#BTB verse
belalugosiseyebrows · 1 month
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Two misc drawings
Left is the sketch I used to make my Spider-Punk back patch
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okamirayne · 3 months
Rayne, last episode was awesome!! Just here to remind you that your work is loved by everyone! Shipps in fandom tend to have a person, yk, that internet usser that opens people's eyes and teaches them about a rarepair like its a master class. For me, you are that person. 💗💗 You've done a lot for the shikaneji community, I don't know a single person that ships them and doesn't know about you! You kinda inspired me to learn english years ago because I'd just straight up translate everything with the google translator extension 😂 It's been years since then, and now I read the btb series comfortably in its native language. And there's where I have to ask you something: To celebrate the new HHU's chapter, I'm rereading the whole BtB series. I'm currently in Requiem, but something it's been in my head making noise enough for me to come here and ask you! In Break to Breath, chapter 28, I think they're in Hanegakure and the boys did what hot traumatized boys do... However they're woken up next morning and it is said that Sikamaru tied up his hair with Neji's tie, what Neji did with his hair wasn't mentioned so I always thought that they used each other's ties from then on... Until the very end. Because during the war, Neji isn't using a hairtie, maybe he didn't want to lose it and he save it along Shikamaru's note.
It's never explicitly stated that they got their hairties back, so my favorite headcanon (having people creating headcanons over your fanfic? ur the GOAT) about BtB has allways been that Shikamaru didn't give Neji his hair tie back, and viceversa.
Like when you have a partner in real life and, well, you cannot make a public statement about being together o maybe you cannot see them everyday, so (if you have long hair) you give them your hair tie for them to use in their wrist or properly in their head.
To summarize, what are your thoughts on this? 👀
It's been a while since I last reread the series, so I don't remember this fact being brought up again, at least it wasn't ever mentioned again in Btb nor OtC. Hair ties are mentioned again, but not this. So I live in delulu and imagine them playing with the hairties when they feel lonely/sad. However if it indeed was, then I'm blind and I'm reallyyyy sorry you had to read this 😭
Again, I sincerely love you and the works put online, they're masterpieces and, knowing about the author's block you suffered these years, I hope you're not pressuring yourself on writing! I think we will always wait for you, wheter its BtB universe or your original works 💗
English it's not my first language so I'm sorry if you encouter trouble reading this! xoxo
Sweet Anon 💗💗
Please forgive me if I struggle to find the right words - always a challenge when I am hit so hard by the mega-feels that I'm reduced to a puddle of pure emotion...
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There is so much I am thankful for in your beautiful message. The reassurance and kindness of welcoming me back onto the writing stage after such a crippling absence. The sweetness of your incredibly high praise and regard for my work, and the intense combination of humbleness and amazement, learning that you came into the BtB story via Google Translator and took a chance on a fic not in your native language. THANK YOU, for giving my mad story that opportunity, time, investment, and love. I am so touched that the fic gave you traction regarding learning English and that you can enjoy the fic in his native language. Thank you for crossing that language barrier to read my work...again, I'll never not be humbled by that...💗
Thank You for Every Single Word of Kindness and for the monumental love and support your message has contained. I'm so, so touched and so very thankful 💜❤️‍🩹🙏🏼
To celebrate the new HHU's chapter, I'm rereading the whole BtB series.
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Aww! I sincerely hope you enjoy the ride once again, sweetie. 🙏🏼
Regarding your question about the hair ties!
[...]...and it is said that Sikamaru tied up his hair with Neji's tie, what Neji did with his hair wasn't mentioned so I always thought that they used each other's ties from then on... Until the very end. Because during the war, Neji isn't using a hairtie, maybe he didn't want to lose it and he save it along Shikamaru's note. [..] It's never explicitly stated that they got their hairties back, so my favorite headcanon (having people creating headcanons over your fanfic? ur the GOAT) about BtB has allways been that Shikamaru didn't give Neji his hair tie back, and viceversa.
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Oh I do love where your headcanon has gone.
To summarize, what are your thoughts on this?
I can confidently say, it's a yes. Insofar as Neji allowing Shikamaru to keep his tie when Shikamaru's goes pinging off into the bowels of whatever place they're ravaging each other in...although, I won't lie and say there aren't a few instances where one or the other fight over the last hair tie...
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Of course, said fight for the almighty hair tie is always instigated by Shikamaru absolutely refusing to be caught with his hair down, whereas Neji doesn't particularly care, unless he needs it tied back for practical reasons, in which case...may the best genius win. Good luck. 😂
So I live in delulu and imagine them playing with the hairties when they feel lonely/sad. However if it indeed was, then I'm blind and I'm reallyyyy sorry you had to read this 😭
OMG don't apologise! I loved reading this 💗. I'm so happy your mind plays in the BtB madness and again, there's truth to the hair tie sharing (Neji doing the sharing lol and Shikamaru the stealing)
Again, I sincerely love you and the works put online, they're masterpieces and, knowing about the author's block you suffered these years, I hope you're not pressuring yourself on writing! I think we will always wait for you, wheter its BtB universe or your original works 💗
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I love and appreciate you in return, dear Anon. BtB would not have happened - would not STILL be happening, if not for the kindness of readers reaching out to share their thoughts, feelings, feedback etc. on the work. You make it possible for me to do it. And for all the words I could ever hope to possess, none of them will ever adequately describe or encompass the enormity of the gratitude, joy, healing, and love I feel hearing from you. 🥰
I honest to gods have no words when it comes to my Original Works and your interest in them...I am just an utterly melted heart, spilling all over the floor of emotion at this point....and I thank you for that beautiful mess and the peace, joy, inspiration, motivation, and reassurance it grants me...bless you, sweetheart. 🫶🏼
Thank you also for your compassion towards my burnout and for the reminder to not pressure myself. Coming with so much sincere love and support, it soothes that awful workaholic and over-thinking streak that has my brain on non-stop and constant insomniac spin. The simultaneous stillness and sky-high floaty feeling I get from your message is a beautiful little cocktail that chills me the hell out when I need it most...and I needed it today, whilst eyeing Chapter 9. 😉😅
English it's not my first language so I'm sorry if you encouter trouble reading this! xoxo
Holy heck, are you kidding me? *bows down in respect* If I tried to write in another language, I would butcher it so hard there'd be no recovering at all. You are fluent, my lovely - coherent and awesome. The only trouble I encountered reading your message was trying to keep my heart from detonating in my chest from the overload of feelings. 💜💜 I thank you for that. It beats the hella insane nerves that eat at me as I return to writing. There's so much heart and healing to be found in this message that I'm sincerely at a loss now....thank you, so, so much.
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Huge, HUGE love coming at you from all sides, sweetheart. 🥰
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bgtop · 9 months
💀 — " You don't want to do this, you don't want to air jail me. Babygirl, Big Cat, listen ... Listen, listen! " [ his hands are outstretched as if to say something GAME-CHANGING, but ... he has nothing to say. he did the crime. ]
it's too late now, the deed's already been done. if he didn't want air jail, he shouldn't have let steve walk around all day with kissy stamps without telling him !
cesare knows what he did ! and that can only mean …
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" aaaand up you go ! " he plucked him from the ground by his collar with ease, holding him inches above the ground like an angry kitten.
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scoreplings · 11 months
podcast recs?
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artoutoftheblue · 5 months
Hii hi! :D
Question, say Evil Sun does turn up in the btb verse (Probably looking for a way to get rid of his Solar tbh) Wouldd Eclipse be willing to help him out? If so what extent would he go to?
Theyd probably be reluctant to. But he very much enjoys evil variants of him or his siblings, so hed probably help only if he gets something in return
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Poor Traveler. Maybe when Jeopardy just kinda shoves him into a portal, the universe I can see a better outcome happening for him would be the BTBverse that had the CSSverse help get rid of Lord Eclipse. No risks of a wither storm if the star isn't in use. Plus the BTB crew would definitely take him in after learning what happened to the CtOSverse and would try to help stop any destructive behavior
He’d be very distant from the btb verse people, rarely talking to any of them, or moving at all. He would mostly remain curled up in the corner of the room staring at the star if he still has it. It’s the only thing he has left of his sole family member, though he doesn’t plan to ever use it. He just stays there motionless for weeks after his arrival.
He’s nervous about getting close to the others, he doesn’t want to take that risk. The only person who turned out to actually care died. Even if it wasn’t intentional he still abandoned him. He doesn’t understand why jeopardy didn’t let him just die with them. He doesn’t want to survive if they aren’t there too.
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kalach-cha · 8 months
what i really love about btb is that every single time you listen to their song you pick up something new. like at 1:28 in kiss me you animal there’s this gorgeous little ornamental bit in the bass. there’s a descending bass line that’s reminiscent of ‘20s jazz in that same verse. the drum part goes HARD towards the end of the bridge. the entirety of threnody is a musical masterpiece. the backing vocals in some of their songs are nuts. i just love them sm and i wish i caught them during their eastern europe tour in the spring when i was in vilnius :(
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divinemackerel · 2 years
Amphi what did I just watch what the fuck wa s that episode???
tagging this BTB spoilers I GUESS.
Tbh my guess is so- Ok idk if you've fully listened to Friends In Low Places aka the song they've been playing at the end of season 2 episodes BUT so, it seems to be ABOUT Cesare, and him dying (he's a real zombie but thats obvious now IG!!!)
But so, lyrics.
"I was chosen for a second chance at life I am the watcher now I watch for all of time"
This is from the second verse of Friends In Low Places, and if I had to guess, he was chosen for whatever reason after he died, to go hunt down weird- not mythical, but abnormal guys like Steve, who are probably more or less loose canons of- the supernatural??? idfk. (He did say in the episode like- he mentioned hunting down “freakazoids”)
But so that's my explanation. Steve was difficult to catch though (we've already seen him do reality bending shit in other episodes, so that could have smth to do with it) for Cesare which is why he did this whole front.
I hope they rescue Steve from presumably Hell or whatever.
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corneroffandom · 2 years
Weekly Writing Update #11 (September 18, 2022)
This week went much better than the last, even with me not feeling too great towards the last half of it so BtB was delayed a few days. All in all, I'm content with this. And, man, NaNoWriMo is so close that I'm going to begin planning character stuff out for it in about ten days. This year truly has gone by quickly. I've actually already announced my NaNoWriMo projects (That's right, there's more than just one on there. Eeeeeeep???), so it's feeling really real by now. Wow. I just hope I can continue juggling things alright when I add NaNoWriMo to my schedule. Will do my best! At least I'm well versed in being sleep deprived by now, lol. Anyway, here's to another good week of writing ahead and catch ya next week with another update on how things are progressing!
Back to Basics: 1044 World Wrestling Digidestined: 464 Encontrar una Manera: 744 Back to Basics bonus story: 446 Original story: 424 raffle story 1: 219 raffle story 2: 247 raffle story #3: 246 In total: 3834 New fic plot notes: 4 Team Work chapters booked: 3 Old fics uploaded to AO3: 2
Any questions or comments, please let me know!
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thewhizzyhead · 3 years
me, drowsily thinking to myself while answering a science assignment at 5 am while listening to Phoenix on loop: so if Phoenix parallels Don't Even (since both are tone-setting-song-numbers featuring teenagers trying to not give a fuck about their problems despite said problems blowing up in their faces ESPECIALLY BY ACT 2 oh and it also features amazing harmonization and a very catchy and upbeat tune), Move On parallels Before The Breakdown (since both are the SAD group numbers of the show and because the 4 main stars of each song (Kate and Annleigh for the former; Chess and Farrah for the latter) parallel each other in many many different ways (more on THAT parallels ramble here)), then does that mean Captain of the Team parallels Shut Up and Cheer? In a sense that Reese and Eva are both "the odd ones out" of the group except Reese wants to be included in the team while Eva wants Absolutely Nothing To Do With The "Goddamn Girls'" Insane Shit? Oh and also because both have amazing solo numbers in one act (Act 1 for Reese; Act 2 For Eva) while also NOT having much prominence in other act (Act 1 for Eva; Act 2 for Reese and yes i'm still bitter about the lack of Reese focus in act 2)? or am i just being really drowsy to the point of being incoherently rambly right now-
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macuilsung · 3 years
@darkflyers​​​ said via BIG TOP BURGER (SEASON ONE) SENTENCE STARTERS (open!):
“ i think- i think also they’re- you know- they’re trying to destroy us. ”
“Not like they’ve much of a choice in the matter, what with all the stolen goods weighing them down.”
In hindsight, Forwin supposed he should have envisioned that his first morning back in Garreg Mach would pan out like this: routing thieves who’ve made a mess of the war-torn monastery. The rumours he heard of the disbanded Knights of Seiros on the road didn’t fill him with much hope to begin with, but seeing was believing, after all.
“It just makes it that much easier for us to cut off their escapes... but I understand old Cetus here would be an easy target for all those snipers.” From his little perch up in the mountains earlier on, the prodigal son of Gerth was able to count a few among Pallardó’s number by the time Andromeda found him. Now, however, the pair were in the thick of battle, falling back into old habits the Academy trained them into long ago.
Still, it will be nice to reunite with old friends. Now they only need to ensure they can make it out of this turf war alive, and while having a proper plan would be ideal... they would first need to fly blind and improvise before they can catch up with the Professor and Seteth.
Speaking of flying...
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“Any ideas on how I can take the heat off of you? The sooner we can have you on high, the better, so I’m all ears.”
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okamirayne · 2 months
Heeeeey Rayne *trying to be casual* I always wanted to know how you would include Neji in The Last, because your take on him is the best out there 🥺 I know the BtB universe is canon divergence so have you ever even thought about adding/referencing the Otsutsuki threat to your story? Idk if you have answered this before 😭 really love u <3333
Heeeeey Rayne *trying to be casual*
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I see your sweet casual vibe and I raise you a creepster over-confident hello, my lovely.😉
Aw. Thanks for taking the time to drop your ASK!
I always wanted to know how you would include Neji in The Last, because your take on him is the best out there 🥺
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Aww hell...*immediately loses all sense of false cool* That's incredibly kind of you, Anon...🫠🥰 I'm so, so happy to know you enjoyed my take on Neji. 🫶🏼💜
The Last. Yes...ah...*squints, trying to remember the full storyline*...forgive me, Anon. I've been on a Shippuden series/movies rewatch to get back into the Narutoverse for BtB and I've yet to rewatch The Last. That said, I recall the major events, so I'm on the same book as you, my luv, just trying to get the pages straight in my demented head. 😅
Well...if following the BtB-verse...that entire movie might look oh so very different...I can't say too much without giving away spoilers for HHU...though I can certainly say that Neji would've been present when Hanabi was taken, so how that kidnapping played out would definitely have involved a showdown with Neji. He'd also have been deployed on the team to recover Hanabi. Again, because I'd be sticking to the BtB-verse there are several things that would've played out differently in the events of The Last. Sorry I can't give a fuller take on this, luv.
I know the BtB universe is canon divergence so have you ever even thought about adding/referencing the Otsutsuki threat to your story?
Great question. Hmn, yes and no. I wasn't a massive fan of how convoluted everything got with the introduction of the Otsutsuki, though I can appreciate certain elements of this narrative especially in relation to Hagoromo (Sage of Six Paths) and the explanation for the Rinnegan/Pein's Six Paths etc. Hagoromo's interference/involvement with Sasuke and Naruto, and the events just post-War is about as far as I'm willing to dive regarding the Otsutsuki, though mentioning their existence wouldn't be beyond the scope.
I wouldn't go too far along the timeline (she says, saying she'd never write Post-War, haha-joke's-on-me 😅)...I'd certainly never touch the Boruto-verse *hisses*, which is where I understand most of the Otsutsuki narrative plays out. That generation is hands-off for my brain, as many of the relationships don't play out due to the canon-divergence of the BtB-verse, also certain characters don't follow the Boruto-verse character arcs...and uh, yeah, certain babies don't get born. 😅😅😅
Idk if you have answered this before 😭 really love u <3333
Aw! No, sweetie, I hadn't answered this before, so thank you for your question surrounding this bigger branch to Kishimoto's canon world tree. I'm so chuffed you'd be interested in my insane take on this. 😘 You're a sweetheart. Big love and appreciation is coming at you for your warmth and kindness. 💜💜
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teacup-tai · 3 years
Tai Recs: Crazy Looong Fics
My best friends used to have a running joke about my fanfic reading habits, saying that "Tai wouldn't touch anything shorter than 50k". Let's say they were not far from wrong. xD #facepalm
I am a sucker for really long stories. How writers provide us with a crazy amount of world building and character's development/study, and all kinds of mix of Slow Burn, Scorching UST, Brilliant Case fics, Political Plots, Adventure, Action, Beautiful Slice of Life & etc!
I devote my whole heart, gratitude and appreciation to all the Monster Writers, for such incredible long rides, for your time, hard work and for sharing this huge gifts with us!
Welcome to the: Crazy Long Fics 'Rec List! (>300k)
Drarry Favourites
TURN by Saras_girl (E, 306k)
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
A classic. No one in the Drarry fandom can go without having read, or attempted to read, Turn. The kind of fic that make you question your life and decisions. The kind of fic that don't let you go untouched.
Twist of Fate by Oakstone730 (T, 302k)
Draco asks Harry to help him beat the Imperius curse during 4th year. The lessons turn into more than either expected. A story of redemption and forgiveness.
ToF is another huge Drarry classic. It goes without saying that it will grab you and not let you leave without finishing. The angst is brilliant, the canon rewrite magnificent. A must read.
Foundations !verse (Series) by Saras_girl (E, 364k)
Harry is about to discover that the steepest learning curve comes after Healer training, and that second chances can be found in unexpected places.
This series is composed by 2 main fics (Reparations (87k) and Foundations (236k)) and 11 adjacent oneshots. Healer Harry wasn't something that I knew I needed until I read this. I learned so much with this universe; about being human, about learning from one's patients, about working with people. Reparations is my fave Saras_girl fic.
The Secret Language of Plants (Series) by @llendrinall (373k)
“Just… tell me. Tell me what is going on, Snape.”
What was going on was that Severus Snape had no trouble tracking down one Petunia Evans, now Dursley, to a little town in Surrey where he saw how exactly she was treating her nephew. Which somehow led to last night and Severus knocking on Lupin’s door with a toddler half-asleep in his arms.
This amazing series is composed by 4 parts, and it starts with Snape and Remus stealing and raising Harry, while falling in love with each other. It's bloody amazing how Endrina retells the story with such a nice canon rewrite, and gives us Drarry with such a nice twist <3
Tales From the Special Branch (Series) by @femmequixotic (E, 1.214k)
When Gawain Robards asks him to form Special Branch seven-four-alpha, Harry Potter knows they'll have to work outside the confines of the law--even though they are the law.
This is one of the most intertwined and interesting Drarry plots I've ever read. The amount of world-building in this 5 amazing fics is insane, the backstories to all the characters are impressive, how everything connects in such perfect way is amazing, how the plot thickens is breathtaking and the sex- lol hotter than firewhiskey. A mix of Action-politics-scorching hot smut-Slytherins being aurors-Harry Potter being a hot mess. (warning: WIP. ;_;)
Next in my to-read list:
Hush of War by @lol-zeitgeistic (E, 453k)
Conscience by sordidhumor (E, 1,450k)
Blood Magic by houseofhebrideanblacks & Thestralsofspinnersend (E, 335k)
My Favourites Outside HP fandom
I'm adding 2 non-HP series, bc I honestly think it is such a loss that there are folks in the world who never read it, so here, have at it:
Death Note (L/Light)
Those Who Stand For Nothing Falls For Anything - The Hinterland Doctrine Series by @halfpromise (E, 676k). 4 fics, WIP.
Light is a politician. What could go wrong?
Look at me: this is THE BEST POLITICS AU FIC I'VE EVER READ IN MY WHOLE LIFE. This is crazy long, crazy intense, it has a very very dark sense of humour, a very narcissistic and unreliable first narrator (Light) and it is such a toxic relationship. It's a utter delight to appreciate how Laura put it so well together, this is a literary recommendation for those with a strong stomach. Check the tags. (I've read it twice)
Naruto (Neji/Shikamaru | multiship)
Break to Breathe (Series) by @okamirayne (E, 1.240k). ffnet | AO3
Neji has always been in control. There's just one problem. It's killing him - and only Shikamaru can tell. But sometimes being pulled back from the edge is just as dangerous as being pushed there.
If you like Naruto and deep psychological plots, you should read this masterpiece. BtB is one of the biggest loves of my life. It should be published in a big editing house! xD Ninjas gone deep and real and raw and in love! This is a monsterfuck rollercoaster wrapped up in 4 books (1.240k). Rayne does a really good job in delving her fingers in the characters and making them hers but never making them OOC. Now my favourite Monster Writer is back and giving us a bit more of deep angsty-post-war-vibes <3
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in the timeline where the others DO manage to take TF Lunar from TF Sun, Moon, and Monty and essentially adopt him, which group do you think he'd stay with? Would Monty and Moon and Sun start to doubt themselves after a ton of time has passes and Lunar still hasn't done anything to hurt anyone and is just happily recovering from his trauma with his better friends and family?
I imagine the main one he’d stay in is tiny lunars dimension, though he has a rather large family now so he absolutely hops dimensions a lot. He needs to visit the CSS verse cause they’re his family too! :) he visits them basically everyday to play games, and sometimes brings them back to tiny lunars dimension to participate in cuddle piles. He’d likely also become friends with BTB Solar if this isn’t into his villain arch since he can understand how it feels to be the outsider of a group.
They’d absolutely be doubting themselves, because they were certain he needed to be kept under control to stop him from acting out. But if years have passed and nee-nee is just happy living his life with his comically massive family they’d start to doubt that they were right in their initial assessment absolutely.
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much-brighter-ink · 4 years
top 5 vocal moments in watt GO
shit this is hard okay I’m doing 15 because I have to and also I’m being general
1. literally any of Wonu’s riffs - mainly Defense but shoutouts to Wallflower and her little run on the first “victory” in Finale
2. Move On harmony swap babey
3. Sydney’s mini riff on “outgrow it” in the live version of the show
4. the OOMPH (it’s not growl it’s not vocal fry but it’s like a little punch) in Zoe’s “tHROW IT ALL AWAY” in verse 2 of BtB
5. Jenny’s flip into headvoice on “fate” in Phoenix 
6. when Lauren gets into Effortless Belting Mode™ (examples - “anything but WALLFLOWER”, “have I said everything wrong!?”, and my favorite is “when girls don’t have your back” because it’s SO clean but she manages to stay in character without sacrificing any stage presence anyway)
7. “saaaaaay” in CotT it’s so SMOOTH Mimi’s a queen
8. the riff in Phoenix (that I think I have established is Kaitlyn but IDK IT COULD BE JENNY OR LAUREN WHO KNOWS)
10. “guess some girls just snatch what’ll serve them, take things from the girls who deserve them” 
11: “see how much FUN she’s having there” again the same growl 
12: Cathy’s “and I’m not sure that I’m okay” gives me CHILLS
13: the first “live and let live but don’t let go” that Celeste sings it’s so light and feels like a hug and I love
14: Louis’s solo at the end of Forever
15: “you are birth control, and alcohol, and every test you failed” vibrato appreciation everyone
these are in no particular order but I needed all of them so that’s what’s going into the post!!!
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spikeymarshmallows · 4 years
hello, hi.
I am trapped in a hotel room for two weeks. Yes, I have a lot to do. No, I wanna do this instead.
Here are the rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
So. I have ONE OR TWO WIPs............. >.>
the end of the beginning
Shibari Baby
boots ‘verse - Getting a place together
boots ‘verse - Drop
boots ‘verse - Safewording gone wrong
Museum ‘verse - Sex post OD
Museum ‘verse - Klaus Graduates
Museum ‘verse - First Major Job
Museum ‘verse - Vanya’s book
Museum ‘verse - New home
Museum ‘verse - The Wedding
Museum ‘verse - Post-Apocalypse
Museum ‘verse - Five Times Christmas
BTB - Morbid Plot
BTB- Animal Killing
Genderbent AU - Straight Razor
High School AU
Other High School AU
Asylum Kliego
Kliego go to past Together
Reuniting in S2
Ace Klaus
Ace Five A/B/O Diego
Extra Ordinary (Klaus ‘version)
Sex worker Klaus
Hogwarts AU
Angels and Demons
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