#Christian bale in American psycho as a reference
barebevil · 4 months
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All HER candy necklaces
Inspired by LDR image under the cut
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rinbeans · 6 months
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trying to figure out how to draw this motherfucker
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makeyoumine69 · 6 months
As I mentioned before, I often use Sims 4 with the WickedWhims mod to create references for my fics, so I wanted to give the idea a try and share it with you.
Here's the reference for the sex scene from my Know Your Place fic. Please beware of NSFW (lol) and obscene sounds. I used animations made by Nevely42 (support them for making such amazing content).
If you like this idea, please let me know and maybe I'll share some more stuff!💗
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cinematic-stills · 1 year
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American Psycho (2000)
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gentleoverdrive · 9 months
[四] The Words are coming out all weird, where are you now? When I need you...
Do you ever think about the fact that, for all the shit Ernest Cline (some deserved; some not so much) got thrown his way for writing his nerd handjob tomfooleries, him and Bret Easton Ellis are essentially two sides of the same coin?
Like I wish I was kidding, but read whichever one from Less than Zero, Rules of Attraction or American Psycho (Ellis' first three novels), and then go read either of Cline's Ready Player duology entries, and tell me they aren't using the same rhythm basically throughout.
It was so bizarre having this realization. You can make the argument that Cline's abysmal capacity as prose-stylist (when reading RPO, at times it feels as though you're reading a particularly long Cracked article) would differentiate him from Ellis, but honestly, it kinda surprised me how similar both their works flow as they get going.
And... idk, I wish I could get a glance as to what literary critics and scholars at large thought of Ellis' work early on in his career. Like sure, thanks to his podcast, it's easy to get a much better reading on BEE himself (he's a thin-skinned dickhead), but it's striking just how huge he still is in some literary circles when his writing style has always been... kind of a wet fart? Which is hilarious given how much of a tryhard edgelord he tries to be both with his work and in real life with his opinions.
Anyway, no hate if anyone reading this likes either of these guys' output, but fr: History might not always repeat, but it sure tends to rhyme in really funky ways on occasion. Read ya' later, alligator!
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yesimwriting · 1 year
the saddest part of writing final girl is the fact that i can’t reference american psycho bc it didn’t come out until 2000 :(
american psycho is so personal to me, also i feel like y/n would low key have a little bit of a thing for christian bale in that movie (bc let’s be fr it’s hard not to) and y/n would try to deny it bc the last thing she needs is for them to tease her about it but it’s never convincing enough so billy and stu file it away as ‘interesting’
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gortash · 8 months
me omw to pull up a bunch of christian bale american psycho promo photos to use as references like a normal person 🫡
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 months
I’m the anonymous messenger who originally sent you the message about Chris and this role (if it is him). I didn’t mean to upset you or the other person that was reblogging.
I was simply sharing my thoughts. I also am a Chris fan, not specifically a Steve Rogers fan, and my comparison to this role and not another teen movie comes from the fact that I have been following him and his career since a bit before not another teen movie. What I meant with reverting back was how this role seems like something a newer or less matured actor would do. But I totally see what you mean about him taking risks and I love that he takes risks. But his risks with Ransom, Lloyd and Pete are not the same as this Priest Dean. Also, with Colin, yes he had a scenes where he was showing skin, but he wasn’t part taking in racy or sexual scenes. Furthermore, I am not really talking about the character identity, but I was referring to the overall raunchiness and crudeness that the character also (Chris) would be having sexually explicit scenes that seem to be tasteless for an actor who has passed that staged in his career. And when I say passed that stage, I am referring to just taking on characters with such scenes, that’s all.
Think of it this way, this priest Dean reminded me of Christian Bale’s character of American Psycho. The difference is that Bale was in his mid 20s and still experimenting at the rise of his career. Chris is currently at the start of his 40s and has branched out and been taking on such amazing roles. Doing a character with such scenes would be reverting back to what a young less experienced actor would do. The issue isn’t the character’s identity or depth, my concern comes from the fact that such scenes are involved and seems to be sort of tasteless for him to do. To me doing scenes like that are beneath him. And this is not to be confused with him doing intimate scenes that are tasteful.
I’m not sure if I was able to articulate my thoughts well, but sorry again for offending you and others. I literally was just sharing my thoughts. Again, I don’t mean to upset anyone or cause drama. I really didn’t think what I shared would be so taken to heart. Sorry💔
Oh, no, you didn’t upset me. I appreciate different takes. None of us will ever know truly what is going on in Chris’ head, and why he chooses the roles that he does. Some I would really like to question them…Ghosted? I like having nuanced conversations here, and people are going to see things from different perspectives.
I think you’re comparing the roles because NATM had that raunchy aspect of it, and he was young. He was green and wanted to work. But there are some mature actors who do very taboo roles. Alexander Skarsgard is one that comes to mind for me. And he take some good risks with playing the villain. But I do get what you’re saying. I’m wondering if he’ll mention this role this weekend or not. And that might give us some insight as to why he chose this. And then when the movie releases, we’ll be able to see just how comfortable he was. But I’m wondering, since it seems to be a bit more on the comedic side, if that’s why he’s comfortable with it.
You do bring some interesting thoughts with American Psycho. But maybe, this is just to get a good shock out of people. People were surprised with his role as Ransom. And then we got Lloyd and Pete back to back. The shock of him just being a villain is gone now. I hope he’s not going to choose things just on shock value alone, but it is a big thing that a lot of celebrities do. I find very few sex scenes in general to be tasteful or even that necessary to the plot in a movie.
But you didn’t offend me. Not you, but there have been others who are criticizing to criticize. I think you worded your thoughts well.
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theravencroft · 2 years
Rethinking Humanity in Vampire: the Masquerade or Try Getting a Reservation at Dorsia Now You Stupid Bloodsucker
Do you like Mary Harron's American Psycho?
Her film has been reduced to "literally me" gifs and Sigma Male Business Guy memes, but it still holds its own, commercially and artistically. The whole movie has a clear, crisp look and a sheen of consummate professionalism from Christian Bale that gives it a big boost. It's been compared to Alfred Hitchcock's, but I think American Psycho has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
What does this have to do with Vampire: The Masquerade?
While it is one of my favorite settings, Vampire is a godawful series of systems all fused together, like a monster from Promethean, but that's okay, nobody likes Promethean.
One of the central conflicts in the line as a whole--besides "oh god, how many edgelords did they hire this time"--is this: You are inherently inhuman doing monstrous things nightly but the Humanity system...
(note: I'm not referring to any specific edition since trying to figure out which editions they are supporting and which they aren't is impossible and also who can find anything in those books good lord)
...as written is inherently silly and very Catholic, like Louis from Interview with the Vampire.
You are supposed to be a cool vampire scheming to stay alive but also crying about it and obsessed with your own inhumanity because you had a bad thought or stole something.
You will, at some point, be seized by The Beast and commit terrible violent acts, but you will...feel really bad about it when you're done? I'm going to appear less human because I shoplift or do property damage? Humans love shoplifting and property damage!
The gothic angst is good for hitting on babes in fishnets, but what is the overarching goal of the Masquerade? (Besides hitting on babes in fishnets, I'm not taking that away, that's the whole point!)
Like Patrick Bateman, you want to fit in.
Also like Patrick Bateman: You don't. You are a predator desperately aping the vague memories of being human and clinging to old routines, hoping nobody notices. You cling to symbols and behaviors but something about you is still unsettling to people.
Why would we humans have an instinct like The Uncanny Valley? What if humans had (or have) an evolutionary need to pick out "Wow this thing seems almost human but no, this is a predator and I gotta run or kill it right now"?
The Humanity/Frenzy system as written kind of hints at this, but I think as a Storyteller, we can make it explicit. And we can also divorce it from the mechanics (and thank Cain for that) and make it more of a roleplay question: How well are you keeping it together? How much are people noticing?
Instead of ratings and sins and hard numbers, let's put it in a fuzzier scale. Something like:
At a 10 for Humanity, you are probably newly turned or just getting your bloodsucker legs under you. You still blend in. You can probably work a mobile phone or tablet still.
At around 7, the mask is starting to slip. You may blurt inappropriate things. You are starting to get out of touch with the wider culture and may begin sounding like an out of touch older adult adult. What's with the TikToks and the baggy pants anyway? This cancel culture seems pretty bad, why when I was a kid in 1936 we ate lead paint chips...People may not twig that something is amiss, but they'll start noticing your odd behavior. Maybe just writing you off as out of touch or a weirdo.
Around 5, you are starting to be genuinely off-putting. People start noticing your lies and excuses don't make a lot of sense or just plain bizarre . At this point, anyone keeping an eye out is going to start noticing people talking about this weirdo. This also eliminates the hand-waving of social media and everyone carrying camera phones. Maybe you don't blur the footage quite so cleanly anymore.
Around 3-4, you have probably attracted the attention of someone who finds you engaging, but thinks you're up to something. Maybe not the Second Inquisition or local hunters, but somebody is noticing this weirdo keeps turning up. Everyday people notice you constantly smell like old blood or that frock coat from the 1720s isn't an affectation, it's genuine and you also haven't washed it since the 1720s. When your shower shoes have fungus on them, you are no longer colorful, you're a slob.
From there, you become more and more viscerally repulsive to humans, though they may not be able to say why. When they look at you, they know something is deeply wrong. They may flee or attack you. But you're also behaving more and more strangely. Running naked with a chainsaw after a victim. Trying to feed stray cats to ATMs (Malkavians may do that anyway, you get the point).
Let's go ahead and reframe the Camarilla, too.
Rather than enforcing the high school politics of Venice, 1536, the Camarilla is more the organization trying to keep a lid on a bunch of psychotics before the sheep realize there are an awful lot of wolves among them. The Camarilla may stake you to save everyone else if you piss them off. Or they may stage an intervention if they like you to remind you maybe dial back the acting like a goddamn lunatic.
This works for a higher lethality setting, too. Increase the paranoia and the politics: if you keep breaking the Masquerade, both your own guys and the other guys are going to come after you, and possibly both. But of course, the further you push yourself, the easier it gets to give in and chainsaw a bunch of hookers then call your attorney and confess everything.
The point of the game shifts from being The Sad Louis: obsessed with your own guilt, which you honestly don't care about because you literally eat humans to survive and there's not really a good alternative option; to being The Chad Lestat: You kind of enjoy what you're doing but if you push it too far and make it too obvious, you're going to do some pretty monstrous things and piss off literally everyone, but that can be pretty fun, too.
In other words: there is an idea of your old human self, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real 'you', only an entity, something illusory, and though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply am not there. It is hard for me to make sense on any given level. Myself is fabricated, an aberration. I am a noncontingent human being. My personality is sketchy and unformed, my heartlessness goes deep and is persistent. My conscience, my pity, my hopes disappeared a long time ago (probably at Harvard) if they ever did exist. There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it, I have now surpassed. I still, though, hold on to one single bleak truth: no one is safe, nothing is redeemed. Yet I am blameless. Each model of human behavior must be assumed to have some validity. Is evil something you are? Or is it something you do? My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape. But even after admitting this—and I have countless times, in just about every act I’ve committed—and coming face-to-face with these truths, there is no catharsis. I gain no deeper knowledge about myself, no new understanding can be extracted from my telling. There has been no reason for me to tell you any of this.
This post has meant nothing.
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twilightwing04 · 1 year
This is for college, don’t worry about it
Also spoilers for American Psycho
American Psycho is great cinema.
Patrick Bateman, an egocentric man working on Wall Street, a specialist in mergers and acquisitions, slowly goes mad.
I personally love this movie, it is one of my top favorites, with a watch time of 101 minutes, and my personal rating of 5/5 stars, I can’t go wrong when I throw this on the telly.
Patrick Bateman is an interesting man, -played by one of my favourite actors; Christian Bale. Bale does a beautiful job of showcasing Batemans fall to madness, every time I watch it it’s almost like I also am going down this rabbit hole with the character of Patrick Bateman.
Patrick Bateman I would describe as a man of greed, envy, and one with a large ego. For Bateman, everything he does is so he can be the best, by any means possible, which may include him killing a person or two. However, it is revealed that he never killed anyone in the end and he was merely delusional.
They way that Batemans delusions are portrayed feel so real as if they actually happened, as if you were there with Bateman himself and seeing what he was seeing. Even the ending, when he realizes that everything was just an illusion, you are just as shocked as he was. I watch this movie over and over, and every time, the ending still catches me off guard.
Bateman says a line around the beginning of the movie: “There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusionary. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can sense our lifestyles are probably comparable… I am simply not there.” (American Psycho, 2000). This line near the beginning of the movie really sets the que for who Bateman is, really gives us an idea of how he thinks and feels, the movie itself giving us something to have us viewers connect with the character of Patrick Bateman.
The line that Bateman says at the end of the movie “There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape. But even after admitting this there is no catharsis; my punishment continues to elude me, and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself. No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This confession has meant nothing.” (American Psycho, 2000). This line that Bateman says at the end of the movie is captivating for me. Everything he has done throughout the movie was all an illusion, none of it really happened. And us as viewers are realizing that, just as Bateman is discovering for the first time as well. Nothing mattered in the end.
And that makes great cinema.
Quotes pulled from IMDB
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louisiananeedsme · 1 day
The Alexandria Times #1 (ARCHIVED)
The Louisiana Times Games: WORDLE CONNECTIONS
Those Ocean Leafy Eyes: 
“I actually had the chance to have green eyes” says writer Alexander on their evergrowing tangent about them having had the chance to have green/coloured eyes many generations ago. “So— actually, my grandfather from my mother’s side— may he rest in peace— actually had green eyes, but my grandmother had brown eyes” as genetics do, their grandmother’s powerful eyes paved the way for their children’s features. And… yes, they might’ve gotten their hopes up—according to our sources (my mum)— by expecting at least ONE of their children to have green eyes, that dream slowly stayed as it was, a dream. 
“But, at least my mother had hazel eyes, those are pretty, but nope. ” as a remark to their father’s black hair and eyes.
“i think if i did have either green or hazel eyes, i would’ve been fucking unstoppable”
“On another note, i actually could’ve also got blue eyes as well, as some of my cousins do'' while this may seem unrelated, keep in mind the fact that my uncle married his cousin —(disgusting i know please do not comment my parents aren’t like that so don’t you worry)— so somewhere along the way, they could’ve got blue eyes, but again as genetics do, the stronger and darker ones always take the lead. What you should take away from this is to never marry a person for the colour of their eyes because u will be astoundingly disappointed. 
What is highlighted in Pink is commentary from my dear friend sofia from when i sent her this article months ago.
According to our sources, rates of teenagers crushing and falling for men whose ages range from (20-60) have increased tremendously, A lot were known from theirpreviously successful roles and still remain relevant such as: Christian Bale, (need him) Known for American Psycho (2000)
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and Hayden Christensen, Known For Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)& Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005), However, he has made a recent comeback with his role as ‘Anakin Skywalker’ in the new Ahsoka (2023) series. 
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Fans went ballistic over the man, partly because of the “Barbenheimer’ craze, and mostly because he has cheekbones higher than most crackheads. (Need him too)
Teenagers online make sexual remarks towards these men such as but no limited to: 
“I’d take his little boy (not the bomb)”
In reference to the name of one of Oppenheimer's bombs. 
“I’d let him Ultraviolence me”
Referring to singer, Lana Del Rey’s Studio album, Ultraviolence
“Also, his hands are so nice, i want him to ###### ## until i ### so #### i #### #### ## ###### have been ############### ####### into ##### ### ######”
As a remark towards one of the aforementioned actors.
It’s Nice To Remember:
Things that happened today, January 31st throughout the course of history: 
The United Kingdom formally left the European Union, more than three years after the country voted for “Brexit.” (FUCK THEM BRITS I HATE THOSE LAZY FUCKERS) (2020)
American singer and actor Justin Timberlake, who was a member of the hugely successful “boy band” *NSYNC, before launching a solo career, was born in Memphis, Tennessee. (1981)
The American film drama The Misfits, which was directed by John Huston, had its world premiere. (1961)
Austrian composer Franz Schubert was born near Vienna. (1797)
Today is National Hedgehogs day.
Don’t forget to congratulate your hedgehogs.
Guess The Lyric: 
M__t__l_, p_ys__al__ w__k. _os_ b___ b__wing u_ my ph_ne, __t th_y ju__ ain’t y_u. (Louise (formally 'Alex') I do not have time to solve this)
Answer:-- . -. - .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / .--. .... -.-- ... .. -.-. .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / .-- . .- -.- / -- --- ... - / -... --- -.-- ... / -... .-.. --- .-- .. -. --. / ..- .--. / -- -.-- / .--. .... --- -. . / -... ..- - / - .... . -.-- / .--- ..- ... - / .- .. -. .----. - / -.-- --- ..-
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ciegeinc · 7 months
Movie Review...The Killer
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(2/5) The most unglamorous look of the life of an assassin. I can't help but recall two of the lines at the beginning of the movie as I watched. One was the main character referring to himself as non exceptional, and the other was boredom on the job. And funny enough, that's one way I could describe the film...uneventful and little boring.
I don't know how long he has been at this job, but he wasn't good at it, in my opinion. Constantly in his head and missing strange details, a more experienced assassin would made sure to notice. He's first job...the place he picked to complete the work seemed too exposed. He was surprised when someone almost walked in, and I was like, if you were prepared, why is this a surprise? Why wasn't this scenario/outcome calculated in your job. On that same job...the many opportunities he had to take the shot and the one he took was at the absolute worst moment. Followed by this panicked escaped. Which he and his handler note as unprecedented.
The consequences of his failed outcome then lead to a story of revenge. More of his uniqueness, character is then discovered on this journey. His narration and character started to remind me of Christian Bale's character in American Psycho but as an assassin instead of psycho killer. 3 targets shows more of his approach to killing (sucks at hand to hand combat), he lets one live, and then the story ends.
Solitary, cold, methodical and unencumbered by scruples or regrets, a killer waits in the shadows, watching for his next target. Yet, the longer he waits, the more he thinks he's losing his mind, if not his cool.
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endofthe1980s · 1 year
what ellis writes on the process of writing american psycho makes the lunch he had with christian bale, who went in character as bateman, soooo much more horrifying
What I didn’t-- and couldn’t-- tell anyone was that writing the book had been an extremely disturbing experience. That even though I had planned to base Patrick Bateman on my father, someone-- something-- else took over and caused this new character to be my only reference point during the three years it took to complete the novel. What I didn’t tell anyone was that the book was written mostly at night when the spirit of this madman would visit, sometimes waking me from a deep, Xanax-induced sleep. When I realized, to my horror, what this character wanted from me, I kept resisting, but the novel forced itself to be written. I would often black out for hours at a time only to realize that another ten pages had been scrawled out.
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somethingtolove0 · 2 years
Kim said he took some reference from Christian Bale of "American Psycho" and the role was hard physically and emotionally. "Killing scenes were hard," he said. "When Mo made the victim walk around barefoot on broken glass before he hammered him like he was playing a game, my body showed a strong reaction. My hands shook and the heart beat faster, and even after the director said ‘cut,' my body continued to tremble."
"Most of the commercial films have offered me roles that I performed in my 20s. As an actor, I don't live on consuming the image that I've built on," Kim said. "I don't insist on art movies, but when I have to choose, I tend to choose the ones that trigger my curiosity and that I feel that I can do well. Since I love acting, when I play such roles in such projects, I feel satisfied and am convinced that I'm going the way I truly love."
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silentsanctummanga · 2 years
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I believe the movie could've done better if they scrapped the whole kidnapping angle and had all sorts of American Psycho and The Dark Knight humor/references in it. Christian Bale was the one and only good thing about the movie! Russel Crowe and Stephen Curry's inclusion are somewhat debatable. #ThorLoveAndThunder #ChristianBale #AtheistBale #GorrTheGodButcher #TaikaWaititi #MCU #Monumento #MarvelComics #AmericanPsycho #TheDarkKnight #TheMachinist #Equilibrium #CallingCard https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci7ICF4O4R0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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prosk8r · 3 years
my favorite fun fact ab christian bales patrick bateman is that he based how he acted the character pretty much entirely on one interview tom cruise did in the 80s or 90s, (letterman i think? i’ll link in the notes after i find it lol), but he said he had “this very intense friendliness with nothing behind the eyes.” isn’t that fucking hilarious
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