#Camphor benefits
galaxyhealthcare · 6 months
Best Neck Pain Relief Oil in Madurai
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Flexileen Pain Relief Oil: Unveiling the Soothing Elixir for Neck Pain Relief 
Neck pain, a common ailment in our modern, sedentary lifestyles, often requires targeted solutions for effective relief. Flexileen Pain Relief Oil emerges as a game-changer, offering a holistic approach to soothing neck pain and promoting overall well-being. In this comprehensive review, we explore the unique features that make Flexileen the go-to pain relief oil, particularly for neck pain, and how it caters to the growing demand for convenient online access to effective solutions. 
Flexileen Pain Relief Oil: Elevating the Experience of Pain Relief 
Flexileen Pain Relief Oil is not just a remedy; it's a carefully curated blend of natural ingredients designed to provide holisticrelief from pain, specifically focusing on the often debilitating issue of neck pain. Crafted with precision, this pain relief oil embodies the essence of traditional healing practices while leveraging modern insights into pain management. 
Key Ingredients that Make Flexileen Stand Out: 
Eucalyptus Oil (Nilgiri Taila): Renowned for its analgesic properties, eucalyptus oil aids in relieving pain and reducing inflammation.
Wintergreen Oil (Gaultheria fragrantissima): This essential oil contributes to the warming sensation, promoting blood circulation and alleviating muscle stiffness.
Peppermint Oil (Mentha piperita): With its cooling effect, peppermint oil helps soothe discomfort and provides relief from muscle tension.
Camphor (Karpur): Camphor is a well-known remedy for pain relief, offering a calming effect on the affected area.
Olive Oil (Jaitun Taila): Olive oil serves as the base, facilitating easy absorption and nourishment of the skin.
Benefits of Flexileen Pain Relief Oil: 
Targeted Pain Relief: Flexileen is formulated for targeted pain relief, focusing on the specific needs of individuals experiencing neck pain.
Muscle Relaxation: The blend of oils in Flexileen promotes muscle relaxation, reducing tension and stiffness in the neck area.
Anti-Inflammatory Action: Eucalyptus oil and wintergreen oil contribute to an anti-inflammatory action, addressing the underlying causes of pain.
Improved Blood Circulation: Wintergreen oil's warming effect enhances blood circulation, aiding in the healing process.
Refreshing Sensation: The combination of peppermint oil and camphor provides a refreshing and invigorating sensation, contributing to overall comfort.
Flexileen for Neck Pain Relief: 
Neck pain, often stemming from poor posture, stress, or muscle strain, requires a solution that not only addresses the pain but also promotes relaxation and rejuvenation. Flexileen Pain Relief Oil is tailored to meet these specific needs, making it a preferred choice for individuals seeking relief from neck pain. 
Unique Features for Neck Pain Relief: 
Roll-On Applicator: Flexileen comes with a convenient roll-on applicator, allowing for easy and precise application to the affected area, making it ideal for targeting neck pain.
Non-Greasy Formula: The non-greasy formula ensures that Flexileen is absorbed quickly, leaving the skin feeling nourished without any sticky residue.
Compact Packaging: The compact packaging of Flexileen makes it travel-friendly, allowing individuals to carry this pain relief solution wherever they go.
Online Accessibility of Flexileen Pain Relief Oil: 
Recognizing the increasing preference for online shopping, Flexileen Pain Relief Oil is readily accessible through various online platforms, meeting the demand for convenient solutions that can be ordered and delivered to one's doorstep. 
Advantages of Purchasing Flexileen Online: 
Convenience: Online platforms provide the convenience of browsing, selecting, and purchasing Flexileen from the comfort of one's home.
Wide Availability: Flexileen is accessible to individuals across regions, eliminating geographical constraints.
Authenticity: Purchasing from the official online store ensures the authenticity and quality of the product.
Customer Reviews: Online platforms feature customer reviews, offering insights into the experiences of others and aiding informed decision-making.
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gangotricamphor · 8 months
 Camphor in Perfumery Benefits
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Exploring the Role of Camphor in Fragrance Creation in the Perfume Industry
 A significant and profitable portion of the worldwide fragrance business is the perfume industry. Since ancient times, including those of the Egyptians and the Mesopotamians, perfumes have been used for religious rites, personal hygiene, and as a status symbol. The perfume market now includes a wide range of goods, from expensive luxury scents to more reasonably priced alternatives, making it a prominent player in the beauty and personal care sectors. In addition to producing pleasing fragrances, perfumes also aim to evoke feelings, strengthen self-identity, and leave a lasting impression.
Importance of natural ingredients in perfumery
Natural elements play a key role in perfumery since they offer a varied pallet of aromas that are frequently regarded as being superior to their synthetic equivalents. Natural components have been used in perfumery from its inception when early perfumers extracted scents from plants, resins, and materials produced from animals. Natural substances like Camphor in Perfumery provide an aroma with richness and depth that synthetic chemicals frequently find difficult to match. They add to the distinctiveness and personality of a scent, enhancing its allure for customers who value the craftsmanship and authenticity of natural perfumery. However, because of ethical and environmental concerns, the business is becoming increasingly more concerned about the sustainable and ethical source of natural components.
Overview of camphor and its historical significance
The camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora) and other species related to it produce the aromatic crystalline compound known as camphor, which has a long history of cultural importance. It has been used for millennia in a variety of contexts, such as perfumery, conventional medicine, and religious ceremonies.
Camphor in Perfumery has been used as a fixative to extend the life of scents as well as a main component. Its distinct and energizing fragrance gives perfumes a special personality. Camphor has been used in traditional medicine for its alleged therapeutic benefits, including the relief of respiratory problems and the topical treatment of pain.
In addition, camphor has a strong religious and spiritual significance in several cultures, where it is utilized in rites and ceremonies as an offering or as incense. Its fragrant properties are said to cleanse and purify the atmosphere, adding to its spiritual value.
Camphor has played a variety of roles throughout history, from being a prized component in perfumery to a sign of holiness and spirituality, making it an interesting substance in the world of perfumes and beyond.
Various camphor varieties (natural vs. synthetic)
Natural Camphor: The wood of camphor trees, particularly the East Asian native camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora), is used to make natural camphor. It has been utilized for ages and is thought to be the source of camphor. The most common form of natural camphor is white, transparent crystals or flakes. Gangotri Camphor manufactures natural and good quality camphor that can be used in Perfumery.
Synthetic Camphor: Chemical processes are used to create synthetic camphor from resources such as turpentine oil, pinene, or other beginning components. Compared to natural camphor, it is often less costly and more frequently available. In the cosmetics and pharmaceutical sectors, synthetic camphor is frequently utilized.
Although camphor has many applications, it should be handled cautiously because it might be harmful if consumed or applied to the skin in large quantities. Camphor may be dangerous when consumed, and applying concentrated camphor products to the skin directly can cause skin poisoning or irritation. When using products containing camphor for medicinal purposes, always adhere to the suggested usage instructions and seek advice from a healthcare practitioner.
Chemistry and characteristics of camphor in fragrance
Camphor in Perfumery is an organic natural substance that occasionally appears in perfumes and aromas. It has a unique aroma.
Camphor has a powerful, pervasive, and medicinal smell. It is frequently characterized as having a camphoraceous, fresh, and clean smell.
Camphor's scent can be interpreted as both refreshing and energizing. Due to its alleged therapeutic and calming effects, it is frequently utilized.
Intensity: Camphor is a strong fragrance element, and even a tiny amount can significantly alter the composition of the final scent.
How Camphor Reacts with Other Ingredients in Fragrances
Due to its volatility, camphor is frequently employed as the top note in perfumes. When a perfume is applied, it gives a brief initial rush of freshness, but its aroma usually fades rather soon.
Camphor may be difficult to blend due to its powerful and unique fragrance in perfumery. To lessen its astringency and improve its medicinal properties, perfumers frequently combine it with other substances.
Ingredients that go well with Camphor in Perfumery include citrus oils (such as lemon and lime), herbal notes (such as rosemary and lavender), and minty notes (such as peppermint and spearmint). These mixtures can provide energizing and revitalizing smells.
Camphor is occasionally included in perfumes for its alleged medicinal effects, including the possibility of congestion alleviation and the encouragement of clarity and focus.
It's crucial to remember that while camphor may offer distinctive qualities to a scent, not everyone may enjoy its powerful, medical aroma. To attain the appropriate olfactory character and prevent the smell from being overbearing, perfumers must carefully balance its application in a fragrance composition. Additionally, the scent and general fragrance compatibility of camphor might be affected by its source (natural or synthetic).
The Use of Camphor in the Production of Perfume
Camphor in Perfumery may be used to enhance certain qualities of a smell in a variety of ways while making perfumes. The following are some applications for camphor in perfumery:
Camphor's fixative qualities
Due to its fixative characteristics, camphor aids in stabilizing and extending the smell of perfumes. It can prolong the duration of a fragrance's volatile ingredients on the skin, preserving the perfume and preventing it from fading too rapidly. As was already noted, the fixative characteristics of camphor can increase and lengthen the scent's durability. It makes it possible for the perfume to stay on the skin for an extended amount of time and provide a longer-lasting aroma sensation by slowing down the evaporation of the fragrance components.
Fragrances that balance and harmonize
Camphor in Perfumery has a unique fragrance that may be utilized to give a fragrance composition more depth and richness. It can assist in balancing and harmonizing other fragrance notes when applied sparingly, resulting in a more complex and enticing smell character.
Popular fragrances that include camphor
Although most perfumes do not include camphor as a dominating note, it may be found as a minor element in a variety of scents. The formulas developed by various perfumers and companies will determine specific instances of well-known fragrances that may contain camphor as part of their intricate smell compositions. Without access to exclusive information, it may be difficult to pinpoint individual fragrances that include camphor because perfume compositions are highly guarded trade secrets. Camphor has fixative qualities, longevity-extending effects, and the capacity to give aromas depth and harmony, making it a useful ingredient in perfume-making. Depending on the perfumer's vision and the intended fragrance profile, Camphor in Perfumery would be used differently in different perfumes.
In conclusion, camphor has long been an important ingredient in the world of fragrance. It is a key component in the development of fragrances thanks to its distinctive aromatic qualities, which are sourced from natural sources like camphor trees and other botanicals. We have looked at its historical significance, its adaptability in different perfume formulations, and its everlasting allure for both perfumers and scent lovers. Due to its ageless and adaptable qualities, camphor continues to be popular in the perfume business. It continues to enthrall customers of all ages with its capacity to conjure a
sense of freshness and cleanliness. The function of Camphor in Perfumery may change along with the fragrance business as it adapts to shifting customer tastes and sustainability regulations.
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healthfirst013 · 8 months
Kapoor K Fayede Camphor #shorts #health #benefits #camphor
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Camphor Essential Oil -The Surprising Benefits in Aromatherapy
Camphor essential oil is a natural compound extracted from the tree of the same name, Cinnamomum camphora. It is obtained by steam distillation method from the wood chips and has a strong, penetrating, fragrant odor. That oils are produced through different processes, including distillation or expression. It is one of the most well-known essential oils and has a long history as a medicine and remedy. In this post, you will learn what it is, how it can be used, and its benefits and side effects.
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tiredwitchplant · 9 months
Everything You Need to Know About Herbs: Pennyroyal
Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
*Poisonous *Medical *Masculine
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Folk Names: European Pennyroyal, Lurk-In-The-Ditch, Mosquito Plant, Organ Broth, Organs, Organ Tea, Piliolerian, Pudding Grass, Run-By-The-Ground, Squaw Mint, Tickweed
Planet: Mars, Venus
Element: Fire
Deity: Demeter
Abilities: Protection, Amplification, Revealing Secrets, Peace and Strength
Why Poisonous?: The oil from pennyroyals contains pulegone, a colorless oily liquid that as a pleasant odor that is found in pennyroyals, peppermint and camphor. It causes failure to the kidneys and liver, which results in bleeding, seizures, multiple organ failure and death. Many women have died trying to use pennyroyal oil in order to induce an abortion.
Do not consume the oil.
Characteristics: It has a powerful aromatic scent and is a perennial plant, growing to 16 inches. It has oval, toothed leaves with spirals of lilac flowers. It thrives in damp areas and blooms its flowers in the summer.
History: Native to Europe and western Asia. In 23-79 CE Roman natural historian, Pliny, wrote that the pennyroyal was a better medicinal herb than roses and purified bad water. It is called pennyroyal because it was good for the extermination of puliol royals, a type of flea. It was said it was used in witchcraft in order to cause people to see double and a protection plant in Sicily to protect from the evil eye. In Wales, it was gathered on St. John’s Eve for the benefit of “a person who has lost consciousness in the consequence of an illness.” (In other words patients in comas).
Growing Pennyroyals:
Are they easy to grow? Yes
Rating: Beginner Friendly
Seeds Accessible: No
How to Grow
Video Reference
Where to Buy Seeds
Magical Usage:
Can be used to boost magical energy for spell work
When placed on a picture of yourself or another person, can repel evil or bring good health
Placed in one’s shoes can prevent weariness during travel and strength your body
Kept in the home will prevent lover’s quarrels
Can be carried when you travel abroad boats to prevent sea sickness
Medical Usage
Is a good digestive tonic for intestinal worms, relieve gas and stomach aches
In tea form, it can help with chills, colds, bronchitis and asthma. Can also help with blood sugar and inducing menstruation
Can be used externally to treat itchiness and formication, the feeling of ants crawling on your body, and rheumatic conditions such as gout.
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hedgewitchgarden · 4 days
Many Pagans love to garden, but a lot of people don't realize you can grow plants and flowers that bloom at night. Cultivating a moon garden is a great way to get in touch with nature, and it provides a beautiful and fragrant backdrop for your moonlight rituals in the summer. If you plant these lovelies close to your house, you can open the windows and take advantage of their aromas as you sleep.
Many night-blooming plants are white, and give a luminous appearance in the moonlight. If you plant them in a circle or a crescent shape, when they bloom, you'll have the moon herself right there "as above, so below." There are a number of plants that open at night — mix them in with silver-foliaged day bloomers.
Night Blooming Plants
Try some of these night bloomers to make your evening garden a magical and mystical place!
Moonflower: Yes, it should be painfully obvious, but the Moonflower really does bloom at night. It releases a slightly lemony scent when it opens up, and during the day the white flowers are tightly shut. Some species of this climbing plant, a cousin of the Morning Glory, can get up to eight feet long*. The flowers, when open, are around 5 - 6" in diameter.
Evening Primrose: This perennial spreads rapidly, and can cover a lot of ground for you. The pale pinkish-white flowers open at dusk, and release a sweet aroma.
Night Phlox: these pretties open up at dusk, and have a fragrance reminiscent of honey or vanilla.
Evening Stock: the tiny purple and pink flowers aren't very fancy, but they smell divine when they open at night.
Angel's Trumpet: Another vine, this annual spreads like crazy. Its trumpet-shaped, white flowers have a bell-like appearance when open.
Night Gladiolus: this plant isn't actually nocturnal, but that's when the creamy yellow flowers smell the strongest — it's a very spicy scent that's a glorious addition to any night garden.
Day Blooming White and Silver Plants
If you're not interested in a nocturnally-blooming garden, but still love the idea of white and silver to represent the moon and night sky, never fear! There are plenty of silver, white, and even gray plants that bloom during the daytime.
Dusty Millers: Know for their silvery-gray, fern-like foliage, Dusty Millers make a lovely edge or border around your garden — and they don't require a lot of maintenance.
Silver Thyme: The fragrant silver thyme plants have lemon-scented green leaves edged in silver, and the blooms are a pale lavender reminiscent of lilac.
Lamb's Ears: These rapidly spreading ornamentals are soft and fuzzy, just like a lamb's ear, and they're a pale greenish-silver. Watch out, though — if you don't keep them contained, they'll take over your whole yard.
Mugwort (Artemesia): This silvery-green herb smells amazing, and has a number of magical uses.
Silver Sage: Unlike other strains of sage, silver sage has leaves that are intensely silver and fuzzy, arranged in a rosette.
White vegetables such as Alba eggplants or Baby Boo or Lumina pumpkins are a great addition to your garden, and will be perfect for fall decorations!
Herbs and Flowers with Lunar Connections
There are numerous herbs available to plant that have lunar connections.
Camphor: Use camphor for protection or purification — it's known to get rid of negative energies. You can also use it to cleanse crystals and ritual tools; consider adding into your practice to clear out energy in a newly inhabited space or ritual area.
Eucalyptus: Associated with health and healing, as well as protection, fragrant Eucalyptus is a great addition to your garden if you live in a zone that will support it.
Gardenia: This lovely and fragrant flower is connected to peace and harmony, repelling strife, and protection from outside influences. Plant it around the perimeter of your yard, or near your doors, to keep negative people away.
Jasmine: The sensuous scent of Jasmine is popular among perfumers, because it's well known as a flower of attraction. This plant's heady fragrance evokes passion, sensuality, and love.
Moonwort: Associated with dreams and intuition, moonwort is useful in any spellwork involving lunar connections.
Sandalwood: This fragrant wood is associated with healing and purification, as well as business and protection magic; it's found in religious ceremonies and rituals all over the world.
Willow: Planted near your home, Willow will help ward away danger, particularly the type that stems from natural disaster such as flooding or storms. They offer protection, and are often found near cemeteries. 
Water Lily: These lovelies often used as ornamentals in ponds are associated with the clarity of desire and direction, as well as the creative process. If you're an artist or maker, keep some water lilies around.
What to do With Your Moon Garden Plants
When you have plants that have blossomed under the powerful energy of a full moon, the possibilities are just about endless. Harvest the flowers and dry them to use in talismans or charms. Use them to dress a Moon Candle or as part of a purification bath. Include them in incense blends to help enhance your intuition and wisdom.
*Note: Be sure to provide a trellis or other support for climbers like the Moonflower. If they don't have a stable surface to hang onto, they're less likely to fully bloom.
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rockofeye · 13 days
Awkward question: does your house’s bathtub get clogged sometimes from spiritual baths? And do you prefer people to take them at your place or their own house? Tried to make one from a bunch of roses, fruits, camphor, and colognes that I offered, only to end up in a little messy situation…
Ah, yes...the bathtub issue. It definitely can be a problem. The hair catcher things you can buy for shower drains help, or making sure things are crushed up small (if that makes sense with the bath). Honestly, when I do baths at home my tub looks like some sort of weird esoteric murder scene. Leaves in the tub, leaves on the wall...
When I prescribe baths or make baths for someone, there is always the option to do them at my home if someone wants the bath administered, meaning I give them the bath. There are benefits to that but taking it home and doing it or me sending it to you doesn't take anything away from the bath or the bath experience.
It's really up to the bather. Some folks would not be comfy with that, as it would require being naked or nearly naked in front of me, and I totally get that. Arranging to do a bath in my home also requires a little finagling on both our parts as the price will be a little higher for my labor and some things I would need to do, as well as making sure someone else is home with me for my comfort Likewise, folks who choose to have a bath administered are welcome to bring someone along for their comfort as well.
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witch-of-the-creek · 1 year
Fascinating flora #4
A member of the lauraceae family, this plant is related to other laurels, such as camphor, bay laurel, avocado, and sassafras.
Cinnamon is the inner bark of the tree by the same name, and has been coveted throughout history for its flavor and smell.
Originally discovered in what is now Sri Lanka, Ceylon cinnamon and other varieties of the plant now grow along most of South Asia. The spice has a long history of trade and regulation, and was once more valuable than gold in Egypt. It’s very hard to grow in North America and Europe.
Cinnamon has a few valuable health benefits, such as reducing inclination and cholesterol, and has some anti microbial properties. There’s some research to support a metabolical boost effect, though more research must be done as to the efficacy of that.
It’s used in many household dishes, from curries to baked goods to cold desserts.
In witchcraft, the oil of cinnamon is helpful for boosting connectedness and wisdom. Related to fire, this spice is good for confidence, awareness, manifestation, and motivation
It’s place as a valued spice makes it a strong reagent for anything involving abundance, luck, success, and fortune. It’s frequently paired with citrine, pyrite, green aventurine, rice or other grains, and citrus, for spells to attract money or luck.
Cinnamon also has some uses in spells involving passion and love.
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enchanted-moura · 1 year
2. It refreshes the mind and body.
Pure botanical fragrances, especially essential oils, can give us a wide range of emotional, physical, and emotional benefits. The most refreshing of the oils are the citruses, such as lemon and grapefruit, and the conifer oils such as spruce, pine, and fir.
Refreshment can also come from relaxation and deep rest, assisted by lavender, clary sage, jatamansi, and geranium.
It can come from the spices frequently used in incense-making, such as cloves, cinnamon and camphor. Sweet fragrances are particularly important for refreshment, as the Charaka Samhita of Ayurveda tells us, sweet smells maintain youth, vigor, and give a long life. A rejuvenator, they also increase sensual enjoyment.
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mourningcrypt · 4 months
Medical Monday: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
This Jolting form of treatment- which used to be called electroshock or shock treatment was a popular tool in the 20th century, and can still used to this day. To some it’s a helpful remedy for those with depression and other mental disorders, and to others it’s medical torture.
Beginning in 1934, Hungarian psychiatrist Lazlo Meduna needed a new technique to treat mental illnesses by inducing a seizure. At the time, the way to do this would be to inject the patient with an epileptic agent, though it would take minutes after the injection for the seizure to occur. And, those that were given the agent would feel uncomfortably terrified prior to the seizure. Despite this, Meduna would treat a catatonic and mute patient, giving him an epileptogenic agent called camphor through the muscles. This was done about four times throughout the treatment- and after he was able to move, speak and take care of himself. 
Later, two Italian physicians, Ugo Cerletti and Lucio Bini would form the technique of shocking the patient through electric currents. Sadly at first their idea was tested on dogs, where about half of the animals died as result in cardiac arrests. They would put probed into the dog’s mouth and rectum and use an upwards of 125 volts. Later when jolting from the head- it was realized that in this way death was more rare. Soon it was time to use a living person. Their first attempt on a human was on April 11, 1938, where a 39 year old patient by the name of Enrico X was given 11 rounds electroshock treatments within the span of two months. This man was brought to the doctors as a sort of test subject, thinking he was just someone off the street. He wasn’t in the right state of mind to consent to it either. But alas- the treatment went on, and at first, the starting volt was 80, and the final was 110. This was where Cerletti would believe this was a safe and affective treatment on humans. After the 11 rounds concluded, he was able to return to his family who had been looking for him and re-join society.
Unfortunately there are negative stigmas that surround ECT, in the 1950’s it was apart of conversion therapy in Britain. One man who undergone the treatment in 1970’s still suffered from PTSD and terrible mental heath, even over 40 years after the “treatment”.  The thought of banning conversion therapy wouldn’t be brought up until 2018. Another negative practice was its use in mental hospitals in the states. In the 1940’s and 50’s patients at these hospitals would often fall victim to this “treatment” but not always to help with mental disorders but because they were seen as too “unruly” by staff. In this cases they were also not given any proper care such as anesthesia or muscle relaxers, and would even be tied down to further control them.
Today, ECT does have its benefits in relieving symptoms in disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar, and those suffering from suicidal thoughts- and also help with treating catatonia. Typically this treatment is a last ditch effort if other options such as medications and treatments have not worked. About 100,000 are treated with ECT every year, and it’s recognized all over the world by many medical associations as a viable procedure.
Sources: A Brief History of Electroconvulsive Therapy, What is Electroconvulsive Therapy? (ECT), Electroconvulsive Therapy: A History of Controversy, but Also of Help, Electroconvulsive therapy: 80 years old and still going strong, The Disturbing Story of the First Use of Electroconvulsive Therapy, Gay 'conversion therapy': Man given electric shocks demands apology, Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
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gangotricamphor · 8 months
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gezondenmooi-net · 1 year
Unlock the Secrets to Health and Beauty: Natural Remedies, Wellness Tips, Skincare Routines, Anti-Aging Solutions, and Cellulite Creams Revealed
Welcome to the ultimate guide to health and beauty! In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about natural remedies, wellness tips, skincare routines, anti-aging solutions, and more.
Let's start with natural remedies. One of the most popular natural remedies for sore muscles and joint pain is horse balm. Horse balm is a natural topical cream that contains menthol, camphor, and other natural ingredients that provide a cooling and soothing effect. It can be found at many stores, including Etos.
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Another natural remedy that has gained popularity in recent years is CBD oil. CBD oil is a natural extract from the cannabis plant that has been found to have many health benefits, including reducing anxiety, relieving pain, and improving sleep. It can be ingested or applied topically, and is available at many health food stores.
Now let's move on to wellness tips. One of the most important things you can do for your overall health is to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help improve your skin, boost your metabolism, and even improve your mood.
Exercise is another important aspect of wellness. Regular exercise can help improve your cardiovascular health, strengthen your muscles, and even reduce stress and anxiety. Find an exercise routine that you enjoy, whether it's yoga, running, or weightlifting, and stick to it.
Skincare is also a crucial component of health and beauty. One of the most important things you can do for your skin is to protect it from the sun. Wear sunscreen every day, even on cloudy days, to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Additionally, make sure to cleanse and moisturize your skin regularly to keep it looking healthy and radiant.
Now let's talk about anti-aging solutions. One of the most effective anti-aging ingredients is retinol. Retinol is a form of vitamin A that has been found to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin texture, and even out skin tone. Look for skincare products that contain retinol, or talk to your dermatologist about prescription-strength retinoids.
Another popular anti-aging treatment is Botox. Botox is a cosmetic injection that temporarily relaxes the muscles in the face, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It's important to do your research and find a reputable provider if you are considering Botox.
Finally, let's talk about cellulite. Cellulite is a common concern for many people, especially women. While there is no cure for cellulite, there are many creams and gels on the market that can help reduce its appearance.
One popular cellulite gel is the cream against cellulite by Elancyl. This cream contains caffeine and other natural ingredients that help improve circulation and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Another popular cellulite cream is the anti-cellulite cream by Nivea. This cream contains coenzyme Q10 and other natural ingredients that help firm and tone the skin, reducing the appearance of cellulite.
When looking for a good cellulite cream, make sure to read reviews and do your research. While there is no miracle cure for cellulite, regular use of a good cellulite cream can help improve the appearance of your skin.
In conclusion, this ultimate guide to health and beauty has covered everything from natural remedies to anti-aging solutions to cellulite creams. Remember to stay hydrated, exercise regularly, and protect your skin from the sun to maintain your health and beauty. And when it comes to cellulite, do your research and find a good cream or gel that works for you. With these tips and tricks, you'll be on your way to looking and feeling your best.
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triciamfoster · 1 year
Essential Oils: Lavender  Lavandula angustifolia
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The following information is from Essential Oils for Beginners: The Guide to Get Started with Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Althea Press.
DESCRIPTION  Lavender essential oil is by far one of the most popular aromatherapy oils available, and its benefits are nearly endless. Lavender essential oil is a floral, but its fragrance is not sweet like most other florals. Instead, it is fresh and strongly herbal, with camphor undertones. This essential oil has a thin consistency, and is typically steam distilled. When used in aromatherapy, it can be a top or middle note.  
ORIGIN  Bulgaria, France, Ukraine, United States  
PROPERTIES  Analgesic, antibacterial, anticonvulsant, antifungal, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitumoral, vasodilator, vermifuge  
APPLICATION  Lavender essential oil may be used neat. It is suitable for direct inhalation, diffusion, topical application, and ingestion.  
PRIMARY USES  Soothes insomnia, nervous tension, and premenstrual symptoms; treats skin conditions, including acne and excess oil on the skin; reduces blood pressure and cholesterol; treats allergies and asthma; soothes bruises and burns; eases headaches; combats mild bacterial and fungal infections, including swimmers’ ear and athletes’ foot; repels insects. Lavender essential oil can be used to formulate nontoxic household products, lotions, massage oils, and bath products. It can also be used to promote a sense of calm and balance, as well as to relax the mind and ease feelings of anger and frustration. When used for meditation, it promotes feelings of clarity and invites greater intuition.
SAFE USE  Conduct a patch test before using lavender essential oil on your skin. This is one of the few essential oils that’s considered safe to apply undiluted; however, some individuals can suffer skin irritation when the oil is applied topically.  Lavender essential oil can be poisonous if ingested; when teas and extracts are taken orally, they can cause constipation, headaches, and changes in appetite. As lavender essential oil has a relaxing effect, it may increase drowsiness when used in conjunction with sedatives.
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doueegezh · 7 months
[ What kind of scents/smells does Geto enjoy? ]
OOC: 💕
I do write about him as a practising Buddhist monk, therefore a lot of his Cult and a lot of his shows inside of his Cult have to do with rites and rituals from Vajrayana Buddhism, in which scent offerings and rituals have a high place. A lot of times, when it comes to any direction of faith in gods, specifically of big religions, offering scents is combined with great benefits: delighting deities, purifying evil, etc. 
And due to being a practitioner, Suguru grew fond of the smells and fragrances that would be used like that, purifying and 'cleansing' those that need it [ specifically because he sees non-sorcerers as monkeys who would need to be cleaned from all that stuck to them ], as well as the rooms and the auditorium where any rituals and sacrifices would take place, usually being embellished and purified by smoke from incense. That incense encompasses smells like nutmeg, camphor, sandalwood, and musk; the typical smells that are used in traditional Buddhist texts he would also use for his own Cult and tries to keep them as cleanly traditional as only possible. He does dabble in different forms, however, sometimes would switch it all up, and use Tibetan texts, where again we have sandalwood, but also juniper, agarwood, pine, and vetiver [ smells like dry grass on a warm day btw ]. 
In general, all of these cleansing, very pleasant, warm smells are his favourites. He got used to it due to his beliefs and has grown to love them over time. They calm him down, specifically when having to deal too much with 'humans', and they just remind him of the goal he has, of the path he took and travels on and that his life has a purpose, specifically when looking at his Cult family. 
When it comes to other people maybe? Aside from the listed above, he has a particular fondness for sweet and citrusy smells, a fact he won't explain if asked after but something he just enjoys when it comes to those around him, especially those he lets physically close enough to be able to catch their scent at all. Anything fresh and comforting, anything that reminds him of the past with those he loves also works particularly well. 
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sam-amr · 9 months
Do you dream of traveling to ancient Egypt? Try Kyphi Balls, a blend of herbs and spices that was used in ancient Egypt as a perfume and a cure.
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Kyphi Balls are characterized by a strong and rich aroma, consisting of a blend of the following ingredients:
Frankincense: A symbol of strength and protection
Myrrh: A symbol of healing and renewal
Mastic: A symbol of love and passion
Oud: A symbol of wisdom and spirituality
Amber: A symbol of wealth and luxury
Musk: A symbol of beauty and attraction
Camphor: A symbol of alertness and focus
Saffron: A symbol of inspiration and enlightenment
Rose: A symbol of love and beauty
Cinnamon: A symbol of energy and activity
Cloves: A symbol of strength and courage
Kyphi Balls are believed to have many health benefits, including:
Improved mood
Increased energy
Reduced stress
Improved sleep
Strengthened immune system
Here are some tips for using Kyphi Balls for a more exciting experience:
Burn one Kyphi Ball in a warm bath to create a relaxing atmosphere.
Burn one Kyphi Ball in your bedroom to improve sleep.
Burn one Kyphi Ball in your living room to create a comfortable atmosphere.
Burn one Kyphi Ball in your office to boost focus.
Try Kyphi Balls today and enjoy their beautiful aroma and health benefits.
Here are some exciting stories about Kyphi Balls:
Kyphi Balls are believed to have been used in ancient Egypt in religious ceremonies and social gatherings.
Kyphi Balls are believed to have been used in ancient Egypt as a cure for various health conditions, including insomnia, depression, and pain.
Kyphi Balls are believed to have been used in ancient Egypt as a sacred perfume.
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expoorganics · 1 year
camphor oil is a versatile essential oil with many potential health benefits. But it should always be used responsibly and in appropriate amounts.
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