#Color tools
OOOOooooOOO even better Munsell color tool!
And colorizer which is fantastic for picking and converting colors.
h/t once again to Peter Donahue
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revooks · 9 months
Color Blender
Supply two color values in either hex, short hex, RGB percentages, or RGB decimals and get as many as ten colors shades between the two you supplied. Great for finding a color halfway between two shades you like, or mixing two colors together in various proportions.
by Eric A. Meyer
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nouverx · 25 days
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Day 1 and Day 2 of RadioStatic Week
First Meeting and Sharing a meal! I like the idea that Alastor is the one who approached Vox first because of how unique he looks eheh
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time-woods · 5 months
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more of this nonsense bc im sooo normal
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choochooboss · 4 months
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"Top tier trainer & his ace!"
I was initially shocked to see how big Archeops is when I saw him flapping next to Emmet in Pokémas the first time!! Had to draw him smaller to make this idea work (normal archeops height is 4'07"/140 cm).
Archeops also weighs 32kg/70.5lbs, about the same as an average 7~8 year old kid. Emmet sure could carry him around for a while, if he doesn't wobble around too much! (Which I'd imagine to happen often, Archeops turning his head around like a periscope surveying his surroundings before leaping off to chase something and leaving Emmet catching his balance.)
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cherrirui-official · 3 months
I hope u guys don't mind me posting these au doodles while I work on things ahaha
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I also gave JD slightly longer hair in these doodles as a funny haha but I don't think it's funny anymore he looks genuinely good with his hair like that ahahaha I hope you're not mad at me for changing his au design a bit
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kociamieta · 6 months
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scribbled some beasts : )
these two took the same ideas, then executed them true to their own visions and experiences
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1v31182m5 · 25 days
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Maybe I'll rest. I'll rest somewhere among the trees. Maybe not a sunny day but at least I'll get to lie myself down on a soft spot
comms open
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glamourwxtch · 2 months
glamour magick you can practice every day ᥫ᭡
you can use glamour magick for everything, not just beauty and love and that's why it's my favorite kind of magick
daily showers:
washing your body, your face or your hair can be such a powerful practice. enchant your soap, body wash, face wash and shampoo and use them to remove all the negative energy, any bad thoughts, insecurities, bad memories, health problems and just anything you want to get rid of. i do that by holding the tool (e.g. a bar of soap) in both of my hands and i just focus on my intention for a while. something like "this soap will wash off any negative energy that clings to me" or "this shampoo will get rid of any negative thoughts i have"
face, body and hair care:
just like you can enchant your beauty products that wash your body to remove any bad energy, you can enchant any products you're going to leave on your body to bring positive things into your life. i use my conditioner to give me confidence, i use my magical toner for beauty, love and attraction, i use body lotion and moisturizer for protection and hair oils for abundance.
mirror magick:
something as simple as looking at yourself in the mirror, repeating positive affirmations, spells and visualizing yourself as the best version of yourself can absolutely change your life. i love how confident and beautiful it makes me feel.
enchanted jewelry and perfume:
just like any beauty and skincare products, you can enchant your jewelry or your perfume and wear it. love, good luck, protection, attraction, confidence, anything you need and want!
color magick:
color magick can be a part of glamour magick too! just pick the right color behind your intention and add it to your outfit or makeup or paint your nails with that color.
i already mentioned how washing and conditioning your hair but brushing it can also be a great ritual! brush it gently and repeat your spells and affirmations. your hair easily absorbs energy, it's like a sponge. so if you give it as much love and care and positivity as possible, there will be no space left for any negativity.
those are some of my favorite, very simple glamour rituals and they all have changed my life
take care my loves! ᥫ᭡
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arrivemedi · 1 month
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Tried to color again after a long while
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forecast0ctopus · 2 months
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kirk wip give him a high five. or else
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coyoteworks · 4 months
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heartnosekid · 3 months
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retroremastered on ig
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
Mentioned this before but as much as I adore the medic Leo headcanon, my favorite type of it is when it’s basically just Leo knowing the most surface level of stuff and carrying around a super basic first-aid kit in his pack. So he knows how to use gauze, and he’s got a ton of Jupiter Jim branded bandaids, and if you really needed it then he can hit you up with some ibuprofen but other than that? Nothing.
But. I love the idea that that changes post-invasion.
They’re pretty sturdy, all of them, so they can take more than one beating and really only need a bandaid for the fun of it. But the invasion hit harder than ice packs and “lots of rest” would help with, and I can bet that a post being beaten to a pulp Leo would have a lot of time on his hands to reflect and, maybe, learn a thing or two as he waits to get better.
It’s nothing excessive, not at first, but he watches veterinary videos, and live surgeries, and other videos in that same realm (because the books are, uh, a bit too jargon-y for him) multiple times over. Just so he knows. Just in case he needs to know.
In his pack, there’s a first-aid kit. With the use of a mini portal for extra space, the kit has grown to include everything from scalpels to butterfly stitches to sutures to even fiberglass patches.
And obviously the Jupiter Jim brand bandaids stay too.
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myrathefarmer · 6 months
Warden Cleo iyw??
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I actually drew a Warden Cleo last year for Hermitober! It was fun drawing the design again, even if it is really messy 😅
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lillmae · 3 months
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Sweet sweet Mari 💜
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