#But I will die on the hill that jughead liked betty long before he kissed her
thatiranianphantom · 4 years
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Two Truth And A Lie
“That is flagrantly false and I will sue!” Cheryl hisses, entire face pinched in anger.
“I’m sorry, Cheryl, but it’s the truth. Jughead and I have known each other since we were five. It simply stands to reason that we know each other better than you and Toni.”
Cheryl huffs out a breath. “Fine, then. Prove it.” 
Betty furrows her brow. “Prove it? How?”
“Two truths and a lie. Against each other. Full honesty.” Cheryl sounds triumphant, but Betty can’t imagine why. 
“Betty starts.”
Heaving a sigh, Betty turns to face her boyfriend. “Fine. My favorite color is blue, I broke five bones as a child, and my dream car is a ‘56 Ferarri.” 
Jughead ponders for a moment. “The car. Your favourite color is violet. Not too dark, but light enough that it looks cheery. It reminds you of spring, which reminds you of the Pickens Day Parade. And you did break five bones, two fingers, one rib, and an arm when you fell out of a tree by Sweetwater River. But the car...you’d pick an Aston Martin any day.” 
The others are gaping as they look at the couple, but Cheryl smooths it over quickly. 
“Hobo next,” she taps him on the shoulder. 
“I have a name, Cheryl,” Jughead snaps. He pauses a moment. “Okay. I once visited Boston, I’m scared of swimming, and I’ve been in love with Betty Cooper since I was fifteen.” 
Betty smiles tenderly at him, cupping his cheek, to the chorus of sarcastic “awwws” around them. 
“Guesses, Cousin?” Cheryl grins.
“Boston. Jughead will only go in the water if it’s been vetted for at least thirty minutes before -”
“Leeches!” He cuts in indignantly. 
“And we’ve been together since we were 15. So, Boston.” 
The flame on his cheeks is the first clue that she’s wrong. The second is when Archie snaps his fingers and remembers the road trip over a weekend with Fred to Boston when they were nine.
“Jug?” Betty presses. “I don’t get it. Where is the lie?”
His face is the color of a tomato, and he’s barely audible as he presses out “Maybe I had a bit of a thing for you before we were together.” 
Betty twists her hand into his. “Jughead Jones,” she says sternly. “How long?” 
He lets out a sigh, and his shoulders slump. “Ten. I was ten. At least when I realized it.” 
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The Serpent and The Chimera
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Prompt: After Theo tries to kill Scott the reader disappears to Riverdale where she starts to date a Serpent. (THE CROSSOVER I FUCKING NEED)
Pairings: Sweet Pea x Reader, Theo Raeken x Reader
Words: 2k+
Third Person POV
Walking into Riverdale High felt different to (y/n), she had been attending the high school for over a year now. She had gotten close to the core four, but even closer with the Serpents, she always had a way to fit in with the bad crowed. After losing her boyfriend, more specifically, after he betrayed her and her friends, she had decided she no longer wanted to live in the infamous Beacon Hills. Theo Raeken had ripped her heart from her body that day, she found him on top of Scott McCall, her best friend, as his claws slashed into Scott’s chest. She was frozen when his yellow eyes met hers, his head shaking almost instantly when she saw the fear in her eyes. She left that day, not saying a goodbye to any of her friends, or her parents. She knew she had an aunt that lived across the country and that’s where she went, away from all the supernatural, away from Theo, away from everything that continued to hurt her, physically and emotionally. She had lost too many friends in a short amount of time, Allison was killed when Stiles got possessed, Aiden died shortly after, she was tired of the constant loss. Riverdale was different, no one knew about the supernatural, no one knew her story and no one dared to ask once she had a panic attack just thinking about her past. She adjusted to Jughead first, bumping into him at least twenty times the first week of school. He laughed her off every time, small remarks coming from his mouth when she fell on her ass. He offered her a shake at Pop’s, her favorite place to be when she wanted to be alone, she accepted his offer and met Betty, his girlfriend, Archie, his best friend, and Veronica, Archie’s girlfriend. She was the fifth wheel for three months before Betty and Jughead broke up. He was initiated into the Serpents and she was the only one there for him, which caused them to have a swift kiss, which they both regretted right after it happened, (Y/N) instantly telling Betty and Veronica who shut her down for a whole week before forgiving her when Betty kissed Archie, feeling just as guilty as (y/n) did. 
That’s when she met Sweet Pea, her boyfriend of six months. He pretended to be a complete smartass, called her Jughead’s girl for two weeks before she shut that down. He tried his best to act hard, sure he was a Serpent but (y/n) saw right through that, she always did. She did the same with Theo, which only reminded her not to get close to a boy but Sweet Pea was different, he protected her from everything he could, regardless of the fact that she knew how to take care of herself. They kissed only a month after meeting, Sweet Pea completely in awe with her, he had never felt the spark in his heart until the kiss, and he did his best to pursue his interest in her despite (y/n) shutting him down time after time. She finally said yes when he showed up to the winter dance, a borrowed tux from Archie who he had gotten close to when South Side High had been closed down. The tux was too small, awfully too small for Sweet Pea’s body but he didn’t care how ridiculous he looked; his Serpent Jacket was the only thing she ever saw him in. Jughead laughed when Sweet Pea walked in the small gym of Riverdale High, (y/n) looking over her shoulder to see the tall raven-haired boy, his smile crooked as he walked towards her, his heart was thumping a million miles an hour and the only thing he cared about that night was making (y/n) his, which he did. Once she became a girlfriend of one of the Serpents, that’s when it started. The constant whispers as they walked down the halls of Riverdale High, hand in hand. That didn’t faze her, what did was the night of the riot. She had gotten scooped up by Penny Peabody and the Ghoulies, their urge to get the southside from the Serpent by luring Jughead out to get her. (Y/N) had gone through worse, hell she had been tossed across the parking lot of Beacon Hills high by werewolves. But something about this situation was far worse for her, it could have been the knife stuck in her thigh or it could have been that she was afraid that she was going to die that day, by something none supernatural. Her demeanor changed that day, she was no longer the strong girl she was back in Beacon Hills, in fact she was no longer the carefree person she was before, she constantly felt like she had to look over her shoulder and Sweet Pea took notice of that. He noticed how she looked a lot more herself when he was around which was why they were almost inseparable. 
She walked to her locker, sighing in the process when she couldn’t shake the feeling of uncertainty. She placed her backpack in her locker, she hated carrying around all day which is why she only carried her books every period. A loud bang on the lockers caused her to jump in fright before closing her eyes when she heard Reggie’s voice. “Reggie you ass!” She huffed slamming the door to her locker. “How are you this energetic in the morning.” She groaned as she saw him smile banging on the lockers once more causing her to clench her jaw.
  “Brighten up, buttercup, we’ve got a game today and I know me and my Bulldogs are going to take the win.” He stopped in front of her, his Jersey hanging over his shoulder. The freshman looking at him, sure he was good looking but he wasn’t (y/n)’s type. 
“You’ve lost every game in the season, how is this one going to be any different?” (Y/N) rolled her eyes before she spotted Sweet Pea, his smile forming as soon as his eyes met hers. She walked away from Reggie as he tried to explain to her how they were going to win. Her arms flew around Sweet Pea, all her uncertainty quickly vanishing. “You’re finally back.” Her toes held her up as she placed a kiss on his smiling lips. 
“You know I couldn’t stay away for too long.” Sweet Pea’s arm wrapped around her before he kissed her again, he had gone with Jughead to get Archie to a safe place after his recent escape from juvie. Sweet Pea was only gone for three days but three days was far too long for the both of them. “He’s safe, they’re both safe.” Sweet Pea answered her unasked question. Sweet Pea knew about (y/n) and Jughead’s kiss, when he found out he was extremely jealous, did all he could to keep her away from Jughead but it was pointless. Jughead had become her best friends, something she thought she wouldn’t have again. He learned to live with their friendship and soon grew to love how close he was with his own Serpent friends. 
“Pea!” Fangs yelled slapping the palm of his hand on Sweet Pea’s back, a loud huff escaping Sweet Pea’s mouth. “Man, am I glad to see you.  I thought (y/n) was going to start punching people.” (Y/N) glared at the Serpent, his smile fading when his eyes met her stare. “What? You literally almost chewed Reggie’s head off for banging on the lockers.” Fangs crossed his arms over his chest and (y/n) rolled her eyes. 
“That’s because he scared the shit out of me.” Sweet Pea looked down at his girlfriend, biting her lip he knew something was up with her. 
“You okay?” Sweet Pea asked before looking at Fangs who nodded him off. Fangs wasted no time to move away from the couple. Sweet Pea’s eyes focused on (y/n) who sighed before nodding then looking back at him, shaking her head. “What’s going on?” His hands rested on her waist and she shrugged.
 “I don’t know, something just doesn’t feel right, it’s never this calm.” She whispered, the memories of her past flooding her mind as she remembered saying the same thing to her old friends just before crows flew into their classroom. She looked around, her eyes focusing on everyone’s face, scared at to what she might find. Sweet Pea’s hand waved in front of her face and she blinked away the faces of the students before she looked at him. 
“Everything is fine, Archie’s safe, Jughead found his mom, you’re here with me.” His arms pulled her closer causing her to crack a smile. “Your anxiety is probably just acting up again and you haven’t noticed it yet.” He made a solid point; her episodes came out of nowhere and sometimes she had never noticed them. The ringing of the bell caused her to sigh before his hand intertwined with hers. “Come on, we’re going to be late.” Sweet Pea smiled as he began to walk, their classes were next to each other which made it easy on the both of them. He gave her a swift kiss before they walked into their classrooms. She sat next to Veronica who talked about her recent purchase of a purse to Betty who could give two fucks about it. 
“Hey.” Veronica looked at (y/n), her smile spread across her face. “So, I was thinking.” She started but (y/n)’s mind traveled elsewhere. Her eyes fixed on Veronica but her mind fixed on Theo for the first time in two months. Something didn’t feel right and she knew something was coming, something bad. The day dragged on until lunch where she would finally have time to be with Sweet Pea, his arms wrapped around her as her back was on his chest. She messed with the sleeve of his Serpent jacket as he spoke to Fangs about an upcoming celebration they were going to have. (Y/N)’s eyes scanned the cafeteria, her eyes fixating on the one person who caught her attention. His eyes scanned the room and she tilted her head in confusion before his eyes met hers. She closed her eyes before shaking her head, she’s had multiple hallucinations since the incident and she had no doubt this was just another one. She opened her eyes hoping to see that the boy had disappeared but she was met with his body standing in front of her only feet away. 
“(Y/N).” His voice called and it got the attention of all the Serpents, their eyes meeting the mysterious boy. (Y/N) stared at the boy, her head shaking as she tried to sink her body further into Sweet Pea’s chest. Sweet Pea looked at the boy before he looked at his girlfriend, her breathing becoming heavier by the second.  
“Who the hell are you?” Sweet Pea spat, his arms releasing (y/n) as he stood from the table, his tall frame hovering over the boy. The boy’s rolled before he looked at (Y/N), her eyes shutting before her hands covered her ears, she was hallucinating, she believed she was. “I asked you a question.” Sweet Pea roared causing Fangs and Jughead to stand up and move towards Sweet Pea. 
“(Y/N), it’s really me.” His voice traveled through her ears unwanted. His hand reached over the Serpents as it landed on her shoulder, her eyes snapping open as she looked at him. It was no hallucination. 
“Scott?” She whispered earning her a small nod from the boy. She stood immediately, her arms pushing Fangs and Sweet Pea to the sides as she made her way through them. Her arms wrapped around Scott’s neck, tears spilling from her eyes as she shoved her head into the crook of his neck. “I thought.” She sobbed out when his arms wrapped around her waist. “I thought you were gone.” She whispered before she pulled back, her hands resting on each of cheeks. “I saw you, I saw him.” She whispered and Scott shook his head. 
“I don’t know how he didn’t kill me but I'm here. I’ve been here. We’ve been trying to find you.” Scott whispered. Sweet Pea’s eyebrows scrunched together before he looked at Fangs, the same look on his face. Sweet Pea moved his arms to grab (y/n) by the waist and only then did she snap out of the reunion she was having with her friend. She looked back looking at Sweet Pea who looked at her with a worried look, he had many questions. “(Y/N). I have to tell you, I'm not alone.” Scott rushed out before his eyes scanned behind her. 
“Who else is here? Stiles?” Her heart skipped a beat at the idea of seeing Stiles, she had missed him terribly. Her head spun around and her eyes immediately met his. Her breath cut off as she backed up onto Sweet Pea’s chest, her body shaking as she watched him approach them. “Theo.” She whispered before her eyes rolled back and her body went limp. 
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fanfics4all · 6 years
A Lodge Between Us: Part 2
Request: Yes / no 
Don’t be shy, request things! <3 Have a nice day/night (Request are closed)
Archie x Lodge!Reader
Word count: 3100
Warnings: Nothing I think.
Y/N: Your Name
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
F/C: Favorite Color
Summary: You’re Veronica Lodge’s little sister and are dating Archie Andrews. You’re nothing like your sister, you don’t care about the riches and you don’t follow your parent's orders blindly. You become close with the Southside and want to stop your father but your father has gotten into Archies head and is the devil on his shoulder.
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
Part 1, Part 2
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Veronica and I were walking out of The Pembrooke when Smithers stopped us from leaving.
“Oh, wait, Ms. Y/N. You might want to take the side exit.” He said and we looked at him confused.
“Why?” I asked.
“Yeah, why Smithers? Because she might bump into me coming in from an early run?” Our father said slightly out of breath, walking in the door.
“Good morning daddy.” Veronica said with a smile.
“Good morning, Father.” I said with a neutral expression on my face.  
“Mija. You leave before breakfast, you come after your mother and I have had dinner. I can't remember the last time we had a meal together as a family.” He said with a slightly annoyed tone.
“I can. It was at the Dakota. The day you got arrested.” I said with a sarcastic smile.
“Y/N!” Veronica said shocked.
“Well, perhaps we should talk about that. Tonight, at dinner. The four of us.”
“Unfortunately, I have plans. To quote that New Yorker cartoon, how about never, Dad, is never good for you?” I said in his face then walked out the door to school.
It was after school and Betty, Jughead, Veronica, Archie, and I were all sitting outside talking.
“It's another win for the bad guys. No one was there. His entire staff quit. He says he's not sure how long he'll be able to keep the doors open, maybe not even a week.” Jughead said, he was talking about Pop’s. He had gone there for breakfast and it was horrible, he even told us how someone spray painted ‘Death Diner’ on the side of the shop.
“It's because of what happened to my dad. People are freaking out. And I gotta be honest, guys, I don't see myself going back any time soon.” Archie said and I placed a hand on his back.
“Wait, I'm sorry, am I hearing acceptance? I'm not letting one psychopath with a gun dictate what happens to our place.” Betty said and then looked at Jughead.
“Jug, you went crazy trying to save the drive-in.” She added.
“I can't take on any more social issues right now. My hands are full.” Jug said with a sigh.
“With your dad, of course. And he should be your priority. I'll take point on helping Pop Tate.” She said ready to think of a plan.
“I'll help, too, Betty. Hey, anything to get me away from my parents, I'm in.” I said smiling.
“I’ll help too.” V said.
“I gotta jet. I'm off to meet my dad's court-appointed joke of a lawyer at the sheriff's station.” Jughead said grabbing his bag.
“I'm gonna come with you, Jug. I gotta drop some flyers off for Sheriff Keller.” Archie said also grabbing his things. I gave him a kiss and the boys got up to leave.
“Bye.” I said and the two walked off, leaving us girls alone. The three of us talked about what we could do to help Pop Tate out for a few hours and then we all went home for the night.
I was sitting at my vanity all dressed for the day, I was wearing a gray and white striped crop top, a high waisted pink skirt, white ballet flats, and had my pink purse at the ready. For makeup, I did a pink and gray eyeshadow with a winged eyeliner and a more natural toned pink.
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I was just finishing my lips when my phone rang. I looked to see who it was and it was Betty.
“Hey B, what’s up?” I answered.
“Hey, Archie’s bed looks like it hasn’t been slept in recently…” My face contorted in confusion.
“Um, okay. Thanks, Betty I’ll go over there right now.” I said and hung up. I finished my makeup, grabbed my purse and quickly left the house.
I got to Archie house and knocked on the door. Archie answered the door shirtless and smiled when he saw it was me.
“I know you haven't been sleeping in your room. So where exactly have you been spending your nights?” I asked him speciously.
“Come in, let me get dressed then let’s walk.” He said stepping aside to let me in. I waited for him to get dressed and then we left his house.
“So Betty?” He asked.
“Yes, Betty. Ever since you and your dad got home from the hospital, she's noticed your room's been unusually empty and quiet. Why?” I asked confused.
“So I can Watch the doors. So I can make sure no one comes in. I know it sounds crazy, but the guy who shot my dad is still out there, Y/N/N, and I'm scared he's gonna come back and finish the job.” He said with a sigh.
“Archie, you went through something deeply traumatic. Can I make a suggestion?” I asked looking up at him.
“Please. Anything.”
“When I lived in New York, I saw a therapist once a week to help me get through all sorts of family drama. Now, I'm not saying to go see a therapist, Archie, but maybe the school counselor could help?” I said and he looked down at me with a small smile.
“Or I’ll always be here for you Archie.” I said with a smile.
“I know you are Y/N.” He said and kissed me.
We continued our way to school and I was meeting Betty, Veronica, and Kevin at the Blue and Gold office. We all sat down and Betty started talking about ways we can save Pop’s.
“We can't let the terrorists win. We need to host an event at Pop's that reminds the town of simpler times. Like, a throwback to when the shoppe first opened its doors.” She said with a smile.
“Betty, I like a good milkshake as much as any girl, and Pop's puts Serendipity 3's to shame. But, why this hill to die on?” My sister asked and I looked at her confused. She was all for this yesterday…
“Orange freezes with my mom and Polly after ballet. Chicken noodle soup with my dad after ice-skating Grilled cheeses with Archie on the last day of summer vacation. It's where I met you for the first time, Vee.” She smiled and then looked at Kevin and me.
“It's where I met you guys for the first time.” She said still smiling.
“Also Jug. He may lose his dad, but maybe I can save this one place for him For all of us.” She said with a slightly sad tone. There was a knock on the door and we all turned towards it.
“Hey, Y/N, may I speak to you?” My dad asked holding my F/C roses and a small white box.
“Daddy!” Veronica said happily.
“Daddy?” Kevin and Betty said confused and looked at each other. I sighed and got up to go talk with my father.
“Every day I was in prison, I thought about getting back to you, your sister and your mother. And I knew it wouldn't be easy, I knew it would take time. Meet me halfway.” He said as we sat down at a table.
“I would love for everything to go back to the way things were. The four of us, walking into some fabulous gala or ball. You with your favorite girls. But I can't. The blindfold's off, Daddy, I can't just put it back on.” I sighed.
“I'm sorry, but I should get back to my friends.” I said grabbing my bag and standing up.
“Yeah, hey, so Were you, uh Planning a dance in there?” He asked with a small smile.
“An event. To keep Pop's from closing.”
“Well, if I can help in any way-”
“I’ll let you know.” I said cutting him off and walked back into the school.
We continued talking about the event when the bell ran telling us that we had cheer practice. Betty, Veronica, and I went to the locker room and got changed then went out into the gym.
“Humpty and Dumpty. Y/N. Just in time to meet our newest recruit.” Cheryl said motioning to Josie.
“In addition to my duties as a Pussycat. And, I just wanna say, girls, I'm so excited to work on my moves and to be a team player, as long as I'm in the front.” Josie said smiling back at us.
“Wait, Cheryl, does that mean you're taking the Vixens back from me?” Veronica asked and Cheryl gave her signature smile.
“But, really, Veronica, were they ever yours?”
“Cheryl, we were wondering if maybe the Vixens would help at an event to save Pop's.” Cheryl laughed a bit then smile.
“Oh, Betty. I did not emerge from the frozen depths of Sweetwater River, nor the flames of Thornhill, to allow my Vixens to sling milkshakes at some death-cursed diner. The answer is a double-cherry-on-top no.” Cheryl said and smiled again. She shooed us away.
“Okay.” Betty said with a smile.
“Great talk.” Veronica said with a smile also.
“Not you Y/N/N.” Cheryl said holding my wrist and kept me talking with her and Josie. We practiced and Cheryl had put Josie and I in the front with her.
The next day was Saturday and I told Betty I would get some decorations for Pop’s I was just coming home with a large bag when I got a call.
“Oh, Ms. Y/N, I'll take those for you.” Smithers said taking the bag from me.
“Oh, thank you, Smithers.” I said smiling at him then answered my phone.
“Hey Betty.” I said and Smithers and I started walking to the elevator.
“An anonymous buyer is buying Pop’s!” She said causing me to stop walking.
“What?” I said shocked and then took the bag out of Smither’s hands, he looked confused but I was so annoyed that I just walked away. I went upstairs and saw my parents and sister eating dinner.
“Are you buying Pop's? The way you bought the drive-in? Anonymously?” I asked walking up to the table and placed the bag down.
“And are you doing this just to buy me? Yesterday, at school, did you think, "Oh, Y/N's working so hard to save the Chock'lit Shoppe, I'll just save it for her!"” I said angry and walked closer to my father.
“Y/N, I'm not buying Pop's. Now, please, lower your voice and sit so we can speak civilly.” My dad said motioning to a chair.
“Do you really want to talk, Dad?” I asked raising my eyebrow.
“That's all I've wanted. A fair hearing. To explain myself.” He said and everyone looked at me.
“Okay. Let's talk about Mr. Andrews.” My mother and sister’s eyes widened.
“Mom asked him to sell his portion of the SoDale project, and the day after he rejected the offer, he was shot in Pop's. Was it your doing?”
“Y/N, first you accuse me, then your father?” My mother asked shocked.
“No, no. I didn't shoot Fred. Nor did I hire someone to do it.” He said stopping my mother.
“I may not be daddy’s little girl, and I may not be your favorite but I still defend you! I kept telling myself, "He's not that bad. You can forgive him." And then you sent me this. A letter threatening you, Mom. That's the kind of man you're letting back into our lives.” I said pulling out a letter and handing it my mom. Her and my sister looked at it and then looked at my father.
“Y/N, Your father didn't write this letter. I did.” My mom said and I looked at her confused.
“I don’t understand…”
“I needed you to testify on your father's behalf, so I wrote this letter. Threatening myself. Not your father.” She said and my dad reached over to hold her hand.
“She did it for us. To survive. So we can be a family again.” He added with a smile. I scoffed and shook my head looking at them.
“You two deserve each other.” I said grabbed my coat and walked to my room.
“Veronica, go talk to your sister.” Is the last thing I heard before I walked in my room.
Moments later my sister walked in. I was getting dressed for bed and she sat on my bed, her legs crossed.
“You need to get over this vendetta you have against daddy.” She said and I rolled my eyes.
“You need to wake up and see the darkness in him!” I said annoyed that she still thinks they’re actually good. She rolled her eyes at me.
“Unless the next words out of your mouth are you’re right and I’m sorry, I don’t wanna hear it.” I said cutting her off.
The next day I was staying late at school, avoiding going home, but also helping finish the posters and whatnot for Pop’s. I sighed looking through the pictures on my phone of my dad and me happy, before I realized what he was doing.
“I don't have red hair, nor broad shoulders, or a blonde ponytail, for that matter. Do you wanna talk?” Jughead said grabbing a cupcake and taking a seat.
“You were ready to walk away from your dad, And now, you're crusading for his freedom. What changed?” I asked with my arms crossed.
“He did. He made an effort. Took another swing at being a good dad.” He smiled taking a bit of the cupcake.
“But don't you think some people can't change? Like, it's just in their DNA to be bad?” I asked and his smile fell.
“I'm not gonna presume to know what lies in your father's heart. But Archie's dad almost died. And my dad is going away for 20 years. If there's even a .0001% chance that your dad is trying-”
“I get it… Thanks, Jug.” I smiled and he smiled back. He left and I stayed a bit longer to finish up then went home to get some much-needed sleep for Pop’s tomorrow.
I got dressed in my Vixens try out uniform and meet my sister outside our house. We walked to Pop’s having mindless conversations until we got there. Everyone was there cleaning the outside and inside to get ready for tonight. I grabbed a bucket and went to help Kevin.
“Hey, has Betty called?” He asked Veronica when she walked by.
“Not yet. Let's pray Cheryl comes through for them.” She said and walked away. They were talking about FP’s trial and it was going to be hard for Jug if his dad didn’t make it. We all finished up, Betty and Jughead walked in with uniforms and skates for the girls and aprons for the boys.
It dark out now and there were only a few people that actually showed up. I was at the counter waiting for more customers when Josie walked in. Her and Betty talked in hush tones so I couldn’t hear what they were saying but then they walked outside. Everyone followed and Josie, Melody, and Cheryl were on the roof singing a cover of ‘Milkshakes’. I went back inside to serve tables when my boyfriend walked in.
“Hey Daddy-O.” I said walking up to him.
“Hey.” He said and wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck.
“You made it! You feeling okay?” I asked worried about him.
“Yeah. Just taking deep breaths.” He said a little scared.
“I’m proud of you.” I said with a smile and kissed him.
“Come on, you take a booth. And I'll get you a shake.” I said sitting him down.
“Daddy! Mom!” I heard Veronica say and when I turned around there they were. I walked up to them with a neutral face.
“We're not here to fight, we're here to be supportive.” My dad said with a smile.
“Dad, Mom. I've been thinking.” I said and looked over at Jughead, he gave me a smile and a nod.
“Tonight is a new beginning for Pop's. And Maybe it can be for us, too.” I said carefully.
“That's up to you, mija. If that's what you want.”
“Let's try. But, you guys, total transparency, okay?” I said making it clear to them.
“From now on.” My dad said with a smile and we hugged.
“In the spirit of that, I propose that Lodge Industries make a charitable contribution.” He suggested and I smiled and nodded. They went to sit down and I went to go get Archie his shake.
After a little while Pop Tate gathered everyone up to make a speech, I was in Archie’s arms watching Pop talk.
“I gotta put her on the spot. It's thanks to this young lady here that Pop's gets to stay open tonight, tomorrow As long as you folks keep coming!” He said point at Betty and everyone started cheering and clapping.
“Thanks, also, to the Lodge family for a donation they just made that gives us a little cushion to weather any storm that might come up.” He said pointing to my parents. Again everyone cheered at clapped. Betty, Jughead, Veronica, Archie and I all sat in a booth with our own milkshakes and coffee.
“Y/N, should I introduce myself to your dad?” Archie asked looking at my parents.
“You've faced enough dragons for one night. Next time, baby.” I said with a smile.
“So, I guess tonight is a win for the good guys.” Betty asked looking at Jughead with a smile.
“A rare win, but, yes.” Jughead said with a smile of his own.
“Thanks to you Betty.” Veronica said.
“You okay?” I asked Archie as he looked out the window.
“I'm here with you guys. So, yeah. I think so.” He said and I snuggled into his side.
Once the night was over I went home with my family. We walked into The Pembrooke and someone new was at Smithers’s desk.
“Evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lodge. You must be Y/N and Veronica.” The man said and Veronica and I looked at each other confused.
“Where's Smithers?” I asked.
“Oh, he didn't tell you? His mother fell ill so he went home overseas to care for her.” Our father said.
“Did he leave a forwarding address?” He asked the new guy.
“I'll try to track one down, sir.” The new guy said.
“Thank you, Andre.” Dad smiled and he and mom walked away. Veronica and I looked at each other then Andre confused. We followed our parents up to our apartment to turn in for the night. 
Tag list: @jojokoko0717 @lilaqueenquinn @lonelydoode  @nixdunbarhale @nixdunbarhale2
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Call Me A Safe Bet, I’m Betting I’m Not - Chapter 10
(AO3 Link- Chapter Ten)
Even though scientists are still quite baffled after multiple millennia of medical and technological advances of exactly how the soulmarks work, there has been enough research and study that we now know when and how to expect them… There has yet to be one soulmate coupling occur before the female has experienced a menstrual cycle and the male to begin producing sperm. In short, soulmarks have never appeared before entering puberty…
There are many, many more cases in which two people have insisted they are soulmates only to not mark with one another. All in all, only about 3% of couplings are correct in predicting they are soulmates before marks form.”
Betty Cooper is four years old when she meets Jughead Jones. She knows he is her soulmate, he’s not so sure.
Chapter Ten
“Most people mark with their soulmates before the age of 24. The median age is approximately 19 years old, with the outliers being 14 and 32, respectively.
There are exceptions, as in those meet but don’t touch appropriately in order to mark… it’s been found that most people know of their soulmate by the age of 16.” From Is Age Just a Number?, 2017
It’s not until after five that Betty, Veronica, and Kevin trudge into the garage that Archie and Fred turned into a soundproof hang out so that Archie can write and belt out love ballads without disturbing the entire neighborhood. It also serves as a place for the boys to play video games and not annoy Fred.
“Finally, Jesus, what took you guys so long?” Archie asks, but his eyes never leave the TV.
“Don’t look at me, I was just the ride,” Kevin states with hands up before taking his usual seat in the ancient recliner.
“HBIC Cheryl wasn’t happy with the routine, so we spent two hours reworking the entire thing,” Betty answers, unceremoniously dropping her gym bag on the floor.  She’s changed into baggy sweats and an old cut-off shirt that she’d stolen from Jughead long ago and chopped up for her own comfort—it bares her shoulders and he can see parts of her black sports bra peeking out, but her soul mark is, of course, well-hidden.
“I’m regretting joining,” Veronica comments before plopping down onto the old fold-out with little to no grace and very un-Veronica Lodge-like.
“Can you pause or something?” Betty questions while nudging Jughead in the knee as he sits on the floor cross-legged with a pillow.
“I just died, what’s up?” he answers, but rather than respond verbally Betty just falls to her knees, one on either of his hips and situates herself in his lap with her legs crossed around his back.
She makes sure her head is on the shoulder opposite the TV so she’s not in his way. “You can get back to playing now,” she murmurs with a contented sigh.
Jughead chuckles beneath her and simply kisses her neck before she feels him connect his hands behind her back to continue to play.
“You guys are seriously giving me cavities,” Veronica groans from above them.
“You learn to ignore it. Hey, did you guys make it to the part where…”
Betty stops listening to the conversation and just burrows comfortably into Jughead’s shoulder, lets his scent fill her nostrils, and feels her body meld into his form.
She’s exhausted.
Ever since their big talk, she’s been having trouble sleeping—that much Jughead knows and he worries.
It’s been two weeks since he told her everything and she feels like she hasn’t gotten more than two hours a night, unless it’s been one of the few nights he sneaks into her room.
Those nights she can rest easy.
Betty sees the worried glances Jughead gives her as the bags under her eyes continue to darken day by day, but she just shrugs and leans into his shoulder. There’s nothing he can do—there’s still two weeks until his birthday and he hasn’t informed her of any decision that’s been made. She’s done her best to steer clear of the subject unless he brings it up.
She’s decided that she’s already said her piece and knows that continually sticking her nose into it would just put them into a constant state of tension, and with what’s going on in her life, Jughead’s her only relief. She doesn’t want to risk that. She’s too tired to be curious and have her one comfort taken away. So, as far as Betty knows, Jughead still has one foot in and one foot out.
(She feels like she’s holding onto the leg on the outside, sitting on it like she did with her father as a child when he’d swing her back and forth until her mother found them and scolded them for being unsafe. Only in this case, she’s holding on to keep Jughead safe. To keep their future safe.)
She’s so lost in thought that she may have actually fallen asleep—she doesn’t know, she’s not sure what it feels like anymore—but she jumps when Veronica practically yells her name directly into her ear.
“Fuck! What?” Betty starts and looks to Jughead for answers, confused.
“Language! She’s asking about the dance,” her soulmate fills her in with a grin.
“What dance?” she questions, ignoring his little jab.
“The Homecoming dance, duh,” Kevin answers, his hands now holding a controller and she notices Jughead doesn’t have one at the small of her back anymore.
“We need to start planning now, you know,” Veronica tells her like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“Are you planning on asking me?” Betty asks her, her eyes now slits. She was definitely asleep and is not happy to be awake now.
“No, but we’re all going as a group, right?” Veronica goes on. “You and Jughead, Archie and his lucky lady, whoever she may be, and I was thinking I could go with Kevin. That is unless you have any other prospects,” she finishes while looking at the boy in question.
“No! Hell yeah! Do you think you can get me a swatch of your dress so I can match my tie? Oh, can I wear a bowtie? I love bowties. Should I get a matching vest too, or is that too much?” he shoots off rapidly.
“How do you know I have a lucky lady?” Archie asks, cutting off Veronica’s answer. “I mean, girl,” he coughs.
“Archiekins, you’re not subtle, you always sneak away after lunch and sometimes you’re missing in the morning. Not to mention some of the excuses you make. Just how many times can you leave your pencil somewhere?” she replies, nonchalant. “Your pencil? Really?”
“Wait, you have a girlfriend?” Betty speaks up, her brain only mildly alert due to her interrupted catnap. “And you didn’t tell me? Who is she? Did you know about this?” she asks her own boyfriend.
Jughead looks at her with an expression she’s unsure of. “I—”
“It’s my business,” Archie helps him out. “And it’s not—I’m going to the dance stag, as in listening to Reggie go on about how much ass he is going to get only for him to go home alone, watch the Pussycats perform, and probably dance with Kevin a few times to make his night—”
“Hey! We do not joke about things like this, Archie Andrews. You say it, you better do it,” the boy states.
“I would never joke, Kev, you know you have a special place in my heart,” Archie insists.
Kevin smiles from ear to ear and melts into the couch, his cheeks red with heat. “Can the three of us go together? It would cause such a scandal! Oh, please, can we do it? Please?” he pleads with Veronica, his eyes big and his bottom lip out.
“If Archie’s doesn’t mind,” Veronica answers. “I’m all for creating scandals.”
They both look to Archie who shrugs. “I guess so?”
“Oh, yes! We’re so doing this and taking the best photo-op ever,” Kevin sighs happily.
“You guys have fun,” Jughead says with hands moving up and down Betty’s back systematically to help ease the knots.
“You’re kidding, right? You’re coming. Betty, tell him he’s coming,” Veronica orders.
“Jug does what he wants, and he doesn’t do dances. Shit, can you go a little to the left?” she practically moans into his collarbone. “Sorry, babe, my left.”
He does as he’s told until Veronica hits him with a pillow so hard his hat falls off and rolls down Betty’s backside. “Fu—Veronica, what are you doing?”
“You are taking her to the dance. And you’re going to wear a suit with the suspenders on correctly, and—”
“V, it’s really not a big deal,” Betty interrupts. “I’ve tried to get him to go to every dance since grade school, he refuses. It doesn’t matter if I pout or use the silent treatment, he won’t go. He doesn’t feel comfortable so I’ve given up. I’ve gone without him a couple times and it’s not fun for me watching everyone couple up, no matter how much fun Kevin is,” she says honestly, “I’m not making that the hill I die on,” she says simply. “Can you get back to the massage please?”
“We went to a dance before,” Jughead counters instead.
“No, we haven’t. I’ve missed almost every single dance of my school career, and the two I did go to were with Kevin.”
“Fifth grade, the Valentine’s Day dance—”
“Oh, Jughead Jones, that does not count.” Betty laughs. “That was an in-class party not a dance. And it was for being the class to sell the most chocolate—”
“I remember that!” Archie recalls. “Remember your parents were so pissed because you ate all your chocolate rather than sell it so they had to fork over, like, a hundred and twenty bucks,” Archie recalls in a laugh. “Jug’s the reason we got the party,” he tells Veronica.
“We danced! It counts,” Jughead insists indignantly.
“Because I was the only girl left sitting by myself, not because you wanted to. Archie would have taken your place, but he was obsessed with Stephanie Gibson that week—”
“Don’t single me out, dude. Everyone was obsessed with Stephanie Gibson, she was the first girl in our grade to develop a chest and it was—let’s just say they were the size they are now, but on an eleven-year-old’s body,” Archie says to a wide-eyed Veronica.
She looks to Betty, who nods in confirmation. “That poor girl, she has, like, what, a D cup? And at eleven, wow,” Veronica mumbles to herself.
“Yeah, it was awesome,” Archie assures her.
“You realize I’m a girl, right? That’s not—I don’t see that as awesome,” Veronica tells him.
“He was just happy because his hand brushed up against it, so stop acting like you got somewhere. We were eleven,” Betty reminds him with an eye roll.
“I’m sorry, not all of us found our soulmate at four years old and—”
“What!?” Archie’s interrupted by Veronica’s shriek.
Betty’s mouth opens in shock, Archie looks like a deer stuck in headlights, Jughead just lets his head fall back onto the couch, and Kevin almost looks giddy.
“Holy shit, this is getting so good,” he coos and both Betty and Jughead give him a look.
“You two got soulmarks at four years old—?” Veronica asks but is so shocked she can’t continue. “What, that’s imposs—” she continues to be practically speechless.
“We didn’t mark at four years old,” Jughead speaks up finally.
Betty looks at him with pleading eyes and he simply nods a little. “But I did know when I was four,” she finishes.
“But you are soulmates? You marked later? When? Where? Is this why you go into the bathroom stalls to change for practice?”
Rather than answer Betty just tugs on her crop top to reveal the gold crown. It’s somewhat blocked by the sports bra, but her new friend gets the idea.
“Holy crap,” the brunette breathes. “I didn’t think you two were marked. I thought you just, like, rose above it. Wow,” she goes on. “How did you know at four?”
Betty shrugs and leans back on Jughead’s legs that are now in a bent-up position. “I don’t know, we had just met and he hugged me to make me feel better, and,” she looks at Jughead who now has a small smile playing on his lips. “I could feel it somehow. So, I told him he was mine and he never fought it so,” she stops with a shrug.
“Why would I? Look at you,” Jughead teases and tickles her sides.
“Shut up, I was four and crying and—”
“Adorable,” he whispers before kissing her sweetly.
“Enough with that, I’m still in need of information over here! When did you find out?” Veronica presses.
“They went through a rough patch when we were, like, thirteen. It was all very angsty and he wore even more black than he does now,” Kevin begins. “Anyways, they were in this very big, very strange stance of ‘we’re not together but we’re not single either’ and there was hella tension, let me tell you,” he continues. “Anywho, Betty got her period, she was super scared of, you know, not being right, so she avoided him. Finally, he snuck into her bedroom, of course, and she told him. They kissed and voila, crown soulmarks right over their itty-bitty hearts.”
“That we keep secret because of the small-town drama, and because we were so young,” Betty adds on.
“Or, we were keeping it a secret before Archie opened his mouth,” Jughead says.
“I’m so fucking sorry, guys,” their red-headed friend finally speaks up. “I’ve never told anyone else, ever, and I—”
“We know, Jug’s just giving you a hard time,” Betty insists and pinches her boyfriend.
“It was only a matter of time before Veronica found out,” Jughead agrees, then bites his lip. “Besides, I’m working on telling my parents so we can spill the beans, anyway.”
At that Betty smiles and plants a big kiss on his lips.
“And what a better way to do it than at Homecoming in two weeks?”
“Uhm, no,” Betty answers herself. “I’m not putting a time limit on it. Jug’s parent’s history with marks is rough and I’m not putting him in a position where he feels forced to tell people. He’s working on it and that’s all I need right now,” she assures her new friend. “Besides, we have other plans that weekend.”
“We do?” Jughead asks.
“I was trying to be subtle, but yeah, it’s your birthday,” she reminds him.
“Oh shit, yeah. Sorry, Veronica, we can’t go, got plans,” he agrees quickly.
“You? Plans? On your birthday? All you do is get Pop’s and go to the Bijou with Betty. You can do that on any given Wednesday,” Kevin speaks up. “Jug hates his birthday, by the way.”
“I admit defeat for the night but not forever on the subject. You’ve been warned, Joneses,” she threatens.
“Joneses?” Betty questions, tilting to her head.
“What? It’s inevitable, but I know to be quiet in mixed company, unlike some people,” Veronica says dramatically to the room.
“I said I was sorry!” Archie pouts.
“And I’m going to find out who your lady friend is,” Veronica warns with a smirk.
“And I’m going to help,” Betty offers and the two wink at each other.
“Jug, a little help here?” Archie asks, his face pale.
“Sorry, bud, I know better than to try and keep things from Betty by now. You’re on your own,” her boyfriend says while looking at her with a small grin.
“You better,” she murmurs before kissing him once more.
“Okay, can we get food or something? All these slips have been great, but I’m hungry, and when I’m too hungry I get hangry and—”
“Stop, yes Kevin, we can get food,” Jughead interrupts. “Pop’s?”
“Yeah, I could use some chili cheese fries after that horror show we call practice,” Veronica agrees while standing.
Betty sighs. “I probably have to go home. My parents—”
“You’re coming,” Jughead urges as he struggles to get up with her still on top of him.
“Jug, I’m gonna fall!” she whines.
“You? I haven’t felt my ass in over an hour,” he groans while letting her go to get on her own feet. “You’re coming, you’re never home for dinner on nights you have practice and they know that.”
Betty looks at him under tired eyes but says nothing.
“C’mon, going to bed with a full stomach won’t hurt any. I’ll make sure you’re home before Alice Cooper sends out the dogs,” he assures her.
“Fine, but I’m getting a side salad,” she capitulates.
“As long as it’s on the side of a big, juicy cheeseburger, sure,” Jughead agrees.
“When you put it that way,” Betty says with a grin as he throws an arm around her shoulders to pull her close.
It’s unfair, Betty thinks, on Friday night after a grueling River Vixen’s practice followed by the football game, that she felt like death warmed over all day, but as soon as her head hits the pillow it’s as though she doesn’t remember how to sleep.
Wearing one of the shirts she’s stolen from Jughead, she curls into her pillow, her thumb hovering over his name nestled between emoji hearts in her contact list.
He and Archie are having a sleepover tonight, meaning they are next door playing video games and eating all night, doing whatever boys do when they have sleepovers, and she doesn’t want to interrupt, but—
She’s so tired, so tired with no sleep in sight that the words on her phone become blurred as tears fill her eyes.
Betty sniffles and hits Jughead’s name.
He answers after a ring or two, mid-laugh, and it makes her heart lurch. This is their first real ‘guy-time’ together or whatever, and she hates that she’s ruining it.
“Hey, babe,” he greets. “Calling to say goodnight?”
She sniffles again and bites her lip. “I know you’re with Arch, but do you think you could come over? Just until I fall asleep? Please?”
“Of course, are you okay, Betts?” he asks, knowing her entirely too well.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” she assures him and doesn’t think it’s a lie. She is fine, just tired, tired and out of it. “I—I don’t sleep unless you’re with me, not real sleep, not lately, and I—”
“Betty, I’m already walking out the door. I’ll be up in two minutes, okay?”
“It’s Archie mad? I know tonight’s a big deal—”
“It’s video games and shit-talking, and no, he’s not mad. He wanted to get a writing session anyways, whatever that means to our resident Justin Bieber, no worries. I’m about to climb up, so,” he pauses.
“Okay, see you in a sec,” she murmurs before hanging up and dropping the phone on pastel bedspread.
Maybe it’s this room, she thinks as she surveys the pinks, purples and baby blues all mixing together. As time goes on, she’s feeling less and less like the room belongs to her. It’s the bedroom for the perfect daughter her parents want. It doesn’t feel like her, not anymore, not ever again.
“Arch is right,” Jughead states as he crawls through her window. “If I work out my arms more, that is a lot easier.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispers in response.
Jughead cups her cheeks as it sits on the bed in front of her. “No, I’m sorry, Betts. This is all because of me. I hate it,” he admits.
“It’s not just you, Jug,” she assures him, leaning into his hold. “It’s a lot you, not going to lie, but… everything is getting to me. It’s like I can’t keep up the charade anymore.”
“What charade?”
“All this perfection,” she mouths, not wanting to say it. “I hate that word, I hate it, and I—for so many years I’ve abided by it. I wore the pastels and sweaters with stupid lace trimming and long-sleeves that my mom picked out. I took ballet and piano lessons. I’ve been shadowing at the Register since I was, like, nine? Who does that?” she asks the room more than him. “I was nine. I should have been playing Star Wars with you and Archie or watching Disney movies nonstop with Kevin—”
“Hey, as I recall, I was subjected to those Disney marathons too, Betts,” Jughead cuts in with a small smile. “I know every word to The Little Mermaid and Cinderella, and even Tangled,” he reminds her.
“Beauty and the Beast too,” she adds with a smile. “I went to church and did every academic extra-curricular. I voluntarily did every extra credit assignment even though I had straight-A’s. I did that stupid internship. I didn’t talk back and I was nothing like Polly. I didn’t shorten my skirts or hang out with people she didn’t approve of. I’ve only missed curfew, like, twice in my entire life,” she stops to look at him, doing her best to blink away the tears. “But what’s the point? It doesn’t matter how much I try to be everything they want when all it takes is one stupid mistake for them to throw me away.”
“Betty, what are you talking about? Your parents aren’t perfect themselves, no matter how much they want to be, but they love you,” he tells her.
“Like they love Polly?” she asks with a quiver in her lip. “She may have been rebellious and loud and full of life, but she’s still their daughter. All it took was one choice—Jason—and it was so easy to toss her aside.”
“Betty, I—”
“Did I help?” she asks him. “Because I did everything they said. I became everything they wanted. Did that make it okay to let her go because they had me?”
“No. No, Betty, stop,” he urges and tugs her by the back of the knees so she’s in his lap. “It’s never okay to do what they did. Polly’s their daughter as much as you are. It doesn’t matter if she didn’t listen as much as you did.”
“What if that’s why she doesn’t want to see me? What if she thinks because they have me they don’t need her?”
“Oh, baby,” Jughead says into her neck as they hold each other. “I don’t know what Polly thinks, but it can’t be that it just can’t be. None of this is your fault. She made her choices and they made theirs. You weren’t even here when it all went down.”
“Because I was at that stupid internship my mom got me into. If I was here—”
“You’d be in the same boat you are now,” he tells her. “Because neither of them would have budged, and you know it.”
Betty nods into his neck, her fingers playing with the little hairs at his nape. “I’m mad at her,” she admits.
“I know,” he answers quietly.
“She just left me behind like I would agree with them. Like I hadn’t been on her side for the last year with everything. I keep trying to prove to her I’m a good enough sister, the perfect sister, and she just keeps—” the rest is caught in her throat and she squeezes his shoulders tight. “I’ve done everything to contact her. She’s made herself unreachable, and I—I think I’m done, Jug. I can’t—if everything I’ve done, everything I am isn’t enough for her then that’s it. I can’t be any more than I am.”
“Baby, you’re enough, you’re more than, fuck,” he insists, his grip so tight she almost can’t breathe, but Betty wants it that way. He makes her feel safe, wanted, enough.
“I’m not used to giving up,” she confesses after a long moment.
“You’re not giving up, Betty. You’ve done everything you can do to show Polly you’re on her side and that you don’t agree with your parents. If it’s not enough for her, then she’s truly becoming a Blossom and that’s her fault, not yours,” he says firmly into her skin.
Betty pulls away to wipe her face on her pajama shirt.
“You’re everything, Betty. I don’t ever want you to think you’re less than how completely wonderful you are,” Jughead states.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fall apart on you,” she whispers, resting her forehead on his. “That’s not why I asked you to come over. I just—it’s not all you, so don’t be a drama queen and think it is,” she teases.
He smiles and presses a soft kiss to her lips.
“I can’t wait until we’re older, when I’m out of this room, this house. When I don’t have to call you to come over because you’ll be beside me. I want to be able to roll over and have you already there.”
“That’s the real dream right there, huh?” he murmurs and kisses her once more. “C’mon, let’s get under the covers.”
Betty settles under her sheet and comforter set but finds more comfort in Jughead’s arms. “Jug, if you become a Serpent, what kind of obligations will you have?”
“Betty, I—”
“I mean, like, you made me watch Sons of Anarchy. Do the Serpents have Church? Will you have to be there? Are there different meetings for the younger Serpents? Will I have a name?” she begins to ramble on.
“A name?” he questions.
“Yeah, on Sons they were called Crow-Eaters, right?”
“The groupies were, Jesus, Betty,” he says in half a laugh. “You wouldn’t be a groupie, you’d be a… Old Lady, I think? And, I don’t know about any of it. I’m not in, remember?”
Betty settles back onto her pillow. “Well, I’m just saying, they should hand out pamphlets or something, so we know what we’re getting into.”
“It’s a gang, Betty, I think that speaks for itself,” he tells her.
“Humph,” she grunts and stares at the ceiling.
“If conversational whiplash is a thing, it’s what I’m experiencing right now,” Jughead admits.
“Welcome to my nightlife,” she sighs and blinks up at the too-white paint. “My mind jumps to a million different things when I’m trying to sleep. I think about you, Veronica, Kevin, my parents, Polly, Archie, his girlfriend, who is she?” she goes on without missing a beat. “I keep wondering who. At first, I thought it was Ethel and he wasn’t saying anything because she’s not, like, his usual, you know?’ she asks and then continues before he can answer. “And it pissed me off because Ethel is awesome, and she deserves better than to be a secret because she’s not someone Reggie Mantle would ‘approve’ of or whatever.”
“Wow,” is all her boyfriend says.
“But then, during one of the times Archie disappeared we were with Ethel,” she tells him. “Veronica said it could be Cheryl, but Cheryl wouldn’t keep Archie a secret. I mean, look at him, she’d parade him around like a show dog or something, Kevin’s words, not mine. Then,” she looks over at him to make sure he’s still listening. “There was a theory it could be a guy. Archie’s always been very into girls, but hey, anyone can have a sexual awakening.”
“Are those Kevin’s words, or Veronica’s?” he wonders aloud.
“Kevin’s, mostly hoping Archie was exploring, you know, so he’d have a chance. Regardless, Archie and Kevin have already touched, so they aren’t marked. Not that it really matters, but I don’t want Kevin to get his heart broken, I don’t think he’d survive losing Archie. That’d be like growing up thinking Lindsay Lohan really had a twin, earth-shattering.”
“Wow,” Jughead repeats, laughing now.
“It’s—you can just tell you have a new friend, a girl-friend. That’s all,” he explains, and tucks a hair behind her ear.
“Right. Anyway,” she says, and he laughs some more. “So, the guy theory isn’t out, I just don’t think it’s the right direction, you know? This could all be solved if you would tell me, but I told Veronica as much as we’re intertwined and as much as you love me, you keep your promises, especially to Archie, and I respect that. I won’t make you tell me, just drive you crazy until you do.”
“Are you trying to butter me up about Homecoming?” Jughead asks, still chuckling.
“What? How did you get Homecoming from that?”
“Betty, you went from Polly to the Serpents, to Archie being gay, and you’re asking me how I got Homecoming after you made me feel all warm inside with that comment?”
“I am not the one pushing you into Homecoming. That’s Veronica. You were there when I told her. I’ve admitted defeat. That is all her,” Betty reminds him.
“But you do want to go?” he pushes.
“I would like to, yes,” she tells him honestly. “But I won’t force you into anything that you don’t want to.”
“And you really want to go?” he asks again. “I’m being serious here, Betts. We’ve never talked about dances or Homecoming, not since the shitty seventh-grade ones that were so lame Archie even skipped half of them.”
Betty turns her head to look at him. “Yes, Jug, I do, okay? I would like to go shopping for a cute dress, get dolled up with my friends, and attend a dance with my soulmate, who I know looks amazing with suspenders worn correctly…” she trails off just to smile at him. “But I’m not going to guilt you into going. I’m fine with sitting at home with you and watching movies and doing absolutely nothing as long as you’re right beside me.”
“Doing nothing with you is one of my favorite things,” Jughead begins.
“Well, it’s your birthday. I assumed we’d be doing a little more than nothing,” Betty comments, to which he grins.
“That’s my second favorite thing to do with you,” he laughs. “I’m a weirdo, I know this, how I almost never go without that stupid hat solidifies that, but—”
“Now I get what you meant by that whiplash comment,” Betty interrupts.
“Shush,” he mutters. “I want to go to Homecoming with you.”
Jughead kisses her temple softly. “It’s something I’m against as an institution, but—if something so small will make you happy, and won’t hurt me at all, of course I want to do it.”
“Jug, you don’t have to, really,” she assures him.
“Betty,” he breathes while licking his lips. “I’m—fuck, baby, I’m weird,” he tells her again. “You never say no to going to the Bijou with me, or going to Pop’s for the millionth time, or seeing the same five Hitchcock or Tarantino movies repeatedly because no one will make movies better than them—”
“I am your favorite Hitchcock blonde, right?” she cuts him off, with a grin.
“Of course,” he affirms. “But don’t get me started on how he treated the women in his films—I’ll never finish what I’m trying to say.”
“Oh, believe me, I know,” Betty teases.
“What I’m getting to,” he goes on. “You do so much for me, such small trivial shit that bothers the hell out of everyone else around me, but you never say no.”
“Juggie,” she murmurs and looks up at him under heavy lids.
“I’m not being self-deprecating, I promise,” he insists. “It’s who I am, and you’ve loved me for all that I am before these marks ever showed up on our skin. I mean, Jesus, we just had a conversation about what you would be called if I joined the Serpents, that was real.”
“I was there. What are you getting at, Jug?” she asks.
“If going to Homecoming is something that will make you happy then of course I want to go. I always want to make you happy,” he finishes.
“That was a very long-winded way of conceding,” she responds in a whisper.
“I’m not conceding, I’m—I’m trying to be romantic, okay? Do you want to go to Homecoming with me or not?”
“Yes!” she says with a smile from ear to ear.
Jughead smiles wide, the kind of smile that makes her stomach flip. “And—I think we should take Veronica’s suggestion.”
“I think you should get a dress that will show our marks and that is how we’ll tell the world.”
“What?” she repeats as though she doesn’t understand what he’s finally saying.
“I—I don’t know how to tell my dad, how to come clean about this lie. It’s—I need a push, you know? I need something to make me do it. It’s become one of those things that’s harder to fix because of how long it’s been going on. I need to pull the Band-Aid and if my hand is forced I’ll have to rip it off,” he explains.
Betty’s shocked for a second before she sits up. “You’re joining the Serpents, aren’t you?”
“You—you want to go to Homecoming and show our marks and tell your parents. You’re the one buttering me up. That’s cruel, Jug,” she says hollowly as she tries to pull away.
“I’m not buttering you up!” he insists, getting up too and pulling her back to him. “That didn’t even occur to me, Betts. I swear.”
“So, you’re not joining the Serpents?”
“No! Well, I don’t know, I haven’t figured it out yet. I just have all these decisions hanging over me and I’m sick of it. I need something to give me a push, so I want to put a time limit on it, or I’ll never get the nerve. It’s not just about telling my dad. It’s explaining why I lied to him for years about the thing that makes me the happiest. I need something to help make me do it, and this is it. Going to Homecoming is for you, but that’s the only reason, for you,” he insists.
“It’s not because you’ve decided to join the Serpents and you’re trying to make it easier on me?” she asks again to make sure.
“I haven’t decided anything with the Serpents. But I did decide to go to Homecoming with my beautiful soulmate, showing our mark, because it’s time, and it will make you happy, which is all I really want.”
“This is real?” she asks, tears in her eyes again.
“Very real. No strings, no hang-ups, just wanting to make you happy.”
Betty throws herself at him in a hug, almost knocking him off the bed. “Oh, Juggie! I can’t wait to tell Veronica. I can’t wait to find a dress. I can’t wait—” he cuts her off with a kiss.
She leans into him and lets herself get lost in it, in the feeling of his lips on her skin, his hands slipping under her shirt to skim across her ribs. It makes her heart flutter and stomach somersault.
Betty doesn’t realize how deep they are in until she feels his fingers slip under her underwear. “Whoa, Jug, wait,” she breathes heavily.
“I—I love you, you are romantic. I can’t wait for all the Homecoming stuff and your birthday, but,” she stops and bits her bottom lip. “I’m so fucking tired.”
“Shit, I’m sorry,” he apologizes instantly. “I forgot.”
“Honestly, I did too for a second,” she admits. “But I love you, so much.”
“I love you more,” he replies and slowly brings her down to the mattress with him. “But, I think you’d love me more if you got a full eight hours tonight.”
Betty snuggles into him. “No offense but right now, a full eight hours sounds so much better than an orgasm.”
Jughead laughs and starts playing with her hair, a surefire way to make sure she falls asleep ASAP. “Go to sleep, baby, and you’ll find all this is still real in the morning.”
“I know you hate it, but it goes so well with your skin tone,” Veronica says as she appears out of thin air with a dress in hand.
Betty looks it over. It’s beige, would be skintight, swoop low to show her boobs, and definitely be sexy, but—
“I want color, V,” she admits.
“We could give you a splash of color with your earrings, a necklace, and shoes!” the brunette insists.
“No, I just… I think I’ll know it when I see it,” Betty tells her.
“I love you, but you’re being so picky,” Veronica huffs and shoves the dress back on the rack.
“Why don’t you wear it? I’m sure there is one in your size,” Betty says.
“I can’t do beige, really, it washes me out most of the time,” Veronica sighs as they continue their search for the ‘perfect’ dress as Veronica calls it. Betty’s not so in love with the name, but she’s not wrong. “I still can’t believe Jughead agreed to this. Ugh, you guys are like a fairytale.”
Betty shakes her head at an outrageous lime green dress, who would even try to wear that? “From the outside, it may seem like that,” she starts, “but we’ve been through so much crap, V, believe me. Even now, Jughead has this huge decision he has to make before his birthday and I know what decision he should make, but it’s his to make.” She stops and lets out a long breath. “I can’t make it for him, I won’t be that type of partner.”
“Hey, is this something we need to talk about?” Veronica asks in a soft voice. “I know I’m not as close as you and Archie, or Kevin, definitely not Jughead,” she says with a chuckle, “but, you can trust me.”
“Oh, I know. I know, V,” Betty assures her. “If it was about me, I would tell you. But this is about Jughead, so it’s his business, you know?”
Veronica nods and motions to the small pile dresses that are a ‘maybe’ for her along with the two dresses Betty didn’t hate so far. “Let’s try some of these on, huh?”
They find a large room they can share together. Now that Veronica knows about the mark, Betty has nothing to hide.
“You look amazing in every dress, V,” Betty practically coos at Veronica’s fifth ‘maybe’. “In every color too.”
“It is a blessing and a curse,” she breathes, then smiles playfully. “I prefer black, it can make you be both sexy and innocent at the same time. I can be in mourning or a mob wife. There are so many options.”
Betty chuckles as she shucks the dress off and it pools at her feet. “Here, a little black dress, just for you,” she says and hands her a black dress with lace sleeves.
Veronica smiles suggestively before practically snatching it out of her hands. “Yes, I remember you saying black lace, and I just told you to add it to the pile, but I didn’t look at it.”
“Even if you don’t want it for Homecoming, you better buy it. You look amazing, V,” Betty insists, standing now to look her over.
“Why wouldn’t I wear this to Homecoming? It’s perfect,” Veronica states. “Sorry, I know you hate the word—”
“No, it is. The boys aren’t going to know what hit them,” Betty agrees.
“And I have the perfect black gloves to match it with,” the raven-haired girl says with a small smile.
“Hey, V,” Betty starts softly. “I think I know, but why—”
“Do I wear the gloves?” Veronica finishes, her voice low. She lets out a long breath and sits on the little bench in the changing room. “I—everyone in Riverdale knows the scandal involving my parents. My dad is in prison for embezzlement; my mom is this town’s target practice, all while suddenly being a single parent with almost every account frozen like she’s to blame for it too, when she didn’t know anything about it.”
“My parents are marked, Betty, they marked in high school, Riverdale High School. My mom was,” she stops to breathe. “She dated Fred Andrews for over a year in high school, until my dad set his eyes on her.”
“What? Your mom and Archie’s dad?”
Veronica nods. “It’s not a big deal, he was jilted for a little bit, but then he marked with Archie’s mom, of course, as we know,” she goes on. “Anyways, my mom was happy with Fred. I’ve seen the pictures. I heard stories when I was dating this boy back home, Nick St. Claire. My mom always said it’s fine to date before you mark because you’re not marked yet, you know? And she had fun with Fred. He treated her like a princess. Then, they had one big fight, and my dad saw an opening and took it. They marked, and then obviously she and Fred were over after that. But in every picture I’ve seen of her and Archie’s dad… well, I’ve never seen her smile that way at my dad.”
“My dad always provided for us, more than we ever needed, honestly, and he always treated me right, I was his little girl. He treated me like a princess, when I wish he’d done the same with my mom. Their mark is on their necks, it—it looks like, to me, like dead flesh, like it’s eating her from the inside out. My parents say its black crushed diamonds, but… tomatoe, tomato, I guess?”
“I know what you mean. My parents say theirs is a sharp pen going down their wrists, but to me it looks like a blade about to cut open the main vein,” Betty admits quietly.
“I’ve never heard my parents say ‘I love you’ or show affection towards each other unless we were at some event. With one look my father can have my mother go from all smiles to knowing she did something wrong somehow, and it completely ruins her night. He’s never hit her or anything like that, but the emotional abuse was there from time to time. I saw it. I tried to tell her to stand up to him but my dad is such a presence. He demands respect. You know he’s one of the smartest, most cunning person the moment he walks into a room, any room.”
“I’m sorry, V,” Betty whispers.
“Honestly, it’s hard with my father being in prison, but sometimes, I swear, when she and I are hanging out together I see that smile I used to only see in the pictures of her and Mr. Andrews together. She’s more at ease now. She doesn’t have to be so ‘on’ all the time, she can relax. I’m not saying the marks are wrong, but… my mom’s weighs her down in a way that I don’t ever want to be weighed down myself.”
Betty nods. “So you wear the gloves so you won’t mark with anyone.”
Veronica mimics her movements. “I don’t want to lose myself the way she did. I wear the gloves to protect myself and I know it means I could have missed my moment, but I’d rather be alone than be in a relationship and feel alone, because that is so much worse.”
Betty sits down next to her and pulls her into a long hug. “If I hadn’t marked with Jug I probably would have come up with the same solution to keep him. Whether or not you ever take off the gloves is up to you, but from what I’ve gathered in the past few weeks—you’re not passive. You’re not like your mom in that way and you wouldn’t let yourself be taken over like that. Whoever your soulmate is, they are definitely in for a long, crazy ride because you’re so full of life and a force to be reckoned with.”
Veronica leans into Betty’s arms with a smile. “Thank you, B.”
“Any time, V.”
She wipes at her eyes, and smiles. “No more sadness, I have something for you that you have to try on, even if you don’t like the color. I have a feeling about it.”
“For you, sure,” Betty agrees and stands.
Veronica pulls out a dress from underneath a rather large poofy purple one that belongs in the eighties. It’s pink, but—Betty agrees, she has a feeling about it.
An hour later, Betty gets dropped off by Smithers at Sunnyside, leaving her dress behind because Jughead is not to see it until the dance as per Veronica’s orders.
That may be so, but she’s so excited she can’t stop herself from at least telling him about it.
She runs up the few steps to his trailer and bursts through the door—FP gets annoyed when she knocks and Jughead is just as happy not having to get up to get the door.
“Juggie—” the words die in her throat upon seeing him surrounded by a group of Serpents, his father included, a leather jacket adorning his torso and a black eye darkening on his face.
To be continued…
Notes:  Don’t jump to conclusions, peeps, trust me, and… well, doesn’t Jug look great in the jacket?? This was fast, huh? You’re welcome ;) Big stuff in the works here! You’ll see… big things coming, be ready, y'all!And let’s never forget to thank @jandjsalmon for beta-ing and answering weird questions at all hours of the day when I forget a word or need to describe something better.
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muskyfictionmen · 7 years
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Moving to Riverdale had been the biggest thing to happen to Stiles since being introduced to the Supernatural. Something he never thought he’d be able to pull himself away from. He was as rooted into it as the Nemeton itself by the time the Nogitsune came and went, leaving him a little too worse for wear. None of his friends able to make it any better. The more they tried, they worse he got, and it was his final say that had them packing their bags.  He didn’t hate his pack, and they were always going to be his family- he’d obviously see them again, all the time even- Derek making it clear he’d pay for any amount of plane tickets to and from California. Their days of bickering long gone. They both understood more than the others how much Stiles needed to get away. From not just the big bads of the worlds, but the more than toxic relationship he and Derek tried and failed to keep above water. They worked best as friends, even if the love they carried for one another was strong enough to leave lasting impressions on them both, the move, and by affiliation, their break up, had been for the best. They were happy to hear each other’s voices now, every other evening, catching up on one another’s lives- Derek always hesitating before laughing about how strange it was that he could have such adult conversation with a seventeen year old. But Stiles had grown up too fast long before Scott was bitten. Now it was a waiting game for his age to catch up to his mind. The pack crumbled for a while without him, before stabilizing, and coming together in a way they may not have ever thought to when they didn’t have their teetering support that was Stiles Stilinski. He was proud of them, so proud. Proud of his dad too. The transfer to Riverdale had been rough on them both, but despite Stiles’ need to take his time, John flourished. Coming out of his shell with new adults, going to dinners, making small talk in the supermarket- even joining a weekly poker game with some of the other men in the neighborhood. He needed the break just as much as Stiles had. Just being away from Beacon Hills both refreshed and grated on Stiles’ nerves to no end. His old loner ways of shutting in on himself flaring up. The dread that befell the town after a murder- a very /human/ murder, he constantly reminded himself- made it even worse. Until he’d found himself lost on the halls of Riverdale High for the fifth time in one week- stumbling into the papers room- looking between the wide eyes of two other students, and the murder board set up across the room from them. Despite knowing he should apologize and book it, Stiles couldn’t help himself. Dropping his backpack, and holding up a hand for the boy to wait as he looked about to speak- a sour frown tilting his lips, crowned beanie tilting down on his head as he did so. A movement Stiles would come to grow more than a little fond of. Silent for nearly a minute, Stiles looked over their board, before unpinning their string, and pointing them in a better direction. A clearer direction. They were trying to solve the murder of Jason Blossom, for reasons Stiles wouldn’t figure out till later. The pull of yet another Scooby gang apparently too great. They didn’t know about the supernatural, about the way fate would twist you back around when you may have been on the right path. Somewhat. Stiles didn’t fight it, and soon enough he found himself back in the room every day- explaining to Betty and Jughead- Scott lost it when Stiles introduced them over Skype- what little he could get from the files at home, and from his dad when he’d had one too many drinks after his night out with the boys. Feeling less like he was manipulating the man, and more like he was trying to solve the murder of a boy who didn’t deserve to die. He couldn’t do anything about the murders in Beacon Hills. Bring peace to any families; little more than pretend it never happened, even as their hallways at school lessened in traffic with each passing attack. This? This Stiles could do. And he could do it well. It took them weeks, weeks of pain, and mystery; twists at every turn when they’d hoped to come to a wall of conclusion. But in the end, they figured it out. Just as good as the original Mystery Incorporated. “What’re you thinking about?” Archie whispered, pushing into Stiles’ little bubble of thought he’d cocooned himself in- drawing the other boys eyes and smiling when they met. That was another thing. Archie Andrews.  With his cavity-inducing sweet ways, Stiles stood no chance against his charm. Another pull he went with- not once really thinking about falling for someone who seemed, for all intensive purposes, unavailable. Until they slowly but surely continued to gravitate towards one another as the weeks passed. Bringing new information to the other first, before presenting it to the group. Seeking comfort in the presence of the other, Stiles eventually losing the hesitation it took to phone Archie over Scott, when the world started crashing down around him- around them all. Archie Andrews, with his fiery red hair, and silky smooth singing voice that slipped Stiles into one of the few safe spaces he was sure were left in the world- with the warm scent of hard working sweat, and leather. His whispered words of encouragement when things got to be too much. The tender, tentative first kiss to Stiles’ neck from behind, as he held him. Stiles never stood a chance. Neither did Archie.  “Wondering what tomorrow’s gonna be like.” Stiles admitted, tucking his knees up into their booth at Pop’s, gaze flickering over to Jughead- similarly leaned in closed to Betty as they giggled-attention pulled back to Archie’s warm brown eyes as he laughed quietly, eyes crinkling in a way that always made Stiles smile. Every single time. “That’s a little cryptic for my liking. Tell me you’re not being morbid? Shakes are supposed to make you sweet.” He cooed, nipping at Stiles’ cheek, smiling with all his teeth when Stiles swatted at him and laughed.  “Not morbid per say” Stiles started “More so…look what we’ve been through? Look what tomorrow could bring? That type of thing I guess. We’ve all been through enough bullshit to last us an infinite amount of lifetimes. One can only hope tomorrow’s gonna be kind, all that shit.” He waved his hand dismissively, licking over his dry lips when Archie caught it, and held it close to his chest. “Is it cheesy to say it’ll all be alright as long as you wake up with me?” Stiles was going to say yes, absolutely, positively, one hundred percent yes. But that’s the thing about Archie. He was the exception to cheesy, because the sincerity in his voice broke Stiles’ heart, and put all the pieces back together again, all in the same instant. Archie didn’t know about the supernatural, Stiles’ wasn’t sure when, or even if he’d tell him. He knew the pain and horror for the world just fine without it. He knew how quickly things could go to hell, or turn around on you, without all the extra bits from Stiles’ past. He knew the world was a scary place, full of real evil, and all kinds of things that made up the future. But he had something Stiles desperately craved. The ability to say things would work out for the best, and really, truly mean it. He made Stiles believe it a little more each and every time he said it. Stiles didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, as much as he wondered- but he had incredible friends on two sides of the continent, a boyfriend who he could see himself growing old with- a thought that scared him, not just because his intense fear of his own mortality, but the idea that life could be so kind. It was fucking intense.  “Buy me another shake.” Stiles whispered, shaking his head, and pulling Archie tighter into the corner of the booth, darkened by the fading neon sign outside the window. “Stilinski men aren’t known to be too sweet, but fill me up with enough chocolate and I’ll rot your teeth till the day you kick it, Archie.” He knew what Stiles meant by it- his eyes burning brighter as his words settled, and they kissed- Betty and Jughead taking their cue to enjoy themselves as well. Two young, troubled couples, enjoying the solitude they’d earned. The love they craved. The silencing of minds they desperately needed. As long as they had each other, tackling the next great mystery of Riverdale wouldn’t be too hard. The mysteries of the world only slightly more difficult. 
((I’ve been dying for some fluffy Starchie-it’s a thing okay- but all my fluff gets full of angst and darkness, idk why, but I like it. Plus it’s a good balance to the intense nsfw I posted last night. So…enjoy :3))
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thatiranianphantom · 4 years
Recappin’ Riverdale, 1x02 : A Touch Of Evil
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Clicketh the read more for some random thoughts! 
- I’m pretty sure Jug pronounces “irrevocable” wrong
- Penelope actually being comforting?
- Ahhhh Jason’s corpse. You stuck around....longer than anticipated.
- Things that nobody notices but me - Betty has never changed her phone case. I change mine every 2.5 days. 
- And again, we are meant to thirst over Archie and overlook the grooming
- The fact that he’s sleeping with her and still calls her “Ms. Grundy” when they’re not even in school is just...so ick. 
- Fred being the ONLY A+ parent in Riverdale. And yes, I am very much including all the parents we haven’t met yet. And yes, that very much includes Hermoine Lodge and 1 FP Jones.
- Hal being the moral high ground. Kiss me, I love it. 
- Alice Cooper would have been a very effective serial killer and I will die on that hill. 
- Yeah, while I completely believe Archie didn’t OWE Betty his affection, this walking to school scene was weird for me
- I hadn’t realized how little Jughead was in the pilot before now
- Ah yes, the show, with its usual subtlety, wants you to know JUGHEAD IS A MOVIE BUFF. Please accept that as why he makes references a teenager would never get. 
- Mrs. Phillips? I thought that was Mrs. Bell?
- Veronica trying to make up for her perceived sin is adorable. She so wants to hang onto Betty. 
- “And his cold-blooded killer is walking the Green Mile to sit in Old Sparky and fry” - oh Cheryl. 
- It breaks my heart how Veronica is so genuinely trying. She wants her and Betty to be friends so much
- Archie struggling with thoughts. He may have two, which is a thought and a half too many. 
(I really don’t hate Archie. I actually find S1 Archie kind of endearing)
- Oh so this is Dr. Curdle? And we’re to believe that Dr. Curdle Junior who looks deadass older than this dude, is his son? Please, Riverdale. 
- You, my approximately 1 reader, should know that I skipped the whole song and Grundy scene, but I am upset Betty didn’t eat those cupcakes
- Cheryl is so Cheryl. I am writing a chapter in her perspective for someone else is singing along, and I am already excited about it. 
- “It is not my fault he doesn’t like you.” That’s...true. 
- “We were meant to be best friends” I love this Beronica content I miss it 
- “I’ve never felt the way I’m supposed to feel about Betty.” I feel like we don’t pay enough attention to this.  
- This pan down shot of Betty. I know it’s supposed to be intimidating but it just comes off as...ridiculous?
- I saw this post, I think by my fandom twin @go-ldy​ and @arsenicpanda​ where it’s like there’s always two friends forced to be the responsible friend to the stupid friend. I think that’s what Jughead is invoking here, the “oh my god Archie sleeping with your teacher is a BAD idea!”
- A kid is dead. LOL. Remember when they used to care? 
- I’m really loving this swoopy hair that Jughead has
- There’s a lot of intense staring here. Getting some Jarchie vibes. 
- See, here’s my problem with this show. They tell us Beronica are best friends. That’s backed up with a decent amount of time together, last season aside. But they also tell us Jug and Archie are best friends. And aside from a few moments in a few episodes, I really don’t see a lot of narrative scaffolding for this. 
- Look at Betty’s season 1 outfit
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Compare that to the cropped sweaters and miniskirts of season 4. In the hands of better writers, we could say that her confidence has evolved and so has her wardrobe. But I somehow doubt that’s the case here. 
- Gonna say I like the replacement Reggie better. Nothing against Ross Butler, but Charles Melton brings a certain Handsome Squidward stupidity to the role. 
- Love the reaction to this Archie/Reggie fight. Like, they want to stop it, but not really enough to intervene. Betty just looks mildly exasperated. 
- “I want to do this thing with this girl” you’re coming off as speaking about something entirely different, Arch. 
- Again, a lot of intense Jarchie staring. 
- Archie recoils from Betty touching his eye. We saw that, right?
- This doesn’t even sound like Josie singing....
- Jughead is looking straight at Betty with an expression that further solidifies my theory that he was into her LONG before they started working together. 
- I love how he goes straight around Veronica. I need more Jeronica snark in my life.  
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