#Antares Peterson
hoples · 2 years
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Whumptober 2022
Day 22 - PIck your poison
In the toxic environment of the war, he just wanted to add even more poison to the air.
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nurlelyd · 3 years
Salah Kaprah ‘Konsensual’ dalam Pendidikan Seks
Hadirnya arus globalisasi semakin menyuburkan pentingnya pendidikan seks sejak dini terutama bagi remaja. Hal itu didukung oleh berkembangnya arus informasi dan teknologi yang turut memudahkan proses pemahaman pendidikan seks, baik yang dipelajari secara formal maupun tidak.
Seseorang dapat dikatakan remaja apabila masuk dalam rentang umur 10-24 tahun dengan perubahan fisik dan seksual yang signifikan. Perubahan yang terjadi pada diri seorang remaja kemudian menghadirkan adanya ketertarikan seksual teradap lawan jenis yang disertai dengan dorongan seksual (Merry Kusumaryani, 2017).
Pemaknaan konsensual dalam sebuah hubungan kerap kabur dalam pendidikan seks. Apakah diam dan tidak menolak dapat diartikan sebagai persetujuan untuk melakukan hubungan seksual? Rory Gerberg dan Laura Dunn sendiri melihat konsensual atau persetujuan ditunjukkan dengan adanya kata-kata atau tindakan yang dipahami bersama dengan jelas serta bersedia untuk terlibat secara bebas dalam aktivitas seksual.
Di lain sisi, daripada melihat aktivitas seksual sebagai sebuah transaksi, Fischel dkk. melihat konsensual sebagai sebuah konsep otonomi seksual dengan adanya ‘kolaborasi keinginan antar subjek’ (Gilbert, 2017). Permasalahan terjadi maknakala pemaknaan konsensual acapkali hanya diterjemahkan sebagai cara untuk mendapatkan persetujuan secara non-verbal, alih-alih verbal eksplisit (Jozkowski dan Peterson, 2013).
Sikap tidak menolak secara non-verbal diartikan dengan tidak adanya penolakan terhadap aktivitas seksual yang dilakukan antar dua subjek. Padahal, salah satu bentuk konsensual termasuk di antaranya persetujuan atas pertanyaan yang ditanyakan berulang kali terhadap pasangan serta tidak tidak menuntut adanya penjelasan apabila menuai penolakan (Gilbert, 2017). Hilangnya kesepakatan baik verbal maupun non-verbal dapat berujung pada tindak kekerasan seksual yang erat dengan pemaksaan, pelecehan atau kekuasan seseorang yang melebihi orang lain dengan tujuan kepuasan seksual (Nuristighfari Masri Khaerani, 2013).
Hal tersebut dapat terjadi akibat kesalahan dalam mengkomunikasikan dan menafsirkan konsensual secara ambigu dengan menggunakan isyarat non-verbal, seperti misalnya menafsirkan keramahan sebagai wujud dari ketertarikan minat seksual (Jozkowski dan Peterson, 2013). Menjadi hal penting bagi remaja untuk dapat menunjukkan persetujuannya secara langsung (verbal) dan tidak menginterpretasi sendiri tindakan non-verbal sebagai indikator persetujuan.
Karena dengan begitu remaja dapat mencegah adanya tindak kekerasan seksual sekaligus berkontribusi bagi terciptanya kesehatan seksual yang tidak diartikan secara sempit seperti tidak terdapatnya suatu penyakit, disfungsi dan kelemahan. Namun juga terpenuhinya hak seksual pada diri remaja berupa penghormatan pada seksualitas dan hubungan seksual, serta memungkinkan tergambarnya pengalaman seksual yang menyenangkan dan aman, bebas dari paksaan, diskriminasi hingga kekerasan (Nuristighfari Masri, 2013).
Jozkowski, K. N., & Peterson, Z. D. “Assessing the Validity and Reliability of the Perceptions of the Consent to Sex Scale.” The Journal of Sex Research, 51(6) (2014).
Gilbert, Jen. “Contesting Consent in Sex Education.” Sex Education, 18(3) (Oktober 2017).
Khaerani, Nuristighfari Masri. “Kesehatan Seksual Istri dengan Pengalaman Kekerasan Seksual Sebelum Menikah.” Jurnal Psikologi Integratif 1(1) (Desember 2013).
Kusumaryani, Merry. “Prioritaskan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Untuk Menikmati Bonus Demografi ” Lembaga Demografi FEB UI (Juni 2017).
Gerberg, Rory dan Laura Dunn. “Defining Consent To Effectively Address Sexual Violence.” Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Dapat diakses di https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/rorygerberg/files/WH_task_force_comments_2014april.pdf
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kaoskakitasikmalaya · 3 years
Arsenal kembali menelan hasil yang kurang maksimal di pra musim kedua mereka di tahun 2021. Berhadapan dengan juara Liga Skotlandia, Rangers, The Gunners hanya mampu bermain imbang dengan skor dengan skor 2-2.
Rangers berhasil unggul lebih dahulu melalui gol Leon Balogun sebelum Nuno Tavares menyamakan kedudukan. Namun Cedric Itten sukses mencetak gol di babak kedua sebelum Eddie Nketiah menyamakan kedudukan lagi.
Pertandingan yang digelar di Ibrox Stadium itu berjalan dengan tempo yang agak cepat. Arsenal sebagai tim tamu mencoba untuk mengambil inisiatif serangan.
Bermain menyerang, Arsenal malah kebobolan terlebih dahulu di menit 14. Melalui skema sepak pojok Leon Balogun sukses menanduk bola dan membuat Rangers unggul 1-0.
Ketinggalan satu gol tidak membuat Arsenal patah arang. Di menit 23 Arsenal berhasil menyamakan kedudukan melalui pemain baru merekla, Nuno Tavares yang tendangan mendatarnya gagal dihalau oleh McGregor. Skor kembali imbang 1-1.
Di babak pertama ini Rangers kehilangan pemain kunci mereka. Jermain Defoe harus ditarik keluar karena mengalami cedera.
Jual beli serangan antar kedua tim terus berlanjut, namun skor 1-1 bertahan hingga turun minum.
Simak situasi pertandingan di babak kedua di bawah ini.
1 dari 2
Babak Kedua
Di babak kedua, kedua pelatih melakukan pergantian pemain. Steven Gerrard memasukkan jack Simpson dan Nathan Peterson menggantikan Glen Kamara dan Leon Balogun.
Mikel Arteta membuat lima pergantian di jeda. Okonkwo, Cedric, Mari, Tavares dan Balogun ditarik keluar digantikan Hein, Bellerin, CHambers, Tierney, dan Lacazette.
Di babak kedua ini, Arsenal bisa dikatakan tampil lebih dominan. Mereka memiliki beberapa peluang yang bagus namun gagal dimaksimalkan.
Malah saat menyerang, Arsenal kebobolan lagi. Lagi-lagi dari skema sepak pojok, kali ini Cedric Itten yang sukses mengoyak gawang Arsenal. Skor berubah menjadi 2-1 untuk keunggulan Rangers.
Namun Arsenal tidak butuh waktu lama untuk menyamakan kedudukan. Delapan menit berselang, Eddie Nketiah sukses memanfaatkan kesalahan bek Rangers, lalu melepaskan tembakan mendatar yang gagal dihalau oleh McGregor. Skor kembali imbang 2-2.
Jual beli serangan terus berlanjut, namun hingga waktu normal berakhir skor 2-2 tetap bertahan.
Setelah laga ini, Arsenal akan bertolak ke Amerika Serikat untuk emngikuti FLorida Cup.
2 dari 2
Susunan Pemain Kedua Tim
Rangers (4-3-3): McGregor; Bassey, Balogun, Goldson, Tavernier; Kamara, Davis, Lundstram; Roofe, Defoe, Hagi
Arsenal (4-2-3-1): Okonkwo; Soares, Holding, Mari, Tavares; Elneny, Partey; Pepe, Smith Rowe, Balogun; Aubameyang
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Who Will Be The Highest Earner in Network Marketing? List of Top 100 MLM Earners 2020
Who will be the highest earner in network marketing?
I think, in network marketing if you don’t know the right formula to earn, you are more likely to stay broke. Being closely associated with the network marketing business, I can assure that more than 90% of the people working as direct sellers in a multi-level marketing (MLM) company are unable to reach their full earning potential.
It is only 10% of the network marketing workforce that stands out to be the top earners and become an inspiration to others. If you wonder that this low percentage would make network marketing a difficult domain for being a top earner, you’re mistaken. I will be the highest earner in network marketing if I am geared up with the right tools or MLM software and suitable MLM business strategy or formula. So can you!
One of the major reasons why I experienced the 90% failing to become top earners is that they don’t have any strategy or plan. They go talk to anyone, trying to sell their products. That is not how the network marketing business allows you to be successful.
After experiencing it myself, here are some key insights that I’d like to offer on becoming the highest earner in network marketing:
Do not chase or convince people who show no interest in you and your products. It is a complete waste of time.
Leverage the power of the Internet to find the ideal people that can potentially be your customers. If you are connected to thousands of people over the Internet, you will be able to expand your network easily. At the same time, if your online engagement with people is high, there is a better chance of them being interested in your products. If you are closely connected to say a thousand people online, then there is a good chance that at least a hundred out of them would be interested in your products and could make a purchase.
Do not waste time expecting to get fresh leads every day. Continue engaging with your existing clientele or even cold leads. Try conducting one-on-one in-person meetings with them, so that you’d get a good opportunity to re-convince the cold leads. Some may still refuse to budge, so you can consider hashing them out.
Create high-quality content on your social media accounts. Post blogs and interesting ideas on how the product you’re selling is going to benefit. If your content is attractive enough, it will boost your value as a network marketing professional. Similarly, it will also help you engage your target audience and create new leads frequently.
Use an MLM Mobile App or an MLM software to support your operations. Streamline your activities with software that has features on managing data, processing payments, enabling e-commerce engagement, and other network marketing facilities.
Build your audience by creating something that they want and not what you think they want. Keep the content highly relevant and identify their common pain-points to deliver such relevant content. Keep the conversations friendly and interpersonal, so that your audience is unable to find out when you swooped in and covertly marketed your products.
Lastly, to engage your audience, sell the idea of the product instead of the physical product. Educate them on how their lives are missing some things because of the lack of something (which is your product). Do not start branding your product before the audience feels more connected to the idea of having or using such a product in their lives.
I can surely tell you that these tricks will boost your direct selling income exponentially. Try them out and see for yourself.
Who is the Highest Earner in MLM or List of Top 100 Earners in Network Marketing Business
Know who are the top earner and to which Network Marketing Companies they are associated.
Est. Month
Est. Year
1Igor Alberts & Andreea Cimbala$ 2,200,000$ 26,400,000DagCoin – Success Factory
2Jenna Zwagil$ 1,060,000$ 12,720,000MyDailyChoice
3Trin & Jirawan Vichaidith$ 940,000$ 11,280,000Nu Skin
4Rolf Kipp$ 900,000$ 10,800,000Forever Living
5Ivan and Monika Tapia$ 860,000$ 10,320,000IM Mastery Academy
6Kim Hui$ 850,000$ 10,200,000Jeunesse
7David Imonitie$ 650,000$ 7,800,000IM Mastery Academy
8Marco Leonardo Oreggia$ 620,000$ 7,440,000Lyconet
9Yager Group (Dexter Yager)$ 600,000$ 7,200,000Amway
10Jason Brown And Matthew Rosa$ 600,000$ 7,200,000IM Mastery Academy
11Calvin and Shannon Becerra$ 550,000$ 6,600,000Jeunesse
12Kristen And Travis Butler$ 537,000$ 6,444,000MyDailyChoice
13John Haremza$ 500,000$ 6,000,000Valentus
14Iulian Cimbala$ 465,000$ 5,580,000DagCoin – Success Factory
15Stefania Lo Gatto & Danien Feier$ 460,000$ 5,520,000Jeunesse
16Andreas Matuska$ 451,000$ 5,412,000Lyconet
17Mark and Judy Willodson$ 451,000$ 5,412,000Elepreneur
18Jeff Roberti$ 450,000$ 5,400,000Juice Plus+
19Brian McClure$ 400,000$ 4,800,000Ambit Energy
20Roald Mailly and Patricia Numan$ 395,000$ 4,740,000DagCoin – Success Factory
21Mario Vielmas$ 350,000$ 4,200,000DagCoin – Success Factory
22Terje Dusend$ 350,000$ 4,200,000Lyconet
23Ada Caballero$ 340,000$ 4,080,000Vida Divina
24Rapatsith Sasinonpakorn$ 335,000$ 4,020,000Nu Skin
25Nicola Smith Jackson$ 311,000$ 3,732,000Financial Education Services
26Lyndon Biernoff$ 310,000$ 3,720,000Jeunesse
27Ed & Theresa Bestoso$ 300,000$ 3,600,000Melaleuca
28Enrique and Graciela Varela$ 295,000$ 3,540,000Herbalife
29Betty Sung$ 295,000$ 3,540,000Nu Skin
30T. Wongsa and A. Chantarangsi$ 295,000$ 3,540,000Jeunesse
31J. Kulsubmongkon & I. Prajogo$ 285,000$ 3,420,000Jeunesse
32Herb and Patty Capeda$ 280,000$ 3,360,000Isagenix
33Rafael Rojas$ 280,000$ 3,360,000Melaleuca
34Jimmy Smith$ 275,000$ 3,300,000Isagenix
35Cathy Lau$ 273,000$ 3,276,000Allysian Sciences
36Jared and Heather Burnett$ 265,000$ 3,180,000PURE
37Hayley Hobson$ 260,000$ 3,120,000DoTerra
38Islam Mohamed$ 260,000$ 3,120,000Jeunesse
39Mariel & Frank Filippone$ 253,000$ 3,036,000QSciences
40Jeff and Maureen Miller$ 250,000$ 3,000,000Melaleuca
41Philip Eckart$ 250,000$ 3,000,000Ambit Energy
42Steve Thompson$ 250,000$ 3,000,000Ambit Energy
43Ray Robbins$ 250,000$ 3,000,000Mannatech
44Patrick and Allyse Sedivy$ 250,000$ 3,000,000DoTerra
45Barry Chi & Holly Chen$ 250,000$ 3,000,000Amway
46Sunny Hsu & Debra Hsieh$ 250,000$ 3,000,000Amway
47A. Benitez & Raquel Cortez$ 250,000$ 3,000,000Herbalife
48Nancy Dornan$ 250,000$ 3,000,000Amway
49Simon Abboud$ 250,000$ 3,000,000ACN
50Patrick Maser & Mike Maser$ 250,000$ 3,000,000ACN
51Kang Hyeon Sook & Ryu InIk$ 250,000$ 3,000,000Amway
52Nathan Ricks$ 250,000$ 3,000,000Nu Skin
53John and Lori Tartol$ 240,000$ 2,880,000Herbalife
54Susan Peterson$ 240,000$ 2,880,000Herbalife
55Scott & Sue Olsen$ 225,000$ 2,700,000Jeunesse
56Leonard & Irina Weisbein$ 225,000$ 2,700,000Herbalife
57Dan & Megan Valentine$ 221,000$ 2,652,000Optavia – Medifast
58Randy Schroeder$ 220,000$ 2,640,000Kannaway
59Tae Ho Kim$ 220,000$ 2,640,000Herbalife
60Tina Hu$ 220,000$ 2,640,000Jeunesse
61Jeff & Michelle Altgilbers$ 220,000$ 2,640,0004Life
62Fernao Battistoni$ 211,000$ 2,532,000Jeunesse
63Jason Chiang$ 210,000$ 2,520,000Jeunesse
64David and Terri Miller$ 208,000$ 2,496,000Optavia – Medifast
65Juan Carlos Barrios$ 207,000$ 2,484,000Jeunesse
66Carrie Dickie$ 200,000$ 2,400,000LifeVantage
67Toni Vanschoyck & Jay Treloar$ 200,000$ 2,400,000Monat Global
68Ahmed Emad El Din$ 200,000$ 2,400,000Dubli Network – Ominto
69Margie Aliprandi$ 200,000$ 2,400,000Modere
70Shane & Dana Douglas$ 200,000$ 2,400,000ACN
71Boyd and Sandy Truman$ 200,000$ 2,400,000DoTerra
72Andy and Natalie Goddard$ 200,000$ 2,400,000DoTerra
73Carol & Alan Lorenz$ 200,000$ 2,400,000Herbalife
74Kaoru Nakajima$ 200,000$ 2,400,000Amway
75Leonard & Esther Kim$ 200,000$ 2,400,000Amway
76Mark Lei & Peggy Yeh$ 200,000$ 2,400,000Amway
77Cici Weller$ 200,000$ 2,400,000Jeunesse
78Trish Schwenkler$ 200,000$ 2,400,000ASEA
79Gabi Steiner$ 200,000$ 2,400,000Life Plus
80Ming Li$ 200,000$ 2,400,000Jeunesse
81Helen Zhang$ 200,000$ 2,400,000Jeunesse
82George and Donna Antar$ 200,000$ 2,400,000Jeunesse
83Park Jin Hi$ 200,000$ 2,400,000Unicity
84Art Napolitano$ 195,000$ 2,340,000ACN
85Kami and Nathan Dempsey$ 195,000$ 2,340,000It Works! Global
86Madra Meystedt Jones$ 195,000$ 2,340,000It Works! Global
87Kathy & Tom Smith$ 195,000$ 2,340,000Isagenix
88Chavich Kim$ 195,000$ 2,340,000Unicity
89Siv and Jay Bennett$ 195,000$ 2,340,000Isagenix
90Vadim Rafalskiy & Marina Lyubova$ 195,000$ 2,340,000DagCoin – Success Factory
91Roger and Teresa Harding$ 190,000$ 2,280,000DoTerra
92Rasa Comeban$ 190,000$ 2,280,000Unicity
93Ray Montie$ 188,000$ 2,256,000Ambit Energy
94John & Nadya Melton$ 185,000$ 2,220,000Modere
95Alfred Nickson$ 183,000$ 2,196,000Financial Education Services
96Troy Landwehr$ 182,816$ 2,193,792New U Life
97Debra Raybern$ 179,000$ 2,148,000Young Living
98Craig Schulze$ 176,000$ 2,112,000Jeunesse
99Judy Stallings$ 175,000$ 2,100,000MyDailyChoice
100Gregg and Carol Johnson$ 175,000$ 2,100,000Young Living
Source: https://www.businessforhome.org/mlm-500-top-earners/
To become successful in Network Marketing, you should follow the paths laid out by the top MLM earners or leaders of the industry.
These leaders had an incredible vision, empower people, and change their life through this business. They build Million-Dollar Distributorships through Million Dollar Relationships.
Read Also; “Top 100 MLM Companies in the world 2020”
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ashleydpalmerusa · 6 years
Thanks, This Has Been Fun
Ten years ago, I started a Blogspot called 10-Key Tramp. I had to do this because the woman I was dating couldn’t stand to hear me complain about my job anymore, so I clapped together some words, pictures, and headlines inspired by the snarky sites I was reading at the time, and told friends and colleagues I had started a blog. Almost no one read it.
It turned out to be the perfect outlet for me, though; taking the ridiculous thoughts out of my head and putting them online was the catharsis I sorely needed, and suddenly work didn’t seem so bad. Still, I got let go in the fall of 2008, but instead of feeling dread or worry, I couldn’t have been more relieved.
To make a long story short, I kept writing online and after a few months, by virtue of few prospects and some fantastic luck, I was asked to help start Going Concern. The two guys who hired me — Above the Law founder David Lat and Breaking Media co-founder David Minkin — asked me if I could make accounting sexy. I said that I could — a blatant lie — but they must’ve figured, “Well, we have the name and domain, so what the hell?” I owe them pretty much everything for that.
Has Going Concern helped accounting become sexy? Probably not. There’s a lot of overcompensating out there, after all. But I’d like to think we did our best to bring some fun, hijinks, and accountability to an otherwise sleepy and unaccountable profession. It sure as hell needs it. The next person to run this place will have the opportunity to build on what we’ve done so far, and take it in new and exciting directions.
As for me, I have to take a break from the day-to-day rigors of being a writer and editor at a small publication. Part of the reason is I recently became a dad for the first time, which means I’m in a perpetual state of exhaustion while figuring out how to balance work and family. After harping about work-life to you all for so many years, you’d think I’d have it figured out. God, no. I’m a mess.
The good news — or bad, depending on your view — is that I’ll still write for Going Concern as an Editor-at-Large, covering topics and stories that are of interest to me, on my own schedule. I’ll have a new day job, too; I’m joining Gusto next month as a member of their content team, writing for their small business customers and accountants network. I also plan to write other stuff utterly unrelated to accounting, which means I’ll get to experience boatloads of rejection with the rare, obscure success that pays virtually nothing. I’m pretty excited!
There are loads of people for me to thank, so in no particular order: Adrienne Gonzalez, Jason Bramwell, Megan Lewczyk, Greg Kyte, Gail Perry, Rob Nance, Jeff Phillips, Francine McKenna, Jim Peterson, Jonathan Weil, Sam Antar, Tony Nitti, my wife, my cats, all the baristas who gave me free refills, Bob Moritz for being a good sport after we put his face on David Beckham’s mostly naked body, my wife. If you think I owe you thanks, then email me by the end of the month and we can discuss it. I’m sure you’re probably right.
And thanks to all of you — the readers, tipsters, fans, haters, and trolls of Going Concern who helped make this site great. Keep it up. Keep sending tips, posting questions and answers, and talking to the future writers and editors of this site. Your support and participation will mean a lot to them and the accounting world. Okay? Okay. See you around.
The post Thanks, This Has Been Fun appeared first on Going Concern.
from Accounting News http://goingconcern.com/thanks-this-has-been-fun/
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willibald66 · 7 years
39 Wertvolle Dinge, die jeder wissen sollte | Transinformation
auf StillnessintheStorm von Dr. Jordan B Peterson, übersetzt von Antares Dank der lichtvollen Arbeit von spiritscape können wir diesen Beitrag auch als Video anbieten! 1. Sage die Wahrheit. 2. Mach… Quelle: 39 Wertvolle Dinge, die jeder wissen sollte | Transinformation
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hoples · 3 years
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Whumptober 2021 
Day 24 - Flashback - He remembered the day he lost his finger.
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hoples · 3 years
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Little late for the Pride Chibis to be uploaded on Tumblr
But this year we have the Ace spectrum : D
Hel Whinter - Demiromantic Ace Antares Peterson - Pan Greysexual Seth - Demisexual Gay Michael - Ace Demiromantic Liraz Hari - Non-binary Greysexual
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