#Baseball Uniform
timmyrx2000 · 9 months
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TEAMWORK Mabel and Pacifica Style!
Mabel and Pacifica proudly display their collaboration on the team's official Baseball Uniform Design. Art by @turquoisespace35
It's part of an AU where, during their free time, Dipper, Mabel, Pacifica, and Wendy form a baseball team to try and get Dipper and Pacifica out of their shells. Wendy and Mabel try to boost Dipper's confidence by getting him to give playing baseball a shot and Pacifica, now part of the gang, comes along for the ride.
Among the entire group, Mabel and Pacifica have the most history, with their start being...rocky at best. While Pacifica and Mabel are now together on their tiny Baseball Team with Wendy and Dipper, Pacifica still feels quite anxious around Mabel knowing how she's treated Mabel in the past. What surprises her though is how easily Mabel seems to have gotten over those times and just seems to enjoy having her as a new friend. Pacifica's not used to Mabel's optimistic and upbeat attitude on life, especially growing up with rich, snobbish, stuck-up family and friends where you just didn't let things slide, but you made sure you won at all costs.
Mabel, on the other hand, loves having Pacifica as a new friend but still feels she's still quite distant and apprehensive getting close to her. Mabel's always makes an effort to have a bit of fun with Pacifica but almost always, Pacifica responds rather awkwardly. Mabel knows its not about Pacifica not wanting to be friends, but she knows she's gotta break her out of her shell cause she knows there's a Pacifica in there that just wants to break-free and enjoy life to her fullest.
When Wendy pitches the idea of finally formalize the Baseball team into a real ream, complete with recruiting 9 Players, she says they'll need an official Baseball Team Uniform and what better people to come up with it than the queens of style and creativity right in the team: Pacifica and Mabel!
Both girls are excited at the prospect of making the official team uniform but they do have some doubts on if it can or will work. Mabel and Pacifica have 2 very different ideas of style and creativity. Pacifica, in particular, is even more nervous that if this ends in disaster, she may lose the only real friend her age she would have had. Mabel, however, dives right into the opportunity seeing it as the chance to finally hangout and get to know Pacifica more. But can opposites work together?
As they pitch ideas back and forth both Pacifica and Mabel gain more insight into each other's personality. They begin opening up to each other slowly but surely. Pacifica begins to admire Mabel's spice for life, her creativity, and her boldness in imagination. She admires how Mabel is so unapologetic for who she is and no matter how bad things get, Mabel still manages to find the bright side of life. Mabel, on the other hand, begins to admire Pacifica's fierce and strong personality and how she's unafraid to speak her mind. She sees in Pacifica someone who is brave enough to stand up for herself against anyone who'd try to put her down, and she sees in her someone who is unwilling to go back to the life she had living as a slave to her dad's bell.
Their new found respect and admiration for each other proves to be a great asset in their collaboration. They're not competing, but they complement each other. They form the perfect duo for the job, with Mabel inspiring Pacifica to be more ambitious and daring in her choices while Pacifica helps keep Mabel grounded and realistic. It culminates with the pair proudly presenting their work to Wendy and Dipper who are thoroughly impressed and proud of their new Team Uniform. 
But it doesn't just stop there!  Mabel and Pacifica both prove to be a force to be reckoned with on the field, both partnering up during the games to help out in forming strategies and executing plays. When times get tough, they have each other to lean on, no matter how difficult and complicated things get. Pacifica couldn't ask for a better friend than Mabel, and neither could Mabel ask for a better friend than Pacifica.
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horny-athletes · 1 month
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coolthingsguyslike · 8 months
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limelemonleaf · 30 days
Seen a few Narrators in baseball uniforms and I wanted to try it too
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Safe to say it turned out amazing and it was extremely fun to draw him like this
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onipuff · 5 months
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High school era ShinaDai for korkani_ ! 💖
Posted using PostyBirb
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kpop-bbg · 2 months
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sons-from-adam · 3 months
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colour with expression - white
"WHITE as the driven snow"
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drcycrdn · 2 years
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a little baseball uniform for you all
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timmyrx2000 · 5 months
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Pacifica's Moment of Truth
Pacifica makes a bold move and faces off against one of her coaches, Mabel! Art by @stephreynaart
Part of my Gravity Falls Baseball AU continuity
Pacifica's come a long way in her baseball training, from reluctantly joining Dipper and Mabel in a few pitches and hits, to actually realizing she loves playing the sport which has brought her closer to her new (and real) friends! But despite this, Pacifica still feels like she's lacking something. She enjoys baseball, not just with her friends, but playing the sport itself, but she can't shake off the feeling that she's not living up to their standard. Despite her love for the game, she still feels she's falling behind and that she struggles to keep up with the gang. Pacifica's all too familiar with the feeling of failure and disappointment, its what her mom and dad used to force her to be #1 at mini-golf. To her, if she's not #1, she's a failure and a disappointment to everyone around her who've supported her.
Pacifica knows that Dipper, Mabel, and Wendy are far from being the jerks that her parents were to her but she feels she's failing herself. Despite her love for the game, she can't help feel like she's a failure despite how much progress she's made. She thinks Dipper, Mabel, and Wendy are just being kind to her. She feels that they've given her all the support they have but she isn't living up to their expectations and she thinks she's a disappointment to them, which couldn't be farther from the truth.
Pacifica struggles with these thoughts until one day she couldn't take it anymore. She wasn't going to live in fear of her parents before, now she wasn't going to let herself live in fear of herself. On a warm sunny afternoon on the baseball field, as they took a breather from their practice, Pacifica decides to take the risk and ask Mabel, her assistant coach, to give her a challenge: to bat against Mabel without her holding back. Mabel already suspected that Pacifica had thoughts like this running through her head but she knows Pacifica's already got it in her to face off the best Mabel can dish out. But desperate to make sure Mabel doesn't compromise, she even makes her promise, no hands behind her back. Mabel pulls off her mitt and pinky promises on one hand while keeping the other one in Pacifica's view. Poor Dipper, however, gets dragged by the girls to play catcher despite being completely new to learning how to play as catcher. So secretly, Dipper really is hoping Pacifica knocks this challenge right out of the park...literally.
Dipper, reluctantly, gears up in his catcher's gear while Pacifica slips on her batting helmet and gloves. Dipper reassures her she's got this... and if she can please make sure she's got it so he doesn't have to worry about actually playing catcher. Its a light hearted moment that gets a laugh from Pacifica and the 2 head out to get in positions.
Mabel eyes Pacifica from the mound and Pacifica psyches herself out. Mabel sticks out her pinky before she pitches reminding Pacifica she wont go back on her pinky promise. With that, Mabel winds up, takes her stride and pitches. A nervous Dipper readies his mitt. Pacifica's eyes narrow, she swings with everything she's got and fixates on the ball as it comes in. Time slows down then... CRACK. Pacifica hits a beautiful line drive out to center field stunning herself at the plate while Mabel is ecstatically cheering on the mound. Pacifica did it! She's proven herself that she does belong with her friends on the diamond and nothing's gonna stop her.
With a sly grin on her face, Mabel turns back to the plate and asks Pacifica "Another one?". Pacifica returns the sly smirk fixing her helmet, tightening her batting gloves, and putting up her bat and just says "...Batter up!".
...Poor Dipper really hoped this was going to be a 1 pitch gig XD
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horny-athletes · 2 months
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usarmytrooper · 6 months
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filiq-b · 10 months
silly school freetime dreawing
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yeowninefive · 11 months
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Recreation and Regalia Rummage
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socksandstirrups · 10 months
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Handsome baseball player in classic proper uni, gorgeous stirrups and white sanitary socks.
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Buck Showalter American Baseball Manager
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kpop-bbg · 20 days
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