#BUMBLEBEE BATS MY BELOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
duketectivecomics · 1 month
What do you think about Cass and duke as a duo?
Let’s put it this way, anon, they’re the ONLY relationship duo on this blog that I have a separate platonic tag for MAKE OF THAT WHAT YOU WILL
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devourable · 11 months
the lovers · yandere ocs x terms of endearment
† the church boy :
love, faith, darling, angel. sweet, romantic nicknames are abraham's favorite ways to address his darling aside from their name, especially ones with religious connotations. hell, he'll even refer to you as his god/dess if you even imply that you want him to.
✘ the delinquents :
individually they all have their own little nickname for you; mattias calls you babe, dominic calls you hotstuff, aaron calls you lover (loverboy or lovergirl if you prefer), and judas simply calls you a shorter form of your name.
✎ the prodigy :
he'd have a hard time referring to you as anything other than your name. but whatever he does call you, he makes sure to add 'my' in front of it, no matter what. my darling. my treasure. my beloved. you belong to him and he will make it known, even in the smallest of ways.
☾ the monster :
mykolas almost exclusively refers to you as his mate. but he occasionally likes to refer to you as any pretty thing he's seen recently (rose, bumblebee, waterfall, etc). anything that gives him a nice feeling will nake him think of you.
⚡︎ the gym bunny :
little prince/princess/monarch. particularly when shes trying to encourage you for one reason or another, she'll dial up the nicknames to ten to try and motivate you to work harder. you're her little ruler, you'll do as she says, right?
༄ the mermaids :
together, they all almost exclusively refer to you as their human. lyonesse especially — when she addresses you directly, she calls you 'little human' rather than your name. tomila refers to you as 'pearl' or 'starfish', and kallisto will mimic the names she's heard humans use for one another like 'baby' or 'honey'.
➶ the butcher :
rhodes likens you to baby animals. little lamb, cub, and calf are particular favorites of theirs, but they'll playfully refer to you as sillier baby animal names when they think of them (fry, joey, ✨pangopup✨). they like gently reminding you how small you are compared to them; reminding you how safe you are with them as well.
☹ the alt kids :
like the delinquents, they all have their own nickname for you. faust calls you dollface or just 'doll', delta will call you 'sugar' (and/or spice if you have a more firey attitude), and anton refers to you as 'dove' or 'baby bat'.
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blueikeproductions · 3 months
So a new EarthSpark product was shown to me.
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A water gun toy with Bumblebee (notice how most of these ancillary products DON’T use the Terrans…).
And then it hit me.
Another failure of the toy line.
The whole idea Terrans use water to refuel over Energon would be perfect for Color Changer toys!
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It’s literally built right in!
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Quintus’ water easily could’ve been a toy gimmick! What is wrong with you, Hasbro?? What is wrong with you, show runners?! Stop being so anal about toy gimmicks in a show fragging DESIGNED to sell toys to children and kids at heart! It’s not even that hard to implement! You could even tie it into the Bumblebee water squirter by making it one of Alex’s collectibles!
Make it a power up like the Autobot Brothers!
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They even experimented with Color Changers back in G2!
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I’m in a bit of a raw mood due to a beloved pet dying, but my god, ES writers, stop making us, the fans, do your job for you! None of this is hard! Why are you doing it hard. This is a children’s toy property! It thrives on wacky robot gimmicks, stop being embarrassed by it. This is a property that involved a robot bat trying to steal gasoline with a car wash, and he got beat up by a human teenager for his troubles!
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Stop trying to avoid it and embrace it! This schlock is perfect for EarthSpark for that matter, but nooooo, you gotta make some James Roberts slag about the Decepticons having their feelings hurt and you can’t even do that right!
Where’s the toy gimmick about Nightshade building a Hydro-Cog to activate Color Change power ups? Oh that’s right, it’s in the garbage bin with their much cooler gargoyle beast mode and Doc Brown personality. You could’ve had Doc Greene as a teenage Transformer, but you had to make it about gender and not cool, goofy inventor Wheeljack but an Owl. The Energon Universe deserves all the accolades and I hope the Void Rivals toyline outsells ES. Not like it’s hard.
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moraygrotto · 1 year
how do you think the freshmen would react to a half bumblebee s/o who has antenna, wings and can make their own honey
👀👀👀 i'll do my best under the cut!
Ace: He WILL touch your sensitive antennae just to piss you off lol. Teasing aside, he'll be surprisingly gallant with you in public; assuming beefolk are rare, you'll never have to explain your insectoid features to strangers when he's around to tell them it's none of their business. Watch out though, because if your lips taste like honey, he will steal kisses all the more often~
Deuce: You'd have to explain to him in detail how your body works at times, but after that he'd be extra careful to make sure you never overfilled with honey, helping to clean your wings, even saving up to buy your favorite sweets + juices sometimes. Like Ace, he will go to bat for you in public lol, but very much tries to keep his support on the more kind + domestic side.
Jack: As your partner, he's very protective of you, and that includes your delicate insect features. Honestly, he's a little overly careful around you, since he considers himself very strong & intense, and is terrified of damaging your beautiful wings. He's too proud to ask to consume your honey, but you can easily slip him a mouthful via kiss, which will leave him very flustered and secretly yearning for more~
Epel: He loves your honey. He thinks it's fantastic that your body can make something so sweet, and is a little bit jealous himself. Once he's fully comfortable around you, he'll ask for a taste often, and he's also the most likely to overfill himself on the stuff, if you're willing to provide. He also admires your natural flight abilities, and dreams of taking you home to work in the orchards together.
Sebek: As a mixed species himself, he's fascinated by your biology, but won't admit it. You have to initiate anything vaguely kinky with him, including taking a sip of your honey, but after the first time, he will come back and very stiffly ask for a second taste from his beloved. (It gets to a point where he'll eat it from you so desperately that you'll eventually have to stop him and tell him you're all out for the day😭)
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daedalusdavinci · 1 year
bonus round!! one dc character of your choosing (if you have decision paralysis it must now be about manbat)
as much as i love kirk i do not think i know enough about him for all that. so heres duke, because i love him
send me a character and ill answer:
1: sexuality headcanon
i think if you look very closely at the bat manual it states that in order to be a bat you must be queer. also duke just gives me vibes like he mostly winds up dating women but its not for lack of interest in men. hes bi xir
2: otp
duke x more comics, dc x the gun im holding to their head
3: brotp
duke and damian the way they just INSTANTLY click,,, crying. but also duke and CASS???? them in outsiders?????? sobbing. crying. beating my fists on the floor. i love my bumblebee bats
4: notp
batcst bad we already know go be yucky somewhere else
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
i think puzzles have just become like, stress relief now. like its a way to clear his mind and relax after a long day. ALSO, i think hes adhd, because 1) i said so and 2) i love him and all beloved characters MUST be adhd
6: favorite line from this character
i dont feel like writing up an id but in all star he talks about how his favorite band is a bunch of ex cons who play metal and their band name is like some really explicit shit about batman idr exactlya nymore but thats so fucking iconic what the fuck. i love him. no ones doing it like him
7: one way in which I relate to this character
i too would jump out of a moving car and off a bridge without ever pausing to think it through for even a second. adhd king
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
hitting on cass's mom crimes. the flashbacks to johns hot mom hit me like a truck
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon roll too good for this world too pure i am squishing his little robin cheeks
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Honestly, I though the same thing until I started studying bats a couple years ago! That's the neat thing about bats, they have such a variable size range! The biggest bats have a wingspan of 6 feet, and the smallest are, well, let me show you so you have a frame of reference:
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This is the Bumblebee Bat! Also known as Kitti's Hog-Nose Bat. It's the world's smallest mammal, weighing less than 2 grams (about the same weight as a dime, for reference). Truly, a little bloke. Absolutely amazing. I want to combust every time I see a picture of these guys because the fact that there's a mammal so small that can still fly and lives for as long as it does warms my little, animal science heart. Truly a work of art. Absolutely a physiological and anatomical masterpiece. I wanna write poetry about these guys, and I hate writing poetry so that's really saying something.
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dadas-lil-babi-boi · 3 years
💗🎀 long list of nicknames for regressors + syskids!🎀
(may be some repeats bc i thought of these off the top of my head!)
baby boy
baby girl
little one
little love
puppy / puppi
small one
cutie pie
cutie patootie
little tot
baby bear
little pup
little kit
little woof
sweet pea
angel cake
bon bon
little bun
little bird
baby bee
love bug
cuddle bug
snuggle bug
little deer
little dolly
little bear
baby boo
little hop
little rawr
little man
baby bat
little hops
baby shark
baby bird
little duck
honey bee
love bug
brat (used in a cute + non mean + joking way)
lil pup
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mandareeboo · 3 years
I dont have anything exact for a prompt for dc superhero girls but like... any of them that you want to write abt... simply they are girlfriends ur honor <3
"So," says Babs, conversationally. "Are you a 'one and done' kinda gal, or a 'take it slow, let it go' kind?"
Karen bit her lip. Her fingers were shaking as they dug into the wood of her desk. They'd decided it was best to do this in the Gordon home, seeing how the faintest trace of what was sticking out of her arm could send their friend into serious agony. "Um. Both sound terrible. But I guess I'd rather just be done with the pain."
"Mm-hmm." The redhead adjusted her grip on the shard of kryptonite sticking out of her arm blaster. "Gonna be honest with you, Bee. This went in at an angle. It cut you going in, it's probably gonna cut you coming out. Is there anything I can get you to make this less stressing?"
"A stuffy?" she asked. "Preferably not bat-shaped. Not that bats aren't cool. But you usually stuff explosives into the bat ones."
Babs deems that fair and retrieves what Karen can only assume is the least beloved teddy bear she's ever seen. It's fur is bright brown- or it would be, without the dust. This was clearly an ancient Christmas or birthday present, tossed around but never truly used, with just enough sentimentality to avoid being thrown out or donated. Karen stuffs the teddy into the crook of her elbow and squeezes. Hard.
"Are you going to count to three?" she asked.
Babs shook her head. "You'd tense on three. Flexing the muscles is a bad idea."
"Okay. Then wh-"
She tightened her grip and yanked. Hard. 
Karen let out a yip and buried her face into the bear. She didn't want to imagine the disaster it'd be if the Commissioner heard.
"I got it!" Babs exclaimed, holding the rock up into the fluorescent light. "Man, I wish I could study this stuff. But I don't want to risk Kara getting sick having it close by."
"Yeah," she answered, trying not to get sick herself over the faintest bit of blood. Karen tapped a few buttons on her panel and the limbs popped off one by one, falling to the floor with a clatter. Karen yanked up her sleeve. "Oh, that's not so bad."
Babs, wetting a cotton ball, agreed with her. "Won't even need stitches. This time I'm definitely gonna count, okay?"
"Yes, please."
It doesn't take long to do the medical end of things. It was, all things considered, a surprisingly small gash. That said, getting cut with a rock was a great way to make yourself hate antiseptic. The crisp white bandage was probably a bit too much, but Babs is thorough.
The damage to her armor, however, is pretty damning. Karen felt her stomach squirm as she opened the hull, revealing ripped circuits, damaged data boards, and a couple of melted discs. Not cheap to purchase. She was going to have to run on bubblegum and duct tape for a while. (Not that that was out of the ordinary)
"Back to the drawing board?" Babs hummed, hefting a truly breathtaking toolbox out of thin air. "I'll go to the lair tomorrow and see if I can't scavenge you a few parts from first-drafts bat weapons."
"Thank you." Karen pulled out a wrench, feeling it in her hands. Her grip wasn't too affected. Good. "Back to the drawing board."
There was a clatter on the stairwell, too fast and too heavy to be Commissioner Gordon's, and there was Diana, flinging open the door in her full Wonder Woman garb. "KAREN ARE YOU-" She caught sight of Karen and seemed to lose an entire inch as she sighed with relief. "Oh, thank Zeus."
Babs let out a shriek. "Diana, did you walk to my house dressed in full uniform? What is somebody saw?"
"I did not walk; I ran. I told the your father I was doing a 'costume play'." Diana seemed to struggle to regain her poise at the sight of the bandage on Karen's arm, jaw tightening. "I was told you jumped in front of Supergirl, little Bumblebee."
Karen let out an awkward chuckle, rubbing her arm. "I think that's a bit of a stretch. Y'see, Babs and I have been prepping ourselves for cases like these, and-"
"Cases like these?" Diana echoed. Her voice was flat. "Cases like what, exactly?"
"Kryptonite weapons!" Babs chirped, holding up the stone. She'd had the sense of mind to wipe it off, at least. "Just being near the stuff can weaken Kara. We didn't even want to consider what might happen if she got poked by it. So we've made work-arounds; thicker armor around our limbs, metal designed to avoid skin-contact with sharp objects, etc. The next step is if they find a way to make it into a ray gun or something, but that's mostly if it's somehow too quick for Kara to dodge, and, let's be real, that probably won't-"
"Barbara." The girl stopped instantly. "Leave me and Bumblebee alone for a moment, please. We need to talk."
Karen gulped.
Babs shot her an apologetic look, then gave the Amazonian some finger guns. "Righty-o, boss. I'll go make us some snacks." She paused at the door, looking over her shoulder. "Just gimme a ring when you're ready, alright?"
Diana jerked her head in a nod. She watched with frightening intensity as the knob clicked closed.
She whirled around. "Why was I not made aware of this? You and Barbara have been plotting to- to collect shards in your limbs like cufflinks! And you never-"
"It's not our first choice!" Karen held up our hands. "It's not even our last choice, Diana. We're also making shields, and inhibiters. It's an extreme emergency, last resort thing. And we've not even fixed the bugs!"
"It was faulty and you did it anyway?" She shrunk down as Diana slammed her hands on the table. "You could have been seriously injured! Or worse!"
"Diana," she said, showing off the bandage. "I'm mortal, not a water balloon. Trust me, I would have never done this if I thought it would be lethal."
Diana, for her part, did look a bit chastised. Her shoulders fell. "I am... sorry, little Bumblebee. I did not mean to doubt your abilities. It's just- I was out of the loop for one mission, and I came home to find my strongest warrior hardly able to move as she told me you were taken elsewhere for serious wounds."
"Kara talked to you?"
"She tried. She was crying."
Karen winced. She knew Kara would hate this idea. That's why they'd been so quiet about it. "I'm sorry I worried you all, but I wasn't in any real danger."
"This time. What of next time?"
"Now that we know they're onto our weaknesses, there won't be a next time."
"There shouldn't have been a first time!" Diana got down on one knee to hold her arm with great respect. This was one of the few positions she was actually taller than the Amazonian, and it made Karen nervous. She knew how bad it felt to be small. She never wanted other people to feel that way. "Is it bad, αγάπη μου?"
And Karen, smart and strong and absolutely weak to puppy dog eyes, couldn't stop herself. "I was in front of her."
Diana sucked in a breath.
"When it went off. I was in front of Supergirl." Karen forced herself to go on. It felt horrible to say out loud. A betrayal. But she had already betrayed Kara, hadn't she? She needed to own up to it. Reassure them all that she deserved the little scratch on her arm. "I dodged. I dodged out of the way. How horrible is that, Diana?"
"I dodged," she repeated, voice wobbly with unshed tears. "I knew it could kill her, and I dodged." Fingers dug into her skirt. Her own fingers. The cut burned. "I'm a terrible person."
Diana's fingers cupped her chin, bringing her gaze back to her. "No. Never. You are human, Karen. You were scared."
Karen wished it was that easy. But, to her, it wasn't. She wasn't enough. "Heroes are supposed to take risks."
"Heroes must be alive to take those risks." Diana's fingers tightened their grip- not enough to hurt, but holding her in place. "Please, αγάπη μου. No more secret extreme emergency, last resort things. We are warriors, not blockades to toss in front of each other."
"Promise," she said, and it was the easiest promise she ever made. "...Can we call Babs back in, now? I'm gonna need her help un-soldering some things."
Wonder Woman swooped up for a kiss. Karen was someone who got electrocuted a lot, but nothing so simple had even a bit of life compared to being held and loved by the strongest woman in Metropolis, especially when she smiled like that. "In a moment. Allow me some time with you alone. It’s selfish, but it’s... human.”
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petitelepus · 5 years
Bond Over Sparks
This is a commission requested by @fyrestrike, my most dedicated follower. I’m honestly sorry if this story doesn’t match your requirement but I tried my best darling! This story is a continuation from the earlier story!
"Ah!" Fyrestrike gasped feeling Megatron thurst into her multiple times. The femme was over her sensors, feeling the extra charge in her frame that made it at a similar time so sensitive. The warlord kept pounding into her like he was trying to put a sparkling into her that he might have just done that during their last period.
The idea crossed Fyrestrike's mind. Having Megatron's sparkling. The one and only feared warlord's baby sparkling...! It would be magnificent...! Better than any other sparkling ever born after AllSpark...!
With the thought of carrying Megatron's child was almost enough to send her over to the overload. But no, they were the Megatron's words that made her overload all over that spike, "Overload for me my Queen...!" And she did.
And she overloaded and so hard she saw stars behind her optics. Fyrestrike panted hard against Megatron's chassis as she tried to recover from her string of overloads. Round two had turned into a round three and she was beyond exhausted while Megatron had barely broken a sweat. That's a warlord for you.
Warlord. Her warlord. It took a moment to settle in her mind that she was sparkmated now for the rest of her life to Megatron until one or another would die. Megatron reached over her back for something and when his hand returned to her sight he was holding a goblet filled with oil.
"Drink my Queen. You will need strength if you're going to fetch me those pieces." He ordered and Fyrestike nodded and moved to take the goblet but her lover moved the goblet out of her reach. She was confused and attempted to try again, but Megatron wouldn't give it to her.
"Umm...?" She started uncertainly. "Should I fetch them, myself my own?"
"Nonsense, you're not going anywhere just yet," Megatron said and moved the goblet towards her. She raised her hands, ready to take it, but instead of giving it to her the warlord pushed the edge of the goblet between her lips and tilted forward. He was making her drink it. Something in it was awfully submitting to Fyrestrike and she moaned slightly as the delicious oil run down her intake into her tank.
Once the goblet was empty Megatron pulled it away and put it down. He smiled down at his beloved and graced her servos against her cheek. "My Queen, I saw in your memories as you did mine. Tell me, what did the Autobots do to you?"
Fyrestrike went silent as she turned to look at the ground and Megatron let her. This was a show of trust and wanted Fyrestrike to trust him. So when she frowned and looked at him in a mixture of sadness and rage he knew it would be good.
"They tested it on me...!"
"What did they test?"
"The Flier-code, they tested it on me but they deemed me as a failure and ordered me to be offlined so I wouldn't even in an accident end up in enemy's hands..." She grew quiet, understanding probably that it had just happened like the Autobots have feared might happen. Megatron saw through her and with a hand under her chin made her look at him.
"You are not a failure, my Queen. You're a success, but they didn't count on it that you had your own will and you wouldn't just blindly follow them like rest of their soldiers do. A success that they wanted to destroy..."
Fyrestrike frowned sadly, but Megatron smiled at her and gently held her helm in his hands. One move and he could easily crush her helm...! But he didn't want that.
"So, you were their mistake, but you are our success. The Decepticon cause will get to its rightful glory with you by my side as my rightfully bonded Queen...!" Megatron made clear that he wasn't having any insecurities in his Queen. Fyrestrike looked baffled but was also amazed at how Megatron spoke about her. Like she mattered and his speech felt overpowering and encouraging in her audios. She found herself quickly pumped up and Megatron saw this.
"Now... My little Decepticon Queen... Will you fetch me the pieces?"
"Yes... Yes, my King." Fyrestrike agreed and jumped on her pedes. Megatron grinned harder and took her outside. As they walked they passed by Blitzwing and Lugnut who knew to stay away. Megatron's orders were in action until he said otherwise. The warlord leads the peach-colored femme outside the mines, trusting in it that he had her full loyalty.
He told her which way the city of Detroit was and Fyrestrike nodded before transforming and taking off. Megatron smirked with success and returned to the mines. Little did Fyrestrike know, he had plans.
On her way to Autobot's headquarters, the femme pondered if she was really going to do this. Was he really going to betray Optimus and others? The only good Autobots who had taken her under their wing when she had barely managed to escape from the Elite Guards? The more she thought about it the sicker feeling she got in her fuel tank and she almost felt like purging the rich oil Megatron had fed to her.
Megatron. Her bonded and partner for life. If she did was he told her to do now Megatron would no doubt win the war. Then, there would be a place where she could be without fear and feel accepted. But what about Optimus and others? What would happen to them if the Decepticons won the war?
Megatron did promise her that her friends would be safe, that they would have their own places in their Decepticon kingdom. That encouraged her to actually betray them. It would be for their own good. The war was ruthless and if the Decepticons won without her by their side who knows what would happen to Optimus and others?
That in mind, she continued forward. She made it into the center of the city to the factory that Autobots had claimed as their own. One she was outside she transformed and entered the building.
The surprise was very evident on Autobots' faces. Like they thought she was a goner. But when they saw her she felt sickly. Like what she was doing was wrong, but she pushed herself forward. It was her new mission after all.
"Fyrestrike, are you alright?!" Bumblebee asked as she walked by him and followed behind her. Ratchet, Prowl, Optimus and rest of the team were close by.
"What happened? Did you manage to escape?" Bulkhead asked and Fyrestrike snapped, "Everything is fine!" She yelled and mechs stared in shock. Fyrestrike never snapped at anyone, never at Bulkhead out of all the bots. When she put in the code to open the chamber where they held the pieces of AllSpark, Optimus spoke out. "Fyrestrike, what's wrong, you're acting out of your character....!"
Little did he know when she pulled out her guns on everyone. "Stand back and don't move unless you want holes in you!" She screamed and backed away with the shards. The Autobots held their hands and servos to themselves, but when Ratchet made a move to lift his servos Fyrestrike shot a warning shot at his pedes. "None of that Ratchet!" She warned him, very familiar with the Autobot doctor's gun-power.
The medic grumbled but lifted his arms in the air in surrender and everyone else followed him. Fyrestrike backed away until she was at the edge of the factory area and was just about to transform and take off when Optimus shouted at her, "Why Fyrestrike!? I thought you were one of us!"
"But I'm not! I never truly was!" She shouted back and became mournful and she cast her optics down in a mixture of fury and sadness. Ratchet made his move and attempted to cast Firestryke into the air where she would be useless but the femme saw past this and shot the medic in the leg. Ratchet cried out in pain and fell on his knees.
"Ratchet!" Everybody called out, but Firestryke's order halted them all from approaching their fallen comrade, "Stay away from him or I shoot!"
The bots did as they were told and reluctantly lifted their arms in the air, but they never stepped away from their medic, shielding him from any more harm. Fyrestrike began to panic. Her former friend was hurt by her. "I never wanted this...! This was supposed to go with ease...!"
"What was supposed to be an easy job!? Betraying us!?" Bumblebee shouted and yelped as the guns were pointed at him. "To repay for my sparkmate!" Fyrestrike shouted and they were baffled. That was obvious from their looks, but Prowl was the first one to realize it. "Megatron sparkmated you...!"
Firestryke didn't even bat an optic. "So what about it?!"
Ratchet groaned, but the mechs didn't make anyway for him to speak, determined to protect their friend. "Kid... It can be canceled...!" Ratchet groaned out but Firetrike shook her helm, "No, I don't want it canceled!"
Everybody looked at her in shock. "What?!"
"You heard me!" She cried out, coolant dripping from her optics, "Megatron gave me a chance to be what I am and I am fairly certain that I'm not an Autobot anymore!"
"B- but we took you in with us! You got our symbol!" Bumblebee yelled and Firestryke shouted, "Don't you think I know that!?" Silencing the smaller Autobot.
Firestryke huffed and continued. "I was deemed as a failure by Ultra Magnus...! Too much of my self-esteem and worth...! So he commanded me to be offlined, but no, I escaped! And now I have a place amongst the Decepticons!"
"They will offline you once you get the pieces to them, you know that right!?" Optimus called out and Firestryke holds in tears as she backed away from the factory. "Everything is better than betraying my sparkmate...!" Fyrestrike cast a sad look at her former partners and muttered single words out of her mouth. "Once the Decepticons win you know I was just thinking what was best of you."
She transformed and took off. The Autobots, expect from Ratchet, were quick to transform and follow her and they were doing a good job keeping up with her even though the city's streets were busy with life and traffic. But then there were lasers shot and Fyrestrike almost stopped midair in her confusion.
Little did she know, Megatron had sent Blitzwing and Lugnut to follow her and trail after her as she retrieved the pieces of AllSpark. The Decepticon duo shot lasers and flames at the Autobots and she felt distressed. She felt like begging them to stop, but what would that have looked before her new leader. So she kept going. Towards her sparkmate.
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spinedog · 5 years
I’ve been refraining from too many shipping posts just because I don’t like discourse and while I certainly ship the hell out of those two girls, I didn’t think I had much to add. But, I haven’t seen any posts about this and I thought I’d add it in.
So, weeks back, I saw lots of posts about how Yang’s ‘code’ to lock Bumblebee into its storage locker was numeric code for ILU. I 100% beleive that that ‘i love you’ is for the bike, mind you, but think about that. The CRWBY went through the trouble of animating her punching in that code. They wanted us to see it.
(Note- my MO with theories is in looking for details that don’t really need to be there, but are. It’s not nessesarily a foolproof strategy, obviously, I’ve been wrong plenty of times. But let’s face it, in a show with the budget and staff size of RWBY, if something small and seemingly meaningless takes up even a second of screentime, you can bet there’s a reason for it.)
Now, to episode 11. Yang threw that bike at Adam without even batting an eye. No wincing, no ‘I’m sorry’, not even an attempt to save it. Now, obviously, we can all agree that a human life is worth more than a machine. I’d probably wreck my car to save the life of one of my coworkers. (probably. Might depend on the coworker. My dearest Meg is my one true mechanical love, after all.) But I’m trying to think about it from Yang’s perspective. She’s absolutely had that bike a longass time. She went through the trouble of bringing it all the way to Argus with her, through the train crash, the snow, and the Apathy. If she’s anything like me, that machine is a symbol of her freedom and her power. I’m willing to bet that the CRWBY went through pains to remind us of that with the ‘ILU’ code.
And yet she was immediately willing to sacrifice it to knock Adam over. Not even to kill him - just knock him down. The man who’s already taken her arm, and tbh does not deserve to take anything else away from her, much less her beloved Bumblebee.
Because Blake is far more important to her. She can replace an arm. She can replace a bike.
She can’t replace Blake Belladonna.
That’s why I ship these two. I don’t really care about romance, or dating, or all of those adorable drawings of them snuggling or smooching.
What wrenches my guts is the thought of two broken teenage girls, clinging to each other because the bond between them is stronger than the past trauma they’ve both endured. And them rebuilding that bond after trust was broken, because they beleive in each other and they want to be together.
That’s canon. That’s real. Romantic or platonic, friendship or love, that kind of bond is something many people will never experience and many stories will not properly replicate.
Of course, I think it is/will go to romantic territory. As it should - God knows these two girls deserve it.
But that’s my bumbleby post. I love these two girls, and I’m wildly happy to see their relationship grow back and become stronger than ever. And I hope poor Yang gets another bike sometime in the future.
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suzie-guru · 5 years
Zodiac, poison, lightning, microscope, parachute!
microscope: zoom in – describe the little, insignificant details about an OC.
Here’s a collection of little details about Rose!  
Rose is both a mirror image and a negative of her mother - she has her complexion and big eyes and long cascading waterfall of hair and delicate features and overall beauty, but with completely different coloring. 
When she frowns, she looks just like her father. Having his thick eyebrows doesn’t help. 
No one knows how she came by her red hair. Her freckles can be explained because she basically lives outside, but her hair? There are theories, some kind and some not, but no one knows for sure…
Also, when (and how) the hell did she get so TALL? 
She tells stories to anyone and anything, including herself.  
When she was a wee thing she would try to pet bumblebees all the time. 
She does most of the heavy lifting when it comes to the work in the woods. Girl is strong, and it shows. 
Any and all animals instantly adopt her, and she them. Her mother and father have long made peace with her drifting off to sleep with all sorts of beasties tucked into her shift and bedding. 
She LOVES her honorary aunts.  
She couldn’t choose just one favorite color, but she favors blue in pretty much any and all articles of clothing. 
She can turn anything into a bookmark - a leaf, a deck of cards, a piece of toast…
No one is more surprised than she when she turns out to be a natural at fighting. 
She is the biggest homebody ever. 
Her patronus would be a bear. 
lightning: who’s the most impulsive character? and who is their impulse control?
TATTER. The whole crew has to act as her impulse control, basically. And Greg and Ash have learned to curb their impulses, but they both watch out for each other as well. 
poison: vices/bad habits? what are they? how do they affect your OC?
Let’s focus on Tatter for this one! 
Tatter…she’s an odd duck. She doesn’t consider the vices she has as actual vices, because she doesn’t see how they hurt anyone. The fact that they might end up hurting her or mess up her life is neither here nor there in her opinion, because she lives in the moment and she enjoys her drinks and her food and her drugs and her sex and her fights when she’s doing them. To worry about them before or regret them afterwards is time wasted, and Tatter refuses to waste her life. 
And because she’s so cheerful and upbeat and gusty and bold and brash and confident and over the top, no one really thinks to question her behavior? “Yeah, she’s outrageous, but she doesn’t seem to messed up by whatever she chooses to do.” 
But the fact is, Tatter is very hedonistic and impulsive. She likes to have fun and she likes her adventures and she always wants to be the one at the pub telling a ripping good tale, so she makes sure she has loads to tell. I haven’t nailed all the facts down, but she self-medicates and represses a lot. People see her as the Outrageous Fun Wild One, and she’s almost convinced herself she needs to be that. 
Tatter is a complicated character, and I’m still exploring her, but for someone who takes a lot of pride in how free spirited she is, she’s definitely carrying some major fucking baggage. 
parachute: who does your OC(s) trust the most? who makes them feel safe? who would they do absolutely anything for?
Let’s focus on Ash for this one! 
Given her life and line of work and certain events in her past, Ash makes Trust No One pretty much her credo. At least, that’s what she says. But what Ash says and what Ash does are often very different things indeed…
No matter how much they bicker and tease and tell each other they would sell the other out for a pint of warm beer, Greg and Ash are pretty damn ride or die for each other. It took a while for them to get there, but there’s no going back now for the either of them. 
Meredith is also one of the few people she trusts, mainly because Meredith took her utterly by surprise by almost immediately trusting her. Meredith also happens to be one of the strongest and selfless people Ash has ever known, if not THE strongest and most selfless person she’s known, and Ash fucking values that. 
Rose, in time, becomes another one of the few people that Ash truly does trust, but that’s because Ash is more concerned with protecting her and caring for her. It’s rather like a parent realizing they genuinely trust their child with/on something. And then said child goes on to become your general/ruler…
On the other hand, Sander has a lot of fucking work ahead of him before Ash doesn’t sleep with one hand on her sword when she’s with him…
Tatter…she likes Tatter an awful lot. But liking someone ain’t the same as trusting them. Both of them know that, and they’re fine with that for now…
Ash knows that safety is an illusion - she’s always going to court danger, never know peace. But Greg and Meredith keep that illusion alive, and she can recognize it’s a dream but still appreciate it at the same time. 
As for those she would do anything for, there’s obviously Greg and Meredith and Rose, she would lay down her life for any and all of them. 
Of course, the character that truly captures all three of these aspects is Pumpkin. God Almighty, Ash would do ANYTHING for Pumpkin, her partner in crime, her best beloved, her Ol’ Bastard. And that horse knows it. 
zodiac: what’s their sign? does it influence their personality? do they care about astrology?
Oh my God, I just realized that as much as I love astrology and head-canoeing the signs of characters, I have never sat down and legit planned out the actual birthdays and signs for the Fire Frost & Fable crew! Shame on me, I must get to this! 
That being said, right off the bat I feel it’s pretty safe to say that Meredith is a Pisces, Greg is either an Aries or a Leo, and Rose is a Scorpio. But don’t quote me on that, that’s very very very likely to change! Seeing as I haven’t even thought of sitting down and planning out their signs, I won’t say that their signs influence their personalities - it’s more like they tie into the personalities. 
I can see Rose and Meredith being intrigued by astrology and giving it some thoughtful consideration, Greg and Ash not giving a rat’s rump about it, Aurora completely believing in it, and Zelle flip-flopping on it, depending how it serves her at the moment. 
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krupnick · 5 years
A lady as kind and classy as Jessica deserves only the best of the best. So the first wrapped box that Bill offers to her is filled to the brim with unique spa treatments and mellow scented candles from all over the multiverse, appropriately labeled as "Treat Yo Self". And the second, smaller box contains a glittering ruby ring, enchanted with Bill's power. When she snaps her fingers, it will activate, silencing cat-callers or freezing anyone making unwanted advances on her.
For anyone else in the Ink and Paint, Jessica’s a cold dame with frost practically emanating from her shoulders in a frothing mist. For Bill, there’s a growing smile basked in warm, ruby lips melting that visage away like sunshine on ice. Bill packed a presence wherever he went — you had no choice but to acknowledge the ancient God when he walked into a room, and your feelings on it are you own. Jessica’s, meanwhile, were feelings of a jovial connection found among folk who were attracted to their own gender.. and the chaotic side of the sundial. 
& Perhaps it was silly for her to feel this way, but it was relieving to look at this enormous man and not feel an ounce of terror for her life, or a dire need to throw up certain defenses, and instead see a face she was growing to adore. There are so many instances where the situation was the opposite, but Bill, as ironic as it may be, was nothing but a gentleman to the songstress. A hearty, wholesome and undeniably powerful beast before a small beauty. Besides, the man offered to beat down some of her more .. invasive ‘’fans’’ for making her feel uneasy. It was hard not to adore Cipher.
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“Billy boy blue, come here you!” Jessica bubbles, heels quickly clicking around the way with arms extended and wrapping around the much taller gentleman. It is STRANGE the way she has to accept how someone Is Taller Than She, But You Know Life Happens And Eventually Someone’s Gonna One-Up You. Ah, but the songstress plants a little kiss to the man Cipher’s cheek, beaming up at him when she draws back. “I was hoping to run into you before the year ticked its last tock. It’s good to see you, sweetheart.” She gushed, pinching his cheek gently and giving it a little wag. “And still growing more handsome by the day, I see.”
—- but lo and behold, he comes bearing gifts!
“And what have we here?” Jessica piques, having little hesitation in lifting the spa package present and deeply inhaling its scent, soon after giving a contented sigh when detecting the candles and other perfumes. Call it the woman’s freakish sixth sense, or just the side effect of a hardworking actor, but the toon has a knack for honing in on anything containing R&R assortments - going right for its throat before all else. Although unlike any of the other pampers, she can’t place some of these aromas. They were delightful, and that was exciting. These had to be new! Just when she thought she tried just about everything under the sun, Bill goes bringing something brand new to the table and bringing a wider spread to that grin of hers, cheeks plump and rosy. 
Neatly peeling back the paper, the actress soon dips her hands into the box and eagerly analyzes each item, softly cooing in awe. She was right, she hasn’t seen a good chunk of these luxuries — and she figures not many people on Earth have. Red locks pour over her shoulder with her canting head, purple thumb rubbing one of the alien labels. “You know your way to an actress’s heart.” She jokes with eye flickering back up to him. “Thank you so much. I can almost promise you this is not going to last the year out.” She’s putting them to work ASAP! But in reality, she’s going to be saving the multiverse brands as much as she possibly can, use them only when the day’s gone either really bad or really good.
—- and then came the ring,
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“…” The stunned silence isn’t a bad one, it’s simple shock. Glancing back and forth between glittering ring and Bill, the star is lost for words and it shows. A moment or two is taken for her to catch her vocal cords back in her throat, and she finally speaks. “Oh, Bill..”
Delicately taking the ring from its bo and slipping it on her middle finger, opposite digits touching her clavicle in aback wonderment. Little does Bill realize just how much action this ring is going to get, and just how deep Jessica’s love is going to grow for it. An accessory that you will scarcely find her without in the foreseeable future, twinkling and stealing the tongues of plenty-a catcaller with just a nimble flick of her thin wrist.
Slender arms again throw themselves around the burly man-bound God, hugging him tightly. “You absolute angel,” She spoke gently, cordially. “I don’t even know how to thank you for this. You have no idea the trouble this going to save me.” and the days he’s going to save from being ruined. “Thank you so much, sweetheart. I love it. I love it all.” And that was the honest truth. She doesn’t take off the ring when she carefully tucks her gifts into her purse, already deciding this is where it will remain for some time.
“ —- And don’t think you’re leaving here without getting something in return, mister.” Jessica quickly states while fishing around still in her purse. She pulls out three gifts ; two large boxed presents and a much smaller one, all wrapped in glittering red wrapping paper and topped with white bows.
For Bill, it’s actually a family package. Two black leather jackets for himself and his beloved, with studded shoulders and pockets! But the most notable feature is printed on the back of them in red: “If lost, return to Rick” for one & “I’m Rick” for the other. For Bee, there’s a yellow & black candy-striped baseball bat with a comfortable rubber grip and a large twinkling transparent bag printed with little bumblebees on it; to its cute little bow brim, it’s stuffed with Christmas candy and glitter-infused paint tied with new paint brushes, and rolled up galaxy-themed paper. For Bill separately, there is a neon rainbow bracelet fit for any wrist — and the moment it’s put on, it will start to glow, float and leisurely rotate around its owners wrist. This was a souvenier she’s longed to give him since her and Rick’s Mysterious Pride Month Adventure. Finally, she has the chance to deliver it.
… and among these things is a giant, animated wicker basket that smells of fresh-baked Holiday madness in dessert form, coming in the shapes of Gingerbread Monsters, sprinkled cookies, three chocolate pies and two frilly red velvet cakes. If you thought the Cipher family was being skipped out on Jessica’s manic baking spree, You Thought Wrong. Enjoy The Bombshelter Supply Of Sweets.
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“Come on, meet me at my car. I actually bought something else for your little girl, but I couldn’t bring it in.”
Whenever they went out into the night and popped open the trunk to Jessica’s crimson corvette, there was a multi-colored star with ribbons waiting inside with a small “For Bee - Happy Holidays! ♥” note attached. A piñata! It was chilly to the touch, hinting at the fact it’s been waiting for quite a while. A week, at least. “I took the chance to fill it up so you wouldn’t need to worry about that. I figured she could have a little extra fun on Christmas morning, put the bat to work for the first time. Is that alright?”
If Bill accepted it, Bee’d find a lot of Christmas sweets, chocolate coins and wrapped, homemade cake pops waiting for her one merry morning —- or whenever they decided to pop the papier-mâchétoy. It didn’t matter!
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feliciohno · 3 years
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