#Battle Records: Lloyd || ((headcanons))
sleepiestslooth · 1 year
List of lloyd headcanons i thought of randomly under the cut
will reblog this whenever i think of and add new ones 💚
lloyd is heavier than he looks because of muscle. he looks a bit scrawny in comparison to all the others but he weighs like a sack of bricks if you try lifting him
lloyd taught himself not to cry, even as a child in darkley’s back when he wanted to follow in garms footsteps he thought of crying as a show of weakness. now he’s older and can’t cry properly when he does become emotional, just silent stray tears and shaky sobs
lloyd’s right shoulder/arm is messed up after he was flung across the beach by the overlord during the beginning of the final battle, that’s why he typically has coverings with his uniform that act as a muscle compressor
whenever his powers are very weak/taken away lloyd's natural brown roots begin to grow in as an indicator
lloyd is the only other ninja who is capable of cooking besides zane and they take turns making dinner for the group
adding to the previous hc lloyd began helping zane with dinner prep not long after he was brought into the group in s1 and did so because he was interested in the process of making food (and also he got to cut things with a knife which was really cool in his eyes)
lloyd has genuinely attempted dying his hair to its original natural color and keep it that way but gave up when he realized the blond roots grew back too fast and it just wasn't worth it
he has insomnia
he knows how to play guitar and sometimes copes with tragic/stressing events by secluding and recording himself play songs that he relates to. all of these recordings are hidden away and will never see the light of day
adding on to the last one garmadon was the one to teach lloyd how to play acoustic during the years he was uncorrupted, now playing guitar is one of the few connections lloyd has to his father after his death
the more stressed he is the longer/bigger his horns grow
lloyd is the same height as nya making them the second shortest ninja before jay, he use to be shorter than jay even post tomorrows tea but over time slowly grew a few inches taller than him— it still annoys jay to this day
post s5 lloyd has a lot of dissociative issues due to being possessed by morro for so long. there’s times he doesn’t feel he has control of his body and other times hes straight up gone and the ninja can’t do anything besides wait for him to come to again, which varied in length of time. it’s gotten better over time but he still struggles with it every now and again because of how traumatic it was
though lloyd inherited a lot of garmadon's more obscure genetics like red eyes, horns, and sharp canine teeth, lloyd wholly inherited misako's softer and kinder face which makes his fathers features negate him from looking dangerous/evil
he cut his own hair as a child while staying at darkley’s so it was always messy and uneven
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adeleba · 6 months
Jay has a ninja-tube channel ( basically the equivalent to YouTube but ninjago I guess) and chaos happens
ooh is this headcAnon? Because out of the ninjas he feels the most likely to have one and keep it. But I like to think the citizens associate his channel as the official "Ninja" ninjatube channel since Jay loves integrating his friends in it. (Yet uploads are rare cuz yknow... saving the world and all that. When he does upload tho its a ninjago internet event.)
As for what chaos he gets into... i think it would depend on what content he's feeling that day.
Gaming content is a mess cause one minute he's recording a let's play and the next thing, the other ninjas are pestering to have him stop hogging the gaming room. They'd end up arguing for the rest of the video.
Vlogging would be fun for the most part. Parkouring around Ninjago? A trip with the Bounty? A day in the life of the Ninja? Classics. Usually though, Jay ends up recording one of them (Kai) doing something incredibly embarrassing and a chase ensues. It ends up with someone getting kicked where they shouldn't be.
Video essay.
Apology video.
QnA with the ninjas would be a one and done thing. It wasn't really a qna per say since it dissolved into a full blown battle royale the moment the first question (Who's the strongest?) was asked.
The relatively chill contents though are reserved for when it's just a duo on camera. Cooking with Zane? Testing New inventions with Nya? Movie reviews with Lloyd? Feel good content right there.
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fangsjustice · 4 years
stupid summer things cause my brain is dead but my fingers wanna write something! most definitely a mix of canon things & modern things cause it be like that...
swimming is the most obvious thing! lloyd’s a good swimmer, the graceful bastard, but he mostly sticks to the shallows out of a habit of basically needing to be the Lifeguard™️ because he’s mr responsible. linus is physically incapable of entering any body of water without cannon-balling. he’s not as good of a swimmer but he makes the most of it. he will dunk whoever he can physically toss in the name of fun.
tying in with the swimming, going to the beach is a...stereotypical summer thing. bern’s beaches tend to be cold and sand is riddled with pebbles -- not super great for a typical fun day in the sun. they have to head into lycia for that, and they can only do the beach for so long because these boys *slaps the reed bros* will melt faster than a snowball in the summer sun. linus will run around in the sun until it takes the raging puppy energy out of him and then he’s grumpy and sunburned for the rest of the trip. lloyd generally sticks to the shade and tries to stay covered up, still manages to get burnt to hell and back somehow. he is a good surfer though! they both take turns playing out in the sun with nino cause they are good big bros.
expectation vs reality: two hot guys getting to the beach and you expect it to be the stereotypical montage of attractiveness but joke’s on you they’re dying from heat exhaustion and sweating like pigs--
camping is a big thing in the reed fam! nothing quite like hiking out into the wilderness, far away from anyone else or any towns, to sleep under the stars and just get back to nature. 100% bring the dogs for some hunting. its some good family bonding time and really relaxing. 
amusement parks are really only something they started to do with nino, cause they...they spoil the baby sis. linus loves all the rides and will always be up for going on any and all with nino. lloyd despises roller coasters so he watches and gets pictures. always stay for the fireworks! nino gets to pick out a souvenir every time, no matter what. 
road trips sound like an absolute disaster so you know they do it. they swap off driving and sleeping. lloyd always knows where he’s going and linus always gets them lost or gets sidetracked by hokey tourist traps, so it takes them longer to get anywhere than it should. fighting over the radio is a sacred rite. singing to the radio regardless of whatever station its on. driving through the night with the help of an unhealthy amount of energy drinks before they have to stop somewhere to sleep.
“No, I’m not eating anything you bought from the gas station. Roll the window down now for when you inevitably vomit an hour after eating, please.” “Fuck you, this tastes fine!” 20 mins later “It tastes less fine for its encore performance, pull over...”
water balloon fights have been banned ever since linus nailed lloyd in the face hard enough to give him a bloody nose. linus says he’s just bitter that he lost. lloyd has yet to confirm or deny this.
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And now for a headcanon post that literally no one wanted, but I’m a weird bastard that gets bothered by the stupidest, little details. 
The reason for the Reeds having pierced ears always bothered me, because I figured there had to be a reason beyond the design, but it’s, of course, never touched on. So, here’s my best take just from what I’ve gathered in the past few hours of looking into things and my own imagination for what I couldn’t find.
Lloyd and Linus both have helix piercings, with the same sort of stud -- though the metal of each respectively seems to be different (though it’s difficult to tell, and it isn’t super consistent between the games and art). Linus’ is higher up on his ear, while Lloyd’s sits closer to mid-ear. My best guess at the metals used is gold and silver, but I’m not an expert at identifying such things in jewelry. 
To me, gold makes sense for Lloyd. He’s the firstborn son, and outside of that standing, it might have been easier to get something more expensive when he was the only child and their family had a bit more money to go around. While I don’t see the Reeds as particularly religious or superstitious one way or another, there are still some aspects of the metal that would make sense if he received it as a child. Gold was often believed to ward against evil and illness, specifically in regards to children; it showed wealth or power, which would line up with Brendan being more in his prime as a younger man working as a mercenary in Bern. It’s an amplifier, at it’s core. It’s also associated with the sun, something that works for me, as I’ve come to associate the Reed brothers closely with Skoll and Hati -- Skoll being the wolf that chases the sun.
Silver for Linus might not make as much sense on the face of it, but, again, if he got it as a child, it does have its merits as far as meaning goes. Silver is associated with the moon, matching up with my personal theme of Skoll and Hati with the Reeds, as Hati chases the moon. It’s another metal that supposedly wards off evils, though more closely tied to things such as werewolves or vampires rather than sicknesses. Where gold is an amplifier, silver is a purifier. It’s supposed to impart intuition, wisdom and receptivity -- something frustrated parents of a misbehaving brat might hope would work to some degree. It also symbolizes truth and trust, two things that intertwine deeply with Linus as a person; he has absolute trust in his family, and in the end, the truth of what was going on in the Fang and with the death of his brother might have allowed him to live if he’d just faced it instead of lashing out in his anger and grief.
There’s also a myth among sailors that piercing your ear can improve sight and/or hearing, something that, if it was true, would come in handy when you fight for a living.
Considering their shady work, and how no one outside of the Fang actually knows what they look like as individuals, these may also have doubled as an identifier should one of them die in combat.
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goron-king-darunia · 4 years
Annon-Guy: I know you're an Emil X Richter fan, but how would Emil doing do what Yuji in Shana's body to Wilhelmina do the same to Richter?
Love is a central theme in DotNW, and Richter, as a half-elf, was pushed around a lot. To the point he hated humans. Across all the media I’ve seen, I’ve never once seen anyone tell Richter that he’s loved, let alone tell him to his face that they love him. Aqua is the closest we get, but it’s not shown anywhere that she confesses this to him. In fact, the game makes heavy use of the theme of characters only mentioning their love for one another after it’s too late. The only characters that say they love each other, on screen, before they die (or in Aqua’s case, get turned into a core) are Emil and Marta. Their love story is seen as a success. And how are they different from Alice and Decus? Richter and Aster? Richter and Aqua? Emil and Marta get to confess their love. While the Richter/Aster part is a headcanon, even if they’re only friends, it’s clear Richter’s determination to bring Aster back is a form of love that I doubt he expressed very often before Aster died. For Aqua, she only says she loves Richter when you defeat her and turn her into a core. Decus makes no secret of his love for Alice, but Alice never admits she loves Decus until the very last minute. Love is a powerful force in both games. Lloyd’s love for Colette, whether you interpret it as platonic or romantic, is the main driving force that changes the course of the story. Richter’s love for Aster, similarly, however you interpret it, is ALSO what sets the main story in motion. Ratatosk’s love for his tree is also a driving force as well. And Emil and Marta’s love is implied to be why, in the good ending, Marta is able to tell that Emil is putting on an act when he pretends to be Ratatosk. What I’m trying to get at is that outward, mutual, spoken confessions of love are treated as this very precious thing in DotNW. And I suspect that Richter never really got to hear the words “I love you” from anyone. So while it wouldn’t be the exact reaction Wilhelmina gave, I think if Emil had just stopped and said he loved Richter, even if he didn’t really mean it (though it’s clear from some of the skits that Emil does have at least a KIND of love for Richter, maybe not romantic but he definitely cares for Richter.) I think Richter would have stopped in his tracks.  It’s also important to note that I’m also pulling heavily from the main theme in “Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon” where love, especially vocal proclamations of love, are treated as a huge, all-important, powerful, defining moment. Part of the way the villain of the game, Shin, is defeated, is when he’s told he is loved. As cheesy as “Love Conquers All” sentiments are, I really think that Fragile Dreams did a great job with that, and I think something similar would have been way cute for DotNW. Although that’s probably because I ship Richter and Emil, but I also think it would have potentially worked with Aqua if Aqua had finally stood up to Richter and told him his quest for revenge was wrong and was obviously hurting him more than it was fixing anything.  Honestly, it just boils down to the fact that I don’t think Richter feels like he could ever be loved and Aster was one of the first and only people to show him any sort of love, which is why he’s so focused on Aster and so blind to the affection Aqua and Emil obviously have for him. And I think if he was made more aware of the fact that he is loved and cared for that he’d be a little less ruthless in his pursuit of justice for Aster. Though, with the final battle, I guess its pretty possible he’d already be committed to his final stand and wouldn’t take that kind of confession seriously. But even during the final battle, as shown in deleted voice recordings, Richter did have dialogue for impossible versions of the final battle where you can have members of the original Symphonia crew in the fight with you that imply, as much as he doesn’t want to admit it, he’s reluctant to fight, especially against Genis and Raine, who he cares about as fellow half-elves. Even at the end, despite the tough talk, he expresses regret and hesitation at having to fight Raine and Genis even though he says his feelings won’t get in the way of his goals.  I just feel like if Richter was told at the right moment that he’s loved, he might have stopped doing everything he was doing way sooner and ASKED FOR HELP.  Like, honestly, I’m disappointed Marta and Richter couldn’t have had some soft interactions because, like, Marta knows what it’s like to lose someone. Or Rilena. It’s implied Richter can’t face Rilena because he feels bad about his failure to protect Aster for her, but like, honestly, she also probably would have been a great help. Or, hell, Aqua. Richter surrounds himself with all these kind girls who’d totally be able to help him out and he just... doesn’t even think to ask them for emotional support. And like, I know this would play into a huge trope of women shouldering mens’ emotional burdens but like... Does Aselia not have therapy? IDK man, this probably sounds like a bad take because it’s no one’s responsibility to fix Richter, but like... he’s got all these friends and potential friends and he still builds up this huge fucking wall and Emil’s the only one he even lets close despite Aqua being RIGHT THERE THE WHOLE TIME. Like, IDK my messages are getting too mixed here but what I mean to say is: Since Emil is the only person Richter really shows his vulnerabilities to (in the game canon at least) it feels like Emil would be the ideal person to try to break Richter out of his bad behavior since Emil genuinely cares for Richter, and Richter seems like he's only letting himself be vulnerable with Emil because Emil is in the incredibly unique position of LOOKING JUST LIKE ASTER.  IDK, it also plays really badly with the glamorous idea that if you just love someone hard enough, they’ll stop doing bad things, but like... harmful tropes aside I genuinely think Richter deserves to be loved and that part of the reason he doesn’t feel like he IS loved even though he definitely is is because he’s a dense motherfucker and doesn’t understand the love being shown to him by Emil, Aqua, and probably Rilena.  IDK man, this is all just me rambling. I’m like, super soft for the kind of stuff where the villain is defeated by love. Fragile Dreams, Earthbound, all that jazz. And it would make me really happy if Richter could know he’s loved.
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rimalupin · 7 years
Headcanon: Suitors’ Rapping Styles
Because I’ve been listening to a lot of rap music recently (Sorry if y’all don’t understand my rambling about rapping, LOL. :P).
Alyn Crawford - The Storyteller: 
Stage Name: Captain Badass
Pretty good at freestyling: Alyn can definitely beat his fellow knights at rap battles (he used to practice with Leo when they were kids). 
When he raps, he has to tell some kind of story. Otherwise, he’ll get lost if he doesn’t know what he’s rapping about. He feels like it’s the most effective way to put some meaning into his rhymes. 
He likes to use movements/hand gestures to emphasize his lyrics. 
EXAMPLE: “As a knight of Wysteria I vow to serve the crown / Mess with my country and I will shoot you down.” *”shoots” audience with his finger guns*
Louis Howard - The Genius Lyricist: 
Stage Name: Ice Rhymes (Geddit? B/c he’s the “Ice Prince”? ((Hey, I didn’t say their rapper names were gonna be good, okay? :P)))
Louis picked up some rapping skills from Sid when they were younger (Louis probably overheard Sid one day, which then led to impromptu rap sessions during their free time.).
Louis hardly freestyles anymore because he’s worried that he’ll say something dumb, even though he’s actually really good at freestyle rapping. 
He prefers to think about his rhymes beforehand. Once he comes up with something good, he writes the lyrics down, finds a good beat/backing track, polishes up his song, and then memorizes the rap in case he needs to share it with his buddies in the future.
He probably practices in front of Lucia TBH.
EXAMPLE: “I’m ignoring all the haters: all their faces and their words / Cuz once the ice starts breaking they’ll see how much it hurts…. Oh wait, that was good. I need to write that down.”
Leo Crawford - The Linguist:
Stage Name: Double Entendre
One of the best freestylers of this list (Maybe freestyle rapping runs through the Crawford family? Lol, idk: I’m just putting some things out there. 😂). Leo’s a fast thinker, so he can come up with lyrics in less than a nanosecond.
He also loves playing with the words he uses - he’ll experiment with close-rhymes, monosyllabic & polysyllabic words, and even words from other languages.
He’s such a show-off, but that’s what makes him awesome at rapping: he’s not afraid to show his confidence. 😄
Also, Leo’s a witty and sassy little firecracker, so he’s got a few diss tracks up his arsenal (he won’t roast you too hard though, I promise).
EXAMPLE: “I’ve been learnin’ and searchin’ about why you’re standing there lurkin’ / Why don’t you come a little closer? I won’t bite ya, good lookin’.”
(Did I mention that his flirtatiousness skyrockets when he raps? 😂❤)
Also, Sebastian can now rap thanks to Leo.
Giles Christophe - Emotional Rapper:
Stage Name: Cat Daddy (LOL, LIKE THE DANCE MOVE. 😂)
Giles can freestyle if he’s in the mood for it (or if he’s got time for it), but he usually prefers to write down his rhymes.
He’s kind of like Alyn when it comes to rapping: Giles often tells stories through his raps, and they always end up being so emotional (His raps often get pretty deep.).
He can change the moods/tones between his rhymes very smoothly through both his rapping and the lyrics themselves. His audience is always moved somehow by his performances, so I promise that HE WILL MAKE YOU FEEL THINGS if you ever listen to him rap.
EXAMPLE: “Helpless and hopeless are the voices in my head / As darkness consumes my reality in bed.” (Shooot, this got super-emo real quick. Whoops. :b)
Sid Arnault/Lloyd Grandier - A Freaking Legend:
Stage Name: $iD (I’m not even sorry about this one: I can totally see Sid signing his name with a dollar sign instead of an “S.” 😂👌)
Name three or four of the best rappers you can think of. Now, imagine that they all had a baby (Hypothetically! :P): their child would be Sid. Honestly, this guy’s rapping skills are so good that he would probably have the honor to be considered as an equal among rap legends IRL.
Sid was basically born with the talent of rap (it’s a legit God-given talent), but he definitely honed his skills while traveling for his job. He especially learned from the best rappers while hanging out at different bars.
Sid will most definitely destroy his challengers in a rap battle (It happens like 99.9% of the time, so watch out!), but he can also sit down and write actual masterpieces.
There are no other words to describe Sid as a rapper except for this one: A-FREAKING-MAZING.
EXAMPLE: This was how Sid ended his first rap battle (Which he won.): “They call me S-I-D. Don’t you dare forget my name / I’m the dude who straight-up put all you f*ckers to shame.”
(Oh, did I mention that he almost never strays away from profanity? LOL, classic Sid~. 😂)
Nico Meier - The Disser:
Stage Name: MC Clutch
Nico is one of the best rappers on this list (I could see him as a really good improviser.). I also think he’s also one of the fastest.
He can make up silly/fun rhymes if he’s just jamming out with his buddies, but hoooo boy he can be brutal when it comes to rap battles.
Heck, anyone will REGRET challenging this guy to a rap battle because he will lay out ALL THE DISS TRACKS. I guarantee that HE WILL ROAST YOU LIKE A MARSHMALLOW UNTIL YOU BURN (he is the 0.01% that Sid has yet to beat, LOL).
Besides completely annihilating his challengers at rap battles, Nico can write pretty decent rhymes if you give him enough time (because I don’t think he has the patience for that kind of thing: he’d rather just spit out whatever comes to his mind at the moment).
EXAMPLE: “You’re in a pickle? You’re stumped! Let’s let everybody know / That your flow is as slow as your bank account’s growth.” (BTW this was an example of one of Nico’s “nicer” roasts. I promise it gets worse: it’s just that I couldn’t think of anything more savage to say at the moment. 😅😂)
Byron Wagner - The Inspirational Rapper:
Stage Name: Star Lord (jkjk). His rapper name would probably just be BYRON (Yes, with all the caps.) because honestly, his name’s already cool enough to be a stage name. 😊
Byron’s okay at freestyling, but he prefers to prepare his raps ahead of time.
He would rap as if he was giving an important speech to his people. I’m not saying that his lines are boring and monotonous: he actually finds ways to connect to his audience (He’s basically the motivational speaker among the other rappers in this list.).
He also isn’t afraid to rap about touchy or controversial subjects, especially when they are relevant to whatever’s going on in his kingdom or in the world.
EXAMPLE: “Though tragedies like war and famine may never end / We must join hand-in-hand to keep the peace and make amends.” (Aaand this sounds like the conclusion to a Shakespearean tragedy. Whoops x2. xD)
Albert Burckhardt - The Rhymer:
Stage Name: Al the Poet
For a guy that loses his glasses quite often, he sure doesn’t lose his flow (LOL sorry, Al. 😂)! Albert’s actually pretty talented when it comes to freestyle rapping.
He’s really good at rhyming, but not just at the ends of his bars. Oh noooo, this guy can find rhymes almost ANYWHERE in his raps.
He really only stops freestyling when he thinks his raps get a little… umm… “out of hand” (Which is why he’d rather write down his lyrics than embarrass himself in a rap battle. 😅😂).
EXAMPLE: Al: “You know I’m gettin’ down to business when I put on my glasses / All these ladies are so fine, so I’ll compliment their - *record scratch*” Nico: “Ooo, Al was about to say something dirty~.” Al: *blushes madly* “No I wasn’t, you brat.” Nico: “Oh yeah? What were you gonna say?” Al: “… classiness.” *brusquely walks away* *locks himself in his room for three hours* 😅
Robert Branche - The Innovator:
Stage Name: DJ Robert
Robert treats rap music as an art: he’s the kind of person that acknowledges the genre as poetry.
Like Louis, Robert is a master lyricist. However, Robert’s raps are intriguing and unique, mostly because he ignores the “conventions” of rap. Like he doesn’t mind if a few words don’t rhyme or if the rhythm isn’t consistent throughout his song. Some people call it strange, other call it new and different, Robert calls it art.
Along with surprising his audience with his unique lyrics, Robert’s known for making (somewhat subtle) references towards his own life as a way to get his listeners emotionally invested into his songs (Yup. Robert’s an emotional rapper too.).
EXAMPLE: “The ruler of a country that doesn’t exist / Was a boy; was a son; was a king that won’t be missed.”
And here’s something a little extra for y’all:
The Princess of Wysteria - RAP GODDESS:
Stage Name: Queenie
There’s a reason she has that stage name…
And that is because….
EXAMPLE: “Princess today, queen tomorrow. / Not even one of you fellows can suppress my flow.”
(Lmao, I couldn’t help myself, okay? 😂)
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Just chatting with @bigbluetiger brought up a funny thought for me.
Being native Bernese, Lloyd and Linus aren't accustomed to hotter weather or climates in general. They've been in them, of course, thanks to work with the Fang, but those are hardly extended stays.
While Lloyd tends to (mostly) enjoy warmer areas, Linus dislikes places that are too hot and stifling. Neither of them are really built for extremely hot temperatures, such as Nabata (they never follow Eliwood & Co into the desert).
Considering how he dresses, Linus has eventually gotten used to the fact that he will sunburn. It was pretty bad when he was younger, but at this point in his life, his body can finally take it & tan instead of burn. He has the most ridiculous tan lines, though, thanks to his coat, pants and barely there shirt combo.
Lloyd, on the other hand, still burns pretty badly. Despite his love for the warmer climates of Lycia, he's a son of Bern through and through, and some days it feels like he could look out a window and get sunburned.
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Lloyd 100% practices yoga. He's that flexible bastard that can touch his feet to his head.
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Pretty much counter to any muses I have now or previous, Lloyd and Linus had a really good relationship with their father!
Brendan wasn’t always around, and he was definitely a tough and strict sort of parent, but he put his family above all else and truly loved his children -- both his blood sons, as well as adopted daughter, Nino. He taught his boys how to survive in a harsh country and never compromise their ideals, and he always encouraged Nino with her magic and to be the sweet, caring girl she was instead of what Sonia tried to twist her into.
Really, there are only sparse moments in their lives when Lloyd or Linus didn’t fully back up or follow along with their father. 
Lloyd, while understanding why Brendan chose to take them when they were children, away from their mother, tends to be more sympathetic to his mother. This is partially on account of being closer to his mother as a child than his father, but also a little resentment for being left in charge of things as a boy when Brendan was gone working. He thinks his father could have and should have done more in regards to keeping their family together. 
Linus’ only real issue with his father growing up was his lack of understanding in certain quadrants. Brendan liked things a certain way, and Linus didn’t always follow the dotted line. Whether it was behavioral or on a more personal level, they could have some explosive disagreements between the two of them that never fully got resolved.
But, without a doubt, the only time the two really had any thoughts of strictly going against Brendan was when Sonia came into the picture. From the get-go, they knew something was wrong with her, something their father was blinded to in some way. She could talk him into things he never would have even considered on his own. If they’d thought less of their father, perhaps they would have gone against him earlier and fixed the Black Fang before things could get out of control. But they respected and loved him dearly, and though it felt wrong, they couldn’t bring themselves to challenge his leadership. 
Just figures that, even when they have a good father-son relationship, it still ends up burning to the ground in the worst possible way.
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My beautiful friend sent me this video, and it so perfectly fits my boys in how they work together on jobs/the battlefield, that I now have to gush nonsensically about this.
Lloyd and Linus have had 10+ years to learn how to cooperate on the battlefield. Outside of the early training they received from their father as children, even simple rough-housing and street scuffles helped them to figure out each other’s strengths and weaknesses -- both against each other, and pitted against other people.
Lloyd has always been good at figuring out his opponent’s style of fighting, their skill and what they might be most likely to do in a situation. He’s fast, and while he might not be as strong as Linus, don’t let that fool you; he can hit hard. He’s also gone a step further than Linus in regards to his swordsmanship and close combat fighting; where his father could no longer teach anything new, Lloyd sought out other teachers. He honed is swordsmanship under the formidable tutelage of Sacae’s finest swordmasters -- giving him a unique form that isn’t quite Bernese, nor entirely Sacaen. He’s an expert with a dagger, and while he doesn’t have the brute force Linus does, he knows the best ways to incapacitate someone when just using bare hands.
Linus isn’t half as refined as his brother in how he fights, but what he lacks in finesse, he more than makes up for in sheer power and an incredible physical endurance. He couldn’t care less about his foe’s manner of fighting or how they intend to go about it, all he needs to know is how hard they hit and how hard he can hit them before they break. Linus, as previously mentioned, has a rougher style of fighting with a blade; this is on account of him focusing more on power, as well as his choice to deviate away from solely swords as his weapon. Fighting with an ax requires more strength, and it isn’t anywhere near as fancy as swordplay can get; as a result, his swordsmanship is influenced a lot by how he fights with an ax. Adding a shield into the mix makes him easier to read as a fighter, but the trade off is an added defense and makeshift weapon in a pinch to watch out for. Again, while he’s not as knowledgeable about the technicalities of hand to hand combat, Linus can generally take your best hit, and still come at you full force.
Now, as a team, it’s long established that they are terrifying on the field together. Not just in terms of skill or power, but in the incredibly dangerous and risky maneuvers and missions they can pull off together.
They know each other so well, they can go an entire fight without actually speaking to one another. They know exactly where they need to be, when they need to be there, and if an adjustment needs to be made, the other is fully capable of picking up on that and following suit without a need to say anything. They move fluidly, and perfectly compensate for the other’s weaknesses. Lloyd takes out magic users faster than they can get off their spells since Linus doesn’t deal with magic well, and Linus bashes in heavily armored units that Lloyd can’t take out as fast due to their defenses. 
This isn’t to say they don’t squabble like siblings do, because they do, even in the middle of a fight.
They can swap around weapons as needed mid fight; though Lloyd isn’t really skilled with axes, he can still toss them back and forth between them as needed just as they do with swords. They use their slightly differing size to their advantage as well. Linus is perfectly capable of using his shield as a platform for Lloyd to vault off of or otherwise maneuver around. Lloyd can, despite his brother’s heavier weight, help him more smoothly over walls and other barricades that Linus wouldn’t be able to clear so easily on his own.
They’re a powerful force in a fight, and you’d do well not to forget it.
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Touch Meme
I’ve been meaning to do this meme forever, but ‘m a lazy, forgetful fucker, so here it is now after I found it buried in my likes.
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He is king of “if I don’t know you, don’t touch me”. He doesn’t like to be vulnerable, and opening himself up to being touched in certain spots just screams “they could kill me” to him, so he generally avoids it. Even when he knows a person, Lloyd is...at best, aloof, unless he happens to trust you deeply. Touch is something he considers very personal and intimate, so it’s best not to take any guesses with him and either ask or keep your hands to yourself.
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What a difference here, right? Linus is a tactile guy, so he doesn’t really mind being touched by people, but it usually is preferred on his terms. There are some spots, though, that are actually not that negotiable. If you’re a friend, don’t get fresh with him. If he doesn’t know you, don’t mess with his hair. Something not shown, because it would look awkward on the model, is that he really likes being touched along his spine, but you’d better be close with him before attempting this. And, if you notice the little dot at the center, you touch his tum at your own risk; you’ll probably walk away with broken fingers if you do so without asking.
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Lloyd 100% has these moments of...intense fear that he’s going to freeze to death while in Askr.
Cold was really the last thing he remembered before he died. Often times it crops up as a nightmare of some sort, but it can happen while he’s fully awake as well, and though he knows it’s entirely irrational, catch him putting on about five layers when it suddenly hits him like a freight train. While he’s never had any real fondness for the cold, whether on account of growing up in Bern or despite it, his death in Elibe has reinforced a rather severe avoidance to the cold.
Outside of battle, where he prefers his range of movement and speed over his own comfort, you’re not likely to catch him dressed lightly -- even if the weather isn’t too bad.
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Lloyd is 100% the kind of guy that doesn't look like he'd dance to the music playing in the middle of a grocery store aisle when no one else was around, but he absolutely is, and only the store security cameras have any proof.
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Headcanon time, because I’m just a little tired tonight, but I still want to write up something decent without flubbing someone’s thread reply.
Topic of the night: Traveling mounts!
In game, of course, units are restricted in how they travel by their class. But, realistically, agents of the Black Fang would have to use multiple types of transportation to get from point A to point B in a reasonable amount of time. From traveling on foot, to ship, to horseback and wyvernback -- they’d have to be versatile to be so effective outside of Bern.
Traveling by foot or boat is pretty simple, and I don’t want to talk about that! I’m here to talk about personal mounts!
Bern has a rough geography, and is famed for its mountain ranges. Not the most ideal place to breed horses, but there are pockets of land that work well for the animals -- and the close proximity to Sacae aids in the availability of mounts. Native Bern horses are bulky; thick coats and manes for the cold, heavily built for war and other heavy lifting jobs. These cold blood breeds are the majority in Bern, as they serve many uses solely on their strength and great endurance. However, in the northern areas of Bern, many Sacaen plains horses are seen and utilized. Sacaen horses were smaller and more svelte than Bern’s draft horses; built for speed and sure-footed pacing while running on the plains. Faster than Bern’s breeds, they quickly became popular for cross country travels. Crossbreeds have occurred with several breeds between the two groups, leading to some unique horses shared across the borders.
Being part of the Four Fangs, Lloyd and Linus didn’t have to do as much of the legwork as they used to when the organization was smaller. Growing up, they learned the basics of riding a horse, but had to get much more familiar with it when their father started up the Black Fang. Uhai played a major role in teaching the Reed brothers how to handle a horse, and they both picked it up relatively fast -- it was a challenge, but they also found it an enjoyable exercise. 
If he needs to be somewhere fast, Linus will use an appropriately speedy mount, but for any other traveling reason, he’ll take out Grim. Grim is an old stallion, similar in looks to a Vladimir Heavy Daft; not incredibly fast, but he can keep running for an incredible amount of time. While docile and even tempered, Grim can match Linus’ temper and stubborn nature when he’s not been fed exactly when he wants. Mostly a rich brown color, Grim has the characteristic white blazes on his face and legs.
Lloyd sticks to one horse, when he can; a mare that he calls Tuli, closest in appearance to a Knabstrupper. She’s a creamy white with slightly varying shades of brown spotted patterns. Tuli is quick and nimble, with a playful personality that fuels her enjoyment of running and jumping. Incredibly personable, she’ll walk up to most anybody and start nibbling gently at their hair or clothing. She is...big, spoiled baby. His big baby girl. He is very soft for her.
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Okay, so, I made some lemon bars tonight (they're great, y'all should stop by for a bite), and as I was making them, I was hit by the feeling that these would be one of the only sweet things that Lloyd would happily eat. They're, like, half sugar & butter, but they have a good balance of sweet/sour that would make him like it.
So, I've finally done it, I've found the one sweet that Lloyd won't just pass off to Linus or Nino.
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-- devotion? what’s that? sounds like commitment to me -- insert all your chocolates here -- probably gets rip-roaring drunk at the festival -- actually gives gifts to a choice few people when he’s sobered up & missed the holiday
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-- has the romantic capacity of a boiled potato -- will happily tell the people he loves that he appreciates them tho!! -- any candy or sweets he gets goes straight to his siblings, I’m sorry -- pda is everywhere & he’s just going to awkwardly pretend he didn’t see any of it
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