orbesonora · 1 year
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#Rabin #DjSet #Orbesonora #Bovedas . #Dj #Deejay #SanLuisPotosi . #bnw_photo #bnw_captures #bnw_photography #bnw_instg #bnw_instagrammers #blancoynegro #blancoynegrofotografia #blancoynegro_lovers #blancoynegrofoto #fotografiablancoynegro (en Las Bovedas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co5LBptuTAW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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TARRAGONA-PINTURA-ART-CARRER MERCERIA-PORXOS-GOTIC-BOTIGUES-ESCALES-CATEDRAL-PAISATGES-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: TARRAGONA-PINTURA-ART-CARRER MERCERIA-PORXOS-GOTIC-BOTIGUES-ESCALES-CATEDRAL-PAISATGES-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- En el centro histórico de la ciudad de TARRAGONA, Catalunya, nos encontramos con un lugar precioso que forman los PORXOS góticos, historia medieval, y las tiendas que hay en el carrer Merceria, la antigua calle se aleja en su profundidad mientras la luz juega con sus formas sobre el suelo y las fachadas de las casas, a la izquierda las escaleras que nos llevan hacia la Catedral, Pintura del artista pintor Ernest Descals sobre papel de 50 x 70 centímetros, pintando las escenas con vida y color.
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southpacifictravel · 1 year
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The Centro Artesanal Las Bovedas occupies a long arcade of Spanish storage vaults (1798) now used as tourist shops at the north end of the old city wall of Cartagena, Colombia.
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coffeenuts · 1 year
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Gothic cistern by ricardocarmonafdez https://flic.kr/p/2obcau1
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avantguardisme · 1 year
an underrated but often extremely fun part of translation is how sometimes you do just have to give yourself a complete crash course in a entirely new field of study to be able to properly translate sections of a text. however unfortunately this does mean that i've spent approximately the past two hours learning about gothic architecture just to translate a single paragraph.
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lateralcast · 1 year
Lateral Source Material: The fake Mexican moon landing
Mexican version:
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hablemosde · 1 month
Vault 3 Historia Fallout #Refugio3 #boveda3 #falloutnewvegas
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foxcigar · 9 months
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The Warped GR88 is a great Nicaraguan Puro that just rightfully so received a 94 rating from Cigar Aficionado.
Whether this cigar is already in your rotation or you want to give it a try, we have discounted 5 Packs of The Warped GR88 to help get them in your humidor. Remember, all orders ship free and are protected with a Boveda humidity pack. ❤️
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pbcnita · 11 months
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eric-nakamura · 1 year
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orbesonora · 1 year
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@rab_cano en @bovedas_centro_cultural 📷 @gchinchilla #Rabin #DjSet #Orbesonora #Bovedas . #Dj #Deejay (en Las Bovedas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co8t1LqudvJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nievesmorena · 1 year
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Visualizando grandes bovedas de vidrios de colores generados por IA en Midjourney.
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mutantes-sinmas · 1 year
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Y llegó la temporada ♒️ Acuario, la última temporada de Aire, con su regente Saturno y Urano. Saturno representa los limites, como la piel que recubre al cuerpo dando forma al ser, Urano la desconexión, el cambio, la superación, la liberación, el movimiento y la luz del rayo. Su mix de energía, elétrica y contundente nos pone aveces en situaciones extremas para que entremos en acción y podamos mejorar nuestra vida con energía renovada. Saturno es nuestro maestro interno, figura del padre, Urano son cambios internos, cristalizaciones liberadoras de conciencia, emocionales, ideológicas, intelectuales y sociales. Juntos generan el deseo de crear algo resultado de la insatisfacción de la realidad anterior. Urano es el único planeta que rota de lado: su ecuador está casi en ángulo recto con su órbita. Es una de las energías más originales, sorprendentes e impredecibles. En mitología es uno de los ancestros mas importantes, no se le conoce padres, su nombre significa cielo estrellado o firmamento, el titán de la bóveda celeste. Saturno es hijo de Urano que castra a su padre para liberar a su madre Gea y al resto de hermanos, de esa castración nacen las furias al contactar la sangre con el suelo y nace Venus del contacto del falo al caer al mar. En astrología y filosofía, Saturno es el planeta de la melancolía y de la nostalgia. Por lo tanto, este planeta está fuertemente asociado a la responsabilidad, la concentración, la constancia, la autocrítica, la justicia, la maduración y el perfeccionamiento. Además, se considera que Saturno, por su relación con el dios griego del tiempo Cronos, nos transmite estructura y disciplina para construir nuestras vidas de manera íntegra.
El plomo y su relación con Acuario son de suma importancia en la ciencia y en el arte de la alquimia. Se cree que la propia palabra “alquimia” viene de kemet, que significa Egipto, la tierra negra y esto también parece estar relacionado con la melancolía, la bilis negra, que es un sentimiento asociado a Saturno.
El primer paso para la transmutación de la materia se conoce como nigredo, y consiste en producir la materia prima con la que una sustancia común y corriente se transformará en una superior, el oro. De esta forma se establece la relación con el elemento de la tierra y Saturno.
El negro es un color con el que se siente cómodo acuario lo que a su vez lo relaciona, tanto por el color como por las aptitudes con la soledad y la tendencia a las ciencias que están basadas en hechos o limitado a ellos, y no solo lo teórico o imaginario.
Acuario está muy en conexión con el grupo, las amistades, son seres sumamente inteligentes y creativos, también tozudos y les gustan las historias basadas en hechos reales, cosas que se puedan probar, les gusta llevar del plano mental de las ideas al plano 3D de la demostracion, en esa mezcla de urano-saturno
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Tarot Barato De Fidelidad, tarot del amor para escorpio
Hay muchas cosas a considerar cuando encuentras una nueva pareja por amor. ¿Se ríe de tus bromas? ¿Se llevará bien con tu perro? Si bien hay algunas cosas que solo puede aprender con el tiempo, existen algunos indicadores de compatibilidad amorosa que puede explorar desde el principio. Investigar la compatibilidad de sus signos del zodíaco proporcionará información interesante sobre cómo es probable que trabajen juntos como pareja. Nuestra herramienta ofrecerá información clave sobre cómo les irá a usted y a su pareja (o pareja potencial) juntos en función de su tabla de compatibilidad del zodiaco.
Tarot Y Videncia:
🇪🇸: +34 911 438 430 - 806 499 472
🇺🇸 Estados Unidos: +1 21 37 84 79 82
🇲🇽 MEXICO: +52 55 84 21 13 51
🇦🇷 ARGENTINA: +54 11 59 84 40 88
🇨🇴 COLOMBIA: +57 15 08 73 39
¿Luchas por seguir adelante? Obtén respuestas instantáneas con una Lectura de Tarot.
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Isaac Asimov - Bovedas de Acero, 1984 (Horacio Salinas Blanch)
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magicaguajiro · 4 months
La Bóveda | Caribbean Ancestral Altars 101
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What is a Bóveda?
A boveda is an altar that comes from cuban varieties of espiritismo and spread through the caribbean. It combines concepts from Alan Kardecs teachings on 19th century spiritism and Taino and African (Yoruba and Congo) Beliefs. It is a space where you can work for the elevation of yourself and your spiritual frame, which comprises of your ancestors and spirit guides. The word Boveda means vault. There are alot of taboos and tasks that come with starting a boveda, it is a commitment to your ancestors.
How do I build a bóveda?
So there are a few basic elements that comprise a boveda as I learned it. These are light in the form of a white candle, a glass of water, and a white table cloth. There are other tools that can help, but I find it best if you start with these three things first and slowly allow your sacred items to come to you naturally. The white candle is there to give spirits illumination, guide them to your call and give them comfort. The water allows them to better manifest in your space, giving them a physical current to work through. Think about it, a human body is 70% water, so you are giving them 70% of a body in a way. The water also serves to cool any of them who may have a hot disposition, and to bring clarity. Once you have a good understanding of how to work this basic altar, then begin experimenting with how the energy if different tools affects your sessions.
Other tools you can incorporate:
Bells - call in spirits like knocking, clearing energy
Colognes- florida water and the such as offerings of scent and cleansing agents
Tobacco/Incense + Ash Tray + Matches (they need to have a way to light them, duh!)
Food offerings - should be given sparingly, as to not ground your spirits too much and hinder their and your elevation.
Prayer books - alan kardec books/the bible/orphic hymns/self written prayers
A cross-represents christian influences, the body of a spirit and the Crossroads.
Coffee- energizes spirits, helps them work quickly especially with money and foundational work, also just nice to share a cup with them for comfort sake.
Flowers- bring life and energy, Earth element
Cascarilla-draw symbols on altar/floor/self
More glasses- depending on the tradition, you can have variations of anywhere from 1-9+ glasses. Sometimes each one is a specific spirit, or group of spirits. Other times the configuration is the key and has to do with the working being done
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What do you do at the bóveda?
You will pray, sing, talk to your spirits, give offerings and meditate here. The purpose of the prayers and items is to further your spiritual development as well as the elevation and healing of our spirits and building a strong relationship with this spiritual court who are tied to you from birth. It also helps you in developing your spiritual gifts over time. Through elevation, your spirits gain strength, power, clarity and can better aide you in your endeavors. I recommend having a mentor who can guide you when it comes to most Caribbean Spiritual Practices, but Bóveda work is one of the tools almost anyone can at least try and it can actually help to lead you to the right mentor! A basic routine can be to approach the altar clean and dressed in white or light colors. Light the candle and knock on the table three times to awaken and alert the spirits. You can choose to say a written prayer from one of the books or just speak from the heart asking your good and guiding spirits who have your best interest and free will at heart to come and partake in the offerings and commune with you. From that point on just sit, talk or listen. Keep a notebook nearby to record anything important. Over time you will be able to know when your spirits are trying to tell you something even when not at the altar. You may also choose to do workings in front of the Bóveda, or on it if you choose although I usually prefer the former.
A note on spiritual hygiene at the Bóveda:
I’d like to bring up an important concept called Hot/Cold. So some things carry a hot energy, while others have a cooler energy in a sense. Bóveda work is very centered around peace, cooling, and enlightenment because you are essentially working with the dead, so keeping them cool is how you protect yourself while being around that intense energy. You keep the altar cool by keeping it clean and behaving appropriately at it. New offerings of things like water and flowers are cool because they still are full of life force to offer your spirits. After a set amount of time, usually no longer than a week, they begin to wilt or mold or rot and are therefore becoming hotter and hotter, which agitates the household and the spirits. To avoid this, refresh offerings once a week or more and do a major altar clean at least once a month. Also, when approaching always be respectful, calmed, present and clean (physically AND spiritually).
Always approach the altar cleansed physically and spiritually, in clean (preferably light colored) clothes . This is so important because unwanted spirits can come through if things are done improperly. Keep the surrounding area clean and tidy and cleansed. If things become to hot and dirty on the altar, you may see your blessings become blocked or may feel like you have a dark cloud over you. When working with spirits, holding up your end of the bargain to avoid this is CRUCIAL. Your Guides are not sabotaging you on purpose (usually), but rather are unable to operate in their full and usual capacity since they are lacking their full and usual offerings and environment! Spiritual hygiene includes behavior too. When the candles are lite, try to be respectful in front of the altar, as if your Great Grandma were in the room, because in a way she may be.
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This is an amazing tool for beginning your journey into Cuban Folk Magic or Caribbean Spirituality. A good Bóveda sets the stage for an amazing practitioner.
Bendiciones 🧿
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