#B.E.N. is from treasure planet
dove-da-birb · 11 months
Meet Eden Ziskind
The Picrew used was TOON ME! &lt;<A>> by @/hellosunnycore.
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Name; Eden Ziskind
Other names; Ed, Deedee
Birthday; December 26 (Capricorn)
Age; 17
Height; 168 cm
Dominant hand; Left
Gender; Agender
Pronouns; They/Them
Sexuality; Demi-sexual
Romantic Orientation; Polyromantic
Hobbies; Scrapbooking
Pet Peeve; Arrogant people
Favourite Food; Shakshuka
Least Favourite Food; Wasabi
Talent; Making Rube Goldberg machines
Languages; English, Hebrew, Greek
Other; Depression, dyscalculia, allergic to dogs
Best Subject; History of Magic
Club; Equestrain
Secondary Dorm; Savanaclaw (if they had magic)
Friends; Kalim, Jamil, Idia
Other Information~
The "Yuu" for Diasomnia's chapter.
Eden is the last "Yuu" to enter into TWST. They just raise their eyebrows at the situation and continue with their business; sure, this might as well happen, why not? Kalim adopted them as his friend and that's how they befriended Jamil; they like cooking together. They get to geek out with Idia and built a giant Rube Goldberg machine because they were bored.
Eden's family is German-Greek and Jewish, and they live in Birmingham, England. They're the only child, but grew up with a lot of cousins; thinks Cheka is adorable and pinches his cheeks whenever he's around. When they get upset the Birmingham accent comes out in full force.
They are persistent, and usually don't know when to give up; so they would have been sorted into Savanaclaw. They butt heads with Leona, but they do respect Ruggie, and helps him out with odd jobs. Unfortunately, they sneeze whenever they're around Jack due to their allergies, but they take this world's version of Clariten to resolve that issue.
They love building Rube Goldberg machines, and is currently plotting with basically the entire school to prank Crowley. But another one of their hobbies is scrapbooking; they deal with a bit of time blindness, so it helps them keep track of everything they've done with friends. Also keeps a secret scrapbook filled with all of their friends embarrassing moments, but also when they thought their friends were being sweet or cute.
A lot of their clothes are thrifted, as they don't see a point in buying something brand name if they can get basically the same thing but for a fraction of the cost. A favourite piece that they thrifted is a yellow corduroy jacket with a flower pattern embroidered into it; they did fight off a Birmingham grandmother, but they regret nothing. They do have a few beauty marks on their face, neck, and hands. Has a gap tooth smile.
Trein is their favourite professor, and they have several scrapbook pages of him and Lucius; he reminds them of their grandfather. They decided to create a robot, to show Idia that they were paying attention to his rambles... and then the robot grew sentience. They call themself B.E.N.
Due to all of the dimension hijinks, Yusra, Prem, Imani, Avis, Seok, and Rayen get sucked back into TWST again. And this time, it looks like there is truly no way home. Now all of the "Yuus" live together in Ramshackle. What shenanigans will they get into?
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Life of  a Pirate Chpt 5
Here’s a new chapter for you all. *Falls on ground.* 
Hope you like it and sorry if grammer is wonky. 
Preview: https://at.tumblr.com/lootsofathousandsworld/life-of-a-pirate-chapt-4/7yyz0xb47e3i
I manage to get some dishes off the sink without gagging. It was because some of these plates still had some unknown go, and I dared not think about what it was. Not wanting to get my stomach turned.
I put the bucket in the sink and reached my hand for the faucet. But realizing seconds later my hand couldn't find one. I blinked in confusion and saw this sink didn't have any faucets for me to turn on the water.
"What?" I leaned over the sink to look for anything to start the water, but there was nothing to turn on. Then I caught a glimpse of rope close to the sink. I hummed and looked at it for a second. Believing this will give me some, I reached over and was about to pull it.
"NO! DON'T PULL THAT!" I yelped in startle and B.E.N came zooming in out of nowhere and stops right in front of me. While I was getting my heart to beat normally, the robot touched the rope and points up where it leads to.
"This is the food bell." He explained. "It's where one of us rings the bell when food is ready." I took a glance up and saw one silver bell attached to it.
"Oh," That's all I can say, and B.E.N. gives me a sheepish smile.
"Sorry to scare you. I didn't want you to deal with men coming crashing in. They're pretty aggressive whenever a meal is ready."
"It's alright," I replied but asked." But if that's the food call, where I can get water?"
"Oh, it's right over there." He casually points toward a few barrels in the corner. Noticing the water was there the whole time, I can't help to let out a huff and pull my bucket out from the sink.
"Getting all that dirty dishes out was such a waste," I grumbled while setting down the bucket and grab many dirty dishes as I could to put them back in.
"Hey let me help," I saw B.E.N get on his knees, grab some dishes, and begin talking, "I'm really sorry about the mess here. I was supposed to get them clean. But Captain Flint wants me to be at his side all the time."
"And why he wants you at his side?" I asked. I sort of knew the reason why due to reading his character description, as he was paranoid about one of his men deciding to take B.E.N away. To either kill him or sell him on the black market for tons of money.
But I want to see his point of view on this. Since he had been living on his ship for who knows how long. Maybe it was something else that wasn't brought up in Flint's description. I saw him only shrug and answered.
"I don't know. Maybe he's protecting me from his men? He tells me how when he's not around the crew will do something to me. And he's not there to save me,"
Definitely paranoid, I suggest, almost rolling my eyes. As we both get the rest dirty dishes back in the sink. I took the empty bucket and make my way toward the barrels.
"Try on the left," B.E.N. called. "Its has half full in it."
" Um, thanks," I said. I turned on the faucet that was on the barrel and fill the bucket with water.
"And the soap is right here!" I gasped when he proudly handed me a bar of soap on my palm. "Just don't use it all."
"I know," I replied. The old crabass turtle informed me."
"Oh good!" B.E.N smiled.
"Still though, he never told me where the water is,"
"Oh?" B.E.N added.
"Yep," I snorted and mimicked while adding a little soap to my bucket. "Just get down there and fill it up blah blah blah,"
The robot almost snickers at my Bone's impression and puts his arm around me. "Aw once you get the hang of living here, things won't be that bad,"
"Won't be that bad?" I glance at him oddly. He uses his other hand to rub his back neck after he saw my puzzled look.
"Well, won't be that bad is not the right term for living here huh?"
"Even when you are living with the scariest pirate for life," I said. But after my replying, I was surprised he just shrugged it off.
"Sure he can be. But I promise once you get to know him, he's not a monster as you may think." Not sure if his words are just him being Stockholm syndrome since he has been living with him for so long.
Still, I have a hard time believing it. Reading about how Flint abused him despite acting like a father figure to him. I'm just secretly surprised he kept B.E.N alive until upon his death he took his memory away. He could've just murdered him after B.E.N had done helping him set up his booby trap.
I just shook my head and pick my water bucket up. "Sure I'll keep that in mind." I got up as he did the same. " But when the bargain is done, I'm going home,"
"Home?" He blinks but then soon understands it was part of the parlay, and his face turns disappointed.
With that face he made, I felt guilty for leaving him. But if I take him now, the treasure planet timeline will mess everything up with him not meeting Jim and starting a good new life from there.
But then he asks this question that made me lose my breath.
"Where are you from?"
I bite my lips on what to fib and then answer with one planet I can think of. "Its...Montressor. It's where I came from,"
"Oh, Montressor!" B.E.N's facial beamed, clasping his hands together. "I hear so much about it! Wonderful planet despite its only for mining. And of course, I knew you might be from there. Mostly terrians are born from there am I right?"
He winked at me and I quickly made my more fibbing answer.
"Yes of course! You got that one right," I winked back at him, smiling despite feeling more guilty. Then B.E.N. gets all excited and speaks fast.
"Oh, I have so many questions about your planet! I want to know everything like does your planet has gems, gold, or silver when you mined. And I'm curious as your queen ever come to visit the planet? I'm sure she had and.."
I grit my teeth in silence when he begins rambling about his curious questions, and I have zero knowledge about that planet. I almost panicked about how am I going to answer all of this after I made a lie. I don't know anything about Montressor besides that it has a spaceport and Benbow inn.
I felt relief when B.E.N starts talking about food his eyes lit up. "Holy Nebula supper! Captain Flint is going to kill me!" Before he dashes, he turns to me.
"We'll talk later! See you soon new friend!"
New friend? His words stabbed me with much more guilt to see he fully trusted me. I forced myself to smile and made a little wave.
"Yeah! I'll see you soon. Thanks for your help," He gives me a thumbs up and hurries to the stove to prepare Flint's cooking. With that, I made my way to the deck to start mopping as my heart was still sinking on B.E.N seeing me as a new friend.
I muttered to myself. "B.E.N, I hope you can forgive me when you find out the truth."
After a few hours of mopping the deck, I hear the food bell ringing. I let out a huge sigh of relief due I was already tired with sweats running down my forehead. Not to mention my arms and back were sore.
I saw all men charging toward the gallery like hungry hippos and I followed behind so I won't get stampeded on. Soon I was in line to get my food.
About a few minutes later, it was my turn to grab mine. A large alien with a weird squidlike shape face handed me a bowl with soup in it. I winched when I saw it was bubbly and had some strange meat in them.
He notices my facial he grunts. "What?"
"What kind of meat is in this?" I asked. The tentacle alien face looks down at my soup.
"I don't really know,"
"You don't know?" I gulped.
He snorted. "It could be from orcus galacticus or something. Now move along ye holding the line!" One of the men behind me give me a nudge and I grunted, moving aside for him to pass.
I let out a sharp sigh and walked to the other side to find a table to sit at. I spotted one empty in a corner which was perfect since the table was a bit away from the crew. I sat down with my soup and glanced down at it.
Using the spoon, I scooped a few chunks of meat and brought it close to my face. The smell itself wasn't too bad, but the taste however would be different.
I lick my lips nervously. "Well, like Simba says, hakuna matata," I slup my soup and chew it. After a few seconds, I swallow it and hums.
"Hey, it's not bad. Short of tastes like steak."
While I was eating my soup, I overheard a few pirates speaking and in corner of my eye, some were looking at me. I looked down to avoid their contact and try to enjoy my soup. But then I overheard someone muttering. I looked over my shoulder and saw a bird-like alien, having blue-green peacock feather hair.
Unlike the other pirates, he looks clean with small spectacle glasses on his beak. Like he'd just come from a wealthy home, having a bit snob look on his face. He was writing something down on his notes beside his bowl while eating. I blinked and couldn't help to wonder what he was writing. All of a sudden he stopped his writing.
I swallowed when he perks up as if he sense he was being watched. He turns over to me and I quickly glance away. I breathed and scooped some more meat to finish eating.
"You know it's rude to stare at people,"
I almost choked my food in startle when I heard a person speaking. I coughed and find the person who spoke. It was the same bird alien. He tsks while I use my sleeves to wipe my saliva mix soup off my chin.
"Careful about how much you put food in your mouth unless you want your trachea to open in the wrong lane.
"Well if you haven't... frighten me, it won't go down the wrong tube," I manage to speak. The bird alien watches me still coughing and walks over to grab a cup of water which was beside his bowl.
'Here drink this, it'll soothe your throat." I grab his cup and drink a little. I sighed a second later, putting the cup down after my cough went away.
"So you are new to the crew yes?" He sat down in front of me and put his hands together.
I shrugged and kept on eating my soup. "Not really. Once the merchant ship, the Captain made a promise to release me."
"Release you?" He made a laugh. "Don't get your hopes up,"
"What do you mean?" I frowned at him after swallowing my food. He looks at me seriously and leans toward me.
"You are on a ship where many of us double-crossed one another." He spoke lowly. I suggest you be careful about who you are dealing with."
I felt my stomach turn when he says those words. There is no way their Captain will do that. We shook on it.
"But, the Captain and I made a paraly. That is one of the codes," I said.
"And some codes can be broken miss," He replied. "And this Captain you dealt with can be the one you will regret." I was silent as he gets up from his seat. Before he leaves for his table he turns to me.
"By the way, names Nicolas D. Allyrdace in case you wish to talk to me again." As he left, I looked down at my soup. Now losing my appetite for worrying about that bargain.
I huffed and scooted the bowl away. I'm not letting his words get to me. I was determined to be free and find a way to fix my wish no matter what.
Third's person POV
Meanwhile, inside the cabin, B.E.N was on the other side of the room. Sitting on his chair, he was looking through his compass disc. He gulped at how his captain is in a bad mood right now. Due to there being no merchant ships to raid for the evening.
Flint was studying his sphere map while calculating the distance of his other map on his desk that contain the whole Etherium universe. Trying to make him in a better mood, he spoke out.
"Don't worry Captain! I'm sure tomorrow will be the best day to plunder,"
Flint grumbled and snatches his rum bottle beside him. "It better be," The robot gulped at his tone and watched him drink his bottle down.
"Y-you shouldn't drink that much. Remember what Nic said?"
"I know!" Flint barked. "I'm aware of my drink, I don't need a reminder," B.E.N shrinks down from his yell. The whole cabin was quiet for a moment until Flint clears his throat.
'Have you spoken to our new crew member?"
"Oh yes! Yes sir," B.E.N replied.
"And how is she?" He added.
The robot almost smiles. "She sounds wonderful! Even though I think she could be homesick." Flint raises one of his eyebrows.
"Homesick you say?"
"Yep," B.E.N nodded. "I didn't know this paraly you and her made was the key for her to go home."
"Hm how interesting," Flint hummed while playing with his half-empty bottle of rum. And then asks this question.
"Had she said why she wants to go home?"
"Well, I think she's scared of staying here sir. Which I understand why since being on your ship is scary," Then B.E.N looks down sadly. "Still though, I'm going to miss her when she leaves,"
Flint almost smirked when he saw his robot looking gloomy. For him, it was the perfect way to have this woman stay longer. He pretends to act in sympathy for him.
"Aww don't worry B.E.N. She won't be leaving anytime soon."
"Sure," Flint replied. "If you try convincing her how my ship is not that scary she might change her mind. Calling her parlay off,"
"Oh maybe I can," His robot grinned. "I can show her being on a ship won't be that bad, after my experience of course." He points to himself proudly.
And then spread his arms out excitedly. "And we're going to be best friends in the whole galaxy,"
"Ah, I'm sure you both will," Flint chuckled darkly. His plan was coming along good than he expected. Tomorrow he might be able to find out her secret sooner. And whatever the secret she is keeping, he will make sure to make her spill it all out.
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agarthanguide · 4 days
Hi there, hope you’re doing good!! I had a question about FCG’s design, both old and new. I was rewatching Treasure Planet the other night, and looking at B.E.N. I couldn’t help but be reminded of our beloved Letters. Was there any influence from that media specifically, or was it a fun coincidence??
Def a fun coincidence. I may have seen Treasure Planet, but I sure don't remember it.
Lots of people have asked if FCG is based on this robot or that robot, but the truth is- I know nothing about robots. I'm not a robot person, and I like animation but not to the point where I follow animated series, so almost every reference point that was brought up for FCG was new, to me. This is a bit like what my inspo looked like-
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(I do know Claptrap, and Gizmoduck was specifically mentioned by Sam. I watched several episodes of Duck Tales while working on early FCG, for some reason.)
But Sam did most of the construction. Because the first page of my pitch looked like this-
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I was so worried that I was gonna fuck up on my first robot ever that I made the decision to start with everything and force Sam to sculpt the final.
I like the idea that there's something familiar about FCG's weird head, his jutting hips, his gently curved forearms. People reacted with such warmth to FCG, and I think that's mostly Sam, but I hope my contribution at least didn't dissuade anyone from feeling close to the completed character. So the comparisons to other pop culture robots are such a compliment, to me. Maybe it's just our collective pareidolia, but I think it's admirable that we as humans are so ready to accept a robot face as inherently deserving and Known, to us.
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verrixstudios · 1 month
Treasure Planet X Wings of Fire
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Here’s some smaller screenshots with movie screenshots in them as well. Keep in mind I drew all of this after the watching movie I wasn’t really using references so it’s not like they’re a bajillion percent accurate
I drew all of this while listening to Epic the musical, and it was on the last song for Mr Arrow and bones, which is why they aren’t the same detail
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[ID: (in order of the singular images) 6 wings of Fire dragon references and two headshots, all digitally sketched in a red pencil-like brush. Each dragon is heavily referenced off some characters from the show Treasure Planet. Bedside each dragon is written the character they’re based on and the Wof tribe the dragon design is also based on. Each singular image has the dragon, it’s info, and an image of the character it’s based on.
The first dragon is a heavy set MudWing based on John Silver. His right legs and wing are mechanical, heavily based on the cyborg parts of the movie character. His wings are semi spread, held above him but curved so that they aren’t fully spread. He wears a captains hat that looks small on his head and has a large tail that has a scarred end, as if it were cut off at the very end. A small hoop earring is on his short ear, and his horns seem to have been sawed off halfway, given a flat cap over the end of them.
The second is a much thinner and lankier dragon based on Captain Amelia. She is listed as a hybrid of an icewing and a sandwing. Her wings are folded at her sides, showing off the frill had follows along her spine. It breaks apart in some areas, becoming small quills behind her head and neck and on the end of her tail. Her head is thinner, with sharp ears perked upward. A larger captains hat stands on her head.
The third dragon is another Mudwing based on Dr. Delbert Doppler. He is dwarfed by Silver, despite being the same tribe. His stance is less wide than Silver, though he also has a blockier head and shape. his wings are semi folded in the same way, though tilted a little upward. He has small glasses on his face and darker spikes and horns along his face and the back of his neck. Ears are rounded and folded over halfway.
The fourth image has two dragons which seem to be arguing. Furthest from the screen is a huge but lanky Sandwing. Based on the antagonist Mr. Scroop. His wings are outspread and the membranes are shown to be in tatters. A talon is outstretched toward the screen, curled like he were preparing to hit the smaller dragon in front of him. His face is thin but showing a wicked snarl, long horns jutting outwards opposite of his snout. A spiky frill lines the back of his head and down his spine. His ribcage is a pronounced shape, not in the way that he’s starving but to show how thin and lanky he is. His tail curls behind his feet and points its scorpion like barb directly at the chin of the other dragon. The other dragon is nearly half his height, facing toward Scroop and away from the screen, face in an open snarl with his ears pinned backwards. He is a Nightwing Skying hybrid based on the protagonist, Jim Hawkins. His wings are touching the grounds at his sides and the ends folded upwards. Spikes line his spine from neck to tail, which curls around him like it was mid-flick.
The fifth image is a side profile headshot of an old and thin looking Seawing based on the old and dying character, Bones. He has an underbite, large webbed frills along his head and spine, and catfish-like whiskers on his chin. small sharp teeth are visible on his closed mouth, and his horns look to be broken off.
The sixth image is a 3/4ths headshot of a thicker Nightwing with a wide nose and chin based on Mr. Arrow. His face his scrunched in what looks like a grimace. He has short but big horns, and spikes that stick out from his spine along his neck. A thick captains hat sits on his head.
The final image is a full body reference of a robot made to look like a rainwing. He is based on B.E.N. He is 3/4ths facing the screen in a sitting position, with a wide mouth open in a grin. Mechanical frills on either side of his head are open wide. His winds are semi open and pointed outward on either side, showing that they have minimal ‘membrane’ as if he wasn’t built for flying. His chest has a circle in it, which resembles the broken compass the character has in his own chest.
End ID]
Woaaah that was a lot of writing 😂
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sneeb-canons · 1 day
When one of them gets properly sick, hms will curl up together on the couch and watch movies. They'll go through almost the entire Ghibli catalog, and then if one of them is still sick (very likely, the initially sick one is close to both of the initially healthy ones so they usually all end up at least a little sick) they'll alternate between The Cat Returns and Treasure Planet. Sometimes Mind will say B.E.N.'s lines because he thinks it's funny. Heart knows all the visual gags by heart (heh) because Mind and Soul tell him about them so he can be included.
Also, Mind complains that in The Secret World of Arriety they should've kept the mouse traits for the borrowers because humans that scale would need a different diet. For this reason Heart and Soul have agreed to never show him The Matrix because he would never let it go that the robots are trying to gain energy from humans when living beings inherently use more energy than they output (seriously it drives me insane)
When Soul is sick, one of the first movies they always watch is Howl's Moving Castle bc Soul loves it, and Heart likes it but Mind HATES it, so he'll turn off his camera and play a recording of another movie internally. It used to bug Heart, but Soul pointed out that Mind could stop them from watching it entirely or he could leave, so Heart has reluctantly accepted it.
Soul dislikes the scene in Spirited Away where Chihiro's parents turn into pigs, so he always has his noise canceling headphones handy for the movie and Heart will "accidentally" flop a wing in front of his face or Mind will "accidentally" put one of his arms in the way of the screen so that Soul doesn't have to worry about not being able to see or hear period if something happens.
Heart dislikes The Wind Rises and doesn't have a specific reason why, he just does. Soul and Mind respect it though, and they only watch it if he's MIA or in deep sleep.
Inspired by me needing comfort recently and watching just about every Ghibli movie + Treasure Planet.
Headcanon #604
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agentditto · 3 months
My Disney Animation Agent
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James Pleiades "Jim" Hawkins, also known as the "Rogue Warrior of Montressor", is the only son of Sarah Hawkins, the proprietor of the Benbow Inn, and one of the first off-world members of the Autobot Resistance. Jim is a very adventurous, rebellious, and caring young lad. At first, Jim is stoic and guarded, but as time goes on, he begins to open up, and in the end, he becomes a much more open, confident and happier young man, bearing a side that is very brave, selfless, strong-willed, independent, and loyal to his allies. He is also friendly and willing to help strangers, especially if they are injured or lost, showing that he's kind and compassionate towards animals. He is also shown to be fun-loving, a jokester, sarcastic, mischievous, charismatic, and a bit of a dreamer. He is also usually honest, yet quite private, and hardly ever lies; he only lies if he feels that he really has to, but can also be very sweet, innocent and polite, and cares greatly for his allies and will protect and defend them from anything and anyone. Jim is also very forgiving, shown when he forgave Silver for his antagonistic actions, particularly when Silver chose to save Jim's life instead of Flint's treasure, also allowing Silver to sneak away in lieu of outing him, showing that Jim has completely forgiven Silver and accepted him as his friend and father-figure again. Ultimately, even with his few flaws and his bad-boy exterior, Jim has got a heart of gold and refuses to embrace the typical greedy and ruthless pirate life like his pirate enemies. He's also very intelligent for a lad of his age (as in so intelligent that he is very skilled in mechanical engineering, showing this when he was able to build his own solar surfer all by himself at age 8 and he was able to fix up the late Captain Flint's spaceship in just a few minutes, come age 15). He is also pragmatic and logical, more than people give him credit for. Despite his great intelligence and pragmatism, he can do very stupid and reckless things, but regardless of his reckless side, Jim can be very cautious and serious if the situation presented itself. He likes playing around with Morph, but he can get annoyed by the little floating pink blob of mischief sometimes, and the same can be said for B.E.N., who gets on Jim's nerves fairly often, especially when B.E.N. talks too much or touches Jim too much. Nevertheless, Jim does consider B.E.N. a good friend and a useful sidekick (also, Jim learned to accept B.E.N.'s hysterical and annoying habits somewhat and even enthusiastically hugs B.E.N. back when B.E.N. hugs him for saving everyone from Treasure Planet's destruction). Divergence: After Jim saved everyone, they landed on another world: Cybertron. Dr. Doppler mentioned that most of the Cybertronians died out after the Earth War of 2006, but Jim always wanted to see it. They make planetfall, but Jim and Silver realize that they crossed into another reality, upon being fired at by the Decepticons. It wasn't until an unlikely alliance of characters brought Jim and the others to Nova-Terria, an amalgamation of worlds, using Montressor's technology to operate as computers, phones, everything. The others make themselves at home, with Jim using a Solar Surfer he created out of junked-out parts and a Crystallic Fusion Power-Cell, which he realized was just a giant battery. He often runs into a spot of trouble with the Decepticons, so much so that Team Epsilon, with Pursuit in command, saves him, but Jim does take some Decepticon tech and repurposing it for the Autobots, because he knows now: the war's still going on...and he's just been drafted into it, to save ALL realities. (Note: This is my sort of AU, and I'd not like anyone stealing ideas from me.)
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rustic-space-fiddle · 4 months
Why do you want to fight BEN from treasure planet?
He’s just rather… abrasive? Granted, Ben in the original Treasure Island was also loud and obnoxious, but I think the difference between them is the tone they both brought to their respective stories. Ben from Treasure Island was funny in that he said outlandish phrases and kept trying to touch people (which I admit I LOVE that they kept about B.E.N.), but his character wasn’t ever explicitly used for comic relief. He was more tragic that comedic, even to the very end of his story. Jim at the end of the book tells that he spent all his money at once and was homeless again in just a few weeks. It’s funny-ish, because you’d think he’d be a bit smarter with his money after being marooned for 3 years, but mostly it’s tragic because he’s still wandering and poor with no one, even though all that treasure was rightfully his.
B.E.N. on the other hand is blatantly used for comic relief, which I really don’t think was necessary. It’s not like the story was exceptionally dark up till then. Captain Amelia’s dry wit, Doppler’s bumbling earnestness, Jim’s teenage sass, Silver’s crude pirate-y commentary, and even Morphy are all plenty of fun! They seamlessly inject comedy into the story without taking you out of it. But when B.E.N. is funny, it’s just “WOOO HE’S CRAAAAAAZYYYYYY” comedy. Granted, a lot of his one-liners are really funny! I quote him often, even though I don’t care for him very much. Nevertheless, some lines just feel out of place in the story, and he acts so much like a person that you wonder why he’s even a robot (he’s robot to explain why he’s still around after 100 years [yes, I get that he’s programmed extremely well. But still!]). For example: “WAS I EVER DANCING WITH A DROID NAMED LUPÉ?!” just SCREAMED out in the middle of the moment when it feels like our heroes are losing. Silver has gone full dark side, showing no mercy; Doppler and Amelia are tied up, apparently hopeless, and Jim is being used as a human GPS, being lead for all the world like a dancing bear (geddit?). If B.E.N. was gonna shout something, it didn’t have to be so uselessly funny. Just him shouting would be inappropriate enough in that moment. But nope, because he’s voiced by Martin Short, Mr. Comedy Man, B.E.N. has to be 80% idiot, 20% accidentally useful. The more accidentally useful a character is, the closer to Jar Jar Binks they are. And I cannot stand Jar Jar Binks.
OPPOSITION: He’s just that stupid because his brain is gone! He’s smart at the end of the movie! — Yes… but he’s still obnoxious. He’s a little better, but talks just a little too long. His “I know you don’t like hugging, but get ready cuz I’m gonna hug ya—“ THAT was actually humorous and kinda sweet. Then when Jim hugs him back, it’s wholesome! But then they have B.E.N. go on to cry (badly) and ask for a tissue—AS JIM IS REALIZING SILVER IS LEAVING. Maybe I’m an idiot, but I thought that exchange was funny and wholesome and I wish B.E.N. had been reeled back a bit in his surprised reaction to getting a hug back. His surprise is warranted, but dang.
That’s all just a very long way of saying that I wish he’d been played a little quieter (still loud, but quieter), and that he’d been more purposefully helpful. Ben from Treasure Island was like a geode. He was crusty on the outside, but showed himself to be actually quite clever (though not financially savvy) and basically secured the treasure all by himself. He just needed a ship and a crew. B.E.N. from Treasure Planet was like a Wish.com quartz crystal. A rather useless fellow dressed up in a shiny comedy crust. “I have to pee!” (A thing robots can’t even do?) —BOOM! Hiding place! “I like this fresh air door I have!” —BOOM! Gateway to the center of the planet. The only time I really like that dynamic is when he’s lamenting that he can’t remember something super important (the booby traps), and then immediately after Jim reinstalls his brain, he’s like “HOLY FRICK THE BOOBY TRAPS—“.
Again, this is all just my opinion! I don’t fully hate him, and he is funny, but I think they over exaggerated him in an attempt to appeal to kids and they just didn’t need to do that! If they’d dialed him back just a tad, I think it would’ve made that last part of the movie feel less like a tonal rollercoaster. What do y’all think?
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fuckmarrykillpolls · 2 months
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eadrey-the-iptscray · 28 days
Alllllllright I just rewatched Treasure Planet and have more thoughts about the Pacific Rim crossover I talked about here:
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I still stand by most of these character swaps. But now I propose some plot changes:
Jake's mother isn't in the picture; Stacker takes on the role of Mrs. Hawkins
Mako is treated like family but wasn't actually adopted by Stacker; she's an astrophysicist like Dr. Dopplar but isn't going to be the comic relief character
Sonny (mentioned in Uprising) is Billy Bones
After the inn burns down, Mako suggests creating a decoy of the device as a precaution; on the ship, Jake purposely hands over the decoy and keeps the real map in his satchel (and this will have consequences during the mutiny)
The kaiju's names are used for the pirates (e.g. Scroop is Knifehead); however, "Hannibal Chau" will be the assumed name of Onibaba (former first mate of Capt. Slattern)
Chau is gonna have gold-plated limbs in homage of his shoes
Yancy Becket is actually the captain and Raleigh is the first mate
During the black hole incident, Raleigh will actually be at the helm cause he was closest; Knifehead will corner Yancy but they will both go overboard
Chau will see this happen and call it an accident to a) avoid suspicion and b) protect Jake; however, he will absolutely take out his anger at Knifehead on the rest of the pirates to keep them in line
Raleigh assumes the role of captain, but the change will get the pirates itching to mutiny (this is when Jake overhears their plan)
During the mutiny, Jake forgot that he switched the devices and they land on the planet without the real map
Newt takes on the role of B.E.N. and "N.E.W.T." will actually stand for... something
Jake and NEWT go back to the ship to retrieve the real map; they run into the kaiju!pirates from Uprising
They come back and get captured and the plot follows Treasure Planet from there
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galacticspaceguy · 2 months
A list of Treasure Planet Projects I’m working on:
The Curse of Calico
We all know this one /j This is a Treasure Planet OC project that I’ve been playing favorite on for the last few months now.
A Trail Of Bones
This one is the story of what Bones did after Flint died, how he managed to avoid anyone finding the map for 100 years, and how he met Silver.
Lost Logs of B.E.N
The lost logs are gonna be a short collection of chapters in a fic following Ben’s life, all the way from his creation to when he met Jim.
Silver and Gold
This is a John Silver backstory! It overlaps with A Trail Of Bones and follows Silvers love for gold and the legend of Flint grow!
Treasure Planet 2 and Treasure Planet: The Series
Very self explanatory, but this is gonna be my own twist on the sequels ;)
These next four are short stories I wanna work out for Amelia and Dobblers kids. I am still working out the titles;
-The Inventions of Matey
-The Adventures of Jib
-The Diary of Tillie
-When It Rains It’s Sunny
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hinataoc · 10 months
KHOC Week Day 2 - New World
HEY! It’s the second day of @khoc-week​ Wooooo
So I have a lot to share for this. But I’m going to focus on the age old favorite of Halloween Town, because that’s where I just finished writing them at in FT. 
First, I want to start with Hinata. She arrived first in Halloween Town, along with Axel and Riku. They were in pursuit of a Replica and formed a shaky alliance to track her down. When they arrived all three of them got completely different looks. Hinata was mostly unhappy with hers, while Riku and Axel ended up looking pretty cool. 
I have this incredible piece by @amyhayanora that depicts them in their outfits from a scene in The Forgotten Traveler Chapter 17
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Next is Sam. The poor thing does not have good luck with the ship’s magic drive. For some reason, she doesn’t get to be fully human. There is a reason, it’s just spoilers and such. Anyway, I am a huge fan of Legend of Zelda and when I think of the creatures in Nightmare Before Christmas I always think of the fish guy. So Sam got a fishy experience. 
Excerpt from The Forgotten Traveler Chapter 19—
(note: remember that crazy robot B.E.N from Treasure Planet? yeah he travels with them)
Halloween Town was just as gloomy as the name would suggest. Gravestones and gargoyles stood intertwined with black thorny vines and rotting pumpkins. In the center of the field was a hill that curled into itself at the end, the entire thing silhouetted by the full moon.
"I didn't think this place would take its name so literally." Sam sidestepped a smashed pumpkin, gagging at the sight of rats and maggots devouring its remains. "I don't even want to know how it made me look."
"Yeeeah, that's probably for the best," Ben assured her, a few steps ahead as he scanned the area for any signs of Riku and Hinata. He had made it off nearly scot-free from the magic drive, spare for a darker shade of rust, a brighter, eerie glow to his eyes, and crusted blood splattered over his joints. "If you ask me—"
"I didn't," Sam reminded him, but he continued regardless.
"—I'd say you'd be better off under water." He tapped his chin. "Maaaaybe near Neverland! I hear there's plenty of sea monsters there. If DiZ's world encyclopedias are anything to go by, which"—he laughed—"why wouldn't they be, amiright?"
Sam inwardly groaned, stopping mid step and allowing Ben to continue on as he walked further and further away. "Of course I get stuck with him tagging along," she grumbled under her breath, reaching up her hand to rub her hair. Then she paused, realizing there was no hair to touch. Instead, her fingers were met with a slick, slimy skin that reminded her of touching a fish left too long on the counter— something she had done one too many times. "Oh come on!" She held out her hand in front of her, seeing the bluish tint to her now long webbed fingers. Suddenly, Ben's comments on her belonging with other sea monsters didn't seem so far-fetched.
"Don't say I didn't warn you!" Ben called back to her, his hands cupped around his mouth.
Sam clenched her hands at her sides, shutting her eyes tight and taking in a long deep breath. "Please tell me Velcia's coming down soon."
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Yeeeeah... she got to be based on a zombified zora. Sorry Sam. 
Velcia though, my husband had the coolest design idea for her and I was so excited to get the chance to draw it. 
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An amazing ghost witch! She’s a potion maker by trade in Thebes, so it just fits so perfectly! All the ingredients hanging from the dress’ threads, the potions eerily glowing and dangling from the branches, ahhh so cool! I really need to up my design game. My husband has me beat. 
Here is some more art I have of Hinata in her Halloween Town look. It was originally designed by someone on DeviantArt by the name of VelvetCookieVT. I hosted an art contest for participants to design a new world outfit for Hinata, and whoever won would get their outfit and world choice put into the story. I held the contest years ago and it just finally got put in. Anyway, here is the original artwork of Hinata’s Halloween Town look.
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I was absolutely in love with it. Hinata was not lol! But she managed. 
Also, bonus of Hinata’s Christmas Town look that was co designed by me and @amyhayanora.
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ya-boi-haru · 5 months
Rewatching Treasure Planet for the 1000 time so here are my brain brrr thoughts/ things i noticed...
• During the opening scene where Jim is freely Solar Surfing the area, the music that plays over it comes back again in different tones: when they take off from the spaceport, when escaping the supernova and when Jim saves them from the planets destruction and that's pretty poetic
• I was thinking "why are they the only humans" but then why is anyone one species. I dont think you see 2 of the same species around. It also makes sence since they own/work at an Inn and the movie takes place on other alien planets
• Amelia from the start clearly states she doesn't like the crew Delbert hired, yet she doesn't push for him to hire a new crew or anything. She maybe be the captain and a really good one, but in a way (despite what Delbert says) she does know who she's working for
• Amelia and Arrows' whole dynamic. "I said something rather good before coffee" (- Amliea) they're besties
• Doplers bulky suit runs on 3 AA type batteries 😂
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• When Silver said to Jim "I have two new friends I'd like you to meet" before he revealed it was a joke to do chores, Jim looked genuinely interested in new people to meet. He's finally on a spacing adventure that is based on his favourite legend since childhood and he gets back to doing more things he was doing at the Benbow, so I think his disappointment is some what valid
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• Silvers crew either severely sucked up and faked their resumes and/or took out any competition to get that job, which is why they got the job and not a better crew
• Jim built his first Solar Sufer when he was 8 and probably did it as a way to be closer to his dad (I think he was still around at that age)
• In the flashback of his dad leaving, Jim woke up startled and worried. It then cuts to his dad already walking away then his mother crying at the table, so they probably had a massive fight as he was leaving which woke Jim up. They probably fought a bit before hand as well
• Morph turned into a wrench to help Silver, so Morph can hold the weight/strength of things he shapeshifts into
• Its been pointed out that Jim's cloths are a symbolism of his development. He starts with a black shirt and jacket then a tan shirt and black jacket and by the end its just the tan shirt.
He gets the tan shirt and black jacket when they start the voyage, but loses the jacket part way through the "I'm still here" sequence. He wears it again after Arrows death then loses it again when Silvers true intentions are revealed to him.
• Jim and Silver did fasten their lifelines after being told to - during the supernova - but they had to undo them to get the sail at the front of the ship. So if Jim hadn't caught Silver when he fell, even his lifeline would t have helped him
• When bracing themselves for the last Migella in the Supernova, Silver holds Jim and the pole, looking down to make sure he's ok
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• At the start of the movie Jim uses a Purp to sus out Silver, and its the same Purp barrel Jim is hiding in when he overhears what Silver says to the crew
- Jim using the purps to try and hint that he's onto Silver vs Scroop using the purp to emphasise that Silvers gone soft
• Treasure Planet was using drabooln currency before tiktok deemed it cool
• The parallels in Arrows and Scroops deaths.
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Bonus cause:
Scroop: Do say hello to Mr Arrow
Jim: Tell him yourself!
• When trying to find the gate, the crew threaten to kill Jim but Silver looks worried. When he says "I suggest you get the gizmo going again and fast!" It was more a warning, cause he looks scared for Jim when they prepare to attack him...
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• B.E.Ns eyes going from green to blue I think is a little clever bit of symbolism. They started green which was the colour of Treasure Planet (map, portal etc) and then when he got his memory circut back and could help them get out, they changed to blue
• Morph, Morphs into things around him, which is why he copies what people say, he's Morphing/copies their words
• When Silver is saying goodbye to Jim he smiles up at him, showing his non cyborg side
Hope you enjoyed, feel free to tell me your thoughts on this movie, that I feel normal about
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ittetsuspecs · 5 months
What if a marine officer interrogates Captain Jim Hawkins because he is suspected to have close contact with The Cyborg Pirates that's been scavenging around the galaxy? Will he confess that he did release him once before he was a captain? Will they meet again? Will John Silver be in prison by then? Maybe they interrogate Captain Amelia first, she confesses she knew nothing about The Cyborg's whereabouts, but she knew most of his crew died in Flint's Trove. That's when they make a connection, who survived the Loot of a Thousand World none other than Captain Jim Hawkins? The newly appointed captain at such a young age. He possesses such remarkable sailing skills, and is yet to graduate from Dr. Delbert Doppler astrology class. Will B.E.N's memory be snatched away again so he won't tell anyone what happened in the gold mines filled with magma? Will once again Morph reunite with his previous master after taking care of his pup? W what if John Silver meets the kittens and pup? Or Sarah herself?
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msc-ddv-ss · 5 months
Treasure Planet : Disney Speedstorm Season Concept --------------------------------------
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Jim Hawkins - (Speedster - Rare - Default Purple Racesuit)
John Silver - (Brawler - Epic - Default Black Racesuit)
Captain Amelia - (Trickster - Rare - Default Blue Racesuit)
Dr. Delbert Doppler - (Defender - Common - Default Dark Red Racesuit)
Crew Members:
Sarah Hawkins  - (Jim’s Epic Crew Member)
Morph - (Silver’s Epic Crew Member)
Mr. Arrow - (Amelia’s Epic Crew Member)
B.E.N - (Doppler’s Epic Crew Member) 
Nathaniel Flint - (Rare Crew Member)
Scroop - (Rare Crew Member)
Billy Bones - (Rare Crew Member)
Silver’s Pirates - (Common Crew Member)
Royal Navy Troops - (Common Crew Member)
Benbow Inn Guests - (Common Crew Member)
Treasure Planet - (Treasure Planet’s Jungle, With portals to Captain Flint’s Treasure Trove, and potentially to the spaceport too.) 
Unique Abilities:
Jim: Solar Surfer
Normal: Jim’s car transforms to his Solar Surfer and moves at a high speed while invincible. Once he is 1st, the duration is shortened. (Similar to Aladdin, but can’t be used in 1st)
Charged: Jim’s Solar Surfer drives at normal speed for a short period of time, but leaves a trail behind. Opponents that touch the trail briefly lose control of their car.
Silver: Arm Cannon
Normal: Silver transforms his arm to a cannon, and fires forward a giant blast that stuns every opponent it hits. The projectile dissipates when it hits a wall.
Charged: Silver transforms his arm to a cannon, and fires backwards a giant blast that stuns every opponent it hits. The projectile dissipates when it hits a wall.
Amelia: RLS Legacy
Normal: Ameila shoots her rifle forward once. If the bullet hits an opponent, Ameilia dashes forward, and can use her ability again. Opponents will be stunned upon hit.
Charged :Ameila shoots her rifle backwards once. If the bullet hits an opponent, Ameilia dashes forward, and can use her ability again. Opponents will be stunned upon hit.
Doppler: Astronomy 
Normal: Get protection from one hit for a long period of time. If attacked, gain invincibility for a short period of time, and gain a large amount of Nitro Boost.
Charged: Immediately gain invincibility for a very short amount of time, while also gaining Nitro boost for a moderate amount of time. 
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icingspring · 9 months
The fact that there are not more memes featuring B.E.N. from Treasure Planet is an actual crime and these people need to be held accountable in a court of law
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paulinawoodpecker · 4 months
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Paulina Woodpecker presents…
Fantasy hearts and the treasure planet!!
About: Sora with her friends, Kai, Ryu, kwazzi and peso accidentally hit into a dimension without her using her fantasy heart key. The fantasy heart group ended up in a world of pirates and crew members on a mission to get gold. But then queen Lucifer and prince Hamada went to their world to destroy them! With the help of their new friends, they can beat the queen and the prince and the heartless monsters together.
Rated: PG
Includes: action, adventure and fantasy
Warning: slight blood, swearing and lore
Sora: Aimee Carrero (the youngest of Ryu and Kai and the leader of the fantasy hearts team, she holds the fantasy key to open dimensions, as they enter the new world, she didn’t even use her key)
Kwazzi: rob rackstraw (a pirate troublemaker who always gets himself and the team caught easily. She gave silver a snack but he food poisoned him accidentally)
Peso: Wayne Grayson ( a penguin doctor who takes care of injured people especially his team. He is also a caretaker especially to silver and his upset stomach)
Ryu: Joe mele (the oldest in the group; he the opposite of kwazzi. He acts like a leader and somehow gets jealous of Sora)
Kai: Ariel winter (she the second youngest in the group; she loved Ryu and Sora as her siblings. She can be a little off with kwazzi after what he has done to silver)
Jim Hawkins: Joesph Gordon Levitt (the leader of the mothership; he also supports for silver to make him feel better. He’s the leader of the ship)
John silver: Brian Murray (a cook and a cyborg who accidentally got his stomach upset thanks to kwazzi)
Delbert Doppler: David Hyde pierce (a doctor who’s friends with peso and also cares and worries about silver)
Captain Amelia: Emma Thompson ( she’s the captain of the team. She also wants to support him for making him feel better)
B.E.N: Martin short (a robot who’s friends with Jim Hawkins and Sora on their mission)
Morph: Dane. A. Davis ( a bubble and slivers sidekick)
Sarah Hawkins: Laurie metcalf (Jim Hawkins single mother who is always on Jim’s and Sora’s side)
Captain barnacles: Simon green wall (the leader of the oconauts)
Shellington: Keith wickham ( a genius and a scientist who knows what’s going on on the case)
Dashi: Jenny yokobri (a photographer who takes pictures of unknown mysteries)
Tweak: Jo Wyatt (a engineer who can make and fix machines, even fix Sora’s key)
Professor inkling: Keith wicklan (a professor who can handle old times and also a genius)
Turnips: Michael C Murphy (cute little turnips who always are funny and cute junior chefs, thanks to kwazzi)
Queen Lucifer: Briana mazzola (the queen of the heartless monsters; she wants the whole power to herself from her son and wants Sora’s key)
Prince Hamada: Michael buble (queen Lucifer’s son who is sidekicks with her and wanted to be famous mostly his mom wanted to be famous)
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