#American Bar Association
snarp · 10 months
Do the Denver dispensaries know that the bar convention is going on...? Denver weed vendors, you NEED put up signs saying something like
"Show us your ABA Convention Card for a Potential Discount!"
and then if someone pulls one out, ask if they have prosecuted someone for possession/distribution/cultivation of cannabis within the past year.
And if they refuse to answer or say "hey I'm just doing my job," say "oh I'm so sorry but the discount doesn't apply to you :( and we're going to have to ask you pay double :( I'm sorry but I'm just doing my job. a post on Tumblr said so :("
Any extra earnings acquired in this manner can be applied to giving a discount to the criminal defense attorneys who defended the people charged with dealing/possession.
You can also blackmail the prosecutors if you want. I don't mind.
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By: Aneeta Bhole
Published: Aug 18, 2023
American Bar Association plans to ban law schools from allowing 'disruptive conduct that hinders free expression' after woke students hijack Stanford and Yale meetings
The American Bar Association is seeking to ban 'disruptive conduct that hinders free expression' at all law schools in the U.S. after incidents at Stanford and Yale
Students at Stanford who were screaming at a Trump-appointed judge were supported by the law equity dean who instead lectured the guest speaker 
The new proposal comes amid accusations that the bar association has been trying to stifle free speech through its accreditation process
The American Bar Association is seeking to ban 'disruptive conduct that hinders free expression' after two incidents involving woke Yale and Stanford students and staff.
In March, students at Stanford were filmed screaming at a Trump-appointed judge who was invited to speak at the school while an equity dean defended them and lectured the guest rather than subduing the rabble.
In March last year, Yale students were caught snarling 'I'll hurt you b***h' at a different conservative judge during a debate on freedom of speech at the prestigious law institute.
The Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, which accredits all law schools in the United States, proposed the rule after these incidents.
The draft requirement, obtained by The Washington Free Beacon, said law schools must 'protect the rights of faculty, students, and staff to communicate ideas that may be controversial or unpopular,' including through public demonstrations.
At the same time, it hopes to prohibit protests to that stop 'free expression by preventing or substantially interfering with the carrying out of law school functions or approved activities.'
The proposal comes amid accusations that the bar association has been trying to stifle free speech through its accreditation process.
Last year, the ABA was criticized when it said all students had a 'duty to eliminate racism' which at least 10 professors at Yale said would impede academic freedom as a result in compelled speech.
The association also considered forcing schools to 'diversify' their student bodies - but axed the proposal a month before the Supreme Court heard arguments in Students for Fair Admission v Harvard - which outlawed race-based college admission.
As disruptive student behavior becomes more commonplace experts said the proposal would fill an important gap.
'The current standard doesn't provide any substance,' Paul Lannon, an attorney at Holland & Knight who specializes in education law, told ABA Journal. 'This kind of guidance from the ABA is long overdue.'
After defending raucous behavior from students against Trump-appointed Judge, Stuart Kyle Duncan, Stanford's Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Tirien Steinbach, refused to apologize and instead bragged about her behavior in an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal.
Duncan was greeted with posters along the walls of the prestigious university - which said he'd committed crimes against women, the LGBTIQA+ community and black people.
He was asked to give a speech at the famed institution about the circuit's Court of Appeals by the student chapter of the conservative Federalist Society, but was met with abuse.
Steinbach stepped in during the screaming, but instead of calming the students down, she started lecturing Duncan for six minutes using pre-prepared notes.
In her first public rebuttal over the incident, Steinbach said that she intended to 'deploy de-escalation techniques' when she stepped up to the podium where Duncan was speaking.
'My intention wasn't to confront Judge Duncan or the protesters but to give voice to the students so that they could stop shouting and engage in respectful dialogue,' she wrote.
'I wanted Judge Duncan to understand why some students were protesting his presence on campus and for the students to understand why it was important that the judge be not only allowed but welcomed to speak.'
She claims that her role was to 'observe' and 'de-escalate,' before bragging that she got involved to stop the 'verbal sparring match.'
But footage shows her launching into a six-minute long speech, which she admitted was pre-prepared, in which she attacked the judge. 
Student protestors launched vile insults at the judge, including telling him his 'daughters should be raped' after tempers flared over his ruling in the case of a transgender pedophile.
Steinbach believes that 'free speech isn't easy or comfortable' and claims that she tried to defuse the situation by 'acknowledging the protestors' concerns.'
Law School Dean, Jenny Martinez, and Stanford President, Marc Tessier-Lavinge, have since 'formally apologized, confirming that protesters and administrators had violated Stanford policy' days later.
The same time last year Yale school students who snarled 'I'll hurt you b***h' at a conservative speaker during a debate was defended by the Ivy league school.
Yale claimed at the time that the woke rabble-rousers have been 'spoken to' about their threatening behavior on March 10 2022, which raised concerns that they've only been given a slap on the wrist only emboldening them to continue their authoritarian behavior. 
Despite the chaos at the college's Federalist Society-organized event, Yale Law said in a statement that school police 'assistance was not needed' and that students had followed the rules.
They issued the mealy-mouthed statement after nearly 120 Yale Law students were filmed yelling at Kristen Waggoner, a conservative Christian of the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) nonprofit during a debate with a liberal humanist about freedom of speech last Thursday. 
The protesters berated the speaker, chanting 'protect trans kids' and 'shame, shame' throughout the law school building after police officers escorted Waggoner and her debate opponent out of the building. 
Yale Law also noted that school officers were on the scene because the school's policy dictates they assist security guards for Waggoner and the other speaker, progressive Monica Miller from the American Humanist Association. 
The presence of those cops further infuriated the woke protest group, who claimed having them on campus 'prevents queer lives from flourishing.'  
Ellen Cosgrove, Associate Dean and Dean of Students at Yale, remained silent during the chaotic incident, sparking allegations of academic cowardice. 
In the statement, Yale Law said the dean is committed to allowing others to speak freely at the university. 
'We allow people to speak even when their speech is flatly inconsistent with our own values,' it said.  
The incident began when students were filmed threatening the guest speakers and staff at a free speech event where a conservative guest successfully defended a Supreme Court decision of a Colorado baker who refused to make a cake for a gay wedding ceremony.  
The purpose of the panel was to illustrate that a liberal atheist and a conservative Christian could find common ground on free speech issues, according to the Washington Free Beacon.
Both the ADF and the American Humanist Association took the same side in a 2021 case involving legal remedies for First Amendment violations that was presented to the Supreme Court, but protesters were outraged by the ADF's successful Supreme Court defense of a Colorado baker who refused to make a gay wedding cake.  
Miller was harangued ahead of the event by students claiming her very presence at the event was 'harming the flourishing of queer lives,' with Waggoner and ADF supporters hit with threats at the meeting itself. 
When law school professor Kate Stith introduced Waggoner, the protestors stood up and displayed signs attacking the nonprofit Alliance Defending Freedom, for which Waggoner works.
Waggoner expressed horror at the students' behavior, alleging 'the future of the legal profession in America is in dire straits.' 
'It was disturbing to witness law students whipped into a mindless frenzy. I did not feel it was safe to get out of the room without security,' she told the freebeacon at the time.
'Yale Law students are our future attorneys, judges, legislators, and corporate executives. We must change course and restore a culture of free speech and civil discourse at Yale and other law schools, or the future of the legal profession in America is in dire straits.'
By: Melissa Koenig
Published: Jul 21, 2023
Stanford Law's equity dean is BOOTED OUT after stoking woke students' 'rude' protest at conservative judge invited to give talk: College shares scathing statement blaming her for fueling 'tensions'
Tirien Steinbach has left her role as Stanford Law School's Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
She was caught on camera encouraging students to heckle Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan at an event in March 
Steinbach has been on leave since, and later admitted she handled the situation poorly
[ Continued... ]
>"handled the situation poorly" >"pre-prepared notes"
Bullshit. She knew exactly what she was doing. She just thought she could get away with it.
If I was the ABA, I'd require a lengthy section on the bar exam for the next decade or so dedicated to First Amendment/free speech law. And require a 90% pass mark with an automatic fail.
That's just me, though.
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Members of Congress reintroduced legislation Thursday that would create a code of ethical conduct for the Supreme Court, adding to pressure on a court facing criticism over high-profile leaks and conflicts of interest.
The congressional action comes after the American Bar Association on Monday adopted a resolution urging the Supreme Court to enact a code of judicial ethics similar to what judges in lower courts are beholden to.
“The absence of a clearly articulated, binding code of ethics for the justices of the Court imperils the legitimacy of the Court,” the ABA wrote.
Senators cited the role of Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife, Ginni Thomas, in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, as well as the leaked draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, and “concerning credible reports” that Justice Samuel Alito was involved in leaking information, as reasons why the court’s legitimacy is under threat and reform is needed.
Besides the high-profile examples, Justices “have also filed inaccurate financial disclosures, attended partisan events, and accepted travel and lodging paid for by political advocacy organizations with business before the court,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and others wrote in a press release for the Supreme Court Ethics Act.
Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) reintroduced the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act as companion legislation in the House.
“The Supreme Court is one of the nation’s most vital institutions, so people are justifiably shocked when they learn that there is no code of conduct for the Supreme Court, even though there is for every other federal judge and member of Congress,” said Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), the top Democrat in the House Judiciary Committee, in the press release.
This isn’t the first time the Court has been under scrutiny over the issue. Justice Elena Kagan said at a House budget hearing in 2019 that Chief Justice John Roberts was studying the possibility of an ethics code and there were “pros and cons,” but it was “being thought very seriously about.”
The issue remains under study and consideration at the court, The New York Times and CNN reported Thursday, citing anonymous court sources. HuffPost has reached out to the Supreme Court for comment.
In 2011, Roberts wrote that the Supreme Court was unique and pushed back against having a code of conduct apply to it.
“All Members of the Court do in fact consult the Code of Conduct in assessing their ethical obligations,” he wrote, saying that the code for lower court judges is one of the tools that justices use for guidance.
He also said that Supreme Court Justices consider recusing themselves from cases, but unlike lower courts, there is no higher court to review their decisions, and also no pool of other judges to fill in since there are only nine justices.
Brian Fallon of Demand Justice, a group seeking to reform the Supreme Court, told MSNBC that the reintroduced Senate legislation to have justices follow the code of ethics for lower courts is the “least we can do,” but the Supreme Court won’t go for it.
“Because they think they should be above reproach, they won’t surrender the power to any outside entity or official to do the enforcing of that code of ethics,” he said.
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a-passing-storm · 6 months
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Gotta love the American Bar Association's advice to trans lawyers.
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kp777 · 1 year
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wausaupilot · 1 month
Be Our Guest: Law Day - Voices of democracy in times of change
By Dean R. Dietrich, president, State Bar of Wisconsin Voices of Democracy is the American Bar Association’s theme for Law Day (May 1). This year, the theme encourages Americans to participate in the 2024 elections by deepening their understanding of the electoral process; discussing issues in honest and civil ways; turning out to vote; and, finally, helping to move the country forward after…
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manleycollins · 2 months
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Journal Entry #78 - First Deposition…Costing People Their Careers, Police Certifications, and Bar Licenses By Sending It Directly Back…My Balls and Spine (Backbone) Are Attached to Me!
JOURNAL ENTRY #78 Name: Manley M Collins Social Security Number: 5 7 9 – * * – 6 5 4 1 Date of Birth: 06/21 Place of Birth: Washington, District of Columbia Country of Birth: United States of America Date: April 6, 2024
TOPIC: First Deposition…Costing People Their Careers, Police Certifications, and Bar Licenses By Sending It Directly Back…My Balls and Spine (Backbone) Are Attached to Me!
I made my first deposition with Federal Express was on January 24, 2024. It was recorded by a court reporter and videographer. I met the corporate attorney Charles V. "Bud" Holmes for the first time unexpectedly. The conversation lasted for eight (8) hours with break. I did get my corporate lunch at Tatte with Bud paid by Federal Express. My application for criminal complaints were heard. Growing up, I was shielded too long from lying. All six out of fourteen defendants lied on March 27, 2024 and March 29, 2024. The Clerk-Magistrate for the Boston Municipal Court - East Boston dismissed their cases based on the length of time and the assumption Federal Express security camera system was working. This is how Massachusetts talk - First sentence is half truth. Second sentence is alternative truth. Third sentence is a butt-face lie. The bookstore books support the same ecosystem from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Boston, Massachusetts.
Massachusetts chose to do blind and blond scenario on me. "Blind" means do not look up his information in the hardwire systems people use everyday or internet because it is a lie. "Blond" means just dumb do him anyway. Yes, I made all my court dates for the charge "Threat to commit a crime." I filed with the civil cases to courts so fast, sent it to the American Bar Association, Boston Bar Association, Mayor and Governor, and Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination so fast that they regret the day they filed the charge by Massachusetts State Trooper Joseph A. Middleton (white male cop). I am on Pre-Trial Probation (90 days was completed), then a white male judge Richard Sinnott decides to extend it to year until 3/15/2025. If I got to behave, the legal community surrounding the charge have to behave too and remove all the UNETHICAL sht. The legal community tried to go for immunity for the sht they do. My civil case is being heard April 2024 at the John Moakley Courthouse in Courtroom 18 in United States District Court. Please do not think the charge is going to prevent me from defending myself. I always show up for my fights. Legal community did three major mistakes and errors - Maryland, New York, and now Massachusetts. Systemic racism at its best. Telling is my best friend and schizophrenia will get the rest.
I am a PHOENIX! (Firebird reducing everything to atoms)
Boston Housing Authority tried to get updated information with a new interviewer. I kept telling them that they did the wire from Citibank that caused the Citibank-NYPD-New York situation. Instead, they withdrew me from all the public housing list and subdized housing lists. I sent in two appeals to Boston Housing Authority to request to see the information system and information security that they are putting this information in. Guess what? No response.
I got my Massachusetts FlexCard on behalf of Blue Cross Blue Shield. I rejoined Planet Fitness. I had to downgrade first, then upgrade to the Black Card. I joined Weight Watchers too, and it was good to see some of my social networking community mainly women were on the program. I am still a group fitness instructor, doing Zumba, and track and field athlete.
I cooked so much food at my AirBnb. I gained a little weight, but since leaving the AirBnb, body is working to get the weight back down. The Boston Medical Center food pantry was giving me new foods I never seen before. My host educated me on how to do extensions in AirBnb.
I still was speaking with Coach Tommy at BCBS Learn to Live Programs. I completed the Resilience Program, went through the Depression program, and now working on Stress, Anxiety and Worry program. I have been 107 days enrolled in the CBT Learn to Live Programs.
I taught Zumba - My First Class routine. I subbed for several gym classes. My second routine is ready. I am moving forward with Zumba Core, Zumba Glutes, Zumba World Africa. I attended Beto's Livestream Zumba on February 3, 2024. It was fun and hilarious. I started my own Total Body Conditioning class. All my previous instructors and various sports were channeling through me. I have three different formats - running, stationary, and circuit. It is pretty fun and well attended. I registered for an upcoming Zumba Rhythms 2 session and Les Mills Initial Training. These are my four focus and core competencies in the sports and fitness world: Zumba (dance), Les Mills (athletic conditioning), Spinning/Cycling (bicycling), and Personal Training/Coaching/Athlete (bodybuilding/running). I am not going to do crazy like I did in the business and technology world.
I attended Epsilon Gamma Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity MLK Event at Boston University Computer Science Building. It was well attended on Saturday, January 13, 2024. I made some new friends. Never got a response from the chapter members via email or phone, but did meet some members during the event.
I met a new friend from one of the social media apps and we ate at The Blarney Stone in Dorchester / Fields Corner neighborhood. It was lunch time and it was a quiet environment. The food was good portions.
I attended Greater Boston Track Club Invitational at Harvard University Athletics Complex on January 21, 2024. It was a USATF sanctioned meet. It was packed with 900+ athletes and the stadium was full. I sat in the midst of the University of Massachusetts Boston track team coaches and parents.
I secured a new therapist who was a psychologist and accepted with BCBS. He is really good.
I missed the Boston Athletic Association 5K Registration.
I met my first application for criminal complaint - Collins v. Kyambade. I told my story. Kyambade's attorney and he lied about hitting me with his SUV stating I stopped, turned around, and jumped in front of his SUV while using a smartphone and waving him back and forth. The Clerk-Magistrate stated he was going to hold his decision until later. The decision came in the mail and the Clerk-Magistrate found no probable cause so no criminal complaint will be pursued. Progressive the insurance company is processing the insurance claim.
POST Commission still sending me letters stating my complaints against police officers are closed. I sent some of the complaints back through the courts.
Collins v SplitSpot - Case Management Conference was scheduled for Wednesday, February 7, 2024, but the courts entire information system were down at Edward W. Brooke Courthouse. However, I met Gillian Rose Crossman's attorney and I have never seen an attorney beg or argue without a judge to be let out a case. That was a first and he did get what he wanted because the Judge sent a handwritten decision through the mail restating what the attorney said. The next case management conference is scheduled in April 2024. I only have two defendants left.
I attended an ProQuest and Clarivate Web Science presentation. It was more awareness about the Clarivate project for ProQuest.
I attended the USATF Open New England Indoor Championships on February 18, 2024. I met some more athletes. It was a packed house of spectators and supporters at Harvard University Athletic Complex. My track team, Potomac Valley Track Club, went to Chicago, Illinois and won 1st place in combined points, 2nd place for the men, and 3rd place for the women.
I kept filling out McDonald's and Dunkin Donuts surveys. The NewtonX Community does send me some interesting surveys that gets me thinking about my own company initiatives. I got Google paid surveys late after it met its quota. I had to stop in the middle of the YouTube survey because I really was not getting any benefit from it.
I have Clover's Slice (Wells Fargo financial network) company interested in me for Outside Sales Representative. The opportunity sounds too good to be real, but I am thinking about my mental health on whether I want to take on the stress.
Collins v Piersanti application for criminal complaint was rescheduled because Piersanti's mail was returned from his attorney's office. I gave them his last Connecticut mailing address and it has been scheduled for April 2024.
I saw my primary care physician at Boston Medical Center for a follow up since I was taking PrEP. He did some additional physical techniques that have not been done in years. He also mentioned he rarely or never had a super healthy patient. My HIV test results came back NEGATIVE.
I met with Boston Medical Center Bridge Clinic again and we talked about all the current happenings. It was very interesting that the medication Latuda came up. I was able to get it. I told the nurse practioner that Caplyta was not going to approved by the insurance company. It took a minute to adjust to Latuda…however, waking up at 3am to 4am hungry is not a good sign, body temperature varies, and emotional rollercoaster. On the flip side, my Massachusetts General Hospital psychiatrist cancelled his appointment that was scheduled the next day.
I signed up for BCBS GeoBlue for international travel health insurance. It is expensive. I watched my Joel Osteen ministries. I also watched a fellow SCSU bulldog, Lowell James, preach the word. Social media unexpectedly bringing people I have not seen in decades across my feed. March Madness got me hyped in just watching the games and the upsets in men and women basketball. I did not make a March Madness bracket this year.
I stayed on Windows 10 operating system for a while because Windows 11 with bitlocker crashed my system. I upgraded to Windows 11 and the system build was without bitlocker. My applications and everything still works. I am still researching systems to host my enterprise and corporate applications and software plus electronic commerce.
I am still working with Massachusetts Vocational Rehabilitation Commission. I sent them the jobs I applied for USAJOBS - Federal Government IT Project Manager with CDC Program Manager with DHS Economist with FAA Computer Investigative Forensic Specialist with IRS Supervisory Health System Specialist with VHA Field Representative with US Census Bureau Research Engineer/Research Physical Scientist with USDA Remote Internship with Library of Congress
MassCareers - State Government Strategy Analyst Integrated Care Operations Manager Health Safety Net Policy Manager Project Manager 1 - Feasibility and Schematic Design IT Support Technician
City of Boston Careers - ICIMS - City Government Deputy Director of State Relations Career Counselor Community Relations Specialist Community Outreach Specialist
Corporate America Outside Sales Representative - Slice President/CEO - Salt Creek Capital
Independent Contractor Six months contract to hire Senior Sharepoint Developer with government contractors (SAIC and Fortitude Systems) for US Department of Transportation. Please note all government or corporate contract to hire positions, I was never hired, but let go or laidoff at the end of every term.
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nationallawreview · 2 years
Attorney Mindfulness When Addressing Emails and Texts: ABA Formal Opinion Provides Ethical Guidance to Lawyers on Electronic Communications
Attorney Mindfulness When Addressing Emails and Texts: ABA Formal Opinion Provides Ethical Guidance to Lawyers on Electronic Communications
In their roles as advisors, advocates, counselors, negotiators, and client representatives, lawyers communicate extensively though electronic means, particularly email and increasingly text messages. However, the fact that use of these electronic communication tools is commonplace in legal practice doesn’t mean that attorneys shouldn’t exercise caution when crafting their communications. The…
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tsevis · 2 years
Experience Black by Charis Tsevis Via Flickr: Mosaic illustration for the cover of Litigation, the magazine of the American Bar Association.
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Deborah Enix-Ross, a New York dispute resolution lawyer, became president of the American Bar Association Aug. 9 at the end of the ABA Annual Meeting in Chicago.
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arcticdementor · 2 years
The American Bar Association (ABA) may eliminate its LSAT requirement for law school applicants.
In an Apr. 25 memo, the ABA's Strategic Review Committee argues that "eliminating the requirement of a 'valid and reliable' admission test also eliminates some of the challenges inherent in determining which tests in fact valid [sic] and reliable for law school admissions."
Campus Reform spoke with Cornell Law professor and Legal Insurrection founder William Jacobson, who explained that the Strategic Review Committee's recommendation represents an admissions trend exacerbated by COVID-19.
“The pandemic easing has enabled colleges and universities to implement an identity agenda enabled by the relaxing of rules due to the pandemic, which now are becoming permanent,” Jacobson said.
When asked whether law schools will ditch their admissions test requirements in line with the ABA’s policy shift, Jacobson noted that schools face competing pressures.
“A lot will depend on how US News handles testing with regard to law school ranking,” Jacobson said in reference to the outlet’s highly cited rankings of American universities.
“It's the tail wagging the dog, but it's reality, particularly for Top 100 and particularly Top 20 schools," he added. "But now that the option is there, you will see a lot of pressure on schools to move away from standardized testing for racial equity.”
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Law schools must adopt free speech policies, after ABA passes rule
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By: Karen Sloan
Published: Feb 5, 2024
Law schools must now adopt free speech policies in order to maintain their accreditation from the American Bar Association, following a key vote by the organization on Monday.
The ABA’s House of Delegates approved a new requirement that law schools develop and publish policies that “encourage and support the free expression of ideas.” Those policies must protect the rights of faculty, staff and students to communicate controversial or unpopular ideas and safeguard robust debate, demonstrations or protests.
They must also forbid disruptive activities that hinder free expression or substantially interfere with law school functions or activities.
The ABA’s law school accreditation rules have long protected the academic freedom of faculty, but this is first time they address free speech for the entire law school community.
The change comes after several high-profile incidents at elite law schools where student disrupted speakers and amid campus tensions over conflict over Israel’s war with Hamas.
Stanford University officials apologized to 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan after students disrupted his remarks to the campus Federalist Society chapter in March. The law school also mandated free speech training for students.
Yale Law School said it bolstered its commitment to free speech after a group of students in March 2022 disrupted a campus discussion with Kristen Waggoner, president of conservative religious rights group Alliance Defending Freedom. That incident prompted two federal judges to later say they would not hire clerks from Yale.
The ABA’s Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar adopted the new free speech rule in November after receiving a wealth of public comments largely in support of the change. But the new requirement was not final until the House of Delegates, which is the ABA’s policymaking body, approved it.
Read more:
ABA weighs new free speech rule for law schools
Law school free speech proposal moves forward after ABA vote
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By Andrew Weissmann
Donald Trump defense attorney Joe Tacopina has been hitting the airwaves to cast aspersions on a potential indictment of his client in the Stormy Daniels hush money investigation.
But here’s the rub, as New York University law professor Ryan Goodman points out: Before Daniels hired Michael Avenatti as her attorney, the porn star approached Tacopina about representing her — and an attorney-client relationship was established at the point of that consultation, even though he ultimately did not represent her.
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Under the American Bar Association’s rules of professional conduct, Tacopina’s duties include not representing another client with adverse interests to Daniels; not publicly disclosing information that she revealed to him; and certainly not publicly calling her account into question on behalf of another client. There are some limited exceptions to the rules, but they would require Daniels’ expressed and informed consent, and to date there is no evidence that has occurred.
That Tacopina had an attorney-client relationship with Daniels comes from his own mouth: He said so twice in March 2018, both times on “CNN Tonight.” (A representative with Tacopina’s law firm told Newsweek on Friday: “There is no conflict, and there was no attorney-client relationship.”)
"You know, obviously there is attorney-client issues. ... The question I was asked was whether I was contacted or asked to represent her. The answer is yes, I was, but I can’t go anything further." — Joe Tacopina on March 9, 2018
"I can’t really talk about my impressions or any conversations we had because there is an attorney-client privilege that attaches even to a consultation." — Joe Tacopina on March 16, 2018
Some people say MAGA stands for “Making Attorneys Get Attorneys,” and this could be yet another example if an ethics complaint is raised with respect to Tacopina’s conduct — or it could lead to his staying mum (as happened with Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell after they allegedly made defamatory statements against Dominion Voting Systems).
Stay tuned here to see what happens.
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hwsforeignrelations · 11 months
Everybody learns at their own pace everybody learns in their own time everybody everybody learns at the time best for them everybody-
#.txt#AGONIZING#the desire to improve right.this. second to unattainable degrees is crushing me oh nature cleooo#so many skilled artists and writers to be inspired from and motivated by#I REALIZE its like. all 20-smiths but I just love their stuff so much TT#and look. I still have to do my yearly america cringe post redraw and I’m excited BUT LAST YEAR I literally preferred the previous#and writing again and realizing I might have REGRESSED?!?!? from 2021?!?!? well maybe not BUT#its a tough lesson to learn that just because you age you don’t improve things you associate ur identity with if. you don’t. PRACTICE#like idk#anatomy not good enough#dialogue not good enough#not doing trends means less acknowledgement and that HURTS but I just don’t like making shit idc about it so it doesn’t feel worth it#going to college and realize it ur gonna have to stop being a kid and being ok with inadequacy#loving talking to fandom ppl but thinking oh ill never be as charismatic never be as interesting or as knowledgeable about history and#lighting#PEOPLE SHOULDNT COMPARE THEMSELVES TO THOSE 5+ YEARS OLDER bc DUH they’re gonna often be better#I just. havin a creative bump where it feels like ill never bring my ideas to as good fruitation as others can#well. um. yea if that’s about it. I’m gonna go plan for tomorrows usual week comic cuz I’m flying to England at 5pm and wont have time/bars#ill be in Europe for the next three weeks and I’m very excited#just feeling all around inadequate if cuz Europeans often judge you REALLY harsh when they find out your American#I just need to POWER THOUGH and have a good time and make the comics and write the stories I wanna write#cuz that’s all I can do and the only way to get better at walking is to walk the walk
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wingsandpetals · 2 years
something nostalgic about the grizzco building in splat3 to me and i don't know to explain it to you all despite knowing what it is
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roysexton · 27 days
“There is a community of 4,000 people I can lean into 24 hours a day for support and inspiration.” Thank you, Ben Paul and The BD Ladder, for this lovely opportunity to tell a bit of my story and for all you do for our profession and community! #lmamkt #lma24
Thank you, Ben Paul and The BD Ladder, for this lovely opportunity to tell a bit of my story and for all you do for our profession and community! View here. “The latest in The BD Ladder’s quickfire views of the Business Development and Marketing Leaders series features Roy Sexton, Director of Marketing at Clark Hill Law, and International Past President of the Legal Marketing Association – LMA…
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