save-the-planete 2 years
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save-the-planete 2 years
Sephora has a worldwide successful presence and it could have also a worldwide impact by reducing the amount of plastic presence in sea and landfills.
We all have seen pictures of large amounts of plastic floating in the oceans as garbage islands and increasing amounts of news about marine litter harming species, affecting the health and economy of developing countries and affecting the tourism as well. I have witnessed the increase of plastic pollution in Mexican beaches and many of the empty containers brought by the ocean seem to come from distant places like Europe where it is assumed the best recycling programs are.
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save-the-planete 2 years
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save-the-planete 2 years
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In this pandemic we have realized that Nature just needed time to recover from some of the most harmful human activities. If someone had come forward to claim that simple confinement would indeed have effects in a very short time, none of us would have dared to think it would work, let alone give it a try. But we are now giving it a try (even if it's in some harsh manner for us...), and it's working! So to avoid climate change, species extinctions, soil depletion and many more problems that we are witnessing, we just have to shutdown human activity 1 day a week. Most of our politicians were sure that to protect our planet we would need very complicated solutions and coordinations (Cop21-22-23 etc) but NO: it s easy and it's effective. We have to do it now because of this virus, but now we CHOOSE to do it for an even greater outcome.
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