#Annie LeBlanc is Not Dead
lgbtqreads · 5 months
Most Anticipated Queer Young Adult Fiction: January-June 2024
Just Happy to Be Here by Naomi Kanakia (January 2nd) Tara just wants to be treated like any other girl at Ainsley Academy. That is, judged on her merits—not on her transness. But there’s no road map for being the first trans girl at an all-girls school. And when she tries to join the Sibyls, an old-fashioned Ainsley sisterhood complete with code names and special privileges, she’s thrust into the…
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infinite-xerath · 2 years
Xerath Taunts for Every Champion (Updated)
Aatrox: “You seek oblivion? I shall grant it to you!”
Ahri: “Your empathy holds you back.”
Akali: “Your petty tricks will not hide you from me!”
Akshan: “You toy with powers well beyond your understanding, thief.”
Alistar: “Do you seek Noxus’s destruction? Then join me, minotaur!”
Amumu: “Let your sorrow give way to rage, cursed child!”
Anivia: “Death and rebirth… A hollow eternity.”
Annie: “You have much potential, child; allow me to temper your flames.”
Aphelios: “Two souls, both bound by a lifetime of pain…”
Ashe: “Unite the Freljord? I shall unite ALL RUNETERRA under my heel!”
Aurelion Sol: “I have surpassed the sun you forged; now I shall surpass you!”
Bard: “You witnessed my Ascension; now, witness my triumph!”
Blitzcrank: “So this is what passes for a golem? How primitive…”
Brand: “Before me, you are but a spark!”
Braum: “I will shatter your shield, body, AND spirit.”
Caitlyn: “You would challenge me with a mere toy? How amusing.”
Camille: “The most efficient way to kill? Any method that sends a strong warning…”
Cassiopeia: “You came to the tomb in search of power. Congratulations, you have found me.”
Cho’Gath: “I will teach the Void the true meaning of terror.”
Corki: “The skies offer you no protection from ME, yordle!”
Darius: “Noxus values strength, but you know nothing of TRUE power!”
Diana: “The sun, the moon… I shall usurp both!”
Dr. Mundo: “A swift death is the only cure for your insanity.”
Draven: “You are just a man; there is NOTHING remarkable about you.”
Ekko: “Try as many times as you like, child; you will NEVER overcome me!”
Elise: “You are just another insect to be crushed beneath my heel!”
Evelynn: “I am above such petty temptations.”
Ezreal: “Ne’Zuk’s gauntlet? How kind of you to bring it to me, boy.”
Fiddlesticks: “Now, even fear itself shall tremble before me!”
Fiora: “A sword? Hahahahaha! You would challenge me with nothing but a sword?”
Fizz: “Your tricks are an annoyance, nothing more.”
Galio: “Magic gives you life, yet it can also be your undoing!”
Gangplank: “You are but another warlord to be brought to heel.”
Garen: “Demacia’s fear and ignorance of magic shall be its undoing.”
Gnar: “You would make for an interesting pet…”
Gragas: “I rose above mortality; you sank into the depths of depravity.”
Graves: “Foreign weapons are laughably mundane.”
Gwen: “A child’s fantasy brought to life, yet to be tainted by the world’s cruelty…”
Hecarim: “Bring your legions, and I shall put them all to rest!”
Heimerdinger: “Science reveals only a fraction of reality’s true nature.”
Illaoi: “I shall lay waste to all false idols, and any that would worship them!”
Irelia: “Your technique BARELY counts as magic.”
Ivern: “I do not adhere to the laws of nature; I am above them!”
Janna: “They call you ‘guardian,’ but you cannot protect them from ME.”
Jarvan IV: “Another golden monarch to dethrone…”
Jax: “Icathia, Shurima, both long-dead… Yet your folly remains.”
Jayce: “They call you the greatest mind of this era... I am unimpressed.”
Jhin: “Your ‘art’ is as fleeting as your life.”
Jinx: “Tear it all down, girl, so I may build my empire atop the rubble!”
Kai’Sa: “The Void is a parasite; one I shall rid from this world!”
Kalista: “Azir is the betrayer; I took only what I was owed!”
Karma: “Your think yourself enlightened? You are deluded.”
Karthus: “I will silence your chorus, Deathsinger!”
Kassadin: “It is but a matter of time before your will breaks, Void Walker…”
Katarina: “Your sister proved her worth. Can you do the same?”
Kayle: “I alone am fit to render judgement!”
Kayn: “To think the mighty Rhaast could be suppressed by a mere boy…”
Kennen: “You may call the lightning, but I am the coming storm!”
Kha’Zix: “You change and shift your form, but I have Ascended mine!”
Kindred: “What have I to fear from death, if Azir so easily escaped your grasp?”
Kled: “A rodent on a drakalops? Is this some manner of jest?”
Kog’Maw: “Let your father come; I will crush it as well!“
LeBlanc: “I once relied on petty deceptions as well, but no longer.”
Lee Sin: “Blind and ignorant, just like all mortals...”
Leona: “I will fell the Sun as many times as it takes!”
Lissandra: “Tell me more of these ‘Watchers,’ witch.”
Lucian: “The Sentinels played their part. They are no longer needed.”
Lulu: “Your magic is potent, but it will not be enough to stop me!”
Lux: “Your light will fade, as will Demacia’s.”
Malphite: “Not even the grandest mountain can stand against me!”
Malzahar: “You are not the Void’s prophet; you are its puppet.”
Maokai: “You seek liberation, spirit? I can grant it to you…”
Master Yi: “Look upon me with those eyes, swordsman, and your mind will shatter!”
Miss Fortune: “You seek the power to crush your rival? I can grant it to you, captain...”
Mordekaiser: “Yet another dead emperor, clinging to the remnants of his reign!”
Morgana: “If you do not desire the power given to you, I will gladly take it!”
Nami: “You are FAR from your element…”
Nautilus: “I shall send you back to the depths from which you came, titan!”
Neeko: “You cannot grasp even a FRACTION of my essence!”
Nidalee: “Neither human nor beast can stand against me!”
Nocturne: “I am a man made a god; you are nothing more than a fleeting dream!”
Nunu and Willump: “The power to shape dreams, wasted on a mere child…”
Olaf: “It is the right of gods to be remembered forever; you are but a man.��
Orianna: “You escaped death, in exchange for a hollow life.”
Ornn: “They say you forged the world, but now, I shall reforge it!”
Pantheon: “You challenge me again, warrior? This time, I will finish what I began!”
Poppy: “I will create a world with no need for heroes.”
Pyke: “You are but a puppet. Where is your master hiding?”
Qiyana: “Naive child, I alone have the power to conquer this world!”
Quinn: “A mere mortal has no place among the heavens!”
Rakan: “Love is but a fool’s delusion…”
Rammus: “The fabled protector of the desert… Let us put your legend to the test!”
Rek’Sai: “Slaying the Burrower will only further solidify my rule…”
Renata: “Wealth is nothing more than the ILLUSION of power!”
Rengar: “Your form resembles the Sunborn… But that is your only commonground.”
Riven: “Your will is as fragile as your blade.”
Rumble: “What manner of absurdity is this!?”
Ryze: “I alone am fit wield the World Runes!”
Sejuani: “Ride against me, northerner, and ride to your demise!”
Senna: “Neither alive, nor dead… Is there even a word for one such as you?”
Sett: “Perhaps you might entertain me in Nerimazeth’s amphitheater…”
Shaco: “You have run amok too long; now, I shall pull your strings…”
Shen: “I am neither mortal nor spirit; I am so much more!”
Shyvana: “Where others see an abomination, I see potential…”
Singed: “Alchemy is but a crude imitation of magic.”
Sion: “I tamed the Butcher’s fury; you are no threat to me!”
Sivir: “I shall finish what I began so long ago, and erase all traces of your bloodline!”
Skarner: “So the legends of the Brackern are true… Where are your kin hiding?”
Sona: “Magic to bolster music? How amusing…”
Soraka: “Whatever destiny is written in the stars, I shall carve out my own!”
Swain: “I have heard tales of your brilliance, but any man who stands against ME is a fool.”
Sylas: “We have much in common…”
Tahm Kench: “All that I desire, I shall take for myself!”
Taliyah: “You are gifted, child, but you cannot evade me forever!”
Talon: “So you are the Serpent’s brother? Your sister has served me well…”
Taric: “Your elegance only masks your fragility.”
Teemo: “Run and hide, yordle, as your kind have always done!”
Tristana: “If you would imitate mortal soldiers, then you may die like one!”
Trundle: “So there are trolls in the north as well? You are not so different from your desert kin…”
Tryndamere: “The rage of man is nothing before the rage of a god!”
Twisted Fate: “You are a mockery of a mage!”
Twitch: “Begone from my sight, vermin!”
Udyr: “Bring as many spirits as you desire; it will not be enough!”
Urgot: “I have become power incarnate; you merely became a pest!”
Varus: “The fearsome Varus, reduced to tainted flesh… Pathetic.”
Vayne: “Do you truly hunt the shadows, or merely hide in them?”
Veigar: “You think yourself a rival? How amusing…”
Vel’Koz: “Even your mind would shatter with the knowledge I possess!”
Vi: “You are a simpleton, in the truest sense of the word!”
Viego: “You are no king. You are nothing more than a petulant child!”
Viktor: “I alone am the height of evolution, metal man!”
Vladimir: “Your blood magics are fruitless against ME, fool.”
Volibear: “In that past, I conjured the storm; now, I shall tame it!”
Warwick: “Such a lowly existence… I shall put your out of your misery, beast!”
Wukong: “Training alone will not overcome the weaknesses of flesh.”
Xayah: “All peoples are equal before a god.”
Xin Zhao: “If you would die for your king, then I shall oblige you!”
Yasuo: “You are but a breeze before a storm!”
Yorick: “Do you, too, know of the Oasis…?”
Yuumi: “Such a powerful relic, wielded by a mere cat? This will not stand.”
ZAC: “You are the result of mere mortals playing at being gods!”
Zed: “I am no stranger to darkness; I do not fear your magic.”
Zeri: “You have much to learn, child, but I could unlock your true potential…”
Ziggs: “Come, yordle. Let us see who can reap the most destruction!”
Zilean: “I shall pry the secrets of time from you, and Ascend even higher!”
Zoe: “The power of a god, in the hands of a child!? The Aspects are truly fools!”
Zyra: “So you are the source of the infestation? Then I shall burn your corruption at the roots.”
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kaeyas-beloved · 4 years
Cow-Demon-Boy {Obey Me! Belphegor’s Playlist}
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Am I Suppose To Apologize? - Maria Mena
Brother - Kodaline
Everybody Gets High - MISSO
Control - Halsey
BITE - Troye Sivan
Killer - The Ready Set
Carnivore - STARSET
JOLT - Unlike Pluto
If I Killed Someone For You - Alec Benjamin
Worst In Me - Unlike Pluto
All I Want - Kodaline
Play Nice - Annie LeBlanc
Traitor - Daughtry
Lock Me Up - The Cab
Kill Everyone - Hollywood Undead
Little Poor Me - Layto
Another Way Out - Hollywood Undead
Mad Hatter - Melanie Martinez
I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead - Set It Off
Blood on My Hands - The Used
Happy Pills - Weathers
*Aesthetic Moodboard made by me*
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laresearchette · 4 years
Friday, March 06, 2020 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
CBC GEM BEING CANADIAN (Documentary) Rob Cohen embarks on a road trip to discover what it truly means to be Canadian. He interviews famous Canadians William Shatner, Mike Myers and Alanis Morissette to try and piece together an answer.
SPRING BREAKAWAY (Drama) After a series of mishaps, Rhyme (Annie LeBlanc), Autumn (Lilia Buckingham), Zoe (Anna Cathcart), and Effie (Kianna Naomi) find themselves together in Miami for spring break. New crushes and new friends will make this a trip they'll never forget!
CURLING (TSN/TSN3/TSN4) 1:00pm: Tim Hortons Brier: Championship Pool (TSN/TSN5) 7:00pm: Tim Hortons Brier: Championship Pool
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 7:00pm: Blues at Devils (TSN3) 8:00pm: Knight at Jets (SNWest) 9:00pm: Coyotes at Flames (SNPacific) 10:00pm: Avalanche at Canucks (TSN4) 10:00pm: Leafs at Ducks
AHL HOCKEY (TSN2) 7:00pm: Syracuse Crunch at Toronto Marlies
marketplace (CBC) 8:00pm: Revealing the dirtiest surfaces on airplanes; exposing whether 100% compostable labels on plastic products are really as green as advertised.
COOK LIKE A CHEF (CTV Life) 8:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE):  Chef Craig Wong demonstrates techniques for preparing the perfect duck.
YOU CAN’T ASK THAT (CBC) 8:30pm: People with facial differences from all walks of life open up about the challenges of facing a world that sees them as different.
MARTHA & SNOOP’S POTLUCK PARTY CHALLENGE (CTV Life) 8:30pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Trey Songz joins Team Martha and Tamar Braxton joins team Snoop in the kitchen to see which team can cook up the hottest Valentine's Day dinner and take home the Potluck Party Platter.
THE NATURE OF THINGS (CBC) 9:00pm: Reef Rescue: Scientists are racing against time to save the world's coral reefs before they're lost forever.
THE DEATH AND LIFE OF JOHN F. DONOVAN (Crave) 9:00pm: A young actor reminisces about a dead American TV star and the correspondence they shared.
THE UNXPLAINED (History Canada) 10:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE):  For more than 200 years, treasure hunters have been coming to Oak Island in search of a treasure that has so far eluded them all, and has even cost six men their lives, could it be, as legend suggests, the treasure is protected by a deadly curse.
TIES THAT BIND (Super Channel Heart & Home) 10:00pm:  Allison and Devin investigate the death of a high-powered CEO; Cameron and Mariah's mother, Jackie comes home from rehab.
CBC ARTS: EXHIBITIONISTS (CBC) 11:30pm: Amanda visits an art installation made entirely of coconut; crochet dolls, paper folding and skin-stitch tattooing.
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infinite-xerath · 3 years
Xerath taunts for every champ
An extension of this post.))
Aatrox: “You seek oblivion? I shall grant it to you!”
Ahri: “Your empathy holds you back.”
Akali: “Your petty tricks will not hide you from me!”
Akshan: “You toy with powers well beyond your understanding, thief.”
Alistar: “Do you seek Noxus’s destruction? Then join me, minotaur!”
Amumu: “Let your sorrow give way to rage, cursed child!”
Anivia: “Death and rebirth… A hollow eternity.”
Annie: “You have much potential, child; allow me to temper your flames.”
Aphelios: “Two souls, both bound by a lifetime of pain…”
Ashe: “Unite the Freljord? I shall unite ALL RUNETERRA under my heel!”
Aurelion Sol: “I have surpassed the sun you forged; now I shall surpass you!”
Bard: “You witnessed my Ascension; now, witness my triumph!”
Blitzcrank: “So this is a foreign golem? How primitive…”
Brand: “Before me, you are but a spark!”
Braum: “I will shatter your shield, body, AND spirit.”
Caitlyn: “You would challenge me with a mere toy? How amusing.”
Camille: “The most efficient way to kill? Any method that sends a strong warning…”
Cassiopeia: “You came to the tomb in search of power. Congratulations, you have found me.”
Cho’Gath: “I will teach the Void the true meaning of terror.”
Corki: “The skies offer you no protection from ME, yordle!”
Darius: “Noxus values strength, but you know nothing of TRUE power!”
Diana: “The sun, the moon... I shall usurp both!”
Dr. Mundo: “A swift death is the only cure for your insanity.”
Draven: “You are just a man; there is NOTHING remarkable about you.”
Ekko: “Try as many times as you like, child; you will NEVER overcome me!”
Elise: “You are just another insect to be crushed beneath my heel!”
Evelynn: “I am above such petty temptations.”
Ezreal: “Ne’Zuk’s gauntlet? How kind of you to bring it to me, boy.”
Fiddlesticks: “Now, even fear itself shall tremble before me!”
Fiora: “A sword? Hahahahaha! You would challenge me with nothing but a sword?”
Fizz: “Your tricks are an annoyance, nothing more.”
Galio: “Magic gives you life, yet it can also be your undoing!”
Gangplank: “You are but another warlord to be brought to heel.”
Garen: “Demacia’s fear and ignorance of magic shall be its undoing.”
Gnar: “You would make for an interesting pet…”
Gragas: “Is this some manner of jest!?”
Graves: “Foreign weapons are laughably mundane.”
Gwen: “A child’s fantasy brought to life, yet to be tainted by the world’s cruelty...”
Hecarim: “Bring your legions, and I shall put them all to rest!”
Heimerdinger: “Science reveals only a fraction of reality’s true nature.”
Illaoi: “I shall lay waste to all false idols, and any that would worship them!”
Irelia: “Your technique BARELY constitutes as magic.”
Ivern: “I do not adhere to the laws of nature; I am above them!”
Janna: “They call you ‘guardian,’ but you cannot protect them from ME.”
Jarvan IV: “Another golden prince to dethrone…”
Jax: “Icathia, Shurima, both long-dead… Yet your folly remains.”
Jayce: “A weapon worthy of note, but its wielder? Not in the slightest.”
Jhin: “Your ‘art’ is as fleeting as your life.”
Jinx: “Your breed of chaos shall not be tolerated!”
Kai’Sa: “The Void is a parasite; one I shall rid from this world!”
Kalista: “Azir is the betrayer; I took only what I was owed!”
Karma: “Yours is a hollow imitation of immortality.”
Karthus: “I will silence your chorus, Deathsinger!”
Kassadin: “It is but a matter of time before your will breaks, Void Walker…”
Katarina: “So you are the Serpent’s sister? You have much in common…”
Kayle: “I am above judgement!”
Kayn: “To think the mighty Rhaast could be suppressed by a mere boy…”
Kennen: “You may wield the lightning, but I conjure the storm!”
Kha’Zix: “You change and shift your form, but I have Ascended mine!”
Kindred: “What have I to fear from death, if Azir so easily escaped your grasp?”
Kled: “A rodent and a drakalops? Is this some manner of jest?”
Kog’Maw: “Let your father come; I will crush it just as well!“
LeBlanc: “I have risen above games of petty deceit.”
Lee Sin: “I need not waste time on you; your own power threatens to consume you!”
Leona: “I will fell the Sun as many times as it takes!”
Lissandra: “Tell me more of these ‘Watchers,’ witch.”
Lucian: “You would face a legion of the dead? You are but one man.”
Lulu: “Such potent magics, from a realm beyond… Tell me more of this Glade, child.”
Lux: “Those who shine brightest, fade fastest...”
Malphite: “Not even the grandest mountain can stand against me!”
Malzahar: “You are not the Void’s prophet; you are its puppet.”
Maokai: “You seek liberation, spirit? I can grant it to you…”
Master Yi: “Look upon me with those eyes, swordsman, and your mind will shatter!”
Miss Fortune: “You would charge into battle… In THAT attire?”
Mordekaiser: “Yet another dead emperor, clinging to the remnants of his reign!”
Morgana: “If you do not desire the power given to you, I will gladly take it!”
Nami: “You are FAR from your element…”
Nautilus: “I shall send you back to the depths from which you came, titan!”
Neeko: “You cannot grasp even a FRACTION of my essence!”
Nidalee: “Neither human nor beast can stand against me!”
Nocturne: “I am a man made a god; you are nothing more than a fleeting dream!”
Nunu and Willump: “The power to shape dreams, wasted on a mere child…”
Olaf: “It is the right of gods to be remembered forever; you are but a man.”
Orianna: “You escaped death, in exchange for a hollow life.”
Ornn: “They say you forged the world, but now, I shall reforge it!”
Pantheon: “You challenge me again, warrior? This time, I will finish what I began!”
Poppy: “The age heroes has ended. I shall begin a new era!”
Pyke: “You are but a puppet. Where is your master?”
Qiyana: “Naive child, I alone have the power to conquer this world!”
Quinn: “A mere mortal has no place among the heavens!”
Rakan: “Love is but a fool’s delusion…”
Rammus: “The fabled protector of the dessert… Let us put your legend to the test!”
Rek’Sai: “Slaying the Burrower will only further solidify my rule…”
Rengar: “Your form resembles the Sunborn… But that is your only commonground.”
Riven: “Your will is as fragile as your blade.”
Rumble: “What manner of absurdity is this!?”
Ryze: “I alone am fit wield the World Runes!”
Sejuani: “Ride against me, northerner, and ride to your demise!”
Senna: “Neither alive, nor dead… Is there even a word for one such as you?”
Sett: “Perhaps you might entertain me in Nerimazeth’s amphitheater…”
Shaco: “You have run amok too long; now, I shall pull your strings…”
Shen: “I am neither mortal nor spirit; I am so much more!”
Shyvana: “Where others see an abomination, I see potential…”
Singed: “Alchemy is but a crude imitation of magic.”
Sion: “I tamed the Butcher’s fury; you are no threat to me!”
Sivir: “I shall finish what I began so long ago, and erase all traces of your bloodline!”
Skarner: “So the legends of the Brackern are true… Where are your kin hiding?”
Sona: “Magic to bolster music? How amusing…”
Soraka: “Whatever destiny is written in the stars, I shall carve out my own!”
Swain: “I have heard tales of your brilliance, but any man who stands against ME is a fool.”
Sylas: “We have much in common...”
Tahm Kench: “All that I desire, I shall take for myself!”
Taliyah: “You are gifted, child, but you cannot evade me forever!”
Talon: “So you are the Serpent’s brother? Your sister has served me well…”
Taric: “Your elegance only masks your fragility.”
Teemo: “Run and hide, yordle, as your kind have always done!”
Tristana: “If you would imitate mortal soldiers, then you may die like one!”
Trundle: “So there are trolls in the north as well? You are not so different from your desert kin…”
Tryndamere: “The rage of man is nothing before the rage of a god!”
Twisted Fate: “You are a mockery of a mage!”
Twitch: “Begone from my sight, vermin!”
Udyr: “Bring as many spirits as you desire; it will not be enough!”
Urgot: “I have become power incarnate; you merely became a pest!”
Varus: “The fearsome Varus, reduced to tainted flesh… Pathetic.”
Vayne: “Do you truly hunt the shadows, or merely hide in them?”
Veigar: “You think yourself a rival? How amusing…”
Vel’Koz: “Even your mind would shatter with the knowledge I possess!”
Vi: “You are a simpleton, in the truest sense of the word!”
Viego: “You are no king. You are nothing more than a petulant child!”
Viktor: “I alone am the height of evolution, metal man!”
Vladimir: “Your blood magics are fruitless against ME, fool.”
Volibear: “In that past, I conjured the storm; now, I shall tame it!”
Warwick: “Such a lowly existence… I shall put your out of your misery, beast!”
Wukong: “Training alone will not overcome the weaknesses of flesh.”
Xayah: “All peoples are equal before a god.”
Xin Zhao: “If you would die for your king, then I shall oblige you!”
Yasuo: “You are but a breeze before a storm!”
Yorick: “Do you, too, know of the Oasis…?”
Yuumi: “Such a powerful relic, wielded by a mere cat? This will not stand.”
ZAC: “You are the result of mere mortals playing at being gods!”
Zed: “I am no stranger to darkness; I do not fear your magic.”
Zeri: “You have much to learn, child, but I could unlock your true potential...”
Ziggs: “Come, yordle. Let us see who can reap the most destruction!”
Zilean: “I shall pry the secrets of time from you, and Ascend even higher!”
Zoe: “The power of a god, in the hands of a child!? The Aspects are truly fools!”
Zyra: “So you are the source of the infestation? Then I shall burn your corruption at the roots.”
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Mystical Mega Part 2
Mega: I can't believe that Nega left us for dad but killed herself for his freedom.😭
Dad: I can finally come home to my family!
Mom: Mega listen we need to talk.
Mega: WHAT
Mom: When I had you your (father) was not your real father bc your real father died when you turned 3.
Mom: Well your fake fathers name is Jace
Jace: listen I am Negas father but somehow you were twins and we decided not to tell you ever who I really was to you.
Mom: Mega Relax please.
Mega: IM GOING TO ANNIES HOUSE!!! And never coming back!
Mom: noooo!
Jace: you better not!
(Mega ran upstairs and packed everything up)
Mega: Annie you home?
Annie: Hey what's, whoa 😲 what why are you crying?
Mega: Nega Died because of her dads evil force and my dad is not my dad my birth dad died when I was 3! I am gonna lose my voice because I screamed at my mom a lot. But can I live here?
Annie: Of course come on in!!
Mega: Hey Hailes!
(The dogs 🐶 runs and greets Mega)
Mega: Hey ginger hey buttercup hey buttersnout!
Hayley: we named our dogs weirdly!
Annie: So wanna go do our makeup!
Mega: Sure
Annie: Let's get you moved in first!
Mega: Great but question where are your parents?!
Annie: My mother is in England for a month and my dad is in Europe for I think 6 weeks!
Mega: Yes we can invite boys or have a party!!!
Annie: Alright let's get setup!!
( They go and buy snacks and drinks clean the house and set up for the party and see the invitations)
Mega: Last invitation
Annie: Good now we must go and get dressed!!
Mega:( Gets a text from her mom) " look your father isn't really dead he is in the army fighting I knew if I told you it would be hard but please come home I need you to clean your room)"
Mega: My life is such a lie
(Annie reads the text)
Mega: Let's have this party 🎉
( Everyone barges into the house)
Zach: Sick party Annie wanna dance?
Annie: Eww No go dance with a coffin actually dance inside!
Annie: Mega you invited Zach he likes me and I don't like him! This is so bad!!
Mega: It's fine
Annie: it's not fine!
Hayley: This party rocks oml Zachs here❤️❤️
Annie: Bleh
Mega: Lmao 😂
Hayley: Hey Zach looking hotter then usual!
Zach: Hayley I like Annie not you and your too young for me!
Hayley: There is never to young
50 minutes later
( a Car drives up into the driveway and the car doors shut it's two people and they sounded like Annie's parents!
Annie: My parents are here early uh oh
Mega: Parent fights I'm not going back!
Madeline: Your mother needs you
Madeline: But as for you two you are grounded until summer!
Madeline: wanna make it 12 MONTHS
Annie: No
Madeline: Mega your grounded also I'm sorry but it's right to discipline!
Hayley: I had nothing to do with this party planning mommy they said to keep quiet!
Annie: Here is the party list!
Madeline: Head to those rooms ladies! Pronto
Annie: Don't expect us to talk tomorrow to any of you!
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tuseriesdetv · 7 years
Noticias de series de la semana: ABC renueva el TGIT
Renovaciones de series
Stan ha renovado Wolf Creek por una segunda temporada
Netflix ha renovado The OA por una segunda temporada
Netflix ha renovado Love por una tercera temporada
Showcase ha renovado Travelers por una segunda temporada
Sky 1 ha renovado Delicious por una segunda temporada
Syfy ha renovado Channel Zero por una tercera y cuarta temporada
Channel 4 ha renovado Damned por una segunda temporada
ABC ha renovado Grey's Anatomy por una decimocuarta temporada
ABC ha renovado Scandal por una séptima temporada
ABC ha renovado How to Get Away with Murder por una cuarta temporada
Cancelaciones de series
MTV ha cancelado Loosely Exactly Nicole tras su primera temporada
MTV ha cancelado Mary + Jane tras su primera temporada
Incorporaciones y fichajes de series
Annette Bening (American Beauty, The Kids Are All Right) será Kathleen Blanco, antigua gobernadora de Louisiana, en American Crime Story: Katrina.
Michael C. Hall (Dexter, Six Feet Under) y Jodi Balfour (Quarry, Bomb Girls) serán JFK y Jackie Kennedy en la segunda temporada de The Crown.
Judy Greer (The Village, Arrested Development) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de Casual interpretando a una nueva compañera de trabajo de Alex (Tommy Dewey).
Yara Martinez (Jane the Virgin, True Detective) será regular en The Tick como Ms. Lint, papel que interpreta en el piloto.
Jennifer Finnigan (Tyrant, The Bold and the Beautiful) protagonizará Salvation junto a Charlie Rowe y Jacqueline Byers. Será Grace Darrow, madre soltera y secretaria de prensa del Pentágono.
Tovah Feldshuh (The Walking Dead, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) volverá a interpretar a Danielle Melnick, personaje de Law & Order, en un episodio de Chicago Justice, esta vez como juez y no como abogada.
Bradley Whitford (The West Wing, Transparent) será un poderoso abogado en el crossover de Chicago Justice con Chicago Fire y Chicago PD.
Chris Redd (Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping) será regular en Disjointed como Dank, un cliente habitual del dispensario de marihuana de Ruth (Kathy Bates).
Esai Morales (NYPD Blue, Caprica) se une como recurrente a Chicago PD. Será Lugo, veterano del departamento de policía de Chicago.
Larenz Tate (Rescue Me, House of Lies) será recurrente en la cuarta temporada de Power como Rashad Tate, un concejal de la ciudad.
Brian d'Arcy James (Spotlight, Smash), Trieste Kelly Dunn (Blindspot, Banshee) y Elizabeth Reaser (Grey's Anatomy, Twilight) se unen a Manhunt: The Unabomber, antes conocida como Manifesto.
Tiffany Boone (The Following) y Alex R. Hibbert (Moonlight) serán Jerrika, novia de Brandon (Jason Mitchell), y Kevin, testigo de un asesinato a sus trece años, en The Chi.
Robert Wisdom (The Wire, Nashville) y Q'orianka Kilcher (The New World, Princess Ka'iulani) se unen a The Alienist. Serán Cyrus y Mary, criados de Kreizler (Daniel Brühl).
Ellie Araiza (The Bridge) se une como recurrente a Legion.
Ali Liebert (Bomb Girls, Harper's Island) será recurrente en Ten Days in the Valley como la detective Nickole Bilson.
Blair Redford (Satisfaction, Switched at Birth) es el primer fichaje del piloto sin título de X-Men para FOX. Será Sam, un nativo americano que lidera un grupo clandestino de mutantes.
Kelly McCormack (That's My DJ), Karen LeBlanc (Motive, Cracked), Ted Atherton (The Expanse) y Prince Amponsah se unen a la tercera temporada de Killjoys.
Dora Madison (Friday Night Lights), el DJ Dillon Francis, Jamar Neighbors (Keanu) y Bobby Lee (MADtv, Love) se unen a What Would Diplo Do?.
James Marsters (Buffy), Ever Carradine (Major Crimes), Annie Wersching (The Vampire Diaries), Kip Pardue (Ray Donovan), Kevin Weisman (Alias), Brigid Brannagh (Army Wives), Ryan Sands (The Wire), Angel Parker (American Crime Story), Brittany Ishibashi y James Yaegashi serán los padres de Chase (Gregg Sulkin), Carolina (Virginia Gardner), Gert (Ariela Barer), Alex (Rhenzy Feliz) y Nico (Lyrica Okano) en Runaways.  
Natalie Portman, Chris Pine, Michelle Dockery, Ed Helms, Niecy Nash, Mary McCormack, Ernie Hudson, Constance Zimmer y Timothy Omundson, entre otros, participarán en la tercera temporada de Angie Tribeca.
Pósters de series
      Nuevas series
Audience Network ha dado luz verde directa a Condor, adaptación en diez episodios de la película Three Days of the Condor (1975), protagonizada por Robert Redford y dirigida por Sidney Pollack. Max Irons (The White Queen, Tutankhamun) protagonizará la serie.
HBO ha encargado diez episodios de Succession, drama dirigido por Adam McKay (The Big Short) y protagonizado por Brian Cox (Troy, Braveheart) sobre una familia poderosa y también poderosamente disfuncional. Se tratarán la lealtad, los negocios familiares y el poder en el siglo XXI siguiendo a una familia con un gran imperio en los medios de comunicación. Jeremy Strong, Kieran Culkin, Sarah Snook y Alan Ruck interpretan a los hijos del patriarca. Completan el reparto Nicholas Braun (Date and Switch, Sky High), Matthew Macfadyen (Ripper Street, Spooks), Hiam Abbas (Lemon Tree, The Visitor), Rob Yang (Stockholm, Pensylvannia; ), Parker Sawyers y Peter Friedman.
Amazon ha dado luz verde directa a diez episodios del thriller criminal Too Old to Die Young, escrita, producida y dirigida por Nicolas Winding Refn (Drive, The Neon Demon) al estilo de su trilogía Pusher, que explorará los bajos fondos de Los Ángeles siguiendo el viaje existencial de ciertos personajes que pasan de asesinos a samuráis.
Discovery Channel ha encargado diez episodios de The Suck. Creada, producida y dirigida por Marshall Herskovitz y Edward Zwick (thirtysomething, Nashville, Once and Again) y basada en las memorias no publicadas de Stephen McCallister, veterano de Vietnam y antiguo ejecutivo de Greenpeace International, contará la experiencia de los americanos en la Guerra de Vietnam.
Fechas de series
SS-GB, la miniserie de BBC One adaptación de la novela, se estrena el 19 de febrero
La segunda temporada de Hand of God se estrena en Amazon el 10 de marzo
La tercera temporada de Grace and Frankie (Netflix) se estrena el 24 de marzo
La tercera temporada de Angie Tribeca se estrena en TBS el 10 de abril
Return of the Mac, antes conocida como The Joey Mac Project, se estrena en Pop el 12 de abril
La sexta temporada de Veep (HBO) se estrena el 16 de abril
The White Princess se estrena en Starz el 16 de abril
La tercera temporada de Bosch llega a Amazon el 21 de abril
Girlboss se estrena en Netflix el 21 de abril
La cuarta temporada de Silicon Valley (HBO) se estrena el 23 de abril
Dear White People se estrena en Netflix el 28 de abril
La tercera temporada de Catastrophe llega a Amazon el 28 de abril
Anne se estrena en Netflix el 12 de mayo
La quinta temporada de Orange Is the New Black (Netflix) se estrena el 9 de junio
La quinta y última temporada de Orphan Black llega a BBC America el 10 de junio
Tráilers de series
Iron Fist
The Americans - Temporada 5
American Crime - Temporada 3
The White Princess
The Originals - Temporada 4
Underground - Temporada 2
Samurai Jack - Temporada 5
Stranger Things - Temporada 2
Catastrophe - Temporada 3
Welcome back your favorite filthy couple. #Catastrophe returns 4/28. http://pic.twitter.com/a0ALzHX4ue
— Catastrophe (@catastrophe_tv) 8 de febrero de 2017
Feud - Opening
Dear White People
Grace and Frankie - Temporada 3
Return of the Mac
Otras imágenes
-En nuestro Facebook, primeras imágenes de 13 Reasons Why-
Patricia Clarkson en House of Cards
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infinite-xerath · 3 years
Xerath Interactions For Every Champ
I’ve done this before, but since we have some new characters and reworks, I figure I’d go and give this another shot.
Aatrox: “Just like the empire you served, Aatrox, you are now but a shadow of greatness.”
Ahri: “The temptations of flesh do not sway me, fox.”
Akali: “Flee into your smoke, girl; it will not hide you from me!”
Alistar: “You are not yet free of your chains, minotaur; join me, and reap your revenge!”
Amumu: “Friends will inevitably betray you, child...”
Anivia: “I needed only one rebirth to achieve greatness!”
Annie: “You hold great potential, child...”
Aphelios: “You conjure weapons from another realm? Show me more.”
Ashe: “You would unite your homeland, but I shall unite the world!”
Aurelion Sol: “I acknowledge your strength, star dragon, but I am power incarnate!”
Azir: “Cling to your precious Sun, Azir; I have no more need of it!”
Bard: “You may witness my triumph, storyteller, but do not interfere!”
Blitzcrank: “Such a crude golem...”
Brand: “A power rivaling even my own... I think I shall take it!”
Braum: “Cower behind your shield; it makes no difference!”
Caitlyn: “Mine is the only law that matters!”
Camille: “I will tear that gem from your chest, machine...”
Cassiopeia: “You sought power in the tomb, serpent, and you found me.”
Cho’Gath: “You think to devour me, beast? I welcome you to try!”
Corki: “I shall blast that infernal machine from the sky!”
Darius: “You are the mightiest warrior of Noxus? How underwhelming.”
Diana: “I tore the Sun from the sky. Shall I treat the moon in-kind?”
Dr. Mundo: “Abomination! You dare to approach me?”
Draven: “Look upon me, mortal, and witness TRUE greatness.”
Ekko: “The power to control time, in the hands of a mere child!? I shall rectify this at once.”
Elise: “You think yourself immortal? Allow me to enlighten you.”
Evelynn: “I will teach you TRUE agony, demon.”
Ezreal: “Surrender that gauntlet, boy, or I will claim it from your ashes.”
Fiddlesticks: “Fear? I have cast such emotions aside.”
Fiora: “Nobility means nothing to a god.”
Fizz: “Your childish antics end here, creature!”
Galio: “You consume magic, but even a titan has limits!”
Gangplank: “Yet another dethroned king, grasping for his lost throne...”
Garen: “Crushing Demacia will be child’s play compared to Shurima.”
Gnar: “A primal rage stirs in this whelp... Interesting...”
Gragas: “Such simpletons are beneath my notice.”
Graves: “Another mercenary? Let us put your skills to the test...”
Hecarim: “A horse without its reigns? I shall soon correct that...”
Heimerdinger: “A dull mind with delusions of brilliance.”
Illaoi: “I claimed what was mine. Now, the world will move as I will it!”
Irelia: “Entertain me, dancer. That is your purpose, is it not?”
Ivern: “Your influence in the desert is lacking, ‘green father.’”
Janna: “A guardian that relies on the strength of others is meaningless...”
Jarvan IV: “What is a king to a god, Demacian? Just a man with fleeting authority.”
Jax: “Join me, Icathian, and I will see the Void itself burned!”
Jayce: “You will not be the first hero I crush, nor the last...”
Jhin: “Mad though you may be, I could offer you a greater stage...”
Jinx: “You think you know chaos, girl? Your rampage is but child’s play.”
Kai’Sa: “If a mere mortal can survive the Void, then destroying it will be easier than I imagined...”
Kalista: “Azir made an oath he could never keep; HE is the betrayer!”
Karma: “They say your wisdom is unrivaled, yet you are still foolish enough to stand against me?”
Karthus: “You mistake eternal damnation for eternal greatness, lich.”
Kassadin: “You fight a battle you cannot win; surrender your relics, and I will finish it in your stead.”
Katarina: “Your sister proved most useful, assassin...”
Kayle: “I answer to no judgement but my own!”
Kayn: “You struggle endlessly for control of one-another; I shall put you both out of your misery!”
Kennen: “You are swift as lightning, yordle, but my fury is the storm!”
Kha’Zix: “I stand at the apex of life; you can never hope to reach my level!”
Kindred: “When next I strike down Azir, ensure he does not return!”
Kled: “A mad yordle on a frightful drakalops? Is this meant to be a threat?”
Kog’Maw: “I shall end your hunger... Along with your existence!”
LeBlanc: “Your petty tricks cannot deceive me, witch!”
Lee Sin: “A pity you cannot see the error in opposing me...”
Leona: “No matter how many avatars of the sun stand against me, I shall strike them all down!”
Lillia: “Dreams are but fleeting fantasies; I have no need of them.”
Lissandra: “You think a prison of ice can hold me? You are sorely mistaken.”
Lucian: “Your weapons may banish the dead, but to me, they are little more than toys!”
Lulu: “I sense the most primal of magics within you, yordle. Where did you obtain it?”
Lux: “Your light is but a spark next to me, girl!”
Malphite: “What sort of imbecile gives life to a mountain?”
Malzahar: “You are no prophet, Malzahar; you are merely a puppet!”
Maokai: “You seek to liberate your home from the dead? That can be arranged...”
Master Yi: “A master of the blade is no match for a master of the arcane!”
Miss Fortune: “Your city requires order, and I alone can restore it.”
Mordekaiser: “You may rule the realm of the dead, but Runeterra is MINE!”
Morgana: “If you would embrace chains, then perhaps you may have mine.”
Nami: “A civilization beneath the sea? Interesting...”
Nasus: “Come to face me again, Nasus? It will end no differently than your prior attempts!”
Nautilus: “I do not pay tribute to false gods!”
Neeko: “My essence is too great for you to handle, trickster.”
Nidalee: “Human, beast, it matters not; you will bow all-the-same!”
Nocturne: “My nightmares ended long ago, demon. Now, yours begin!”
Nunu and Willump: “Naive child. You are merely a pawn, just as I was once...”
Olaf: “No death will immortalize your name, fool; I alone am eternal!”
Orianna: “To preserve your life, you became a mere husk... I almost pity you, machine.”
Ornn: “Forge for me a weapon to shatter these chains, mountain god!”
Pantheon: “You will fall before me, Targonian, just as Asose did...”
Poppy: “The world I create shall have no need of heroes.”
Pyke: “Your mind is already shattered. Now, I shall break the rest of you!”
Qiyana: “Power? Authority? Let me teach you what those words truly mean, child!”
Quinn: “Tell Demacia what you have found, scout. Whatever defenses they prepare, I WILL break!”
Rakan: “Human, vastaya, it matters not; I shall reign over both!”
Rammus: “The beast of legend... Come, let us see if your stories hold true!”
Rek’Sai: “When I am rid of you, the Great Sai will be mine!”
Rell: “Pledge your power to me, child, and let us dismantle Noxus together...”
Renekton: “Do you still recall who imprisoned us, Renekton? Do not forget the root of your hatred...”
Rengar: “I can offer you elusive prey, hunter; her name is Sivir...”
Riven: “You would challenge me with a broken blade? Are all Noxians so foolish?”
Rumble: “Yordles are said to be honored creatures. Looking upon you, I fail to see why.”
Ryze: “The World Runes must be kept from mortal hands... That is why I shall harness their power!”
Samira: “You say I destroyed your home? You will have to be more specific...”
Sejuani: “You survived the harshness of your homeland, just as I survived mine...”
Senna: “Darkness, light, it matters not; no power can rival my own!”
Seraphine: “You seek to unite your home? I will unite the WORLD, child.”
Sett: “You fight for entertainment? Very well... Entertain me.”
Shaco: “I will not indulge your twisted games, jester. Perish!”
Shen: “I alone can bring stability to this world.”
Shyvana: “Such power... Why do you waste it in service to imbeciles?”
Singed: “You are little more than a walking corpse; I will return you to the grave!”
Sion: “You think you know rage? The Butcher shall enlighten you...”
Sivir: “The kin of Azir, wielding the Chalicar... You cannot be allowed to live!”
Skarner: “So the Brackern are more than a fable... But only just.”
Sona: “A fine instrument... Go on then. Play for your emperor.”
Soraka: “You bound yourself to flesh and blood, but I have surpassed it!”
Swain: “Vision, might, guile... I am the embodiment of your ideals, general.”
Sylas: “You and I are much alike... Stand with me, and Demacia WILL fall.”
Syndra: “Your magic is potent, Syndra, but your mind is dull and clouded!”
Tahm Kench: “You have nothing to offer me, demon. Begone from my sight!”
Taliyah: “You will tell me where she went, child, or I will pry it from your dying breaths!”
Talon: “You are not the first assassin I have faced...”
Taric: “My radiance far surpasses any gem, Targonian.”
Teemo: “Your tricks cannot hide you forever, yordle...”
Thresh: “No prison can hold me, least of all your frail lantern.”
Tristana: “You wish to become a soldier? That can be arranged...”
Trundle: “You think yourself clever, troll? That you would provoke me says otherwise.”
Tryndamere: “Mightier warriors have failed to best me. You shall fare no better.”
Twisted Fate: “You confuse petty tricks for magic, gambler. That was your greatest and final mistake!”
Twitch: “It seems the Voidborn are not the only vermin I must exterminate...”
Udyr: “Do you truly control the spirits within, or do they control you?”
Urgot: “I am the ONLY one with the might to stand above all others.”
Varus: “A mighty Sunborn, reduced to a squabbling trio of corpses...”
Vayne: “YOU are Demacia’s protector from darkness? This will be easier than I had imagined...”
Veigar: “You think yourself evil incarnate? How amusing...”
Vel’Koz: “Not even YOUR twisted mind could fathom the secrets I possess.”
Vi: “To think a city that prides itself on brilliance would birth a brute such as you...”
Viego: “You are but the shadow of a man clinging to petty emotions; you are CERTAINLY no king.”
Viktor: “I alone have achieved perfection, and perfection cannot be copied.”
Vladimir: “I congratulate you on your mastery of the most primitive spellcraft known to man.”
Volibear: “Even the storm bends to my will!”
Warwick: “Another dog to hound me? I shall return you to your leash!”
Wukong: “No level of skill may rival pure power, ape!”
Xayah: “Human, vastaya, it matters not; I shall reign over both!” 
Xin Zhao: “They say your will is unbreakable... I beg to differ.”
Yasuo: “What do you know of the girl called Taliyah?”
Yone: “You come to me seeking answer? Prove you are worthy of them!”
Yorick: “You would fight the undead... By raising the undead? Imbecile.”
Yuumi: “The book shall be mine, cat!”
ZAC: “What manner of twisted sorcery gave rise to an abomination such as this?”
Zed: “I will burn away your shadows and armor, and expose you for the weakling you are!”
Ziggs: “I may have use for weapons such as yours...”
Zilean: “You saved your people from the Void, only to imprison them beyond time? Icathia truly was a land of fools...”
Zoe: “Celestial magic is not a plaything, girl!”
Zyra: “The desert is no place you. Return to the jungle, or be pruned.”
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