criticlog · 3 years
SPN S2E06 - No Exit
You got a creeper in your wall girl
Shoutout to that family being major tourists in Nebraska and trying to stop at the roadhouse lmao
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Can everyone please stop touching the creepy goo??
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Aww what an adorable couple! 
I like the interaction between Jo and Dean. I also like that he’s giving her some thoughtful advice about considering her options while also learning to understand where she’s coming from
Y’all need to stop shoving your hands in the creepy contaminated part of this apartment building!
Gotta love that the lady just stood by that air duct monster to grab her, so considerate lmao
Listening to Dean talk about John.. Jo is clearly so fond of her father and well, Dean did exactly have the best relationship with his in the long run
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I clearly don’t know my criminal history well cause I never heard of this guy before
I meannnn you let the target go wondering alone in the walls where the spirit is. What did you think was gonna happen?
Wait so a spirit can carry a person through solid walls? Cause there’s no way he dragged that first lady through that air duct in one piece
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I guess that’s one way to keep a ghost contained when you can’t burn the bones!
John being a piece of shit from beyond the grave, giving them a bad rep with Ellen and Jo! They are not their father people!
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criticlog · 3 years
SPN S2E15 - Tall Tales
Walk away random intro dude, this won’t end well
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Meanwhile, the boys are fighting!!
Dean might want to slow down on the purple nurples?
Ooooh we’re getting unreliable narrators this episode! Nice!
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Sassy Sammy!!! So that’s where it came from!
Seeing Gabriel this early is so weird!!! He’s just there!
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The amount of times I’ve seen this gif
He broke Sam’s computer with a porn site virus? omg 
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Lmao his FACE
Oh come on guys, everyone knows aliens aren’t real
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Lmao we’re getting all the classics this episode!
Why the hell would you put your socks in the sink though??
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and another classic!
I have never seen them act more like brothers than in this episode lmao
That wasn’t sus at all Sam but I guess it’s part of the plan 
Is that Barry White?? With freaking lava lamps???
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I want him to get away honestly, love Gabriel
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I’m with Bobby, can we pls not stay at the scene of the crime? you know even if there’s no actual body but they don’t know that
That was so much fun! Love our little trickster!! 
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criticlog · 3 years
SPN S2E13 - Houses of the Holy
Poor girl is getting haunted by a TV evangelist 
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tbf Sam, angels in this universe absolutely go around smithing peeps if it’s on their to-do list
Enjoying the massage? Oh yeah right you’re on the run from the FBI
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“There’s no such things as angels” The irony of this entire scene is killing me
Whatever this thing is, it’s doing a great job with the whole angel routine, very divine and holy looking
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I remember that window not opening in the blooper reel lmao
Sam guessing the password on the computer:
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Oh hey check it out, Michael makes a cameo in this episode!
God’s will is bullshit sooo
Yeah I really wish some angel could have been there to protect you sooner Dean, protect you from all the bullshit plans the other angels have for you and Sam
I’m surprised Sam actually went to do the seance, I thought he would have run after that guy anyway
You call upon Raphael?? umm not sure he’s gonna help you out with this
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Oh this hurts to hear when you know how everything plays out with the angels and Sam… yikes…
So staying within the narrative of the show, were the angels or god actually feeding this spirit info? Cause regular spirits can’t read minds and this one clearly had some intel. Was it Chuck? I guess that would make sense since he’s literally writing their story right now. Was Chuck feeding this spirit info and having him smith evil folks so Sam and Dean would be confronted with the idea of angels and god? 
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criticlog · 3 years
SPN S4E03 - In the Beginning
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Dean! Sam’s sneaking out again! Also why are you sleeping completely dressed on top of the covers?
Oh lmao that’s why Dean’s dressed, he needs to go on an adventure
I can’t believe Misha was told not to sit on the bed cause it was “too gay” like wtf spn people
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also the way Cas turns his head here always reminds me of an owl lmao, I think it’s the way he keeps looking forward for most of it
Oh hell, time to go meet the parents when they were young
John, I don’t hate you yet since you’re still just some random dude, but you're on thin fucking ice
ffs Cas startled me lmao
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Dean you’re weirding him out lmao
Dinner with the grandparents (also Samuel and Deanna? Wait, Dean was named after his grandmother?)
Samuel, you’re already getting on my nerves with your attitude
Another crossroad deal? Damn, business is booming for those demons!
John was kind and sweet? Wow, well he sure changed let me tell you! 
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Oh ouch...Mary… I have some bad news…
This is like the Djinn dilemma all over again
Uh oh.. grandpa’s giving me possessed vibes.. yeah there it is!
Is this really where you’re gonna propose to her John? In a car at night while she is clearly in distress?
Oh ew, she had to kiss her dad’s body to seal the deal… Also I just realized that everyone in this family except for Sam made a crossroad deal to save someone else AND SAM TRIED TO BUT GOT TURNED DOWN SO THEY ALL TRIED! 
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oh thank god, Cas you’re here. Can we go home? This field trip sucked ass
You know Cas, I kinda wish you would have just told Dean about what happened to his parents instead of traumatizing him by making him feel like he failed to save them again
Well shit, time to go save Sammy from his demonic tendencies!
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criticlog · 3 years
SPN S1E18 - Something Wicked
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Dean you gave your brother an ID with Bikini Inspector on it?? Lmao Sam looks so award!!
Okayyy creepy lady with upside-down cross in the room. That’s not concerning (turns out it’s not but that does look sus)
Oh no… Not a flashback
LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT: John left his kids stuck in a random motel room for days (3 nights according to Dean), forbade them to leave at any point in time, and left Dean to in charge of Sam’s safety when there was a monster on the prowl?? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU???
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Oh hey it’s the micro-aggression kid!
Tiny Sam using the puppy dog stare on Dean, it’s super effective
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Sam what are you wearing? Where did you get that shirt?
Why would you get so close to her face? If you think she’s a monster, why would you get right up in her face like that Dean?
Damn, it really looked like Dean was gonna murder that doctor in broad daylight, nice acting there Jensen
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Yeah no, I’m not over this. This literally wasn’t Dean’s fault and Sam is right! He was a kid and he should have never been left with that kind of responsibility in the first place. John is the only one to blame and the fact that he sent Dean here as if it’s his job to finish off this monster is fucking cruel and sick. Like the writers know that that’s not okay right? right???
Anywayyys, that jump scare got me a bit
This scene really reminds me of that dementor scene in Prisoner of Azkaban with Sirius
Wonder how that kid is gonna explain the multiple bullet holes in his bedroom wall and floor lmao
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criticlog · 3 years
SPN S3E13 - Ghostfacers!
Hell House crew part 2
Omfg is this really gonna 45 minutes of Ghostfacers?
Oh thank god Sam and Dean are in this too lmao
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Are you for real with thiiis djskajd
This feels like a youtube sketch
Why is Spruce doing a Jack Black impression?
Corbett seems nice. Spn, I swear to god, be normal with the gay character
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Boys! Hello!
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Oh this is fun! I like the external point of view 
I’m actually impressed with the camera quality being appropriately amateurish. Nice work making it feel realistic footage wise
Alright maybe that ghost was a bit sharp lmao
You best not kill Corbett spn…
oh ew… the owner was being weird with the corpses..
Y’all need to stop splitting up!
Oooh shit! Drama!
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👓\(。-_-。) “Kick his ass, Ed.  I got yo glasses.”
Are you for fucking real spn? I specifically asked for you not to kill Corbett. Way to ruin the mood, I was having such a good time
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Having a fun Sam?
Omg spn you really can’t not be weird about gay people can you?
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Wow Sam and Dean, as someone who knows what it feels like to lose film footage, that was dick move lmao like I understand but oh no that hurts to even think about, it was all edited and done too!!
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criticlog · 3 years
SPN S3E12 - Jus in Bello
Bela, I hate you so damn much
Oh hi agent Henriksen, how have you been
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Jeez ma’am you thing you have enough religious memorabilia?
Lmao you tied them together? 
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Henriksen, why are you antagonizing them? Just leave them be with your surf n’ turf
This FBI dude is gonna be a demon, bet
Called it!
Guess the demons don’t want to have to deal with busting Sam out of prison
Henriksen omfg!! Don’t brandish your gun around! Who taught you gun safety??
What the hell was that Sam?? Jinks Dean
They made holy water out of toilet water?? lmaooo nice
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Got that joke. I started singing the song in my head before he freaking said it
I guess having him be possessed is one way of getting Henriksen to believe you
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Oh damn we got some smoke budget for this episode boys!
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The tattoos! They just get them like that? No ceremony, nothing? Whaaa???
I feel like Henriksen is gonna die. Please don’t kill him. Please have him go back to the FBI so there’s an actual reason for the FBI to not be on their ass after this
Oh damn Lilith just got name dropped! 
Actually yeah, why didn’t you tell Dean you had demon competition, Sam? Why wasn’t that something you felt like sharing? You’re already in this together and he already knows about the whole army thing so what gives?
Wait… what the hell is the plan now?? Cause I feel like y’all are gonna kill way more people this way. I know those have salt shells but they’re shooting them people at point blank range
uh oh one got away
Goddamnit they killed them all. Spn really is allergic to having other characters exist in their world. I had a feeling Henriksen was gonna bite it but damn. Tbf though, this does make sense with Ruby’s plan is to push Sam more and more. Having their “humane” plan not work out is exactly what she would want and she would have probably called Lilith herself to get the job done if it came to that. But still! You don’t need to kill everyone all the time spn! 
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criticlog · 3 years
SPN S2E11 - Playthings
Well isn’t this an extensive collection of creepy dolls
what about Ava? Oh damn it’s been a month since last episode???
Dean, don’t be rude
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Lmao how we feeling Dean?
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What a piece of shit big brother, also this just feels like he’s overcompensating again
And another one bites the dust~
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wow, Sammy wtf is happening with you? This is just you drunk?? Yikes I thought you were under a spell of something
Your dad is an ass, Dean, that’s absolutely right
Omg pls this so awkward, is this suppose to be an emotional scene??
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When did I start watching the Shining? 
And now the granny in the chair facing away from the camera? We getting all the classic horror imagery in here today! I’m surprised she’s not a corpse
Figures the kid was an imaginary friend/ghost
I thought they were actually gonna go through with it and kill the kid for a sec there, but I guess that was too much 
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lmao Dean’s face!
Well that’s a downer…
Also, guys! this hotel is still haunted! If anyone tries to go in there and tear down the place, they are definitely going to get murdered! The job isn’t done, get your butts back in here please!
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criticlog · 3 years
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So weird to see the Winchester family just living a normal life even if it is for like 2 minutes
They are all so young!! Little baby faces and their voices!
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This show has a really good hook ngl, there’s immediately an intrigue and characters you want to learn more about
Okay the message from the ghost lady is just be a bit too clear lmaoo
Aww Sammy just wants to be a lawboy!
I like how they didn’t over explain the woman in white until Sam had a reason to cause the husband didn’t already know about it 
The first jerk/bitch!
Shoutout to officer Pierce who was actually doing a pretty decent job
Did Dean steal a car? How did he get to the ghost house so fast?
Why are the ghost lady’s kids creepier than her though!!
Sam actually looked like he had fun with the hunt hmmmmm
Okay seriously how did Dean know to come back for Sam? He very conveniently shows up twice this episode
I can definitely see why the pilot got picked up. God, it’s been so long since I watched this episode! Makes you actually want to join the adventure (but we all know how that turns out!)
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criticlog · 3 years
SPN S1E20 - Dead Man’s Blood
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What’s with hunters and doing their research in the middle of a bar? It’s been bothering me all season cause they kept showing Sam do it and like how the hell do you focus on hunt research in that kind of loud and rowdy place?
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GODDAMNit got jumpscared by John’s freaking reflection in the window
God John, no need to such an asshole. You letting them know your thought process can only help them become better hunters, so you can stop with the shitty “don’t question me or my authority ever again” attitude thanks
Sam’s right to be pissed, but his way of dealing with it is not really working out…
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Poor Dean, literally just trying to stop them from fighting. He just wanted his family to be together and he was ready to put up with so much bs for it and now this..
Why does this vampire dude have a tattoo that says nyorayote? What does that mean?
Magic gun!
Jenny goes SHRIEKKK, that’s unfortunate
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To be fair, this scene definitely does its best to try to redeem John, but that doesn’t change the fact that he was so focus on revenge that he often put his boys in more danger than they ever would have been under normal circumstances. Or the fact that even though he says he knows he isn’t treating them right, he is still does it before and after this scene. Or the fact that he told Sam not to come back after the college argument. You were scared for your son’s safety but you told him never to come back and never tried to reach to him to see how he was? Yeah, that don’t add up John.
Oh you’ve got to be kidding me... The only black vampire and they had to kill him first? They didn’t even give that actor a single line wtf
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You know they kept trying to say what an amazing hunter John is, but they just keep showing him getting his ass kicked lmao
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criticlog · 3 years
SPN S1E19 - Provenance
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Yo the small boy in the painting with his boat? Immediate thought was old timey Georgie
That painting is creeping!
So rude of that ghost to interrupt that lovely couple’s time together
Dean, lying to get laid is not okay..
Sam’s knowledgable about art after taking one college art class to meet girls? There is no way he remembers anything from that class! I took one and I can’t remember shit from it even if my life depended on it!
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Excuse me wtf is happening….WHY IS DISCO ROOM A THING?? WHAT’S WITH THE MUSIC??? It doesn’t have any relevance to the plot, they just made a big deal out of it for literally no reason... what??
Damn Sarah, that’s some heavy shit for a first date
Okay I gotta be honest, I read this essay about how Sam was written to be the smart nice guy™ the audience was meant to root for vs Dean’s sleazy macho guy character and I have never seen it so blatantly in your face than in this episode. It really feel like they turned Dean’s assholery up to 11 just to contrast with Sam being the smart sensitive brother you should want to date.
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Well don’t you two look like your typical art thief (also seriously what is with the intense music choices this episode?)
Oh thank god! I was gonna say Dean losing his wallet at the scene of the crime was really contrived reason to have the boys go back to the auction place. You got me Dean, you got me
LMAO Sam is freaking the fuck out about that painting! Be cool Sam, be cool
I like this librarian dude, shoutout to that random actor
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Dean you’re shoes on the bed... see what I mean by him being extra douchey this episode?
You have an eyelash? God this scene between Sam and Sarah is so awkward 
There’s an extra or a crew member that just walked into frame and stopped right next to Sam and Sarah and they cut away but now it feels like he’s just standing there 6 feet away from them as they’re having this deep emotional conversation wtf lol
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Oh no, bad idea lady trust me, he is cursed! Not because of any demons, but because of the writers, show runners, etc. If you have the potential of being a love interest, you need to get the hell out of dodge while you still can!
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criticlog · 3 years
I’m watching the whole damn show again (or until I can’t stand it anymore)
This is probably a bad idea but I’ve been thinking almost nonstop about spn since Nov 5th y’all! Now, I know that if you get a song stuck in your head, listening to it until the end is suppose to help get it unstuck so GUESS WHAT!?I’m gonna watch spn from the beginning until I either finish the show or literally can’t stand it anymore (or until the tapes drop)
I’ve never actually seen the entirety of spn. I started on season 4, when back to watch season 1, never got to 2 or 3 and I missed a lot of the later seasons so this should be interesting! I’ll be doing a review for the episodes as I watched them with #CLwatchesSPN if anyone wants to hear someone overly analyze and critic this ridiculous show
Anyway, this is something I’ve decided to do to myself for some reason and I figured I’d document it so feel free to join my descent into even more madness
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criticlog · 3 years
SPN S4E06 - Yellow Fever
Lmao you good Dean? The tiny dog won’t hurt you
gruesome lmao this doctor guy does not care about gore at all
Oh I know this guy!! Hi deputy Linus!! You’re a legend!
Ngl, that hand sanitizer scene seems way less weird now because of the pandemic
Okay Dean, you’re definitely not good
aw I like snakes
Dean’s getting bullied by a book
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Awww he looks so proud!
also poor Sam looks so done with this lmao
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Classic moment
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And another!
Poor Dean he is losing it
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I mean he does have a point
Somehow I don’t think Dean’s talked that much sense in ages lmao
You have to kill a ghost with fear in under 2 hours? oh boy… why couldn’t you reassure the ghost instead? Comfort it?
Oh hell…the sheriff has gone to the dark side
These hallucination are not good! Don’t think of hell Dean!
Seriously I don’t like that they recreated the ghost’s death instead of helping him, that was just cruel. He was a nice man, why traumatize him in his afterlife? That’s messed up. Spn writers wth?
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Wait what?? Why did Sam’s eyes change? Why is Dean still hallucinating?? How does this make any sense??
Can we appreciate that Jensen created a blooper so great, they couldn’t wait for the blooper reel and just put it in the actual episode? (also they probably couldn’t have added the song in the blooper reel so they decided to put the blooper in where the song could be included lol)
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criticlog · 3 years
SPN S2E16 - Roadkill
House of The Rising Sun! I actual wonder how much of the budget was dedicated to songs on this show
Take it easy Molly, you must have at least gotten a concussion with a crash like that AS IT TURNS OUT
Ma’am, you didn’t give anyone the time to answer that door! You just knocked and let yourself in lmao
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Is she a spirit? Did she die? I get the feeling she’s dead
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Lmao Dean straight up ran over a ghost
This spirit only haunts once a year? That’s a pretty chill haunting schedule
Molly I swear to god, you really gonna split up from Sam in the haunted woods with a killer on your trail?
Yeah, they’re like not making physical contact with her..
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Okay yup this girl is definitely dead
Dean why are you being so rude? Just cause she’s a ghost?
The window… yup, saw that one coming
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With how everything is angled, it looks like Dean would have shot her with the rock salt too
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Damn, that spirit is strong
Heyyy I called it! She was a ghost!
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This was all quite melancholic. This is like the exact opposite mood of last episode lmao
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criticlog · 3 years
SPN S4E05 - Monster Movie
Oh yeah the black and white monster episode. I legit have no memories of it being that lmao
“A straightforward black and white case”? I see what you did there
Where the hell..? oh it’s Oktoberfest lmao gotcha
I mean, there’s been some weirder cases
dhjkhkfhdjsfhd omg Dean wtf are you talking about! That's not how any of that works lmaoo
ah a jerk, guessing he’s gonna get killed? There he goes!
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So weird to see the actual scene instead of the blooper!
Mummy time? Heeeyyy! oh it looks cool, nice work on that
Lmao Sam straight up calling this situation stupid
Mina? Our monster’s definitely a fan of Dracula then that’s for sure
Oh ew Dean you ripped his ear off
He… he left on a moped? 
My money’s on her bartender friend
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The fact that he actually felt like he was on the right path, that he had a purpose because of what Castiel, an angel, told him... Oh that hurts considering how that turns out in the end
Lucy… That’s an interesting name choice considering that’s also a character name in Dracula
Oh hey it is the bartender friend!
this shapeshifter is nuts
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Also, why did they change Dean’s clothes?
Seriously wtf is this episode lmao
This pizza delivery kid does not give a damn
Wait, why didn’t they go back to kill Dean?
This does pose the question: why can’t shapeshifter not just live normal lives? What’s stopping them for not being murderers or thieves like we’ve seen? Also, I feel like this episode kinda falls flat cause this shifter just goes around murdering people for no reason. They could have had them be a vigilante type to give them a bit more dimension instead of just murder monster who likes movies too much murders
alrighty then.. guess that’s dealt with
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Poor Sammy, it’s awkward third wheel time
Oh yeah Porky’s 2, I’ve seen people discuss that choice and the reason why pick the sequel instead of the first one. Kind of makes me curious to watch them but oh boy, that’s certainly a kind of movie lmao  
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criticlog · 3 years
SPN S3E14 - Long-Distance Call
Spooky phone! Also what’s with Sha33?
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Alright boys, let’s not start with this
Wait did you just throw out a full can or an empty one? Sam did you waste that or did Dean throw his garbage at you?
Well this phone place seems unsanitary, there a reason for it or..
For some reason Sam’s rental car really threw me off lmao like “what the hell is that car??”
Oh shit… Dean’s getting fake calls now too. Come on kid! You know it’s fake!
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“hello” scene parallel in spn lmao word to the wise, don’t just call and say hello to the Winchester brothers apparently 
Apparently we’re walking
Oh come on now, nobody puts periods at the end of their sentences when they chatting online, so unrealistic lmao
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Yo mom is spooky as hell, I would not want to follow you! (also how the hell did the monster do that? I thought its whole thing was doing voices to lure people away, not make full on digital hallucinations)
Dean what is wrong with you? You know this is sus as hell. And Sam don’t leave him! You know he’s gonna do something stupid!
This thing can call on a toy phone? Damn that’s op
Dean I swear to god
Well then! Looks like there was a reason why the phone place was unsanitary!
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This is now two episodes in a row that Sam had to watch someone get killed by the monster while both of them were tied up on chairs
Come on Dean notice, he’s not even strong enough to be a demon
Oh shit didn’t expect a critic of modern society and the disconnect we experience through technology in an spn episode
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You know I’m really glad they added this scene of Dean explaining how he was so desperate for a way out that he was willing to believe that it was his dad with a solution at the other end of the line even if deep down he knew better. I appreciate that
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