#Also feel like painting??? Even though Jack-O-Treat usually burns me out?!
inga-don-studio Β· 1 year
Usually I’m so physically & creatively wiped out after Halloween that the post-Halloween blues hit and they hit HARD with nothing to distract me.
… but here I am actually getting ideas for new stuff I want to make (including for Halloween next year) & how to fix the cosplays I got stuck on back in Summer. This is … odd. Good odd.
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scarlet-medows Β· 5 years
| Evelyn Flynn RDR2 OC |
B A S I C S:
Full name - Evelyn "Evie" Flynn
Age - 24
Gender - Female
Sexuality - Bisexual
Pronouns - She/Her
Evelyn Flynn is a young 24 year old woman. She's got milk chocolate curls with a reddish undertone that cascade down past her bottom, lovely golden tan skin that seems to have an almost a glow to it and deep emerald lakes for eyes. She's about 5'9" thanks to her father's height. Both her face and body are covered in light freckles. Evelyn is very well endowed and is proud of it. A large bosom, slender waist, large hips and legs that go on for days. Like Molly, Evelyn usually has her face all painted up, lips stained with a berry mixture her mother used to wear. She does have a bit of a faded scar on her left knee, from when she fled from the O' driscolls as a child. Also has a scar that runs from her lower back and wraps around her hip, ending below her navel. Evelyn has a small face with big doe eyes and big plump lips, perfect for baiting people into doing stuff for her or tricking them into giving her stuff.
O T H E R:
Family - ( Deceased) Mother, Ciara Flynn[Key-ra], 26 came from Ireland as she wanted to explore the world and find herself. Well she found Evelyn's father (Deceased) George Wilkson( Flynn, he took her mother's name as her mother was very stubborn on keeping it.), an escaped slave, 30. George was part of a gang who got slaughtered by the O'driscolls when she was a young child. Her mother was raped in front of both her father and her before getting a bullet to the brain. Her Father had told her to run while the others were busy with her mother and to never look back. Tears stinging in her eyes, she bolted, tripping on a rock and alerting some members nearby. The second gunshot spurred her to pop up quickly and run for as long as her legs would carry her. She also did have a brother Conor, 14 (Deceased). He was a sickly boy and died before the slaughter. Evelyn loved him, she learned as many medical skills as a 12 year old could understand to try and help him. She also had two sisters, ( Whereabouts are unknown) Saoirse, 21 and Ruby, 22. Ruby was from a previous marriage her father was in, his wife had died of pneumonia.
Birthplace - Strawberry, West Elizabeth.
Jobs - Con artist / Thief / Medic (Doctor) She was a farmer/ Rancher with her family.
Phobias - Autophobia, Being so young and innocent, she was used and abused by many who exploited her kindness and friendship. PTSD, from the whole family death. Depression, Again from her family's slaughter and people walking all over her. Abandonment issues, from the abuse people put her through, using her for their own gain while she tried her absolute best for them and thought of them as friends and family.
Guilty Pleasures - Chocolate, Drinks and loves to knife fight (5-Finger Fillet).
Hobbies - Horse riding, Conning men into buying her stuff, Sketching, playing Guitar, Reading, Dancing, Maintaining her knife collection, Journaling, Sex.
M O R A L S:
Morality alignment - Neutral Good
Sins: Lust, wrath, Envy
Virtues - Courage, Justice, Wit, Liberality, Honor, Friendliness
T H I S O R T H A T:
Open Minded
Calm/ Anxious (Depending on the situation)
Agreeable / Disagreeable/ In Between
Cautious / Reckless / In Between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Traditional / Modern / In Between
Hard working / Lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
Key: β™‘ love interest, β˜† Liked Person, ♧ Disliked person, β—‹ Acquaintance, ? Unknown
β˜† Arthur Morgan: Evelyn loves how sweet this man is. He's always been very kind to her, treating her as an equal. They often chat and go horseback riding together. He also helps her hone her gunmanship skills from time to time.
β˜† Abigail: Evelyn Admires her dedication and love for her son Jack. Also thinks her strong personality is Amazing. Wants to be her friend but is scared to be a bother.
β˜† John Marston: Whoo boy. If John wasn't married, she would have jumped his bones so quickly. He doesn't talk to her that much unless he's sloppy drunk. She's gotta be careful when he's like that, all cute like that all clingy and touchy. She envys Abigail.
β—‹ Jack Marston: Ehhhh.... Not a lot here. Evelyn isn't really a kid person. She'll be nice to him if he approaches her or play with him if he wants. She'll do her absolute best if tasked with watching / caring for him.
β˜†β™‘ Sadie Adler: Oh. Oh oh oh. Sadie could punch her teeth in and she'd mumble her thanks. Evelyn often wonders what her lips feel like, the taste of her sweat. Sadie is the closest thing to a friend Evelyn will allow. They're always getting into all kinds of mischief. Evelyn hasn't made any advances on Sadie because she doesn't want to ruin what they've got going on now. Evelyn highly respects her.
β—‹ Tilly Jackson: Evelyn isn't too sure about her. Tilly' s nice enough, inviting her to play cards or dominoes, but they both seem to be holding back for some reason.
β˜† Lenny Summers: He's a good one. Evelyn enjoys watching him go about his day. Doesn't mess with him because she doesn't see him that way, he's a good egg. Evelyn thinks he wouldn't be okay with just sex. He seems to be a deep relationship type guy. Regardless, he's very sweet on her, leaving her favorite flowers at her tent or having daily chats and sharing guard duties. Evelyn thinks she could try and start to let herself count on him to have her back.
β˜†β™‘ Molly O'shea: Evelyn was definitely star-struck when she first met Molly. She thought she looked like a goddess. If Evelyn thought she could, she'd sleep with Molly. They don't talk too much anyways. Molly is kind enough to Evelyn. Often, Evelyn will get into fights with Micah and Sean when they do try to poke at Molly.
β—‹ Dutch Vander Linde: Evelyn stays away from Dutch. She isn't down with the weird vibes he has around him. Tries her best to stay in his good graces after being accepted into the gang.
β˜† Hosea Matthews: Evelyn adores him. She does hang around him a lot, worrying over every cough, groan or wince. She looks up to him and is completely down for any "acting" jobs he might need her for. She works a majority of her jobs with him.
β™‘ Sean Macguire: Oh Sean. Boy is he annoying, but oh is he fun. Anything, Anytime, Anywhere. Evelyn remembers the huge bustle in camp over the return of Sean, the party that lasted days. She danced with him a couple times after getting acquainted with him, engaging in a little drunken groping and one thing led to another. Sean is very sweet to her in his own way.
β˜† Charles Smith: High respect for this man. Evelyn loves that he has such a respect for life. He taught her how to hunt and gather.
♧ Leopold Strauss: Evelyn finds him extremely creepy even though the run in the same Business. Steers clear of him.
♧ Mr. Pearson: Evelyn finds him annoying. She told Sadie she'd help her hide his body. Nothing else really.
β™‘ Kieran Duffy: Ever since Arthur had hauled him back and Dutch had him tied up, she felt this instant connection to him. After everyone had gone to bed, she'd sneak him small bits of food and water, checking on his general health. During the day, she'd talk with the other girls about him. " he's just so cute, I wanna eat him up~" she would purr, biting her lip as she scanned him from across camp. " you're insane." Tilly would scoff, brushing her off. "Mm.." She replied, never taking her eyes off him for a second. After he was accepted into the gang, she grew bolder with her advances. " Sure, I'll help you out, if you kiss me." She'd tease him when he'd ask her for help. She loves seeing his eyes go all wide and his ears burn red. Eventually he warmed up to her, taking her up on her offers. Kieran was the sweet peach she'd been craving. Evelyn goes fishing with him all the time and chats with him while he tends the horses.
β˜† Mary-Beth Gaskill: They don't talk much, but Evelyn has a soft spot for her and is sceretly rooting for her to go get Arthur.
β˜†β˜† Karen Jones: These two may or may not have drunkenly made out once... or twice. Evelyn is Karen's right hand woman in fucking around with men. Best drinking buddy too.
β™‘ Javier Escuella: Evelyn is infatuated with this man. He's the one who introduced her to Dutch and the gang. One fateful night at the saloon and these two have become pretty much entangled. Can't keep their hands off each other, they're constantly teasing each other, seeing who'll break first, always fighting for dominance. Evelyn loves to listen to him sing. They, when not in the throes of passion play guitar together, and often rob people and play 5-Finger Fillet. The pot is at 250$ right now.
β—‹ Uncle: Evelyn checks in with him from time to time but, not much else. She does delight in singing raunchy songs around the campfire with him though.
??? Josiah Trelawny: He's unknown to her. She saw him once, very briefly.
β˜† Reverend Swanson: she sits with him and just listens to his ramblings. She swipes bottles from him "You said to help you, I'm helping you!" Which then he'll go on a rant about how horrid he is. She protects him from Micah often. She gets it. People in pain understand each other.
♧? Micah Bell: Micah is a huge question mark to Evelyn. He disgusts her but she feels like there's more to him. Now that doesn't excuse his extremely insidious behavior. He harassess her sexually and racially, but she just fires back at him. " You only wish you knew my embrace." She's stabbed him a couple times from him getting a little too full of himself. Ain't nobody own Evelyn.
β˜† Bill Williamson: Evelyn finds him cute. She can more than not confuse him and trick him into things. She figured out Bill's a big softie for praise. So she constantly complements him on his appearance and how fantastic he's done on a job or a chore. He's kinda like a big dumb puppy. She allows him to get a little handsy when he gets drunk only because she can see how lonely he is. She understands that more than anybody else.
♧♧ Susan Grimshaw: Oh boy do these two hate each other. " Another whore." Susan had mumbled under her breath when Javier had brought her in. Evelyn had immediately come after her. " The fuck did you just call me bitch? Oh~~ I get it. You're just mad because I'm young and beautiful. Well guess what? I ain't going anywhere anytime soon." She had smirked, cocking her head to the left. " I do so ever look forward to working with you." She sneered. These two constantly fight even though Evelyn pulls her weight and then some in the gang.
O T P:
Evelyn Flynn x ???
Not sure yet~οΏ½οΏ½
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