#BaekBaëk smut
byunsbobobu · 4 years
Blood Promise [ Chapter 5]
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Vampire Baekhyun AU
Pairing; Twin Baekhyun/BaekBaëk/ Alana
Genre; vampire/ fantasy AU
Warnings; angst, intense language, name calling, mentions of blood, SMUT!!
Word Count: 7252   Prologue
Chapter 1   Chapter 2     Chapter 3   Chapter 4
{~Vampires falling in love with humans was forbidden. That is until 18-year-old Alana Davis moves to town and attends the new boarding school; Hallows Boarding School. Unaware that vampires exist and that the school is home to both Vampires and humans. On one late night Alana stumbles upon two brooding and mysterious twin brothers, but little did she know they would soon change her life.  Will it be for the worse or the better?~}
 Wrapping the scarf around his bleeding shoulder Baëkhyun’s breath hitting your face as he watched me tie it while Baekhyun watched you help his brother. “Just keep pressing on it. It should help stop the bleeding for a little while to last you a little longer. I’m sorry this happened to you.” You rambled on as you tended to him. “If having to erase my memories from having met you guys to save your life I completely understand.” A tear rolls down my cheek yet again. Never in my life have I cried this much. It just seemed that I couldn’t stop crying over these two men that I had just met three weeks ago. Unable to control himself Baëkhyun takes his uninjured arm and slowly wipes the tear from falling down my cheek.
Looking him in the eyes from his sudden unexpected actions I finish up tying the scarf around his shoulder and move away from the close proximity of his face he muttered a quiet “Thanks” as I stared into his usual cold eyes, but this time they were no longer cold his eyes had a hint of appreciation in them and at this I gave him a small smile blushing looking down trying to hide it from their field of vison when suddenly I heard a menacing growl coming from my uncle pushing Baekhyun to the side causing him to hit a wall hard on falling to the ground. Baekhyun grunts looking up I yelp when he grabs me by my coat collar pulling me up to my feet moving my hair to the side tilting my head to examining my neck that I had forgotten Baekhyun had left a hickey there the other day.
 “You let them do this to you.” He stared his hands coming around to grip my throat as he began to choke me lifting my feet off the ground. “
 You are more like your aunt then I had ever imagined. I didn’t expect you to give into them so easily.”
 “You are just as much of a filthy whore as she was”
 I struggled in his grasp feet dangling in the air  as I tried to fight for my freedom his grasp around my throat getting tighter every passing minute continuing to choke me. I begged him to stop tears running down my face. I looked a mess right now. My hair was everywhere. My uniform had small rips in places. Was this how I was going to die I thought? By the hands of my own uncle. Slowly feeling my eyes begin to close I start to see black you.
 Who’s mark is this?” He asked, but I was unable to reply as I could speak.
 “I will not have a vampire’s whore for a niece” He continued. Now choking and coughing.
 “P-please u-uncle I c-can’t breathe”
 “Maybe I should do the same as I did with your aunt hm?”
 Starting to finally lose conscious I began to resist the urge to fight for my life. I then black out but not before hearing a faint, but husky voice in the background.
and just like that you had blacked out......
Present Day
Groaning I begin to feel myself waking up from my slumber. My eyes opening and closing. Finally, having opened my eyes completely staring up into the ceiling taking in my surroundings I notice that I’m not in my bedroom. I was in a dark room the only source of light coming from a dimly lit red light coming from the lamp near the end corner of the room. I start to panic as I begin to remember what happened just before I had blacked out. My uncle had me by the throat, and he was choking me to death. Tears started to well up in my eyes again. My heart beginning to ache. Looking over at the nightstand by your side the time read 3 am. How long have I been out, and where the hell I am I ? and who’s bed am I currently laying in right now. Slowly adjusting myself and eventually sitting up on the bed. The bed was facing towards a long glass mirror and in the reflection I let out a small gasp when I saw someone’s shadow form through the mirror sitting on a black leather chair. His legs were crossed both arms resting on the armrest of the chair as he stared at me through the mirror analyzing my every reaction waiting for me to wake up. Realizing I had noticed him the male uncrossed his legs and now bent over on the leather chair, his feet touching the ground as he stared down at the ground his hands joining into a fist.
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Upon realizing who’s room I was in now my heart began to race in my chest again.  I was in Baëkhyun’s room. How is he still alive I wonder. Last I remember before blacking out was him in a near death situation. Also, what had happened with Baekhyun? Was he okay? Why did he bring me here? Is he going to hurt me? All these thoughts started consuming my mind and they wouldn’t stop until a low groan left his lips silencing my thoughts.
 “Took you long enough to wake up.”
 “You know how much you talk in your sleep”
 He spoke his voice deep husky voice filling up the entire room make you tense up.
 “You human’s think too much. It makes my head hurt” He began, an irritated tone laced in his voice. At his words my mind wandered back to when I was crouched down on my knee’s tending to his injured shoulder which seemed perfectly fine now that I looked at him through the glass mirror and just cried over seeing him in pain. I remembered feeling his hot breath fanning my face as he watched me with careful and curious eyes as he wrapped the scarf around his bleeding shoulder. I also remember his change of character when he caught a tear rolling down my cheek  his thumb stroking my cheek and lightly swiping the tear away, as he muttered a low “Thanks”.  My heart started to flutter at the thought. I remembered his change of emotion from his usual cold blue eyes. I also remembered my uncle asking Baekhyun to erase my memories from having ever met the both of them, but since I am currently sitting here now in Baëkhyun’s room able to remember every detail of what happened just a few hours ago I’m guessing he hadn’t done it after all.
 Getting the courage to finally speak you ask “ W-where am I ? what happened how did I get here” I asked looking around his surprisingly nice room. His room followed the theme of what looked like a Victorian master bedroom. His king-sized bed that I was currently sitting on silky black covers draping over my frail body was all around black with hints of dark red around the headboard of the bed. His room walls were painted a dark golden-brown color, as there was a beautiful chandelier almost the same color as his bedroom walls only a little lighter that hung high up on the ceiling. His room possessed smooth brown wooden floor as you kept scanning his room I began to see more hints of red decorated around his room. Thinking that red might’ve been his favorite color, by the looks of his room which included a red sofa placed near the large window that was currently covered by black drapes, a red chair closely placed near the king-sized bed. I was in complete awe of the room that I had forgotten where I was exactly. His voice snapping through my thoughts making me aware again of where I was.
 “What’s it look like human?” He said answering my question I had asked a few minutes ago.
 “You’re in my room, and I obviously saved your life from being strangled to death. The least you could do is thank me for saving your life human.” He spat his voice assertive and straight to the point cause a shiver to run up my spine and my heart to beat even faster than it already was.
 Finally standing up from his black leather chair placed in the corner of the room near what looked like a closet. Straightening himself out he began to walk towards where I was seated on upon his bed. “You look awfully comfortable on my bed human” he begins to say as he continues on “You also think a lot when you’re asleep human you know that?” he finished catching me of guard at how close he now was to me. Hovering over me on the bed arms crossed as he scanned my shaky form from head to toe before sitting down again, but this time on the red velvet chair that was placed not too far from his bed.
 “ You’re safe though. Thanks to me and my brother” he said no sense of emotion in his expressions nor his voice. I didn’t know if I felt safe in his presence at the moment.
 Breaking the silence, I ask him to explain what exactly happened after I blacked out.
  Throwing his leg over his other leg resting on his knee as he started at me with those cold emotionless blue eyes that seemed to have resurfaced on his stupidly attractive face. Quickly giving him a one look glance, I noticed in the meantime while I was asleep he had managed to change his outfit. Used to seeing him in his usual leather attire. I had begun to think that all he owned in his closet was leather, leather, and more leather, but this time Baëkhyun was no longer wearing leather. Instead he was now wearing just a plain black long-sleeved shirt. The sleeves of his shirt rolled up so that I was able to see his veiny arms making me shudder at the thought of what those arms strong arms could do to me if he really wanted, along with black pants and a nice pair of black shoes. His white hair framing his face falling over his face with a braid I hadn’t noticed before hanging over his shoulder, as that familiar silver chain once again rested over his nose and defined cheekbone. His sharp jawline and sinful red lips that had you licking your lips at the sight imagining what it would feel like to feel them pressed against my own set of lips. Unaware that I had been caught staring at him for a bit too long he snaps me out of my trance.
 “ Can you not stare at me like that human?” He says rudely.
 “ It makes me uncomfortable.” He says rolling his eyes.
 Blushing from him catching me checking him out minutes ago I muster out a quick “I’m sorry” while looking down at my trembling fingers afraid to meet his piercing blue eyes that I could sense was staring straight at me.
 Baëkhyun tilts his head to the side. Watching me fidget still oddly curious about me and why I wasn’t screaming for help and try to escape from him at this very moment. Any other sane human would be terrified and yet here she sat calmly on his bed.
 “Are you not afraid?” Baëkhyun husky voice booms through the empty room.
 Meeting his intimidating gaze, I stutter out “Huh?” I question him averting any possible way to look him in the eye unaware of what he meant by his question.
 “Are you not afraid that I could hurt you?” He asks again slightly annoyed at having to repeat himself. This time a more demanding tone in his voice asking for your true answer. My heart caught in my throat. Palms beginning to sweat as your breathing began to become ragged. I  didn’t want him to know that I was terrified of him at this very moment. I didn’t know what to expect to happen in the confines of his bedroom. If I tell him I am afraid of him he will getting a sense of satisfaction overhearing my answer, so I end up builded up some much courage and lied straight to his face.
 “No, I’m not afraid of you” I said surprisingly calm without stuttering as I answered his question.  Although the look on his face didn’t seem the least bit convinced of the answer I just gave him.
 “You know…” He started shaking his head staring at you a low growl coming from his voice.
 “One thing I hate with a passion are filthy liars” He said, your eyes widening in shock and fear.
 Mustering up all the courage I had left I replied back to him.
 “I’m telling the truth” trying to sound more convincing then the last time.
 Baëkhyun now had a scow plastered all over his face. I slowly wished that I was seated in Baekhyun’s bed right at this very moment and not his jerk of brothers. At least he’s not as scary as Baëkhyun was so, you thought little did you know about the certain vampire’s darkest desires. Baëkhyun’s husky voice breaking me out of my thoughts once again.
 “Come here…NOW!” He demanded. Gulping the saliva that had been building up in my throat as I started to shake my  shoulders tensing up slightly at his angered voice.
  “W-what?..” I made out.
 “W-why? What are you going to do to me?” I asked him fear now laced in my voice telling him that at this moment I was in fact actually very afraid of him.
 “Are you defying my orders human” He spit out. Pointing to the spot in front of where he sat on the chair an intimidating look on his face.
 “Come here now”
 “And DON’T make me repeat myself this time”
 Deciding that it was better to listen to him and do what he says. I begin to make my way off his comfortable bed. Slowly throwing the silky black duvet covers off my body. Shivering due to the cold air from the room I look down at my body and realize I had been changed out of my school uniform remembering how it had been ruined. I was wearing what looked like a navy-blue silk night gown. Did he change me. Where did he get this from? At the thought of thinking about Baëkhyun looking at my body made me blush an indescribable feeling consuming me.
 Nearing the edge of the bed Baëkhyun continued to watch me as I approached him the night gown riding up my thighs just a smidge enough for him to see more skin then he thought necessary. Shifting in his seat he continued to watch me. Pinching the bridge of his nose licking his lips hungrily as I became unaware of his heated gaze scanning down my body. Looking at me he takes his fingers and grazes his lips. The soles of my feet finally touching the cold surface of the floorboards I stood up straight. My night gown falling down my short frame leading past my mid-thigh, but still giving Baëkhyun a good display of them. Lowering my head and walking to finally stand in front of him I waited for his direction, or what he would do next. Tilting his head, he slowly stands up from his chair now hovering above me. Coming closer to me now so that I could feel his breath hitting my face. Still looking down at my feet feeling an intense aura around him. His woody scent filling my nostrils causing me to take an unintentional deep breath.
 “Now as I was saying” He starts up again.
 “I asked you a question and I need you to answer me.”
 “I will say this one more time. The next time I won’t be so kind about it.” His eyes dark as he looked down at your petite form as you continued to avoid his gaze.
  Taking my chin in his hand he tilts my head up to look him in the eyes
“Look at me when I talk to you” He goes on to say causing me to immediately listen to his wishes. His eyes lowering to my lips licking his lips quickly as he averted his gaze making his way to look back up my face again his piercing blue eyes causing my heart to beat frantically. You gasped at the look in his eyes. The emotions that clouded his usual cold eyes wasn’t there anymore but was replaced with a glint of something else I couldn’t quite put my finger on. The way he was staring at me squirm under his making me feel uneasy, but at the same time it had me clenching my thighs slightly together trying to subdue the aching feeling between them that I did not want to dwell on.
 “Now…” he begins again his husky voice making goosebumps to rise on my skin.
 “Are you afraid of me human? and don’t lie to me I can read your thoughts and sense your fear he says.”
 “I can hear the sound of your beating heart meaning you are afraid, yet you are still here why?”
 “I’m not afraid” you said again a bit more confident.
 Leaning down to ear in my ear \ a shiver running down my spine as I felt his hot breath fanning the outer shell of my ear. His fingers wrapping around the base of my throat slightly squeezing my airway, but not completely that I couldn’t breathe. “I could drain you of your blood right now and nobody would be here to stop me. Not even my brother.”
 “You wouldn’t hurt me” I say believing my words in some sort of way my eyes slightly squinting closed as I flinch when he drops his hold around my neck afraid of what he might do next.
  “You’re right. I wouldn’t just hurt you.”
 “I would kill you” His eyes shined with excitement as he looked at me now although deep down I couldn’t believe his words. If he truly wanted to kill me he would’ve done it by now.
 Putting on a brave face and standing tall I look directly at him. Meeting his cold eyes before saying.
 “Then why haven’t you?” I asked. Growling now his hands made its way back to grab my neck pushing my head to one side and yanking my hair to one side a bit roughly cause you to let out a strangled moan as he leaned back near my ear and whispered, his deep voice making you squirm under his grip. He chuckled right in my ear his breathing ghosting the side of my face.
 “You must be an idiot” He begins
 “ Challenging a powerful vampire like myself?”
 “Do you know who you are talking to?” He asked his tone a bit harsh now.
 “B-Baëkhyun” you answered him breathless as I whimpered as I felt his nose graze up my sensitive neck taking in my intoxicating scent stopping below my jawline and my jugular.
 “That’s right.”
 “And do you know what Baëkhyun does to stupid humans like yourself?” He rhetorically asks assuming I knew what he was hinting at gulping at his words as I shudder under his touch.
 Whimpering he finally steps back from my neck. The grip around my throat also gone as he turned around leaving me in a daze as he sat back down in his chair in front of me.
 A hint of a smirk on his face now uncrossing his legs. He plants both of his feet on the ground opening his legs wide adjusting his pants as he leaned back on the chair arms resting above him on the chair eyebrows slightly raised thinking about how he would handle me as he kept watching me squirmed under his excruciating gaze.
  “Come a little closer now don’t act all scared now” at hearing this my feet moved on its own as if I wasn’t in control of my own body move closer towards him. I was on edge my body deceiving me as I let him tell me what to do. His posture and the look plastered on his face radiating so much dominance. Everything about this man made me want to submit to him and I had no clue why I felt this way over a murderous vampire.
 Now standing in front of him as he looked me up and down I rolled my eyes
 “What do you want from me?” I ask my voice unwavering.
 “Don’t roll your eyes at me unless you want me to rip your pretty brown eyes out sweetheart.”
He says unfazed by his choice of words. Stiffening and apologizing to him he continues.
 “I just want to talk.” He started up again.
 “I realize that you and I didn’t start off on the greatest of terms” He said a sadistic smirk on his face.
 “And I just wanted to thank you again…” He paused
 “Thank me?” you asked confused.
 “For what exactly?”
  Throwing his head slightly back running his long and slender ringed fingers through his white hair he chuckled.
 “For helping me yesterday of course.” He finished looking back up at you from where he sat a similar smug expression on his face as Baekhyun not like his usual self. Lowering my head once again trying to hide your now reddened cheeks from him. I didn’t him finding how much he already got under my skin want him, but it didn’t last long before he spoke again.
 “I said look at me when I talk to you” He repeated a slight scowl displaying on his face again.
 “S-sorry sir” I mumbled unable to control what fell past your lips. At the sounds of you calling him sir Baëkhyun stiffened his blue eyes clouded with a dark lustful expression a low growl emitting from his chest, his fangs threatening to come out from beneath his gums.
 “What did you just call me?” He asks making me repeat what I had just called him.
 “I-I said sorry sir” I repeated myself suddenly seeing a change of emotion in his eyes. What did I say wrong? I thought to myself unaware that Baëkhyun was turned on by me calling “Sir”
  “Why?” He finally asked his chest rising and falling slowly breaking the awkward sexual tension between the both of us blurting out another series of questions.
 “Why did you help me?” He continues.
 “Don’t you see what I am?” He asks.
 “ My brother and I have done nothing but torture you since the first day we laid eyes on you, yet you still went out of your way and helped me.” He said.
 “You even cried. You humans are so weak with all your emotions.”
 “So why?” He finishes.
 Waiting for him to finish. Still staring straight at him afraid to look away so he wouldn’t get mad again from looking away from him I answer honestly.
 “I don’t know” You started.
 “You were screaming in agony.”
 “You were hurting. I thought you were going to die.” You admitted
 Clearing his throat, he speaks. “I would’ve healed. I’m a vampire remember?” He said flashing his two set of fangs coming out from underneath his gums reminding you of what he truly is. A creature of the night that prey on blood.
 “My uncle had poisoned the blade when he stabbed you. I was just trying to help as much as I could.” I said my voice breaking as my resolve started to breakdown.
 “It was a test.” He said and this caught me by surprise. Unexpecting this answer from him.
 “A test?” I asked shocked. Had everything been a set up to see how I would react. I couldn’t believe it. They tricked me.
 “Fucking vampires” I mumbled under my breath hoping he hadn’t heard me, but unfortunately his heightened senses and because of his supernatural powers he caught what I had said leading him to say what he said next.
 “Watch that mouth of yours or I’ll put something in it that will make you shut right up.” He blurted out a sadistic smirk on full display on his face once again. Eyes widening catching his drift of what he meant by that my heartbeat pounding in my chest that I’m sure he could also sense.
  “Was everything a test?” I asked him afraid of his answering. He smirked leaning forward on his chair hands resting on his knees his head tilting up just a little bit so that he was meeting my own gaze.
 “Not everything of course.” He answered.
 “The part where he killed his wife and ended up turning us into vampires for revenge on our father was all true unfortunately.” He said a look of sorrow on his face, but quickly vanishing before I could say something about his sudden saddened state. “We also didn’t plan on your uncle choking the living shit out of you after he saw the mark my brother left on your neck.” He said as his eyes darkened again at the mention of Baekhyun’s love bite that was still evident on my neck, but slowly fading now.
 “The poison on the blade was a set up to trick me, but why?” I asked confused and hurt at this revelation.  
 “ Your uncle wanted to test you.”
 “To see if you would act on your instincts and try to save one of us.” He continued on explaining the full story to me.  
 “Now unfortunately. It was poisoned, but nothing that only lasted a couple hours a small dosage of vervain. It weakens a vampire, but not to the point of killing them unless put in a house trapped full of the damn thing.”
 “We also didn’t know which one of us would be the one getting stabbed.” He then looked down to the floor suddenly. “Your uncle talking about my father in such a disgusting way enraged me” he continued. “I didn’t know what he would say to you to cause us to react, and you fell right into his stupid trap, because of me I just couldn’t bare the cause of your death being my fault.” He said now looking back up at me meeting my curious eyes while listening to him speak. My heart pounding in my chest, as he told me the reason of saving me.
 “Ans then you started blabbering and crying” He said.
 “Why were you crying?” He asked again.
 “Did you really think I was going to die?”  He asked studying your reactions
 “I don’t know why I started to cry.” Averting his eyes looking at the ground.
 “I couldn’t control my own body.” I admitted.
 “Before I knew it I was screaming and on my knees trying to help you.”
 “I know this must sound crazy, but I had to do it okay.” I finished
 “now can I please leave I’ve answered everything you need to know” I told him.
  “You uncle was right” He smirked “You really are attracted to us aren’t you?” He said as I suddenly felt his rough, yet soft cold hands run up my right arm causing goosebumps to rise on my skin, and he sensed it. Not moving an inch as he ran his hands up my arm. “Please” I begged tears starting to well up in my eyes again. “Please don’t hurt me.”
 “Oooh I’m not going to hurt you” He began. “Unless you want me to” he stated rather bluntly as he winked at you somehow blushing at his statement.
 “I just wanted to figure out the reason why you chose to help me, so I can show my gratitude.” His sadistic yet charming smirk back on his face.
 Rolling my eyes again unintentional “Well now you know” my tone slightly annoyed now at his teasing manner. He said in a mocking tone cocking an eyebrow up at you as he continued to stroke your arm taking my wrist in his palm turning it to face inwards as he pressed his soft lips on the vein of my wrist. A whimper escaping your lips.
 “Baekhyun was right” He began to say.
 “You really are a feisty one”
 “It’s a good thing I asked him to let you sleep in my room tonight.” He smirked up at me.
 “Afterall after what I went through I deserve it don’t you think?” He said his tone cocky now unlike his usual cold tone of voice.
 Letting out a deep breath removing his hand from stroking my arm he leans back against his chair. Patting his right thigh, he asks.
 “Come sit over here why won’t you?” He asked an excited glint in his eyes.
 Still looking at him. His eyes watching me carefully as I approached him eventually sitting right on his thigh as he asked. Taking his teeth between his lips and biting his lips looking down at you sitting on him. His hand come to wrap around my waist pressing my back against his chest. My breath hitches at the feeling of his fingers grazing up underneath my night gown as his hands made way up my back trailing his fingers down to my covered ass sending tingles all over my body. He caressed my bum and suddenly groped it sending a slap to it causing me to yelp in surprise. Biting my lip trying to suppress a small moan to escape my lips. He sensed how arousal from where his hands touched, and he chuckled.
 “You really are naughty.” He says catching me off guard at his choice of words.
 “H-huh” you made out.
 “Letting my fondling with your perky ass” He said biting down on his lip again his fangs visible to the naked eye.
 Moving closer now to my ear his hot breath fanning the side of my face as I tried to look away from him. Embarrassed by the situation he had me in. Blowing down on my ear biting down and gently pulling it between his teeth the tip of his fangs grazing the outer part of my ear causing me to let out a surprising squeal. Pressing my legs together again I whimpered hoping it would help the throbbing from in between my legs to stop. Baëkhyun looking down senses the desperation and attention I craved from him.
 “You want know something human” He begins whispering in my ear. Distracted from his voice in my ear I hadn’t realized his hand starting to moving up my inner thigh and that caused me to moan again at the feeling of his hands on me as he pushed up my night gown exposing my thighs to his liking. “How I want to leave fang marks all up your inner thighs”  he says staring at your pale legs licking his lips hungrily.
 “I know what you want little human.”
 “I can read your mind” he says his husky voice making it worse on my part.
 “I know your deepest DARKEST desire that you so willingly try to lock away in that pretty like head of yours.” He continues his hands going up my thigh more. Suddenly feeling him squeezing it sending a slap to my inner thigh I gasp a moan coming right after.
 “I-I don’t know what you are talking about” I say unable to concentrate when he begins to lean into my neck again. His other hand moving my hair to the other side of my face as he stares at the beating pulse on my neck that he so desperately craved to sink his teeth into. His hand tilting my head slightly to the side to better help him get a better angle to look at it. He slowly leans in and licks a strip up my sensitive neck causing me to gasp my hands gripping his arm roaming closer to my aching core where I so desperately needed him but didn’t want to give in as I try my hardest to pull his hand away. He then nips near below my jawline. Not enough to pierce through my sink, but enough to leave a little mark as he continued to tease me leaving me squirming on his thigh. My arousal making me feel uncomfortable as I began to slowly rock my hips on his thigh unconsciously needing to feel something down there.
 Detaching his teeth from your neck he moves his lips to graze your ear again his husky voice causing you to go crazy. “What do we have here?” He asks in a mocking tone.
 “Are you that desperate to get off that your humping my thighs” he teases.
 “I can smell the arousal off of you. It’s intoxicating do you know that Alana” He says.
Him calling you by my first name and not “human” causing me to ride his thigh a little faster causing me to let out a couple moans as he looked down at my movements watching me get off on just his thigh. Slightly flexing the muscle of his thigh looking at me with a lustful stare I moan as I feel it press up to my now heated core.
 “The urge I have right now to just sink my teeth into your pretty little neck and drink your blood. While I watch you ride my thigh is making my cock hard.
 “It really drives a vampire like myself crazy you know that?” He asks again rhetorically knowing you wouldn’t answer to busy focusing on getting your release.
 “but I bet you would like that wouldn’t you?” he chuckles.
 “Man, I wish Baekhyun could see you like this.” He starts.
 “So needy. Your uncle would kill me right now if he knew what I was letting you do right now.”
 “Technically I was supposed to bring you to your dorm and never speak to you again.”
 “Your ass of an uncle’s orders, but watching you wither like this over me. I don’t think I can do that.” He finishes
 Cheeks flushed chest rising and falling. Eyes closed as he continued his teasing ministrations. Feeling your juices through the fabric of my underwear Baëkhyun senses it. A possessive growl emitting from his chest
 “You’re so wet”
 “Do you want me to help you with that?” He asks? Already knowing your answer.
 “Please” I beg him unable to control myself anymore or my thoughts. All I could think about was the aching feeling of my core as I seeked for my release ,and you needed him to do something about it. You didn’t care what the cost might be in the future.
 “Soo willing.”
 “You really are a slut aren’t you” His hands now finding their way to my soaked underwear, as he begins to rub my clit slowly my juices coating the fabric. Suddenly pinching my clit making me jolt up letting out a strangled moan. Baëkhyun was now pressed up behind me his chin placed on my shoulder as he watched his fingers rub me through my underwear as I began to shake losing myself in the pleasure of his fingers as I laid my head back against his shoulder eyes screwed shut as he continued his ministrations.
 “Fuck that’s so hot” He says lowering lips back onto my neck trailing down kisses as he nips on my skin here and there.
  “I was going to make you beg a little more, but I think I’ll save that for another time” He stated
 “Because watching you so willingly submit to me is just too tempting to resist.” Suddenly his hands made it’s was into my underwear and I cry out at the feeling of his hand cupping my sec letting out a whimper. The sensation of his cold rings causing me to moan as he slid his fingers between my wet slit before he curls his fingers inserting two slender fingers into me. Mouth forming into an “O” shape I gasp the feeling of his fingers pumping fast inside of you. All that’s heard in the room was the sound of my wet pussy as he plunged his fingers deep in and out and of me the sounds sinful.
 “Fuck your clenching so tightly around my fingers.”
 “Do you like that slut.”
 “You like my fingers fucking your pretty little pussy.”
 “You must cause your clenching around them.”
 “I just want to taste you” He says as his fingers curl inside of you hitting a different angle inside of me that makes my toes curl.
 “I won’t do it unless you ask me to” He says causing me to let out a moan in between sentences.
 “Please Baëkhyun” I beg unaware of what I was asking for from him.
 “What do you want?” He asks his hot breath fanning the shell of my ear as he thrusts his fingers into me now at a relentless pace that has me screaming his name.
 “I want you…” I began but got get cut off again by another moan escaping past me.
 “Fuck. Baekhyun would be so mad at me right now for touching you like this without him being around to see.” At that I immediately clenched  around his fingers my orgasm so close as I feel felt him smirk against my neck.
 “Oooh you like the thought of that don’t you.”
 “You want him to see you like this?”
 “All spread out”
 “Legs wide open as your seated on my thigh while your greedy cunt takes my fingers” at that suddenly you feel him add a third finger into your now dripping wet pussy.
  “Baëk- oOoh” I moaned out the squelching sounds of my pussy driving him wild.
 “You going to cum all over my fingers slut?” he asks.
 “Y-yes yes” you say in between screaming his name your back arching a little as you now began to ride his fingers. I never knew someone calling me such degrading names would turn me on as much as it was right at this moment with Baëkhyun whispering it in my ear.
 “This is my show of appreciation to you Alana.”
 “For attempting to save my poor life”
 He says as I was so close to reaching my peak. I suddenly shivered as I felt him graze his sharp teeth against my shoulder.
 “Next time I won’t be so nice to let you cum”
I moaned at that adjusting myself on his lap so this his fingers could reach deeper as I tilted my neck out to him so that he could do as he pleased with my body.
 “Please” I begged again unsure of what I was begging for again.
 “What do you want?” So close. I was on cloud nine at the pleasure I was receiving, but I still felt like i needed something else to help drive me to the edge of my orgasm.
 “Please just bite me” I finally answered giving in to my desires of having his teething sinking into me.  
 “I want to feel you. Please I can’t hold on any longer.”
 “You’ll regret you ever said that little human” He stated. Not giving me any time to rethink my answer as I felt him start to kiss an area around my shoulder prepping me for what was to come. His teeth grazing the area as he opened his mouth and suddenly sunk his teeth into my flesh and just like a jolt of electricity I felt his fangs sink in making me cum all over his fingers and he drank my blood. Moaning in between licking and sucking the blood from my shoulder. I began to convulse my legs shaking at the overstimulation of his fingers riding out my orgasm as his fangs were still embedded deep into me. Detaching his fangs from my shoulder he starts to kiss his way up my shoulder to my neck. Placing a kiss on the pulsing vein before he plunged his teeth yet again into me. I moaned at the sensation eyes closing as he marked my skin. Sensing that he had enough and that I had finished riding out my high he took his teeth from out my neck removing his fingers from inside me kissing my injured neck lightly licking it up and muttering a quick.
 “My powers will reduce the pain from where my fangs had plunged into” He said
 “Wow” I said eyes glazed as I stared at him. His lips covered with now with my blood as he licked it clean.
 “Delicious” he said that sadistic smirk back on his face causing me to roll my eyes again.
 “What did I say about rolling those eyes at me” He snapped and suddenly he was back to his old ways although a playful smirk displayed on his face this time.
 “I could never have enough of that” He stated honestly.
 Removing me from sitting on his lap making me stand back on my two feet. Sensing my weakened state from just having had my blood drank and just having a mind blown orgasm just from his fingers, he gets up he walks me to lay back down on his bed.
 “You should get some rest.” He began the bed dipping a bit as he now sat at the edge of his bed. Tracing his fingers lightly around where his teeth had just been. Wincing at his touch.
 “I drank more then I intended.” Giving him a reassuring smile that I was okay my eyes slowly started to close as I began to drift off to a peaceful sleep, as the vampire hovering above me continued to watch me drift off. Mumbling under his breath
 “Baekhyun is going to kill me when he sees those” He smirks appreciating the marks he left on my neck and shoulder feeling proud of himself, and as if timing couldn’t have been better on his side Baekhyun pounded on the other side of the door.
 “Baëkhyun what are you doing in there?”
 “Why did I hear screaming?”
 “Is the girl okay?” and with that Baëkhyun smiles looking down at her sleeping form looking back at the door and answering his brother on the other side.
 “We are okay brother.”
 “The little human was just having a little nightmare.” A sadistic smirk on his face as he noticed his brother falling for his lie, and just like that Baëkhyun walked towards his door turning the nob stepping out of his room, but not before glancing back at her leaving her to sleep alone in his bed as he is met with his brother who was pouting on the other side of his door arms crossed around his chest.
  “Must’ve been some nightmare” Baekhyun says before they both walk down the hallway of the mansion.
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byunsbobobu · 4 years
Blood Promise  [Chapter 2]
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Vampire Baekhyun AU
Pairing; Twin Baekhyun/BaekBaëk/ Alana
Genre; vampire/ fantasy AU
Warnings; angst, fluff, language, mentions of blood, slight teasing
Word Count: 3702
Prologue:   Chapter 1:
Vampires falling in love with humans was forbidden. That is until 18-year-old Alana Davis moves to town and attends the new boarding school; Hallows Boarding School. Unaware that vampires exist and that the school is home to both Vampires and humans. On one late night Alana stumbles upon two brooding and mysterious twin brothers, but little did she know they would soon change her life.  Will it be for the worse or the better?
** AUTHORS NOTE; Hii, here is the newest chapter update of Blood Promise. I hope you enjoy. Let me know if you would like to be tagged in future chapter updates ;)***
[Two weeks later]
 It was Friday. The end of the week and the beginning of the weekend, and I couldn’t be more excited to just relax in my room, and binge watch some of my favorite shows. I just wanted to throw on my favorite silk pajamas with a tub of ice cream placed in my lap and just enjoy my sweet, sweet time alone. It was approaching 4pm in the evening, and I had decided to go to the library for a couple hours to study for my medieval literature class, after class. Chanyeol and Sehun ended up coming with me to study for our class we had together at the library. I thought about how I’ve grown surprisingly close to the two boys in such a short time. They were always goofing around whenever they were around me, but I didn’t really mind. Although, Sehun can really get on my nerves sometimes.
We were now seated by a large window in a wide and longish table near the back corner of the library, so that nobody would come up to bother us as we studied. The weather outside today was rainy and gloomy. The gray clouds covered the sky, as rain petals fell from the sky hitting my window. All that can be heard in the library is the sound of rain and the faint sound of the air conditioner blowing down. Staring outside your window now, you were beginning to get lost in the rain; you had your headphones in your ear. You were listening to some soft tunes hoping that it would help me relax and get my mind off certain things, so that I could concentrate better on my studies.
Getting back to writing down my notes from today’s class into my notebook; I was currently in the middle of a song when all of a sudden I feel the right bud of my headphones being pulled out from my ear. “What the fuck Sehun” I curse at him; keeping my voice low because were still in the library and I didn’t want to drag any attention to ourselves. “Why’d you do that for?” I asked, annoyance written all over my face. Chanyeol sitting in front of you in the table chuckles plopping the book he was reading down on the table. “C’mon Sehun.. leave Alana alone she’s clearly in her zone.” He spoke. You were glad you had a friend like Chanyeol. At least he helped keep Sehun from annoying you too much. “Thank you, Chanyeol” You smiled up at him. “At least you have some kind of decadency” you said in a sarcastic tone turning your head to your right looking over at Sehun who had a smug smile upon his face. You roll your eyes at him. “Oooh! Lighten up Alana.” He says. “You’re always so uptight, and I was getting bored just sitting here watching you guys study.” Sehun now laughing in between his sentences as he sees the scowl reaction of being bothered on my face. His hands were clutching to his stomach, as he continued to laugh at your face. Sehun runs his fingers through his shiny black hair tilting his head back a bit; eyes crinkling on the sides of his face. “Whatever” I tell him, a slight smile appearing on my face now. Quickly trying to focus back on my notes in front of me I pick up my pencil and begin to write. Moments later I hear Chanyeol clearing his throat. Looking up from my notes yet again, eyebrows raised, I placed my pencil back down on the desk seeming to notice Chanyeol who looks like he wants to get something off his chest. Sighing you speak; “Spit it out.” I tell him. Letting out a deep breath he speaks, “To be fair.. Sehun’s right. You’re always so uptight and tense.” Scoffing.
 “I am not uptight” I say defensively crossing my arms against my chest pouting.
“I just have a lot on my mind lately.” I admit to them. “Like what?” Sehun joins into the conversation, grabbing my pencil playing with it. Rolling your eyes,
I could tell that he was interested in what’s been distracting my thoughts lately.
“Just stuff… nothing you need to worry about.” I spit out rather quickly averting my gaze from both their stares. Although, something really was on your mind, and it was bothering you to a great extent, but you didn’t want to tell them just yet.
  It’s been two weeks now since what happened outside my uncle’s office late at night. I just couldn’t stop myself thinking about what I had seen that night. It’s like its embedded itself deep into my brain, and that’s all I’ve been thinking about lately. All that ran through my mind was them. Their gorgeous yet dangerous faces.  It all happened so fast. Recalling back to that night once more I remember seeing Baekhyun and Baëkhyun in a hidden corner behind the school walls with what looked like, blood all over their hands. They didn’t even seem fazed, by the fact you had found them. I remember hearing faint whispering from afar which was what peaked my curiosity to follow their voices in the first place. I had no idea I would end up finding them outside, so late at night. I remembered how intimidating they were from when I was back in my uncle’s office. First with Baekhyun, and then with Baëkhyun. I remember feeling paralyzed under their strong gaze. I shivered when I remembered the way they both stared at me when they realized I had caught them in such a suspicious act. Unfazed and unbothered. Even if it was just for a second it still was able to give me goosebumps. I couldn’t help but shiver a little Chanyeol and Sehun both noticing. Why were they out so late? Didn’t Chanyeol and Sehun say that your uncle didn’t allow students out of their rooms past dusk? Were they students from Night Class? What was your uncle doing talking to them, so late at night? My mind was just spinning with unanswered questions.
 Snapping out of my trance state. I turn my head towards both Chanyeol and Sehun. Sensing something was up they both looked at me curiously. “What’s wrong Alana?” Chanyeol asked. Wanting to know more about the Night Class students I asked him. “You remember how on my first day of class you guys brought up the subject on the Night Class students, and all that stuff?” I began.  “Y-yeahh” Chanyeol stutters nervous about where this was going. “Why did something happen? Did you see someone from Night Class?” He asked worry and curiosity laced in his voice. Unlike Chanyeol, Sehun was quiet. Surprised he hadn’t said anything, I remember he was the one who had told me about the Night Class students, and how they were freaks of nature. I really didn’t want to make them worry about me and my problems on behalf of the Byun twins.
 “No, I just want to know more about them.” I tell them, hoping they would give me the answers I was looking to hear. Sehun then suddenly put his arm around my shoulders pulling me into his chest. “Listen Alana, don’t worry too much about them. They are practically ghosts at this school.” He said with a smile on his face. “But you said that no one has ever seen students from the Night Class right?” I ask him, Chanyeol now listening in. “You said they were freaks of nature.” Sehun lets out a deep chuckle; “You really don’t let anything slip past you, do you Alana.”
 “Please Sehun” you looked at him with pleading eyes begging him to tell you more.
 Chanyeol sighs. “We think that the Night Class is some sort of secret society” Chanyeol begins to explain. “But we don’t really know’ since we’ve never seen one of them” He finishes.
 “I heard from a couple people in my economy class that the Night Class students are into some pretty dark shit” Sehun joins in.
 “What do you mean, by “Dark shit”” you ask.
 “Well that’s what we don’t know” Chanyeol shrugs.
 “We’ve never seen any of them to tell you that remember..” Sehun reminds me with a slight smile on his face.  “They don’t like to interact with Day Class students. They like to stay hidden from us.”
 “It’s rare for a student from Day Class to come across students from Night Class. Especially since Headmaster Dae doesn’t allow us coming out of our rooms after a certain time at night.” Chanyeol finishes
 “I wonder why?” a frown forming on my face. My mind wanders back to the Byun brothers. if I wasn’t curious enough about them before then I definitely was now. Was it just some lucky coincidence that I out of all people in this school happened to run into not one, but two potential students from Night Class on my first day of attending Hallows Boarding School?
 “Do you think my uncle, or must I say headmaster know about what goes on during the Night Class?” I ask them. Sehun soon detaches his arm from around your shoulder and leans back on his chair.
 “Oh yeah, for sure” they both speak at the same time, and this causes me to freeze in my seat. Noticing your state of panic, they say “But you shouldn’t worry” Chanyeol says. “Whatever they do during their time together, I’m sure your uncle’s just keeping them in check, so that they won’t cause any sorts of trouble.” Chanyeol says while Sehun starts patting your back gently comforting your nerves. Clearing his throat Sehun speaks.
 “Anyways, it’s getting late we should be getting back to our rooms now.” They both smile. “Wouldn’t want to be yelled at by the headmaster” Sehun continue. Dropping his head Chanyeol begins to laugh, his eye slightly closed, and the sides of his eyes crinkling. Shaking his head “Sehun’s a little afraid of Headmaster Dae” a smug look on his face. “You weren’t supposed to tell her that.” Sehun nudges Chanyeol on the shoulder across the table. “Now she’s going to think I’m some kind of wimp.” Giggling I rub Sehun’s back. “It’s okay Sehun, I know my uncle can be a little strict sometimes.” I smile up at him. Soon agreeing with Sehun, Chanyeol and Sehun both stand up from their seats throwing their books into their bookbags and sling it over one shoulder. Making his way around the table Chanyeol’s tall form comes up behind me. “Don’t stay out too late Alana”
patting your shoulder, both of them mumble their final goodbye’s as you watch them walk towards the entrance of the library. Turning back my head from looking a smile still plastered across my face, I quickly put my headphones back in my ears and resume writing down the rest of my notes hoping to finish soon.
 It was now a quarter to eight, and you had just finished writing down all your notes from your class. Slightly pissed at how many slides your teacher assigned. It was already dark outside. All you could see now was the moon’s light up in the sky as it casted through the window into the library. The lights in the library were dimmed down, and only a couple were turned on. The librarian had left around 7pm, in which she had to turn down some of the lights in the room, leaving me alone. Making note to myself to stop staying out so late I quickly get up from my chair. Fixing my uniform and clutching my books to my chest I start to walk towards the entrance of the library. You were exhausted and you just couldn’t wait to get back to your room and run yourself a hot bath.
 Almost reaching the door I suddenly freeze in my spot; eyes wide when I see two familiar figures walking towards the library. I prayed that they weren’t thinking of coming in here. It was them. Starting to panic; knowing they would eventually see me in here, I quickly looked directly down to the ground my books still pressed against my chest hoping to avoid talking to them. I began to feel the palms of my hands sweat. My heart was racing, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Still with my head down making my way towards the door I stop dead in my tracks when I hear the sound of the doors of the library opening and closing shortly after.
 “Well, well… look who we have here.” Baekhyun’s eyes scanning down your figure. Already familiar with Baekhyun’s voice, I knew it was him who had just spoken.
 “If it isn’t Alana” He began. “Jongdae’s precious little niece” feeling brave you slowly lift your head to meet their faces. My breath hitches. Heart beating even faster, palms sweating even more. They were BOTH standing right in front of me. Baëkhyun was just staring at me with his cold soulless eyes which seemed to hold no remorse or compassion in them at all. Baëkhyun hasn’t said a word since they both arrived. He just continues to watch me carefully.
 “We’ve been hoping to see you again.” Baekhyun speaks after a moment of silence. That stupid smirk back on his gorgeous face. I quickly scanned them over. Baekhyun was wearing what looked like the school’s uniform. He wore a gray suit. His suit was unbuttoned so you were able to see he was wearing a white turtleneck underneath. He was so broad you thought to yourself. You couldn’t help, but stare at him in awe, but also in fear. He paired his outfit with expensive black dress shoes, and some accessories which in this case were a couple rings around his slender fingers. His raven black hair was messily styled, his bangs falling over his face a bit, but not too much because I was still able to see his forehead peeking through. I hadn’t noticed this last time, but you seem to notice a pair of dangly earrings hanging on his right ear. On the other hand, Baëkhyun was not wearing his school uniform. I could tell, by how Baëkhyun acts that he wasn’t the type to follow school rules that often. Baëkhyun’s silver white hair was styled a little differently than today than when you first saw him. His hair was styled so that you could see an undercut. His bangs falling to one side of his face, exposing his forehead in a comma-shaped style. Baëkhyun wore a black turtleneck shirt, a necklace dangling down his chest and a pair of black leather pants that squeezed his thighs deliciously. I couldn’t help my eyes from wandering between the two of them, but just look at them. They were extremely gorgeous. Between their soft milky skin, their pink lips, their piercing eyes, and the way they dressed, it was impossible for you not to become affected by them in some way.
 Noticing that you had been staring at them Baekhyun finally speaks “What’s the matter Alana? Cat got your tongue?” He chuckles.
 “S-sorry” you make out past your lips.
 Baekhyun smiles down at your tiny form leaning down so that you both were now staring into his each other’s eyes. I quickly avert my gaze form his and look over to Baëkhyun who was still watching my every move. I felt so small under his gaze.
Feeling like he was judging me. Baëkhyun was standing in a straight posture, his arms in front of him hands holding his wrists. Realizing that you had been staring at Baëkhyun, Baekhyun turns his head around to meet Baëkhyun’s face and he smirks.
 Standing up straight; Baekhyun fixes himself and gestures you to take a seat in the chair beside you. “Why don’t we sit down and have a little chat princess?” Baekhyun says tilting his head to the side as he now watches me fidget under both their gazes. Nervously I begin to pull on the sleeves of my school uniform playing with them. Nodding my head, I slowly push the chair out from under the table and take a seat, as he had just instructed me to do. Just as I sat down Baekhyun comes right after me and sits right beside me. As for Baëkhyun, he slowly pulls out the chair from where he was standing a few feet away from you and sits down.
 “Sorry” Baekhyun speaks again.
 “My brother isn’t the very talkative type” He smirks down at you.
 I gulp. They were making you so nervous. Here you were with the two guys you had seen two weeks ago with blood on their hands, and all you could focus on was the way they were looking at you, and how they were making you feel at this very moment, all thoughts I once had about them in my head gone.
 “Soo.. Alana” Baekhyun starts.
 “We know you saw us that night, and we just wanted to clear some things up, He says while taking a piece of my hair in his fingers and twirling it. “and we want explain to you what you might’ve saw that night” He says.
 I stutter “I-I won’t say anything” I make out past my lips. Fear written all over my face,
 “I don’t even know what I saw exactly” you continue. “I-It was dark.”
 Baekhyun chuckles. “Aww.. your cute. I like you” He states. I’m now seated facing forward on the table hands in my lap as you look over at Baëkhyun as he continues to watch me and Baekhyun interact. I suddenly feel the cold sensation of Baekhyun’s hand as his left hand makes contact with my left cheek as he slides his hand down my face in a slow and teasing manner. His hands were soft against my skin.
 “We know you wouldn’t say anything princess” Baekhyun continues.
 “I just want to explain to you what me and my brother are.”
 That seemed to get your attention, and Baekhyun could tell by how your eyes lit up at his words.
 Still smirking he laughs. “I know you’ve probably been thinking about us, wondering about what happened that night, and what we are, am I wrong?” He asks already knowing your answer.
  Still facing Baëkhyun. Body frozen in its spot on the chair. I felt paralyzed. Putting his arms around your shoulder Baekhyun leans into you. His nose teasingly taking a whiff of my sweet scene. My heart was beating like hammers in my chest. The pulse on my neck tempting Baekhyun to an extreme. You whimper from the slightest touch of his lips grazing your skin. His lips now coming in contact with my ear he whispers, “You smell so..” he pauses, eyes closed as he inhales my scent. Baekhyun’s hair tickling the insides of my neck, he shortly exhales a deep breath “Sweet” just like I remembered his lips ghosting my ear.
 “W-what are you guys?” voice trembling in fear and something else I can’t quite put a finger on.
 “I know about the Night Class”
 “About your secret society”
 “What is my uncle’s business with you guys” I continue to ask trying to sound the least bit unaffected as Baekhyun continues to tease me.
  Baekhyun was about to answer when someone else’s voice cut through the now silent room of the library. My heart skipped and I gasped. Baekhyun chuckles into your ear causing goosebumps to rise up my skin.
  “You really are a curious little one” Baëkhyun spoke.
 “It’s no secret society sweetheart.” Baëkhyun continues.
 His tone cold and intimidating. Baekhyun eventually pulls away from my neck watching his brother approach me, as Baëkhyun now stands in front of me on the other side of the table. The only thing blocking us being the long desk. Watching him with my curious eyes not leaving his broad form, your breathing ragged now. Placing his palms flat on the table he leans down in front of me. Our faces so close to each other I can feel his breath on my cheek. Eyes scanning down my face he licks his lips hungrily
  “It’s a class for Vampires” he says with no remorse in his voice.
“Vampires aren’t real” I make out past my lips. They both chuckle.
“Ooh, they are very real indeed Alana” Baëkhyun continues.
 And you’re in a library all alone with TWO vampires” He continues a sadistic laugh escaping his lip as Baekhyun moves back to whisper in your ear.
 “You realize Alana” Baekhyun begins speaking into your ear.
“If we wanted too” His hot breath on my skin causing me to stir in my seat again.
 Baëkhyun this time trading in his cold expression; now displaying a smirk across his face.
 “We could drain you of your blood right here.” Baekhyun says into your ear.
 I slowly being to cry. Tears threatening to fall down your cheek. Your lips quivering
 “P-Please don’t” you beg. You didn’t want to die like this.
 “I’ll do anything” I tell them. Eyes closed now, as Baëkhyun just stares me down with the same sadistic smirk enjoying seeing you squirm.  Opening your eyes slowly you feel Baekhyun’s lips press softly to your neck. Still looking at Baëkhyun his eyes dark now, but also filled with what looked like lust as you feel Baekhyun’s hands coming to wrap around your throat lightly, tilting your neck so that you were exposed to his mouth, so that Baëkhyun could see what his brother was doing. You gasp when you feel his lips make contact with the beating pulse on your neck licking a strip up your neck, then planting a kissing to the area very gently that you end up letting out a small whine escape from your lips.
 “We’re not going to hurt you Alana. We just want to have some fun with you.” Baekhyun says sending chills down your spine, as he continues to place feather light kisses to my now sensitive neck. Subconsciously arching my neck more for him.
 Now it’s Baëkhyun’s turn to speak again.
 “Besides..” He pauses.
 “Your uncle owes us for what he’s done….”
  “What have I just gotten myself into” I wondered as I was seated in the middle of the library with two dangerous predators. One kissing my neck, and the other watching as I began to give into temptation with each passing minute…….
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byunsbobobu · 4 years
Blood Promise [ Chapter 4]
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Vampire Baekhyun AU
Pairing; Twin Baekhyun/BaekBaëk/ Alana
Genre; vampire/ fantasy AU
angst, intense language, name calling, mentions of blood, slight violence
Word Count: 4893  Prologue
Chapter 1   Chapter 2     Chapter 3 
{~Vampires falling in love with humans was forbidden. That is until 18-year-old Alana Davis moves to town and attends the new boarding school; Hallows Boarding School. Unaware that vampires exist and that the school is home to both Vampires and humans. On one late night Alana stumbles upon two brooding and mysterious twin brothers, but little did she know they would soon change her life.  Will it be for the worse or the better?~}
“Soo.. what brings you hear so suddenly?” He asks curiosity laced in his voice.
 “I just wanted to talk about what happened two weeks ago.” I reply.
 Once those words slipped past my lips my uncle’s smile that he had a few second’s ago quickly disappeared and turned into a frown. He didn’t look to happy that I had brought up that day. Looking at me now. A flash of annoyance in his voice as he spoke.
 “What’s there to talk about?” He began.
“I already told you to stay away from them.”
“That they aren’t good people to be around.” He continued.
 “What’s more to talk about.” He finished now looking at me straight in the eyes. I started to feel uncomfortable around him again. Just like the last two times I had been around him. He emanated such an intimidating and scary aura. He definitely wasn’t the same person he was 2 years ago. Something that happened here over the past few years truly had changed him. I didn’t know if it was for the good, or the bad, but something deep down told me that it wasn’t for the better. Still looking up at him I noticed a change of emotions in his eyes. He no longer had an endearing smile on his face. As I was continued staring at him all I could see was a dull blackness in his eyes. What happened to your uncle out here?
 Sighing and looking down at my lap afraid of my uncle’s intimidating glare, and reaction to seeing the Byun brother’s again playing with my fingers I mumbled out.
 “I saw them..”
 My uncle’s ears perked up at the mention of “them.”  His eyes now looking even more enraged then minutes ago. He looked like he really hated their guts.
 “YOU WHAT!” his voice boomed through the room, slamming his fists on his desk. I yelped, jumping in my seat a little at his surprising outburst. Pinching the bridge of his nose and taking in a deep breath he muttered something under his breath, and I shortly spoke again.
 “I saw them again.” This time looking up from my lap and looking straight into his eyes not breaking eye contact.
  “I saw them, and I know what they are uncle….” You continued.
 And as if timing couldn’t be any worse on my side. All of a sudden someone came crashing through those doors. Not just one, but two familiar voices boomed through the office. Tensing up I freeze when I hear their voices speak. Those same two voice I just couldn’t possibly get out of my head ever since I first saw them.
 “Jongdae we brought you din-.” They both spoke but stopped once they realized I were seated in front of my uncles desk once again they stopped mid-sentence. Afraid to turn around rubbing my palms on my thighs, sweat dripping down my forehead I slowly begin to turn my body towards the two culprits that have seemed to be running through your mind a lot lately. Finally, with your body and face facing both of them my breath catches in my throat at what I was seeing at this very moment. Their mouths and clothes covered in crimson red blood, and their sharp fangs were protruding out from beneath their gums as they stared at you hungrily both their eye’s piercing into your soul, as it looked like what Baëkhyun held in his hand resembled a human heart. I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing.  If I had any doubts that what they had told me last night was a lie. All that clearly vanishing from my mind and replaced with fear. Baekhyun and Baëkhyun were in fact Vampires. Creatures of the night that preyed on humans and drank their blood, and I being a human stood right in front of them.
 Turning my head around to look back over at my uncle I almost screamed at what I saw right in front of me. His eyes had now turned an even darker color of black then before the two had intruded our conversation, but that’s not what you were worried about at the moment. What scared me the most wasn’t his eyes, no.
It was the fangs protruding out beneath his gums similar to both Baekhyun and Baëkhyun’s. Your uncle looked like an enraged dog staring at a piece of meat. That meat being the human heart that Baëkhyun held so clearly in front of both of us. I quickly started to put the pieces together at how strange my uncle has been acting when he was around me. He was just like them. Predators. With my voice shaky out of fear and shock you finally speak.
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Present Day;
“Vampire” I repeated, eyes quivering as I looked between all three of them. I can’t believe that all this time Uncle Jongdae was living so far from our family was because he was a Vampire. He’s been hiding in the shadows for so long, so that no one would find out his awful secret. Obviously my parent’s had figured it out making sense why they had decided it was best to cut ties with him. So then why he created the Night Class.
So, that nobody would find out what he truly was. A monster. A blood thirsty monster that I thought only existed in books and movies, and yet here I am sitting in an office surrounded by three not one vampires that could kill me right now if they really wanted to. Did the Byun brothers turn him? I thought to myself anger coursing through my veins. If they had why would they do this to him. Ruin his life with such a terrible curse.
A curse that made you thrive off blood for survival. Unable to believe this was actually happening I took my left arm and pinched it just to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating right now. I wince as I felt the stinging of the pinch on my arm realizing that I wasn’t in fact hallucinating. That what’s happening before my eyes is actually happening. Turning my head to the side I slightly look over between Baekhyun and Baëkhyun blood still coating their attire their faces unreadable, although I seemed to notice the heart Baëkhyun had been holding in his hand when he first arrived was gone.
Looking down to the ground by his feet I see he had dropped it on the ground as if the heart meant nothing to him. Facing forward again sitting inches away from your uncle’s hungry eyes your eyes coated with fear taking in a noticeable gulpe I whisper to myself hoping that they didn’t catch what I had just said about me planning for my escape. I needed to get out of here. I can’t stay in a room full of blood thirsty vampires who looked like they wanted to literally drain me dry of my blood right at this very moment.
Thinking of a way to escape peacefully I give a side eyed glance to the huge doors that were left wide open upon their entrance at the front of my uncle’s office that both Baekhyun and his brother stood not so far away from. Should I try and make a run for it? I thought to myself. Deciding on not going with that option I end up putting a brave face. Heart racing, I clear my throat which then seems to catch all three of their attentions. “I-I think I should be going” I say trying not to sound terrified around them.
Slowly getting up from the chair and fixing myself I take a bow thanking my uncle for allowing me to come visit him today. Never will I speak to him ever again now that I know what he is, but I would never tell him that of course. The room was  filled with an uncomfortable atmosphere with just the sounds of their heavy breathing being heard throughout the room. Finally stepping aside from standing in front of my uncle I slowly start to make my way towards the open doors head facing down towards the ground afraid fidgeting with my hands afraid to look up and meet the gaze of the intimidating brother’s that I could feel piercing right through me.
 I was almost at the exit of the door. Just about to pass by Baëkhyun when suddenly out of nowhere he grabbed a tight hold of my wrist turning me around. I let out a surprised squeal. Turning me around and pressing my back against his broad chest. His hand wrapping around my throat as he turned my face to look ahead at my uncle who now possessed the most sinister look on his face. Struggling to free myself from his tight grip I fail as his hands were now currently around my neck head tilting it up slightly so that I was staring straight at my uncle.  
  My uncle stands up on his feet behind his desk slowly starting to walk towards me. The echo of his shoes tapping across the wooden floors. Breathing heavily, I felt like my heart was about to fall out of my chest. My uncle begins to chuckle, his laugh causing a shiver up my spine as he begins to speak after the longest silence. You looked over at Baekhyun who had a sinister smile on his face licking his lips as he looked over at me struggling to escape his brother’s hold. “Let me go please” you begged tears threatening to spill from your eyes still withering in Baëkhyun’s grasp.
“Sweetheart. There’s no need to keep trying to escape. There’s no use.” Baekhyun speaks that smirk you hated so much back on display on his perfectly sculpted face. You hated how perfect both of them looked. Looking back now at my uncle who now stood only a few inches away from the three of us his hand resting on his chin rubbing his lip while looking me dead set in the eyes as if he was in deep thought about something.
   “Now you see Alana” your uncle starts. “I didn’t want it to end up like this. I tried to warn you about hanging out with them hmm, didn’t I?” He asked you and continued on. “But you just couldn’t seem to do that simple thing couldn’t you.” Struggling to speak from Baëkhyun’s tight grip around my neck closing my airways slightly impairing me from speaking I make out.
“I didn’t mean to.” I started to say tears now falling down past my cheek as I felt Baëkhyun’s fingers lightly graze my skin moving my hair to one side his breath fanning the shell of my ear leaving the other side completely exposed to his liking. You gasp at the feeling of electricity running through your body from the feeling of his fingers on your skin. Trying to act as if I wasn’t being affected by him in this way squirming under his touch.
 “They kept coming to look for me.” My voice now strained from crying. “I tried to stay away from them uncle. You have to believe me.” I told him looking at him with pleading eyes praying he believed my words. Suddenly I was caught off guard when my uncle began to laugh uncontrollably. He sounded insane It made me feel nervous. I had no idea that my uncle could act this way towards his own niece. His own blood.
Letting these vampires just do whatever they pleased with me, I thought to myself. I hated to admit this but, at this very moment as much as this might sound crazy. I was more frightened by my uncle’s actions then the two brothers standing by me. I was more afraid of what HE would do to me rather than the vampire who currently had me pressed against him neck completely exposed for him to just sink his teeth into.
 “You see Alana” I would’ve believed you if you weren’t so readable. He began after controlling his laughter down to a low chuckle looking down at the ground clearing his throat. After readjusting himself he looks up and meets my own eyes, his sinister eyes piercing through your soul yet again. Now confused about what he was about to say.
 “You might not realize it yet my precious niece.” A sadistic smirk on his face. “But your body language says it all.” At hearing this you feel Baëkhyun roughly move you from his hold and places you to stand in the middle of both of them. “W-what are you d-doing” you ask looking at Baëkhyun his dark eyes causing you to gasp. “Just be quiet would you” he mutters under his breath. “Your whining irritates me.” He finishes. The look he’s giving shutting me up immediately. Now standing in between both Baekhyun and Baëkhyun. Baekhyun standing on your right as Baëkhyun stood on your left. You feel the both of them move closer to your side. Baekhyun grips my right wrist while Baëkhyun grips my left one.
  I feel Baekhyun moves closer to me his lips were now grazing the shell of my ear, as Baëkhyun did the same thing to the other. “So sweet” Baekhyun says in my right ear tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear moving my black hair to the side so that my neck was fully exposed to him while Baëkhyun did the same on the other side. His fingers trailing down my soft skin and down my neck causing goosebumps to rise on my skin pale skin. A husky chuckle escaping past Baekhyun’s lips causing me to let out a small whimper.
  “You humans are so fragile, powerless against us and it excites me.” Baëkhyun says as Baekhyun’s cold hands begin to run down my right arm  “This vein right here” Baëkhyun says tracing its outline with his cold finger lightly. “Is just waiting for me to sink my teeth into.” He says and you wither. Looking at your uncle pleading him to help you as he just stares at you watching as they played with you.
 “You see Alana. The reason you can’t seem to stay away from them is because deep down you really don’t want to. Am I right my dear? My uncle asks. “My niece” He gives you a displeased and disapproving look directed your way. “My niece wants those two vampires right beside her to claim her as theirs. Don’t you Alana?” He asks again. Unable to reply due to Baekhyun leaning in to whisper in my ear his hot breath hitting the side of my face. “Please” I begged him “Please don’t do this Baekhyun.” I say trying to convince him to stop. “Don’t act so innocent now sweetheart” Baekhyun begins.
“You want us both to sink our piercing white teeth into your pretty little neck and taste your blood don’t you Baby?” Squirming under both their touches. I didn’t want them to know that deep down I fantasize about such acts between me and them. Trying to stop myself from thinking about it any further I snap myself out of my thoughts. While Baekhyun continued to torture me and tease me with his words Baëkhyun on the other side of me side bites down teasingly on my earlobe causing me to let out a suppressed whimper.
 “Look at you Alana so ready to let them just bite you. You should see the look on your face. The look of pure arousal. That disgusts me.” He spits out anger laced in his voice. “You are so willing to let them have their way with you. To feel their fangs on your neck or anywhere they might please.  Does that turn you on little niece?” He asks his voice condescending and amusing. “To have these filthy creatures all over you like that?” He continues his eyes infused with rage
 “You know something Alana. Your aunt was just like you.” He speaks my eyes widen in shock. At this very moment I remember all the conversations I once had with my beloved parents about my how my aunt wanted to file for a divorce with my uncle because he was very abusive towards her. I then slowly began to put those pieces together as he continued to ramble on.
   “She let a filthy blood thirsty vampire drink from her neck.” Still struggling to escape from both brother’s I failed once again as they were obviously much stronger than me. “I don’t want them to do anything like that with me uncle Jongdae” I say trying to sound the least bit convincing, but in reality deep down I also didn’t even believe myself as those words fell from my lips. Why did I not mind them drinking my blood? Why does the mere thought of that excite me so much, I thought? Your uncle laughs. “Sweetheart no reason to fight it now it’s clear all over your face.”
 Building up the courage I ask, “Did they turn you?” I muster out asking the question I have been dreading to ask since I found out their true identity. Nodding he smirks up at you eyebrows raised as he ran his fingers through his black hair as he began to drag his feet across the room to now stand face to face with me as I was still standing between the Byun brothers.
 “The opposite actually” your eyes widen.
 “My sweet niece you are so naïve”
 “W-what” Your eyes begin to water.
 “You turned them?”
 “H-how d-did this happen.” You ask.
 “How could you do this?”
  “Well you see Alana.” My uncle took a step back from standing so close to my
face. “Your whore of an aunt was having an affair with a vampire. “That’s not even the worst part about it.” He continues. The worst part of it all was that she let them drink from her, even turn her into one of THEM, so she could be with her so called lover for all eternity.” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing right now. Your sweet uncle you once knew was gone. The cause of jealously and vengeance making him turn into this cruel monster in front of you. His wife fell in love with a vampire, and I now understood why he hated vampires so much. His wife cheated on him with one and she let that so-called vampire drink from her. Breaking me out of my thoughts uncle continues.
  “Her lover she loved so much made me into this monster.”
 “A creature of the night who lives off blood”
 “He turned me into a vampire and left me to rot in this body for all eternity. Alone”
 So, I did the only thing I could think of doing at the moment. Looking between the two brothers who were still playing with me completely in a daze from smelling my sweet scent and looking at me like I was  their preferred meal of choice unaware of what my uncle was about to say.  He smirks as your eyes widen at the realization at what he was about to say. He couldn’t possibly have the heart to do such a thing I told myself, but deep down I knew that jealously can make people do a lot of things they don’t mean.
 “I killed her lover’s so-called sons to get back at him for making me like this” He said as me motioned down to his soulless body. “ So, I ended up turning his two most precious sons he held so dear to him into vampires so he would feel the pain I felt when he decided to turn my wife into a god damn vampire.” At hearing those words, I froze.
 Baekhyun and his brother didn’t turn my uncle into vampires. My uncle turned them into vampires. Hearing this I now understood what they meant back in the library by my uncle owing them, but why were they working alongside my uncle if they hated him from how they spoke of him back at the library the other day.  From hearing Uncle Jongdae words spill out about Baekhyun and Baëkhyun’s father I swore I heard a low growl emit from both of them signaling that what my uncle had just confessed hit a nerve. I whimper when they tighten their grip around your wrists a bit my uncle sensing their anger.
“Oooh did I touch a nerve boys.” My uncle spoke giving them a sarcastic pout as if he was mocking them. Suddenly their grip on both my wrists loosened and I feel them let go my wrists. As they were now both facing my uncle. They looked absolutely furious. Eyebrows furrowed they growled again their deep husky voice causing me to jump balling their fists .
“Don’t talk about our father you sadistic freak.” Baëkhyun says darting towards my uncle anger radiating off his body. Trying to stop him from doing anything, but unfortunately that didn’t work.  Baëkhyun didn’t get far though because sooner or later my uncle pulled out a silver blade hidden on the inside of his suit and stabbed Baëkhyun with it on his right shoulder cutting straight through his clavicle. Baëkhyun yells in agony as he falls straight to his knees hands pressing on the wound my uncle just had plunged the blade into. “The blade was covered in poison by the way. He will be dead in an hour if you don’t find him a cure. My uncle says once stabbing him with the blade
 Putting pressure on his wound. Uncertain why suddenly I let out a mortifying scream quickly running over to where Baëkhyun was kneeled on the floor looking straight up at my uncle blood coating his hands. “Are you okay?” I asked him concern laced in voice tears running down my cheeks as I quickly looked around the room trying to find something, anything to place on his bleeding shoulder. Baëkhyun watched you curiously as you looked around to find something to help him. He was confused on why I was crying over someone like him and why I was helping him when all he’s ever done to me was trying to hurt me. Still crying my uncle speaks.
 Looking up at him tears building up again as you continued to cry as Baëkhyun struggled beside me. “You care about these creatures that much that you are already crying over them.”
 “Alana. They don’t care about you sweetheart.” He continues
 “They only want your blood and that’s it.”
 Voice strained I muster out as, my hands trembled.
“You really have become a monster.”
 “No wonder my parents kept me away from you.”
I finish, his eyes coated with even more anger then a few minutes ago, as I looked away from him looking back at Baëkhyun who had been staring at me this whole time while  he knelt on the ground beside me blood dripping down his arm.
 Baekhyun finally coming over to crouch down next to his brother  other side. “Brother are you okay?” He asked. The look on his face was fear. Baekhyun looked like he was about to cry. I have never imagined I would ever see him this way. I thought he was heartless.  The intimidating Baekhyun who made jokes all the time. He looks up at my uncle and speaks
“YOU ASSHOLE. We are doing as you ask Master.” He continues.
“You said you wouldn’t  hurt either of us anymore” He stands up.
 “That was before you disobeyed my order about staying away from my goddamn niece you preverted freaks” my uncle yells at Baekhyun.
 “ What do I do.” He asks with pleading eyes.
 “I’ll do anything. Just let me save my brother.”
 “I can’t lose him too.” Baekhyun’s begins tears rolling down his cheeks as he tries to act tough even in this horrible situation.
 “Hmmm” Jongdae says as tries to think of something to say.
 “Fine. I’ll let you save your brother.” He begins, Baekhyun’s face lighting up.
 “ But… only if you erase the memories from my nieces mind about what she saw here today in my office and also of her having ever met the both of you three weeks ago.”
 Baekhyun pauses seeming conflicted with my uncles terms on the conditions to save his brothers life.
 “Oooh stop being so dramatic not like you care about her anyways right?” my uncle asks.
 “So, take the offer and you will be able to save your brother.”
 As Baekhyun was struggling to make a decision about erasing your memories I was still in the middle of looking for something to help Baëkhyun in the meantime. I then remembered the scarf wrapped around my neck. Completely haven forgetting the reason I had chosen to wear it I unwrap it from around my neck and quickly move back to crouching on my knees tending to his wound. Baekhyun looks down at me attempting anyway to stop his brother’s suffering. Both of them now watching me with such curiosity.
They have never seen a human act this way towards them. Anytime a human would come in contact with them ever since they became vampires people would run the opposite direction, but not Alana. Alana was different from the others and that caused a different emotions to develop for the both of them over the mortal girl. They were even more interested in her now.
  Wrapping the scarf around his bleeding shoulder Baëkhyun’s breath hitting your face as he watched me tie it while Baekhyun watched you help his brother. “Just keep pressing on it. It should help stop the bleeding for a little while to last you a little longer. I’m sorry this happened to you.” You rambled on as you tended to him. “If having to erase my memories from having met you guys to save your life I completely understand.” A tear rolls down my cheek yet again. Never in my life have I cried this much. It just seemed that I couldn’t stop crying over these two men that I had just met three weeks ago. Unable to control himself Baëkhyun takes his uninjured arm and slowly wipes the tear from falling down my cheek.
Looking him in the eyes from his sudden unexpected actions I finish up tying the scarf around his shoulder and move away from the close proximity of his face he muttered a quiet “Thanks” as I stared into his usual cold eyes, but this time they were no longer cold his eyes had a hint of appreciation in them and at this I gave him a small smile blushing looking down trying to hide it from their field of vison when suddenly I heard a menacing growl coming from my uncle pushing Baekhyun to the side causing him to hit a wall hard on falling to the ground. Baekhyun grunts looking up I yelp when he grabs me by my coat collar pulling me up to my feet moving my hair to the side tilting my head to examining my neck that I had forgotten Baekhyun had left a hickey there the other day.
 “You let them do this to you.” He stared his hands coming around to grip my throat as he began to choke me lifting my feet off the ground. “
 You are more like your aunt then I had ever imagined. I didn’t expect you to give into them so easily.”
 “You are just as much of a filthy whore as she was”
 I struggled in his grasp feet dangling in the air  as I tried to fight for my freedom his grasp around my throat getting tighter every passing minute continuing to choke me. I begged him to stop tears running down my face. I looked a mess right now. My hair was everywhere. My uniform had small rips in places. Was this how I was going to die I thought? By the hands of my own uncle. Slowly feeling my eyes begin to close I start to see black you.
 Who’s mark is this?” He asked, but I was unable to reply as I could speak.
 “I will not have a vampire’s whore for a niece” He continued. Now choking and coughing.
 “P-please u-uncle I c-can’t breathe”
 “Maybe I should do the same as I did with your aunt hm?”
 Starting to finally lose conscious I began to resist the urge to fight for my life. I then black out but not before hearing a faint, but husky voice in the background.
and just like that you had blacked out......
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 ** Authors Note**
Well.... I ended it on a cliffhanger again. HAHA sorry don’t hate me. I was going to do a longer chapter for chapter 4, but I ended up at the last minute not making it to long and ending it like this. I feel like I haven’t really touched base on Jongdae’s past and how Baekhyun and Baëkhyun became vampires in the first place so I thought it was necessary before I got into all the other stuff between BaekBaëk and Alana.
Now I’m hoping to bring some steamy scenes between the brother’s next chapter for sure now that things between the three of them have seemed to be intense and they are becoming more involved with each other. So except some smut next chapter for sure, for those that are waiting for that. ;)
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byunsbobobu · 4 years
Blood Promise [ Chapter 3 ]
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Vampire Baekhyun AU
Pairing; Twin Baekhyun/BaekBaëk/ Alana
Genre; vampire/ fantasy AU
Warnings; angst, fluff, language, mentions of blood, (smut in future chapters)
Word Count: 3062
Prologue:   Chapter 1:    Chapter 2:  
~Vampires falling in love with humans was forbidden. That is until 18-year-old Alana Davis moves to town and attends the new boarding school; Hallows Boarding School. Unaware that vampires exist and that the school is home to both Vampires and humans. On one late night Alana stumbles upon two brooding and mysterious twin brothers, but little did she know they would soon change her life.  Will it be for the worse or the better?~
The next morning, I woke up in my room. Unaware of how I got here in my bed, and under the covers. I get up abruptly sitting up on my bed, my eyes wide in shock. I still wore the same outfit I had on yesterday haven’t yet changed out of it. My hair though was a complete disaster as it was sticking up in all different directions on top of my head. Last I could remember was being in the library so late at night with… taking a deep breath and swallowing the lump down in my throat. With them; the Byun brothers. How did I get back here? Looking around my surroundings checking and making sure nobody was in my room. Not finding anyone here I begin to relax my shoulders. Confused now at how I could’ve gotten here without remembering.
  I couldn’t remember anything past sitting in the library with them. Why was that? I wondered. Last thing I remember was them talking some crazy nonsense about them being Vampires. All of a sudden I burst out laughing out loud to myself. I swore I was starting to go crazy. Vampires! no way. They couldn’t be. I kept telling myself over and over again trying, even though deep down I knew they weren’t making it up. At least not fully, because I can’t forget the way Baekhyun was touching and kissing around my neck, and Baëkhyun’s hungry stare as he stared at my beating pulse on my neck where Baekhyun’s lips were pressed up against. Thinking about it now. I slowly remember almost giving in to their teasing ministrations of letting Baekhyun sink his teeth into my neck, and I shivered. Why would I be thinking of such a thing like that. Mentally smacking myself in the head I wonder Was this how they caught their prey? By seducing them. Damn, I really must be crazy.
Snapping out of my thoughts I check to see the time and see that it’s only a couple hours until my first class of the morning. Grunting and deciding to get ready early since I’m already up anyways I slowly remove the covers from myself body and get up from my comfy bed. Pulling my shirt up to my nose I give it a quick sniff and I immediately cringe at the way I smelt from not showering last night. I began to get worried that I might’ve smelt like this when I was back in the library. Groaning and rolling my eyes, I begin removing the rest of my clothes bringing it to them hamper in my closet and throwing it in.
Walking into my bathroom and facing the mirror I start adjusting my hair by putting it up in a messy bun. Suddenly I freeze all the color of my face gone. looking at myself in the mirror I gasp. A purple mark was evident on my neck. Moving closer to the mirror I analyze the bruise on my sensitive skin. Taking my finger, I lightly touch the mark and wince from the slight sting. “Fuck! Baekhyun that bastard” I cursed. What was I going to do about THIS thing on my neck? Now clearly annoyed, as if I wasn’t already annoyed before I dropped the hold on my hair and decide to keep it down today. Since it was winter it was also the perfect opportunity to wear one of my scarfs I had in my closet. This is great! I smiled. no one will suspect a thing. Turning around from facing the mirror I walk towards my shower opening the see-through glass door, and stepping in. Turning the handle of the shower; the water beings to trickle down from the shower head. As the warm water makes contact with my skin, I let out a deep breath I hadn’t known I was holding. Running my fingers through my now soaked black hair tilting my head back I begin to relax.
 After a couple of minutes of standing under the water I’m finally finished. Turning off the shower, I open the glass door and step out the souls of my feet touching the cold white tile of the floor and I grab my towel wrapping it around my body and make my way out of the foggy bathroom. Walking into my closet and switching on the lights I walk over to the rack of clothes where all my uniforms hung. I decided to switch it up today from wearing all black and ended up going with a gray long sleeve coat that had the school’s logo imprinted on the top pocket of the coat. The coat went down a little past my waist.  Grabbing a white button up dress shirt I paired it with black dress pants and a pair of cute black snow boots along with black gloves to cover my hands from the freezing cold outside, and finally I was ready. Before walking out of my closet I stop in front of the many different scarfs not forgetting to grab one. Now standing in front of the mirror I wrap a white colored scarf around my neck making sure to keep Baekhyun’s love bite out of people’s sights.
  Stepping foot out of my hotel of a closet I walk over towards my bed, sitting on the edge I reach out to grab my phone on my nightstand and quickly check to see the time. The time read 7:40. Twenty minutes until my first class of the day. Thinking I should start heading to my class, I get up from sitting on my bed and head into my small kitchen that was connected with my living room and grabbing a red apple from the fridge to munch on, while I walked to class. Feeling, like I’m ready to go, grabbing my bookbag that hung on one side of the chair near me, slinging the straps over my shoulders I march towards the front door turning the nob, and opening it.  Stepping out into the corridors I say to myself a few words of encouragement and make my way.
  Standing outside in front of the exit of my dormitory building; Looking around my surroundings, taking in a deep breath of cold air from winter. The cold winter air hitting my pale rosy cheeks, and the wind blowing through my soft black hair. I Shiver, rubbing my arms up and down on my body to help create some heat I take a few steps down the stairs and make my way towards class. Deciding to text Chanyeol and Sehun that I was on the way to class and quickly putting my phone back in my pant pocket.
 As I was walking I just couldn’t stop and think about the last words Baëkhyun had said to me last night at the library about Uncle Dae. How he somehow owes them something. What could Uncle Dae possibly owe them. Curiosity getting the best of me again. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket’s again and decided to send my uncle a quick text about wanting to meet up with him after my last class of the day. I needed to talk with him about certain things that have been going on lately. It’s time I finally find out what’s really been really going on with my uncle. Ever since you two had last lost contact with each other 2 years ago, he hasn’t been acting, like the Uncle Dae I once knew.  Frowning I begin to wonder if this was the reason my parents had distanced us from speaking to him all this time? Was it having to do with something related to the Byun brothers?
  Feeling a buzzing vibration emanate from my phone seconds later. Pulling the device up to my face I check to see if it was my uncle responding to my request on meeting later today, and it was him indeed. He replied with a “Okay :)” approaching your classroom, I shove my phone back into my back pocket grabbing the handle of the door twisting the nob and walk inside.
4:00 pm
 Finally. It’s the end of the day, and I couldn’t be happier. Grabbing my bag from the floor and my books from the desk. Standing up I pull my books close to my chest and make my way out of the classroom with Chanyeol and Sehun walking side by side with me as I stood in between the both of them. They had asked if I wanted to grab a quick lunch with them at the café before going back to our dorms and crashing for the rest of the night. I had to sadly, and kindly decline the offer. I had told them I was going to meet up with my uncle to talk to him about some stuff; which they were curious enough to ask about. I knew it was probably best to keep them out of all this drama between my uncle and the Byun brothers; which was why I haven’t told them anything yet. Eventually if they kept integrating me about things I would have to, but for now it was better if they weren’t involved in all this.
 “It really sucks you have to meet with your uncle, today out of all days when we want to go out for lunch.” Sehun whines like a child.
 Looking over at him and giving him a smile, I tell him
“We’ll have lunch some other time this week Sehun. I’m not going anywhere.” I confirm to him. Sehun was awfully clingy. I didn’t expect this type of behavior from him at all, since from my first impression of him on my first day of school didn’t go quite like this. He made it seem like he was a hard-shell on my first day, but in reality he was a big baby, and so was Chanyeol, but he tried to keep his thoughts to himself.
  Chanyeol on the other side of me lets out a deep chuckle lowering his head and shaking it in embarrassment. Turning my head to look up at him smiling you discreetly observe his tall frame hovering over you, with his red hair gelled up enough to expose his forehead. His smile visible on his face; while his cheeks looked a bit red from the cold, he said.  “C’mon Sehun. let’s go Alana needs to go see her uncle.” He says dragging Sehun away from you giving you an apologetic look. Slightly pouting Chanyeol pulls Sehun away and they start heading in the opposite direction as me.  Giving me one last glance back. I wave goodbye to both of them a huge grin on my face before turning back around and heading for my uncle’s office.
  Finally standing in front of my uncle front door of his office I had begun to feel nervous. Flashbacks from the first time I stood in this exact spot outside his door and met Baaekhyun. Quickly snapping out of my thought I fix myself before knocking on the door.
 After a few minutes of waiting I begin to hear the clicking sounds of the lock being turned and then suddenly the door slowly opens. Fear and anxiety were coursing through my veins as I waited to see who would be on the other side of that door. My hands had begun to feel clammy, and my heart was beating particularly fast. I knew that coming here would be the only way to get answers that I needed to get clarity from my uncle, on why the Byun brothers are so adamant in making sure he pays for whatever wrong he did to them. So, I quickly straighten myself up putting on a brave face, in case they were yet again inside his office.
 Finally, with the door wide open, my uncle’s head pop’s out from behind the big doors and a huge smile is on his face. His eyes glowing with admiration as he looked at me.
 “Alana! It’s so good to see you again.” He smiles all worries from our last encounter seeming forgotten.
 “Come in! Come in!” he moves aside motioning me to step enter inside.
 With a quick head nod and a smile, I slowly step through his office doors and entering inside. The office was a bit chilly today, as a breeze wafted my way as he was closing the door behind me. Uncle Dae quickly makes his way behind his desk and sits on his chair, as I sat down in front of him on the same chair I had sat on last time you were here. My mind wandering off again to Baekhyun and Baëkhyun. I just couldn’t seem to stop thinking about them. I couldn’t stop thinking about Baekhyun, and how our first encounter went. I remembered back to his intimidating gaze and the way words rolled off his tongue so effortlessly and seductively. Making me feel like I had been under a spell. I also couldn’t stop thinking about Baëkhyun either. He was so cold and closed off unlike Baekhyun. He didn’t speak much, but he was just so mysterious that my mind couldn’t help but wander off to thoughts about him also.
 Snapping out of my thoughts suddenly I hear my uncle clear his throat. His hands now placed and folded on top of his desk, with a concerning look on his face.
 “Soo.. what brings you hear so suddenly?” He asks curiosity laced in his voice.
 “I just wanted to talk about what happened two weeks ago.” I reply.
 Once those words slipped past my lips my uncle’s smile that he had a few second’s ago quickly disappeared and turned into a frown. He didn’t look to happy that I had brought up that day. Looking at me now. A flash of annoyance in his voice as he spoke.
 “What’s there to talk about?” He began.
“I already told you to stay away from them.”
“That they aren’t good people to be around.” He continued.
 “What’s more to talk about.” He finished now looking at me straight in the eyes. I started to feel uncomfortable around him again. Just like the last two times I had been around him. He emanated such an intimidating and scary aura. He definitely wasn’t the same person he was 2 years ago. Something that happened here over the past few years truly had changed him. I didn’t know if it was for the good, or the bad, but something deep down told me that it wasn’t for the better. Still looking up at him I noticed a change of emotions in his eyes. He no longer had an endearing smile on his face. As I was continued staring at him all I could see was a dull blackness in his eyes. What happened to your uncle out here?
 Sighing and looking down at my lap afraid of my uncle’s intimidating glare, and reaction to seeing the Byun brother’s again playing with my fingers I mumbled out.
 “I saw them..”
 My uncle’s ears perked up at the mention of “them.”  His eyes now looking even more enraged then minutes ago. He looked like he really hated their guts.
 “YOU WHAT!” his voice boomed through the room, slamming his fists on his desk. I yelped, jumping in my seat a little at his surprising outburst. Pinching the bridge of his nose and taking in a deep breath he muttered something under his breath, and I shortly spoke again.
 “I saw them again.” This time looking up from my lap and looking straight into his eyes not breaking eye contact.
  “I saw them, and I know what they are uncle….” You continued.
 And as if timing couldn’t be any worse on my side. All of a sudden someone came crashing through those doors. Not just one, but two familiar voices boomed through the office. Tensing up I freeze when I hear their voices speak. Those same two voice I just couldn’t possibly get out of my head ever since I first saw them.
 “Jongdae we brought you din-.” They both spoke but stopped once they realized I were seated in front of my uncles desk once again they stopped mid-sentence. Afraid to turn around rubbing my palms on my thighs, sweat dripping down my forehead I slowly begin to turn my body towards the two culprits that have seemed to be running through your mind a lot lately. Finally, with your body and face facing both of them my breath catches in my throat at what I was seeing at this very moment. Their mouths and clothes covered in crimson red blood, and their sharp fangs were protruding out from beneath their gums as they stared at you hungrily both their eye’s piercing into your soul, as it looked like what Baëkhyun held in his hand resembled a human heart. I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing.  If I had any doubts that what they had told me last night was a lie. All that clearly vanishing from my mind and replaced with fear. Baekhyun and Baëkhyun were in fact Vampires. Creatures of the night that preyed on humans and drank their blood, and I being a human stood right in front of them.
 Turning my head around to look back over at my uncle I almost screamed at what I saw right in front of me. His eyes had now turned an even darker color of black then before the two had intruded our conversation, but that’s not what you were worried about at the moment. What scared me the most wasn’t his eyes, no.
It was the fangs protruding out beneath his gums similar to both Baekhyun and Baëkhyun’s. Your uncle looked like an enraged dog staring at a piece of meat. That meat being the human heart that Baëkhyun held so clearly in front of both of us. I quickly started to put the pieces together at how strange my uncle has been acting when he was around me. He was just like them. Predators. With my voice shaky out of fear and shock you finally speak.
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** AUTHORS NOTE; OMG!! Don’t hate me about the cliffhanger. I had to ;)
So now Alana knows why Uncle Dae has been acting weird around her, and she now also believes that Vampires are real. Everything starts getting more interesting after this chapter, so stay tuned. Sorry there wasn’t much Baekhyun in this chapter. I wanted to do like a suspenseful chapter where Alana finds out what’s been going on with her uncle. I promise more Baekhyun next chapter and possibly a little steamy ;)
 Also, what do you think happened between Jongdae, Baekhyun and Baëkhyun that they seem to hold against Alana’s uncle?? **
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byunsbobobu · 4 years
Blood Promise  {Chapter 1}
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Vampire Baekhyun AU
Pairing; Twin Baekhyun/BaekBaëk/Alana
Genre; vampire/ fantasy AU
Warnings for this chapter; angst, language, mentions of blood  (smut in future chapters)
Word Count: 3863
 - Synopsis: Vampires falling in love with humans was forbidden. That is until 18-year-old Alana Davis moves to town and attends the new boarding school; Hallows Boarding School. Unaware that vampires exist and that the school is home to both Vampires and humans. On one late night Alana stumbles upon two brooding and mysterious twin brothers, but little did she know they would soon change her life.  Will it be for the worse or the better?}
** authors note; Hello! Welcome to my first chapter of this AU! Now I don’t want this story to be a cliché vampire au, so I challenged myself to make it better for you guys so you will enjoy reading it. This chapter is a little long, and I got a little carried away while writing it, so I apologize for it being so long. Baekhyun unfortunately doesn’t come in until later on in this chapter. Anyways, if anyone would like to be tagged in future updates for this story please let me know in the comments. Thank you! **
 It was the first day of you starting at new school in a new country. To say you weren’t nervous would be a lie. You were very nervous in fact. Ever since arriving here last night you’ve had this weird feeling something was bound to happen, and you didn’t know whether it was good or bad. Getting up from bed, the soles of your feet touching the cold floor; making your way towards your window. The sunlight behind the curtains beamed through your bedroom. Slowly pushing the curtains open you look outside soaking in the beautiful scenery. Everything was covered in white snow. Glancing down you see what looks like a couple of elder’s drinking coffee and talking outside near the school gates; assuming it’s the staff; you look out into the school taking in the wide landscape of the school. It was surrounded by woods and nothing more. Beyond the gates of the school you couldn’t see a thing, but trees. No sign of life or cars seemed present around the school.  Sighing, you moved away from the window and towards your closet to pick out your clothes for your first day of class. Entering the closet, you turn the light switch on and a surprised gasp escapes past your lips. Your closet was enormous. It housed many shelves inside. You felt like you were living in your dream castle. From the interior decorations in your bedroom, and the beautiful scenery outside your window, and now your enormous closet with so many brands of clothes, shoes and accessories you couldn’t help but contain your excitement. Walking further inside your closet you graze your hand across all the clothes held up on hangers feeling the quality fabric of all the clothes. You soon are face to face with your school uniform. Your uncle had told you that the school had a strict dress code that the students were all supposed to follow. Your uniform was all black. A long-sleeved blouse along with a black skirt that reached mid-thigh; paired with a loose red tie in the front. After putting on your uniform you took it upon yourself to pair it with black tights to help cover your bare legs from the cold winter and cute white dress shoes. Checking yourself in the mirror you head out of the closet. Entering your bathroom. It was elegant. The walls were painted a creamy white color, a beautiful chandelier hung on the ceiling. If the bathroom wasn’t big enough the shower looked like it could fit about 5 people at one time. It was huge. You wondered if everyone in this school had bedrooms that looked like this, or if it was only you since you were the headmaster’s niece. Now, almost quarter to eight you quickly fix your black hair leaving it down; your bangs falling over the front of your face. You decide to apply a light amount of makeup to your milky pale skin. Deciding on just some foundation and a light touch of blush to accentuate your cheeks and a red lip tint you feel like you are all set and ready to start your day. Heading towards the front of your bedroom door grabbing your bookbag and slinging it over your shoulders taking a deep breath and saying to yourself “Here goes nothing” you step out of your room and into the dimly lit corridors of the dorm hallway, and you head off to your first class of the day.
Now mid-afternoon the bells of your last class just about to ring any second now. Your teacher continues rambling on about medieval literature, but you eventually tune yourself out, hand on your chin and slightly pouting you started doodling some random sketches on your notebook. Suddenly you felt a paper ball hit your back. Dropping your pencil on the table you turn around and you are then face to face with a red headed male with big ears, blue contact lenses and smooth milky skin. He had an apologetic look on his face. “Sorry, we didn’t mean to bother you my friend over here is an idiot” He whispered his voice deep while pointing at the culprit who had just thrown a paper ball at you. The male sat beside him across the aisle from where you both were sat. The other male trying to hide the smile off his face had raven black hair. He looked slimmer then the male seated behind you. “It’s okay, don’t worry about it” You smiled at the red-haired male. Smiling he extended his hand out towards you. Taking his hand, you shake it. “I’m Chanyeol and that is Sehun” He says while pointing at Sehun who waves at you, a smug smile on his face. Sehun leaning back against his desk, hands behind his head as his feet are planted on top of the desk. “I’m Alana. Alana Davis” you introduce yourself.
 You scoff at how he chooses to sit. “I haven’t seen you in this class before; are you new?” Chanyeol asks, you nod “Yeah, my uncle is the headmaster of the school.” Chanyeol and Sehun’s eyes widen. “Headmaster Dae is your uncle?” Both now giving each other weird looks. Sehun removes his feet from on top of the desk now facing you in a hunched over position. His has a face of curiosity. “So, you must know…” Sehun speaks. “Know what?” a confused expression on your face. “About the night class students” Chanyeol speaks this time. Pouting your lips, you tilt your head to the side confusion still evident on your face. “What about the night class? What’s a night class?” you ask, questions starting to spill from your lips one after the other. “Soo.. you don’t know??” Sehun speaks again.  “She clearly doesn’t Sehun. Now will you shut up!” Chanyeol mutters under his breath worried that they’ve said too much. Now curious, you wondered what the purpose of a Night Class was, and why your uncle hasn’t told you about this. “Tell me about this… Night Class “you ask them curiosity in your eyes.
Chanyeol lets out an exasperated breath. “Okay, well.. we don’t know much about them” He starts, “but what we do know, is that your uncle is very friendly with the Night Class students.” He continues, this time being cut off by Sehun. “The Night Class students are freaks of nature” He says, “and no one has ever seen one of them…” Suddenly the bell rings signaling the end of class. Both Chanyeol and Sehun get up from their seats. Chanyeol looking like a giant next to Sehun. Fixing their uniforms they start heading towards the door. “Wait!” you call after them. “That’s it?” Their backs facing you they both turn around. “Tell me more?” Looking over at each other, Sehun speaks again. Moving closer to you. He places a hand on your right shoulder bending down so that you and him are now eye level with each other. “Listen kid. If I were you I wouldn’t go looking to be “friends” with the Night Class students. The things I’ve heard about them isn’t quite friendly.” Chanyeol nods. “Yeah, also headmaster doesn’t allow students from Day Class to leave their rooms after dusk.” This perks your interest. Not allowed to leave our rooms after dusk?? You think to yourself. What has uncle Dae been up too lately. Now thinking about it Alana remembers her uncle acting quite strange and quiet last night from when he picked her up from the airport. The eerie feeling, she felt while being around her uncle began to creep up again. Snapping you out of your thoughts Sehun pats your shoulder a slight smile on his lips. “Well.. we should get going now.” He says. Nodding your head Chanyeol speaks this time. “Get back to your dorm Alana. It’s getting late.” He smiles. “It was nice meeting you” He says. “See you next class” They both say at the same time, as they slowly disappear from your field of vision.
  Making my way back to my dorm; my books clutched to my chest. The cold winter air blowing through my hair. It was starting to get a little darker out and all the Day Class students had all gone back to their dorms preparing for the night. My dorm building was hidden farthest from everybody else’s, so it took me longer to walk back. As I’m walking everything around me was silent. Not a single person around, just me and my thoughts. I began to feel a little uneasy walking alone in the middle of the woods, so I started picking up my pace striding towards my building. The wind and the trees were whistling as I passed them. Finally seeing my building coming into view I let out a sigh of relief. “Almost there” I say to myself. Walking even faster. You couldn’t wait to get inside your room and wrap yourself up in some warm blankets. Suddenly you stumble upon a rock and trip falling to the ground. “Shit!” you curse out loud. Getting up and wiping the dirt off your new skirt quickly patting your ass and quickly get back on your feet. You praise god that you were in the middle of the woods and nobody had just seen you trip.. so you thought. Little did you know that two men hidden behind a tree were watching you with hungry eyes.
 Finally, you are now back in your bedroom and you couldn’t be happier. Why your uncle placed you in the farthest building from your classes; you’ll never known. Loosening up your tie from around your neck you make your way to your bed, and  throwing your bookbag on the floor, you plopped down on your bed your back facing up towards the ceiling. You sighed exhausted from your first day of class. You thought back on what Chanyeol and Sehun had told you earlier about the Night Class students. Why did your uncle make a separate class for students? What was he hiding from you? Your head was spinning with thought. Deciding to get up and take a steaming hot shower you make your way towards your bathroom. Stripping off your clothes you step into the shower; letting the water trickle down your body. The feeling of the hot water on your body relaxing you. You thought after you finished showering you would pay your uncle a visit and have a talk with him about what you had heard today.
 Finishing up your shower you step out grabbing your towel and wrapping it around your petite body. Walking out of the bathroom and towards your closet; you turn on the light switch and look for something to wear. You thought you wouldn’t be out long, and since it was approaching dusk; you decided to wear a matching pair of navy-blue silk pajamas. It was very comfortable. You then grabbed a black winter coat putting it on along with some cute fluffy slippers turning off the light; you walk towards the door turning the nob quietly stepping outside the dimly lit corridors once again.
Sooner or later you are now standing in front of your uncle’s office. You were hesitant to knock. You thought about forgetting this whole thing and just running back to your dorm, but it was dark out now, and you didn’t want to walk through those creepy wood’s alone. Deciding to knock on the door your knuckles eventually make contact with the door and you start to knock. You knock three times and wait for your uncle to open the door. You feel like you had been standing outside his office for quite some time now. Feelings like he wouldn’t open the door your about to turn around until you hear the sound of a lock on the other side of the door signaling someone was opening the door. Turning back around and facing the front door expecting to see your uncle; you frown. It wasn’t your uncle. You frown quickly changes to surprise and you can’t help, but stare at the man standing in front of you. He’s gorgeous and you suddenly start to fidget. Now nervous standing in front of this man with just your silk pajamas you become self-conscious as he looks over your petite form. The man in front of you had beautiful black hair that was styled in a way that exposed his forehead, and his brown eyes boring into your own.  He wore a black suit with a white turtleneck dress shirt underneath. Averting your gaze from looking at him any longer; you clear your throat and speak. “I-is the headmaster here?” you ask your voice slightly higher due to your nervous state. “I’m his niece, and I just wanted to speak to him.” you continue. The man in front of you now crosses his arms and leans against the door a smirking making its way across his pretty face. “Jongdae never told me he had a niece” the male spoke. You felt paralyzed under his gaze as his eyes scanned you from head to toe making its way back up to your face. “Jongdae isn’t here yet, but your welcome to wait inside if you’d like?” he suggests opening the door wider for you to come in. Feelings uneasy at how the raven-haired man is looking at you; you shake your head and quickly decline. “I-I really shouldn’t. I’m sorry” you stutter out. “Oooh, c’mon he won’t be long. I insist.. Besides” His voiced was laced with danger. Biting his lips; eyes looking down at your form again. You shiver at the way his eyes scan down your body. He looked at you, like he wanted to devour you. “I want to get to know Jongdae’s lovely niece.” A playful smirk on his face. Giving in you step through the door, and into your uncle’s office as the male closes the door behind you. Sitting down on a red leather chair that’s stationed right in front of your uncle’s desk, you quickly and discreetly fix your clothes. Making his way behind the desk he is now standing in front of you as he presses his palms down onto the desk and leans forward a little; a playful smirk still plastered across his face. You wanted to wipe that smirk off his voice. It made you feel hot. He was just watching you squirm under his gaze and you hated the affect he was having on you.
  “Soo.. when is headmaster arriving?” You ask.
 “Soon.” He replies.
 “He’s out having a little late-night snack.” The male licks his lips.
 You nod. “Okay”
 Suddenly Jongdae barges through the door “Baekhyun what did I-“
 He was caught by surprise when he saw you seated in front of the male you assumed to be Baekhyun. “Alana..” Jongdae clears his throat. The side of his lips lightly stained red. Quickly pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket; he wipes the sides of his mouth. He probably just had a burger you thought; due to the fact he had red on the sides of his mouth. “What are you doing out of your room?” he asks. “She wanted to see you Jongdae” Baekhyun smirks. Coming around from the front of the desk Baekhyun is now standing in front of you. Hands behind his back; he bends down so close to you, his breath nearly fanning your face tilting his head to the side examining your face you both are now staring into each other’s eyes; he speaks. “I’m a little disappointed you never told me you had a niece.” Baekhyun says. Jongdae had a horrified expression written all over his face. He looked angry that Baekhyun and I had been in the same room.. alone, but why?
 Moving away from hovering over you Baekhyun slowly walks over to Jongdae’s side, leaning forward and whispers in his ear. “She smells..” Baekhyun inhales a deep breath exhaling seconds later. “Delicious” The words roll off his tongue so smoothly and Jongdae stiffens. “I don’t know how you control yourself around her when her blood smells sooo…SWEET.” Baekhyun says, putting an emphasis on the last word. Baekhyun was still whispering into Jongdae’s ears so that you wouldn’t be able to hear what he was saying.
 As if you didn’t have enough surprises today the door slams open and in walks another male. You gasp. Your eyes moving to the figure walking in. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing. Another male, but this male resembled the male standing besides Jongdae. Twins! You thought to yourself. Except this one had no sort of emotion on his face. He looked scary, and you didn’t want to risk making him angry anytime soon. Although he looked extremely intimidating he was still just as beautiful as Baekhyun. But unlike Baekhyun his brother had silver white hair that fell down his face, but not too long that you couldn’t see his cold blue eyes. He wore a black leather suit that hugged his body nicely and a face chain. He was extremely hot you thought to yourself. You cowered in your seat as he approached Jongdae and Baekhyun.
 “Baekhyun let’s go we got some business to take care of!” He spoke his voice stern and assertive. Unlike Baekhyun his brother didn’t even give you the time of day to look at you. “Brother” Baekhyun moves away from Jongdae and smiles up at him. Turning his gaze back towards me. “Have you met Jongdae’s niece” Baekhyun’s eyebrows were slightly raised and that goddamn smirk still on his face.
 His brother turns his sharp gaze towards you. As soon as you met his cold stare you froze in your seat. He didn’t even show somewhat of a smile on his face. All he did was scan his eyes down my body once and turned back around facing Baekhyun. Grabbing his brother by his ear he drags Baekhyun out of the office; both of them giving you one last look before they were gone. Letting out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding in. Looking over at Jongdae still standing by the door; his arms crossed he had a scowl on his face. He looked pissed. Giving him an innocent smile; you spoke.
  “I- I- I didn’t know you weren’t going to be here.” You began.
 “If I had I wouldn’t have come.” You continued, lowering your head and staring at the carpeted floor. His excruciating stare piercing through you.
 “You don’t know these people Alana.” Jongdae sighed and began to speak
 “You could’ve gotten hurt.” He continued
 “But I didn’t.” You said back to him.
 “And besides Baekhyu- “
 You started to say, but was off by her uncle. Don’t you dare speak about them to me.” He was furious now. “You don’t know what those two brothers are capable of.” He stated. “Who are they?” you asked clearly interested in the alluring mysterious twin brothers who seemed to have caught your attention so quickly. Letting out a long sigh Jongdae speaks. “They’re the Byun twins. They go by Baekhyun and Baëkhyun.” He said answering your question. “I don’t want you to ever come out of your dorm at night again! Do you hear me?” your uncle says. “And I don’t want you to speak to the Byun twins either! Their dangerous. Understood?” He asks.You nod. “Yes, I understand”
 “I think you should get back to your dorm now… Before it gets even later.” He says. “Do you think you could walk back on your own?” He asks. Clearly having forgotten about why you came to his office in the first place you nod. “Yes, uncle Dae! I’ll be fine.” You smiled finally standing up from your seat walking over to him and wrapping your arms around his neck and giving him a hug. “I’m sorry I made you worry” You told him. “It won’t happen again.” Jongdae now hugging you back; his face nuzzled in the crook of your neck breathing in your scent. Feeling the pulse on your neck beating rather quickly his gums begin to swell signaling his fangs wanting to come out he pulled away rather quickly. Alana didn’t know that her uncle too was dangerous to be around; just like the Byun twins, but she would never find out his secret he thought.
 “You should go” He spoke, his hands placed on both your shoulder as he stood in front of you his voice laced with concern and a bit of sadness; you wondered why?
 Nodding you start making your way towards the door of his office. Before leaving you turn around giving him an innocent smile and telling him goodnight. Finally stepping out of his office you start walking towards the exit of the building. “Fuck!” you cursed to yourself. You forgot you had to walk through the woods to get back to your dormitory. Wrapping your coat around your body tightly you step outside into the cold night walking ahead to your dorm room.
 You were just about to make a turn into the woods when you hear rustling sounds and what sounds like whispering close by. Curious you quietly start walking towards the sound. You stop when you suddenly see what looks like two males. Unable to see one hundred percent because of the darkness you move a little closer squinting your eyes. You are now hidden behind a tree watching them; accidentally stepping on a branch it cracks causing the two males’ eyes to meet your own. You gasp when you realize who they were.
 It was the Byun twins and they had what looked like blood all over their hands…
Shocked at what you had just witnessed you slowly began to run off into the wood’s away from them and back to the safe confinement of your room.
 “What did I just witness?” you thought to yourself as you kept running through the woods. 
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byunsbobobu · 4 years
Blood Promise
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Vampire Baekhyun AU Masterlist
Pairing; Twin Baekhyun/BaekBaëk /Alana
Genre; vampire/ fantasy AU
Warnings; smut, angst, fluff, language, violence, mentions of blood, age gap
Prologue:  1  2
{-       Synopsis: Vampires falling in love with humans was forbidden. That is until 18-year-old Alana Davis moves to town and attends the new boarding school; Hallows Boarding School. Unaware that vampires exist and that the school is home to both Vampires and humans. On one late night Alana stumbles upon two brooding and mysterious twin brothers, but little did she know they would soon change her life.  Will it be for the worse or the better?}
-       Note: Hello and welcome to my first Baekhyun Vampire AU. I have been wanting to write something like this for a while now, and I am very excited. This story is an erotic romance AU. I will try and update new chapters every two weeks. Be aware that this fanfiction will contain mature content associated with violence, language, blood, and explicit sex.
- comment below if you would like to be tagged in new chapter updates!
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