#Annie vc
ghostlyanon · 2 months
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It's all good as long as she keeps this advantage!
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stillresolved · 27 days
“I want to know what makes you happy.”
[ for annie ! ]
@xinxiins / "i want to know..." prompts
WHAT A STRANGE QUESTION TO ASK. Most of the time when people see her, they don’t ask her about her life. If they even ask them in the first place. She can always see it in their eyes, the prying questions: what happened, how did you get like this, will you ever be the same again, oh that poor girl-
The questions are never about her, so much as they are about what was done to her. The same difference between a subject and an object. Maybe that’s why he asks her this question instead. She doesn’t know what he’s been through and it is vice versa too, but like is attracted to like. The wounded have a way of finding one another, the same way rivers will always make their way to the sea in the end.
“...Water?” She offers, hesitantly. Is that too simple of an answer to say? Although perhaps it is not right to say it makes her happy so much as it calms her, silences the thoughts when she can’t do so herself. “The beach. I grew up with the sea and the sand at my feet. And Samchu– the neighborhood cat. She likes it when her chin is scratched.” She closes her eyes, remembering Samchu’s purring against her fingers. The calico cat would then rub her head against the back of Annie’s hand. A small smile. 
“Chocolate. I like the dark ones and mint. I don’t like it when they’re in bars; the individual pieces have prettier wrapping.” Would anyone care if they knew? Annie doesn’t know, but if they would, would they go out of their to–
Oh wait, there is one person. 
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What makes Annie happy, Lí Chényǔ asks her, when sanity and coherence already feels out of of arm’s reach. Happiness? It wasn’t even, and still doesn’t feel like a priority for her. And yet, and yet-! In the midst of this chaos, she did find something. Or rather someone found her. She thinks of long hair and a stoic demeanor. Of a voice strong and controlled, but still chooses to call Annie’s name gently. Yes, that’s her north star, isn’t it? Annie’s light in this dark chasm.
My best friend. 
“She makes me happy.”
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vacillatingcreator · 2 years
Did some SHOS doodles (but it’s mainly Airy):
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To explain the thing at the bottom, I had the idea that basically, since my Airy design is a lamp, he can pull a switch that makes it so his whole body just GLOWS
This means that my Airy design can be both the red that I like the give him, and the more yellow-ish color that is more popular!
I consider myself to be incredibly smart, yes /j
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h-a-unted · 3 months
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Vicky would tell me this and I would immediately quit my job and cry.
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dorminchu · 1 year
wip wednesday -- aot, marley arc
a/n: alas... the brainworms have returned. thanks to @lunarcrystal's vc!Annie AU. this scene in-progress takes place in medias res from the post-canon ereannie au I'm working on. it's technically a soft reboot of a chapter (or several) from the 30 days OTP challenge that was in need of trimming.
She rapped on the door of the flat and waited around a minute for an answer. "Oi, Krueger," she barked.
Could be asleep. Or simply out on an errand. It wouldn't kill her to ask around the tenement, or make her rounds. She got enough shit from her Warrior colleagues wasting her time down here in Liberio's slums. Asking too many neighbors would give him reason to lie low.
She detected movement on the other side. She stepped aside in turn as the door opened.
He wasn't wearing any bandages this time. His left eye bore a perforated scar down the cornea. He blinked, then his brow creased. "Vice-Commander." She could smell the alcohol on him. "Come back to say hello?"
"I just wanted to see if you had drunk yourself to death."
"Not today. I wouldn't mind the company though." Annie deliberated. On the one hand, it didn't exactly behoove her to humour the enemy outright. "Stay a while," said Eren coolly, pushing the door a little wider with his shoulder. "Gets boring talking to the wall all day."
His good eye dug into her. She stepped through the door.
The kitchen decently-kept. A few dishes on the table the remains of a meal. The Liberio tenements didn’t have running water or electricity, so the wood stove in the center of the room was the only source of heat in winter. The half-empty bottle of alcohol on the table, glittering in the sunlight.
“You’ll have to excuse the mess,” Eren muttered. “Wasn’t expecting anyone.”
She side-eyed him. “No friends?” He shook his head. “Women?”
He paused, squaring his shoulders. “No, ma’am.” If she could see his ears they’d be pink. He gestured toward the threshold. “You’ll want to see the other rooms?”
“Lead the way.”
He was so tall, even on crutches, that he had to bend down to clear the doorway into the next room.
There was a bed against the wall. Not much furniture to speak of beyond a beat-up wardrobe and a closet. If he were writing regularly to an outside party he’d keep the letters someplace clandestine. She walked the length of the room in a few paces. A light breeze shifted the curtains in front of the only window in the room, cracked open. Eren was leaning against the doorframe. On her feet, she came up to his breastbone.
“I need to look at the dresser and wardrobe.”
Eren shrugged. “All right.”
The wardrobe had only a few ratty suits and a pair of boots, bottle of shoeshine. In front of the dresser she got down on her knees to rifle through a few shirts, rolled-up pairs of pants, old socks. The linen smelled faintly of mold. She shut the drawer and said in a tight voice, “The mattress, then.”
“It’s pretty heavy. I can help you.”
She ignored him. Walked over to the other side of the room with the window behind her, and lifted. The light of day revealing the underside of a decrepit mattress. Her jaw grit. She let it fall. She’d need a warrant to tear his room apart, even in the slums of Liberio. 
“Terrible, isn’t it? I’d burn it now if I were able to afford a new one.”
Annie stormed into the kitchen, ignoring his protest. She grabbed the bottle on the table and took a deep pull. Lukewarm. Probably been out all morning. It burned her throat on the way down and she stifled a cough into her arm, eyes watering.
“Rough day?” called Eren from the threshold.
“You’re sick,” she hissed. “Grice is too naïve to understand what kind of monster you are.”
“I don’t mean him any harm. Nor you.” He glanced down at his leg. “I can’t transform.”
The alcohol went to her head. Dropping her guard, no better than handing him the knife. “How long will you be staying in Liberio?”
“Only ‘til the festival.”
His voice neutral. Enemies did not look at each other the way he always had. She always told herself the next time they spoke would be to the other’s grave. How simple it was, for him to rebel. He made it his prerogative. Each time, he found a way to reappear and make everything worse. He only saw her cool veneer, never the itch in her blood close to jealousy. The war would be over within the year. Paradis would be destroyed with impunity.
“You don’t look drunk,” said Annie.
“The clerk at the general store calls me a heavyweight drinker,” Eren answered, shifting his weight on his good leg. “I guess that’s true.”
Her image reflected in his working eye, drowning in his desolation. This hunger shared between them. Four years of cold, unsympathetic truths turned the outspoken idealist into a man half-dead. His conviction sucked the life from him. The same vacancy she saw in Braun’s eyes, when he thought he was alone. Annie licked her lips, in a silent battle with herself over what to say. The responsible thing to do. The silence between them so charged a knife couldn’t cut it.
She let her head fall forward, colliding harmlessly into his chest. Kicking out his leg, he crumpled to meet the floor. She was on top of him, fists in his shirt. Breathing hard, despite the lack of exertion. Eren stared at her, wide-eyed. Sober, there would be no excuse for this conduct. Tenderness would not win a war. Sympathies reserved for the civilians who read about the atrocities overseas in the comfort of their homes. In his place, she’d wrap his hands around the traitor’s throat and squeeze the life from her.
Instead, leaning down to press her mouth to his, biting his lip. He groaned, coming to life beneath her.
The world shifted on its axis. Her back met the floor. Eren, bracing on his elbows, took her face in his hands and crushed his mouth to hers with the rapacious fever of a man ready to die. Threading fingers through his unkempt hair, her tongue slashed against his teeth. He grabbed her jaw with fingers, sliding his tongue into her mouth. They could only get so close without inevitably devouring each other.
"Annie," he whispered, stealing another kiss, then another, until her head was spinning. "Annie." Her name was a confession. An apology. Every second spent inert was wasted. He pulled back, his hair a curtain around her face. “This your plan?” With his forehead to hers, his working eye and the perforated one, she cupped his face. “No.”
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silvcrignis · 11 months
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LEGAL NAME: Captain Jamie Guinevere Hook
NICKNAME[S]: Captain Hook to all you hoes who don't know her like that, Jamesie (Only Pan's bitch ass gets away with it), Sea bitch, Semen Demon, Open Door Policy (Devil De Vil is bad boyfriend, he's so disrespectful), JAMES! (Claude calls her James when he's drunk she doesn't mind it), Bitch (She & Ursula call each other this in friendly mildly sexually tense rivalry), My Beloved (Maleficent)
DATE OF BIRTH: 11/9/1876 (Ain't no way this bitch not a Team Scorpio Member)
GENDER: Female, Cis woman (Gendbend haters can uhhhh suck me?)
PLACE OF BIRTH: England (Google said Hook never revealed where exactly he was from & deadass Jamie wouldn't tell anyone LBR)
CURRENTLY LIVING: New Auradon when she's not... On the ocean pirating
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, Faelish, French, Latin, That weird pirate garble that only other pirates understand, Demontongue & apparently she can speak the language of the Old Ones wtf Jamie???
EDUCATION: Attended Eton College as well Balliol College during her youth.
WEIGHT: 185 (Most of it goes... If you've seen Lana Parilla... You know where man...)
SIBLING[S]: Delphia Smee (Found family, Sister)
PARENT[S]: Guinevere neè Astley Hook (Deceased), Captain Tiberius Hook (Deceased)
RELATIVE[S]: None, she's a pretty solo rider in terms of extended family
CHILDREN: Harriet Hook, Henry-Conrad "Harry" Hook, @wiickedxgood Hugh Hook, (I know Descendants canon says she/Hook has more but... I don't fuckin care lmfao tbh)
PET[S]: The crazy bitch managed to tame a Kraken that follows her ship around. She also has a parrot when Iago gets bored pfft.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual/ Polyromantic
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Engaged to Peter Pan (she wants him to die), dating Devil De Vil (Also wants HIM to die), dating Maleficent Faire (touch a hair on her luv's head & feel her blade's sting)
SINCE WHEN: Jamie x Devil x Maleficent have been a thing since... 18 years I wanna say. Yeah Harry's 18 & Devil is his father so yeah. Peter & Jamie have been officially engaged for a good 2 years. Peter is shit at wedding planning & keeps changing his mind she's gonna drown that man.
Tagged by: @lettherebemonsters
Tagging: @fantasywritten (Mark & Emma pls), @dcmur3, @amaidasfairassummer, @ambitionbled (Gianna Claude misses her v much), @rhaigal @muutos (BUT SPECIFICALLY FOR FLORA && MISSY I LOVE THEM?!) @khalaesi (Rosa & Miguel I love them & need them pls), @verreprincesse, @darkheartedprince
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pyreshe · 1 year
livvy in the boys largely presents to the public as this very shirle.y t.emple/j.ojo s.iwa-esque figure but with super powers. most things the public know about her are meant to cultivate the image of a sweet and cool and fun figure for girls aged 6-14 to aspire to.
first time she would show up in the show is during a panel w starlight and maeve in s1 about empowering young women and she tells maeve how much she looks up to her and wants to be just like her when she grows up and gives her a hug and it's v scripted but people are eating it up, the live studio audience is cooing with adoration. and then they're backstage and maeve comments on her line delivery and livvy is like "if I wanted to be a washed up geriatric bitch with no fucking friends I'd call you and ask for your input but until then eat shit" and annie is like 🧍
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perfect-fourth · 2 years
There's no truth concoction at play; nor an odd tea being offered, but a tiny hand holding up a piece of paper covered in crayons. It is a drawing Annita Hastur had made, featuring her and Jhin drinking tea among a lot of roses & sparkles, she even drew a crown in his head. The words 'King of Artists' wrote with red crayon too, an arrow signaling the depiction of the Virtuoso.
"Don't be sad, Mr. Jhin... you king of artwist, you are awesome! We will fight the sad !"
Granted, Tibbers was also behind causing destruction, fire and all that apparently in a tiny corner. "Tibbers said he would burn the sad so Mr. Jhin could smile." She said with a bright smile.
And smile he did, for nothing brought him greater joy in his miserable little life than a chorus of screams and the crackling of fire as it melted away wood and cloth and human flesh. He took her artistic offering with the respectful touch one might expect from a seasoned creative, holding it up briefly to the dancing firelight to observe her lines and choice in colors. Such a tender moment, made all the moreso(well, to him, anyway) by the man who ran past behind them, aflame and screaming bloody murder.
"My! You've certainly been practicing, haven't you Annie? You've got quite the eye for color," he hummed, idly reaching down to give her a pat-pat atop the head, as if she were some sort of small animal.
"I'll hang this in my study. Thank you, dear, you certainly know how to elicit joy."
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ghostlyanon · 10 months
@xamassed | cont. ( x )
"Oh... I was just wondering..."
As a traveler that had moved through many worlds far beyond Teyvat, worship and devotion to deities or gods were stranged concepts. She had never felt the necessity or desire to pray to a 'greater' entity. However, she had grown curious after seeing how some of the people of Teyvat were devoted to the Archon of their nation.
— And it so happened that one of those Archons was a dear friend of hers. In the melody of his voice, she could catch on a hint of his anticipation. Annie had no problem showing her appreciation to him, but she was not above a little teasing either.
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"Y-you're right though! I should show my thankfulness somehow... My trips to Liyue have been quite safe as of late... Surely the Lord of Geo has granted me some of his protection! What do you think would be a nice gift for him?"
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stillresolved · 2 months
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annie in most threads: *sweet, shy, if not a bit out of it, trying keep it together/act normal*
annie w/ taiyang ( @velvetineblue ): im gonna smack him, i don't care if he's shriveling on the ground 😤
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vacillatingcreator · 2 years
Drew Liam from ONE for the first time:
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I think I wanna draw more contestants from different shows, because I realize that I mostly draw hosts (go figure ajsfhja)
Yes, I did draw Annie from SHOS on Airy’s grave. I consider myself a bit of a comedic genius /j
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doctordonovan · 1 year
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 ❝   whatever you're about to do,   don't do it.   ❞
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 one of these days,    trouble is going to get sick and tired of hunting her down with such ferocious stubbornness.    no matter what she does,    no matter what choices maeve makes...    she keeps ending up faced with situations that just keep on going.    fingers roughly rub own eyelids as if praying to wake up from latest nightmare in only increasingly insane life.    (   at least,    for once,   there's no guns pointed at her   -   little mercies are about all maeve can cling to.   )      ❝   I'm not about to do anything.   ❞     it's more a reassurance than anything else.    there's no rush,    at least for now,    maeve just wants to understand.
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 ❝   talk to me,    @bannannie​.   ❞    this time though,    it comes more as a plea,    soft and instead moving to take a seat.    if everything is ridiculous,   who is she to pretend she's the only sane one left?    ❝   I'm listening.    I want to get it,    I really do.    this is just...    a little out of my usual wheelhouse.   ❞ 
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yellowfingcr · 2 years
There is a bit of hesitation , but claws hold the snout that's made of bone and husk gently as she guides it close to the other . Head of a misshapen horse , her tusks too long for it's own face - and now it huffs softly , a ghost of a kind - one that she for one is very familiar with . -- ' ' It's okay , she doesn't bite- i promise . ' ' <:)
“Annie,” she gasps, whisper-quiet, surprise drawing the sound of the last letter for far longer than it should have. “Oh my gods… she’s beautiful.”
She is. Heysel has seen ghosts and has seen monsters and has seen all manners of beings, made of all manners of shapes. This is a horse but not quite, bone and shadow, hoof and horn, and of all the creatures she’s met in her many travels she is among the loveliest, and was it for her she’d tell her, hi, my name is Heysel, I exist with you. You’re looking at me and I’m looking at you. Do you know? Are you aware of your beauty? I hope you are.
Her heart beats so very quick in her chest as she extends a hand and carefully, carefully, draws her palm along her skull, back and forth. She holds her laughter under her tongue, to not startle the horse-spectre, but still can’t help how broadly she’s grinning all the while. 
“If she bites me now I’m going to be so sad.”
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goldshadows · 6 months
@lcvedriven : ❛ imagine how we'd be if we were less afraid. ❜ / annie @ jami → the boy, the mole, the fox and the horse / accepting.
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" i'm not afraid. " she protests right away. the little girl always so eager to prove herself, prove she's fearless. because she's had to be - because she is. a huff then follows her own words, actually a tad offended annie would even suggest otherwise. " i'm not afraid and i can do whatever i want so that's what i'm gonna do. "
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anibanannie · 8 months
annie as the vice-commander of the warriors just works. terrifying, violent and taciturn to zeke's manipulative and charismatic leadership
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bxmblxbee · 2 years
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