#Atleti=Model FC
pensat-i-fet · 6 months
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percervall · 3 months
What (male) soccer player do you think has that head turning type of beauty?
Oh babe, there's a reason we call Liverpool Models FC and Atleti Pretty de Madrid 🤭
A read more, because this requires pictures ☝🏼
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I mean....
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Virg definitely qualifies
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As does Joey
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My poor man made of glass 🥲
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I sometimes miss this fluffy hair so much
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If your last name's Hermoso, there's only one way to go through life 🤷🏼‍♀️
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½ of the boyfriends
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the other ½ of the boyfriends
I'm sure I am missing a lot of other players, so feel free to add your prettiest player to this list!
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hadikaesque · 4 years
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Just your daily Tenas twins propaganda. ⚽️ 🥅 🧤
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Toe Poke Daily: Neymar already ‘disappearing’ from PSG store, website
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Following Neymar’s absence in PSG’s Ligue 1 opener, the FC crew discuss the latest on his potential exit from Paris.
The Toe Poke Daily is here every day to bring you all the weirdest stories, quirkiest viral content and top trolling that the internet has to offer, all in one place.
Jump to: Liverpool get ‘Alison’ fitness boost | Fernando Torres designs special kit for farewell match | Russia internationals play match in prison
As you may well have heard, there are rumours abound that Neymar is gearing up to part company with Paris Saint-Germain just two years after his world record €222 million move to the Parc des Princes.
Sources have told ESPN FC that Real Madrid players have been talking to the Brazil star to persuade him to join them at the Bernabeu, while Barcelona have begun negotiating a cash deal with a player exchange.
– Neymar pulled in, pushed out of PSG celebration – All the new 2019-20 kit for Europe’s top clubs – ESPN fantasy: Sign up here!
Just three weeks ago, Neymar was among the players modelling PSG’s new “infrared” away kit on their preseason trip to China. But the French champions have been open about the possibility that he could be sold this summer, and now they appear to have surreptitiously begun removing his name and image wherever possible.
These were findings of UOL Esporte journalist Joao Henrique Marques, who took a tour of the PSG club store this week and found that almost all things related to the No. 10 seem to have been removed from sale. In fact, the only trace of Neymar that Marques could spot seems to be a single, small image over in the section where his signature Nike boots are still out on the racks.
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Na loja oficial do Paris Saint-Germain, na capital francesa, já não há mais sombra de Neymar à vista. Peças com a imagem e o nome do atacante foram todas retiradas do espaço, que agora exibe jogadores como Mbappé e Marquinhos.
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João Henrique Marques/UOL pic.twitter.com/OliiWOhlZD
— UOL Esporte (@UOLEsporte) August 12, 2019
A cursory glance at PSG’s official website also reveals that the 27-year-old’s image has also completely vanished from the home page — even the Portuguese-language edition. However, he does retain his place in the squad list. For now, at least.
In the unlikely event that Neymar decides to pop into the PSG club store this week, he may experience an existential crisis akin to Marty McFly watching in horror as he is being erased from history before his very eyes in “Back To The Future.”
Here’s hoping a flying DeLorean swoops in to take Neymar Back To La Liga, before he disappears entirely
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Neymar is disappearing from Paris Saint-Germain, just like Marty McFly in ‘Back To The Future’.
– Lukaku scores 4 in VERY friendly Inter game – Salah comforts kid who hurt nose chasing him – Refs’ headsets fail in Premier League opener
Liverpool get ‘Alison’ fitness boost 
Liverpool fans fretting about their goalkeeper’s recent injury can rest easy in the knowledge that Alison Becker’s calves are in tip-top condition.
Unfortunately, however, the Alison Becker (note: only the one “S”) in question isn’t the crocked Reds goalkeeper at all, but the American actor with a very similar name.
Becker, who has dozens of comedy credits to her name but is perhaps best known for playing local newspaper reporter Shauna Malwae-Tweep on “Parks & Recreation,” has been bombarded with concerned “get well soon” messages on Twitter for the past few days.
— alison becker (@thealisonbecker) August 13, 2019
She has never, to the best of our knowledge, made an appearance for Liverpool — though it’s certainly not the first time she’s been mistaken for the Brazilian shot-stopper on social media.
Tonight! Its #TreatYoSelf time w/@KnightsBaseball for #ParksAndRec Night. I treated @TheAlisonBecker to some @AlissonBecker @LFC gear from @AnfieldShop!
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#YNWA #WCCB pic.twitter.com/HOHDNel0HJ
— Wilson (@WilsonsWorld) June 6, 2019
So while Brazil international Alisson remains ruled out of action for Liverpool “for the next few weeks” by manager Jurgen Klopp, New Jersey-born actor Alison is free to engage in whatever sporting activity she likes.
Fernando Torres designs special kit for farewell match
Fernando Torres is preparing to say goodbye to Sagan Tosu just a little over a year since making his big move to the Japanese top flight.
The 35-year-old is likely to retire after turning out in his farewell game, which has been pinpointed as the upcoming J1 League fixture against Vissel Kobe, where he could face former Spain teammates Andres Iniesta and David Villa.
Torres has also been allowed to help design a one-off Tosu kit for the occasion and the result is a shirt inspired by his favourite Atletico Madrid home kit from 1989.
Fernando Torres has helped design the shirt for his ‘Farewell’ match for Sagan Tosu against Vissel Kobe on August 23
It’s inspired by Torres’ favourite Atletico kit from the 80s and early 90s
What do you think? pic.twitter.com/8Rpj0W0XU8
— Classic Football Shirts (@classicshirts) August 12, 2019
“El Niño” is a lifelong Atleti supporter, so it’s undeniably fitting that he brings his vastly successful career to a close while wearing the colours of his beloved team.
Who could possibly begrudge him that?
Russia internationals play match in prison
Back in May, Russia international footballers Aleksandr Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev were both jailed for hooliganism after attacking a trade ministry official and a chauffeur at a Moscow bar.
Kokorin (then of Zenit St Petersburg) was given a sentence of 18 months while Mamaev (Krasnodar) was given 17 months for his part in the brawl.
Despite being behind bars, both players are keeping match fit by playing for the prison’s 6-a-side team.
Indeed, both Kokorin and Mamaev featured in an exhibition game against third-division side Salut Belgorod at the weekend, a 4-2 victory in which Mamaev scored two goals.
Will the story of this encounter one day by dramatised for the big screen, following in the great tradition of sport-in-prison movies such as “Escape To Victory” and “The Longest Yard”? Probably not, no. 
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via wordpress https://ift.tt/2MfUXfj
0 notes
footballghana · 4 years
Is Atletico Madrid midfielder Partey on the verge of Premier League move?
Arsenal are reportedly ramping up their summer pursuit of Thomas Partey, and it is clear to see why he is a player in such high demand.
The Daily Express claims that The Gunners are 'upping their interest' in the Atletico Madrid midfielder - just the latest report in a long-rumoured transfer.
The ongoing coronavirus pandemic will leave many clubs seeking suitable ways of structuring deals, but Partey's intentions and his reachable £45m buyout clause make him one of Europe's most sought-after players.
Talk of an imminent switch to the Gunners gathered momentum when Partey's father, Jacob, told Ghanaian radio station Entsie en Tru FM recently: "Arsenal would be good for him, they have lots of followers in Ghana. He'd be happy if he went to Arsenal."
Atletico are even willing to offer Partey double his current £65,000-a-week wages and are keen to insert a new £91m buyout clause in his contract to fend off interest from elsewhere.
Arsenal are not the only European club to have been linked with the player plucked from Ghanaian club Odometah FC in 2012. Juventus and Manchester United are also said to be paying close attention to developments.
With Partey's current Atletico contract still having three years to run, Sky Sports spoke to Spanish football expert Graham Hunter about the possibility of him moving to the Premier League.
Could Atletico's finances dictate Partey departure?
Atletico accrued £178m in debt with Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim's company Inbursa in order to facilitate their move to the Wanda Metropolitano - and that is not due to be paid off in full until 2028.
Diego Simeone is the world's highest-paid manager, and while he has taken a 70 per cent pay cut from his £36.2m salary, Atletico will be feeling the financial strain of the pandemic more than most clubs - less than a year after Joao Felix's arrival for a club-record £113m from Benfica.
"Nobody knows how much clubs are going to lose financially in the current climate," Hunter began to Sky Sports.
"Atleti will have received a tremendous amount of money from a quite brilliant Champions League campaign but that has been curtailed. They would have expected to be playing in a Champions League semi-final match, and they'd have been paid more money by UEFA.
"I believe they're close to €70m ahead financially because of their participation and success in the Champions League this season due to the new funding structure which is so extraordinary.
"But their debt probably does mean a few clubs are going to be more fortunate going to Atleti and asking about some of their players than they would have been in other situations."
Will Atletico view Llorente as Partey replacement?
It was in the last significant match prior to football's shutdown that Marcos Llorente announced himself as Partey's potential successor. Llorente had only scored three career goals before his two in extra-time to knock defending champions Liverpool out of the Champions League.
Partey played in a deeper role to allow Llorente the freedom to join the attack, but Hunter believes his natural defensive qualities would soften the blow if Atletico were to sell their chief destroyer.
"From Atleti's side, although Partey has been for a long time a significantly important player, there is some degree of manoeuvrability because Marcos Llorente could come in. Partey is much happier sitting in an area, controlling the flow of games, blocking, and building attacks again.
"Llorente is not an identical footballer - he's much more athletic and more prone to interceding in situations and he obviously scored crucial goals at Anfield. He is a player who stood out for Alaves on loan from Real Madrid and genuinely looked a top-class footballer there.
"When he went back to Real, I don't think anyone is sure why, in football terms, he and Zinedine Zidane didn't hit it off. Now, he's at Atleti going into his second season there and he is someone like Partey who's really learned from working under Diego Simeone.
"Partey's development under Simeone has been huge, and with Llorente there, Atletico need to consider whether they can afford to let their Ghanaian international go and gain financially from a deal to Arsenal. Without Llorente at the club, losing Partey would be significantly more testing for Atleti than it is right now."
How would Partey fit in at Arsenal?
Graphic courtesy of Statsbomb
Granit Xhaka could be the player in most danger of losing his place in Arteta's side were Partey to move to North London.
Arsenal would not turn to Partey for creativity from midfield if he were to join; Koke (56) and Hector Herrera (20) have created more chances than his 17 in La Liga.
Conversely, of all the midfielders in La Liga, only former Manchester City destroyer Fernando has received more yellow cards at Sevilla than the 26-year-old's 12, underlying his tenacious approach at the other end of the pitch.
Hunter added: "Partey speaks decent English, so that wouldn't be an obstacle from him were he to go to the Premier League. He's still at an age where the pace and the physicality of the Premier League wouldn't be beyond him. He's not the quickest, but he's an athlete that keeps going.
"I don't imagine for a second that he grew up idolising Mikel Arteta, but because of the amount of English football that's shown in Ghana, and because of the role that Arteta played as a midfielder in the Premier League, I'm sure Partey will feel he would be working for a coach who would be able to educate him still further in the arts of organising the centre of midfield."
Could the pandemic scupper a potential move?
Like all aspects of life, football has been hit hard by the pandemic - and one area without exemption is player recruitment.
The financial significance is being felt to varying degrees depending on the size of the club and its financial model - and while Hunter believes there will be a "downsizing of overall outlay", Partey's reported £45m release clause makes him good value for money.
"Certainly, the transfer market will be determined by the impact the global shutdown has had and teams will have to tailor their expenditure in a different way given that for a long period they will have had less revenue.
"Clubs will be sensitive to the fact there's been a really grave impact on all our populations, but I think that football will continue respectfully. The difference in what clubs are going to want to spend on players will be governed by their own internal book-keeping, and I think there will be a downsizing of overall outlay.
"A lot of clubs won't be able to buy at margins that they previously thought were acceptable, just because they won't have the capacity that they expected to have.
Graphic courtesy of Statsbomb
"Partey still represents very good value given his buyout clause, something which is very normal in Spain. It's too low and Atletico were in discussions about extending his contract and increasing his buyout before the lockdown.
"This would have been beneficial for him and for the club and detrimental for a club like Arsenal. He's an extremely valuable and popular player for Atleti, having also played at centre-back and right-back under Simeone.
"In one game earlier this season, Partey was used as a second striker when Cholo [Simeone] was looking for a goal - a goal he would then help produce. He's a footballer who primarily plays in a similar position as Arteta and Simeone did, but he has flexibility that adds to his value when it comes to weighing up what should be spent on him."
Could Lacazette be included in a potential swap deal?
It was reported in April by The Sun that Arsenal were willing to offer Alexandre Lacazette in a part-exchange deal, while there were further claims in Spain that the Frenchman had been in contact with Antoine Griezmann to request information about Simeone's management style.
Lacazette moved to deny those rumours on social media, and Hunter believes that while Atletico need to increase the number of goals in their team, the 29-year-old does not fit the club's striker profile.
"Right now, Atletico need the stability of a cash injection, and I think that would be more attractive on balance, but the current team's primary flaw at the moment is a lack of goals.
"It's something that has actually dogged them for some time: they've scored 43 goals in 33 league games - just over a goal a game.
"They still defend well, perhaps not quite as miserly as they used to, but Barcelona have scored nearly double Atleti's goals (74) while Real Madrid (60) have got 17 more, so these are really significant numbers if you want to be challenging to win trophies and to be in the top four of La Liga.
"Atleti are currently outside of the top four only by a point, but to not get into the Champions League next season would be very debilitating for the club financially. There is a need for goals, and whether Lacazette has all the requisites and specifically has the right age profile is questionable.
"If you look at the majority of strikers they've purchased in their recent history, they tend to be in their very early 20s and they pick well. Lacazette has got the talent and the pace, there's no question about that, but whether he's what Atleti need right now with his salary, I'd be a little unsure."
Source: skysports.com
source: https://footballghana.com/
0 notes
Why Is team So Famous?
Ten Points You Possibly Really did not Understand about group.
The writer, in this short article, reviews the differences in between the conventional organization and also team-based organizations. Staff member should recognize ways to run efficient conferences via using a program, guideline, unbiased setup roles, treatments and also responsibilities. In 1996, in his last year with information technology news (adynatismablog.xyz) PSV, Ronaldo aided the team to win the Dutch Cup. Along with discussing the 5 Dysfunctions, Lecioni additionally reveals us a design process of just how we could help our group to remedy these dysfunctions and also attain efficiency as well as success for our team. Whether you're at the video game or watching at home with good friends, there's no far better means to applaud on your group than by sporting an authentic football jacket. If you wish to obtain the most from your evaluation though after that you have to take into consideration allowing the various other members of your group conduct their own evaluations too.
5 Different Ways To Do team.
The reduced degree groups, on the other hand, are accountable for handling everyday activities such us daily staffing, planning of inspections, devices repair service, station upkeep, and so on. Every person, however, focuses on the fire division vision and also goal; as well as adds to achieve the division's objectives. Move on to a New Finest Level by providing synergy a much-needed review in your business and also life. After that players ought to sit out on even more enjoyable activities like scrimmages as well as little sided video games, if the habits continues after the talk. Requiring a possibly champion staff member to remain on the team may actually obstruct his performance as well as his efficiency testimonial. Open expression and shared info improve employee' performance reliability. There are group employees that are happy to adhere to instructions and work like a horse around a job and win hearts as well as recognition with their stint of effort. Team building events, friendliness events, away days and investments in staff members' well-being and individual development are terrific ways of boosting team effort and also showing recognition of employee's contribution and value. Le divise del Group Rossetti sono da sempre realizzate dal maglificio Alexander Bike Put on di Gatteo (FC). If one person chooses not to get involved or add to the group, this can have an impact on the general manufacturing of the team along with the establishment. Highlight of that is despite just how great you know the group as well as their recent rating, there is no other way you could anticipate the future results so usage agen bola to have some enjoyable as well as harmlessly give your best fired into finding that has the very best possibility of winning the following game, taking over Champions Mug or being the winner of Globe Cup in 3 years!
15 Things About team You Need to Experience It Yourself.
The office is a relatable setting where every person beings employed to do. When you eliminate these works and put your employees at an interesting location for company group structure in Atlanta, it can provide a riches of brand-new opportunities for favorable interactions. Most clients are not group building professionals therefore speak of the signs and symptoms of bad teamwork; absence of interaction, lack of trust, redundancy of initiative, or absence of progression where it is required most because this or that work group is not 'getting on'. However a real football fan, the one that truly loves his team or prefer to applaud for his nation is the one who will certainly make sure to travel as well as try to as numerous away games as possible. Guarantee that staff member have the essential competence to cover the duty that has been designated to them. The capacity to foster a group environment is important in job monitoring support. A champion group will always beat a group of champions." That declaration's frequently read about sporting activities groups. Personal and specialist development is necessary to the wellness of everybody on the group. She signed up with the Administrative Group in September 2003 as well as is the main conference coordinator for European meetings. So not only will your job be much more enjoyable, it will certainly also be much more effective with individuals you like on your group. . Ancora un weekend dall' attività differenziata per il team Silmax X-Bionic che vedrà i suoi atleti impegnati individualmente sia nelle Granfondo che nell' attività Cross Country. Modeling group interaction abilities must be woven right into all great team structure programs. Thatandrsquo; s a wonderful method to continue the morale of the players, even if the group is not executing effectively. Yet waiting for 6 months to provide feedback is not the means to go. All in all, from the above article we come to understand just how effective your online team can become if you keep a few straightforward things in mind. Effective group leaders recognise this and also look for to utilize this range of proficiency to accomplish also better results. In fact, as you probably already understand many of the gamers on 1961 team were developed under Stengal's administration. Group advancement is something that is usually overlooked by business, especially in these difficult financial times, but they need not take up much business or personal time, and they do not have to be pricey tasks either to be successful. Maybe if everyone were wearing their matching dart t shirts on each team one may determine to walk around and also NOT disturb the suit, having the perception that organized competitors remains in progress. Each participant has their tasks as well as responsibilities that have an affect on the result of the team as a whole. Right here are some pointers to change your group structure from ordinary to wonderful outcomes. Developing a qualified and also solid team that knows how you can rely upon each participant is about crafting a scenario that forces everybody to think along various terms.
0 notes
pensat-i-fet · 5 months
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Training photo or cover of a magazine?
49 notes · View notes
pensat-i-fet · 22 days
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Birthday girl was happy ☺️❤️🤍
12 notes · View notes
pensat-i-fet · 4 months
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Models 😚
10 notes · View notes
pensat-i-fet · 3 months
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Milan Fashion Week started a day early 👔
8 notes · View notes
pensat-i-fet · 5 months
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How to model pre match outfits, by Andrea Medina.
8 notes · View notes
pensat-i-fet · 6 months
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9 notes · View notes
pensat-i-fet · 4 months
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Boyfriends 😚😚
2 notes · View notes
footballghana · 4 years
Thomas Partey: Is Atletico Madrid midfielder on the verge of Premier League move?
Thomas Partey is reportedly open to a move to Arsenal this summer, and it is clear to see why he is a player in such high demand.
The Daily Telegraph claimed this week that the Atletico Madrid midfielder has emerged as one of Arsenal's primary transfer targets as Mikel Arteta seeks to strengthen his midfield options.
The ongoing coronavirus pandemic will leave many clubs seeking suitable ways of structuring deals, but Partey's intentions and his reachable £45m buyout clause make him one of Europe's most sought-after players.
Talk of an imminent switch to the Gunners gathered momentum when Partey's father, Jacob, told Ghanaian radio station Entsie en Tru FM last month: "Arsenal would be good for him, they have lots of followers in Ghana. He'd been happy if he went to Arsenal".
Atletico are even willing to offer Partey double his current £65,000-a-week wages and are keen to insert a new £91m buyout clause in his contract to fend off interest from elsewhere.
Arsenal are not the only European club to have been linked with the player plucked from Ghanaian club Odometah FC in 2012. Juventus and Manchester United are also said to be paying close attention to developments.
With Partey's current Atletico contract still having three years to run, Sky Sports spoke to Spanish football expert Graham Hunter about the possibility of him moving to the Premier League.
Could Atletico's finances dictate Partey departure?
Atletico accrued £178m in debt with Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim's company Inbursa in order to facilitate their move to the Wanda Metropolitano - and that is not due to be paid off in full until 2028.
Diego Simeone is the world's highest-paid manager, and while he has taken a 70 per cent pay cut from his £36.2m salary, Atletico will be feeling the financial strain of the pandemic more than most clubs - less than a year after Joao Felix's arrival for a club-record £113m from Benfica.
"Nobody knows how much clubs are going to lose financially in the current climate," Hunter began to Sky Sports.
"Atleti will have received a tremendous amount of money from a quite brilliant Champions League campaign but that has been curtailed. They would have expected to be playing in a Champions League semi-final match this week, and they'd have been paid more money by UEFA.
"I believe they're close to €70m ahead financially because of their participation and success in the Champions League this season due to the new funding structure which is so extraordinary.
"But their debt probably does mean a few clubs are going to be more fortunate going to Atleti and asking about some of their players than they would have been in other situations."
Will Atletico view Llorente as Partey replacement?
It was in the last significant match prior to football's shutdown that Marcos Llorente announced himself as Partey's potential successor. Llorente had only scored three career goals before his two in extra-time to knock defending champions Liverpool out of the Champions League.
Partey played in a deeper role to allow Llorente the freedom to join the attack, but Hunter believes his natural defensive qualities would soften the blow if Atletico were to sell their chief destroyer.
"From Atleti's side, although Partey has been for a long time a significantly important player, there is some degree of manoeuvrability because Marcos Llorente could come in. Partey is much happier sitting in an area, controlling the flow of games, blocking and building attacks again.
"Llorente is not an identical footballer - he's much more athletic and more prone to interceding in situations and he obviously scored crucial goals at Anfield. He is a player who stood out for Alaves on loan from Real Madrid and genuinely looked a top-class footballer there.
"When he went back to Real, I don't think anyone is sure why, in football terms, he and Zinedine Zidane didn't hit it off. Now, he's at Atleti going into his second season there and he is someone like Partey who's really learned from working under Diego Simeone.
"Partey's development under Simeone has been huge, and with Llorente there, Atletico need to consider whether they can afford to let their Ghanaian international go and gain financially from a deal to Arsenal. Without Llorente at the club, losing Partey would be significantly more testing for Atleti than it is right now."
How would Partey fit in at Arsenal?
Graphic courtesy of Statsbomb
Granit Xhaka could be the player in most danger of losing his place in Arteta's side were Partey to move to North London.
Arsenal would not turn to Partey for creativity from midfield if he were to join; Koke (46) and Hector Herrera (17) have created more chances than his 16 in La Liga.
Conversely, no midfielder in the Spanish top flight has received more yellow cards that the 26-year-old's 10, underlying his tenacious approach at the other end of the pitch.
Hunter added: "Partey speaks decent English, so that wouldn't be an obstacle from him were he to go to the Premier League. He's still at an age where the pace and the physicality of the Premier League wouldn't be beyond him. He's not the quickest, but he's an athlete that keeps going.
"I don't imagine for a second that he grew up idolising Mikel Arteta, but because of the amount of English football that's shown in Ghana, and because of the role that Arteta played as a midfielder in the Premier League, I'm sure Partey will feel he would be working for a coach who would be able to educate him still further in the arts of organising the centre of midfield."
Could the pandemic scupper a potential move?
Like all aspects of life, football has been hit hard by the pandemic - and one area without exemption is player recruitment.
The financial significance is being felt to varying degrees depending on the size of the club and its financial model - and while Hunter believes there will be a "downsizing of overall outlay", Partey's reported £45m release clause makes him good value for money.
"Certainly, the transfer market will be determined by the impact the global shutdown has had and teams will have to tailor their expenditure in a different way given that for a long period they will have had less revenue.
"Clubs will be sensitive to the fact there's been a really grave impact on all our populations, but I think that football will continue respectfully. The difference in what clubs are going to want to spend on players will be governed by their own internal book-keeping, and I think there will be a downsizing of overall outlay.
"A lot of clubs won't be able to buy at margins that they previously thought were acceptable, just because they won't have the capacity that they expected to have.
Graphic courtesy of Statsbomb
"Partey still represents very good value given his buyout clause, something which is very normal in Spain. It's too low and Atletico were in discussions about extending his contract and increasing his buyout before the lockdown.
"This would have been beneficial for him and for the club and detrimental for a club like Arsenal. He's an extremely valuable and popular player for Atleti, having also played at centre-back and right-back under Simeone.
"In one game earlier this season, Partey was used as a second striker when Cholo [Simeone] was looking for a goal - a goal he would then help produce. He's a footballer who primarily plays in a similar position as Arteta and Simeone did, but he has flexibility that adds to his value when it comes to weighing up what should be spent on him."
Could Lacazette be included in a potential swap deal?
It was reported last month by The Sun that Arsenal were willing to offer Alexandre Lacazette in a part-exchange deal, while there were further claims in Spain that the Frenchman had been in contact with Antoine Griezmann to request information about Simeone's management style.
Lacazette moved to deny those rumours this week on social media, and Hunter believes that while Atletico need to increase the number of goals in their team, the 28-year-old does not fit the club's striker profile.
"Right now, Atletico need the stability of a cash injection, and I think that would be more attractive on balance, but the current team's primary flaw at the moment is a lack of goals.
"It's something that has actually dogged them for some time: they've scored 31 goals in 27 league games - just over a goal a game.
"They still defend well, perhaps not quite as miserly as they used to, but Barcelona have scored more than double Atleti's goals [63] while Real Madrid [49] have got 18 more, so these are really significant numbers if you want to be challenging to win trophies and to be in the top four of La Liga.
"Atleti are currently outside of the top four only by a point, but to not get into the Champions League next season would be very debilitating for the club financially. There is a need for goals, and whether Lacazette has all the requisites and specifically has the right age profile is questionable.
"If you look at the majority of strikers they've purchased in their recent history, they tend to be in their very early 20s and they pick well. Lacazette has got the talent and the pace, there's no question about that, but whether he's what Atleti need right now with his salary, I'd be a little unsure."
Source: skysports
source: https://footballghana.com/
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