#Anon this was a hilarious idea I had to write something 🤣
skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Could you imagine a scenario where pre-calamity champions don’t know about link and mipha being engaged? so they confront them separately telling them they’re so obvious and they don’t know how the other hasn’t figured it out and they try to give them advice on how to tell the others they love them and link and mipha are just standing there like: 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️
Link felt a strange sensation, like something was hovering over him. Stretching under the blanket, he slowly blinked his eyes open as sleepiness tried to drag him back under again.
Daruk was standing over him.
Jumping, startled out of his mind, Link scrambled for his sword, wondering if something was wrong. Before he could get very far, Daruk let out one of his earth shaking belly laughs. “Link! Glad to see you awake, brother. We need to talk about something important.”
Link stared at him, half sitting up perched on his arms.
Leaning in as if this were a secret of national importance, Daruk whispered, “You see, I’ve noticed how you’ve been lookin’ at the princess and I just can’t stand by for it anymore!”
“Exactly,” another voice chimed in, and, to his horror, Link noticed Urbosa in the background leaning against a wall, her arms crossed.
Link tried to figure out what in the world was going on. The princess? What looks had he been giving Zelda?? He hadn’t said a word in front of these two in ages, he tried to be as neutral as possible, he wasn’t sure how he had managed to mess this up despite his immense efforts—
“It’s obvious you’ve got feelings for Mipha!” Daruk suddenly said. “You gotta tell her, brother!”
Link blinked. Then he blinked again.
Wait, what? This was about Mipha?
Oh goddess it was obvious??
Wait a second. Daruk had said Link needed to tell her.
So they didn’t know how far it was. That was something.
But now…
“She clearly has feelings for you,” Urbosa chimed in. “You shouldn’t leave her hanging like this. You should be direct with your feelings.”
“Well yes, but like in a nice way,” Daruk added with a gigantic smile. “Take her out for a rock roast! Then tell her how you feel!”
Link’s brain was steadily frying more as he tried to figure out how the heck to get out of this situation.
Straight up saying we’re engaged and have to keep it a secret was probably not the way to go.
Goddess. He couldn’t believe they’d been that obvious. He thought they’d been hiding it pretty well.
But what was probably the most baffling was that Daruk and Urbosa were encouraging it. It would have been almost sweet and reassuring were it not for the complicated Zora and Hylian politics involved. Of course it was the two who did not belong to either party who were fine with it.
Link didn’t even want to think about what would happen if Revali of all people noticed. That champion would probably delight in telling the entire world just to watch Link fall.
So Link sat there, frozen in anxiety and embarrassment, wondering what in the world he should do.
“I’ll even help you out!” Daruk continued, clapping Link on the shoulder. “I got a reservation at the hot spring just for you two! I’ll have rock roast brought to ya!”
“I’ll tell Mipha,” Urbosa added, pushing off the wall and slathering some more elixir on her skin. The volcanic climate was horrific for all but one of them after all. “She needs to be in the water, anyway.”
Daruk rolled away in delight, leaving the Hylian champion and the Gerudo chief, and she walked towards him with a sharp eye and a soft smile.
“Relax, I’ll make sure something edible is available,” she said. “But I don’t coddle warriors. You must tell her how you feel and end this roundabout game of glances and blushes. It’s childish.”
Link shriveled under her gaze and felt a fire in his belly as defiance pushed him once more, but then he settled when she laid a hand on his head.
“Good luck tonight, little champion,” she said kindly, winking and leaving the room.
Link sat there for a second, processing everything, and then sighed heavily, collapsing into his bed once more.
Mipha had been hiding indoors to stave off the heat as much as possible. She knew she shouldn’t have come to Death Mountain, but she’d wanted to spend time with her friends and with Link. They hadn’t seen each other in months.
What she hadn’t expected was Urbosa immediately cornering her with a sly smile.
“All right, princess,” she started off, her tone firm despite her clear amusement. “This game has gone on long enough. It’s time I teach you the proud way of Gerudo seduction.”
Mipha choked on her spit. “T-the what?”
“Your feelings for Link couldn’t be more apparent,” Urbosa remarked. “The only moron who hasn’t noticed is Link himself. We need to remedy that.”
Mipha tried to stammer a reply, but Urbosa cut her off.
“What you need is confidence,” Urbosa instructed. “There isn’t a single Gerudo woman out there who didn’t win her mate by asserting herself. Respect the voe but do not cower around him. You are the one who must lead the relationship. Tell him you’re taking him to dinner. Tell him how you feel. Then demand his response.”
Mipha felt her face grow steadily redder as Urbosa spoke. Her words were overwhelming even with her engagement to Link, she’d probably have died of this were before they’d sworn to be together.
“U-um,” Mipha stammered. “I—we—”
Part of her wanted to tell Urbosa that she had taken the first step, that she’d presented the armor to Link. She wanted to see the Gerudo champion’s proud smile. But she was too scared, there was too much secrecy in their relationship. So she said, “W-well I’ll think about it.”
“You’ve been thinking about him for almost a year,” Urbosa noted. “It’s time to act, Mipha. And I have just the place in mind.”
Mipha sighed.
Revali stood in the distance as he watched Daruk push the Hylian champion and Urbosa give Mipha a pep talk. Both recipients were spluttering and trying to dig their heels in, but neither had the gall to stand up to their friends.
Not that it mattered anyway. Revali hadn’t been asked to get involved and he was grateful for it. But he was involved anyway.
After all, he’d seen them. He’d seen them when they were closer to Zora’s Domain, where they’d joined up with Mipha. He’d seen the pair swimming as he’d flown overhead unnoticed. He’d seen them kiss, almost with enough passion to make him blush.
Everyone figured Revali would rather sabotage the relationship than get involved, so no one had asked for his help. But the Rito Champion knew more than all of them combined.
Stupid Hylian, dragging me into his mess, he grumbled internally. For Mipha’s sake, he wouldn’t say anything. But the lonely ache in his chest as he watched the champions conspire, as he watched Link and Mipha’s eyes sparkle when they saw each other… well, it left him irritable, to say the least.
Huffing, the Rito took flight, heading south of the mountain to for a relief from the heat and ridiculousness of the situation.
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muddyorbsblr · 9 months
Have you ever watched X Files?? Or has anyone from SAS watched the show?? Because I have now a very specific fic idea where Loki and the reader are like, partners who solve magical issues on Earth. And the whole dynamic is kinda like Mulder and Scully’s dynamic. They care about each other deeply but Loki can’t help to flirt with every other woman (and sometimes man) they encounter. And it makes the reader jealous and sad. For obvious reasons.
Like, the whole “fine whatever” bit Scully has in one episode would be hilarious to write. And then they can have a teary eyed confession once Loki picks up on the fact that his partner might love them (after all the ways the reader has been acting when he flirts around) and it ends happily :D
As a note, this isn’t really a request, but it’s been something on my mind and I wanted to talk about it with you and the community. 🥰🥰
Have a lovely day <3
Oooooo hello anon friend!
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Personally I don't watch X Files…probably because my dad used to watch it ad nauseam when I was younger and now I haven't found enough reason to be put on to it just for that 😅 But because of the exposure I've had to it, the relationship between Scully & Mulder has been something I've been super aware of and I know the exact vibe you're talking about 🥺💖 (and also I've been made aware of the Mulder Speedo picture that broke the internet when I was literally not even 3 months old haha! 🤣)
It's kind of like the dynamic between Brennan & Booth in the show Bones before they got together…or like Beckett & Castle 👀
Without giving too much away, I can say that the series 'rules of conduct' will have a vibe that loosely resembles this but super briefly because even if Reader won't be able to communicate for shit, our precious greasy haired boi knows his precious mortal better than she thinks and he sees right through her "it's fine, whatever" act 💖🫡
calling on the SAS besties & fellow whores to see if anyone's watched X Files @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @xorpsbane @gigglingtiggerv2 @joyful-enchantress @ladyofthestayingpower @loopsisloops @maple-seed @give-me-a-moose @mischief2sarawr @november-rayne @acidcasualties @alexakeyloveloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @liminalpebble @glitchquake @peachyjinx @sidepartskinnyjeans +++
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a-strange-inkling · 1 year
Hello! Just got back from taking my baby to get her shots at the doctor and wooooo boy…let me tell you, it took everything in me not to cry with her.
Because I’m always thinking of Old Haunts ( I love your world building, and go back frequently to reread your stories when I need some happiness ❤️) I was wondering…who cried, if at all, when taking the girls for their shots? Or what does a doctor visit with the Munson’s look like?
Oh, Anon! I've gone along with my sister for moral support when she brought her babies in to get their shots and I almost always bawled in the bathroom after it was so hard! You're amazing! That is always a difficult experience.
Thank you so much!!! 😭😭😭 I'm so glad you like my stories enough to reread them and that they bring you happiness! ❤️❤️❤️
OMG the Munsons at the doctor's office would be SO fun to write!!! I will have to include a scene in future stories or maybe a future oneshot! That would be a plethora of hilarious possibilities. I actually was at the dentist recently and thought of Eddie having to be put on nitrous for a root canal or something and will also have to write that sometime 🤣🤣🤣)
As for your question. Eddie cried. Eddie cried like he was the baby getting the shots. Chrissy was very upset and shed a few tears too, but kept it together for the most part. Eddie was a wreck, especially for Olivia, because he had no idea and those needles were so big and she was so small and she looked up at him like "Daddy, why are you letting them do this to me!?" while she wailed with her giant doe eyes and that did him in. He thought he'd be prepared for Maggie, but he cried just as hard, it didn't matter.
Thank you for this ask! I love this concept! 🥰
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
Hey Callie!
It’s Birdy! 🦜💛 I’ve actually been communicating with you out of anon so I like kinda forgot I hadn’t responded back yet 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣 Now I’m wondering…would it be weirder to stay on anon or weirder to come off anon?? 🤔
But anyway! Yeah I wasn’t sure if people named themselves so I was like eh I’ll just call myself Birdy 😁
When I wrote that, I hadn’t realized you hadn’t seen Inside Lleywn Davis yet. Good thing I didn’t say anything else 😬 Tell me when you’ve seen it because I think I figured out why it hit too close to home for me but I can’t say without bringing up a major plot point.
Totally not trying to be creepy but just thinking that we’re in the same time zone and in another post you were complaining about the heat and going to Disney world….I’m assuming you live in a southern state? Obviously you don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to! I live in one as well and thought it’d be funny if we lived in the same state. 🌴🌞🍊
Also came across a post you made about almost calling a patient Oscar?? I work in healthcare so something else we perhaps have in common? Lol Couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of us working in the same building everyday, our heads in the clouds daydreaming about Poe Dameron and having NO idea there’s a fellow closet fangirl who’s a coworker 😂 I doubt you work in the same place, I just thought it’d be hilarious 😁💕
Omgosh I used to love to travel before I got busy with work too. Of course I only ever flew up north to visit family but I used to love being in the airport and on the planes…me and my best friend used to drive to Orlando all the time but life has gotten in the way recently. Where would you like to travel to next?? Like realistically, not like fantasy vacation ☺️
I like cooking too but I tend to pick the most complicated recipes for some reason 🤣 my mom always looks at me so exasperated like why can’t you cook something simple?? Lol I actually tried to cook a Guatemalan dish (do I really have to explain why 😆) called tapado the other night and it was SO GOOD. Omgosh it was like this seafood stew but it had bananas? Got the recipe from Pinterest lol But I almost sliced my freakin finger off trying to peel a yucca root. My mom and I were laughing our asses off (hey it’s either laugh or faint) because we were like (you have to whack the shit out of it to even cut it) “what kind of Tarzan shit is this?? Why can’t you just cook chicken?? Are you too good for just plain chicken now?? Who’s out in Guatemala looking at this tree trunk thinking CAN I EAT IT THOUGH?? You know you’re never going to actually cook for Oscar Isaac right??” I almost peed myself I was laughing so hard!!🤣🤣🤣 Other LESS DANGEROUS hobbies I have are drawing, junk journaling, singing, writing poetry, and editing videos. I have a vlog channel on YouTube that I don’t pay nearly enough attention to but I love editing my home movies for my family ☺️💕💜
Can’t wait to hear back from you! Big hugs!! 💕🌸🌼🌺🤗
—Birdy 🦜💛💚
P.S. I watched Dune last week. Have you seen it yet? Cuz UGJSOENBEOWJLWODIDHEBO DEJSJSNDCIWODJR
heyooo birdy 💚🧡💚
omg we’ve been communicating off anon?? *tries remembering all of the blogs i’ve been interacting with in the past few days* this lowkey reminds me of a movie which i cannot for the life of me recall the title lolol. but it’s definitely up to you if you wanna stay anon or not! as long as we’re chatting, i like it either way :)))
ahh not creepy at all haha! i actually live in the northeast! yeah it’s hot here but you guys down there??? idk how y’all do it,,, the heat there is another level 😭 the only place i’ve visited in the south is florida and i was not vibing with the weather there at all skskksk. i prefer cooler temps like those in autumn/spring tbh. i hate sweating 😵‍💫 and yeeees!!! i work in healthcare too!!!! wow isn’t this crazy lmao. but ugh that would be so funny tho if we’re working together not knowing how big of a simp we are for the same man 🥲 my coworkers don’t get the whole simping culture unfortunately. must be nice not being hyper fixated on someone :////
as for where i wanna travel next, i’ve been planning a road trip to montreal some time this summer 😭😭😭 idek if it’s going to happen tho bc i can only go during weekends and it’s hard for the others to take off on those days. i would head there by myself but im not strong enough to drive the entire six hours LOLOL. i’ve been to toronto and the length of the ride was brutal i cant imagine driving there on my own.
HSJDJDBJDKSJJ HEY OSCAR WOULD BE SO PROUD OF YOU FOR COOKING GUATEMALAN FOOD HAHAHA. okay now im hungry after reading what you said and it’s only 8am ;-; i haven’t even gotten out of bed yet lmfaoao. but i wanna try this recipe out one day 👀 the only thing ive been cooking lately is pasta and chicken dishes since they’re easy and don’t take too long to cook ahjsjsjsj. also oOo a vlog channel :oo ohmigosh when i was younger i was obsessed with yt vloggers and vlogging in general. i even created a beauty channel but was too afraid to post lmaoao.
ahhH i havent watched dune yet 🤭 but ohhh goshh ive seen the gifs. im not ready to see oscar in his dilfiest role yet. i’ll let you know once i get to it plus llewyn davis!!! im still on a star wars high right now and mentally preparing myself for the mandolorian 💀
anywaaayyy love you birdyyy. you’re always a hoot to talk to :))) see you in my inbox hopefully soon 💕
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jaeger-soul · 2 years
HIIIIIII again! I definitely hear you, I could use to forget real life for a little while, too. Always sending you positive vibes ✨💞
The character limit is different now lol I don’t have to spam your inbox with six messages at a time when I write a lot, I can just send one long message😂 Thank you for the welcome wagon 🥰 After using tumblr without an account for 5 years, this is interesting LOL Just had your page bookmarked and that was the extent to which I used tumblr
Yeah I actually really like my music anon nickname so I used it for my username hereeeeee ✨🤣 Still music anon but also we can keep track of which anon is me since there’re a lot of us 😭.
They are lol I wish I could write for them but I have no idea how 😂 I’ve only successfully written one fanfiction for a different fandom and even that story I am crawling to the finish line because… idk it’s long and I feel like I’m not doing a good job lol it was actually me who told you a few months ago that I’m writing it but haven’t posted it anywhere and you told me I’m working hard and should share it and I agree with you lol I’m just nervous 😂
I love linkin park, three days grace, and simple plan and what is hilarious is that when I was really little, like REALLY LITTLE, all the adults and teens around me were playing them aloud and that’s how I heard them 😂but then in mid teen years. . . I won’t say what I was listening to lol 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 I still listen to everything I was listening to then actually, but it wasn’t punk 😂 I just recently discovered how much I like punk and rock
I listen to everything too! I don’t know if I can say that I listen to country since I only know all of Miranda Lambert’s songs lol 😂 But I’d definitely listen to more
LOL 😂 I had never ever heard blink-182 before and in 2017 one of my favorite songs was Closer by the Chainsmokers and they said “stay and play that blink 182 song“ and I was curious but didn’t look up their songs until like 2019 😅
I am obsessed with almost by Bowling for Soup and I had never heard Ohio until now and I really like it so much, I think they couldn’t make any song and I would vibe with it 🤩🤩🤩🤩 And after Ohio went off, Pandora played I’d Do Anything but simple plan and I liked it 😊
Oooooooh wow okay yeah I get it and I agree with you, that makes sense for him to take some time off and to go a different direction if it’s better for him.
Thanks for answering the Tatiana question lol 😂
If I say anything embarrassing in the future, I’ll request the private message LOL 😂
Also, 84 years LOL I see you sliding that number in there 🤣🤣🍀🍀🍀 And happy late Saint Patrick’s Day 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀
the positive vibes are appreciated 🤍
if you ever wanna talk fanfic ideas for swagger bishie, i'm always down. i have so many ideas i want to write but i'm getting through stay first
you should post that story somewhere though - i'm sure you'll get great feedback and positive comments. and part of the fun of writing for fandoms is sharing our work with other fans so i say go for it
eta: i regularly feel like i'm not doing a good job with the stuff i write so like, you're not alone but also sometimes it is just your own perception of your writing coming from spending so much time with it and being too close to it to really see it objectively
dang growing up with adults blasting linkin park and shit would've been amazing. and as far as whatever you were listening to then that you're embarrassed about, you've got no need to be with me. i still regularly listen to my teen obsessions (nsync, jonas brothers, miley cyrus, justin bieber, one direction etc.)
idk like i don't want to tell you how to feel but i've just found that it's a waste for me to be embarrassed about something that once brought or still brings me joy 🤷‍♀️
i love the chainsmokers man, they've had me hooked for a long time
and happy saint patrick's day to you, too!
i thought of some more recs and i'm gonna put most of them on the playlist but i had to share this one with you cause it's got some major alex vibes from stay lmao
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