nando161mando · 6 months
Tell australias biggest corporate cocksucking polluter lobbyists to fuck off and die!
#australia #petition #ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #ecology #ClimateChange
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demujeresblog · 1 year
10 tendencias de energía inteligente que cambiarán al mundo rumbo a un futuro más ecológico
La Agencia Internacional de Energías Renovables (IRENA) calcula que el 90 % de la electricidad mundial puede, y debe, tener su origen en las energías renovables para el año 2050, en consecuencia las compañías líderes en tecnología están volcando sus esfuerzos para crear tecnología verde. El cambio climático constituye una emergencia mundial, es un problema que exige soluciones coordinadas en…
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testcop28 · 6 months
COP ? Quesako ?
Bonsoir à tous, 
C’est bien beau de vous parler de la COP 28 mais il serait quand même important d’expliquer ce qu’est une COP. 💡
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➡️ La COP, ou Conférence des Parties, est une série de réunions internationales où les pays du monde entier se rassemblent pour discuter et négocier des questions liées au changement climatique. Ces conférences sont organisées dans le cadre de la Convention-cadre des Nations unies sur les changements climatiques (CCNUCC), qui a été adoptée en 1992 lors du Sommet de la Terre à Rio de Janeiro.
➡️ L'objectif principal des COP est de faciliter la mise en œuvre de la CCNUCC en encourageant la coopération internationale à atténuer les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et s'adapter aux impacts du changement climatique. Les négociations lors de ces conférences portent sur des questions telles que les réductions d'émissions, le financement climatique, les technologies propres, et d'autres aspects liés à la lutte contre le changement climatique.
➡️ Chaque COP est numérotée en fonction de l'ordre chronologique dans lequel elle a lieu. Par exemple, la COP26 (Conférence des Parties numéro 26) s'est déroulée à Glasgow en 2021. Les pays participants, également appelés "parties", négocient et prennent des décisions collectives sur des actions concrètes visant à atténuer le changement climatique et à soutenir les pays les plus vulnérables.
➡️ Parmi les 27 COP, certaines ont suscité un intérêt particulièrement important et ont généré beaucoup de discussions sur Internet en raison de l'importance des enjeux discutés, des actions politiques entreprises ou des résultats obtenus. Par exemple :
La COP21 (Paris, 2015) : La COP21 est souvent citée comme l'une des plus importantes, car elle a abouti à l'Accord de Paris, un accord historique dans lequel 196 pays se sont engagés à limiter le réchauffement climatique bien en dessous de 2 degrés Celsius par rapport aux niveaux préindustriels.
La COP15 (Copenhague, 2009) : Bien que les résultats finaux n'aient pas été aussi significatifs que prévu, la COP15 a suscité un grand intérêt et des discussions, en particulier en raison des attentes élevées concernant un accord mondial sur le climat.
➡️ Ces conférences ont généré beaucoup d'attention médiatique et de discussions en ligne en raison de leur impact potentiel sur la lutte mondiale contre le changement climatique. Les résultats des COP influent sur les politiques nationales et internationales, ce qui explique l'importance accordée à ces événements.
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bookish2bookish · 9 months
Agenda 2030: ODS13
El Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 13 (ODS, por sus siglas) tiene como meta adoptar medidas urgentes para combatir el cambio climático y sus efectos. Este ODS se enfoca principalmente en la toma de medidas por los individuos, el sector privado y los gobiernos que contribuyan a la reducción de los efectos antropogénicos del cambio climático y la generación de gases de efecto invernadero…
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calacuspr · 1 year
Calacus Monthly Hit & Miss – Innes FitzGerald & WRU
Every month we look at the best and worst communicators in the sports world from the last few weeks.
Sustainability is a popular buzzword in sport.
Organising Committees and governing bodies want to encourage carbon neutral events and procedures to help fight climate change.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC), for instance, has a detailed strategy and in a recent report HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, chair of the IOC’s Sustainability and Legacy Commission said: “We can confidently state that sustainability is now firmly embedded as an executive priority within the IOC, and this ethos flows into our corporate ways of working, our focus on ensuring sustainable Olympic Games, and how we engage with the wider Olympic Movement.”
Likewise, the Premier League signed up to the UN Sports for Climate Action Framework, which brings together sports organisations from all over the world to achieve climate change goals.
“As part of this commitment, the Premier League as an organisation aims to reduce 50 per cent of its own emissions by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2040, in line with the 1.5ºC global warming limit of the 2015 Paris Agreement.”
The nature of elite competition is that long-distance travel is often a necessity, despite the impact it has on the environment.
Long-distance runner Innes FitzGerald has burst onto the scene over the past year or so and is considered a hot prospect for British athletics.
FitzGerald, 16, broke the UK under-17 record for 3000m and dominated the British Athletics Cross Challenge in Liverpool in November, beating much older athletes.
But she has shocked the sporting world after she decided to take a stand and reduce her carbon footprint – event if it comes at the expense of a chance to win a medal.
Attending the European Cross Country Championships in Turin late last year, it emerged that FitzGerald had travelled by train from her Exeter home because of a reluctance to fly.
The leading British junior female endurance athlete, FitzGerald wrote to UK Athletics and asked not to be considered for the team set to compete at the World Cross Country Championships in Australia.
She said: “To have the opportunity to compete for Great Britain in Australia is a privilege. When I started running, the prospect of me competing in the World Cross Country Championships would have seemed merely a dream. However, the reality of the travel fills me with deep concern.
“I was just nine when the COP21 Paris Climate agreement was signed. Now, eight years on, and global emissions have been steadily increasing, sending us on a path to climate catastrophe. Sir David King, former government chief scientific advisor, has said, ‘What we do, I believe, in the next three to four years will determine the future of humanity.’ The science is clear. Turning this around is only possible through transformational change from collective and personal action.
“I would never be comfortable flying in the knowledge that people could be losing their livelihoods, homes and loved ones as a result. The least I can do is voice my solidarity with those suffering on the front line of climate breakdown.
“Coming to a decision has not been easy, however little compares to the grief I would feel taking the flight. Aviation is the most energy intensive activity we can do and explodes a person’s carbon footprint. I don’t want that on my conscience.”
She added that making a statement about her reasons for withdrawing was important: “I could have just said, ‘Look, I’m not going to go, and that’s it.’ But I felt that actually, if I was going to make the sacrifice and not go, then I might as well make a statement about it as well. Because it was not easy at all.”
Champions for Earth, which believes that there is nothing more critical than addressing and averting the climate and ecological crisis, was full of praise for FitzGerald: “The Exeter Harriers runner is a champion in more ways than one, winning impressively on the running track and in the world of environmental protection. Innes was crowned the 2022 Youth ‘Champion For Earth’ for her commitment to pursuing her sporting goals as sustainably as possible.
“As a young person with Olympic dreams growing up during a climate and ecological emergency, she is balancing the dream of one day becoming a champion of the world, with a determination to be a champion for earth.”
Critics have suggested that FitzGerald is misinformed, given the environmental impact of travelling by car and train and the rubber running tracks and trainers she continues to wear.
But how brave of a teenager with a limited career to take a stand and get us all talking about the environment and sport’s impact upon it.
She hopes that by taking a stand, she can encourage other athletes to come forward and add their support to the importance of climate change for society and help to create meaningful change.
Within sport, FitzGerald believes that there are “many people who are like-minded, but they feel like they have no power, and they’re in sport and that’s just the way things are”.
“There’s been so many people in support, saying they’re so grateful that I’ve spoken out about it, and that it’s something that we need to talk about. Which I think is so positive and so true.”
Unfortunately, sports governance is still dominated by pale, male and stale executives and while efforts are being made to increase diversity, there is so much work to be done.
The Welsh Rugby Union (WRU) is the latest governing body to be mired in controversy after accusations of sexism, racism and misogyny.
An inquiry was announced after two women complained of a "toxic" sexist culture at Welsh rugby's highest level.
The revelations came to light when the BBC aired a documentary which exposed the level of toxicity, with Women’s rugby general manager Charlotte Wathan detailing experiences when a male colleague said in the presence of others that he wanted to “rape” her.
Another anonymous contributor said she had contemplated suicide after her experiences of bullying and sexism at work.
The four Welsh regions – Cardiff, Dragons, Ospreys and Scarlets – backed calls for the 58-year-old Phillips and the WRU board to resign, while the Welsh Rugby Players Association said they were “appalled by the allegations” and called for the “strongest possible action.”
The WRU’s initial response was somewhat combative.
They criticised the BBC for giving them the right to reply due to ongoing litigation and went into great detail addressing many of the issues raised in the documentary.
But the tone was defensive and seemed as focused on inconsistencies or inaccuracies in the reporting as in the clearly serious allegations being levelled at the organisation.
Principality Building Society, sponsors of Wales’ national stadium in Cardiff and supporter of the Welsh grassroots game, described the allegations as “extremely concerning.”
They stated: “We take great pride in supporting grassroots rugby within the diverse communities we serve, as we have for over 20 years, and want to work with partners who share our values. The allegations in the emerging BBC investigation are extremely concerning and we would expect the WRU to take the immediate and decisive action required to remove any discriminatory and bullying behaviours and to uphold the inclusive values that we should all live by."
Another partner, Admiral, said in a statement: "Our culture is of paramount importance to us, so naturally the cultures of the partners we work with are also important. While this is a matter for the WRU, given the serious nature of the allegations made, we have and will remain in discussion with them."
Needless to say, the Welsh government was deeply concerned and stated: “The Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport is engaging with the WRU on the immediate actions it must take to address the allegations set out in this investigation.
"The details in the testimonies provided are devastating. We recognise the courage it takes to come forward after experiencing any form of harassment, bullying or abuse.
"Women and girls have the right to be safe in all aspects of their lives. The Welsh Government is committed to tackling abuse in the workplace and challenging damaging behaviour and attitudes head on so all women and girls in Wales can live fear free."
WRU chairman Ieuan Evans, who met with the Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport and Chief Whip, Dawn Bowden to discuss a new independent Taskforce to undertake an internal investigation into the culture and behaviour at the governing body, is also set to be questioned in the Senedd.
Chief Executive Steve Phillips initially vowed to investigate and review the culture that had led to such a worrying catalogue of incidents.
He said: “The WRU knows it has fallen short in presenting Welsh rugby to the world in the best light. We have fallen short of the high standards I expect.
“We have consulted with our staff and we will re-examine our structures and procedures to make sure our employees find a business that is caring and sensitive to their needs and welfare and creating a safe and secure environment for everyone that comes into contact with us.
“We will use the feedback we are currently experiencing to improve, we will listen and learn from what we are hearing and continue to work hard on ensuring Welsh rugby is a game for all with equality, diversity and inclusion at its heart.”
If the situation had not already become untenable, Phillips soon resigned, with Nigel Walker taking his place on an Acting basis.
““It is with a huge amount of regret that I have decided to hand in my resignation,” ” said Phillips in a statement.
“I have always had the best interests of Welsh rugby at the heart of my every action and thought, but have come to the conclusion that it is now time for someone else to lead the way.
“I am on record already saying how much I hugely regret the feelings and emotions expressed recently by former members of staff.”
To his credit, Walker was far more reasonable in his first interview following his appointment, accepting the problems rather than trying to deflect or play down the seriousness of the allegations.
He commented that the WRU…“Have fallen short of the high standards that are necessary. We apologise, and we recognise we’ve made many mistakes.
“We’re not now looking at how we can mitigate the furore that has come our way. What we’re looking to do is to improve and get back a semblance of credibility as we realise that it is now at an all-time low.  
“We won’t be resting on our laurels, but we are committed to making sure that the female rugby players in this country have the experience that they deserved – and the equivalent to their male counterparts.” 
In a separate interview, he added: “This has been a wake-up call. Perhaps it is a call that has been overdue. The first step to any recovery is admitting the problem … there is no doubt that Welsh rugby is facing an existential crisis.
“If we are not prepared to change, the future of Welsh rugby and the Welsh Rugby Union is in danger. I can’t put it any more bluntly than that.
“We’ve accepted we need change and we want to get to that change programme as quickly as possible.
“We must now listen intently to what people from outside our organisation are telling us,” the 59-year-old added. “We care and are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion and we work hard in this space with dedicated resource and investment. But we need to do better. We need to do much better and we will.”
The situation is further complicated by the perilous situation the professional clubs find themselves in.
Cardiff, Dragons, Scarlets and Ospreys all endorsed a letter calling for Phillips to go despite a financial framework not yet having been signed off.
Former Dragons boss Bernard Jackman wrote in his column in the Irish Independent: “Three of the four Welsh professional teams are rumoured to be only months away from going into administration unless this deal is signed, and I admire their conviction to put their own interests aside to ensure Welsh rugby has better equality, diversity and inclusivity standards.”
Clearly there is much for the WRU to address and it begs the question whether the organisation can implement the change it needs without significant external input to support its transformation.
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educationmundo · 1 year
Teach green and put environmental issues at the heart of school life
Teaching green and promoting environmentalism in schools can have numerous benefits for both students and the wider community. Not only can it help to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the planet...
Teaching green and promoting environmentalism in schools can have numerous benefits for both students and the wider community. Not only can it help to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the planet, but it can also foster a sense of responsibility and encourage students to make more sustainable choices in their daily lives. Here are a few ways that schools can incorporate green…
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choses-dingen · 2 years
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De COP en COP ... ces grandes messes internationales, me font de plus en plus un effet soporifique. “ disait Pierre Rabhi
Après cela, certaines élites s’étonnent que le Mouvement Climat est “poussé dans le dos par des radicaux” . L’impatience croît.  Et... l’éco-anxiété gagne du terrain. Les moyens d’actions traditionnels que sont les manifestations du dimanche ont montré leur limite à peser sur le monde politique. Les militants du Mouvement Climat sont désespérés face à des décennies d’immobilisme et non-décisions politiques. Désobéissance ou voie politique classique ? Choisis ton camp... “Le monde politique reste toujours peu perméable à l'idée d'un changement en profondeur du système actuel.”  Michel De Meulenaere  dans Le Soir du 3/9/2018
“Si rien ne change, nos enfants, nos petits-enfants ne nous le pardonneront pas.“ écrit Francis Van de Woestyne ( 15-11-2017). Et créera, inévitablement, un fossé plus grand encore entre les citoyens et le politique.
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afeelgoodblog · 6 months
The Best News of Last Week - November 28, 2023
🐑 - Why did Fiona the sheep become a mountaineer? She was tired of the "baa-d" jokes at sea level!
1. Pope Francis dines with transgender women for Vatican luncheon
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Pope Francis hosted a group of transgender women — many of whom are sex workers or migrants from Latin America — to a Vatican luncheon for the Catholic Church's "World Day of the Poor" last week.
The pontiff and the transgender women have formed a close relationship since the pope came to their aid during the COVID-19 pandemic, when they were unable to work. Now, they meet monthly for VIP visits with the pope and receive medicine, money and shampoo any day, according to The Associated Press.
2. New York just installed its first offshore wind turbine
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The first wind turbine installation at South Fork Wind, New York State’s first offshore wind farm, is complete.
The 130-megawatt (MW) South Fork Wind will be the US’s first completed utility-scale wind farm in federal waters.
3. Anonymous businessman donates $800k to struggling food bank
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But this Thanksgiving, a longtime prayer of food bank leaders was finally answered: an anonymous benefactor donated the full $800,000 they needed to move out of a facility they've long outgrown. That benefactor, however, preferred to stay anonymous.
"Very private company, really don't want attention," said Debbie Christian, executive director of the Auburn Food Bank. "It's a goodhearted person that just wants to see the work here continue, wants to see it expand."
4. Empowering woman saving hopes and mental health of suffering Ukrainian kids
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Kenza Hadij-Brahim is at the forefront of promoting Circle of Toys
Hadj-Brahim is helping to launch the Circle of Toys initiative. A project that provides Ukrainian children in need of some normality with preloved toys. This new initiative connects people with old toys they might otherwise throw away, with Ukrainian families in need who want to provide some comfort to their children in this distressing time.
Find Refuge said : “The endeavour is driven by a sincere purpose: spark joy, foster play, and bring a hint of normalcy back to the young lives in Ukraine.”
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Researchers have found these areas not only housed structures and pyramids but it has been uncovered that there were advanced irrigation systems, earthworks, large towns, causeways, and canals that cover miles.
Dr. Heiko Prümers from the German Archaeological Institute, who was also involved in the study comments that “this indicated a relatively dense settlement in pre-Hispanic times. Our goal was to conduct basic research and trace the settlements and life there. The research sheds light on the sheer magnitude and magnificence of the civic-ceremonial centers found buried in the forest”.
6. Sheep dubbed Fiona rescued from cliff in Scotland where she was stuck for more than 2 years
And at last, some positive climate news:
7. Three positive climate developments
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When the Paris Agreement was adopted, the global reliance on fossil fuels placed the world on a path towards a 3.5C rise in temperature by 2100. Eight years on, country commitments to reduce their carbon footprints have pulled that down slightly, putting the world on a path for a 2.5C to 2.9C by the end of the century.
Peak emissions
Annual greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change have risen roughly nine percent since COP21, according to UN data. But the rate of the increase has slowed significantly. Recent estimates by the Climate Analytics institute find global emissions could peak by 2024
Rising renewables
Three technologies—solar, wind and electric vehicles—are largely behind the improved global warming estimates since 2015.
That's it for this week :)
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ecoenergyy · 8 months
Transição energética
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O planeta Terra enfrenta um aumento alarmante de temperatura. Segundo a NASA, a média em 2020 superou em mais de 1,02 graus a do período entre 1950 e 1980. Esse aquecimento global resulta no derretimento de geleiras, elevação do nível do mar e desencadeia diversas transformações climáticas, como desertificação e fenômenos extremos como furacões, inundações e incêndios - com danos incalculáveis como consequência.
A comunidade científica concorda de forma unânime que a causa desse fenômeno são as emissões antropogênicas de gases de efeito estufa na atmosfera, principalmente desde o início da revolução industrial. O dióxido de carbono, oriundo em grande parte do setor energético (englobando, mas não se limitando à produção de eletricidade), é o principal desses gases.
Em dezembro de 2015, na COP21 de Paris, foi assinado um acordo internacional que estabelece como meta manter o aquecimento global em 2 graus até o final deste século, preferencialmente limitando-o a 1,5 graus em relação aos níveis pré-industriais. A COP26 de Glasgow, ocorrida em novembro de 2021, reforçou o compromisso de alcançar a chamada Neutralidade de Carbono até 2050.
O principal meio para atingir esse objetivo é a transição energética, a mudança de uma matriz energética baseada em combustíveis fósseis para uma de baixa ou nula emissão de carbono, ancorada em fontes renováveis. Contribuições significativas para a descarbonização vêm da eletrificação do consumo, substituindo eletricidade gerada por fontes fósseis por fontes renováveis, tornando setores como transporte mais sustentáveis, e da digitalização das redes, que aprimora a eficiência energética.
A transição energética não é um conceito novo na história. Vivenciamos mudanças fundamentais no passado, como a transição da madeira para o carvão no século 19 e do carvão para o petróleo no século 20. O que a distingue das anteriores é a urgência de proteger o planeta da maior ameaça já enfrentada, demandando ação imediata. Essa urgência impulsionou transformações no setor energético: em apenas uma década (2010-2019), os custos das tecnologias renováveis caíram em 80% para energia solar fotovoltaica e 60% para energia eólica terrestre.
No entanto, a transição energética não se limita ao fechamento progressivo de usinas a carvão e ao desenvolvimento de energias limpas - representa uma mudança de paradigma para todo o sistema. Isso não beneficia apenas o clima, mas também a economia e a sociedade. A digitalização das redes possibilita a criação de redes inteligentes, abrindo espaço para novos serviços aos consumidores. Ambientalmente, fontes renováveis e mobilidade elétrica reduzem a poluição, enquanto usinas a carvão podem ser reutilizadas numa ótica de economia circular. Em termos de sustentabilidade social, novas formas de trabalho podem absorver trabalhadores do setor termoelétrico. É crucial que a transição energética seja inclusiva, não deixando ninguém para
Fonte: trás.https://www.enelgreenpower.com/pt/learning-hub/transicao-energetica
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kennak · 1 year
2024年度から国税として、国内に住所がある人からひとりあたり1000円を、住民税に上乗せする形で徴収される「森林環境税」。その目的は、2015年にフランスのCOP21で採択された「パリ協定」に基づき、温室効果ガスの排出削減や災害防止などだ。国税として徴収された税収は、都道府県や市町村に配分される。  税として徴収されるのは2024年度からだが、導入が決まったのは「森林環境税及び森林環境譲与税に関する法律」が成立した2019年3月だ。すでに国から自治体への配分は始まっており、林野庁のHPでは、それがどのように活用されているかの実例が紹介されている。その一例が、石川県穴水町。  奥能登の穴水町は、森林の半分が私有林だが、その大半が手入れ不足となっており、災害が発生する危険性がある。そのことから、税を活用して整備を実施している。また、林業の担い手を確保するため、用具の購入費の補助をおこなっているという。  日本は、森林が面積の約7割を占める「森林大国」。にもかかわらず、林業就業者の不足や、所有者不明の森林が増えるなど、深刻な課題を抱えている。  そう考えると、「必要な税」だとも思えるのだが、SNSは批判の嵐となっている。その多くは 《今度は森林環境税?? 増税に次ぐ増税》 《また増税! もうそろそろ怒りませんか! 1,000円なら良いでは無いですよ!》  と、昨今の相次ぐ増税の上に、さらに取られるのかという声だ。また 《太陽光パネル設置で森林をグチャグチャにしながら 再エネ賦課金で俺達からお金を取った挙句、グチャグチャになった森林を守るために 年間1000円の税金取るんだってさ。全額、太陽光発電業者が払いやがれ!》 《あれだけメガソーラー推進して、森林伐採しといての正にマッチポンプ増税》
1人1000円の「森林環境税」がトレンド入り「あれだけメガソーラーで森林伐採して」政府の姿勢に高まる不満(SmartFLASH) - Yahoo!ニュース
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leviathangourmet · 9 months
As if there wasn't exhaustive enough evidence that "ESG" is nothing but a scam, the Financial Times was out this week with a piece detailing how many companies with good ESG scores pollute just as much as their lower-rated rivals.
Don't say we didn't warn you; we have been writing about the ESG con for years now, which along with other "sustainable" investments continues to see hundreds of billions of dollars in inflows from investors. 
The FT added to our skepticism by revealing this week that Scientific Beta, an index provider and consultancy, found that companies rated highly on ESG metrics - and even just the 'Environmental' variable alone - often pollute just as much as other companies. 
Researchers look at ESG scores from Moody’s, MSCI and Refinitiv when performing the analysis. They found that when the 'E' component was singled out, it led to a “substantial deterioration in green performance”.
Felix Goltz, research director at Scientific Beta told the Financial Times: “ESG ratings have little to no relation to carbon intensity, even when considering only the environmental pillar of these ratings. It doesn’t seem that people have actually looked at [the correlations]. They are surprisingly low.”
He added: "The carbon intensity reduction of green [ie low carbon intensity] portfolios can be effectively cancelled out by adding ESG objectives."
“On average, social and governance scores more than completely reversed the carbon reduction objective,” he continued. “It can very well be that a high-emitting firm is very good at governance or employee satisfaction. There is no strong relationship between employee satisfaction or any of these things and carbon intensity."
“Even the environmental pillar is pretty unrelated to carbon emissions,” he said. 
Vice-president for ESG outreach and research at Moody’s, Keeran Beeharee, added: “[There is a] perception that ESG assessments do something that they do not. ESG assessments are an aggregate product, their nature is that they are looking at a range of material factors, so drawing a correlation to one factor is always going to be difficult.” “In 2015-16, post the SDGs [UN sustainable development goals] and COP21 [Paris Agreement], when people began to really focus on the issue of climate, they quickly realised that an ESG assessment is not going to be much use there and that they need the right tool for the right task. There are now more targeted tools available that look at just carbon intensity, for example,” he added.
MSCI ESG Research told the Financial Times its ratings “are fundamentally designed to measure a company’s resilience to financially material environmental, societal and governance risks. They are not designed to measure a company’s impact on climate change.”
Refinitiv told FT that “while very small, the correlation found in this study isn’t surprising, especially in developed markets, where many large organisations — with focused sustainability strategies, underpinned by strong governance, higher awareness of their societal impact and robust disclosure — will perform well based on ESG scores, in spite of the fact that many will also overweight on carbon”.
Global director of sustainability research for Morningstar Hortense Bioy concluded: “Investors need to be aware of all the trade-offs. It is not simple. In this case, investors need to think carefully about which aspects of sustainability they would like to prioritize when building portfolios: carbon reduction or a high ESG rating.”
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gradozero · 1 year
Ernst Götsch: Vivere in Sintropia
Ernst Götsch: Vivere in Sintropia
“Life in Syntropy” [Vita in Sintropia] è il nuovo cortometraggio di Agenda Gotsch fatto specialmente per essere presentato alla COP21 a Parigi. Questo film mette insieme alcune esperienze straordinarie nell’Agricultura Sintropica, con immagini e interviste inedite. Licenza Licenza Attribuzione di Creative Commons (riutilizzo consentito)
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AREI - Africa Renewable Energy Initiative
AREI (Africa Renewable Energy Initiative) est une initiative de transformation fondée et dirigée par l’Afrique afin d’accélérer, d’intensifier et d’utiliser le potentiel énorme du continent en matière d’énergies renouvelables. L'initiative se concentre sur le développement de solutions intégrées pour accroître l'accès aux services d'énergie propre, améliorer le bien-être humain et mettre les pays africains sur la voie d'un développement durable et respectueux du climat.
Créée après la COP21 de 2015 à Paris, l’AREI a atteint l’objectif de sa phase I: accompagner la production d’énergie renouvelable en Afrique à hauteur de 10 GW en 2020.
Désormais, l’AREI est entrée dans sa Phase II, avec pour objectif de développer 300 GW pour le continent africain d’ici 2030.
Site officiel de l’AREI: https://www.arei.info/
Site média de l’AREI: https://www.areitv.com/
Site de travail de l’IDU: https://www.arei-idu.com/
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save-the-planete · 2 years
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In this pandemic we have realized that Nature just needed time to recover from some of the most harmful human activities. If someone had come forward to claim that simple confinement would indeed have effects in a very short time, none of us would have dared to think it would work, let alone give it a try. But we are now giving it a try (even if it's in some harsh manner for us...), and it's working! So to avoid climate change, species extinctions, soil depletion and many more problems that we are witnessing, we just have to shutdown human activity 1 day a week. Most of our politicians were sure that to protect our planet we would need very complicated solutions and coordinations (Cop21-22-23 etc) but NO: it s easy and it's effective. We have to do it now because of this virus, but now we CHOOSE to do it for an even greater outcome.
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ambientalmercantil · 1 month
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transportemx · 3 months
¿Que dice el acuerdo de París sobre los Gases de Efecto Invernadero y los motores? El Acuerdo de París, es un tratado internacional adoptado en diciembre de 2015 durante la 21ª Conferencia de las Partes (COP21) de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC). El objetivo principal del Acuerdo de París es fortalecer la respuesta global al cambio climático mediante…
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