does not wish to be liable nor responsible for disputes between two owners of the same account.
Can system members have individual accounts?
Separate members of a system are welcome to each have their own account, but will each need their own beta key if they wish to play closed beta. Furthermore, evidence of exploitation, such as the transfer of daily bonuses, which would create an unfair advantage to those not in a system, will result in account termination.
Can you change your Borough after choosing one at signup?
Yes. Each member is given a free change and then charged currency thereafter. Changing Boroughs will require a month-long cooldown.
Can you change your username? Will multiple people be allowed to have the same username?
Usernames are limited to 1 per user, and all users will get a free username change. However, changing thereafter will require currency.
How much can you customize your two Founder cats?
New players will be allowed to choose Overcoat, Undercoat, and Accent colors, as well as Overcoat and Undercoat genes for both of their Founders. The Accent gene is Basic at the start. Players can also choose the Breeds of their Founders from Shorthair, Snowfoot, and Ragdoll.
Will Players be able to sell their art through the site?
Yes! However, players will only be able to sell their art for site currency when using site facilities for sales. This is to prevent liability concerns. However, players are welcome and encouraged to facilitate their own real-world currency sales in the forums.
How will data wipes happen during the beta?
Following the conclusion of the closed beta, partial data will be wiped. Players will have their cats and currency erased, but will keep their accounts, IDs, and usernames. If a player purchases any premium currency during closed beta, the accumulation of these purchases will be liquidated and carried over into launch!
What will happen to the premium currency I bought with real money during the data wipe?
Purchased currency will be given back to players after the wipe, and any items purchased with premium currency will be liquidated back into the accumulation of the purchased currency. Premium currency obtained through "free to play" means will be wiped, however.
Is there a limit to how many Beta Testers there will be?
No, the Beta tester tier is an unlimited tier. However, there are two "Early Bird" tiers that allow backers to play the game three days early, limited to 100 each. Backers who want to reserve a low ID number or specific username should aim to purchase an Early Bird tier.
Can I use a cat I made in Paw Borough as an original character/purchase commissioned art of the character?
Yes, as long as Paw Borough art and original species are credited back to pawborough.net, and as long as the project the characters are used in is not commercial.
Will kits be able to wear accessories?
We would really like to have this option! On our Kickstarter, if the $90,000 stretch goal for kits to wear accessories is reached, then yes! This is an expensive endeavor and must be committed to at the start. Unless we can fund this feature within this campaign, we will NOT be able to implement accessories for kits later on.
If this goal is not funded, we will scrap this idea entirely. However, kits will be able to equip pelts and partials regardless of if the stretch goal is met.
How will players obtain "Generation 1" cats?
An item called an incense will be available, which can attract a cat (Shorthair, Snowfoot, or Ragdoll) with random colors and no previous lineage.
How old do you have to be to play Paw Borough?
Players must be 13 years of age or older to sign up. If a player lives in the European Economic Area, they must be 16 years or older to play. Regarding content, we are allowing tagged description and depiction of death, violence, and pg13 themes, but we are not allowing any mention of sexual proclivity or any 18+ imagery. Swearing is currently disallowed.
How will Paw Borough prevent inbreeding regarding the cats?
Related cats under 5 generations apart will not be able to breed.
Is Paw Borough accepting artist applications?
Paw Borough is always taking applications for decor, accessory, gene, and backdrop artists. You must be able to replicate and follow the style we have currently cultivated. You must also be able to deliver your files in PSD format. Please send your resume and what types of assets you would like to work on to [email protected].
Is Paw Borough accepting developer applications?
Yes. Please send your resume and a breakdown of your skills to [email protected].
Why only 20 breeds? How will the game remain interesting?
We believe the model of indefinite breeds and indefinite accessory/clothing for said indefinite breeds is a faulty one which grows into uncontrollable, insurmountable, costly hurdles for small art teams the longer a site is running and in effort to keep a userbase happy. We could easily dig holes for ourselves with breeds taking years and years of cost and production with no guarantee of release, and every gene or accesory asset we produce grows the cost and time of the next new breed until it's a monster of a problem.
We are not insisting that a draw of our game be the indefinite release of breeds. In that way, we differ from the goal of other sites. Our candid assertion is to be sure not to string along players who are joining with the express intention of seeing new breeds. Rather we'd like our unique mechanics and the allowance of a large variety for users to create and experiment with in a huge, virtual sandbox, to be our goal. Twenty breeds, with full functionality, is a large number with significant variety, and one we hope users will have fun creating with!
Do Kickstarter rewards stack (am I getting 2 Luna Stones or 10 with my Monarch Tier)?
No, items do not stack over previous tiers. Backers can receive up to 2 Luna stones before add-ons. The reward chart available on the campaign outlines exactly every item you will receive with a tier.
How much earlier do Early Bird tier codes get into the Beta?
Three days!
Can you change something about your art direction?
Thank you for your feedback. There is an amount of subjectivity to art and taste, and unfortunately we can only do so much before accepting that an artistic choice will not please everyone. If you do not enjoy the art direction, that is completely within your right! But please understand that we are, in the end, making the game with aspects we enjoy, and this will include an amount of subjectivity in style.
Will there be events during the game?
Yes! We plan for there to be monthly events, including Borough-specific holidays. Some events will be bigger than others and some smaller.
Will new colors be added to the demo?
Once the Kickstarter is over to make sure we have the funds, yes! We plan for a “gene overhaul” which will clean and update all the genes.
Is Paw Borough done through volunteer work? Can I volunteer?
Nope! All of our coders and artists are paid for their labor, which is why costs are so high. We will not be accepting any volunteer work.
Will you have feathers behind the ear as an accessory?
No. We are aware of the disrespectful connotations of the accessory to Indigenous cultures, especially within the Warrior Cats community, and do not intend to contribute to this. Thank you for your concern!
Will I be able to attach tags to my cats? Such as #kit?
Yes, and there will be a search and filtration system for these tags.
How will I receive my Kickstarter rewards?
You will receive an e-mail with a code after the Kickstarter.
Will I lose my Kickstarter rewards after a Beta wipe?
No. You can redeem the code twice; once during the Beta, and again during public release.
What do I lose during a data wipe?
You will lose all of your cats, items, and currency. Any premium currency you bought directly from the site with real money will be reimbursed to your accounts. Premium currency gained through free to play means will not be reimbursed. You will keep your ID number, username, and account details.
Is the alpha open? Can I join?
Our Alpha test is a closed test, sorry!
Will multiple cats be able to have the same Companion?
This isn't in our current plans, as it may disrupt the functionality of the Faunapedia, but we may look to see how we can make it possible. For now, the answer is no.
Can we still pledge to the Kickstarter after it's fully funded?
Yes! We have stretch goals up to a total of $130,000 yet to meet.
Will cats ever be too old to breed?
Paw Borough cats have eternal lifespans and breeding functionality. If you wish to remove a cat from your page, you can "Retire" it for a small payout.
Will there be a safe way to exchange premium currency (Moonstones) for regular currency (Sunstones) with other players?
We plan to have a way for players to exchange Moonstones for Sunstones directly on the site, but we will consider a way to facilitate trades between players the other way around!
Will Luna Stones be tradeable or will they be locked to your account?
Luna stones will not be locked to your account and can be traded to other players.
Will the site have achievements?
Am I allowed to have a "side" account?
No. As outlined in our TOS, each user is allowed only one account.
Will there be side/minigames?
Can all Kickstarter tiers have add-ons?
Are Moontail wings randomly chosen when using a Luna Stone on a cat? What about when you breed a Moontail?
Yes. There will be in-game items to change a Moontail's wings. When breeding two cats, the wing type of the parent will be passed down to the kit.
Will there be a way to make my cat stay a kit forever?
Yes, we plan to have an item to make your cat permanently a kit.
Will colors in the Color Expansion be available for Founders?
Yes, all 151 colors will be available for your starter cats!
What is the character limit on usernames?
As of now, we're intending for usernames to be able to be a single character, but that may change depending on coding difficulties, so we are not promising any number at this point. Our upper bounds limit will be 18 characters, and players can use letters (including accented letters), numbers, and dashes (-) in their usernames.
Will I get refunded for the extra shipping costs?
Will I get my account banned if a housemate and I both play Paw Borough, and you recognize the same IP address?
If we suspect multi-accounting, we intend to communicate with players instead of resorting to immediate termination, and we will not question or ban any accounts that share an IP address without probable cause (i.e., egregious examples of transfer of daily items/currency).
What's the difference between an Accessory and Decor item?
Accessory items are fitted to a cat and have separate illustrations for each breed and pose; think clothing. Decor items are single illustrations that can be moved around a scene; think furniture.
Will there be a breakdown of how many of each item was bought?
Yes, we will be releasing population reports!
Does the Monarch tier include both the Opal and Onyx tiers?
Are we allowed to trade art for beta keys with other users?
How long will the Kickstarter run?
One month! It ends on November 5th at 12 am EST.
Can you add a nonbinary/third gender pose to the cats?
Due to the mechanic of breeding, we cannot turn the venus and mars symbols into a nonbinary option, as this would confuse the mechanic. However! We are adamant in insisting that this mechanic be completely divorced from gender, and be isolated solely to breeding, and you are more than welcome to insist your cat nonbinary and enforce any pronouns of your choosing.
Could you add a pronouns section for a cat's page?
We've discussed this, and what we want to avoid is a requirement for a person to choose their cat's pronouns. We feel the user should get to choose if they want to display such information, and not be forced to. We will consider if there could be a section that is choosable to add, but we welcome our users to display pronouns in the biography of a cat!
Are there any plans for a battling system for cats?
Yes, including PVP. We are avoiding giving out too many details at the moment as the system is still in development.
Will you have a suggestions page?
Yes, once the beta opens.
Will there be a way to change a cat's eye type?
Yes. We have several items planned for this feature.
How many accounts will be reserved for staff use?
We are reserving 4 head staff accounts, and 7 Borough accounts before the Beta. Otherwise, ID numbers for users will be assigned in order of signup.
Can players terminate their account?
Yes. When you terminate your account, you will have a 14-day window to re-activate it. After that time expires, your account will be terminated, cats retired, items deleted, with your username changed to free up the name for other users. (I.E. "Blue" deleting on May 31st, 2025 would become Blue-05312022.)
What timezone will Paw Borough be in?
What will I receive with my Kickstarter tier?
This chart shown below outlines every item you will be receiving when you back a tier. Everything outlined in a tier is the exact amount you will be receiving!
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Is there a list of add-ons available?
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Is offsite trading allowed?
Yes, but only to sites that own the rights to the property and assets they are using (i.e., not Pokefarm).  Additionally, be sure to familiarize yourself with the TOS of the website you are trading with; some websites, like Flight Rising and Dappervolk, do not allow off-site trading with games in beta. 
Can we change a cat's birth Borough/eye color?
No, this is not an option at this time.
To what extent do you allow violence?
We are allowing a more lenient amount of violence than on other sites, but we are implementing a mandatory tagging system, meaning if you choose to depict blood or gore, you must tag it. Our TOS will reflect these rules during beta and at launch. Furthermore, photorealistic or real gore will not be allowed under any circumstance. But we are aware of the content from which our community has been fostered, and none of us want to staunchly limit it. Nor do we want to be vague and wishy-washy. So we will be outlining these terms explicitly. If you want to share written or drawn mild bloody art in one of our spaces, you are free to do so so long as you tag or censor it.
What meats are disallowed for recipes and cat consumption?
We are currently disallowing any meat which corresponds to the exact species of inspiration for mythic breeds, alongside any and all meat from a feline. The key difference here: beef is not allowed due to Bovines, but this does not exclude all hoofed animals! Goats, for example, are allowed! Venison, due to Prancers, is also disallowed. In a similar vein, a generalized bug-cat or fish-cat does not exclude these animal families from being acceptable meat! If a backer designing a recipe suggests meat which would directly clash with a breed we have planned, we will say so!
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scribbled-writings · 7 months
digital marketing
Recently, the role of digital marketing is very important in boosting businesses. Google offers a wide variety of tools for upstanding the businesses like Google Workspace, Google Listings, and Google My Business.
Digital marketing is a field involving various strategies and techniques for promoting products, services, or brands using digital platforms and technologies.
Formerly known as Google Apps and later Google Suite, Google Workspace is a cloud-based suite of tools designed to improve the efficiency of digital operations .Using Google Workspace, you are able to access a huge  range of applications, including Gmail, Google Drive, Google Maps, and many more. 
A digital marketing audit is like a health checkup for your online strategy. It involves a complete analysis of all your digital marketing efforts to assess their effectiveness during every aspects like being in the top list, etc
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the backbone of digital marketing.By including keywords, optimizing your website structure, and creating important content, you can improve your website's presence  on Google's search results pages.
Google Listings is to make sure your business stands out in the crowd and show more on the suggestions . These listings are essential for showcasing your business profile in search engine suggestions. While having a  great profile in the google listing the possibility of getting more online visitors and the interactions on the profile increases which can lead to more opportunities 
There are many key tactics to upscale our profile to the top :
High-Quality and SEO-Optimized Content : optimized content ensures that your business listing appeals to search engines which converts more  customers to the business .
Strategic Keywords: Utilize relevant keywords to target audience to increase your chances of being discovered while searching.
Mobile-Friendly Design: With the majority of online searches happening on mobile devices, ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly.
Backlinks: Quality backlinks from reputable sources can boost your listing's authority.
Frequent Updates: Keeping your business information up to date which  provides accurate and useful information to potential customers.
Google My Business (GMB) is an essential tool within the Google Workspace for managing your online presence. Creating a GMB profile enables you to provide important information about your business , such as location and contact details. 
GoDaddy is a website for domain registration and web hosting. It makes the process of setting up a website easy. You Are able to register your domain, build your site, and even get SSL certificates for security from godaddy. It's user-friendly, which making it perfect for registrations
To sum it up, Google provides a set of powerful online marketing tools like Google Workspace, Google Listings, and Google My Business. These tools help boost your online presence  and grow your business.
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idrellegames · 2 years
Wait, but I would totally love to have Wayfarer as something in my Steam library, you know, with achievements and ability to easily sync between different PCs and stuff 👉👈 Is it something you might consider way, way down the road? (if not or if it's too much work, I understand, just being curious)
It's something I'd love to do some day! But creating an offline version (one that can be put on Steam) is a lot of work. I have no plans to even attempt that until the game is finished. Furthermore, if the game does go offline, I'd likely take down the web-only version and I'd have to come up with an alternative for mobile players. I wasn't originally worried about this since you can easily convert Twine games to an app with PhoneGap, but PhoneGap has size limits that Wayfarer already exceeds, so I'd have to find a different method.
As for Achievements, I finally have code that will let achievements be recorded and stored across all playthroughs. But I'm hesitant to add them to the game until it's complete (if at all) because of the sheer amount of content there is. I'm not sure how fun achievement hunting in this game will be when RNG is a component for accessing certain paths.
TL;DR - It would be nice, but I can't even think about it until the game is close to completion. That's years away at this point.
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