#Best fitness tracker for seniors
dhyanaring · 4 months
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reviewskim · 1 year
Top 5 Best Fitness Trackers [Review-2023]
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gaysheep · 5 months
Touching is Good: A Retrospective
My trusty Nintendo 3DS, which has held out since I was gifted it for my 15th birthday, has turned one decade old with my 25th birthday this past November. Given new life with custom firmware and nds-bootstrap via TWiLightMenu, the 3DS is stellar for visiting any past handheld title or console title up to (and somewhat including) the N64. (Quick plug for the CFW/hacking community for the less popular PS Vita, too, which has accomplished some pretty crazy-cool stuff this last year.) I use my 3DS more often than I use my Nintendo Switch most weeks.
The Nintendo DS (minus the three) launched in late 2004. The second display and stylus support were novel tools for developers to experiment with, and the NDS is best remembered for its robust catalogue of RPGs and visual novels. Where it lacked in power, narrative-focused games flourished under its technical limitations.
That being said, while browsing the ROM archives on Vimm's Lair to pick up some titles, I was reminded of what an interesting era the mid-to-late 2000s were for games. While Sony and Microsoft were fighting over the "core gamer" demographic, who had outgrown Nintendo mascots, Nintendo led a series of wildly successful marketing campaigns for its hardware after the light failure of the Gamecube, where the Nintendo DS and then the Wii were targeted at...everyone else.
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[Image source. Image description in alt text.]
If you look at ads for the DS and the Wii, you'll see that adults are featured much more prominently than children, especially women and seniors. (This did not go unnoticed, as I found this ancient relic of misogyny while looking for images for this post.) A Nintendo handheld was already an easy sell to parents with small children (though I think it's also notable that ads which do focus on children often prominently feature girls. Munchlax is pretty hot...), but Nintendo's angle for the DS and Wii was that their hardware wasn't just for children. The Wii was a way to get up off the couch and to play board games with grandma. The DS was a great gadget for a working woman to keep in her pocketbook.
This worked. The Wii and DS were two of the best-selling consoles of all time. In particular, the DS's marketing campaign only worked because it came out in the perfect window of time. PDA-phone hybrids had been around since the 90s, and the Blackberry had been kicking around for a few years, but the iPhone wouldn't be introduced until 2007, and the 4G LTE standard wouldn't be released until 2009. While the Blackberry was popular with businesspeople and the PDA was out of style, smartphones were luxury toys for several years; they wouldn't become near-ubiquious until the mid-2010s. I didn't get my own smartphone until probably around the same time I got my 3DS, a full handheld generation later.
Browsing the software library for the Nintendo DS and DSi with that in mind is really interesting. Many titles released for the platform serve the same purposes that would be fulfilled by simple smartphone apps less than a decade later: planners and diaries, fitness trackers, calculators, language learning and SAT prep software, even a guide to the then-most-recent version of the driver's test in the UK. These proliferated with the release of the DSi's virtual store, but they existed even with the base model. You could go to a brick-and-mortar store and buy them on physical cartridges. (You might be wondering, "Why would you bother carrying those around over just buying a Blackberry?" You can't underestimate how expensive the service bills for a smartphone were before companies realized they were the most powerful spyware tool in history.)
There was never a time where every single businesswoman in New York carried a DS Lite, but adults did buy and use them, and a not insignificant portion of the DS's software library is aimed at a casual adult audience. Another niche covered mostly by smartphone games these days—games designed to be picked up and played in short sessions on-the-go, in places like waiting rooms and subway commutes.
Nintendo made crazy bank in the seventh console generation. Publications of the time talked about a console war between Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, but the real battle was between the PS3 and the Xbox 360 over the gamer demographic. Nintendo was producing hardware for a niche who would quietly disappear once smartphone sales began ballooning by hundreds of millions per year over the course of the early 2010s.
After the failure of the Wii U, Nintendo's marketing strategy pivoted again, though I doubt they'll ever completely abandon their family-friendly image. Currently beat out only by the PS2 and the DS, the Nintendo Switch may very well climb to a status as the best-selling console of all time before the end of its lifespan, but the "gamer" demographic is much bigger than it was two decades ago at the dawn of the DS. As more and more devices become consolidated into the Swiss army knife the smartphone has become, consoles can only carve out a role as dedicated gaming machines.
I'm not sure we'll ever see anything like the Nintendo DS or the Wii again. I think they're worth looking back on for their uniqueness in that way as much as they are for the more celebrated parts of their libraries.
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galtx · 7 months
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GALTx eNews: Jasmine Is Lost In Denton!
On November 12th, Jasmine escaped her forever home in the Denton, Texas, neighborhood of Robson Ranch, near Perimeter Street and Rivercrest Drive. Despite her family's best efforts to bring her home, she was found deceased on November 21st.
We don't want anyone else to go through what Jasmine and her family experienced, so please keep these safety tips in mind:
Never let your sighthound off leash in an unenclosed space, even if you think your dog is different and will come when called. The risk is simply not worth it. Make sure you're checking the fences at dog parks or other places that you expect to be enclosed.
When you are returning from a leashed walk, always wait until you're inside and the door is closed before unleashing. Do not unleash in the garage before the door fully closes or as you approach your front door assuming your dog will continue on its way inside.
If there is any chance that a family member will return home and open the garage door with a remote, do not allow your hounds access to the garage. Make sure all dogs are safely inside or that pedestrian doors leading to backyards are securely closed.
Install an ex pen at the front door as an extra barricade or install a screen door so that you can come and go with minimal risk of escape.
Always use a properly fitting martingale collar or harness for walks and always hold the leash with your hand through the loop. Flexible or retractable leashes are not safe for many reasons, including that they allow too much freedom and can easily be pulled from your hand.
When you're getting in and out of your car with your dog, have someone with you to hold on to the leash or use a dog seat belt to keep your hound restrained until you have a good grip on their leash and can help them safely exit.
Make sure anyone handling your hound is up to the task. Anyone holding your hound's leash needs to be strong enough to hold on if your hound startles or attempts to catch a rabbit. Anyone caring for your hound in your absence needs to know basic sighthound safety and be responsible enough to take the precautions you take. As much as we love our family, we always need to be realistic about the abilities of senior parents and young children.
Regularly inspect your gate, fence and yard, especially after windy weather. If you have a dog door, restrict access during windstorms so that you can check your fence and gate before your hounds go out.
Always keep your dog's identification tags on its collar, even when you are home. Also, routinely inspect your dog's tags to ensure they are still legible.
At your annual vet visits, ask the vet to check your dog's microchip and make sure the contact information is current.
Keep current photos of your dogs handy on your phone in case you need to identify your dog.
If your dog is skittish, consider adding a GPS tracker to your dog's collar so that you have a better chance of finding them if they get lost.
We know that sometimes unexpected circumstances arise despite our best efforts and that everyone can make a mistake. Click here to read the steps to take immediately if your hound gets lost. We recommend printing this tip sheet or at least bookmarking it so that you can find it quickly if you ever need it. Please stay safe, everyone!
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Unlock the Power of Flutter with Apptech Mobile Solutions!
Are you looking to create cutting-edge, cross-platform mobile apps that are both beautifully designed and high-performing? Look no further! Apptech Mobile Solutions is your one-stop destination for all your Flutter app development needs.
At Apptech Mobile Solutions, we take pride in being a leading IT company with a specialized focus on mobile app and web development services. Our team of expert senior Flutter developers is well-equipped and ready to bring your app ideas to life with Flutter, the popular open-source UI software development kit.
What makes Apptech Mobile Solutions the ideal choice for your Flutter app development project?
Expert Flutter Developers: Our team is composed of experienced and highly skilled Flutter developers who are dedicated to delivering top-notch mobile applications that meet your unique business requirements.
Cross-Platform Excellence: Flutter allows us to build apps for both iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase, saving you time and resources without compromising on quality or performance.
Beautiful UI/UX Design: We understand the importance of creating visually appealing and user-friendly apps. Our designers work closely with our developers to ensure your app not only functions flawlessly but also looks stunning.
Seamless Integration: We can integrate your Flutter app with various APIs, third-party services, and databases to ensure a seamless user experience and robust functionality.
Cost-Effective Solutions: We offer competitive pricing and transparent project management, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.
On-Time Delivery: We are committed to meeting project deadlines and delivering results promptly, without compromising quality.
Ongoing Support: Our partnership doesn't end with project delivery. We provide post-launch support and maintenance to keep your app running smoothly and up-to-date.
Whether you're a startup looking to build your first mobile app or an established business seeking to expand your digital presence, Apptech Mobile Solutions is your trusted partner for Flutter app development. We've successfully delivered a wide range of Flutter-based applications, including e-commerce platforms, social networking apps, fitness trackers, and more.
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protribeseniors · 7 months
Staying Healthy While Enjoying Holidays and Diwali
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Now, the most awaited Indian festival is approaching! Yes, it's Diwali- the festival of lights, celebrations, parties, decadence, and family & friends gatherings. In addition, it is the time when people throughout the world treat their taste buds with savory foods, desserts, and cultural sweets.  However, most people end up eating a lot of calories during these festive days or family gatherings. That means, they consume more calories than they usually consume daily.
Thus, it is crucial to watch your calorie intake during Diwali, holidays, and celebration times. It is absolutely vital for people who have any medical condition, individuals who have some health & fitness goals, or older adults who live with assisted living services. Diwali and the holidays can disturb your health and fitness diet but it is all dependent on your calorie intake or your engagement in feasting. Whether you cook sweets and other festive items at your home or just buy ready-made items that are highly processed, it all depends on what you eat and how much you eat.
Here are a Few Ways for Staying Healthy While Enjoying Holidays and Diwali:  
Try to Prepare Traditional Festive Foods at Home:
No festival is complete with traditional sweets and other items. Well, if you want to stay fit during the festival and holidays, you can try cooking those delicious items at home. In such a way, you can have full control over the type and quantity of the ingredients. You can skip the refined sugars, refined oils with unsweetened applesauce, and other things. It will also help you to be creative with the food items for making more healthy yet delicious recipes.
Consider Mindful Gifting:
When it comes to exchanging gifts during Diwali, you can think of something outside the box. You can be mindful of the gifts, especially sweets you give to others. Go for more healthy alternatives for sweets as a token of love and care for your dear ones. There are plenty of gift ideas that you can choose for your people such as an activity tracker, aromatherapy product, or tea baskets. This Diwali, you can also donate some gifts to the homeless shelter as giving back to society is the need of the hour now.
Indulge in Exercises Beforehand:
If you will be engaged in Diwali's festivities and holidays with family & friends, then it is recommended to indulge in exercise beforehand. You can complete your workout session, cardio, weight lifting, pushups, and other physical activities earlier in the day. When it comes to holidays overseas, you can try walking while talking with your friends or family members. You will not notice how that half hour of walking will turn into 5,000 steps. You can also conduct a group yoga session of a few minutes with your dear ones during the holidays, which will help towards every individual's health goals.
Set a Rule for Gatherings At Least Once a Year!
This is the lifestyle change everyone can opt for. This is worthy of strengthening the relationship with your family and friends who live miles apart and can not meet often. Rather than just sending quick Diwali wishes in texts or calls, you can plan to connect meaningfully. It will be more joyful for people, especially those who live in their older age and miss their children or grandchildren who live in different regions of the world due to prior family or career commitments.
The Final Word
Diwali is a time for new beginnings and sharing happiness. So, what could be a better idea to enjoy the festival by staying healthy? There are many amazing ways to stay healthy and fit during the festive season. The above-mentioned tips will help you to have fun during the festivities and holidays while staying healthy. Moreover, you can opt for assisted living options for your elderly adults if you are their only caregiver and there are a lot of things you need to manage this festive season. 
ProTribe is the best source to find reliable senior living or elderly care services. They aim to provide high-quality care to your dear ones while allowing you to relax and have some time for yourself. Whether you want to enjoy a day with your friends during Diwali or want to go on holiday for a couple of days alone, ProTribe will ensure that your elders will receive the proper care, love, and empathy in your absence through assisted living.
To know more details, you can visit https://www.protribeseniors.com/
This article was originally posted here - https://www.protribeseniors.com/staying-healthy-while-enjoying-holidays-and-diwali/
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perfectalert · 8 months
The Ultimate Guide to Wristbands for Elders: A Lifeline of Safety and Independence
As the global population ages, there is an increasing need for innovative solutions to enhance the safety and well-being of senior citizens. Wristband For Elders have emerged as one such solution, offering a unique blend of technology and convenience to empower seniors while providing peace of mind to their loved ones. In this article, we explore the world of wristbands for elders, their benefits, and how they are revolutionizing the way we care for our aging population.
Safety First One of the primary reasons why wristbands for elders have gained popularity is their ability to enhance safety. These wristbands often come equipped with GPS tracking and fall detection technology. In the event of a fall or a senior getting disoriented or lost, these devices can pinpoint their location in real-time, allowing caregivers or emergency services to respond quickly. This not only reduces the risk of serious injury but also provides a sense of security to both seniors and their families.
Medication Reminders Managing medications can be a complex task, especially for seniors with multiple prescriptions. Wristbands for elders can serve as medication reminders, alerting seniors when it's time to take their pills. Some devices can even dispense medication automatically, ensuring that doses are never missed. This feature not only promotes medication adherence but also reduces the burden on caregivers.
Emergency Communication In emergencies, every second counts. Many wristbands for elders are equipped with a one-touch SOS button that seniors can press to call for help instantly. These devices can connect to a designated emergency contact or a monitoring center, ensuring that assistance arrives promptly in critical situations.
Location Monitoring Seniors who live alone or have cognitive impairments often wander and may become disoriented. Wristbands with location monitoring capabilities allow caregivers to track their loved ones' movements. Geofencing features can send alerts when a senior leaves a predefined area, such as their home or a care facility, offering an additional layer of security.
Fitness and Health Tracking Staying active is crucial for maintaining good health in old age. Many wristbands for elders also double as fitness trackers, monitoring steps, heart rate, and sleep patterns. These devices encourage seniors to maintain an active lifestyle and can provide valuable health insights to both seniors and their healthcare providers.
Independence and Dignity Wristbands for elders are designed to be discreet and comfortable, allowing seniors to wear them without feeling stigmatized or burdened. This promotes a sense of independence and dignity, as seniors can go about their daily routines with confidence, knowing that help is just a button press away if needed.
Peace of Mind for Caregivers Caring for an aging loved one can be emotionally and physically taxing. Wristbands for elders offer caregivers peace of mind, knowing that they can monitor their loved one's safety and well-being remotely. This can reduce caregiver stress and burnout, allowing them to provide better care and support.
Customizable Features Wristbands for elders come in various models, each offering a unique set of features. Caregivers can choose the device that best suits their loved one's needs and preferences. From basic GPS trackers to advanced devices with medication management and health monitoring, there is a wristband for every senior.
For More Info :-
Safety Wristband for Elders
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live-like-elton · 9 months
Fit Like Phelps | The Plan
I used to be a swimmer throughout my high school career, even prior to that since elementary school. I was even a leader for my swim team taking on the role of captain my senior year. I also swam on the USA club team while in high school, played saxaphone in the band school band, lead as the president of Key Club, and the lead singer in the church worship band.
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So what happened?
Well, I began focusing on college, my career, and my future. My health shifted to a more nutritionally driven concept and I began learning how to navigate the gym. I got good at it too.
I would wear my short shorts down through Midtown Atlanta and be proud. I loved the person I was. I loved how I felt, and I loved telling people about it. I was an influence of sorts. That is I until I wasn’t.
Why? That's a story for another day.
A New Begining
In starting over again, I look to Michael Phelps, an American swimmer currently holding 33 medals, 26 of which are gold. He was who I looked to throughout my growing up and still I look to him now. Differently than before, sure, but he is inspirational nonetheless.
In order to get Fit Like Phelps, I started researching his diet, workout routine, and lifestyle and decided the best approach is to integrate intervals of the gym and swim for workouts, utilize technology to track progress and set reminders, and eat a high protein diet to kick off my initiative. As I progress, I will redistribute the focus on this high-protein diet to a more nutritionally dense, predominately plant-based, vitamin and mineral-rich food plan.
Using Technology for Better Health
Keep track of my food and fitness in real-time by joining and connecting in the MyFitnessPal group I created.
For swimming, I decided the best tools and applications are too expensive to afford for the time being. As such, the good old-fashioned Apple Notes will be my tracker and I share workouts I have created based on the workouts Michael Phelps does daily, not my daily workout but the basis of his daily workout. Daily is a lot at the moment.
I will need a way to get the workouts into my phone because Apple Health and Apple Fitness are going to be where I bring everything together to share my progress with health professionals. So here’s to you, Phelps! May your inspiration guide me to my goal of getting Fit Like Phelps.
You can use the hashtag #Fit Like Phelps to find additional content related to this part of the Live Like Elton series I am writing to inspire others and find myself again.
Sources: CBS
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dhyanaring · 4 months
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geozillaapp · 10 months
5 Emergency Situations ML-powered Wearables Can Rescue You from
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In recent years, wearable technology has witnessed remarkable advancements, transforming the way we interact with the world around us. And its popularity continues to grow. From fitness trackers to smartwatches, these innovations have become integral parts of our daily lives. This is proved by the fact that in 2022, the number of connected wearable devices worldwide reached around 1.1 billion.  
What’s more, the integration of machine learning (ML) capabilities into development has taken its functionality to a whole new level. ML-powered wearables go beyond mere convenience and entertainment, providing life-saving benefits in emergency situations. In this article, we highlight the top 5 life-threatening scenarios when smart devices and wearables fulfillment can save your or your loved ones’ lives.
Personal Safety GPS Tracking Devices Save Lives in Car Crashes
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GeoZilla technology integrated with users’ personal safety devices enhances the way people drive. It provides streamlined monitoring that immediately identifies dangerous behavior. Customers get notified when the system tracks speeding, harsh braking, aggressive driving and more. This way, thanks to real-time alerts, users can avoid possible threats on the road and prevent themselves from car crashes.
However, if the accident has already happened, safety devices would track it straight away. Your loved ones will get emergency alerts and will be able to rush to help you. Moreover, thanks to precise location tracking, it won’t take time to find where you are. In situations, when every second matters, wearable personal safety devices can save your life and the lives of other people involved in the accident. 
GeoZilla’s technology has already tracked almost 8,500 car crashes and helped hundreds of users not to become victims of road traffic.
Safety Devices for Seniors Allow Quick Fall Detection
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Do you have parents or relatives with mobility challenges or serious disabilities? Safety devices for elderly people can enhance the way they move around the city. Thanks to the fall detection feature, you can be sure that your loved ones feel well. ML-powered wearables equipped with advanced sensors can accurately detect any issues and promptly notify connected contacts in case of medical emergencies. 
Another reason to integrate GeoZilla app with safety devices for dementia patients is the opportunity to keep track of the location of your loved ones. Seniors with memory problems can easily get lost and forget where they are. After applying the GeoZilla solution, you’ll be notified when your relative leaves a predefined area. Moreover, you’ll be able to see their position in real-time, which allows providing quick help in case of an emergency.
Health Monitoring Wearables Ensure Quick Help in Case of Heart Attack
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Impressively, but every year, about 805,000 people in the United States have a heart attack. At the same time, cardiac abnormalities usually strike suddenly, leaving people with limited time to seek medical help. If you care about personal safety and want to be sure that your loved ones are OK, using wearable medical devices is essential.
Such ML-powered developments have built-in sensors that detect abnormal patterns indicative of potential heart issues. Because of the fact that machine learning algorithms get trained on vast datasets, it allows them to conduct comprehensive health monitoring, provide real-time alerts and notify connected people about the problem.
Wearables as Medical Devices Notify About Epileptic Seizures Immediately
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Epileptic seizures typically occur unexpectedly, making it challenging for people to seek assistance promptly. If you have serious health concerns, it would be best to choose personal safety devices. Wearables are suitable for women and men that usually stay at home or go for a walk alone. If an epileptic seizure happens, their loved ones get notified immediately and have an opportunity to provide urgent help.
What’s more, such ML-powered wearables have integrated accelerometers and biofeedback sensors that can detect seizures' unique movement patterns. This means that you’ll be notified about the risk before the seizure starts. And once you need help, you can send SOS signals to the connected devices through the wearable.
IoT wearables—devices that are Great to Find Lost Kids in a City
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Let’s start with statistics. In 2017, one out of every 293,800 kids under age 18 was reported missing on the belief they were abducted by a stranger. And no parents want this to happen to their child, which is the reason safety devices for kids are so popular.
First, ML-powered wearables integrated with the GeoZilla app help track the location of your children if they go for a walk alone. You no longer need to worry about your kids playing outside, as the technology can notify you anytime they leave the safe areas that you’ve defined. What’s more, you can get a comprehensive overview of where your children have been over the last 336 hours and identify whether they visit dangerous places.
Second, safety devices will be helpful if your kid gets lost in the city. If you integrate your family’s wearables with the GeoZilla app, you’ll be able to see the real-time location of your child right on your smartphone. This will let you rescue a missed kid if a disaster has already happened. 
Third, personal safety GPS tracking devices, equipped with advanced sensors and connectivity features, provide a sense of security and peace of mind to parents. Whether it's a smartwatch or a health monitoring device, IoT wearables offer a range of functionalities to keep tabs on children's activities and health status. You can always ensure your children’s well-being, offering a comforting layer of protection and reassurance for your kids.
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ML-powered wearables extended their capabilities beyond traditional features long ago. Now they serve as safety needle devices and present a promising avenue for enhanced emergency response. By leveraging advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, wearables effectively detect and respond to critical situations, this way saving lives. As technology continues to evolve, the integration of ML in safety devices holds the potential to revolutionize emergency response and provide individuals with invaluable support during various situations. With the rapid advancements in life-saving wearables, we can look forward to a future where machine learning developments become indispensable companions for personal well-being.
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casasandovalblog · 1 year
Holiday Gift Ideas to Keep Your Senior Loved One Healthy
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We all want our loved ones to lead long, healthy lives so why not include some healthy gift ideas in mind for the upcoming holidays. One suggestion is to buy a loved one a fitness watch. The marketplace has a wide assortment of watches as well as sensor devices to measure your daily footsteps and help keep you moving. Moreover, they come in many price points and offer a variety of features. 
Research shows measuring your daily activity improves your fitness level and can help people with obesity, diabetes, and heart disease boost physical activity levels.  JAMA Network Open published a finding which reviewed 38 randomized clinical trials with 4,203 participants.  They stated that “interventions with wearable fitness trackers were associated with significantly increased physical activity levels after approximately 15 weeks. Devices such as pedometers or trackers that count steps were associated with greater levels of physical activity in about 70 percent of the studies examined.”
Another healthy gift idea is a massage gun. Known as a self-myofascial release tool or SMR, they help overworked muscles recover and heal. Foam rollers additionally provide much of the same benefit at a much lower price point. However, experts caution before treating an injury or other medical problems including bone fractures, blood clotting issues, sensory deficits or wounds you need to consult with a physician or licensed physical therapist. 
Other healthy gift ideas include an electric kettle with a selection of antioxidants teas. As we know sleep is important to our overall well being, how about a sound machine to help your loved one get a more restful night’s sleep? Nutritionists suggest an air fryer is a good gift as it can cook almost anything quicker and easier and uses a lot less fat. 
 Looking for exceptional independent or assisted living in Hayward, CA?  At Casa Sandoval we offer a broad range of luxury amenities and services to promote a healthy lifestyle. Our fitness center and exercise classes make it easy to keep moving.  In addition, residents enjoy healthy, delicious Chef designed meals that are largely prepared from scratch with the freshest ingredients, locally sourced when possible. Please contact us or visit our website for more information.
Casa Sandoval proudly provides the very best in senior living with our unique mission statement “to honor, to value, to invest.” With a foundation built on honoring God, valuing all seniors and selecting staff with a felt calling to value, we create a true home for residents amid a beautiful setting. Please contact us to learn more about the finest independent and assisted living Hayward, CA offers.
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mcgeecnybowen · 2 years
Best Smartwatch For Seniors of 2021
You have found the best smartwatches for seniors. This article will give you the top smartwatches in 2021. The Apple Watch Series 6 makes a great choice because of its many features, including high-quality heart rate monitoring, built in Echocardiogram, step counter and smart support. Privacy and security are also key features. The smartwatch will provide all the information that you need to live the digital best life, including GPS, text message, and social media.
The Samsung Gear Sport offers gym workouts, 24-hour heart beat monitoring, sleep tracking, GPS, and GPS. It also comes equipped with two bands. The smartwatch looks like other smartwatches and pairs with Android devices and Apple Watches. However, it doesn't have fall detection and cannot sync with an iPhone. It is nevertheless a great choice, especially for fashion-conscious seniors. This smartwatch is a great choice if you aren't afraid to spend a little money.
The Fitbit Charge 2 is an excellent choice for older users. The GPS system on the watch makes navigation easier. The Fitbit watch will also alert caregivers to the user's wandering or loss. This feature is only available to premium subscribers. The Fitbit Charge 2 comes with many features and can be used for several days. A smartwatch for seniors can keep them active, safe, and comfortable.
A heart rate monitor watch can be extremely useful for elderly people. This feature can monitor and track your heart rate throughout the day, giving you a better understanding of your health. It can also track your sleep habits and alert you if more sleep is needed. It can also tell you about your stress levels. Smartwatches can alert you to sleep disturbances and help you fall asleep again. A fitness tracker, which tracks your sleep patterns and measures your blood oxygen, can be used to monitor your sleep habits.
Another feature that a smartwatch can offer seniors is emergency assistance. Seniors' safety is paramount. Smartwatches with fall detection can provide invaluable assistance. The smartwatch technology can also be used to contact trusted contacts as well as emergency response teams. A smartwatch capable of detecting falls can notify a family member or caretaker in the event that a senior falls. If the user falls, the smartwatch will alert the emergency response team or a service center to help them.
A smartwatch for elderly people is a simple and quick way to communicate your feelings with loved ones. This technology allows seniors to keep in touch with their loved ones without putting too many stress on them. thiết bị nhà hàng displays data on a daily basis, including steps taken and recommended activity levels. It also has advanced health tracking capabilities and navigation features. A smartwatch for seniors should also have a long battery life. The smartwatch will give you all the information you need in order to make an informed decision when looking for one for seniors.
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georgelovic26 · 2 years
The Finest Retirement Gifts for Seniors Who Have Every little thing
Seniors have many choices regarding retirement presents. It can be challenging to narrow down the possibilities. If you're in search of something to aid in keeping your loved one connected to the world, they've got some great ideas for you. Retirement is a great time to travel. A gift that has a theme of travel is a wonderful opportunity to show your appreciation and support for seniors who are fond of travelling. A social media subscription is a great way to aid seniors in staying connected with their friends and family. It can help to keep in touch with their family members who are who are far away. An e-reader is a great retirement gift for seniors who enjoy reading. A e-reader allows them to have access to a variety of books and magazines at just a click. Staying active is important for older adults, both for their physical and mental health. A fitness tracker is an excellent retirement present to help them stay on track with their goals. A subscription to a food delivery service can be a fantastic retirement present to someone you cherish. With these services, they'll receive healthy, fresh meals delivered directly to their doorstep. It's worth asking your family and friends for help if you're having trouble coming up with the right retirement gift. They may have fantastic ideas that you hadn't thought of. There are a lot of options for retirement gifts So make sure you find the best one for your needs. It should reflect their dedication and effort. They should be able to take pleasure in their retirement. Giving them a Retirement Gifts to help them accomplish this is a fantastic method to add some excitement and excitement to their life.For the majority of seniors who retire, it is a time of reflection. It is possible that they will be reflecting on their lives that has come to an end and the various experiences they've had.One way to help them connect with their past and to create new memories is to give them a gift that will accomplish exactly this. It could range like a photo album to a scrapbook filled with pictures and mementos to a journal where they can write down their thoughts and thoughts. To generate added details kindly look at 4retirees There's a broad selection of retirement presents that won't be expensive for senior citizens. From practical things to enjoyable experiences, there's a wide range of wonderful gift ideas that won't make a dent in your pocket. A great set of luggage is an excellent and practical gift for retirees. After years of travelling for work, they may appreciate having some new luggage for their next adventure. Think about gifting your retired friend an Kindle or an e-reader if they enjoy reading. You can provide them with access to thousands of books through their email without taking up enough shelf space. Retirement is a chance to celebrate a long-term commitment to commitment and hard work. Retirement can also be an opportunity for new experiences. There are a variety of retirement gift ideas to pick from, so take your time and find something that will suit the retiree you love. A thoughtful retirement present will be cherished for the years to come.
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seniorsbay-blog · 4 years
Finding the right fitness tracker device
Nowadays, thanks to the growing awareness about fitness and overall well-being, people are opting for various methods to monitor their health in one way or the other. And, fitness trackers are one of the most commonly preferred and opted for devices, towards achieving your fitness goals. People, especially senior citizens, are now feeling the need to monitor their daily health goals which can keep them fit and in running shape.
Fitness trackers for seniors are devices which can help in keeping track of your daily health activities like, steps walked all through the day, heart rate, sleeping patterns and blood pressure readings. Fitness trackers are now available in form of either watches or bands to be worn on your wrist. These devices help in serving twin purposes, that of a time piece as well as monitoring of your health related activities on daily basis, thereby allowing you to design your daily routine patterns accordingly.
However, choosing the best fitbit for seniors should no way be done in a light manner, for reasons that, accuracy in monitoring the readings are of primary importance. Inaccurate readings can result in throwing your daily schedule off gear. Hence, when it comes to selecting the right fitness tracker, one should consider the following aspects.
Opt for the one offering maximum features
While, fitness bands come with feature limitations, smart watches which double up as fitness trackers offer additional features. Step counting, heart rate, blood pressure readings, tracking sleep patterns, BMI count, etc, are some of the major features offered by a smart watch. Apart from monitoring of health related features, a smart watch can also be used for sending and receiving text messages and emails, making and receiving calls and operating camera functions.
Fitness trackers should be easy to use
Easy to use and easy to navigate are two of the major aspects which one should lookout for while selecting fitness tracker device. Buyers have the option for getting a demo of the specified fitness tracker devices before finalizing on a right one.
                                            Right pricing
The price range of fitness tracker devices vary from 100$ to 500$ depending on the brand and features. One should opt for a reasonable priced fitness tracker which offers each and every basic feature needed for monitoring their health parameters. Avoid going overboard with your expenses in buying a fitness tracker or a smart watch whose most of the features will not be utilized by you. You can easily find a right fitness device which caters to all your needs.
And now a word of caution, especially for seniors buying the fitness tracker device, make sure that your device has heart rate monitoring function, as the same is of vital importance.
Source url: https://sites.google.com/view/fitness-trackers-for-seniors/
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fitness tracker for seniors
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honey-dewey · 3 years
(Hold me Closer) Tiny Dancer
Chapter 2
Pairing: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels/Reader
Word Count: 1,293
Fic Warnings: Non-sexual age regression, split perspective, classification AU, canon-typical violence
Chapter Warnings: none? 
Taglist: None for this fic. If you want to be added, just ask, but I know this is an odd topic and therefore will not tag anyone unless they ask
Jack’s not exactly the most stable human being on the planet, but when he tests as a Caregiver, all hell breaks loose as someone who was just his work partner suddenly becomes so much more.
Multi-chapter story. Chapter 2 of ? Read Chapter 1 Here
-Whiskey- Two days later, Jack was sitting through the new recruits initiation. As each recruit came through the door and earned their name, Ginger texted him about each one through his glasses. 
That one’s a flirt. You two should get along.
Jack snorted under his breath as Agent Gin was given his name. 
She’s a sweetheart. Young too. Barely 25. 
Agent Jägermeister sat across from Jack, nodding to him. He nodded back. 
The final recruit came through the door, and Jack’s breath hitched in his throat. 
That’s the Little.
“And finally,” Champ handed the newest agent their hat. “Agent Mojito.” 
Agent Mojito sat next to Jack, on his left. He gave them a small nudge. “Welcome to Statesman.” 
Mojito smiled a tiny smile and nodded their thanks. 
Jack eyed Champ, who shrugged, as if reading his mind. 
Standing, Jack held a hand out to Mojito. “Why don’t I show you ‘round. Being new here, it’s a bit of a maze.” 
Mojito stood, brushing their shirt off. “Thank you,” they said. “But I have an appointment with Ms. Ginger. I’m sure I’ll see you around Mr. Whiskey.” 
And just like that, Jack was left alone in the conference room, wondering exactly how this would all shake out in the end. 
To say you were nervous about working at Statesman was an understatement. You had passed each and every test with flying colors, completely shattering the last marksman record. However, the only hitch had been your classification. Ginger had pronounced you Little, a fact you already knew. She’d seemed nervous upon telling you Statesman had no Little agents, and you’d pretty much resigned yourself to failure then and there. 
But apparently Champ saw something in you, because he insisted upon you being a recruit. This meant earning your hat, glasses, and name. 
Agent Mojito. 
Heading down towards the lab, you met with Ginger, who was waiting in the consultation room. You slid into a chair, nerves bundling in your stomach. 
“So,” Ginger passed a few papers your way. “Those are prescription forms. Check all the data over and then sign at the bottom. Once you’ve done that, we can talk about your pills.” 
You signed with ease, and once you handed Ginger back the papers, she pulled out an orange bottle. “Strongest dose I can give someone of your size. Take one in the morning, preferably with food. They’re 24 hour, so you only need one a day. This bottle has thirty pills, come back when you get down to five and I’ll authorize a refill. Everything is written on the side of the bottle, so don’t worry about remembering it.” She handed you a plastic card. “That will get you access to the lab, where I will refill your pills.” 
You nodded, putting the pills in your pocket. “What if I miss one?” 
“One should be fine,” Ginger reassured. “But if you miss more than one, then you could possibly crash. So I suggest you keep those safe. And if you go on any missions, be sure to plan ahead with refills. If you want to drop during weekends to relax or not put too much pressure on your body, not taking your pills from Friday to Monday will work. Just be sure to take a pill Monday morning, or else all hell may break loose.” 
Again, you nodded. 
Ginger stood. “That should be all,” she said. “Why don’t I show you out. Statesman headquarters are a bit of a maze.” 
“That’s what Agent Whiskey said,” you remembered softly. “He’s nice.” 
“Huge flirt,” Ginger said with a shrug. “Just mind yourself around him, and it should be fine.” 
You two walked out together, Ginger smiling at you. “I can’t wait to work with you, Agent Mojito.” 
Smiling, you got into your car, heading towards your small apartment. Today had been one hell of an experience, and you couldn’t wait to get some sleep. 
Your first official day at Statesman was a disaster. 
Well, it wasn’t actually a disaster. It just seemed like one. 
You took your pill during breakfast in the cafeteria, sitting alone with a book. However, your glasses pinged before you could even finish your chapter. 
Champ wants you down at the shooting range. Seems important.
Sighing, you pocketed your book and picked up your travel mug of coffee. Today was already shaping up to be very interesting. 
The shooting range was easy enough to find, and before you knew it, you were face to face with Whiskey once more. 
“Fancy seein’ you here,” he said in that thick southern drawl you found surprisingly interesting. “I suppose you’re responsible for breakin’ my shootin’ record.” 
You smirked, confidence welling in your chest. “I suppose I am.” 
Whiskey whistled. “Well. Let’s see it then. Champ wants to know what you got. And honestly, so do I.” 
You nodded, picking up your weapons of choice. Two beautiful custom flintlock pistols. They were Kingsman guns, a gift from your neighbors across the pond. Both were fitted with technological advances that were appropriate for someone of your status. The right pistol shot regular bullets. You could reliably get six shots out before needing to reload, and the actual flint mechanism was automatic, unless you turned it to manual. The left pistol shot specialized bullets. Electric, tracker, exploding, If Statesman made it, you could shoot it. The left pistol could also, in a pinch, be loaded with regular bullets, just as it was right now. 
“Target?” You asked sweetly, watching Whiskey pick up his revolvers. 
Whiskey pointed down towards the far end of the range. “Those seven dummies in blue.” 
You nodded. You took some time lining yourself up on the red X taped to the floor, and when you were ready, you wiggled your stance a tiny bit more, raised your guns, and fired. 
Whiskey blinked as the seven shots rang out in such quick succession he didn’t even have time to count them. All of the dummies had perfect bullet holes through them, each and every one shot with deadly accuracy. 
“Fuck,” he breathed. “Forget what Champ said. That hat was well earned. I ain’t even gonna try.” 
You let out a breath, turning to face Whiskey. “Why thank you,” you said, calm as ever on the outside. On the inside, you were giddy with pride. 
That giddiness died at lunchtime. 
“Agent Mojito.” Champ approached your lunch table, and you looked up from your book. “I saw your shooting results. Heard about ‘em too. It seems we have a new best sharpshooter.” 
You nodded, smiling. “Thank you.” 
“That’s why I’m not hesitant about sending you on your first mission.” 
“With all due respect,” you said slowly. “Am I really ready?” 
Champ raised his eyebrows. “Why don’t you tell me.” 
Eventually, you agreed, and Champ handed you the file of information for the mission. Instead of reading your book, you ate your lunch and poured over the papers you’d been given, tucking the file under your arm to report to Champ’s office once you’d finished eating. You had a partner on the job, but the file didn’t mention who. It simply said a senior agent and a new recruit. 
You entered Champ’s office after knocking three times, suddenly filled with nerves. 
“Come in.” 
“Sorry I’m late,” you apologized softly, opening the door. “I got a bit lost.” 
Champ smiled. “It’s all good,” he said. “Why don’t you say hello to your partner for this mission.” 
You turned to the other side of the room, veins running cold upon seeing the other agent sprawled in an armchair. 
Agent Whiskey stood, adjusting his hat and nodding to you with a smirk. “Well this is gonna be interesting.” 
Blinking, you softly agreed with him. “Yes. I believe it will be.” 
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