#Buy Industrial Flood Lights
nordusk · 2 months
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Industrial Flood Lights are the unsung heroes of the lighting industry when it comes to lighting large areas. It’s not just about keeping the area illuminated; it’s about ensuring safety, enhancing productivity, and optimizing costs. With its ability to emit a brilliant, far-reaching glow, these strong beacons are essential for various situations, including outdoor events and construction sites. However, not all flood lights are of good quality, so buying industrial ones from a reliable supplier is essential. If you are looking for a reputed place to Buy Industrial Lighting Online in India, contact Nordusk LED today. Nordusk LED is a leading company in the LED lighting market in India, selling high-quality LED lights for different purposes. We aim to provide the market with state-of-the-art LED lighting solutions that routinely exceed client expectations in addition to meeting them. If you wish to Buy Industrial Flood Lights in India, visit our website today.
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hedwyn-here · 6 months
I still see people obsessively hating on Hello Games for the launch of No Man's Sky, saying they will never trust them, never buy a game from them etc... A very ambitious game made by (for most of it's development) less than 10 employees had to cut some of it's planned content before launch. They were (reportedly) pressured into announcing the game before they were ready, their studio flooded, they had to borrow internet from their neighbours by running ethernet out of the windows, they had a huge company suddenly advertising it as the next big AAA release despite the fact the studio was running out of money...
They aren't blameless, but it doesn't take a whole lot to see how a small group who were incredibly passionate about their work (and without a PR team) could get caught up in this situation.
But you know what? They've spent the last 10 years continually working on that game. Adding more and more content, getting it to where people expected it to be and even beyond in ways nobody could have predicted. Every single trailer they've released since has shown nothing but precicely what the game will offer. And we still see people treating them like industry villains.
There's a particular reason this bothers me so much, and it's name is Randy Pitchford.
A few years before No Man's Sky was released, Gearbox advertised the game Aliens: Colonial Marines with fabricated trailers, gameplay and screenshots. Not just things that had to be removed from the game for budgetary or time reasons, but literally just things they faked purely to advertise the game. What can only be construed as an intentional attempt to lie to the audience so they would buy a game. They were accused of using money SEGA had given them for the development of the game to fund their own proejct, Borderlands. Not only did Gearbox never try to fix Colonial Marines, to my knowledge they never even acknowledged any of the shitty stuff they did. Pitchford routinely attempted to slide that blame onto others (and if I remember rightly even said some pretty unpleasant stuff abotu Steff Sterling for daring to criticise the game on multiple occasions). Yet people are still more than happy to jump on Gearbox games uncritically. Even though they reportedly treat their staff like shit. Have very questionable means of paying their staff that afford them the opportunity to deny them bonuses even management (like Pitchford) are taking home huge bonuses of their own.
This is an example of a large developer very intentionally and maliciously lying to the audience and nobody seemed to give a shit about it even as little as a year after release.
For my money, Hello Games have proven themselves. I'll take an over-ambitious passionate group of artists who can't quite deliver on their promises over a malicious and predatory corporation any day of the week.
Fuck Gearbox.
<3 Hello Games.
I can't fuckin wait to play Light no Fire, I will buy that shit day 1.
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silentmoths · 1 year
Two weeks
a silly little idea that popped into my head
Zhongli x AFAB Reader, nsfw
Modern AU, Mild smut, Zhongli is a himbo, comfort ig??
1.5k words, not proofread
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Two weeks late.
You stare down at that stupid little cycle tracker on your phone and grimace. Sure you’d been late before…but never this late… 
Slowly, you cycle back through the days, to two weeks ago, you were meant to start on the fifteenth… odd. Zooming out to peer at the calendar in total, at first you draw nothing, and then your eyes widen in realisation.
The tenth.
The party.
A slew of pleasant, pleasurable memories flood your mind as a cold stone of dread settles in your belly. 
Memories of a handsome man approaching you at the bar, his charming smile and pretty eyes. He offers to buy you a drink, and you chat. Zhongli was his name, and he was a ceo of some fancy company in the tech industry. 
You never did these sorts of things, usually if you were going to sleep with someone, you wanted to know them a little better than chatting for a couple of hours at a bar downtown…but he was so…alluring and charming; his eyes were hypnotising and his voice rich and deep. So when you notice the other members of your party beginning to get rowdy and too loud for your liking, he offers you a ride home…well.
You’d intended to invite him in for coffee, but hands brushed and lips met and coffee went entirely forgotten in lieu of this beautiful man pressing you against the front door the moment it’s shut, of him all but carrying you to your bedroom and throwing you into the sheets; clothes are thrown asunder and there are hands on your body for the first time in years. 
You didn’t realise how badly you’d needed it. How badly you needed the skinship, the feel of hands not your own ghosting across your most sensitive areas driving you wilder than you can ever recall being. You beg for him, beg for his tongue, his fingers, his cock. You wanted all of it.
And Zhongli smiles softly down at you, his eyes near-glowing in the dim evening light; and he gives. He gives you everything you beg for, he shushes your pleasured blabbering, he calls you all manner of pet names, tells you how well you’re doing for him; you barely knew this man but he seemed to know you inside and out, your tells and what you needed to feel and hear to send you wild. 
You remember a warm towel, a bottle of water, and a can of soda for good measure on your bedside; warm arms wrapping around your body and soft, reverent kisses on your shoulders and jaw before you pass out from the exhaustion of it all.
You remember waking in the morning to a fresh bottle of water, some painkillers, an empty space beside you, and a note. He apologised for  having to go, for leaving you like this. He’d enjoyed the night he’d spent with you, and he wouldn’t mind meeting up again, his number scrawled elegantly beside his signature on the back of one of his business cards.
Of course, that was two weeks ago now. The amount of times you’d attempted to text him, wanting to meet again…but what did you say? ‘Hey that sex was bomb, wanna do it again?’ ew.
And now here you were, in a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, buried into the hood in shame as you stopped in the correct aisle. Funny you think, how these aisles always seemed to go. Pregnancy tests first, directly beside baby formula, then onto feminine hygiene products, to lubricant and then contraception…how fucked up was that, the entire lifecycle in one straight line…
With a sigh, you reach for one of the middle-range pregnancy tests, pushing your hood from your face so you could read the side of the box, like hell you wanted one of those ones where you had to pee in a cup first. 
Yeah, this one seemed like it ticked the boxes, even if you were praying that it was going to be negative. With a sigh you turn to leave and make for the cash register when someone turns up the aisle, golden amber gaze meeting your own and you both freeze.
You want to throw up, but he looks genuinely happy to see you, his face lighting up as he smiles and makes for you, you fumble and try to hide the test behind your back; but your haste had done nothing but draw his attention to what you had in your hand and he stops, eyes darting from you, to the shelf beside you as you watch the gears of his mind turning, and you’re so frozen in horror and fear that you can’t even bring yourself to speak, let alone move.
You’re expecting anger, you’d been so caught up in everything that had happened that you had forgotten to tell him you weren’t on birth control…and you couldn’t remember if he’d had a condom on him or not, but as his face turns back to you, you find the same horror in his eyes as he reaches out for you.
“I’m so sorry-” Zhongli rasps at you as he takes you by the shoulders “O-oh i got so caught up in…e-everything I forgot to ask a-and I didn’t have protection on me oh, dear, I’m so sorry!” 
You blink. This isn't how these scenarios usually went on TV, usually the man would get upset, tell you he wasn’t going to help, that it was your fault.
“I-Is this why you haven't text?” he asks quietly, eyes shining with worry “H-have you been afraid to tell me?”
“Wh- No!” you sputter “I-I only realised I was late today…I…didn’t know what to say to you…” you mumble “A-and now this..” Zhongli sighs, the worried frown softening just a little as he takes the test from your hand before replacing it with his own. 
“Come, do you need anything else? Some chocolate perhaps? This seems like the kind of stressful scenario where chocolate might come in handy…” 
You blink up at him. This tall, beautiful ceo with his life put together, dragging you through the grocery store and to the candy aisle, he tells you to pick whatever you want, as much as you want, he’ll pay for it, and despite your anxiety, you can’t help but giggle at him.
“What? What’s so funny?” he asks, a hint of amusement in his tone. “Am I not allowed to spoil you a little?”
“I mean…from you? I suppose I’ll take it.” you sigh fondly after a moment as you pick something out. 
He offers to drive you home, and as awkward as that initially feels, one look at the slowly worsening weather and you decide you’d rather the awkward drive than to be obliterated by rain.
You sit in his car, plastic bag full of goodies and one life-changing test sat between your feet as you mull over what to say, thankfully, Zhongli makes the first move, like he had that night in the bar.
“You know…if…if it’s positive… I will support your decision, no matter what it is.” he murmurs, keeping his eyes on the road, you gulp.
“What…does that mean if I want to…keep it?” 
“It means, I would support you, while I understand we do not have a properly established relationship… I would like to try…honestly even if it’s negative, or you do not wish to keep it…I would still like that…but know that you would never be wanting for anything…”
“I wouldn’t want to rely on you.” You sigh “that wouldn’t be fair…”
“I could very easily get you a job at my company.” he counters “I can appreciate a hard worker…and we do offer excellent maternity leave.”
The comment has you snorting before you burst out laughing, breaking the tension in the car as you see zhongli’s lips quirk into a grin. “Hey, I listen to my employees!” he tells you as you continue to laugh, it felt nice to be feeling something other than anxiety today.
But that anxiety returns when he pulls into the carpark of your apartment building and you find yourself taking a few shaky breaths. You had to know, you had to find out, for both your sakes now.
Quietly you look to him, and he’s looking back, seeming equally as worried.
“Hey…would you…come in with me? I…I’d like to have someone there when it’s done.” you mumble, Zhongli smiles softly and nods, shutting off the car. 
“Did I not just finish saying that I will be here to support you? Come on…let us find out what the gods have planned, yes?” He murmurs.
You never thought going to the damn bathroom would be so nerve wracking in your life. But you slowly slink in and shut the door.
Your shout has Zhongli jolt from the couch, where he had sat, his leg fidgeting at mach speed as he waits for the news; he all but barrels over the couch as you fling the door open. 
“What? What is it!?” he asks.
Taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe @dustofthedailylife @theheartshaker @rjssierjrie Want to be added to the list? shoot me an ask~
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It's time to do something very important that we've been putting of for a while.
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We're going to buy the FALN pants from Cuno.
CUNO - "Cuno's like Cuno's dad -- Cuno doesn't give a fuck about anything."
3. "I want to buy the FALN pants."
CUNO - "Here, pig. We FALN now. Performance buddies." Cuno unzips his jacket again and pulls the pants out of the plastic wrapping.
Item gained: FALN "Modular" Track Pants
CUNO - "Cuno can already see you soaring through the air like a fucking eagle." He looks at you with pride. "Pig's in Cuno's debt now. Money-debt."
Task complete: Buy FALN pants from Cuno
+10 XP
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+1 Savoir Faire: Spacious crotch/liquid fit -1 Physical Instrument: Performance-unlimited
Entry level FALN Modular track pants, meant to get the urban athele started down the FALN-path. Labels say Hydrophobic 100%, SymanTec, and FALN Mirova Lab, creating an air of pseudoscientific mystery around these pants. They feel rubbery and futuristic to touch.
🎵 The Field Autopsy
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THE HANGED MAN - The man is decomposing visibly now. Every hour he looks less like a creature and more like a pile of intestines...
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant adjusts his glasses and takes a deep breath.
2. "Let's bag him. Take him away." (The lieutenant takes the body away -- you work alone for the rest of the day.)
KIM KITSURAGI - "All right." He takes out a shiny black body bag and starts pulling the plastic over the dead man's face.
Task complete: Send victim's body to processing
+30 XP
Level up!
KIM KITSURAGI - "I will need a little help carrying him -- you take the hands, I'll take the legs."
Bag the corpse and drag it to the motor carriage. [Leave.]
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Kim is gone.
We *did* want to talk to Klaasje without Kim here, but she's turned in for the night, so that will have to wait.
🎵 Instrument of Surrender
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SHIVERS - All around you, rain falls on the great city of Revachol. Rain drips from the eaves and floods the gutters, washing the filth away.
The spring thaw must be here. The snow is melting...
What am I doing?
SHIVERS - Looking up at the sky, cold water dripping from your hair.
What do I see?
Shake the shivers off. [Discard thought.]
SHIVERS - Grey sky like great battleships, clouds colliding with one another. Rain falls down on the world.
How does it feel?
SHIVERS - Humid. Your coat shields you from the rain while the city shivers around you.
What is in the west?
What's in the east?
What's in the north?
What's in the south?
"Motherfucker." [Finish thought.]
SHIVERS - Sheets of rain over the water. A flight of stairs leading into the ocean. Wave after wave washing the coast of Martinaise, with its motorboats and gently swaying reeds.
The ruins of a half-sunken seafort crumble on an inlet. Beyond the Bay of Revachol, ghosts rise into the sky.
Who are you, ghosts?
What is down the shore?
Run your fingers through your dampened hair.
SHIVERS - The skyscrapers of La Delta, the financial district. Faint golden light seeps from the office windows.
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - Will you ever go there?
Will I?
Let go of the feeling.
SHIVERS - No. You are just one of the hundreds of thousands who watch them rise across the bay from Martinaise every day.
2. What is down the shore?
SHIVERS - Urban coastline, rain dripping off eternite-covered roofs. Cinder blocks left over from half-finished construction. A defunct research and development building once seized by revolutionaries. An old wooden church stands on stilts above the water.
And beyond that?
SHIVERS - Coal City, end of all lines.
3. Run your fingers through your dampened hair.
SHIVERS - Your hair is an oily mess flecked with ash from neighbouring coal plants. Smoke stacks rise somewhere in the distance.
🎵 Red Rock Riviera
2. What's in the east?
SHIVERS - The great gates of the industrial harbour are locked. A chill runs down your back. You shudder like an animal trying to shake water from its hide.
Clench your teeth to stop shuddering.
Shake your shoulders again.
SHIVERS - Behind the gates -- heaps of supply crates. Red and blue metal shipping containers slick with rain. The Greater Revachol Industrial Harbour is an artificial mountain range. Immense wealth resides within, and immeasurable poverty in its shadow.
And beyond that?
And before that?
SHIVERS - You -- on the Martinaise plaza. A small dot looking up at the sky. Droplets form on your eyelashes.
And beyond that?
SHIVERS - La Drisienne, King Dris's Passenger Harbour. Cruise ships flanked by dock arms. Cranes watching over the mouth of the river distributary.
What is across from the distributary?
SHIVERS - Couron, the lower middle class. Distributary after distributary cuts the city blocks in half. Seven-story buildings trail off into the rain.
What is beyond the Couron?
SHIVERS - A silvery curtain of rain over the houses. The class divide.
2. Shake your shoulders again.
SHIVERS - You shudder, looking down at your feet. Dirty rainwater runs veins into the plaza snow.
You realize you have no shoes on. Your feet are red with cold.
This is incorrect. This dialogue wasn't programmed to account for wearing anything other than the green snakeskin shoes Harry had on him at the start of the game.
3. What's in the north?
SHIVERS - Capeside apartments -- tower blocks crowd one another, 4.46 mm bullets still lodged in their war-torn stone walls.
Hallways collapsed from the mortar hits of a war that was lost long ago. Clotheslines go to waste in the rain. Radios play.
And closer to here?
SHIVERS - A yard. Rain falls onto the roof of a woodshed. The lingering odour of decomposition mixes with that of damp soil.
4. What's in the south?
SHIVERS - A traffic jam. Rain thrumming on the roofs of motor vehicles. Inside, drivers watch water streaming down their windshields. The statue of a king shudders, he too is cold. The canal bridge has been raised.
What's on the other side?
SHIVERS - The road ascends; a raised motorway loops above the ghetto. Beneath its concrete columns -- a sea of rooftops, woodwork, and tar stretches northward. Four-story buildings as far as the rain can fall. The snows melt in Jamrock.
Where the hood, where the hood, where the hood at?
Why am I not there?
Shudder, look further...
2. Why am I not there?
SHIVERS - To be in Martinaise, where no one goes. At the run-off point of a long-forgotten canal, in the whitest part of town. In the shadow of the day the Revolution failed.
White is the color of communism in Elysium, remember.
What am I doing here?
SHIVERS - Standing in the rain, looking north, where Jamrock Rock City stretches inland.
3. Shudder, look further...
SHIVERS - In the rain-swept distance above the rooftops of Jamrock, a re-purposed silk mill stands perched above the motorway exit. Precinct 41 hunches in the rain.
+5 XP
MACK TORSON - "Wonder if Vic's found his long lost boyfriend yet." He looks over at Chester McLaine and breaks into a laugh at his own joke. The rain falls outside.
CHESTER MCLAINE - "Mack, they're *hetero-sexual life partners*. It's not like that," his partner smirks. "But yeah. There's trouble in paradise for that duo, Tequila Sunset has..." The sound of the rain grows so loud it drowns out his voice.
SHIVERS - Your vision blurs. You wipe your face with your hand. The rain stings your eyes, making you look up and blink.
5. What's above?
SHIVERS - Coalition aerostatics hang like apparitions under the cloud cover. Way up there -- where rain forms -- rotors flutter silently. Your sight clears.
6. What's below?
SHIVERS - Collapsed storm drains. Old sewage systems flooded with rainwater. Hidden weapon caches from the Revolution. Doors leading down to Le Royaume -- the catacombs to which, for three centuries, they delivered the blue-blooded dead.
7. "Motherfucker." [Finish thought.]
SHIVERS - These spring thaw will not last. The winter will return to Revachol.
+5 XP
No point staying out any later without Kim here. Let's turn in for the night.
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Seems the walker was either very confused or drunk out of his mind.
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SHACK DOOR - It's getting cold this late in the night. Time to call it a day.
Enter the shack.
Not yet. [Leave.]
🎵 Coastal Shack
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SHIVERS - A brisk coastal wind still howls against the window of the shack. Occasionally the waves crawl in under the foundation, producing a low hum...
Shake it off. [Discard thought.]
SHIVERS - The room feels muffled, like you pulled your hat over your ears. Outside, it is cold and windy, but you're inside, and it feels safe and warm.
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By: Nidhi Subbaraman
Published: May 14, 2024
Wiley will announce that it will shutter 19 more journals, some tainted by fraud.
Fake studies have flooded the publishers of top scientific journals leading to thousands of retractions and millions of dollars in lost revenue. The biggest hit has come to Wiley, a 217-year-old publisher based in Hoboken, N.J., which Tuesday will announce that it is closing 19 journals, some of which were infected by large-scale research fraud.
In the past two years, Wiley has retracted more than 11,300 papers that appeared compromised, according to a spokesperson, and closed four journals. It isn’t alone: At least two other publishers have retracted hundreds of suspect papers each. Several others have pulled smaller clusters of bad papers.
Although this large-scale fraud represents a small percentage of submissions to journals, it threatens the legitimacy of the nearly $30 billion academic publishing industry and the credibility of science as a whole.
The discovery of nearly 900 fraudulent papers in 2022 at IOP Publishing, a physical sciences publisher, was a turning point for the nonprofit. “That really crystallized for us, everybody internally, everybody involved with the business," said Kim Eggleton, head of peer review and research integrity at the publisher. “This is a real threat."
The sources of the fake science are “paper mills"—businesses or individuals that, for a price, will list a scientist as an author of a wholly or partially fabricated paper. The mill then submits the work, generally avoiding the most prestigious journals in favor of publications such as one-off special editions that might not undergo as thorough a review and where they have a better chance of getting bogus work published.
World-over, scientists are under pressure to publish in peer-reviewed journals—sometimes to win grants, other times as conditions for promotions. Researchers say this motivates people to cheat the system. Many journals charge a fee to authors to publish in them.
Problematic papers typically appear in batches of up to hundreds or even thousands within a publisher or journal. A signature move is to submit the same paper to multiple journals at once to maximize the chance of getting in, according to an industry trade group now monitoring the problem. Publishers say some fraudsters have even posed as academics to secure spots as guest editors for special issues and organizers of conferences, and then control the papers that are published there.
“The paper mill will find the weakest link and then exploit it mercilessly until someone notices," said Nick Wise, an engineer who has documented paper-mill advertisements on social media and posts examples regularly on X under the handle @author_for_sale.
The journal Science flagged the practice of buying authorship in 2013. The website Retraction Watch and independent researchers have since tracked paper mills through their advertisements and websites. Researchers say they have found them in multiple countries including Russia, Iran, Latvia, China and India. The mills solicit clients on social channels such as Telegram or Facebook, where they advertise the titles of studies they intend to submit, their fee and sometimes the journal they aim to infiltrate. Wise said he has seen costs ranging from as little as $50 to as much as $8,500.
When publishers become alert to the work, mills change their tactics.
“It’s like a virus mutating," said Dorothy Bishop, a psychologist at the University of Oxford, one of a multitude of researchers who track fraudulent science and has spotted suspected milled papers.
For Wiley, which publishes more than 2,000 journals, the problem came to light two years ago, shortly after it paid nearly $300 million for Hindawi, a company founded in Egypt in 1997 that included about 250 journals. In 2022, a little more than a year after the purchase, scientists online noticed peculiarities in dozens of studies from journals in the Hindawi family.
Scientific papers typically include citations that acknowledge work that informed the research, but the suspect papers included lists of irrelevant references. Multiple papers included technical-sounding passages inserted midway through, what Bishop called an “AI gobbledygook sandwich." Nearly identical contact emails in one cluster of studies were all registered to a university in China where few if any of the authors were based. It appeared that all came from the same source.
“The problem was much worse and much larger than anyone had realized," said David Bimler, a retired psychology researcher in Wellington, New Zealand, who started a spreadsheet of suspect Hindawi studies, which grew to thousands of entries.
Within weeks, Wiley said its Hindawi portfolio had been deeply hit.
Over the next year, in 2023, 19 Hindawi journals were delisted from a key database, Web of Science, that researchers use to find and cite papers relevant to their work, eroding the standing of the journals, whose influence is measured by how frequently its papers are cited by others. (One was later relisted.)
Wiley said it would shut down four that had been “​​heavily compromised by paper mills," and for months it paused publishing Hindawi special issues entirely as hundreds of papers were retracted. In December, Wiley interim President and Chief Executive Matthew Kissner warned investors of a $35 million to $40 million revenue drop for the 2024 fiscal year because of the problems with Hindawi.
According to Wiley, Tuesday’s closures are due to multiple factors, including a rebranding of the Hindawi journals and low submission rates to some titles. A company spokesperson acknowledged that some were affected by paper mills but declined to say how many. Eleven were among those that lost accreditation this past year on Web of Science.
“I don’t think that journal closures happen routinely," said Jodi Schneider, who studies scientific literature and publishing at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
The extent of the paper mill problem has been exposed by members of the scientific community who on their own have collected patterns in faked papers to recognize this fraud at scale and developed tools to help surface the work.
One of those tools, the “Problematic Paper Screener," run by Guillaume Cabanac, a computer-science researcher who studies scholarly publishing at the Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier in France, scans the breadth of the published literature, some 130 million papers, looking for a range of red flags including “tortured phrases."
Cabanac and his colleagues realized that researchers who wanted to avoid plagiarism detectors had swapped out key scientific terms for synonyms from automatic text generators, leading to comically misfit phrases. “Breast cancer" became “bosom peril"; “fluid dynamics" became “gooey stream"; “artificial intelligence" became “counterfeit consciousness." The tool is publicly available.
Another data scientist, Adam Day, built “The Papermill Alarm," a tool that uses large language models to spot signs of trouble in an article’s metadata, such as multiple suspect papers citing each other or using similar templates and simply altering minor experimental details. Publishers can pay to use the tool.
With the scale of the paper-mill problem coming into ever better focus, it has forced publishers to adjust their operations.
IOP Publishing has expanded teams doing systematic checks on papers and invested in software to document and record peer review steps beyond their journals.
Wiley has expanded its team working to spot bad papers and announced its version of a paper-mill detector that scans for patterns such as tortured phrases. “It’s a top three issue for us today," said Jay Flynn, executive vice president and general manager of research and learning, at Wiley.
Both Wiley and Springer Nature have beefed up their screening protocols for editors of special issues after seeing paper millers impersonate legitimate researchers to win such spots.
Springer Nature has rejected more than 8,000 papers from a suspected paper mill and is continuing to monitor its work, according to Chris Graf, the publisher’s research-integrity director.
The incursion of paper mills has also forced competing publishers to collaborate. A tool launched through STM, the trade group of publishers, now checks whether new submissions were submitted to multiple journals at once, according to Joris van Rossum, product director who leads the “STM Integrity Hub," launched in part to beat back paper mills. Last fall, STM added Day’s “The Papermill Alarm" to its suite of tools.
While publishers are fighting back with technology, paper mills are using the same kind of tools to stay ahead.
“Generative AI has just handed them a winning lottery ticket," Eggleton of IOP Publishing said. “They can do it really cheap, at scale, and the detection methods are not where we need them to be. I can only see that challenge increasing."
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denimbex1986 · 11 months
Barbie is everything. He’s just … Robert Oppenheimer.
That’s right. The main character competing with Barbie for attention right now isn’t Ken, her plastic significant other. It’s the man who designed the atomic bomb.
Fans have been waiting for this summer’s release of two movies — “Barbie,” from Warner Bros. and directed by Greta Gerwig, and “Oppenheimer,” from Universal Pictures and directed by Christopher Nolan — which are both coming out on July 21, and they have been poking fun at the stark contrast in the movies’ themes, moods and color schemes.
The result of the release schedule is a mash-up many people may not have seen coming: Barbenheimer. Or Boppenheimer, if you will.
“Oppenheimer” is Nolan’s prestige movie based on “American Prometheus,” a biography of Oppenheimer, the scientist who led the Manhattan Project, which during World War II produced the first atomic bombs. The trailers for that film, with intense music and suspenseful scenes starring a pensive-looking Cillian Murphy as Oppenheimer, are in stark contrast with the pink and sparkly trailers for “Barbie,” which show Margot Robbie as the doll living in Barbieland before setting off on an adventure into the real world.
The two characters could hardly be more different (does this Venn diagram even have a middle?). And yet, Robbie and Murphy are appearing on T-shirts and sweaters together.
Memes, videos and online chatter have flooded social media, and some people are making plans to see the two movies on the same day. A debate about which order to see them in — “Barbie” first to start the day off light, or “Oppenheimer” first, to end on a more cheerful note — hasn’t been settled.
The curious crossover is also giving rise to real-life merchandise. A Google search for “Barbenheimer T-shirt” brings tens of thousands of results, and sellers on Etsy have designed their own versions. Some feature Robbie and Murphy, while others combine Barbie’s pink font with a pink drawing of an atomic cloud.
One such T-shirt, and an early entry in the crowded field, is a simple split-screen combination of the two movie logos, spelling out “Barbenheimer” with the release date of the films.
Hunter Hudson, 23, a filmmaker in San Antonio, said he originally designed and created the shirts for him and his friends to “roll up to the Barbenheimer double feature” on July 21. But when he posted pictures of the shirt on his Twitter feed, he said, it took off beyond his expectations.
“I normally get about three or four likes on anything I post,” Hudson said. But after sharing a few mock-ups of the shirt, he woke up one morning to hundreds of messages from people asking him if they could buy it.
Hudson makes the shirts himself, with a friend, and charges $40. So far he said he had made about 150 shirts, with a second batch of about 70 more on the way. It takes him about 45 minutes to an hour to make one T-shirt, which he does by cutting two shirts in half, pinning them together and sewing and pressing them.
“I had a couple of movie theaters reach out to me privately to do bulk orders for employees,” he said. “It’s been overwhelmingly positive.”
This kind of organic marketing is probably good for both films, said Robert Mitchell, the director of theatrical insights at Gower Street, a company that does predictive analysis for the film industry.
Not that the studios’ marketing has been lacking: There are life-size cardboard Barbie boxes in theaters for people to take pictures and a selfie generator. There have been collaborations with multiple brands: The frozen yogurt chain Pinkberry is offering a Barbie flavor, Gap has a line of Barbie-themed clothes, and Airbnb is offering a real-life Barbie Dream House in Malibu. Warner Bros. declined to comment on the movie’s marketing efforts.
What all this hype means for box office results for either film is unclear, and awareness doesn’t always translate into attendance, Mitchell said. Predictions for opening weekends are tricky and a lot can still happen before July 21, said David Gross, a movie consultant who publishes a newsletter on box office numbers. Some conservative industry estimates, he said, have “Barbie” opening between $55 million and $65 million in the United States and Canada, and “Oppenheimer” between $40 million and $50 million. Both of those estimates would be strong for a fantasy comedy and a historical drama, neither of which are sequels. Superhero, big action and big animation movies usually open higher, Mr. Gross said.
Still, the hype around the films could be beneficial to the numbers. “Every time ‘Barbie’ released a trailer, ‘Oppenheimer’ would start trending,” Mitchell said.
“They’re so vastly different,” he said, “that they allow for the narrative that popped up organically: This would be strangest double bill ever.” That online conversation, he said, “is pretty much a gift for distributors.”
While social media is full of people showing off their tickets to see the double feature, it’s unclear how many really will. “But it shouldn’t matter,” Gross said. “Audiences are going to find them, and both films are going to do extremely well.”
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cutiedwaekki · 1 year
Mukbang livestream ideas lives in my brain rent free. Just imagine Chan starting out only doing shows once a week but as tips and donations pour in, he goes from once a week, to twice a week, to daily livestreams. Then there’s the rest of skz, all of them Chan’s loyal fans that keep upping their donations in the hopes of getting him to eat even more.
At first, he’s oblivious to the weight gain. But then, one day he pops his pants button during a live. He wants to stop it there, but he’s realized the meal was paid for by one of his followers, plus he’s still hungry. He powers through the meal. He notices an uptick in donations at the moment he burst his pants open, so he decides to keep wearing small clothes and will just rip off his shirt if it gets in the way.
Nothing more to say THIS IS PERFECT
Anyways thank you for your request i hope you'll enjoy it like i did enjoy writing it ^-^
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- "Is it on ? Okay!" Said the brunet before turning his gaze towards his camera to get a return of the screen. He was currently recording his first live show and despite the good lighting and soundproofing, it was clear that he didn't know his way around.
To give you a quick summary, Chan had finished his studies and had a small studio in town, he was making his debut in the music world and was helping to compose songs for different artists. He had not yet composed for anyone famous, but he believed in his dreams and was not afraid to try. He was still a beginner, freshly graduated, it would take time for him to make a name for himself in composition. The problem was that he was having a hard time getting recruited and the part-time jobs weren't helping him pay the rent, and he didn't want to depend on the help of his friends who had obviously supported him from the start.
So came the thought of doing live streaming, after all he was often told that he was attractive and someone you liked to listen to so why not do that but get paid for it.
But back to the point. The brunette sighed for a long time as he waited for at least one or two viewers to show up on his live, but it seemed that today was a good day as in less than ten minutes at least thirty-five people were watching his live, which was a small number but for the Australian it was a lot.After a few minutes of silence he finally decided to speak and start his live show
- "Well ... heu .... hello everyone ! It's your boy Christopher ! You don't know me for sure and this is my very first live show here so I hope I'll be treated well and that you'll appreciate me!" He started shyly before reading the comments that defiled, all were filled with love and encouragement making him more confident to start talking
.He spoke again and again, he talked about himself, his dream of becoming a producer, he even promoted 3racha, an underground band he had formed with two of his best friends: Changbin and Jisung who were watching the love too and encouraged him throughout the live show with "CHEER UP HYUNG" "DON'T FORGET YOU'RE A NICE GUY WHO JUST HAVE A LOT OF MONEY !!!" "IF THEY DON'T LOVE YOU SHOW YOUR ABS"
He chuckled at their comment and did not hesitate to chat for long minutes with the tchat.
-"By the way, if you have any ideas of what I could do in my lives, tell me, I guess it must be weird that I'm just talking and do nothing more" he added, turning his eyes back to the comments to read the various proposals. "Mukbang? You want me to make mukbang?" He questioned after seeing this idea several times in the chat.
He had nothing against the mukbang, it's just that with his meager salary he could not afford to buy rich or pretty food aesthetically and that he quickly understood "apart from industrial ramyeon I do not think I can make real mukbang , like ... these live served me a little to that too , i ain't someone really wealthy" he confided nervously before scratching the neck. This gesture made the heart of some people capsize and they hurried to flood the comment section with their hearts.
Then suddenly *ding* was heard showing on the screen that someone had just made him a donation.
"@P1RATE-K1NG sent you $20: with this you can buy some food for your next live ;)"
The brunet hallucinated a few seconds before thanking politely his donor and promising a mukbang for his next live.
- "Wow it's been 2 hours already? Time goes by so fast! It's getting late guys I'll leave you but we'll meet again ... let's say next week? Thanks a lot I had a lot of fun today! For your all guys big hug!" He concluded before standing up and hugging the camera for a few seconds before sitting back down and greeting the viewers with a peace sign and a wink before turning off the live show.
Wow for a first live he had done well! He had already gained almost a hundred subscribers and received his first donation, it was definitely a sign for him to continue, but how far?
Here is about 3 months that Chan had started his lives , as promised he made every week a live at the same time and discussed with his community that grew day by day , during his live there was only good vibes , people this confided and Chan gave them advice as much as he could acting as a virtual friend for all these people
Of course he was entitled to donations but it never went beyond 50$ and it was mostly to buy food. He thought he was only doing mukbang from time to time, but he ended up by only doing it for several reasons:
-he had more visibility and visibility so he often had more chance to receive donations
-It was his favorite way to live because he felt really comfortable and didn't have the need to act like he was wearing a mask and could show himself without a filter as he wanted to
-but it was also the favorite type of live shows of his viewers who always asked for more live shows from him.
In order to support his artistic projects, he opened a utip at the suggestion of one of his viewers and often received some tips and in exchange the viewers had the right to exclusivity like demos or explicit versions of songs like "Drive" that he had co-written and performed with his boyfriend Minho, even though neither of them assumed the meaning of the lyrics, creating an embarrassing moment for them and a funny one for the internet users.
So after the first month, Chan finally gave a name to his live shows that he named the Chans Room because he was doing his live streaming in his room and his name was Chan!
His rhythm of live although regular was less and less often and sometimes it had fmd him emanate a week or to make a live a day after, the reason was that he had not enough income and that the little money he received was used for food.
Then came one particular live show, he was quietly eating chickens wings before complaining towards the end of the show that he felt so full that he had trouble getting up, yet he didn't hesitate to get up and do the famous big hug that he used to do at the farewell to his viewers, except that the framing made that those who watched the live show could see the little bulging belly of the Australian that was hanging out of his crop top.Since then he received more and more donations reaching astronomical sums up to 300$ !
Not to mention his viewer count had doubled in the last few weeks leaving no choice but to make his live shows frequent up to three times a week.More live shows meant more mukbang and surprisingly more donations.
But how much more could it be?
-"Ugh come on!" Complained the brunet turned recently blond who was squirming all over his room , why? Well the poor Australian was trying takt well as he could to put on a pair of pants that had become much too small for him.
And yes this stuffing of fast-food and other food during weeks had consequences on his silhouette formerly muscular. Now instead of abs as smooth as chocolate bars, a double belly had appeared creating a muffin top with every pair of tight jeans he put on or normally just heavy love handles. His thighs and his ass had also had the right to their share of fat since he could not take a step without his thighs rubbing and shaking against each other, and for his ass ... Let's just say that Minho couldn't take his eyes off it and spent his day slapping it or grabbing it.
But how to talk about weight gain without talking about his face too, surely the cutest part, now he couldn't talk without looking adorable with his full cheeks that had managed to surpass Jisung's, not to mention the slight double chin that was starting to become permanent.
At a glance, one could think that he had certainly gained between 20 and 25 kilos and it was quite justified considering the number of calories he ate every day, without counting the wonderful meals of his lover who seemed to cook more and more for them, he could even see that he too had gained some weight, just by looking at the way his thick thighs were getting looser while his spongy belly was shaking with each step he took.However in spite of that, the autralian was totally unconscious of all this weight, he meant for him if these pants did not go up higher than his thighs it is because of Minho who makes badly the laundry but never he was going to say to him in face it would be to sign his death warrant.But in short after a few minutes Chan gave up and put on his best black jogging suit with the only oversized sweater he had left which now was not so oversized as that ...
Minnie ❤️ :
I'm going to Felix's do you want me to bring you something?
Channie ❤️:
Yes I would you know how much I love his brownies!
Plus it'll be extra food to eat during my live show.
Minnie ❤️:
You are so invested in your live shows I'm so proud to see this!
Eat well big boy ~
I'll bring you the brownies in 15 minutes
So as usual, he adjusted the lights, put on his microphone, deposited the food before sitting heavily on his chair, these days he became very easily out of breath for the slightest movement but moving on! He turned on the camera and the live show could finally begin!
-"Hi guys ! It's your boy Christopher ! Welcome to this new edition of Chan's Room !" He introduced before cheering the chat that was animated from the first minutes of the live. "So today I'm going to eat various things, as you want it's a lot but I promise you to eat everything without leaving any crumbs! He assured by raising his right hand as a sign of promise.
-"So here we got some ramyeon, some tteokbokki, some bulgogi, and a bowl of japchae and the mythical chicken wings! And for dessert I have my dear friend Felix who made some great brownies that I can't wait to eat! Let's start, I'm hungry" he said before taking his steel chopsticks and starting with the bowl of ramyeon that he ate as if it had been months since he had swallowed something (which was not true, he had eaten a lot of doughnuts all morning)
It wasn't long before Chan was already finishing up with the ramyeon and discussing the fact that he had finally found a company that wanted him as a producer !
While discussing he tried to readjust his jeans which were so tight that he had the impresison it could popped at any moment, it was already a miracle that he managed to put it on and button it but his belly was stinging so hard against it and it was very obvious during his live show as donations were pouring in and people were complimenting him on his soft and plump body while remaining respectful of course.
- "And so after that my friend Changbin said-" he couldn't finish his sentence because a big *PING* was heard, the reason for the noise was the jeans of the Australian who decided to give in after he had eaten his bowls of ramyeon, a bit of japchae and exactly 4 chicken wings.
There was a long silence without Chan being able to say anything, he was just shocked, how could he have let himself go so much to become so fat to popped one of his jeans in live.
Yet deep down he liked it and then he had not finished his entire meal so he might as well continue he had solemnly promised to eat everything and he had never broken his promise!
So he continue as if nothing was wrong and continued to eat while one of his plump hands reached his belly that he kneaded leaving a nice view to the viewer on the extent of Chan's weight gain and once again the chat went crazy and the donations became even more frequent reaching higher and higher amounts
But Chan was not paying attention, no he was just feeding himself, not leaving a single crumb or sauce. Although the brownies were a little harder to eat, he finally ate everything on the table and proudly patted his bloated belly as hard as a rock.
-Woah ... that was a thing! I guess at this rate I'm going to turn into a little piggy" he said with a teasing smile as he looked at the camera, he knew how to turn a situation to his advantage and seeing the reactions and the comments about how plump he had become in a short time made him realize that this was what some had been looking for from the beginning, to make him so fat that he'll get too big for his pants.
But he didn't blame them, he was also responsible for being fed nonstop these last weeks, not to mention his friends who had been encouraging him to eat more, adding that it was nothing and that a little more wouldn't hurt him. (Plus Minho who sometimes use him as a food tester before starting to test it himself and get plump as his lover)
And they were right, now he had become in love with his body, how his curves made him both adorable and sexy at the same time.
At least with this body he had found a way to earn money more easily although most of it went to his food because he always wanted more and more that he didn't know how to stop.In the end it was not surprising that in his next live he wore tight clothes always looking for outgrew it, and when it happened he was not even surprised that it was the time when he had the most donation.
Because in the end Chan's Room was a cozy place, a safe place where everyone was free to express themselves, but if it is to say how adorable and plump Chan was then no need to say it, it was a collective opinion that he himself agree with.
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veggieeats · 1 year
Why I became veggie
“If the slaughterhouse had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian” - Paul McCartney
Since leaving school, many of my friends converted to vegetarianism/veganism. We had numerous discussions surrounding the topic and, although it was something I had wanted to do for years, it was these discussions that solidified my views and the decision to change my diet. I was told to watch one documentary in particular called Cowspiracy. I was 16, in my bedroom, laying quietly in bed with my laptop in front of me. I pulled up YouTube, pre-warned by my friend that it would be a painful yet insightful watch into the animal agricultural industry. I hit play on the documentary and I knew within the first ten minutes that my entire perspective had shifted.                 
I was sickened by the idea of eating meat; the idea that, beneath all of the propaganda and lies, that animals suffered far more than we, as the consumers, are led to believe. We are often comforted by the “free range” and “grass fed” labels on the packaging of our food, blissfully unaware of what these words truly mean. As I sat and watched, I remembered some of my classes in school; the multi-coloured food diagrams and illustrated pictures of plates of food labelled “balanced diet” projected onto the screen in front of me. We are taught that meat and dairy are our main sources of protein, that in order to be healthy we must buy into these industries otherwise we will face all kinds of health issues and deficiencies. We are taught that our canines mean we are omnivores and that it is the circle of life; that consuming animal products is natural (despite the copious amounts of hormones and chemicals pumped into them) and that human beings are designed to consume this diet. As soon as I realised that the meat and dairy industry is a capitalist money maker for huge corporations, with very little regard for the mass public and the animals being harmed, I decided to make the change. I recommend that anyone who wants to understand the meat and dairy industry on a deeper level watches Cowspiracy, although I will do my best to shed some light on it in this blog.
Our Environment
It is predicted that, by 2050, the population will rise to 9.7 billion people. By consuming our planet’s resources at such a rapid rate, the earth will be unable to replenish them and we will face many issues such as water, land and forest shortages, damage to vital ecosystems, famine and financial crises. If this does not change by 2050, we will need the equivalent of three earths resources to sustain us. Global warming is a crisis that will lead to catastrophic events. Greenhouse emissions from mass produced cow farms (a single cow produces 220lbs of methane per year) and deforestation where the burning of vast acres of forests in order to make room for these cow farms are placing us on course for these events. We can expect to see catastrophic weather events such as hurricanes, droughts and floods and socio-political issues such as climate wars, all as a result of global warming.
So how can a veggie diet change things?
Animal agriculture is responsible for 51% of our greenhouse gas emissions, as opposed to transportation making up 16%. Just one day per week (52 days per year) of eating a vegetarian diet can save nearly 100kgs of C02 per year. The veggie diet produces 2.5x less carbon emissions than a meat diet. By eating a vegetarian diet for a year, we could save the same number of emissions as a family taking a small car off the road for 6 months!
Eye-opening statistics on the animal agriculture industry.
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boyette47tarp · 17 days
Replica Designer Bags Bangkok
Don’t overlook that replicas are replicas. They are not authentic designer items. As such it's very very likely that there'll be minor differences even if you are shopping for top quality replicas or super fakes. Now these minimal dissimilarities might be very hard to spot on the other hand they can still exist. It is a Regular occurrence when web shoppers spot a Chanel bag on a web auction that is definitely various hundred bucks under the average genuine Chanel bag. Believing aaa handbag replicas to have found the deal from the life time, they can purchase a retail-priced $1,700 Chanel bag For under $150 on the internet, unaware that they have acquired a fake handbag. In the event you come upon a deal over a designer bag that looks too excellent to get genuine, it most likely is. I use PH for all Hermes and Hannah gets me any hues I need. I’ve gotten lots of compliments on my bags. Buying an ideal handbag is not any uncomplicated job. With all the sheer level of replica bags flooding the industry. So, it may be hard to detect good quality replicas that search the same as their designer inspirations. The most popular type of replica bag is really a 1:1 clone. These designer-influenced items are made with good quality materials and components that intently resembles their authentic counterparts in both equally appearances and feel. Even though the internet is filled with warnings about the dangers of pretend products and solutions and types are frequently combating from counterfeits, it hasn’t stopped the replica market place from escalating and An increasing number of persons carrying phony bags. You'll find even two groups of people included that you could find shocking. Due to the fact 2014, I’ve been ordering from them. Throughout this time, they'd a website closure and altered their handle, which nearly prompted us to shed contact. Younger customers aren’t humiliated whatsoever about sporting low-cost knock-offs of high-end handbags and extras – in truth, they’re really happy with it! Step one in figuring out the authenticity of a significant-good quality replica bag is to look at its material and development. A very good indicator of good quality is Should the bag feels good and durable when also staying light-weight. In summary, replica bags could be a great way to own stylish, lavish objects at a reasonable rate. 25 30 replica lv handbags for sale is crucial to remember to do your analysis and Ensure that you happen to be obtaining from the respected supply. Ensure that you check for top quality resources and craftsmanship, as well as any identifying markings that will point out the bag is not really authentic. In my many years of expertise buying replicas, I’ve under no circumstances heard of anything at all known as a “clone.” Clearly, it’s just Yet another term sellers use to deceive persons. But with countless types and types available, how Are you aware if a Neverfull is designed much better than an Onthego, particularly if you’ve never ever tried out them? While you'll find Countless designer bags that were replicated, only certain certain models and variations of bags are copied probably the most. And picking up a superfake isn’t as simple as grabbing an everyday knockoff from Dhgate/Aliexpress. You’ve practically got to be aware of someone that’s previously purchased one particular to have the Speak to details for a seller. 
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ffxiv 5.0 tangents
it's dooming the world and all buy everlasting light is very pretty in ill mheg and lakeland
welp we're turning into a sin eater and being consumed by the light or whatever but time to do every shadowbringers job quest from culinarian to dancer.
phy dps: huh so ardbert's whole team turned into sin eaters. i thought they joined minfilia in stopping the flood, in the cutscene they joined the light or something? huh and she kept her original form too. as for lue-reeq uh rich and eats a lot. huh his parents are in eulmore? but for someone to become a free citizen of eulmore they have to relinquish all material belongings and wealth to the state (vauthy) so how does lue-reeq and his family still have money? ah who am i kidding rich people always find loopholes, set up a non-profit as a tax haven. aw reeq you're cute but a contract is a contract. wow didn't think of using daddy's money to lift her out of poverty? and they were co-tanks <3. huh how is cylva still alive. soo reeq throws a fit because we missed an opportunity to attack and now wants forgiveness i mean it's immature to take your frustration out on someone else but i don't get why everyone hates his guts so much you'd think he murdered their grandma. The most important thing learned here are that the stripes of female miqote character models are face paint
healer: ah a alcoholic dwarf haven't heard that one before. lamitt literally scraped ardbert off the ground. huh so lamitt's ardbert's first party member. it's nice to see the wod party slowly leveling up. cylva main tank hype. ah damn it i actually have to heal in this quest line and then i wiped teehee this is why i dont play healer very easy mode save me! so the questions remain why didn't cylva travel to the source with the other wod, why she wasn't all the wall with minfilia and how she's still alive 100 years later. ok so each of the party members got a glowy crystal after killing a boss. that's very similar to the wol collecting hydaelyn elemental crystals in arr. ah i forgot i need to be level 80 for the last quest... ug i don't want to heal. YOU'RE MAKING ME USE REPOSE I DON'T EVEN HAVE THAT ON MY HOTBAR. yeah another crystal
magic: huh this better not be un..hai.. kl???? triad boy. el..lidibus?'s "apprentice"? huh nyelbert's fellow childhood apprentice. there's a surprising number fo pre flood people hanigng around. nope not him. surprised they ddin't reuse the assets from copperbell mines for this one instance. hey lookie another crystal collected. dahm taynor gets 3 costumes that's more than most of the scions. seriously what is up with those crystals.
tank: this questline aint big enough for 2 dark knights. he's going to be angsty isn't he. killed his fiance who turned into a sin eater and self harm yeah yeah that'all do. I really can't tell if this is another case of the writers not communicating so one writer is like you have to give up all worldly possessions to get into eulmore as free citizens. and another is like nah they have hella money. or option 2 it that the free citizens blatantly just ignore the rule and continue accumulating wealth. well rip that gal's husband. granson is so depressed, he fits in perfectly. why are all dark knight like this so broody (the answer is love! it's love!). wow in the face of some rando hume trying to sneak out of a deal and threatening them sul oul is very patient. i wish i had a 3 tank party. and another crystal. this is definitely the dark knight writer. if granson's only been fighting professionally a year he's gotten pretty good pretty fast.
well that was all the combat role quests. on to hand and land. I like the magic dps and tank ones best but all were decent stories. I'll do the job specific quests later.
dwarf quests. why ostall imperative?? wouldn't it be better to have production and industry centralized? (real reason is devs didn't want everything in the same spot same reason why poetics are in eulmore.). they should make more beard options for lalafell. or why isn't this in kholusia. all the workers are dwarfs so you're importing the entire workforce, it'd be more efficient to build a base in kholusia where all the dwarves and mining are, build up the local industry and then export products.
oh these are custom deliveries. i hate the custom delivery system. guess I won't be doing these quests. how did an alchemist end up in charge of carpenter, weaver, leatherworker quests. and of course fisher is too special to be lumped into the other gathering jobs. crystarium people are fish oil deficient.
welp back to msq but first gotta glam
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nordusk · 2 months
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careeralley · 1 month
Engineering Your Future: Exploring Career Paths
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No matter where you live in the world, holding a degree in engineering significantly increases your chances of finding employment. Engineering careers span all types of social needs and industries. Whether in the petroleum sector or software engineering, engineers are essential for maintaining, supporting, designing, and manufacturing every product and service we use. Consequently, engineers are crucial and consistently in demand. Demand is Greater than Supply With only one in twenty college students opting for an engineering field, graduates often have the advantage of determining their career paths and salaries. Interest in the physical sciences has significantly declined over the past few decades and shows no signs of increasing soon. While some European countries, such as Germany, where nearly one in three graduates hold an engineering degree, maintain a more favorable balance, it appears that engineers in the US will continue to be in high demand. - Engineering interest: Interest in engineering fields has indeed declined in recent decades.  There are multiple reasons for this, including a shift towards business and computer science degrees. - Demand for engineers: There is a strong demand for skilled engineers in the US across many industries, from aerospace and civil engineering to software and biomedical engineering. - Salary advantage: Engineering graduates tend to have good starting salaries and career prospects. However, it's important to note that salaries can vary depending on the specific engineering discipline and experience. - Comparison to other countries: The US does lag behind some European and Asian countries in the percentage of engineering graduates. Countries like Germany have a strong focus on vocational training and engineering education Opportunities in Engineering Careers The most comprehensive career book series available, Opportunities in Engineering Careers is a wonderful guide. Buy on Walmart We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. The World Is Their Workspace The demand for new technology spans across barriers and nations. Large industrial and service corporations hire hundreds, if not thousands, of engineers for various global projects. These projects range from developing a better light bulb to enhancing cloud computing and storage. The number of countries that supply the necessary products for these projects is extensive. Consequently, engineers must either interact directly with overseas markets or their employers will need to hire someone who can. Unlock the potential of a career in engineering! Dive into a field where innovation meets necessity, offering diverse opportunities and the chance to shape the future. #EngineeringYourFuture #CareerPaths #InnovationClick To Tweet Demand Never Ceases We often view smartphones or computers as purchases made only once every few years. If these were the only products engineers developed, their career prospects would likely be less promising. However, the scope of engineering stretches far beyond these items. The pace of new product development and enhancements to existing products is relentless and continuously increasing. Coupled with infrastructure demands for buildings, bridges, tunnels, and factories, the need for engineers to meet these requirements grows exponentially. Furthermore, the demand for engineers not only remains robust but can also fluctuate dramatically in response to unforeseen events such as floods, droughts, hurricanes, and blizzards. Studying Engineering $24.95 $16.66 Studying Engineering is written for students both those who are already engineering majors and those who are considering engineering as their field of study. The purpose of this book is to enhance student success. Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 04/26/2024 09:51 pm GMT Engineering Skills are More Than a Specialization Although engineering is a precise science, it consistently demands creativity to develop better solutions for existing products, invent new solutions for emerging problems, and anticipate future needs. Engineers must also cultivate leadership skills and possess excellent communication abilities. Those who successfully develop these competencies often become prime candidates for management positions. Furthermore, engineers excel at objective analysis, whether assessing a company or an electrical grid. This skill set enables them to act as taskmasters and problem solvers beyond their field of specialization, serving as consultants or supervisors when a fresh perspective on a problem or topic is necessary for a company. Embedded Systems Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Programmers $89.95 $79.99 Embedded Systems Architecture is a practical and technical guide to understanding the components that make up an embedded system’s architecture. Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 04/25/2024 11:46 am GMT Types of Engineering Careers There are many different types of engineering careers, depending on your skills and passions.  Projected growth in engineering jobs, as well as wages, are included below. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Job Search and College Debt - For new college graduates, a good credit score is essential for financial stability. It affects your ability to secure favorable loan rates, rent apartments, and sometimes qualify for jobs. By establishing a strong credit score early, graduates enhance their financial opportunities and readiness to manage future economic challenges effectively. Credit Sesame - Get your free credit score Get your free credit score. Check your score right away and see what’s impacting your credit. 100% Free. No credit card. No trials. No commitments. Sign up Now - 100% Free Read our Review We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Nuclear Engineer - Nuclear engineers research and develop the processes, instruments, and systems used to derive benefits from nuclear energy and radiation. Many of these engineers find industrial and medical uses for radioactive materials—for example, in equipment used in medical diagnosis and treatment. Software Engineers - Computer science professionals who use knowledge of engineering principles and programming languages to build software products, develop computer games, and run network control systems. Our Pick So You Wanna Be an Embedded Engineer: The Guide to Embedded Engineering, From Consultancy to the Corporate Ladder (Embedded Technology) $55.95 $45.85 Buy Now We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 04/26/2024 11:01 am GMT Agricultural Engineer - Agricultural engineering is a unique field that involves coming up with different modes of activities and processes to help improve agriculture. It combines other disciplines, such as plant biology, animal biology, civil, mechanical, chemical, and electrical engineering. It might not be as lucrative as other engineering careers, but with the necessary experience, it can provide a decent income. Petroleum Engineer - Petroleum engineers are tasked with discovering the location of oil reserves and determining the best position for oil rigs and wells. Another responsibility is strategizing safe methods for the extraction of petroleum and refining crude oil into its constituents. Maintenance of oil wells and rigs is also done by a petroleum engineer. However, in the case of offshore wells, he or she is required to work in conjunction with deep-sea divers and diving technicians. It is a well-paying job and considerable experience is required. Civil Engineers - Building the world's infrastructure as well as updating aging infrastructures in Europe and the US keeps this role in high demand. Civil engineers also face the daunting task of designing and building spans that will be safer and longer-lasting. Environmental Engineers - The country's quest for environmentally friendly ways of getting things done bodes well for careers in environmental engineering. Environmental engineers are challenged with finding ways to improve recycling, waste disposal, public health, and air and water pollution control. To get the job done, environment engineers utilize the principles of biology, chemistry, engineering, and soil science. Geotechnical Engineers - This emerging career for civil engineering graduates focuses on the behavior of soil and rocks at construction sites. Geotechnical engineers analyze soil properties to design foundations for various structures, making them essential in earthquake-prone and landslide areas. Their expertise also supports critical projects like offshore platform construction. With their specialized skills, geotechnical engineers find opportunities with oil companies and prospecting firms, marking a promising career path in this niche field. Environmental Engineers - Providing and designing solutions for environmental problems such as waste disposal and proper pollution management is the responsibility of environmental engineers. The main goal of this type of engineer is to develop the system and means to better protect the environment. With the growing population, providing efficient methods to contain pollution is of main concern. In many countries today, environmental engineers are employed to ensure the distribution of safe water supply and proper treatment of sewage. These kinds of engineers are also needed in providing efficient means for disposing of chemical and toxic wastes from industrial companies, such as power plants, drilling firms, chemical manufacturing companies, and pharmaceuticals. Transportation Engineers - The exponential population growth in many countries has caused a sharp increase in transportation needs. Providing the best means of transportation is the primary job of transportation engineers. This involves participating in providing systems and modes of transportation that are efficient and safe. Construction of public infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and railways are also among the main responsibilities in a transportation engineering career. Railway, Airport, Marine, and road engineers fall under this engineering career. Structural Engineers - A career in Structural engineering involves making sure a building can withstand natural and man-made forces, disasters, and influences that may affect its structural integrity. Ensuring the safety of bridges, roads, dams, and other public structures is also the responsibility of this type of engineer. Structural engineers are also responsible for testing the behavior of construction materials under different conditions. This involves providing information on how materials react and behave when subjected to pressure, cold, heat, and strain. It is one of the highly sought-after types of engineering today and it can be a fulfilling career for a civil engineering graduate. Opportunities abroad are also vast, especially in countries under development. Requirements According to bls.gov, entry-level engineers typically must have a bachelor’s degree in an engineering discipline that’s related to the type of work they plan to do. Additional education or licensure, or both, may be needed to advance in the occupation. Getting practical experience while in college, such as completing an internship or participating in a cooperative engineering program, is also recommended. You can start to prepare for an engineering career as early as high school by taking classes such as trigonometry, calculus, and physics. Additional Resources: Engineer Your Own Success: 7 Key Elements to Creating An Extraordinary Engineering Career - It's a well-known fact that engineers are recognized for their uncanny ability to create magnificent blueprints in an effort to bring brilliant designs to the world. Unfortunately, oftentimes they suffer from a lack of the non-technical soft skills needed to advance up the corporate ladder and achieve the success they desire. Engineer Your Own Success: 7 Key Elements to Creating An Extraordinary Engineering Career $9.99 It's a well-known fact that engineers are recognized for their uncanny ability to create magnificent blueprints in an effort to bring brilliant designs to the world. Unfortunately, often times they suffer from a lack of the non-technical soft skills needed to advance up the corporate ladder and achieve the success they desire. Buy on Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 04/26/2024 08:01 am GMT How to Become an Expert Software Engineer - This book provides a roadmap for advancing from novice to expert in software development. It covers essential programming skills, software architecture, agile methodologies, and career development strategies to help programmers excel and grow in the tech industry. How to Become an Expert Software Engineer (and Get Any Job You Want): A Programmer’s Guide to the Secret Art of Free and Open Source Software Development $14.99 Want to know the secret to becoming an expert software engineer and getting any job you want? The answer is simple. Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 04/26/2024 08:41 am GMT Additional Resources - Opportunities in Engineering Careers The most comprehensive career book series available, Opportunities in Engineering Careers is a wonderful guide. Buy on Walmart We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. - Cybersecurity: Engineering a Secure Information Technology Organization $92.95 $78.79 This groundbreaking book provides a uniquely comprehensive guide to software security, ranging far beyond secure coding to outline rigorous processes and practices for managing system and software lifecycle operations. Buy on Amazon.com Buy on Walmart.com We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 04/25/2024 10:51 am GMT - Official Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Security Engineer Exam Guide $59.99 $41.99 Google Cloud security offers powerful controls to assist organizations in establishing secure and compliant cloud environments. With this book, you’ll gain in-depth knowledge of the Professional Cloud Security Engineer certification exam objectives, including Google Cloud security best practices, identity and access management (IAM), network security, data security, and security operations. Buy on Amazon.com Buy on Walmart.com We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 04/25/2024 10:46 am GMT - What Every Electrical Engineering Student Must Know $14.99 A step-by-step guide for electrical engineering students to find their area of focus, build their network, and design their career. Buy on Amazon.com We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 04/26/2024 02:21 am GMT - Codecademy - Software Engineering for Data Scientists Data Scientists often work with engineering teams. Learn the software engineering skills you need to bridge the gap between data science andIncludes Git & Github, Python, Bash, Command Line, Unit Testing, Logging, Object-Oriented Programming, and more. Try it for Free We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. - Basic Electronics for Scientists and Engineers $69.99 $45.59 Ideal for a one-semester course, this concise textbook covers basic electronics for undergraduate students in science and engineering. Buy from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 04/25/2024 02:40 pm GMT - Civil Engineer's Handbook of Professional Practice $162.95 $128.21 A well-written, hands-on, single-source guide to the professional practice of civil engineeringThere is a growing understanding that to be competitive at an international level, civil engineers not only must build on their traditional strengths in technology and science but also must acquire greater mastery of the business of civil engineering. Project management, teamwork, ethics, leadership, and communication have been defined as essential to the successful practice of civil engineering by the ASCE in the 2008 landmark publication, Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century (BOK2). Buy from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 04/26/2024 07:25 pm GMT - Expert Resumes for Engineers $16.95 $10.00 Buy Now We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 04/25/2024 09:31 am GMT - Introduction To Petroleum Exploration And Engineering $38.00 $31.25 Buy on Amazon.com Buy on Walmart.com We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 04/26/2024 09:47 pm GMT Read the full article
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mdarifurrahman · 2 months
ATOMIX Review – The Most Powerful AI Traffic & Commission App For 2024
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ATOMIX Review – Introduction
Welcome to our in-depth exploration of ATOMIX Review, Get ready to see the digital world undergo a seismic shift thanks to Atomix Review, which renowned marketer Glynn Kosky runs. This ground-breaking solution ushers in a new era in affiliate marketing by offering a novel approach to simple monetization that does not require direct transactions. Atomix provides an exceptional chance for everyone, regardless of experience level.
Discover a 100% DONE-FOR-YOU “AI” Traffic & Commission System that promotes affiliate offers from ANY network, including Clickbank, Digistore24, and WarriorPlus, and produces amazing results. Everything you need to succeed is provided, including every necessary component.
But Glynn Kosky, who is she? One of the leading lights in the affiliate marketing space, he used his wealth of experience to found Atomix. By leveling the playing field, this platform enables people to realize their full potential for making money online. Atomix is made for you, whether your Goal is to build a successful internet business or earn extra money with a few clicks instead of using conventional sales methods.
ATOMIX Review  – Overview
Vendor: Glynn Kosky
Product: ATOMIX
Launch Date: 2024-Apr-08
Launch Time: 10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
Commission: 50%
Official Website: Click Here
JV Page: https://atomixpro.net/jv-at
Affiliate Network: WarriorPlus
Niche: Affiliate Marketing
Recommendation: Highly Recommended!
Refund: 180-Day Money-Back Guarantee
ATOMIX Review – What is ATOMIX?
Prepare to see the affiliate marketing industry change! Atomix, a state-of-the-art system unimaginable to anything you’ve ever used, is about to be revealed. Imagine a platform that allows you to make money from the comforts of your home by utilizing simple clicks rather than sales. Making money without having to sell is a dream that has come true. The ability to make money online just by staying online is revolutionary for affiliate marketing. It’s perfect for all levels of experience, from novices to experts in marketing.
Imagine getting paid $25 every time you perform simple internet tasks. Atomix is that. It’s a world in which every mouse click has the potential to generate money, and your time spent online truly equals money. Are you ready for a world of effortless, stress-free, continual earning? Come with us and take part in this revolutionary path to financial independence!
<<< Click Here To Get Started Now >>>
How Does ATOMIX Work?
Don’t Worry, It’s Extremely Simple All It Takes Is 3 Simple Steps… (And it works even when you’re logged out & offline!)
STEP 1 Get Your Paylink This is the link that we’re getting paid $25 or more every time someone clicks on it, regardless if they buy anything!
STEP 2 Paste It Once you’ve copied your special pay link, paste it where we show you.
(Just As Easy As Taking A Shower…)
STEP 3 Send Traffic Turn on the built-in traffic to start flooding your paylink with FREE clicks! We then collect our instant commissions!
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ATOMIX Review – Key Features
1. We Get Paid When People Click & Visit Our Sites, Regardless If They Buy or Not…
2. 100% Automated Passive System, We Get Paid Even When We Sleep…
3. Turn-Key System Creates Multiple Additional Streams of Passive Income…
4. Brand New System Gets FREE Clicks & FREE Traffic For Us 24/7…
5. ZERO Hidden Fees or Additional Expenses, We Give You Everything…
6. Takes MINUTES Per Day To Get Non-Stop Profits With Atomix…
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ATOMIX Review – Bonus
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<<< Click Here To Get Started Now >>>
Why should you buy ATOMIX?
1. Earn OVER $400 Per Sale You Bring To The Funnel!
2. Over $2,500+ In Affiliate Cash Prizes To Be Won
3. HIGH Converting Sales Copy & VSL Constructed By Industry Experts!
4. High Converting Sales Funnel Guaranteed To Make You Money!
5. Ethical Software & Training You Can Be Proud To Promote
6. REGULAR Affiliate Updates & Fantastic Customer Support
7. Perfect For All Types of Email Lists & Traffic – Send a Quick Blast And See For Yourself!
8. Instantly earn money without the need for sales at Atomix.
9. Just a click can generate income with Atomix.
10. Atomix is suitable for everyone, regardless of online earning experience.
11. Set it up once and let Atomix operate autonomously.
12. Configure everything in Atomix in just 5 minutes.
13. Atomix’s success has been demonstrated By Glynn Kosky and beta testers.
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Who Is Perfect for ATOMIX?
Atomix Works For ANYONE
(Yes Anyone & Everyone…) You don’t have to be experienced to use Atomix…
…It will produce results regardless of who you are including:
1. Teenagers…
2. College Students…
3. People In Their 20s…
​4. Housewives…
5. Stay At Home Dads…
​6. Busy People…
7. The Family Man…
8. Old Age Pensioners…
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Why Atomix is the Best Solution for You?
1. Built from the latest technology…
2. Copy & Paste easily.
3. No Selling is required.
4. When people click & visit our sites, we’re getting paid.
5. 100% results-based system
6. Backed by 24/7 support…
7. World-class training delivered by 7-figure marketer…
8. No monthly fees (during this launch only)
9. No overhead costs…
10. Free buyer traffic built-in
11. Hands-free monetization…
12. Works in just a few clicks…
Atomix Review – Funnel 
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ATOMIX Review – Pros and Cons
1. Potentially Beginner-Friendly: ATOMIX’s user-friendly interface and pre-built campaigns could be Appealing to those new to affiliate marketing.
2. Streamlined Approach: Automated features traffic generation and lead capture might simplify the initial setup process.
3. Time-Saving: Pre-built campaigns can save time compared to creating campaigns from scratch.
1. You cannot use this product without an active internet connection.
2. I haven’t yet discovered any other problems with ATOMIX.
<<< Click Here & Get Access Now ATOMIX Discount Price Here >>>
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ATOMIX Review – Frequently Asked Question
Q. What devices does this work on?
Atomix is a web-based system, that works on every device out there. All you need is an internet connection.
Q. Is this beginner-friendly?
Absolutely – many of our beta testers had NEVER made money online before. You won’t need any tech skills or previous experience either.
Q. Are there any monthly costs or fees?
Nope! Atomix gives you everything you need to see results from scratch.
Q. How much time does this take?
Even if you’re brand new you’ll be up and running in minutes. Once activated, the Atomix system runs all itself and there’s no daily maintenance needed.
Q. What if I need help or support?
We’ve got you covered!
Professional, patient & friendly support staff are on hand to answer any questions . Q. How do I get started?
Easy! Click the button below to get in at the lowest possible price before the next price increase.
ATOMIX Review – Conclusion
ATOMIX is a tempting option for people looking to make quick money with affiliate marketing. But given the possible lack of transparency and the possibility of exaggerated claims, judgment is advised. For long-term success, It is wisdom to look into alternate educational options and concentrate on laying a strong foundation in affiliate marketing fundamentals.
If you decide to work with ATOMIX, make sure to approach it carefully, study it thoroughly, and focus on developing the abilities you’ll need to succeed in affiliate marketing. It is important to understand that achieving sustainable success in this sector requires more than just a “set-and-forget” strategy; it also requires constant dedication, hard work, and a commitment to lifelong learning.
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 2 months
How You Can Double Your Home into a Screen Print Company
Screen printing, also called silk-screen printing, is one of the most popular printing methods today. It creates a printed design by pressing ink through a mesh. Its use spans various industries worldwide, including the creation of custom posters, clothing, artwork, and canvasses. Some people also call it serigraphy.
 What Is A Screen-Printing Company?
The central focus of a screen-printing company is printing images on t-shirts and other garments in line with a customer’s wishes. You can run such a venture partially or entirely from home or through an eCommerce platform.
Along with allowing your clients to send you their designs, your home-based business can also provide pre-set options for words and photos. Your capacity to produce t-shirts for local schools and businesses can provide a fantastic opportunity to foster a sense of community.
Below, we look at how to start a screen-printing company at home and what you’ll need.
 How You Can Make Your Home into A Screen-Printing Company
Choosing your startup equipment is among the most exciting steps you’ll take when transforming your home into a screen-printing company. Depending on the available funds, there are several options to consider.
As you determine how much to put into this venture, don’t forget to consider the amount of space available in your home. Ask yourself this: “Will I set aside a room in the main house for the company or dedicate the entire garage or basement to it?”
With the budget and space issues sorted, the next step is to buy pre-production and printing supplies, inks, and equipment.
 Choosing Your Screen-Printing Supplies
With screen printing, you have numerous options available to you, but in the long run, you must invest in the following:
• A screen. Always go for a purchased screen rather than the DIY route, as it will save you a lot of heartache down the line and significantly boost your chances of succeeding.
• A squeegee to use in pushing the printing ink through the purchased screen
• Textiles, paper fabric, or board to print your designs onto
• A variety of screen-printing inks in varying colors.
• Tape to secure the stencil to the purchased screen
• Stanley knife and stencil paper
 Preparing the Purchased Screen
Once you have gathered all the supplies, you can create the designs and prepare them for printing in various ways. Two of the most popular methods are:
1. Create a physical stencil and tape it to the screen – ideal for at-home beginners.
2. Use a light-sensitive photo emulsion to make the screen ready – commonly used by professionals.
 Making Your Print
Use table adhesive tape to secure the fabric to the table and ensure it’s correctly lined with the screen. Use clamps to secure the screen before placing a decent amount of ink onto it. If using water-based inks, flood the screen with ink before and in between the print strokes.
Use the squeegee to flood the screen.
 Curing the Print 
Allow enough time for the print to dry before curing it. This prevents the design from rubbing off or washing over time. You can cure a print by leaving it in the sunlight for a few hours or by applying a hot iron for several minutes.
 What You Need to Start A Business Inside Your Home
Now that you know how to go about printing at home, it’s time to learn what it takes to start a home-based business. For starters, please note that this entire process requires careful planning, preparation, and certification to legalize it. The steps to follow include:
1. Settle on an idea. Having decided on a screen-printing business, you can skip this step, but be sure to conduct market research and budget accordingly.
2. Create your business plan. In your plan, make sure to include an executive summary, a company overview, and a financial plan.
3. Choose a name for the business. Consider choosing an easy-to-remember name and confirm that it’s available.
4. Register the screen-printing business. Options include registering it as a corporation or an LLC.
5. Apply for a business license: The license you need to run a home-based business may differ from that of running an ordinary business.
6. Make sure to create a separate bank account for the business: Managing your finances requires you to separate your personal and business finances.
7. Source for financing: It may prove challenging for your startup to access normal financing methods, but you can apply for a line of credit.
8. Set up the office and learn about tax accounts and deductions: Learn everything you can about business taxes and how to get an EIN.
  Written by Taylor McKnight, Author for Impress Ink
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ledenews · 5 months
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