tetsunabouquet · 1 year
Without Reserve or Restraint, Our Love is Absolute - Daddy Akashi x FAB!Reader
A/N: As kinda requested by @vespersposts
There was nothing Akashi valued more then his family. He was a very blessed man, in that regard. He had found himself the loveliest wife, and you had given him three beautiful children. There was nothing more he could wish for (though sometimes, he did dreamt of even more kids). Your firstborn had been a girl, much to the disappointment of his father. Not that it had mattered to Akashi, he had been overjoyed at the sight of his child, regardless of gender. Umi was perfect, with her long h/c twin tails and her big red eyes, the way her hair drifted as she walked and giggled, she was like a mini-you, yet also so very clearly his own. The 9 year old used to be his only princess, until the birth of Rine, last year. Shio was the name of his 5 year old prince and heir, who very much could have been his twin, except for the fact he had your eyes and the shape of your mouth. Rine's hair colour was a mixture of yours and Akashi's, and she had the orange golden eyes of his other personality. It was amusing, to see him in the face of his youngest daughter. So as he sat at the breakfast table, he wore his usualy serene smile as he beheld his family eating. You were feeding little Rine her baby food, as a 1 year old it was time for her to quit the breastfeeding and start eating real food. Shio's napkin was already covered with eating spots within the first few minutes of breakfast, whereas Umi at this point had mastered table etiquette and was the only one other then himself who wasn't covered in food by the end of the meal. You groaned at the babyfood in your hair, after you had finished whiping little Rine's face. Sighing, you itched to touch it. Akashi smiled as he scooped up Rine, "Hey my babiest princess, do you want to spend some time with daddy so mommy can take a shower?" He was cooing nonsense, and with an adoring smile on your face, you left your husband by himself to handle the kids. Rine stirred in Akashi's arms, and his eyes lit up as he saw her attempting to reach for his face. "Aren't you the tiniest of sweethearts?" The words would just always keep coming when it came to his family. The silliest, the corniest and most vulnerable of words that oozed straight out of his heart and passed through his mouth without his brains properly sorting them through and putting them eloquently. Because that is how much he loved them. Without reserve or restraint. "Hey dad, can I try to teach Rine again?" Shio asked, it had became a pastime of his, to educate his younger sister. His son loved being a big brother after years of teasing by Umi for being the younger one and he enjoyed teaching Rine many things, from colours to animals. It made Akashi warm to know, his son was such a sweet gentleman already. He would have no worries in that departement, at least. "Oh! Can we ride the horses then dad?" Umi pleaded, as she attempted her best puppy look. Akashi melted. "Fine, let me ask Tamamura-san to keep an eye on Shio and Rine for if they need anything first."
Umi was proudly galloping around the field behind their home with her young, noble steed Akatsuki. He was pretending to be her royal bodyguard as she was on a quest to find a magical flower that would lift the spirit of the poor queen who had been attacked by poisonous goo. In other words, a flower for you after the babyfood incident earlier at breakfast. Akashi truly felt blessed to have such sweet kids. Whilst he liked to think he contributed to some of that, they were undoubtedly shaped by your kind love. As he rode Yozora, the mare he had gotten after Yukimaru's death, he watched as his daughter stop all of a sudden. "There!" She pointed with her finger, at rosebush that was particularly vibrant of your f/c. "The magical joyleaf has been found!" She declared proudly, and he got off Yozora. He assisted Umi off of her horse and allowed her to pick the prettiest one. "That one dad!" She tugged his sleeve, pointing at one which was practically perfect in condition, not a petal out of place. With a bit of effort to avoid the thorns, he plucked the flower. "Let us bring it back to the castle, milady." "Yes we shall!" His daughter cheered excitedly, and Akashi felt like the heavens had blessed him. He was a fortunate man, but not because of his riches. The Akashi family loved one another withour reserve, or restraint. Their love was absolute.
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himanshudarode · 1 year
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Regular use of Swarnaprashan helps in such a way that, child gets the best immunity to defeat diseases. Regular use of Swarnaprashan makes the child very intelligent and he can remember all heard by him.
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delrowsankhatun · 1 year
Feeding your child at 6–12 months
Your baby’s first foods :
When your toddler is 6 months old, she is simply gaining knowledge of to chew. Her first meals want to be tender so they’re very effortless to swallow, such as porridge or well-mashed fruits and vegetables. Did you be aware that when the porridge is too watery, it does not have as many nutrients? To make it extra nutritious, prepare dinner till it is thick and ample no longer to run off the spoon.
Feed your child when you see the supply symptoms that she’s hungry — such as placing her palms to her mouth. After washing hands, begin by giving your child simply two to three spoonfuls of smooth food, twice a day. At this age, her belly is small so she can solely devour small quantities at every meal.
The style of new meals may additionally shock your baby. Give her time to get used to these new ingredients and flavors. Be an affected person and do not pressure your infant to eat. Watch for signs and symptoms that she is full and give up feeding her then.
As your child grows, her belly additionally grows and she can devour extra meals with every meal.
Feeding your baby: 6–8 months old :
From 6–8 months old, feed your infant 1/2 a cup of smooth meals two to three instances a day. Your child can devour something barring honey, which she mustn’t devour till she is a yr old. You can begin to add a healthful snack, like mashed fruit, between meals. As your child receives growing quantities of strong foods, she has to proceed to get an identical quantity of breast milk.
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Feeding your baby: 9–11 months old :
From 9–11 months old, your infant can take 1/2 a cup of meals three to 4 instances a day, plus a healthful snack. Now you can begin to chop up tender meals into small portions alternatively of mashing them. Your toddler might also even begin to consume meals herself with her fingers. Continue to breastfeed on every occasion your toddler is hungry.
Each meal wants to be each effortless for your child to consume and packed with nutrition. Make every chunk count.
Foods want to be prosperous in power and nutrients. In addition to grains and potatoes, be positive your infant has veggies and fruits, legumes and seeds, a little energy-rich oil or fat, and — mainly — animal meals (dairy, eggs, meat, fish, and poultry) each day. Eating a range of ingredients each day offers your infant the exceptional risk of getting all the vitamins he needs.
If your infant refuses new meals or spits them out, do not pressure it. Try once more a few days later. You can additionally attempt mixing it with any other meals that your child likes or squeezing a little breast milk on top.
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Feeding non-breastfed babies :
If you are now not breastfeeding your baby, she’ll want to devour extra often. She’ll additionally want to depend on different foods, such as milk products, to get all the diet her physique needs.
Start to provide your infant stable meals at 6 months of age, simply as a breastfed infant would need. Begin with two to three spoonfuls of gentle and mashed meals 4 instances a day, which will provide her with the vitamins she wants besides breast milk.
From 6–8 months old, she’ll want 1/2 a cup of smooth meals 4 instances a day, plus a wholesome snack.
From 9–11 months old, she’ll want 1/2 a cup of meals 4 to 5 instances a day, plus two healthful snacks.
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yfukuoka · 2 years
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【****日目】2022-07-24 カレー王子としての正式な洗礼を受けたので、インド料理デビューしまちゅ(させまちゅ) @自宅 ‪____________________________________ *moong khichdi これまで、インド人やスリランカ人、その家族に、離乳食に何をあげていたかを聞いて、一番多かったのが、豆と米のお粥「キチュリ」でした。 調べてみると、現地でも初めから「カレー」を食べさせているのではなく、いろんなベビーフードの作り方があるようです。今回は、インドのレシピを参照して作ってみました。 多種多様な豆を使うインド料理。トゥールダールは胃腸の成長が不完全なベビーには、まだ消化しづらいようで、煮崩れやすい緑豆のムングダールのレシピをチョイス。そして、彼の人生初めてのスパイスは、ターメリックになりました。王子のキャラクターカラーは黄色なので、ちょうど良いですね^^ ふだん、スプーンを口に運べば好き嫌いなく、なんでも食べてくれるカレー王子くん。 あれ??今までにないまずそうな表情^^; ターメリックがだめ? ギーがダメ? まさかバスマティライス? お父たんもっと頑張ります(諦めません)! 家族でインド料理の盃を交わした日。カレーを食べさせるのは、いつにしようかな。ふふふ。 ‪____________________________________ 🇮🇳 #india #indianfood #asia #asianfood #foodpic #foodstagram #tasty #spice #srimangalam #baby #babyfood #curry #インド #ベビーフード #離乳食 #カレー #‬フクドローン #ふくすたぐらむ #カレー王子 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgk15gIPOtD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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datawater · 2 months
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Feed the baby , click here for organic food
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kravita01 · 2 months
Nurturing Little Taste Buds: INTRODUCING NUTS TO BABY'S DIET – Kravita Foods
When it comes to introducing solid foods to your little one who has just managed to show the early signs of being prepared for it, you are right to feel worried and be extra careful about what you expose your baby to. Babies and their bodies are unfamiliar with solid food items, which can either be digested by them successfully or respond unexpectedly to certain substances present in them. House of Abundance, DLF Ultima, Sector – 81, Gurugram, Haryana-122004 Contact-8826106920 [email protected]
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tipsazon · 2 months
Best Food For Baby Brain Development
Read More>>
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paradisecosmetics52 · 2 months
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vidhiberi · 4 months
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nathfiset · 6 months
Feeding your baby solid food
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Solid food for baby
 As new parents, one of the most exciting milestones to witness is the transition of our little ones from solely consuming milk to incorporating solid foods into their diets. This phase marks a crucial stage in a baby's development, as it introduces them to a whole new world of flavors and textures.However, for many parents, the thought of starting their baby on solid foods can be overwhelming and intimidating. With an abundance of conflicting information and opinions, it can be challenging to determine the best approach for introducing solid food to our babies.In this article, we will delve into the topic of solid food for babies, providing a comprehensive guide on when, how, and what to feed your little one. From the recommended age for starting solids to the best food choices for optimal nutrition, we will cover all the essential information to help you navigate this exciting stage with confidence and ease. So, let us dive in and explore the world of solid food for babies. 
Introducing solid foods to infants
 When it comes to introducing solid foods to infants, it is important to approach this milestone with care and consideration. As babies transition from a solely milk-based diet to incorporating solid foods, it is crucial to introduce a variety of age-appropriate and nutritious options. Starting around six months of age, infants can begin exploring pureed fruits, vegetables, and grains. These can be introduced gradually, one food at a time, to help identify any potential allergies or sensitivities. It is essential to ensure that the consistency of the food is appropriate for the developmental stage of the baby, starting with smooth purees and gradually progressing to thicker textures. Additionally, consulting with a pediatrician or healthcare professional can provide valuable guidance and support throughout this process, ensuring that the introduction of solid foods is a positive and nourishing experience for both baby and parent. 
Age-appropriate solid food options
 As babies continue to grow and develop, their solid food options can expand to include a wider range of textures and flavors. Around 8-10 months of age, babies can begin exploring mashed or finely chopped fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, avocados, carrots, and peas. Soft cooked pasta, rice, and small pieces of well-cooked meat or poultry can also be introduced at this stage.It is important to ensure that these foods are cut into small, manageable pieces to reduce the risk of choking. By the age of 12 months, most babies can safely consume a variety of soft, bite-sized foods from the family meal, including cooked vegetables, grains, and proteins. Remember to always pay attention to your baby's cues and monitor for any signs of discomfort or allergies when introducing new foods. 
Choosing the right utensils and dishes
 When it comes to introducing solid foods to your baby, choosing the right utensils and dishes is essential for a safe and positive feeding experience. Opting for utensils and dishes that are specifically designed for babies can make mealtime easier and more enjoyable for both you and your little one. Look for soft-tipped spoons that are gentle on your baby's delicate gums and small enough to fit comfortably in their mouth. Avoid utensils with sharp edges or small parts that could pose a choking hazard. Additionally, selecting dishes that are microwave and dishwasher safe can save you time and effort in the cleaning process. Consider using divided plates or bowls with suction cups on the bottom to prevent spills and encourage independent feeding skills. Remember, safety and ease of use should be your top priorities when choosing utensils and dishes for your baby's solid food journey. 
Purees vs. baby-led weaning
 When it comes to introducing solid foods to your baby, there are two popular approaches: purees and baby-led weaning. Purees involve the process of blending or mashing cooked foods into a smooth consistency that is easy for babies to consume. This method allows parents to have more control over the texture and variety of foods their baby consumes. On the other hand, baby-led weaning encourages babies to self-feed by offering them age-appropriate whole foods in their natural form. This approach promotes the development of fine motor skills, independence, and exploration of different tastes and textures. Deciding between purees and baby-led weaning depends on various factors, such as your baby's readiness for solid foods, their oral motor skills, and personal preferences. Consult with your pediatrician to determine the most suitable approach for your baby's individual needs. 
Allergy precautions and prevention
 When introducing solid foods to your baby, it is important to take allergy precautions and implement preventive measures. Allergies can develop at any age, and early exposure to potential allergens can increase the risk of developing an allergic reaction. To minimize this risk, it is advised to introduce new foods one at a time, waiting a few days before introducing another new food. This allows you to monitor your baby for any signs of allergic reactions, such as rashes, hives, swelling, or difficulty breathing. Additionally, it is recommended to start with hypoallergenic foods, such as single-grain cereals or pureed fruits and vegetables, before gradually introducing common allergenic foods like eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish. If you have a family history of food allergies, it may be beneficial to consult with an allergist before introducing these foods to your baby. By taking these allergy precautions and prevention measures, you can help ensure your baby's safety and well-being during their transition to solid foods. 
Gradually increasing variety and textures
 As your baby becomes accustomed to solid foods, it is important to gradually increase the variety and textures of the foods you offer. This helps to promote healthy eating habits and encourages the development of chewing and swallowing skills. Start by introducing smooth purees and mashed foods, such as soft fruits and vegetables. As your baby becomes more comfortable with these textures, you can begin to offer slightly lumpier or mashed foods with more texture. You can also introduce age-appropriate finger foods, such as small pieces of cooked pasta or soft, bite-sized fruits and vegetables. By gradually increasing the variety and textures of the foods you introduce, you can help your baby develop a diverse and nutritious diet while also supporting their oral motor development. 
Importance of proper nutrition balance
 Proper nutrition balance is of utmost importance when introducing solid foods to your baby. It plays a crucial role in supporting their growth and development. By offering a variety of nutrient-rich foods, you ensure that your baby receives all the essential vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients they need. A balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats provides the building blocks for optimal physical and cognitive development. It also helps establish healthy eating habits early on, setting the foundation for a lifetime of good nutrition and overall well-being. By prioritizing proper nutrition balance, you are giving your baby the best possible start on their journey towards a healthy and nourished life. 
Incorporating family meals and flavors
 When introducing solid foods to your baby, a wonderful way to enhance their culinary experience is by incorporating family meals and flavors. As your child grows, they naturally become curious about the foods that you and the rest of the family enjoy. By including them in your meals, you expose them to a wide range of flavors, textures, and aromas. This not only introduces them to diverse tastes but also helps them develop a more adventurous palate as they become familiar with the foods commonly enjoyed by their loved ones. Sharing family meals also promotes bonding and socialization, as it creates a sense of togetherness and unity during mealtimes. Additionally, it encourages healthy eating habits and establishes a positive relationship with food from an early age. By incorporating family meals and flavors into your baby's solid food journey, you are cultivating a lifelong appreciation for food and fostering a strong connection to their cultural and familial roots. 
Watching for signs of readiness
 It is crucial to closely observe your baby for signs of readiness before introducing solid foods. These signs indicate that your baby's digestive system is prepared for the transition from breast milk or formula to solid foods. One key indicator is the ability to sit upright with minimal support. This shows that your baby has developed the necessary head and neck control to safely swallow and digest solid foods. Additionally, watch for signs of increased interest in food, such as eyeing and reaching for your meals or displaying curiosity when others are eating. Another important sign to look for is the loss of the tongue-thrust reflex, which prevents your baby from pushing food out of their mouth with their tongue. Once these signs are present, you can confidently begin introducing solid foods, knowing that your baby is ready for this important milestone in their development. 
Consulting with a pediatrician
 It is highly recommended to consult with a pediatrician before starting your baby on solid foods. A pediatrician is a medical professional specialized in the health and development of infants and children, and their expertise can provide valuable guidance during this crucial stage. They can assess your baby's individual needs, discuss any potential allergies or dietary restrictions, and offer personalized recommendations tailored to your baby's specific circumstances. Consulting with a pediatrician ensures that you are making informed choices regarding the introduction of solid foods, promoting your baby's optimal growth and development while minimizing any potential risks. A pediatrician's expertise and support can give you the peace of mind and confidence needed to navigate this new chapter in your baby's nutritional journey. In conclusion, introducing solid foods to your baby is an important milestone in their development. As a parent, it's important to follow recommended guidelines and monitor your baby's reactions to new foods. With patience and consistency, you can help your baby develop healthy eating habits that will benefit them for a lifetime. Remember to consult with your pediatrician for any concerns or questions, and enjoy this exciting new phase in your baby's growth. 
 At what age can babies start eating solid foods? Babies can start eating solid foods around 6 months of age. What are some appropriate first solid foods for babies? Some appropriate first solid foods for babies include single-grain cereals like rice or oatmeal, pureed fruits such as mashed banana or avocado, and pureed vegetables like sweet potato or carrots. It is important to introduce these foods one at a time, waiting a few days before introducing a new food to check for any allergies or adverse reactions. It is also recommended to consult with a pediatrician for specific recommendations based on the baby's age and development. How should solid foods be prepared for babies? Solid foods for babies should be prepared in a way that is safe and appropriate for their age and developmental stage. This typically involves pureeing or mashing foods to a smooth consistency to avoid choking hazards. It is important to introduce one food at a time and wait a few days before introducing a new food to check for potential allergies or intolerances. Foods should be cooked thoroughly, and any added spices or seasonings should be mild and sparingly used. It is also important to consult with a pediatrician for specific recommendations on introducing solid foods to ensure the baby's nutritional needs are met. Are there any foods that should be avoided when introducing solids to a baby? Yes, there are certain foods that should be avoided when introducing solids to a baby. These include honey, which can cause infant botulism, and cow's milk, which can be difficult for a baby to digest. It is also recommended to avoid foods that are high in salt, sugar, and artificial additives. Additionally, allergenic foods like nuts, shellfish, and eggs should be introduced with caution and one at a time to monitor for any potential allergic reactions. What are some signs that a baby is ready for solid foods? Some signs that a baby is ready for solid foods include being able to sit up without support, showing interest in what others are eating, having good head and neck control, and the ability to take food from a spoon and swallow it. It is also important to consult with a pediatrician before starting solids to ensure that the baby is developmentally ready and to receive guidance on introducing new foods. 
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topbabytrends · 6 months
Jar vs. Fresh: A Holistic Outlook on Baby Food
Hello, fabulous parents! What’s the best food for my baby? It’s the million-dollar question that crosses every parent’s mind at some point. In the maze of parenting choices, deciding between jarred and fresh baby food is a significant one. Understanding the pros and cons of each option can have lasting impacts on not just your baby’s physical health but also their emotional and cognitive…
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eurofinsindia · 6 months
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Eurofins Analytical Services India Pvt Ltd offers comprehensive infant food testing services to assess the quality of your product based on various physicochemical analyses, contaminants testing, microbiological analyses, shelf life studies, and nutritional information assisting you in complying with the BIS and EU norms.
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yourorganicstop · 8 months
Explore a world of nourishing goodness for your little ones at YourOrganicStop! Our baby food collection is thoughtfully curated to provide the purest, organic nutrition. From silky purees to delightful snacks, every bite is a blend of health and happiness. Click to browse our range of certified organic baby foods and give your child the best start in life.
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mommunity · 8 months
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It helps parents and caregivers plan a balanced and nutritious diet for their infants as they transition from breast milk or formula to solid foods.
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babymother91 · 8 months
Infants 4 months feeding products
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datawater · 4 months
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