#Azure Luxury Cars
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Bentley Continental CT Azure
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thecargays · 9 months
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“You must be new.” 🇬🇧
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en-wheelz-me · 2 months
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stevechopzart · 2 years
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Luxurious Wheels Snuffy.
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deerynoise · 1 year
Bentley Azure
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ikemenprincessnaga · 2 years
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Bentley Azure
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alast4r · 2 months
Chapter 3: Confession
A/N: Okay I made a final decision to cut this chapter and just rewrite the other stuff as the next chapter but deepest apologies for disappearing. I now have a ton of time especially around May to July. Anyways I don't really like this chapter but hopefully you guys do.
@myrunawaysweets @roxxie-wolf I FORGOT TO PING YOU GUYS SORRY BUT HERE
╭─────── ۪۫ ❁ཻུ۪۪⸙͎.` ───────╮
"God I'm so lovesick."
╰─────── ۪۫ ❁ཻུ۪۪⸙͎.` ───────╯
As the morning's splendor unfolded, the mellifluous songs of birds greeted your ears, heralding the imminent ascent of the radiant sun into the boundless azure sky. With a languorous stretch, you rose from your slumber and made your way to the window, where a gentle zephyr caressed your skin, carrying with it the sweet anticipation that swelled within your heart for your rendezvous with Alastor, the man who monopolized your thoughts, rendering you a veritable dreamer.
Entering the lavatory, you indulged in a warm, effervescent bath, accompanied by opulent accoutrements that left your skin plump and aglow. Clad in a sumptuous robe, you proceeded to your vanity chamber, lavishing further care upon your complexion with an array of extravagant elixirs, leaving your countenance unadorned by makeup for the time being.
Venturing into your wardrobe, resplendent with garments of silk, chiffon, and lace, you meticulously selected from an array of heels, sandals, and boots, alongside a trove of accessories nestled within the drawers. Each ensemble was scrutinized with fastidious attention, until your gaze alighted upon a resplendent scarlet gown that captivated your discerning eye, evoking thoughts of Alastor and his signature crimson motif.
Donning the elegant yet understated attire, paired with crimson footwear and ruby-hued embellishments, you returned to the vanity, where you deftly coaxed every unruly strand of hair into submission, fashioning it into a winsome style. With a delicate brush dipped in rosy pigment, you imparted a flush of color to your cheeks and the bridge of your nose, before applying a coat of ravishing red lipstick that accentuated your features.
As you beheld your reflection with a mixture of satisfaction and awe, a discreet rap upon your door interrupted your reverie. With purse in hand, you hastened downstairs, and to your delight, found Alastor awaiting you.
As Alastor led you through the bustling city streets, the morning sun cast a warm glow over everything, illuminating the beauty of the architecture around you. The gentle breeze carried the scent of fresh pastries from nearby bakeries, mingling with the sound of distant chatter and the occasional honk of a car horn.
"Where are we going though, Alastor?" you inquired, curiosity piqued by the mystery of the day ahead. Alastor hummed a tune, his arm linked with yours as he guided you forward. "I plan to take you to many places, my dear, but first, I'd love to show you a spot that holds a special place in my heart."
Soon, you arrived at a two-story building, and Alastor led you inside to his radio station. The familiar sight of broadcasting equipment and the buzz of activity brought back memories of childhood visits with your father. "This is truly wonderful, Alastor. But are you here to broadcast something?" you asked, intrigued by the thought of witnessing a live broadcast.
Alastor chuckled, moving towards his desk and picking up a small gift box. "No, my dear, I simply needed to retrieve something I left here. Now, shall we continue our date?"
Throughout the rest of the day, Alastor took you to various sights around the city, each one more enchanting than the last. You explored quaint shops, admired stunning works of art, and even indulged in a bit of shopping, with Alastor insisting on treating you to a few lovely items.
As the day drew to a close, you found yourselves at a luxurious restaurant, the perfect setting for a romantic dinner. The ambiance was elegant, with soft lighting and the faint sound of classical music in the background. As you both settled in and ordered your meals, you took a moment to admire the setting, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you.
"So, this is quite a fine establishment, Alastor. What made you choose such a place?" you inquired, genuinely curious about his thought process. Alastor glanced at you, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I simply wanted to treat my darling to the best," he replied, his voice filled with warmth and affection.
As the evening progressed, you found yourself lost in conversation with Alastor, each moment spent with him feeling more magical than the last. Despite the initial awkwardness, you couldn't deny the connection you felt with him, a connection that seemed to deepen with each passing moment.
As the culinary indulgence reached its conclusion, Alastor, with a dignified grace, presented the gift box procured earlier in the day. "I have something for you, my dear," he uttered, his voice a mellifluous symphony to your ears. Your heart danced a euphoric waltz as he drew near, a sense of anticipation tingling in the air. With a deft motion, he gently fastened the necklace around your neck, its exquisite craftsmanship radiating an ethereal allure. Overwhelmed with gratitude, you beheld the adornment with awe. "Oh, Alastor, this is..." Your words trailed off in wonderment as he bestowed a tender kiss upon your hand, a gesture laden with unspoken sentiment. With a flourish of gallantry, he attended to the bill, leaving you to bask in the warmth of his affection and the splendor of your new treasure.
As the night came to an end, Alastor walked you home, the glow of the streetlights casting a soft, romantic light over the scene. As you said your goodbyes, Alastor leaned in, his lips brushing against your cheek in a gentle, lingering kiss. "I’m afraid I can’t escort you back home tonight my dear so. Until next time, my dear," he whispered, his voice filled with promise and longing.
As you watched him walk away, a sudden outburst came through you. “Wait Alastor!” and just in luck he paused turned back and smiled at you “What is it my dear?” heavily breathing and shaking you found yourself to finally speak out what you’ve wanted to say. “I love you.”
Sudden silence came as he had then walked toward you, as he towered over you a hand suddenly cupped your cheek as his lips met yours. You felt light now, out of instinct you had held his face as well as your other hand placed onto his chest as he held you by the waist.
His lips were warm against yours, igniting a fire within you that you had never felt before. Every touch, every caress sent shivers down your spine, electrifying your senses in a way you had never experienced. It was as if the world around you had faded away, leaving only the two of you in a cocoon of intimacy.
As the kiss deepened, you felt yourself losing control, surrendering completely to the overwhelming emotions that coursed through your body. Time seemed to stand still as you melted into each other, lost in the passion and desire that consumed you both.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Planetary Magic: How to Invoke the Magnetic Power of Venus
The archetypal energy of the planet Venus is feminine, sensual and magnetic.
Venus energy is an invocation of the senses. She encourages us to indulge and luxuriate in our physical bodies. By aligning with her energy she helps us to see the riches already inherent in our lives and assists us in drawing our deepest desires to us.
A Brief History of the Planet Venus
The word ‘Venus’ comes from the Proto-Italic *wenos, with its furthest roots in Proto-Indo-European *wen meaning ‘to wish, love’. Venus is the second planet from the Sun, often appearing in the sky as the morning and evening star. Scientists believe that Venus was formed from great swathes of swirling gas and dust around 4.5 billion years ago. The planet Venus may have once held seas in the past. But these primordial waters likely dried up as the planets temperature rose. In true languorous Venusian style, a full day on the planet Venus is longer than its entire year. One magical thing about Venus is her orbit shape. The pentagram or petals of Venus is the orbit that Venus makes when viewed from earth. Venus creates the petals of Venus every eight years.
Why Connect With the Planet Venus?
Venus is far from just the planet of love magic. Connecting to the planet Venus allows you to magnetically attract your deepest desire. In astrology, Venus rules the fixed sign of Taurus and the cardinal sign of Libra. In French, Friday is named for her vendredi ‘day of Venus’. The alchemical glyph of Venus is the circle on top of the cross . Which symbolises spirits descent into matter.
Venus is the source of the power of flavour. Of precious stones, pearls, and of rocks, lapis lazuli and almartach; and of plants, all plants with a good odour like saffron and arhenda, roses and all flowers with a good odour and smell and are pleasant to look at. Among colours, sky blue and gold tending a little to green. --The Picatrix (Circa 1000 CE)
Orphic Hymn to Venus
Heavenly, illustrious, laughter-loving queen, Sea-born, night-loving, of an awful mien; Crafty, from whom necessity first came, Producing, nightly, all-connecting dame: ‘Tis thine the world with harmony to join, For all things spring from thee, O power divine.
The triple Fates are ruled by thy decree, And all productions yield alike to thee: Whatever the heaven’s, encircling all contain, Earth fruit-producing, and the stormy main, thy sway confesses, and obeys thy nod.
Awful attendant of the brumal God: Goddess of marriage, charming to the sight, Mother of Loves, whom banqueting delights; Source of persuasion, secret, favouring queen, Illustrious born, apparent and unseen: Spousal, lupercal, and to men inclined, Prolific, most-desired, life-giving kind:
Great sceptre-bearer of the Gods, ‘tis thine, Mortals in necessary bands to join; And every tribe of savage monsters dire. In magic chains to bind, through mad desire.
Come, Cyprus-born, and to my prayer incline, Whether exalted in the heavens you shine, Or pleased in Syria’s temple to preside, Or over the Egyptian plains thy car to guide, Fashioned of gold; and near its sacred flood, Fertile and famed to fix thy blest abode; Or if rejoicing in the azure shores, Near where the sea with foaming billows roars, The circling choirs of mortals, thy delight, Or beauteous nymphs, with eyes cerulean bright, Pleased by the dusty banks renowned of old, To drive thy rapid, two-yoked car of gold;
Or if in Cyprus with thy mother fair, Where married females praise thee every year, And beauteous virgins in the chorus join, Adonis pure to sing and thee divine;
Come, all-attractive to my prayer inclined, For thee, I call, with holy, reverent mind.
Goddess Venus by Talon Abraxas
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gogesimp · 20 days
A 五夏 formula one, omegaverse AU.
Suguru is the youngest of a conglomerate family, born in the lap of luxury and decadence. But as an omega, there have been certain expectations of him. He has been tutored since a young age on how to become the perfect, docile & subservient mate to whichever alpha his parents choose for him. Suguru has reconciled himself to this fact. Though it doesn't stop him from dreaming of a life that doesn't have to follow rules imposed by his family & society.
Being the youngest, he is given some concessions. It also helps that Suguru is very dear to his parents and has been an obedient child throughout his life, never causing them any trouble. Rather they tend to brag about young Suguru's academic achievements & extra curricular prowess at all the social gatherings they attend.
Maybe that is why when Suguru chooses automobile engineering as his course of choice, a very strange one for an omega, his parents don't try to dissuade him.
He graduates with flying colours & through his own merit gets the chance to an apprenticeship w/ one of the top automobile manufacturers.
There he gets experience working as a mechanic. He realises that there are other omegas who are also working in this field, though they are still in the minority.
Seeing his interest lies in race cars, his manager recommends him to the formula one team & that is how young suguru finds himself amongst the alphas in this fast paced racing world. His work usually happens prior to the start of the season, when the teams are putting together the engine & chassis. But he does get free access to the team area & a close view of the pit while the race is in progress.
And it is during his first ever grand prix that he meets the white haired blue eyed demon- as dubbed by Suguru's teammates.
He is in Suzuka, for the Japan grand prix, his team is confident of a podium finish. Though they are a bit wary of the Gojo chap who drives for one of the smaller teams.
A bigger budget allows the teams to create better cars & also employ the best drivers. Suguru is pretty confident that Sukuna and Toji will dominate the race.
It's an exciting weekend for Suguru because it'll be the very time he has been allowed to be in the pit during the race. He'll be shadowing different members & will get to see the drivers in person.
The aura surrounding Sukuna is intimidating, no wonder people give him such a wide berth. Similarly for Toji. But the most distracted his team became when they turn to look at the pit of their competitors, to catch a glimpse of Gojo. Suguru was curious as well.
So he follows the gaze of his team members & finds himself staring straight into those blue eyes. The rest of the face has been obscured by the helmet which drivers have to wear. As a blonde man approaches Gojo, he looks away & Suguru realizes he had been transfixed to his spot by those azure eyes. He shakes himself awake & hurriedly moves away from the pit before anyone chides him for day dreaming.
It's when he is standing at a safe distance from the grid where the cars have been lined up does he realise his heart is beating at an accelerated rate & his cheeks are aflame. While trying to spot his team's cars he finds that Gojo has got pole position, followed by Sukuna and Toji. There's a funny feeling at the pit of his stomach, knowing that there's a chance this race might not end how his team wants it to end.
Right before the start, when the red lights are getting illuminated, Gojo turns his head to look straight at Suguru. His heart stops beating, because any second now the race will start & this fool is not keeping his eyes straight ahead.
From the corner of his eyes Suguru see all five lights have turned red.
Any second now.
Look ahead, you fool!
Any sec...
The lights go black & the guy turns his head & makes a perfect start, as if he wasn't just staring at a random person instead of focusing on the track.
Suguru let's out a breath he didn't know he was holding, a hand on his heart which is beating rapidly.
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skippyv20 · 9 months
ILBW Gets Her Pap Photos No Matter What!
Hi Skippy & Friends-Pilgrim here trying not to barf up my coffee as I peruse the latest images of the notorious narc/grifter making belive she is rich and famous. The white car with P/S on the side stands for a new service called Private Suite at LAX or PS, which also offers annual memberships. This paid for service starts at the airport and does not include the price of airfare.
According to an article from Sunset magazine this past May, 2023, the author, Krista Simmons says, “You arrive to a private gated entrance just outside the LAX main airport, and immediately are shuffled off to what’s the most bespoke, white-glove treatment you’ll ever receive at an airport. The first thing you’ll notice upon arrival at the main salon area is the design. The space looks more like a luxe hotel lobby than an airport lounge, with brass Art Deco fixtures, cozy azure velvet couches, and a mirrored bar adorned with mid-century modern stools. If you really want some privacy, you can splurge on a private suite, which offers panoramic views of the tarmac, allowing you to watch the planes gracefully take off from a vantage point like no other.” It is owned and operated by Gavin de Becker & Associates, a security and consulting firm known for protecting the most prominent families in the world. They transformed a cargo building on the far side of the runways into a remote terminal.
The article continues in rapture of the special treatment that costs $995.00+/- per person. “The real showstopper, though, was the trip from the lounge to the aircraft. The concierge shuffles you from the salon across the way to your private TSA screening. To me, bypassing the hellscape that is TSA is almost worth the price of admission alone. I was the only traveler being screened, and there’s even a fridge full of liquid refreshments for you to take with you once you pass through. Then, you’re bundled into a luxury vehicle on the actual tarmac, passing by international Airbuses. For me, it was absolutely mesmerizing getting to drive by all the planes before takeoff, seeing them from a totally different angle than I’ve ever experienced before. After a lifetime of travel, I’ve never had such a magical, memorable pre-flight experience, and hope to be able to justify another trip with PS soon.”
This whole service is so the super-rich can AVOID the paps inside the airport…but not the ILBW!!! Wearing Mules for the bunions, looking scrawny and desperate, she gets her media fix showing off her assortment of brand label items as if she is flying private. Let the games begin…Over and out for now…PS I loved the Sandwich Police car photo!
Thank you so much Pilgrim…great info….she makes me sick!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
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koifishart · 2 months
I want to be Your Koi Fish
Warning: +18 content, criminal underworld, intercourse, strong language - and so on
Fanfiction based on: "Baki" by Itagaki Keisuke
They left early in the morning. Kaoru sipped his whiskey while sitting in dark linen pants and a white shirt. Hanabi shook her nose but agreed. He also didn't want to argue. They were supposed to spend the whole week pleasantly, it would be a shame to start with a quarrel about such a trifle. He watched the clouds as he sat comfortably in the wide VIP seat of the plane's cabin. It was just them and the bartender wiping crystal clear glasses. Hanabi slept through the flight, resting head on his shoulder. She looked adorable, as always, when settled on him like a cat, only to fall asleep a moment later with a blissful expression on face. He remembered the dream he had had before woke up in the hospital. An animal with white fur and nine tails, green-eyed, just like her...but it's just a dream! Shook his head and looked out the window again. The clouds parted, he could see the area of the island and clearly cut off airport, all surrounded by a beautiful shade of azure blue. Hanayama chose a location that would make his wife as happy as possible - close to water, hiking trails, and vegetation. Waikiki's luxury hotels were a perfect match for both of them. They arrived in the ordered car. Halekulani Hotel turned out to be a really sizeable building with an impressive swimming pool. But they were more interested in the ocean, so he chose an apartment on one of the top floors. They had at their disposal a simple but tastefully decorated living room decorated in blue and white colors with a large terrace overlooking the open Pacific, cozy bedroom with large, bright bed with an ebony base, spacious bathroom with big, modern shower tray and quite large bathtub...which they both hardly fit in. They intended to use the richness of the local cuisine, which she probably enjoyed the most. He has long noticed that his wife loves to eat - lots and lots of variety. He was very impressed with the amount she could squeeze into herself. At the same time, he didn't notice that she gained weight. Yes, she made up for those "5kg" that she had been complaining about for several weeks, but didn't change much. He remembered the disappointed voices of his classmates complaining that they had to lose weight because they allegedly don't fit into their uniforms, when he was in high school. Hanabi had never had such a problem before, but the opposite - in fact, exactly as his father-in-law admonished him. They unpacked their luggage, and a moment later she was standing in front of him in a knee-length thin dress tied around her neck, speckled with tiny flowers and delicate sandals, flashing three stones on ring finger. By her expression, he recognized that she wished he would wear something else. Hanayama sighed, nodding at the same time. Soon after, they went out to look around the area. From the depths of the suitcase he pulled the first shirt she chose for him - short sleeves, lilac in color, and dark knee-length trousers. The walk was long and very enjoyable. She was right - weather was good, sun was shining long and hard, and cool, salty breeze made him feel thirsty twice. He would have burned alive if not for her stubbornness.
In the evening, he spread his arms on the back of the couch in the living room. They were hoping to find a nice movie. It looked to be a success - a detective comedy just in time for a quiet end to the day. Still, they didn't look too closely, they were preoccupied with themselves. She cuddled up confidently, he could feel a light, pleasant smell. Embraced her gently with one hand and was almost touching juicy lips, could see the metallic flash of a silver titanium ball on her tongue, when they heard a fragment of the dialogue from the television very clearly:
- Top shelf product! I was constipated for a week! 
She immediately turned off the receiver so as not to hear any more. She dropped head onto his shoulder, sighing. 
- Well, the atmosphere shitted itself... - she grunted softly. 
- You heard that no. - he replied with a half-mouth smile.
Hanabi burst out into a pearly laugh as wrapped her arms around him. The summer dress was gone, replaced by a slightly revealing belly t-shirt and gently clinging shorts. Smelled like jasmine shower gel, still a little cool from a refreshing bath. She pushed herself up on her knees, propping them against his thigh so he could nest head against round breasts. There was a gloomy thought in his mind that if it weren't for Wu Song's idiotic attack, these breasts would fill up with food for his offspring to grow strong and healthy. He shook himself slightly. After all, nothing is lost! They are young, according to doctors, the miscarriage wasn't so fateful, they could still have children!
- Kaoru... 
- Yes? 
- Why me? 
He frowned at her. She looked completely innocent, almost as if asking him if he wanted to eat eggs for breakfast. 
- Why exactly did I interest you? - clarified the question. - I can't believe it was because I wanted to kill you. 
He thought for a moment, recalling the day, or actually the evening, of their meeting and all the other women he had any contact with. How was she different from them? It's very simple...
- You were the first to treat me normally from the beginning. I didn't see any fear in your eyes. - he muttered, brushing back the fringe obscuring one of the green irises. - Other women took advantage of me, they were afraid of my position and appearance. You don't. 
- And I had something to be afraid of? - she asked rhetorically, nuzzling his nose. - We're afraid of what we don't know. I knew you were dangerous, one finger of yours is enough to break my neck. The problem is, I'm not afraid of death. If she comes for me, I'll go by the hand with her, as with a friend.
- That's it? - he wondered, half-mouth smiling as cupped his arm around her thighs. 
- Besides, I love that you are so BIG! - she laughed, placing hands on massive shoulders, pushing her face down. - I love every scar you have, every little history associated with them. I love what you are... As soon as I looked you in the face I knew that we would at least get along. It turned out as it came out.
Hanabi slept like never before, the great bed and the cool Pacific breeze did their job. She felt really refreshed. Most of all, the bear slept next to her, although he usually left at this time. Could cuddle up, cling to him, soak up the manly scent, hear calm breathing. She could always tell by ear if he was asleep. It didn't take long before he woke up, wasn't actually hiding it. Apparently casually, rolling on his side, hugged her waist, but moments later she felt great fingers creeping up her back towards thighs. She didn't resist, they had time for themselves, no one would suddenly come up with the information that they had to separate. She reached up to sliced face to take it gently, move closer and sink tongue into his mouth as he bent her knee, resting muscled thigh against his hip. It has been a long time since she felt such an intense, yet delicate, intimate bond. As if all her senses had sharpened and headed towards him, waiting for the touch of a rough tongue, subtly salty taste of skin, distinctive smell, gleam in his hazel eyes, and that lovely low voice that made her shiver.
- Good morning, darling... - he croaked right into her ear.
- Good morning... - she whispered in response, hugging thick neck.
She pulled him to hover over her without breaking another kiss that miraculously held them together. Not a moment passed when felt the tip of his fingertip wandering down the pelvis to get right between her legs, causing a sigh and a wave of pleasure. Instinctively, reached for a tense manhood, surprisingly ready for action.
- Kaoru, you remember what the doctor said. - she muttered a bit grumpily. 
- I remember. No trying to get a baby for the next few weeks. - he replied, leaning over her round breasts. - That doesn't mean no sex after all, does it? 
- ...true... - she replied, blushing.
He was right. The medic who wrote her out didn't mention their restraint. Of course, the madness was out of the question, but the basis for her recovery would be a lack of fertilization. A few weeks have passed since was in the hospital, had been waiting a long time for him. She wanted to. She longed for his closeness, and at the same time knew that if anything happened, one word was enough. More shivers ran down her spine, along with another long and thick, slashed finger sliding into her pussy. Felt so good... When met Hanayama, hadn't expected that she would be able to trust him to such an extent. After all, he's a mafia boss, has games and arrangements at his fingertips, and the use of force and domination in blood! Still, hadn't lied, she had never been afraid of him. Knew the danger of this relationship. She took a chance, didn't regret it. Tightened her hand lightly on the penis, sliding the skin off, which definitely accelerated the beating of a big heart. He looked at her with great hunger. Hanayama lifted wide hips slightly with free hand to stack the pillows under her buttocks. He gently pulled his fingers out to take a taut cock to take their place. He pampered her from the inside in a completely different way than before. Each thrust was amazing, as if it wasn't one big, but a dozen smaller ones, however strangely it was clear in her head. She tightened on him a little harder, for a split second, simultaneously clenching hands on massive shoulders. Glanced slightly to the side, towards the nightstand where she found colored paper. Mystery solved...sly husband decided to surprise her with a fancy condom. She laughed as felt another wave of heat, then sucked against his mouth.
Such a well-started day had to be celebrated with an equally good breakfast. They chose a local specialty - Loco Moco, beef with an egg on rice, and additional vegetables. Hanabi looked like was about to fly when she saw a plate with great amount of protein. Kizaki was right, they both needed rest and cut off from mafia problems. First of all, they needed time and space just for themselves. Hanayama worried about her as she recovered in the hospital and later at home. He could see her walking pale but keeping her style. It amazed him. Tempted. Wanted to feel her body very much, even for a moment...but swore he would give her time. He didn't want to hurt his wife in any way.
They spent their days hiking, which he even started to like. Kaoru always liked to move on his feet, but was used to concrete and paving stones, and Hanabi usually avoided paved roads. The first warm-up point was Ala Moana Park. He was expecting something else, and she was also a bit disappointed, but quickly found a way to improve her mood - Aloha Tower, with breathtaking view of the ocean and the city, as well as a whole range of street sweets. Acai Bowl with fruit, malasadas, red velvet pancakes stuffed with coconut cream and chocolate...she swore the papaya ice cream boat was next. Hanayama barely noticed her tucking a rather large bag full of ube tarts into her backpack. He didn't miss the climb to the Diamond Head crater, and on the way the amazingly mesmerizing colors of the Waikiki Aquarium. Wife made sure that he didn't run out of various activities. After all, it would be a shame to come back from Hawaii without swimming in this part of the Pacific, right? She struck his taste again. As soon as took off her light dress, it turned out that was hiding a beige, almost flesh-colored swimsuit under it. On the back it looked like two pieces, revealing two tattoos - koi carp and dragon - but in the front these fragments were connected by a mesh that subtly covers a flat stomach with delicately cut muscles. He felt a warm shiver sprint down his spine. She bent down to hide clothes in her inseparable backpack.
They spent almost every evening at the beach. The sun was reluctantly hiding behind the horizon, but they were eager to enjoy the warm rays and free time. Hanabi lay down on a colorful blanket, leaning on forearms to better see the surroundings, and he decided to organize something stronger. Hadn't had much to drink since arriving. Kaoru glanced in her direction from the bar. She was beautiful, long-legged, perfectly proportioned to him by strong muscles. Despite everything, looked very petite with him, and that was what he liked best. A light breeze blew across the thin, translucent shirt, revealing and obscuring the fleshy swimsuit over and over again. Her pale green eyes were hidden behind the large lenses of her sunglasses on which a black mane fell. Men liked her, he knew it perfectly well. Had seen all those greedy looks on the street as she walked beside him, especially in the short skirts and high heels. He didn't delude himself that would miss this aspect on vacation, so wasn't surprised by a group of teenagers approaching his wife. Hanayama reached for the thick glass dishes served to him. It was enough to look at their stature and, as if casually, tense muscles to guess what they were trying to do. As usual with her company, guys got monkey wits. He headed towards her.
- Hey baby, aren't you bored with lying in the sun? - one of them asked, blonde with a proud expression, almost like young Orochi. - Maybe I'll teach you to surf?
- Get lost, such a beautiful lady will definitely prefer luau*! - the other snorted, bowing low. - Invite...
- Or maybe a romantic dinner for two? - proposed the third, redhead.
He didn't interfere, just sat down next to her and handed over a glass with a dark drink and ice cubes. Black Russian, he knew perfectly well that she liked. She took a sip, tilting glasses up and staring at them playfully.
- Boys, you need to discuss dates with my husband... - She laughed, cuddling up to him. - Right, honey?
He didn't have to say anything. His stature and the mass of scars on his face and chest, exposed by an unbuttoned shirt, were enough. He looked from beneath the bull, air escaping from the taut muscles of the youths. They disappeared as soon as they appeared. He put arm around her and she arched toward him to steal a gentle kiss.
- How is it that you attract men so much? - he asked, sipping half a glass of whiskey in one go. - It's not the first time someone's stuck to you.
- Such a Kitsune charm. If you believe the whole story with my kinship with the mythical fox, me and my sisters, like every woman born into our family, were made to attract the opposite sex. - she replied seriously, sipping her drink slowly. - Don't worry, honey. I can't see the world outside of you!
He smiled slightly as pressed her to him. He knew she was telling the truth. Has proved it many times. He had no right to doubt. She revealed pale green eyes as tucked glasses over forehead.
- Kaoru...remember how you commented on my tattoo? The first. - she muttered, looking at him.
- I asked if you heard the legend of carp turning into dragons at the end of the Yellow River. - he replied, taking her jaw gently.
- I want to be your koi fish, dearest. - she whispered as he approached. - And even if it takes forever, I will swim to the end of the Yellow River to be a dragon for you.
She had to agree with both her husband and his deputy. The week in Hawaii was slowly passing and she felt much better each day. Got up more and more refreshed, sleeping soundly, less and less often with dark thoughts or sad memories. But still couldn't get rid of that one piece of information. Hanabi knew full well that if didn't leave it there, she wouldn't be able to go any further. But was there a way to do that? In fact...she considered several options. But the more thought about them, there was only one left, but there was no opportunity.
On the eve of departure, they chose the hiking route together. Lulumahu Falls. The charming rainforest, incredible closeness to nature and the vision of a beautiful waterfall made her rush him from the morning. Bearing in mind the possible more difficult terrain, she put on more solid footwear than delicate sandals, perfectly matching shorts and a light blouse with a back holding a dozen or so colored strings. Didn't care if anyone saw tattoos. She wasn't ashamed of either of them, or of being a yakuza wife. He chose dark pants and a purple shirt. She was happy to leave the city, becoming more and more wild and natural. It was different from the previous journeys. The neighborhood definitely calmer, at one point she realized that hadn't seen anyone for a long time. Hanabi paused to sit on one of the rocks scattered along the stream. She felt his presence behind back, followed by a bear hug moment later. Incredibly safe again. Had no idea how he did it, but from the very beginning, his touch was enough to keep all evil away. She just knew they could handle it, whatever happened.
- Something's bothering you, right? - he muttered against her face. - I've seen it in the morning.
- This trip was a really great idea, honey. You were right, we should both take a break away from all this... - She replied, rubbing his cheek lightly with hand. - The problem is, I still can't get rid of one thing, and I want to leave it here...taking it with me at the same time.
- Sounds impossible. Do you already have an idea how to do it?
In response, she unlocked the phone, moved it several times and showed frugal, tiny graphic. Two connected symbols - Mars and Venus. She didn't have to explain.
- ...true, we didn't know the gender... - he muttered, taking her left wrist and rubbing his thumb over the skin under her ankles. - But I haven't seen anyone here who could make a tattoo.
- Maybe I can help? - they heard a low voice.
Behind them, on the other side of the road, a man of forty or so sat in a clump of leaves on a flat rock. Dressed in a tank top and short, dark pants with short-cropped hair. On his neck she noticed a dark strap with a shark's tooth and a colored stone, two-centimeter wooden tunnels in his ears, and all over his body...a lot of tattoos. Mostly black, but found a few colored elements. They looked like traditional Hawaiian patterns. Next to him lay a basket with needles on long bamboo sticks and dishes, most likely with carcasses. She saw a similar set in Kunimatsu's house, when she showed up with him about the rainbow dragon among the flowers of Sakura. She looked around a bit. Behind him, among the trees, she noticed a tiny hut in which he most likely lived. From there he had to come, since she hadn't noticed anyone's presence before. It was a crazy idea, damn dangerous, especially if you know a thing or two about tattooing anything and the possible consequences...but maybe that was the idea she needed? Such a solution? She came up to the man showing him the picture on the phone screen.
- Would you have a moment for one small thing, sir? - she asked bluntly.
- I don't think it turned out so brightly colored, but other than that, no problem. - he laughed. - Are you sure?
- Not one thing. Two. - Kaoru replied as he walked over to them, taking his watch off his left hand.
She turned to him with a surprised look, only to smile as warmly as possible a second later. He was really sweet in his expressions of solidarity. Hanabi guessed her husband was in as much suffering as she was...maybe even more. There was no doubt, however, that it was HANAYAMA, he didn't manifest his suffering, especially when there was no one left to punish.
It didn't take long to make two tiny tattoos, they agreed on the price, thanked him politely, so that a moment later the two of them were back on the trail. Viands for lunch - a Poke Bowl caught in the city - they ate in the charming surroundings and the company of the almost 100-meter-high, pleasantly buzzing Lulumahu waterfall. She leaned back against his muscular torso, inhaling the moist air and his scent.
- I love you Kaoru. - she muttered, looking in his direction.
The return flight passed them just as calmly as the one to Hawaii...though she might have been wrong, because had slept on his shoulder from the road from Japan. She had the overwhelming feeling that they were coming back more "together" than were before. However, they had to get back to the ground a little to carry on with what Kizaki was holding in their absence. From the armchair level in the VIP cabin, while making her time with a fruit and protein cocktail smuggled in her backpack, she was developing a task framework for the nearest future. The smartphone turned out to be such a handy tool! It was enough to find the right application, and her calendar was instantly transferred from the computer to a small contraption. One of the highest points that she set herself was to take care of the building, which she inherited, whether she wanted it or not. Cleaning up official matters shouldn't be a problem, but worse with the development of decaying building or rather decision to demolish it. She had to think it over, and even discuss it with Kaoru, because who knows, what if such a niche location would be useful?
Back in Tokyo meant Hanayama had to show off his class again. She had no idea how he had done it, but was wearing a purple shirt and...pale pants. Miraculously, all week she hadn't noticed the elegant crocodile leather shoes, which were again tapping their heels against the hard cobblestones lined in front of the airport entrance. It was true that Hanabi didn't expect that he would take this particular set, but she knew perfectly well that he would wear something very typical for himself. Unable to afford such a simple crush on the morale and respect of her husband, she also dressed something with class and unforced elegance, albeit with a hint of ease, after all, she came back from vacation! She put on a white, thin sweater, a black skirt, thin, dark tights and lacquered heels with red soles. Even wore the necklace he gave her on Valentine's Day. The entire team was waiting for them, including the reliable Kizaki at the helm. His expression showed that he was very pleased with their return, as well as the condition in which they returned. He spoke to them again by her favorite term, "Mr. and Mrs. Hanayama", the one she had been waiting for each time, simultaneously opening the black Mercedes door for them. She fell down onto the leather seat with delight.
- Hope you rested properly, boss? - Kizaki began courteously as soon as they left the airport grounds.
- It looks. - Kaoru muttered in response, hugging her. - Right, Hanabi?
- I feel much better! With one exception. I won't look at coconuts for the next month. - she sighed, tucking a strand behind her ear. - I've seen them everywhere... fresh coconuts, split coconuts, coconut shreds, coconut water, coconut butter, coconut milk, coconut bowls... ALL coconut! Enough.
He laughed, pressing her even tighter. She would have liked to stay longer, but she was probably more happy to see them coming back. Especially since it was lighter with a lot of problems.
*Luau - a summer Hawaiian feast or the name of a dish made of colloquium leaves, coconut cream and chicken
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azurlanefigures · 2 years
This week in Azur Lane Figures: ALTER
It's a real ALTER bonanza this week!
Up first: Finished Prototypes
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Colored prototype of Baltimore's Ace after School skin as a 1/7 scale! She is set to release some time in 2023.
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Colored prototype of Pola's Seaside coincidence skin as a 1/7 scale!
Next: more Prototypes
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Taihou's 1/7 scale prototype was displayed once more.
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Unpainted prototype of Bremerton's Kung Fu Cruiser skin. She's 1/7 scale, matching with her sister.
New Announcements!
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St. Louis- Luxury Handle. Will she have the car or not?
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petri808 · 2 years
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For my tumblr bestie @random-rave early birthday gift 🎁
@thenaluarchive Nalu Week 7-part story
“So, you and Gray will be heading back home to Cali for the summer?” Lucy questioned her friend Natsu. The University of Hawaii at Hilo just finished their spring semester, and all the dormies needed to vacate soon.
“Yeah, our lease is up at the end of the month.”
Lucy pursed her lips briefly. “In that case, I was wondering if you guys would like to come with Levy and I to my family’s beach house in Waikoloa?” She questioned. It had become their tradition to go after school finished for two weeks. “We’ll be back before you leave.”
“I’ll check with Gray, but I think he’ll say okay. So, just the four of us?”
“Yup. Gajeel,” Levy’s longtime boyfriend, “has to work so he can’t come.”
“Sounds like a plan!”
One week later, the four friends piled into Lucy’s Toyota 4Runner and headed out to Waikoloa. The quickest route was a 1-1/2 hour drive on the Daniel K. Inouye highway. A scenic route that cut between two of the island’s volcanoes, Mauna (mountain) Kea and Mauna Loa. Flanked by ancient ohia forests and lava flows on the eastern side, and miles of open fields on the west. You can even see rising across the ocean, mount Haleakala on the island of Maui on a clear day.
They arrived in Waikoloa’s Anaeho’omalu area nestled along the azure blue Pacific Ocean. A developed piece of land surrounded by crumbling ancient lava flows and sparse grass lands— a very dry environment. Here hotels like the Hilton and Marriott had built along side condos like the one Lucy’s family owned.
“Very nice,” Natsu remarked as he got out of the vehicle. “How much does a place like this cost?”
“I’m not sure,” Lucy responded. “All I know is they bought this place a couple years after I was born.” Her mom had heard about it’s sale while working at her realty company.
He chuckled, “so, out of our price range, got it.”
“Yeah,” she giggled too.
Lucy lead the group into the home and parceled out the rooms. It was a three bedroom condo, so she and Levy got one room each while the two boys had to share one. But they were fairly large and comfortable, plus Natsu and Gray were already used to sharing a dorm. Then after a quick tour of the place, they head out for supplies at the nearest store.
Foodland farms market was located in a shopping center a few miles away near the Mauna Lani resort. Since this was the boys first time there, the group walked around the shopping center, window shopping really. It was just a mix of clothing stores and restaurants.
“Can you believe there used to be a 4-D theater here?” Lucy explained. “They only played really short films, but it was the first time I experienced 4-D.”
“Yeah I saw a scene from that movie Journey to the Center of the Earth here,” Levy added. “That scene where they’re on the boat and flying fish we’re jumping all over, they spritzed us with water!”
Everyone laughed.
“At least you got to try a 4-D, I haven’t seen one yet,” Natsu griped.
“Well one day while here, we can check out the luxury cinemas at Queen’s marketplace.” Lucy offered Natsu with a light blush to her cheeks. “I haven’t been there yet.”
“Like a date? I’m game,” he teased pulling a deeper flush from Lucy.
“When you two are done flirting, meet us at the market,” Levy teased before pulling Gray away from the now flustered pair.
After a couple seconds, Natsu and Lucy gained their composure and followed. The group shopped for food to last a few days along with drinks and snacks. It was a decent haul leaving them with arms full of groceries.
On the way back to the car, Natsu stopped Lucy briefly. “I just wanted to say thanks again for inviting us. I think this is gonna be the best vacation I ever had.”
“Aww,” Lucy blushed, “I think so too.”
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en-wheelz-me · 1 year
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clivemwilliams · 9 months
Canada 2023
8/9/23 Judith’s Birthday !
We started the day with breakfast at the hotel - French crepes with maple syrup and fresh berries for the birthday girl was a good start to the day.
We then set off to visit the Basilica of Notre Dame (the cathedral) which was very impressive inside, particularly the azure blue alter background (see photo).
After a coffee at a pleasant jazz cafe we next visited Chateau Ramezay which is an historic house telling the story of the Montreal through the years. One of the photos shows me in military uniform but looks more like I’m in drag!
After lunch we got the underground Metro to Parc du Mont-Royal which is a large hill that overlooks the city and spent some time walking in the park and enjoying the views.
We then got the Metro back to the hotel and witnessed what the locals call the ‘underground city’. In addition to the Metro lines over 1600 shops, 200 restaurants, theatres and concert halls thrive in the underground network!
As yet another treat for Judith (and to get our money’s worth!) we went for a swim in the luxurious hotel pool - amazingly we had it to ourselves!
We finished the day with a meal at a local restaurant including desserts.
Judith remains concerned that cars in Montreal don’t display license plates on the front of the car. I’ve noted that since we got here nearly 2 weeks ago I’ve not seen a single roundabout!
Finally in the bilingual city everyone seems to speak perfect French and English albeit with a slight American tinge!
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naplesgolfguy · 10 months
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See this spectacular COASTAL CONTEMPORARY Sandhill Model in Azure at Hacienda Lakes!
Move right into this spacious 2023 villa that was just completed. NEVER LIVED-IN and LOADED WITH UPGRADES such as engineered hardwood and tile throughout.
A Chef’s Style Kitchen with a NATURAL GAS stove, Kitchen Aid Stainless Steel Appliances, QUARTZ Countertops and Large Center Island, which opens up to the main living area. Large walk-in Pantry for plenty of storage.
Soaring Coffered Ceilings in the living area & master bedroom, along with plenty of natural light, makes this attached villa light and bright. The covered lanai offers plenty of shade to enjoy beverages while taking in the serene lake.
Master bathroom with dual sinks, glass-enclosed shower and large walk-in closet with upgraded shelving. Guest bedroom features a walk-in closet and access to a full bath with walk-in shower.
The third room is a perfect size for an Office or Den with double doors. Finally, the two-car garage has upgrade epoxy flooring.
3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
1,643 Square feet under air
Built in 2023
Azure is a NEW Naples community rich with amenities, including a luxurious clubhouse with resort-style pool & spa, fitness center, tennis and pickleball courts all within a Gated Community.
It’s conveniently located 5 miles from I-75 and 20 minutes from the sandy white beaches of the Gulf of Mexico and Fifth Avenue’s world-class dining and shopping.
Call for more information - 239.595.5589.
Matt Klinowski | Naples Golf Guy | Downing Frye Realty
Here's to living the good life in paradise, Matt
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