#Charles Emerson Winchester
st33le · 10 months
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I don’t know anything about chess
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radarsteddybear · 2 months
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Just another day in the Swamp.
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major-charlie · 8 months
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quordleona03 · 1 year
M*A*S*H goes to Pride
In 1970, the world's first Pride march was held in New York City. Virtually all of our MASH friends would have lived long enough to see or to attend that first march. Which of them would have gone (assuming them to be in New York City in June 1970)? And would they have gone as ally or because they were LGBTQ? Maxwell Q. Klinger Of course. This is the most easiest answer of them all. Klinger would have dressed up to go. He would have accessorized. He would have checked with the organisers, designed multiple placards for the occasion, distributed them at the start, and walked the march in heels, a lovely dress, and a huge smile. Ally or LGBTQ? Klinger would have let you guess. Sherman T. Potter This is almost as easy to answer. Potter would have dressed up smartly and got Mildred or someone to make him a placard that said PROUD OF MY GAY GRANDSON (or LESBIAN GRANDDAUGHTER - maybe Cheryl Pershing Potter, whom we heard about in S04E14 ) and he would walk the route holding the placard high and his back military-straight, looking dead serious all the way. He would have been startled at the number of tearful handshakes and requests for hugs he got. Ally or LGBTQ? Ally. Charles Emerson Winchester III I am afraid this is the next-easiest answer: Winchester would not have gone. Not as an ally, and definitely not as a gay or bi man. As an ally, he'd have donated money to the cause, and if LGBTQ, he'd have made sure it was anonymous. Ally or LGBTQ? Wouldn't matter. Margaret Houlihan As an ally, she'd go. As a lesbian, I think she'd stay home, afraid of being outed and fired. Sorry. I'd like to think otherwise, but I think Margaret would be braver about standing up for others than she would for herself. As a straight woman, she'd march for lesbian nurses kicked out of the army whom she knew to be good nurses and good officers. Ally or LGBTQ? Ally.
Frank Burns Would never go and would spit venom at those who did. Never an ally. Could be he's gay, but I doubt it. Ally or LGBTQ? Neither.
Sidney Freedman Wouldn't go but would wish very much he could. Still active as a psychoanalyst, Sidney decides it is more important for him to be a gay and LGBTQ-friendly practicing analyst, providing psychiatric care without condemnation, than it is to march for Pride. Ally or LGBTQ? Gay as a goose.
Radar O'Reilly Would go. Wouldn't think to make a placard in advance, but would scrounge cardboard and a marker-pen from somewhere and make one on the spot that said LOVE KINDNESS. Would be very happy to be in the middle of so many happy people, and when his gay best friend hugs him and thanks him for showing up he's all afluster because what else could he do? Ally or LGBTQ? Ally. Trapper John McIntyre Would go. Wouldn't carry a placard. Would keep an eye out for homophobes threatening marchers and appear, six foot three, in a looming kind of way, and inquire if the homophobe doesn't have somewhere else he'd rather be. Ally or LGBTQ? Either way - he'd be a daddy. BJ Hunnicutt Would definitely decide he wasn't going because who needs to make that kind of display, people should keep themselves to themselves, no one should be punished for loving but no one needs to go on a march for it, and then he'd show up anyway with a hastily-made placard that said SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW and get into a long conversation with some lesbian bikers about which is the best bike. Ally or LGBTQ? Ally. Though if he were gay, I fear he'd really do the same as lesbian Margaret Houlihan - stay home. Francis Mulcahy Would decide he should go, after much prayer and thought. Would carry a carefully-made placard saying REPEAL THE DEUTERONOMIC CODE. Would be mortally embarrassed all the way but desperately trying not to show it, especially when he got kissed in public. Ally or LGBTQ? Gay. Hawkeye Pierce Gleefully shows up, having been looking forward to going ever since he heard. Carries a placard whose message he has thought and rethought and rewritten at least a hundred times. It now says LOVE IS LOVE IS LOVE. Tries to catch the eye of every glaring homophobe they march passes in order to give them a big grin and a wave. Hugs everyone he recognises, especially Radar, and kisses Francis Mulcahy in public at the end of the march. Ally or LGBTQ? Flamboyant pansexual.
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ur-fav-is-autistic · 21 days
Charles Emerson Winchester III from M*A*S*H is Autistic!
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summerreign4077 · 4 months
The results of the Pierce-Winchester fight are in.
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And the winner is…
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Benjamin Franklin “Hawkeye” Pierce!
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Poor Charles…
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At least he has a great doctor to take care of him.
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So close to an even 600 votes too. If only one more person had voted. Not that it would’ve helped Charles.
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topshelf2112-blog · 2 years
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onekisstotakewithme · 2 years
Excerpt: “Is it the war that’s bothering you?” “It’s always the war that’s bothering me,” Hawkeye says, taking another gulp of gin. “Which one at the moment is up for grabs.”
Length: ~ 11,900 words
Enjoy, and thank you to everyone who’s read so far 💜🍸
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charleswinchesters · 1 month
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st33le · 4 months
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So I’m kinda going insane over my watership down au for mash.
I just think the concepts of accepting death are a good starting point for a mash au.
Also Charles and radar as domestic bunnies. Radar is a lop ear rabbit and Charles is a Flemish giant :3
Promise I’ll do father Mulcahy and Henry soon.
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radarsteddybear · 4 months
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major-charlie · 1 year
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quordleona03 · 1 year
Social class of M*A*S*H surgeons I got the idea from reading this interesting post by @majorbaby about Frank Burns. My reference was 8.3 Social Class in the United States
Charles Emerson Winchester III is upper-class his family has money and social position. He would certainly like you to think that his family is upper-upper class all the way back, and perhaps that's even true.
"Members of the upper-upper class have “old” money that has been in their families for generations; some boast of their ancestors coming over on the Mayflower. They belong to exclusive clubs and live in exclusive neighborhoods; have their names in the Social Register; send their children to expensive private schools; serve on the boards of museums, corporations, and major charities; and exert much influence on the political process and other areas of life from behind the scenes." B. J. Hunnicutt is upper-middle class. He went to Stanford: he was past of an exclusive fraternity, which Frank Burns comments on. He and Peg may be having cash-flow problems, but they're on the lines of "how do we pay for the second mortgage" not "how do we pay the rent". "People in the upper-middle class typically have college and, very often, graduate or professional degrees; live in the suburbs or in fairly expensive urban areas; and are bankers, lawyers, engineers, corporate managers, and financial advisers, among other occupations."
We don't get enough clues from the six appearances of Oliver Harmon Jones what social class he was supposed to be before institutional racism cut him from the series. Henry Blake - insufficient clues about background, but certainly comfortably upper-middle class when drafted. Frank Burns wants to be upper class and is origins are probably lower-middle class - he wasn't allowed into the exclusive fraternity that BJ Hunnicutt joined. "Members of the lower-upper class have “new” money acquired through hard work, lucky investments, and/or athletic prowess. In many ways their lives are similar to those of their old-money counterparts, but they do not enjoy the prestige that old money brings." John McIntyre and Hawkeye Pierce both look like scholarship students to me - McIntyre's accent places him on the South side of Boston, and Pierce's father, though a doctor, probably acquired that training the old-fashioned way, not by eight years of medical school. I place both families as lower-middle class. "The lower-middle class has household incomes from about $50,000 to $74,999, amounting to about 18% of all families. People in this income bracket typically work in white-collar jobs as nurses, teachers, and the like. Many have college degrees, usually from the less prestigious colleges, but many also have 2-year degrees or only a high school degree. They live somewhat comfortable lives but can hardly afford to go on expensive vacations or buy expensive cars and can send their children to expensive colleges only if they receive significant financial aid." Sherman Potter was a farm kid. He joined the cavalry in WWI because he could ride, and though I don't know they've ever mentioned Potter's rank in WWI, I get the impression he was an enlisted man, not an officer. He went to college to train as a surgeon as a military officer. His son-in-law is a salesman. His family may have been land rich before the Great Depression, and lost that land in bank foreclosures. That would put him in working-class origins - if so, the only other officer at the 4077th who had a working-class background is Father Mulcahy, which may explain why they get on so well.
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graff-aganda · 4 months
MASH episodes will have the most emotionally devastating A plot you can imagine and then the B plot is like "Klinger invents the hula hoop and annoys Charles about it 🙄🤣"
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summerreign4077 · 1 year
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preacherboyd · 4 months
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MASH | 6x21 Temporary Duty
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