#BUTTTT for them as characters and in the context of the show i think they really only need each other and the support of their families
reyesstrand · 2 years
According to Ronen from earlier this week, we’re gonna “SHIT” so I am FULLY ONBOARD with an elopement rn. Everything leading up to the wedding and then- elope.
sorry for the delayed response on this anon!! but i’m definitely cool with any scenario tbh—just the fact they’re getting married still has me !!! so whether they plan a big ceremony and go through with it; plan a big ceremony and something happens and they come up with a small-but- sentimental ceremony with their closest people around; decide on the spot to get married/plan to elope and have a party afterward, i’m happy with whatever gives us the best story and gives them the best story. being here through every between-season hiatus has proven that ronen does hype up the emotional stuff, but we all know they’re going to be weeping through their vows whether they’re alone at a courthouse or at a fancy venue, so i guess at this point we’ll have to see?? but i’m game for whatever happens!!
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Loud House Reviews: Racing Hearts
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Welcome back errbody. Continuing the Salauna trilogy with Racing Hearts. We’ve already seen the cute asking them out story , now comes the actual first date.. which ITSELF is massively important. Keep in mind even though Nick fully supported L is for Love and the crew put a lot of work into it given how good it turned out, Sam easily still could’ve vanished into Limbo. For it’s first 2 seasons loud house, the show HAD continuity: Once Ronnie Anne and Bobby moved away to set up their spinoff, there was an episode with Lincoln’s friends trying to help him deal with missing her in the first ep giving any of them  besides Clyde focus, a trend that would continue, they still showed up via video chat or in person where waranted and there was a full episode about Lincoln’s group of friends trying to help him deal with it... which also reminds me of a smiliar episode of ned’s declassified that was really damn good but unrelated to this... seriously that show is underated and I hope with the Netflix deal it shows up there.  Anywho back on the show we’re actually talking about, the show didn’t really have arcs, thigns that carried from episode to episode.. until Season 3. Season 3 is where the show REALLY hit it’s stride, with it now fully being an ensemble show and more continuity injected int, not interfering iwtht he show’s episodic nature but making it feel like events had meaning. Stella was introduced in “White Hare” and later got a full introduction that i’ll no doubt cover with “Be Stella My Heart” and afterwords rather than being forgotten entirely like the show used to do became part of his friend group in their episodes. Lynn SR. was revealed to have quit his office job to work at a restraunt and was working on opening his own, which while only a two episode arc, lead to the opening of Lynn’s table in the finale and it’s stuck around since. And Leni got a job at a clothing store she’s kept since and friends at said job who’ve shown up since.  See i’m fine with a show not having heavy duty continuity or serilzation, some shows thrive there but I love it when shows do this: even if it’s not all about plots, things progresing or being followed up on makes the show feel more vibrant and keeps it from stagnation in my book.  And as as show with a bunch of girls at dating age, it was invetivible theird’ be recurring romantic arcs, hence Chaz is mentoined as dating Leni, if not given any real focus so far hopefully that’ll change, while Luaan, in this episodes pairing brother, and most importantly Luna got followups on theres. And thus that brings us here to racing hearts,where nick earns the praise they got from l is for love by following up on it and showing in no uncertain terms the two as a blossoming couple.  I get to the actual episode under the cut:
We start with Lori being upset the bathroom is being taken up.... and that brings up a small issue I have: .. WHY IS THERE ONLY ONE BATHROOM FOR 10 KIDS. I do assume Lynn Sr and Rita have their own, and that it might be hard to put another one up there for plumbing reasons, but it still seems WEIRD to not have more than one up there or close to the stairs so that it dosen’t take 50 years for 10 children to get ready. And yes I said 10, Lily has a diaper and isn’t potty trained yet and any cleaning up or getting dressed, when needed, falls on Rita or Lynn Sr. But still it’s a LOT to ask for 10 children to share share one bathroom peacefully and it’s only through the power of not wanting to spend an animation budget on it that the bathroom isn’t a constant disaster area.  Anyways it’s actually Luna who, to her sister’s shock, is in a facemask getting ready to go to the Royal Woods Astonishing Quest with Sam for their first date. Naturally the other two are excited, and Luna, despite her usual nerves, is actually incredibly stoked and feels it’ll go perfectly. 
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At any rate, she’s happy and Lynn comes in to kick everyone out to scrape off her callosuses instead of you know... having Lucy leave their room or doing it while she’s not there, butttt that little detail is actually a tell for later so fair play to you. Plus Lucy may just understandably find int gross and Lynn dosen’t trike me as good at picking up after herself. As it turns out to no one’s shock, Lynn was banned last year for being a sore winner and rightfully so as we see in flashback, but she’scome to terms with it... wink. But they agree to leave as the louds need to get over there anyway.  Cut to the ASTONISHING QUEST.. which turns out to be a scavenger hunt with admitely a great name. Seriously someone use that. But we see tons of returning charcters including Scootst, Pop Pop and his girlfriend, and... 
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I”d apologize for thatbut I feel that way any time I see the little weirners face. Be glad this dosen’t happen every time he shows up.  On the bright side he looks as dead inside as I do whenever I find out he’s in an episode, and Zack looks the same amount of dead inside.. probably because he realized a filing cabnet would’ve been a better partner. A review of your choice for the first person to get that reference and send it to me.  Thankfully my extesntial dread at seeing a Rusty cameo is lifted when Luna meets up with Sam and the two are awkard dorks together for a second as they figure out what greeting to do, settling on a handshake. It’s fucking precious. We then meet Royal Wood’s Mayor, voiced by Shirley! Now if she’d just show up on Ducktales already. Though hearing her reminds me I should do some Harvey Beaks reviews at some point... anyways, she announces the quest and Clyde and LIncoln make a fist bump while Lori and Leni stare down their parents like their about to start brawling in the streets then and there. What.. what have you guys done to each other over the years at these things? I want to know the history there. Have astonishing quest show up again in another season. I”d also love an Brooklyn Nine Nine style heist episode with this show .  Anyways, the rules are laid out: Each team is given an evelope with a clue, standard scavenger hunt contest stuff, and have challenges at each location to complete. The first team to finish wins the key to the city.. er a tiny trophy with you did it on it. Honestly that last one’s better anyway. Anyways after from trashtalk from Scoots and her partner Helen, who seems oddly familliar, we’re off! The first clue is easily figured out by Luna and the two old ladies quickly take advantage of Luna saying it loud where everyone can hear it by heading off: It’s off to Lazer Maze , the local Lazer Tag.  The guy there gives them their challenge: They need to get 500 points to get the next clue. Luna takes to it like a fish to water and easily tags Lisa and her friend Darcy... another nice little cameo. And it also shows something I like: not only are all the louds except Lynn, whose banned, and Lily, whose a baby, are competting on their own. And only Lori, who pops back up in a bit and Leni,whose partnered with her are plot relevant, but the episode easily could’ve left them out or used extras for the other teams but wisely decied to instead use characters we’re familiar with. It adds a nice touch that makes this feel like an actual event and make sme wish the show did more townwide events like this. Stars hollow it up. You have a fun character in the mayor, who was hilarious in her one minute here, you have your taylor. Just give her a quirky sidekick and have fun with it. Granted I want every series to have a little gilmore girls in it, but still.  Anyways Sam botches it and instead of shooting the golden girls shoots Luna by accient, though by the next cut they have their points, and the lazer tag guy encourages them anyway. Sam apologizes not being good at Laser tag but Luna happily shrugs it off: While she enjoys it it’s not for everyone. Anyways it’s Luna’s turn to be confused while Sam easily figures out the clue: IT’s off to the farm. And if you wanted the exact oppsite of my reaction to a Rusty cameo...
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Yeah while my reactions to Rusty is “Why haven’t you died on the way to your home planet yet?” My reaction to Liam is pure joy. He’s like this generation’s stinky peterson and I love it and has a nice enjoyable personality instead of being my own personal Kahn.  Anyways LIam’s challenge is to get Eggs from the chickens. Which Sam does easily.. Luna however is nervous to start despite Sam’s reasssurances.. before totally freaking out. To be fair though, chickens can be downright terrifying. Just look at Poyo
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And why yes that is a chicken hell lordd whose also a cyborg  bisecting santac lause. And why no, you are’nt getting any more context than that, go read Chew.  Anyways theys till have enough eggs to complete the challenge, if now splattered in egg and with Liam disapointed with their shenanigans, but being a professinal about it. Total pro. Anyways, Sam is just as ready to brush it off as Luna, noting farms just aren’t for everyone. I also like this plot in general because while it has the series habit of “thing happens again and again and again then climax” it’s used to flesh sam out a bit. While she is there to be Luna’s love intrest, being a love intrest dosen’t mean a character can’t be good or fleshed out. Just look at tom from star vs the forces of evil for a good example of that.  Anyways it’s once again Luna’s turn to figure out the clue and we’re off to Werk It Dance studio.. I gurantee it was going to say twerk it but nick was like “oh honey no. “. The name is just awkward otherwise. Or maybe i’m just old. Also the twins are there. Just a nice thing to note and two characters I THINK are from an episode I haven’t watched yet but read about. Anyways, Luna’s pumped while sam has “oh crapbaskets” written all over her face and quickly does terribly. This one however is .. not as easy to brush of. Not liking going to farms or laser tag is easy, there just things not to do on dates. Not dancing.. is hard when your both musically inclined people whose taste in music is why you met in the first place. While they try to gloss over it, it’s clear this is an issue and worries them both.  Moving on you know the drill at this point: Sam gets the clue, Luna dosen’t, we’re off to rock climbing. Sam utterly loves it while Luna is terrified. Moving on We cut to Luna, whose sitting down feeling depressed, aka my natural state these days, when Lori and Leni show up. Lori even gave her a cute backpack for the quest.. that has a leash attached. I’d say it’s a bit extreme but i’m half convinced this happened at some point and is the reason Leni dosen’t wear laces. 
Luna is of course spiraling because it turns out she and Sam don’t have a lot in common. Lori however gives some really good advice: Turns out she and Bobby hit some of the same problems and she just suggest they both try embracing things the other person likes. Even if it dosen’t work, shocker given the episode is far from over yet, it’s not bad advice and I like that in relationsihp based episodes it’s Lori who tends to be the one helping out, having the most experince to deal with that and a, at least by this point early Lori could be a bit TOO asholish sometimes, really solid couple.  And if you read this before I apologize because for some reason Tumblr decided to EAT A THIRD OF MY REVIEW FORCING ME TO REWRITE IT. And yes i’m ranting a bit but in my defense I worked hard on this and to have most of it chewed up through no fault of my own pisses me off and thus I needed to rant a bit. Back to the review! So Luna tries Lori’s approach while Lori runs off to find Leni who got off the leash.. again. SHe’s probably just going to sniff some ground, eat the plants,she’ll be finnne Lori. Anyways Luna and Sam go to the local health smoothie shop, the kind of place that is my nightmare for people like me with Orangutan bods but makes sense Sam would be into, and the next challenge is identify what this smoothie is made of. I”ve played this game before: my guesses were fish bones,chicken bones, and dry bones.... seriously the glass was just purred bones. I never bought a smoothie from that guy again.. mostly because someone called the cops. There’s a lesson in that. Luna however spits hers out.  IN a break from formula the next activity is for Luna to come sail away, come sail away come sail away with Sam.. whose actually a pretty apt sailor. You can guess the rest. Luna botches it, they still get the clue, yadda yadda time for the sad part. The two have an honest discussion abotu the fact that despite chemstry being there, they seemingly have nothing but their music in common and are diffrent people, with Luna glumly resolving to finish the race as friends and neither being happy. WHelp my heart just broke, next episode.  So Mayor SHirley from Community greets the girls at the final challenge: A bake off... because apparently just being the first one there wasn’t good enough... then again i’ve seen far worse rule changes by a far smugger canadian man so i’ll let it slide. Thankfully the universe throws the two a bone: Neither can bake. What follows is a damn adorable scene: The two touch hands and blush over butter, before working in synch.. and Sam then procedes to cause their pie to explode in her face.. I could’ve phrased that better, but Luna giggles at it, Sam playfully tackles her giggling insues and the two end up on the ground, smiling at each other. Also Helen and Scoots win. Who cares. Luna realizes from this that she was an idiot to suggest giving up so soon, and proposes they simply try to find things they like together rather than focusing on their diffrences. Because as a coked out cat who sang a duet with a coked out Paula Abdul once said:  If things go wrong we make corrections, to keep things goin in the right directions, try to fight it but i’m telling you jack, it’s uselss opposites attract! By the way the show really dropped the ball not having Luna mention this song titles in one of her song refrence things she does this episode. Anyways the two decide to start dating and then hug. My heart.. it’s too full.  We end the episode on the reveal Helen is Lynn, a nice payoff for earlier as Lynn rides off on her elderly partner in crimes scooter into the sunset while Luna and Sam giggle and look on. Like any great love story. And we’re out.  Final Thoughts:  Okay second time around with this, and it’s a great ep. The repetition hurts it SLIGHTLY, but Sam and Luna’s chemistry helps the episode as does it’s terrific aseop: You don’t have to be exactly alike to love a person, or like the same things.. as long as you connect, and TRY to find things you both enjoy, you’ll be fine. The episodes also helped by plenty of nice little cameos, showing off the series new grasp on continuity, and Lori being Luna’s advisor and Lynn naturally being the douchey rival to them and everyone else. Overall a solid ep that was a natural step forward and set up a good status quo for Sam and Luna. The next ep dosen’t feel as natural a story step, but is still a nice one and the one that insipired me to take the leap and review these eps so join me next time as our faviorite couple bond with some cats and get into some scooby doo door shenanigans with “The Purrrfect Gig” Until then later days. 
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sarcastic-doodle · 7 years
11 questions thingy
Rules : Answer the 11 questions given to you ( below my answered questions) then create your own 11 questions and tag 11 people to answer them. Always post the rules.
I got tagged twice by my lovely hufflepuff grandma rae ( @shakespeareandsprinkles ) and my new fanfic obsession T ( @wherestoriescomefrom ) Yay!! I’m doing both of them together because then I don’t have to think up 11 more questions to ask! Also scroll to the end you two, I’ve got questions for you. Here we go :
▪If you could be a mentor to any fictional character what character would it be? Right now, the first name off the top of my mind is Caroline Forbes from TVD. Lordy what a pitfall her character took when the writers at the helm changed. Her especially because she is just soo giving to all those in need, even at the expense of her own hopes and dreams and aspirations, despite them not realising her worth. I’d like to be there to remind her that sweetie it’s okay to take a step back for yourself. Prioritise yourself. ( this has been the main reason for me not watching the show past s4). Or Draco Malfoy.
▪Do you prefer listening to music with headphones or without headphones. With. Once they’re in, I’m dead to the world.
▪What’s your favourite childhood memory? Ooohh. Ok so what I recall right now is me and my sister playing our own version of LARP when we were kids in our apartment. Like nothing extensive or over the top but exciting nonetheless. We would use mum’s old satchels and handbags to use as backpacks and arm ourselves with tiny water pistols, lunch, bandaids, pellet guns and banadanas for the chosen story of the day. A recent memory is of a few years ago with my younger brother(we have a larger age gap between us). He had asked me to teach him how to do a handstand and/or headstand. Younger me didn’t know how either so we looked it up. What then, out came the pillows to secure the area, my brother was 6 or 7yo at that time I think, and both of us trying to stay upright with the help of the wall, with our shirts slipping down our faces. I remember I kept falling sideways on him as he was beside me not on purpose i swear , maybe because I was older and heavier. idk why my body went sideways when I lost balance instead of front, but it was funnier because it irritated him too, and that’s always a plus. We had finally gotten the hang of it and so when our cousins visited in the following weeks, my brother was eager to show off his skills. So there we were 4 of us, in the spare room, a 3×6 spread of pillows along the longest wall (we have lots of pillows) around us, trying to latch ourselves to the wall because we had the stupid idea of competing on who reached the other end of the wall while doing a handstand and failing miserably because we kept laughing so hard. 😂that was a good day.
▪If you were the protagonist of a novel what would your story be about? Lol I dunno. A gothic novel where I’m the ghost with strange predilictions scaring away people who dare tread in my territory without an adequate compensation of salty-chips with unexpected bursts of MUSE soundtracks in the background.
▪Tell me about your favourite thing, without actually saying what your favourite thing is. …zzZZzz… (as an overworked student, this is a treasured entity)
▪Do you think that in the future we’ll have flying cars? With the advances technology has been making since the last century? Most definitely.
▪Would you rather be a mutant than an Inhuman? Mutant. And powers could be like Betsy or Rogue (but w/ control pls) or Gambit
▪What is something you’d like to do in the future? Travel. Cliché I know. But yeah.
▪You can travel between fictional universes. What are your first five stops? Hogwarts. Doctor Whoverse. Not exactly fiction, but a world where I’m a wandering fly on the wall and P&P is taking place. Storybrooke. PJOverse.
▪If you could name an animal, what would you name it? I had fishes named Velma and Daphne and a chicken named Henry. I don’t think you can trust me with nomenclature
▪Say something completely random. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
▪'Murder is the first on your list.’ - first thing you thought when you read that. Jim Moriarty. My current interest in fictional psychopaths.
▪Shakespeare could have totally been a superspy stopping the Gunpowder plot. Yay or Nay. ▪If Shakespeare wasn’t a superspy who do you think is? Historical figures only. Ok so I had to look this up because I only vaguely remembered reading about this. Tbh I dunno..maybe? I feel I haven’t read enough about the whole situation to make an educated guess. Butttt…sure, why not? Uhh if i had toooo…The brontë sisters lol.
▪Preferred methods of torture Ahem. I sense a common subtext here. But speaking from experience….eating nachos with cheese dip or cream-and-onion chips right in front of them relishing every bite but not sharing(on brother), playing JB out loud (on me) and clicking the pen continuously and periodically in a silent room(on sister)
▪Give an out of context quote which you like. “For ducks sake”
Which afterworld myth/legend/belief would you prefer?Oblivion. The idea of suffering even after death seems scary. Though reincarnation sounds cool. But only if you remember your previous lives. I’d like to remember if I had been Medusa once and used to stun people by my appearance;)
▪Part of you that you don’t want touched. Or can’t bear to have touched The sides of my abdomen. You know, the place people target for tickling? I literally cannot bear it, I have trouble breathing if someone pokes me there or tickles it. Other than that, my cheeks. I mean it’s basic knowledge that one doesn’t poke the indentation of the dimples of a grown ass person. RUDE
▪Favourite Book. Pride and Prejudice. The first classic I ever read. Shall always remain my fave.
▪A character that really fucked up big time and you want to hold them by the shoulders, look them in the eye and make sure that they understand they fucked up.That’s….oddly specific. There are countless of them. Randomly choosing…Draco Malfoy? John Watson?
Do you like your reasoned existence of misery or would the animal life be a blessing. Definitely our reasoned existence. An animal’s life seems tempting when the going gets tough, but I’d never trade this state of conscious for blissful ignorance permanently.
▪Childhood food you loved
Panipuri. Though I now eat them on a lower extent, I used to love them when I was younger.
My Questions : 1. What is the weirdest thing you ever believed that wasn’t true? 2.Favourite fictional character? 3. Something popular that you just don’t get. 4.Your favourite song. 5. If you had an unlimited supply of money, what would you do. 6. You have a choice to live in the body of either Sherlock or Jim for a day. No naughty business. Who would you choose? 7. You have the unprecedented power of recolouring the universe. Name atleast 3 items/place/thing that would be your first use of power. 8. Do you like tattoos? If yes, what is/would be you first tattoo. 9. What is the one thing you wish to change (major or minor) in the Harry Potterverse. If you don’t want this fandom, choose one of your picking. 10. The one colour you won’t be found dead wearing. 11. Your best memory. (Childhood or Adult)
I tag @shakespeareandsprinkles @wherestoriescomefrom @simplyshelbs16xoxo @elennemigo @penaltywaltz @jimmoriartyisking @theleftpill @rainmyselfinharmony @mrsfrankensteinwinchester  that’s all i can remember do it if you want to guys and if anyone else wants to do it, consider yourselves tagged by me! This was fun😃
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xollos · 7 years
ooh time for taz speculation
ok ok ok so pretty much anyone can be a red robe in a person suit right
and with our boys’ death count theyre probably three of those
there were 7 red robes in total, but the one called lup died and was found in the cave in here there be gerblins
so we have 5 red robes accounted for, so there are 2 yet to be revealed
i propose: pringles is another red robe (which probably everyone else has already figured out but im not paying attention whats upppp)
my line of thinking is that the bob has no problem with straight up killing anyone who might turn rogue like they have an entire UNIT of people dedicated to taking them down, butttt lucretia worked it out with the boys after crystal kingdom when she wanted to know why they didn’t run from the lich
so just throwing pringles in jail didnt make sense like why didnt she either talk it out or kill him? because if hes a red robe she can’t let him go free and killing him just gives him free reign as a lich
pringles not having any idea whats up checks out since bbj says when ur in ur body u dont remember anything, and i guess it would have something to do with why he was just like wandering around in bob
nowwww im trying to figure out how lu and bob fit into the endgame showdown
i REALLY REALLY dont think the bob is evil; the relics are most definitely corruptive weapons of mass destruction and the red robes themselves were scared of him, mag was scared of the chalice and the relics are deffo being destroyed so thats good
(plus everyone at bob is lovable and perfect)
(also if theres this super powerful, corrosive bad thing ur scared of why are u gonna dump it off on 2 random strangers? it puts them in danger! what if they use it? why do that? i wanna find out)
with the new info we have im going back through the early episodes to remember what expo there was and lu initially described the red robes as rogue wizards who were experimenting and went too far, and if the bois found any, to bring them to the bob to get information lu said could be vital
but things changed! after the lich showed up, lu told the bois that if they saw it again, to run, just run. so why the change of heart? im still thinking about that. hang with me. 
obviously something changed there. lu learned new info on the red robes. maybe it was the fact that it was a lich that made her afraid? i cant help but think there’s more. there has to be, if im right about pringles.
i think its pretty surefire that there’s a second voidfish containing info on the interstellar war so no one knows about it. i was thinking that maybe, somehow, lu was inoculated, but on second thought probably not. lucretia’s a go-getter and would definitely do something about it. she’s done nothing to demonstrate that she’s aware of anything bigger picture than the relics
except pringles
but not the rest of that stuff. and she would do something about it. 
bbj said something about going to bob and getting answers, so i think its fair to say that she knows something he doesnt, even in lich form, orrrr she knows things that she shouldnt and bbj wants to know how.
so what does she know, and how does she know what she knows? 
also: is she aware of the bois’ status? and as long as they didnt know what was up they weren’t dangerous, and when robbie was wandering around that made him a threat but the bois are good? or was it something about pringles wandering around that alerted her that something was up?
i dont think shes evil. i really dont. shes been so concerned about the bois well being! and shes such a well-rounded character! and i would like to think that griffin would know better than to make this wonderful, three-dimensional, badass woc character be evil.
i was afraid that she was gonna be a puppet, but that line she has in the spa about not relying on anyone else is deffo not something a puppet would say. also i love her.
i deffo think were gonna see her in combat tho. shes so powerful she just tapped her staff a lil bit and instantly knocked out the bois for long enough to set up the trial of initiation. right now it looks like shes gonna fight the bois, but that doesnt mean they cant work things out. kravitz was a big antagonist for a while, remember. i bet shes gonna do some cool shit. i love her.
i think cam thinking well of her is also important in the context of the narrative, and not painting her as a bad person. i was fully prepared for cam to stab them in the back, tho
so back to how does lu know what she knows ok ok ok: lup had the umbra staff right
and there were a bunch of umbra wizards that made cool wands and staves and stuff
maybe the staff lu always has on her at all times is connected to that, dont u think? 
maybe she has ties with the red robes? maybe shes the final lich? maybe she somehow remembered some stuff, not everything but enough to be scared bc it seems like she wants to stay waaaaaaay away from the red robes, or at least wants the bois to hmmmmm im rlly scratching my head on this one “ive stopped relying on others” sounds like someone maybe could have broken from the red robe organization maybe??
oh yeah the solstice carnival! ppl are theorizing that everything is on a loop a la eleventh hour. gundren rockseeker said his dad was locked up with the gauntlet for ten years, and refuge was in a bubble for like 7 years, so it’s been longer than a year. im still pulling that the eclipse marked 1 year till endgame, since theyve been working at bob for over a year now. come on!! how dramatic!!! anyway there were definitely other plane shenanigans going on there
what are those little white things anyway i always picture them as the forest spirits from princess mononoke but like what are they there for
hmm also bbj was so miserable when they didnt trust him after refuge. why did he address his words to lup? whats the story there? 
hmm, and there’s still another relic out there. maybe justin was right and it was love all along.
im gonna add to this as i work back through the podcast but this is where im at rn
also i have memory problems so i probs forgot a lot of contradictory info
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