#But I can't just SAY that because when you use too many superlatives even when you really mean them it comes of as insincere
how do you write a grad school statement of purpose talking about a professor you really admire and love the work of, who's research genuinely represents EXACTLY the kind of work you want to do not just in grad school but forever and ever and ever since you were in 7th grade, without sounding like a crazed fangirl?
asking for a friend.
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drdemonprince · 6 months
if you ever have the time and space to answer this i'd be very thankful
how can i take any let downs by friends less personal and continue giving people chances/inviting them in and being vulnerable without hurting myself/gettung hurt in the process? i'm guessing the answer is to find a balance, but are there ways to go about it easier? no matter how much i try to communicate and and manage expectations... i appreciate my friends greatly, but still i often feel let down when they cant come to things that are important to me though i understand that things can happen and theres usually reasons for not being able to make something and i am not their priority number one in a system that exhausts all of us- it just keeps happening and i don't want to grow bitter and alone but cherish the people in my life and trust they are trying their best
I think you can start by practicing being more flaky and unreliable and more reliant up on your friends' grace as well! When we feel resentful, it is often a sign that we are doing far too much, and not having our needs cared for. I used to be one of the most reliable mother fuckers around -- it was my senior superlative, actually, Most Reliable! ha! -- and I resented just about everyone for being less put together, less likely to follow through, less prone to doing what they said and saying what they'd do than me. I was a bitter little Type A overachieving cunt who considered myself superior to everyone (in part because my hyper literal Autistic ass believed that if you said you were going to do something, that meant you absolutely Had to Do It and Why Would Anybody Lie about a thing like that?)
Today I am a fuckin MESS and I am a much better person for it. I amble up just barely on time, I cancel plans, I forget things, I tell someone I can't make it even if in the most literal sense I could but I don't feel like it -- and many of my friends are tired, spent, fuzzy brained exhausted messes too! And it's fine! I have some friends that I regularly rely upon to cancel our plans because it frees up a little extra room in my schedule that I always wind up needing. I'm not mad or disappointed in them for bailing, my ass is relieved because I definitely have some shit to get to myself and probably four other people that I'm kinda letting down at the moment. It's not that any of us lack concern for one another, that's just what being a busy adult is in this day and age. We have work and creative pursuits and lots of friends and fucking and exercise and tile to regrout. Shit happens. It's not a big deal if I end up needing to see the movie solo or if we need to reschedule our breakfast date. Shit happens. I have too many actual problems to make a problem out of someone having a hangover and not being able to show up to my birthday or whatever. I missed their birthday last year, but I'll make it there this year, and maybe next time they'll make mine, too. The grace of accepting chaos washes it all away. My friends are my fellow comrades in the fuckin trenches and we each get to make one another's tours a little less miserable by understanding shit's crazy and fucked and that none of it is personal and that at the end, we still love eachother and are doing our best.
With time, may you find that kind of serenity and that ability to just keep on moving in life rather than fixating on the little slights and unpredictable things that will happen whether we fight them or not. Don't read too much into anyone's cancellation of plans or lateness or flakiness. Put your mind toward more interesting problems in your life, ones that some thinking can help solve. Easier said than done, but you'll get there. If my bitter anal retentive ass could become so sloppy and lovingly blase so can you!
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jiminrings · 2 months
Hiiii jiminrings aka one of my favorite authors everrr aka supreme ruler of angst and pathetic, sniveling men! I must say I've never read angst quite as cutting as yours, blood running cold, jaw hanging open, you know the type. Thanks so much for sharing your creativity and time with us!!! I really mean it.
I've read some of your previous works, but fail safe has managed to hit different, and that's very hard considering hbjimin!!!!!! and 478jk!!!! (Ik I'm echoing a popular sentiment on here, but you deserve your flowers)
I need to confess that when I first started reading fail safe I felt so taken aback by your oc's characterization, to the point I didn't even like her. But halfway through the first part, I had a big, fat epiphany and realized the only reason I felt unsympathetic towards here was because (SHOCKER!) that's my twin lowkey 😭😭 I was like oh....... so this is how it feels like to have a mirror held up to your face 😂🫵
Even though I've always grown up as a pretty responsible, independent kid who had big dreams and a sense of passion I'm currently at a point in my life where I feel very lost and confused and unsatisfied with my life. I have felt that spark of fashion almost totally dampened, and as a result I feel like (some of) the people around me kinda look down on me a little / are very worried about my near future / are very condescending about where I'm at emotionally and existentialist (basically oc and yoongi's dynamic). Making that connection.... hurt and made reading this fic so much more emotional.
This means I have a HUGE VENDETTA AGAINST FS YOONGI FOR TREATING OC LIKE SHIT AND BEING A CONDESCENDING, PEDANTIC ASSHOLE!!!!! He's borderline demonic, talking to her life that throughout her teen hood, no wonder she has such a negative self-image, in spite of working to build herself up. But the issue is that she's working from such a shaky foundation and she hasn't healed one bit 🥺 kinda feel she's self medicating through her work (like yoongi maybe but I don't care about his bum ass). She's in a very unfair position cause she doesn't have anyone in here corner in terms of like her immediate family circle (except for her mom but she can't talk about it with her cause it will break her heart knowing yoongi has always been like that to her 🥺- like seriously what is his issue???? did he flip on oc cause he has unresolved romantic feelings that he couldn't act on cause of 1. age gap and 2. Namjoon). Speaking on Namjoon, WHAT AN ASS!!!! He gave me ptsd to all the times my brothers chose to be insensitive towards me and not stick up for me.
Overall, there are so many mixed feelings. I understand her still having a complex with yoongi cause there's too many unresolved issues and hurt feelings that have been repressed for too long and that just keeps her on a cycle instead of allowing her to fully let go. So I don't judge her for it cause I've been there, done that.
I'm sooo excited for what's to come. I'm looking forward to the mysteries being revealed (my prediction for second lead is mr. kim taehyung himself), gut-wrenching lines courtesy of your lovely brain, and oc development! I'm ready to scream, cry, run around, jump off a cliff, swim in circles ❤️
I apologize in advance for the long ask. Also, star emoji anon, you're a legend lmao
ok first of all thank u second i love yew n third u don’t know how much this means to me!!!! fs yoongi is rlly up there with his predecessors (hbjm and 478jk) and for him to be the superlative of something (derogatory),,, that rlly says something!! i won’t ever get tired of thanking sweet sweet people like you and ur flowers <3 if i could digest them i already would’ve . STOPPPPP U R LITERALLY TWINS !!!! triplets if u count me n quadruplets if u account for all the other anons that had fs resonate w them!!! i feel you So So much bc we r almost exactly the same!!! being ambitious as a child (i’m the youngest if u couldn’t tell… womp womp) without no clear picture of what you want to be, then turning into someone who has no actual passion at all except for the desire to live a good n secure life… whew!!! thank god i only have irl yoongi on my side though and NOT fs yoongi bc that would’ve been really something 😑😑😑 thank u thank yewwww i actually love it whenever people tell me they have mixed feelings bc oh my god yer telling me that i made you think really hard???? THANK U SO SO MUCH AGAIN!!! never apologize for long asks bc i love them a lot and star emoji anon rlly is a legend n i can confirm that!! LOVE YEWWWWWWW
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untitled student co-op AU ficbit
this is dedicated to everyone who failed to stop me. this is on your conscience. 
(also, a quick note if you’re not familiar with student co-ops: picture a self-governing, budget-conscious, socially progressive frat house. that is basically a student co-op.)
It's been a grueling afternoon of fencing practice. All Lan Zhan wants to do is return to the peace and quiet of his co-op house, put away the groceries he picked up for tomorrow night, eat a sensible dinner, ice his shoulder, and get a head start on Monday's homework.
When he reaches the familiar white brick building, he is confronted with the sight of an unfamiliar black-clad figure trying to ring the doorbell while juggling two bottles of wine.
“Oh, great!” says the stranger. “Can you give me a hand here? Or better yet, let me in?”
Lan Zhan stares at him.
“Hi!” the stranger adds, now trying to juggle the bottles and wave. He has an unfortunately attractive face and the manic charm of a man trying to con a favor. “Wei Ying, from Lotus Pier co-op. I'm here for the conference? I'm not, just, like, a very polite burglar. Or a vampire, for that matter, I guess that could also be a concern with the whole needing-an-invitation thing? Just a regular, reasonably law-abiding human boy looking for an assist with the door.” One of the bottles is slipping. He catches it by the neck, fingers deft.
“You can't have that here,” says Lan Zhan.
Lan Zhan cannot believe he needs to explain this. It's on the website. “No alcohol in Cloud Recesses.”
The man—Wei Ying—laughs. It's light and happy-sounding, which is an inane thought. Laughter is, as a rule, a happy sound. Wei Ying is hardly worth noting in this regard. “Funny,” says Wei Ying. “Can you please get the door?”
“You can't have that here,” Lan Zhan repeats.
“But,” Wei Ying stammers, eyes wide, “but you're vegetarians! No way would a bunch of hippies ban alcohol, too, it's inhumane! Nobody can deny themselves in that many directions at once. Next you're going to tell me we're not allowed to have sex here either!”
The rule banning physical fraternization between co-op members at Cloud Recesses was struck down in 1979, but Wei Ying is clearly not actually asking for information, and anyway Lan Zhan can't think it will help anything to voice this out loud. He has the horrible sense it might somehow sound like, well, an invitation.
“We are,” says Lan Zhan, because Wei Ying has still made no move to dispose of the alcohol and is still on co-op property, “a vegetarian, substance-free co-op.”
“Substance free,” Wei Ying repeats, as if this wasn't a relatively common phrase. “But like, technically what isn't a substance? We're all made of star stuff, right?” He makes for the doorbell again. Lan Zhan, who covered a lot of ground during Wei Ying's histrionics, cuts him off. Wei Ying makes an outraged face, or possibly a mock-outraged face, it's hard to tell.
“I can't believe this,” says Wei Ying. “I genuinely can't—what am I supposed to do, drink both bottles myself on the front step in one go? I'll die of alcohol poisoning, do you really want that on your conscience? The death of a fellow co-oper?”
“There's a garbage can down the street,” says Lan Zhan.
“I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer,” says Wei Ying. “A garbage can? This is local, artesanal stuff! It would be disrespecting your entire town to throw it away.” He bites his lip in thought—as though his lips needed to be more noticeable, Lan Zhan thinks, irritated. “Here, how's this,” Wei Ying continues. “We go across the street so we're not on co-op property. I take a bottle, you take a bottle, we toast to communal living, nobody's liver is destroyed, nobody's organic, ethically sourced, and not particularly cheap wine goes to waste, and we strengthen the bonds of siblinghood between our houses, all in one fell swoop.”
Wei Ying smiles in what he has probably been told is a very winning manner. Lan Zhan refuses to be swayed.
Anyway, an entire bottle of wine is still a lot. Also, consuming alcohol in the middle of the sidewalk is almost certainly against the law. Also, Lan Zhan doesn't drink.
Also, from the way Wei Ying is now grinning, he might not have even meant it in the first place.
'What an irritating person,' thinks Lan Zhan.
Wei Ying makes another feint towards the doorbell. Lan Zhan, halfway through adjusting the bag of groceries on his shoulder, reacts purely on instinct, primed from hours of fencing practice: he grabs the first roughly fencing foil-shaped object and uses it to extend his reach, blocking Wei Ying from the house and leveling his weapon at Wei Ying's chin.
Unfortunately, that weapon is a baguette. Lan Zhan belatedly feels his ears go warm.
Wei Ying's entire face lights up. “Oh my god,” he says. “Oh my god. This is the greatest thing ever to happen.” What's unmooring is that Wei Ying genuinely doesn't appear to be laughing at Lan Zhan. His look is one of pure, unmitigated delight. “Are we about to have a duel over two bottles of wine?” says Wei Ying. He actually hops up and down. “Oh man, please please please tell me that's what's happening. Tell me you have a second baguette inside that tote, I am begging you. My whole life has been in preparation for this moment.”
Wei Ying is luminous. There's no other word for it. Even his chin seems to glow with happiness.
Lan Zhan notices a feeling rising in his chest. He blinks. The warmth in his ears has spread to his eyes, his face.
“All I want in the world is to get into a dashing bread-based swordfight with a sexy stranger, are you kidding me,” Wei Ying is saying.
At the word sexy, something in Lan Zhan's brain disconnects. Or rather, it reconnects, and Lan Zhan remembers that Wei Ying is ridiculous, Wei Ying just wants to break rules, Wei Ying thinks the entire situation is a joke. 
Lan Zhan still has the baguette trained on him. He is not one for superlatives, but this may qualify as the single most awkward moment of his existence.
He returns the bread back into the tote bag, unlocks the door with his key, slips inside, and shuts the door in Wei Ying's face.
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
60 Once Upon a Time Prompts
Clearly I’m trying to keep my mind busy. 60 OUAT quotes I love this time. Most of these are angsty again, but some are sweet or hopeful. I tried to pick ones that would work for most if not all books. Another long one so breaking at 15 again.
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1 "When I win your heart NAME, and I will win it. It won't be because of any trickery. It will be because you want me." — Killian James Hook
2 “Magic always comes with a price." — Rumplestiltskin
3 "Maybe I don't need answers. Maybe I just need to punch you in the face." — Emma Swan
4 "True love isn't easy, but it must be fought for because once you find it, it can never be replaced." — Prince Charming
5 "Your happy ending may not be what you expect. That is what will make it so special." — Snow White
6 “I will find you. I will always find you.” — David/Prince Charming
7 “Love makes us sick, haunts our dreams, destroys our days. Love has killed more than any disease.” — Rumplestiltskin
8 “Now that I know you love me too ... “ “I don’t.” “ ... what?” “Love you. I don’t. I’m sorry. You said I would always be in your heart, and ... that is too cruel a fate. Go live your life. Live it without me, because there is no place for us together. And fill your heart with love for someone else — someone who can love you the way I never have. The way I never will.” — Prince Charming & Snow White
9 “What do you see in me?” “Evidently the same thing you see in me. A second chance.” — Evil Queen & Robin Hood
10 “I’m sorry, do ... do I know you?” “No. But you will.” — Belle & Mr Gold
11 “I do hope you like apples.” — Regina Mills
12 “What the hell are you doing here?” “Helping.” “Well, you’re too late.” “Am I?” “I thought you didn’t care about anyone but yourself.” “Maybe I just needed reminding that I could.” — Emma Swan & Killian James Hook
13 “I love you, NAME. I just wish I was strong enough to stop all this. I’m just not.” “You may not be strong enough, but maybe we are!” — Regina Mills & Emma Swan
14 “The future isn’t always what it seems. I will see you again.” — Belle
15 “Why should we trust you?” “We don’t have to. If he/she tries anything, I’ll shoot him/her in the face.” “Quite hostile, aren’t we?” “Just being clear.” — Emma Swan, David Nolan & Killian James Hook
16 “We have history together.” “That would explain the distrustful look on her face.” — Regina Mills & Mr Gold
17 “Because hero’s do what’s right ... not ... what’s easy.” — Snow White
18 “You promised me the truth, not a bloody tour.” “The truth is tricky. You have to look for it.” — Killian James Hook & Emma Swan
19 “‘Envy’ is just another word for ambition.” “Well, that’s just ... not true.” — Zelena & Evil Queen
20 “NAME, I’ve seen what life has thrown at you, and you still fight against the darkness every day. Sooner or later, your heart will find its way to happiness.” [sighs] “that doesn’t feel possible.” “But it is. I know you, and you feel things deeply, with or without it, you feel things with your whole soul. Don’t let anything hold you back.” — Snow White & Evil Queen
21 “You must leave, because despite what you hope ... I’m still a monster.” “Don’t you see? That’s exactly the reason I have to stay.” — Mr Gold & Belle
22 “Love is sacrifice.” — Mulan
23 “I know love when I see it.” — Princess Aurora
24 “I suppose this is your doing.” “Most things are.” — Regina Mills & Mr Gold
25 “That thing out there is dangerous. And NAME ... he/she left to protect you. So even if I don’t believe in his/her methods, I’m going to honor his/her wishes. I’m going to keep you safe.” — Mulan
26 “You’ve grown so much.” “You know me?” [smiles] “I’m your mother/father/grandparent/aunt/uncle.” — Anita & Red Riding Hood
27 “No matter what you might’ve done in your past, NAME sees the good in you, and ... that tells me one thing.” “What?” “That it’s in there. So if we can all see it, why can’t you?” — Belle & Ruby
28 “I’m so sorry. I know what it’s like to lose your family.” “I didn’t lose my family today. I protected it.” — Snow White & Red Riding Hood
29 “You saved me.” “No. You saved yourself. I just reminded you of what you already knew.” — Ruby & David Nolan
30 “He’s/She’s not that powerful.” “Love how you underestimate me. Adorable.” — Ursula & Rumplestiltskin
31 “NAME. Shall I move some things, make a bit of space for your rage?” — Mr Gold
32 “Two people with a common goal can accomplish many things. Two people with a common enemy ... can accomplish even more.” — Mr Gold
33 “He’s/she’s a snake, NAME. You need to be careful you get into bed with.” — Regina Mills
34 “You didn’t pick a great friend in NAME, NAME. But he/she does make a superlative enemy.” [smiles] “Enjoy that!” — Regina Mills
35 “I believe you can do anything you want, as long as you can dream it.” — Dreamy (dwarf)
36 [about love] “It’s the most wonderful and amazing thing in the world. Love is hope, it fuels our dreams. And if you’re in it, you need to enjoy it. Because love doesn’t always last forever.” — Belle
37 “Now go, find your love. Find your hope. Find your dreams.” — Belle
38 “You see me as a villain, NAME. But that’s just your perception, you’re wrong. Learn your place in this town/country, or soon enough you won’t be in it.” — Regina Mills
39 “Well, if you can’t beat him/her/them ... drink.” — Sidney Glass
40 “Love makes people do foolish things.” — King Leopold
41 “I thought you’d only risk your life for love or revenge.” “One other important thing — me.” — Tinkerbell & Captain Killian James Hook
42 “There’s not a day that will go by that I won’t think of you.” “Good.” — Killian James Hook & Emma Swan
43 “Please, you couldn’t handle it.” “Perhaps you’re the one who couldn’t handle it.” — Emma Swan & Killian James Hook
44 “There’s nothing more important than family.” — Evil Queen
45 “You were right, NAME. You don’t abandon family.” — Evil Queen
46 “How can he/she remember who you are, when he’s/she’s lost sight of who he/she is?” — Jiminy Cricket
47 “I‘ve spent far too much time looking for my husband/wife. It’s time to bring him/her home!” — David Nolan
48 “Ok, don’t take this the wrong way, but how the hell did you get here?” — Emma Swan
49 “I want justice.” “Tread carefully. It’s dangerous to confuse vengeance with justice.” — Princess Aurora & Mulan
50 “Why can’t you just listen to me?” “Why couldn’t you have trusted me?” — Mary Margaret & Emma Swan
51 “Family is everything, my dear. Losing all hope of having one — there is no greater misery.” — King George
52 “Just who are you, NAME?” “Wouldn’t you like to know.” — Killian James Hook & Emma Swan
53 “You know, there's not a ton about my father/mother that I remember that doesn't suck. But he/she used to tell me that there are no coincidences. Everything that happens, happens by design, and there's nothing we can do about it; forces greater than us conspire to make it happen. Fate, destiny, whatever you wanna called it, the point is... maybe we met for a reason. Maybe something good came from us being together.” — Neal Cassidy
54 “Well, who doesn’t love a surprise?” — Emma Swan
55 “Doesn't matter now. I'm over it. And you.” “Why do you wear the, uh ... key chain/necklace/ring/item I got you?” [stops short to think this over, then pulls the item off and hands it back] “To remind myself never to trust someone again.” — Emma Swan & Neal Cassidy
56 “There's no greater pain than regret.” “Try abandonment.” — Mr Gold & Neal Cassidy
57 “I'm not sad. I'm pissed. Yes, NAME just died, but I lost him/her years ago. All that time thinking that he/she didn't love me, only to find out that he/she did, and it was too late. I can't even tell him/her how angry that makes me, or how much it hurt when he/she left, or how terrified I was when he/she came back. I knew the moment I saw him/her, I never stopped loving him/her.” — Emma Swan
58 “We've only been together eight months. I've had leftovers in my fridge for longer than that.” — Emma Swan
59 “I say we fight!” “Fighting is a bad idea. Giving in to one's dark side never accomplishes anything.” “And how many wars has a clear conscience won?” — Prince Charming & Jiminy Cricket
60 “Oh, you foolish girl/boy! Don't you know? Love is weakness.” “No. It’s strength!” — Cora & Emma Swan
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