#All information about diwali
netgharblog · 2 years
हिंदी- दिवाली के बारे में पूरी जानकारी। कब, क्यों और कैसे मनाया जाता है। दीवाली के बारे में 8 जानकारी। Diwali Assey in hindi
हिंदी- दिवाली के बारे में पूरी जानकारी। कब, क्यों और कैसे मनाया जाता है। दीवाली के बारे में 8 जानकारी। Diwali Assey in hindi
दिवाली क्या है ?दिवाली पांच दिवसीय हिंदू त्योहार है।दिवाली कब मनाई जाती है ?हर साल के अक्टूबर या नवंबर के माहिने में मनाते है।दिवाली पर कुछ नया करने के लिए क्या करना चाहिए ?आप अपने दोस्तो और परिवार के साथ एक गेम नाइट होस्ट कर सकते हैं।दिवाली की बधाई देने के लिए किस से संपर्क करें ?आप अपने दोस्तो या फिर रिश्तेदारों से पूछ सकते हैं।दिवाली में क्या खाना चाहिए ?दिवाली की रात तरह-तरह के पकवाने बनती है…
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libraford · 10 months
The company I work for went through an entire song and dance about how we're not allowed to used gendered nicknames for any of the kids we photograph because it might upset them. My boss laid out the instructions for how to handle a name change for the yearbook because "well now a kid might say their name is 'Jimmy' when it used to be-"
"James," I interrupted, sensing that she was going to be flippant about the next name.
"Jenny," she says, correcting me and giving me a stare as if I'm not taking this seriously enough.
But I am. See... cis people should be able to go through the process of altering their yearbook names as well. James goes by Jimmy now. Its no different from Jenny going by Jimmy. Name changes benefit people across the board, if they want one.
And when she said 'Jenny,' I could tell it was with this sense of obligation and that she didnt take it seriously. But I have had a lot of kids ask me to change their name in the files because that's what their friends call them. And they should be called what their friends call them. Because that's their name. It doesn't matter if their gender has changed. Its a matter of general agency that we should allow to people of any age.
I'm required to fill out a form for a background check. They want information which includes my driving record because there are days that I'm driving 200 miles to get to an action point.
It asks for my gender 'as stated on birth certificate.' Not as stated on driver's license, but on my birth certificate. It isn't any different between the two documents, but it seems so odd to decide that the birth certificate should matter more than the drivers license when the history in question is my driving history.
Last year, my boss told me that she 'didn't understand all this transgender stuff.' Out of the blue, I think maybe there was an ad on the TV in our hotel room on an away job. I told her that she didn't have to understand it, just accept that this is part of the world- the way that you might not understand Diwali or wooden shoes or chicken foot soup, but they are part of the world that she lives in.
She shook her head. This wasn't the right time to tell her and it was none of her business anyway.
But now we have all these rules about how to navigate one of those pesky transgenders if we encounter them and it feels so empty. It doesn't seem like safety. It seems like fear and it feels like a crowbar.
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royalsunshinehotel · 2 months
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Little Star (Monkey Man, 2024)
Author’s Note: I watched Monkey Man twice this past weekend! Here’s a scene between the woman in the Green Dress, and the dog. This fic is dark and sad, but has a hopeful twist. Tara is pronounced Taara here, and it’s the hindi word for Star. Stay tuned for information about my patreon (soon)!
Blood. Blood everywhere, and it was a beautiful thing, and the thought made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. How far had she fallen from the girl she was, to look at all this destruction in what was left of the kitchen, and see only beauty? 
Sita instinctively picked up the hem of her silky green dress, so it wouldn’t drag on the red tile of the kitchen, as if it mattered now, as if Queenie’s blood hadn’t spattered all over her face when she’d caved her skull in. 
She shuffled forward, slowly, steadily, so as not to slip on her stupid shoes. She’d never minded high heels, she liked the idea of being tall enough to look someone in the eyes, but not now. Not anymore. 
He’d really done it, hadn’t he? A month ago, when he’d taken his first shot at Rana Singh, she knew by the look in his eyes it was only a matter of time. And it was. 
Another shaky step brought her further to the fucking exit of this cursed place, and she laughed to herself thinking of how she would never come back here. 
She giggled thinking about how hard Queenie had hid the ground, and the dull crunch that her hand made when he’d stolen her thumb. 
It wasn’t funny. Nothing about it would ever be funny, but it sent her forward. There was no other way to go. 
There was a split second, stepping over all of the blood and death, where Sita almost slipped. A moment, where her breath caught and she thought a moment ahead, to when she would have hit the ground. Knowing herself the way she did, she likely would have stayed there. 
But she didn’t. She didn’t. She caught herself, as she always did, and almost winced at the loud clack of her heels on the fatigued pavement. 
The night air was cool, descending like a blanket. When was the last time she’d been outside? She wondered. 
Diwali was in full swing, she could hear it from blocks away. There was a chance she could run into the night and never be seen again. It wasn’t as if her jailers were able to come find her from the afterlife. It wasn’t as if she had any money that could be stolen from her. Anyone who had cared for her was in the wind, or dead, including the man on the top floor with a finger in his pocket. 
Last time she stood in this alley, Sita told him not to keep feeding the dog. That she’d only keep coming back, with hope. Hope breeds misery, and she wouldn’t wish that on such a sweet creature. 
He’d known her tattoo was a koyal, and he’d seen right through the rest of her too. She couldn’t do the same, and she’d hated him for it. 
How could someone wear their softness so openly, and be completely opaque at the same time. She had to hate him, and he’d let her, with complete understanding. But she couldn’t now, could she. . . Why not?
Who was left to tell her she wasn’t ladylike enough, or enough for that matter? In the many evenings from that one night, she’d heard him whistle. Sita copied the tone.
She had been kind once, maybe with everyone dead or gone, she could be again. 
Several heartbeats passed, and she found herself wondering if the dog was alright. She thought the worst, as that’s what the truth probably was. 
The little dog had been trampled to death, maybe some drunk men had decided to torture and kill the poor thing, maybe the sweet creature was in heaven now…Her large eyes began to well, and she tried whatever she could to shove it down. 
Perhaps after all this time, Sita was still a fool. 
And then, tap tap tap tap of little paws on the pavement. 
In the alley, Sita turned slowly, met by a pair of bright, brown eyes, and a warmth spread in her chest, like a paintbrush in water. The dog looked alright, more robust than the last time she’d seen her, and sat perfectly still, waiting. 
She couldn’t help but coo at the good girl. 
“Come here, my little star,” The puppy inched closer, body wiggling in the way babies do, “we can’t stop to eat now, but we will.” 
The dog - Tara, she decided - tapped her cold, wet nose against Sita’s hand, and the woman reached down to pick her up. She was mostly bone, with more muscle and fat than other dogs she’d seen - Bobby would take the credit for that, in her mind. 
By the size of the dog's feet, Tara would be large, and with Sita at her side, she would, in fact, grow up. 
“What have you got?” She asked the puppy,  meeting her big brown eyes, Sita took the burlap scrap, to reveal a gun. A very, very old, heavy gun - loaded. With a note, in bold, curved, letters: 
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ferretwhomst · 6 months
listening to bollywood music always gets me thinking abt the desi pines au again... so here is some more information
- scary-oke happens except instead of taking over midnight they sing some cheesy bollywood song instead. thinking something like gallan goodiyaan or disco deewane. OH OR GIRLS LIKE TO SWING... (Also yes they do the hooksteps. i have spent an ungodly amount of time imagining them doing the hooksteps)
- stan is a huge movie buff btw. he doesn't talk much about it but he lovesss sappy bollywood movies and those shitty (affectionate) hindi tv serials... the duchess approved gets replaced with one of those. which i think is fair because they dramatize everything to the same degree lmao
- thinking also about voiceclaims for the stan twins. i imagine the star twins would sound the same because despite their cultural background, they were still brought up in cali and developed accents accordingly. the stan twins tho were raised in mumbai so. have to rethink how they sound because i cannot for the life of me imagine stan speaking hindi in his regular new jersey accent. (he would definitely still have some aspects of the NJ accent because filbrick is still a new jerseyite, but still)
- speaking of religion, caryn is hindu and raises the boys as such. not particularly devout or spiritual, being a fake psychic (and astrologer in this au) and all, but she teaches the boys about the mythology and the traditions. filbrick is also still jewish, and the family celebrates events from both religions. lucky bastards get hanukkah right after diwali /j. present day ford and stan are atheists, but still celebrate the festivals and whatnot for the hell of it
- i am aware that irl, in both judaism and hinduism there are Differing Opinions about interfaith marriage to this day; however this is fiction so i am choosing to imagine it's not that much of an issue. maybe people are just kinda less bigoted, or maybe they were and maybe caryn and filbrick honestly just don't give a fuck. idk. it's not a main focus point of my au so i am choosing not to dedicate Too much thought to it
- instead of "poindexter" which is primarily an american slang nickname, stan calls ford "chashmesh" which is a hindi nickname for someone who wears glasses. he still calls him this when both of them wear glasses in their old age because he's petty. it annoys ford even more every time he does it WHDJSNEJD
- he also still calls him "sixer" which is funny because despite cricket being such a popular sport in india, they both probs suck ass at cricket and have never hit a six(er) in their lives lmao
- once stan and ford reconcile they quickly realize they can talk absolute shit about people in hindi and nobody here will have a clue what they're talking about
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staranon95 · 10 months
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Hello, DinCobb Nation!
Today's the first official day of the DinCobb Fall Fest Mini Big Bang! This event will feature a more theme oriented big bang as we enter the fall season. This includes but is not limited to:
Halloween - Costumes, trick o' treating, scary movies
Fall Aesthetic - Pumpkins, apples, colder weather
Spooky - Ghosts, monsters, hauntings
Other Fall Holidays: Rosh Hashanah, Día de Muertos, Diwali
Sign Ups Open
What is a mini big bang?
Well, it's like a big bang but smaller. The goal of this event is to have authors produce a fic that's between 2 and 5 thousand words. During one of the check-ins, authors submit fic drafts/summaries and artists will create something to go with the fic they were paired with.
Can I sign up as both an artist and an author?
Yes! There is the option to do both in this event.
What if I have other questions?
Feel free to ask a mod (either @cryptids-and-starlight or myself) OR check out additional details under the read more.
What's the event schedule?
The entire event will run from August 13 to November 17. For a larger break down, check the post out here.
Additional Event Information
Here are details for what will be expected of authors and artists in terms of contributions. This event is meant to be fun and low stakes for those who participate. If the information below does not answer any of your questions, please reach out to a mod and we can answer your question!
For Writers:
The fic must be about Din and Cobb, but authors are free to explore what that relationship looks like to them whether they're depicted as best friends, brothers in arms, lovers, queer platonic partners, and more.
2-5k word count. Although it is not limited to 5k.
A beta reader is highly recommended, though not a requirement. If you need help finding a beta reader, please reach out and we will do our best to connect you with one.
Workshopping will be allowed and encouraged in public discord servers and elsewhere, just refrain from sharing the whole fic with anyone but your beta reader(s) and artist.
All fics must be thoroughly and properly tagged and rated. This is the one hard rule that will be enforced, as it is something that protects both artists and readers
All fics must be posted to AO3 and included in the event collection (DinCobb Fall Fest Mini Big Bang). You may cross post to tumblr if you would like to, too! More info about posting requirements to come at a later date.
For Artists:
One art piece is required for each fic. But you are encouraged to do more if you would like.
Art can be anything as long as the artist and author agree to the medium of choice which can include any of the following: gif sets, music vids, playlists, podfic, moodboards, artwork, etc.
Art should be kept between artist and author (unless you need advice on anatomy or help with audio edits or something, in which case please keep it between the artist and whoever is helping out)
Other Topics:
Dropping will not incur a formal penalty. It is heavily encouraged you reach out to the appropriate people (ie. a mod) ASAP so a pitch hitter can be found in a timely manner.
The last drop out day with no questions asked is September 30. If you need to drop out past this day, inform a mod immediately. Keep in mind that extensions can also be made if it is needed.
Things that may get you removed from the event include: not including proper tags/ratings, not responding in a timely manner during check-ins or if a mod reaches out to you, harassing other participants in any way whatsoever
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khaleesiofalicante · 7 months
also rwrb au snippy please pleaseplease please pleaseeeee
It's Diwali dani please
It's not available in my region yet 😭 (but yall know I'm gonna watch it every day once it's out there hehe)
A snippy from one of their many late-night phone conversations...
“You’re in the tabloids again.”
“When am I not?” Max scoffs, pouring milk into his cereal, like a normal person. 
His phone pings and Max checks his messages to find a link from David. He reads the headline and scoffs louder this time. 
MAX LIGHTWOOD-BANE SHOCKER: America's First Son Goes Daddylicious!  – Who's the Mystery Mom?
“I see one of these at least once a month,” Max informs as he pours honey into his cereal. 
“You’ve been busy, I see,” David hums from the other end. 
“Jealous I’m getting more action than you?” Max asks with a grin. 
He can literally feel David’s eye-rolling all the way across the Pacific Ocean. “Your parents don’t mind?”
“I don’t think so,” Max shrugs as he gets settled on the couch and turns down the volume of the TV. “My dad probably has a big meeting coming up. The press is just trying to stir drama so they can distract people from real issues. You know, sometimes the White House releases our own rumours when we need to distract people. Last term when everyone was criticizing my dad's decision about the whole North Korea thing, the White House released a rumour that I'm joining the army.”
“Does it bother you?” David asks him. “That both sides are using you like that?”
“No,” Max replies after giving it some thought. No one’s ever asked him that before. “If it’s not me, then it’s Rafael. I’d rather it be me.”
David is quiet for a moment. 
Max clears his throat. “If it wasn’t clear, I like the attention.”
“Yes, that has been abundantly clear,” David chuckles. “Still, news like this can’t be good for your anxiety.”
Right. Max forgot he kind of blabbered about that to the other man. He really needs to stop bearing out his soul in the middle of the night. Practice some goddamn self-control! 
Thankfully, David signed the NDA. So, it’s not like he’s gonna tell anyone else about it. 
“My anxiety is fine,” Max reassures, more confidently than he’d like. "Shit like this doesn't faze me at all."
“So, you’re not worried that you’ve gotten some pool girl pregnant?” David asks curiously.
“I can’t get anyone pregnant, actually,” Max says before he can help himself. So much for self-control. “It’s, uh, it’s a medical thing.”
David is quiet again. 
Max checks the phone to see if the call is still connected. 
He wonders if David’s confused or if he’s just looking for the right response. It’s usually the second thing with David. He’s always so careful with his words. Maybe Max should get some lessons from him. 
“I’m sorry to hear that, Max,” David says gently and eventually.
“Meh, my babies were gonna be too hot to handle anyway,” Max says with a mouthful of cereal so his voice doesn’t sound weird and wobbly. “How about you, your majesty? Everything working alright down there?”
David coughs at that. “Yes. It’s all fine.”
“I bet it is,” Max snickers. “You probably have a dozen fucking doctors hovering over your junk to make sure all the family jewels are intact.”
“You vocabulary, as always, is a wonder to behold.”
“Am I wrong though?”
“Not exactly,” David replies after a moment. “Producing an heir is part of the job description after all.”
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🎃 Spooky Bang FAQ
Please click here for the NSFW FAQ.
What is Spooky bang? 
A bang is an event in which writers write a fic and artists claim it, creating art based on that fic. Spooky Bang operates on the theme of autumn and autumn events, such as Halloween. Ideally, the creators who are paired would keep in contact and work together, at least minimally, throughout this process. All the content will be posted around the same time, so it’ll be like a big content party. It entails joining a discord server and posting your final work (i.e. AO3, Tumblr, Instagram, etc).
How does it all work?
Your lovely mods will handle almost everything. Your job is to create!
Writers: You are the beginning of the bang. You will come up with your idea and start writing. You will need to include an example AO3 rating, major warnings (if applicable), content warnings (if applicable), up to 5 example AO3 tags, a maximum of 100-word outline, and a maximum of 200-word “visual elements section” (this is to include things not anywhere else, but that you think an artist might be interested in!) Please note that this does not have to be the final idea, but this is what will attract an artist to working with you, so we ask that you both discuss any changes and agree on them, as we don’t want anyone to be in an awkward situation.
Artists: Once the claims open for viewing, you will have one week to view the fics & decide on your personal top 5 choices. The day that the form to submit your claims opens, you will have three days to submit those choices. This will work on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Once claims are over and teams are announced, you will work with the writer (as little or much as you want to) to complete your art.
Everyone: We will likely have a second round of claims, until everyone has a team. After everyone is teamed up, you will work together (at both of your desired collab level) and complete regular check-ins with the Mod team. You will be expected to keep discussion about your WIP contained to only your collab partner, or your respective Discord Zones – i.e. writers can discuss their WIP in the Writer Zone. Joining the Discord server means you will have support available throughout Spooky Bang.
What does ‘spooky’ entail?
Autumn-themed activities or events. For example:
Events - Halloween, Thanksgiving, Harvest, Mabon, Bonfire Night, Day of the Dead, Oktoberfest, Diwali
Activities - pumpkin-picking, hay rides, autumn coffee shop au, apple-picking, back-to-school 
Spooky - Monster hunting, Witchcraft, Avaunt Foul Demon (demon hunting), Zombies, Witch-hunting, Seances, Summonings, Paranormal (general), Ouija board
If you’re unsure if the topic you want to write about fits into this category, we’re here to answer your questions via Tumblr Asks or Discord ask-a-mod chat.
Can I be an artist and a writer?
Yes, you can be an artist and a writer. Please note that you will not be involved in the first round of claims for the sake of fairness. You will also not be able to claim your own fic as it is a collaborative event. It’s expected that you will keep both works private except to your respective teams and Discord Zones.
When am I __? 
Please check the timeline in Discord timeline chat. If the answer to your question is not there, send us an Ask or message in the Discord ask-a-mod chat.
Will you give us a prompt?
No. Writers will come up with their own prompt which artists will create based on the fic.
How will claims work?
Claims will be on a first come, first serve basis. Further information will follow before claims open on July 3. Claims will be handled by your Mod team. Claims may go through two or three rounds until all participants are teamed up.
How much information can I reveal about my WIP & who can I tell about it?
We ask that you keep your WIPs secret. You can discuss your WIP in your respective Discord Zone, and with your team (after claims).
Can I sign up late? 
If you have not completed Signup between May 9 - June 10, please contact the Mod team. Please note that we will not accept new signups after July 3.
What if I get paired with someone who I don’t get along with?
We expect you to be a good team-player and work with them in a friendly manner. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, please contact the Mod team.
How much control do I have over the artist’s creation? 
The artist may want to collab closely, however they can create art based on any scene or theme within your fic. It’s a collaboration, not a commission.
What’s a beta reader?
Beta readers proofread your work and can support with 'problem areas'. It’s completely optional, but if this is your first fic or you’re not confident in some of your writing, it might help you feel happier with the finished product. In Discord, our @/Beta Reader role can be pinged if you need help! All they can do is suggest things to you, you do not have to take their word as an edit. It’s optional, so don’t feel pressured to use one if you don’t want to!
What’s a britpicker?
A britpicker is like a beta reader, but to make sure specifically that your fic (if it's set in the U.K. or with British characters) contains terminology that the characters would use. This can be helpful for anyone not from the U.K.
What’s a pinch-hitter?
If you’re willing to create more than one work, you may be recruited to make a second fic or art for: 1) any writing that goes unclaimed, or; 2) replacing anyone who has to drop-out due to unforeseen circumstances. You can sign up to be a pitch-hitter as an artist or writer! This is an optional role.
What if I have to drop out?
This is obviously not ideal. We’d really appreciate it if you did not sign up if there’s a good chance you will need to drop out. Obviously, unexpected things happen and we understand that you may need to drop out. Please contact your Mod team urgently.
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rideboomindia · 7 months
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Another mile stone will be going to added in RideBoom journey of launch its bike taxi in Indian city Agra.
Agra, October 18, 2023] - RideBoom, a leading transportation network company, is excited to announce the upcoming launch of its innovative bike taxi service in the city of Agra. With this new addition to its portfolio of services, RideBoom aims to provide convenient, efficient, and eco-friendly transportation options for residents and visitors of Agra.
The bike taxi service offered by RideBoom will utilize a fleet of well-maintained motorcycles operated by trained and professional drivers. Customers will be able to book a bike taxi through the RideBoom mobile application, which will connect them to the nearest available driver. The service is designed to offer a fast and affordable mode of transportation, particularly for short-distance trips within the city.
RideBoom's bike taxi service brings numerous benefits to the local community. Firstly, it provides an alternative transportation option that reduces congestion on the roads and promotes cleaner air quality. Additionally, the service offers flexible employment opportunities for individuals who own motorcycles and wish to earn a livelihood by partnering with RideBoom.
"We are thrilled to introduce our bike taxi service in Agra," said Mr. Harminder Malhi known as Harry Malhi, CEO of RideBoom. "Agra is a city known for its rich cultural heritage and vibrant tourism industry. By launching the bike taxi service, we aim to enhance the overall transportation experience for both residents and tourists, while also contributing to a greener and more sustainable future."
To ensure the safety and security of passengers, RideBoom has implemented comprehensive safety protocols for its bike taxi service. All drivers undergo a thorough background check, and the motorcycles are regularly inspected and maintained to meet stringent safety standards. Furthermore, riders will have access to a 24/7 customer support team, allowing them to address any concerns or queries they may have during their journey.
The launch of RideBoom's bike taxi service in Agra is scheduled for Diwali . The service will be available to residents and visitors throughout the city, allowing them to conveniently navigate through Agra's bustling streets and explore its many attractions.
For more information about RideBoom and its services, please visit https://rideboom.com/india/ or download the RideBoom mobile application, available on iOS/Android.
About RideBoom:
RideBoom is a leading transportation network company committed to revolutionizing mobility solutions across various cities. With a focus on convenience, safety, and sustainability, RideBoom offers a range of transportation services, including ride-hailing, bike taxis, and more. The company strives to create a seamless and enjoyable transportation experience for its customers while contributing to the development of smart cities.
For media inquiries, please contact: [email protected]
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demigod-of-the-agni · 6 months
At this point it's quite literally just a list of Indian characters and what went wrong in their representation, like I've got working directly for the British Monarchy along with having no personality other than hot, complete rejection of Indian culture, etc. I'd have to edit it to make it actually make sense, but maybe I will when I get the time!
Like my family has varying tastes with media, but we all absolutely adored The Unlisted and like it was literally a typo that led me to find the show in the first place! That part when they are doing pooja during Diwali - it was the first time I've ever seen a pooja on television for Diwali. Like yes there's a celebration afterwards but they do pooja first! And like Dru and Kal and Vidya! My children!
That scene very much does exist! The really funny part is that Reagan (The girl who witnessed it) gets a recording of it and shows it to a teacher, hoping to get Kal in trouble and the teacher is thrilled by it rather than upset.
hola!! an indian character??? working with the monarchy???? i have never heard of that and frankly am too afraid to seek it out myself.. okay my one little ick about desi characters rejecting their culture is because it's too "strict" and doesn't let them do the things they want to, when it's so much more multifaceted than that! like give me a better reason than "I can't date white people T-T" or "I don't want to be a doctor </3"
"having no personality other than hot, complete rejection of Indian culture" which is exactly why pavitr is such a breath of fresh air. so unabashedly indian AND equipped with good looks. insane. love that boy
personally I haven't done any poojas for Diwali so seeing the fam do it on The Unlisted was surprising AND informative! Dru and Kal and Vidya,,,,, the babies!! The fact I don't remember much about them really does mean i need to rewatch the show, damn 😭
Teachers when they see this kid kick a trashcan five million feet into the air: You would make a fine super soldier boy >:))) [nefarious laughter]
(ngl the tooth implants got me shaking way back then, like that was just foul. what about those kids who had horrendous tooth arrangements (me). how are you going to get through all that mess. i would cry and leave like Dru like I'm too much of a wimp)
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salmankhanholics · 10 months
★ Salman Khan locks his schedule for Vishnuvardhan’s next, Tiger vs Pathaan, & Sooraj Barjatya's film!
Aug 21, 2023   
Salman Khan to play a paramilitary officer in Vishnuvardhan's next
Tiger vs Pathaan on floors by April 2024 with SRK and Salman
Sooraj Barjatya to roll with his family love story by end of 2024
Over the last few months, Salman Khan kept himself busy reading scripts from directors across the country. While Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan and Tiger 3 were commitments made much before the pandemic, there have been speculations and discussions about what is next for Salman after the third film from the Tiger franchise, which releases this Diwali. Pinkvilla was among the first to inform that Salman has locked director Vishnuvardhan’s next action-packed thriller with Karan Johar as producer. And now, we bring to you an exclusive report on the shooting schedule of Salman Khan.
According to sources close to the development, Salman has already started prep work for Vishnuvardhan’s next, and aims to take the film on floors by mid-November. “Salman plays a paramilitary officer in Vishnuvardhan’s next film and has already gotten into the prep mode for the film. He will be sporting a certain look in the film, which also requires him to lose some weight, and its all work in progress at the moment,” revealed a source close to the development. The yet-untitled Vishnuvardhan film will be shot in multiple schedules and is expected to release on Christmas 2024 weekend.
“The first schedule will be around a month-long from mid-November to mid-December, following which Salman would take his year-end break. He returns to the sets by January 10 for another 30 to 45-day schedule before calling it a break on the film,” the source added. From March/April 2024, Salman will commence working on India’s biggest action film, Tiger vs Pathaan, a proper two-hero film that pairs him with Shah Rukh Khan. “The filming for Tiger vs Pathaan begins in Summer with combination dates of both SRK and Salman,” the source informed, quick to add that the duo will be shooting till the end of May on this epic action thriller.
According to the source, Salman is expected to resume work on the final schedule of Vishnuvardhan’s next in June and wrap up the film by July end. “This is the tentative schedule that has been chalked out for Salman. If there is a delay in the shoot of Tiger vs Pathaan from the already planned date, SK will complete Karan’s film by Summer and only then dive into Tiger vs Pathaan. At the moment, YRF is looking to kick off Tiger vs Pathaan from the end of March/early April and the shoot for Vishnuvardhan’s film has been planned keeping all aspects in mind,” the source insisted.
Salman Khan and Sooraj Barjatya's reunion to happen by 2024 end
On wrapping up the Dharma Film, Salman will resume Tiger vs Pathaan for his solo sequences and wrap it up by the end of 2024. “On wrapping up the two heavy-on action films, Salman will get into exploring his softer side with Sooraj Barjatya. The film is locked and will go on floors by the end of 2024/early 2025. It’s tentatively titled Prem Ki Shaadi and will be a family drama in the zone of the classics that SK and Sooraj Barjatya have made over the years. Sooraj will get into the casting of the film by end of this year,” the source shared, quick to add that Salman will be shooting for over 125 days for all the 3 films respectively.
He has been offered several other films, by filmmakers from Hindi as also Tamil and Telugu industries, but Salman is taking his time in locking the line-up. At the moment, the three confirmed projects are Vishnuvardhan’s next, Tiger vs Pathaan, and Prem Ki Shaadi with top 3 banners - Dharma, YRF, and Rajshri respectively.  Stay tuned to Pinkvilla for more updates on Salman Khan and his upcoming films
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choicesfanaf · 2 years
A Visit Home
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Fandom: Open Heart Fandom (PlayChoices Fandom)
For Choices October Challenge 2022, FicTober 2022
Prompts used are: Promises, Blushing (Quote used for prompts highlighted in pink)
Prompt used: 29 ("You love this, don't you?") taken from here. Prompt highlighted in green.
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Arundhati Kulkarni)
Characters: Ethan Ramsey, Arundhati Kulkarni, Sahil Kulkarni (m!OC), Nandita Kulkarni (f!OC), Dilip Kulkarni (m!OC)
Word Count: 2145 words
Rating: General
Category: Fluff
Summary: Aru takes Ethan to a visit to her childhood home.
A/N: Set in Open Heart Book 2
Italicized sentences are translated at the end. It felt important for me that Aru & her family spoke in their mother tongue (marathi) at home.
Here's a few common nicknames/ names of endearment that have been used in this fic:
Didi- Older sister
Aai- Mom
Baba - Dad
Beta- Son/Daughter (can be used for both)
Sahil is Aru's brother, while Dilip & Nandita are her parents
Tagging: @fictober-event, @choicesmonthlychallenge, @choicesficwriterscreations, @jamespotterthefirst, @rookiemartin, @quixoticdreamer16
For her Diwali visit to her family, Arundhati thought of taking Ethan with her to finally meet her parents. She constantly kept changing her decision as she was afraid of her parents disapproving of her being in a relationship with anyone. So, she had never taken her ex home, no matter how serious they were about each other.
Ethan was already nervous about meeting them, but his nervousness increased when he saw how scared Aru was. He had already met her brother Sahil, the only one who knew about their relationship. As a result, he was the only person from her family that Ethan was comfortable around.
"Didi, come on, there is no need for you to worry about aai and baba. Once they find out how much Ethan loves you, they will not have any issues at all", Sahil said when Aru called him to discuss her dilemma.
"What if they don't accept Ethan and disown me after learning about us?" Aru questioned, with a quiver in her voice.
"Don't worry about all of that, didi. Nothing like that will ever happen. Just focus on coming here to meet us."
"How can you be so sure?"
"That's because I know they love their daughter more than anything in the world and trust her completely. If you tell them that Ethan is the one for you, they will fully trust your decision. So, please do visit us, okay?"
"Thanks for your support, bro. I'll discuss this with Ethan and hopefully change his mind about visiting you all."
Ethan was initially extremely tensed to meet Aru's parents, more so because of her nervousness. However, when he saw that she was relaxed, it made him feel better as well. He knew that he would face anything if she was by his side.
Eventually, Ethan and Aru headed to her childhood home to meet her family.
Aru didn't know how her parents would react to her having a boyfriend who was her boss at work. Therefore, she decided not to inform her parents about the relationship as soon as she met them.
Ethan marvelled at the decorations outside Aru's home and how bright they made the house look. He knew what Diwali was but had never gotten a chance to experience it first-hand.
Arundhati's parents were elated to see her after a long time. She couldn't get time to meet them during her first year due to her workload, and she got even busier due to being on the Diagnostic Team. It was only after the attack that she stopped taking her life and family for granted.
Her parents were surprised to see another person with her, to say the least.
They welcomed Aru and Ethan inside, and Sahil greeted them with a hug and a refreshing glass of water.
He was amazed to see how pretty her home looked, especially with the beautiful fairy lights and some flower garlands.
After some nudging from Sahil and confusing looks from her parents, Aru decided to introduce her parents to her boyfriend.
"Aai, baba, this is Dr. Ethan Ramsey, my partner and my supervisor," she said, throwing caution to the wind yet unsure of their reactions.
Her parents were more scared for their daughter than shocked. They knew that their children would date someone once they grew up. However, they did not expect their daughter to date someone significantly older than her. They were unsure if Aru pursued the relationship because he forced her to or if she did it herself to get a better job opportunity. Nonetheless, they made sure to mask their expression until they knew more about her relationship.
"Wait a second, so is this the same Dr. Ramsey whose books you used to read all the time?" Sahil pretended to be surprised in front of their parents.
"Yes, Sahil. He's the same doctor."
"Well, Dr. Ramsey, welcome to our house. I hope you have a good time with us today. And I hope you are taking good care of our daughter."
"Thanks for welcoming me, Mr. Kulkarni. I promise I will never harm your daughter in any way. If I break my promise, you can feel free to give me the harshest punishment possible."
"Well, we'll see about that later. Right now, you are my guest. So, I have to look after you till you are here."
"Well, enough chit-chat for now. Please have these snacks, children. I hope you aren't hungry," Aru's mom said.
"Thanks, Mrs Kulkarni. We had some breakfast on the plane. Thanks again for the snacks."
"Aai, the chaklis are so delicious. How do you always make them this good?"
"Beta, my mom taught me this recipe. I have been practising this recipe for years now."
"Please teach me how to make these!"
"Ho, pan tyacha sathi tula vel pahije na. Tu tar purna divas busy astes."
"Ho na. Amcha kaam tasach aahe na. When I have a free day, I will video call you. Chalel na?"
"Ho, mala chalel. But let me know in advance so I can arrange my chores accordingly."
"Yes, I'll let you know, aai."
"Beta, do you want to show Ethan around by the time I set lunch?"
"Are you sure you don't want any help?"
"Ho. Tu relax kar. I'll call Sahil to help me."
"Are you mad that I am dating Ethan?" Aru asked her mom privately when they entered the kitchen.
"I'm not worried, Aru. I'm happy for you. Ethan seems like a good person."
"I can clearly see that you are worried, aai."
"Aru, we can talk about it later. Go on, beta. Get Ethan away from your dad's threatening."
"Thanks a lot, aai."
Aru made her way to her father to ask for his permission to take Ethan away.
"Baba, is it okay if I show Ethan around?"
"Yes, my girl, go ahead."
"Ethan, come on, let's go," she said, relieved to get Ethan away for a while.
"Where should we start from, Aru?"
"Let me show you my room first."
Ethan wanted to check Aru's room to see how she was as a child. Also, he wanted some material to tease her with to get back at her.
"Well, this is my room," Aru said.
The first thing that Ethan saw after entering her room were some movie posters.
"I see you have been a huge fan of movies since childhood," Ethan expressed, observing her giant posters of different Hollywood and Bollywood movies.
"I know you, Ethan. You love this, don't you? You finally have something to annoy me with."
"It seems you know me very well, my darling."
"I mean, that's..." Aru couldn't speak anymore because of how much she was blushing. No matter how many times Ethan called her his darling, she couldn't stop blushing every time he did so.
"Honey, didn't you used to read classics while growing up?"
"Why yes, I did, and absolutely loved them!"
"What else did you read?"
"Well, I started reading medical books that my grandpa owned. As I got more interested in medicine, I wanted to read more recent books."
"Can I have a look at them?"
"Sure, go ahead."
"Aru, you have almost all the books I have written," Ethan said, as he was pleasantly surprised by the fact that Aru enjoyed his research.
"Yeah, I first got Diagnostic Principles and was in awe of your research. That's when I made it my mission to read all of your books I could get."
"So, you were my biggest fan, weren't you?"
'Well, a fan. Not the biggest fan."
"So, how did you not know what I looked like?"
"I wanted to focus only on your work."
"Why, Aru, was I that distracting?" Ethan asked jokingly.
"No, Ethan. As much as I love looking at you, that was not the case. I didn't want to look at your picture or look you up as I didn't want to have a bad impression of you."
While Aru was showing Ethan around, her parents sat with Sahil to discuss her relationship.
"Sahil, please tell me the truth here. Did you know about them?" his father asked.
On hearing that, Sahil hesitated a bit.
"Beta, we won't get mad at you or Aru if you tell us the truth."
"Yes, your dad is right. We want to know if Ethan genuinely wants to be with Aru or if he's taking advantage of her good nature," his mother told him calmly.
"Well, to tell you the truth, they have been together since the attack. I saw how Ethan was around didi. He stayed with her all night after they gave her the remedy. When didi woke up, the first person she saw was him," Sahil revealed.
"I talked to her about Ethan then and asked her all about him," he continued.
"Well, what did she say about Ethan?"
"Didi told me that he was gentle and caring. He looked after her when she most needed him."
"Well, that sounds good to me. If Aru trusts him, I don't have to worry about him. But is he still her supervisor now?"
"No, I had the same question. Didi told me that they have reported their relationship to HR. She now has a new supervisor."
"Well then, that's good. But that doesn't mean I trust Ethan. I'll be keeping an eye on him."
"Sure, baba. Do what makes you feel better", Sahil said sarcastically.
"Well, I'm glad she hasn't been forced to be with him. And that Aru finally has found someone worthy of her."
Meanwhile, Ethan and Aru finished their tour of her childhood home and came down to the living room where her family was chatting.
"Aru, done with the tour? Did Dr. Ramsey like our place?"
"Ho, aai. Ethan loved our garden the most."
"Good. Come on, have lunch now. You both must be hungry," Aru's dad mentioned.
"Dr. Ramsey, please forgive me. I had no idea you would be visiting us today. So, if you can't eat the food for any reason please let me know."
"Mrs. Kulkarni, don't worry about it. I'll happily have what you have made."
"Well then, please get started, doctor. Please call me Nandita."
"Only if you call me Ethan."
"So, Ethan, are you serious about our Aru?"
"Baba!" Aru said, surprised at her dad's forwardness.
"Aru, we are asking him this just for your benefit, my girl. So, Ethan, please forgive us if it feels too much. We want what is best for her."
"I completely understand, Mr. Kulkarni."
"Ethan, please, call me Dilip."
"Dilip, I understand what you are saying. I have been serious about Aru ever since I almost lost her," Ethan said while interlocking Aru's fingers with his. I assure you all that I'll never hurt Aru at all. Also, I promise you that I'm here for the long run."
Her parents saw the sweet gesture and felt reassured by his words. They felt as if all of their worries had disappeared.
"Well, Ethan, I'm glad that you care about Arundhati. She's our only daughter, and we don't want her to be with someone who doesn't respect her," said Nandita.
"Ethan, I hope you enjoy your stay here. We hope you can visit us regularly", Dilip said approvingly.
"Aru, I think we should introduce our families to each other, don't you think?" Ethan asked.
"That's a good idea. Alan and Naveen would love to meet you all."
"Aai, baba, Alan is Ethan's father while Dr. Naveen Banerji is Edenbrook's chief, Ethan's mentor, and friend," Aru explained to her parents.
"Yes, that sounds fun, didi. Aai, baba, I have met Dr. Banerji. He is sweet and welcoming. He made me feel as if he knew me for a long time."
"Well, Ethan, I think we can come to Boston for Thanksgiving to meet your family. What do you both think?" Dilip asked his family.
"If Ethan wants to be in Aru's life for the foreseeable future, I think it is important for us to meet them."
"That's true, aai," Aru expressed.
"That's settled then, didi. We will be visiting you! Hopefully, we will also have a chance to meet your roommates without any stress."
"Yes, they would love to meet you at leisure. Aai, baba, everyone would love to meet you both," Arundhati replied, hoping no one would notice her internal freakout. She hadn't told Sahil that she mostly lived with Ethan ever since she went on leave.
Ethan realised what she was thinking and gave her a comforting smile which made her feel warm inside. She relaxed a bit, knowing that all would be well if he was by her side.
By the time Ethan and Aru came back from their vacation, her parents had gotten rid of their inhibitions against him. They had accepted him as their son, much to Aru and Ethan's happiness.
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Ho, pan tyacha sathi tula vel pahije na. Tu tar purna divas busy astes- Yes, but you need time for that. You remain busy throughout the day.
2. Ho na. Amcha kaam tasach aahe na- Yeah, but that's how our work is.
3. Chalel na?- Will that be okay?
4. Ho, mala chalel- Yes, that's okay with me
5. Ho, tu relax kar- Yes, you should relax
6. Ho, aai- Yes, mom
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youabandonedthem · 1 year
What REALLY Happened on Diwali? (written 10/27/2022, revised 12/11/2022)
Informal Script/Screenplay.
Setting: the felt are all wearing ethnic clothing while being interviewed by an unnamed journalist. The video’s perspective is through a shaky camera that goes in and out of focus at times and shows the recording length in the corner
die: well, i w-w-w-w--wwas just trying to celebrate diwali, you know  the, holiday we celebrate in our home planet, Clower offered me a samosa but I declined, you know, I was p-p-p-p-p-putting the l-l-l-lights up, And then i saw... One of THEM... (slow zoom in on his face, blurry) Interviewer: Can you tell us more about what you saw? Die: (squeaks and hides his face) II-I-I- shouldnt like to keep talking now. Please turn that off
(cut to the next felt member)
Fin: You know, i saw it coming. I knew they was coming here but I didnt mention it to the others cus I didnt want to ruin everyones day! But I knew! Trace: (holding on to him and snuggling him) You didnt tell me neither... fin: (is also holding trace) No trace... No i didn't... Interviewer: So you knew they were coming? did you see them doing anything? fin: Yeah but i figured, maybe I should have a little fiath this time, maybe they celebrate it too. WRONG! Interviewer: what did they do? Trace: (wrapping his tongue around fins tongue) fin: (holding tace closer) Trace: (breaks off) excuse me, will you turn off the camera, this is a PRIVATE MOMENT.
(camera out of focus before zooming on Eggs face at a weird angle) Eggs: They were so mean to us, they dont want us to be happy. They bullied us on diwali. Interviewer: How did they bully you? Eggs: I was iwth biscuits and puttig, rangoli on the floor so we went in  to put the rangoli in the hallway. I use my timer to make a lot of it. And we saw graffiti on the wall. Noboydy in my gang makes graffiti beucuse crowbar would kill us so we knew this wasnt one of us, it was spades slick and his gang.
Eggs: (crying because hes so upset) They hate us and they were racist to us on diwali . interviewer: Thank you for sharing your experience so bravely
(Almost immediate cut)
crowber: they RUINED diwali. interviewer: who? crowbar: YOu know... THe crew. The midnight crew. I know on derse they practice that other religion, they wear tthose headscarfs and stuff. I dont really get it. They’re not civilised people. interviwer: How did they ruin diwali? Crowbar proceeds to tell the only coherent story thus far detailing various scenes about the crew cartoonishly ruining the felts diwali playground bully style. His dialogue fades away as it shows the scene happening in real time: Hindu party music is playing before the crew busts in and a record scratches and islamic Allah worship music starts playing. Boxcars smashes a light on the wall causing all of Eggs time travel duplicate lights to become destroyed and go out at the same time. a close up shot of Slick spitting in the curry and the spit travelling down the curry in slow motion while droog pours dal down the kitchen sink. Deuce stacks several rectangular boxes of indian sweets on his head with his hat on top wihle flailing his arms around
After the showing of this skirmish the final interview is with spades slick himself who briefly talks about the event from his perspective and goes on in a thinly veiled india vs pakistan rant except its derse vs leprechauns. the end. And actually some time after i wrote this i realised it would be infinitely more fitting for it to just be prospit vs derse but its ok.
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maraudersftw · 2 years
hii! Happy Diwali!! being away from family during important dates sucks, i'm sorry you're going through that 💔 sending you much love💕💕
for the asks, how has your process for constructing/developing Lily's character in Retribution been like? i absolutely love that story and i'm always amazed at Lily's character <3 (also i loved the last chapter and was so happy to read that world again!)
wish you all the best in the new year 💖
Heyy Paloma 🧡 thank you for your wishes and this sweet ask
Omg I could talk about Ret!Lily for an age. I'm so proud of my girl and how much she's grown over the course of the story so far :') She's actually turned out even better and stronger a protagonist than I initially imagined her to be when I was plotting out the fic. But to answer your question, I mostly just write her going through all these crazy events, and then try to make her reactions to them as realistic as possible. The more of the world she unravels (slowly), the more her tolerance for new (and sometimes) staggering information increases. It was like peeling back the layers of reality to a new-born baby.
Showing her physical and mental progression has been a huge part of writing this fic too, and those initial chapters were difficult to execute, esp when writing in first person, because I would end up putting myself in her shoes to try and relate to her. But then, as she got better, the difference in her personality, thoughts, behavior, etc. was so interesting and refreshing to explore. Rest assured, there will be much more growth as we move through the story, because Lily has a lot more stuff to tackle <3
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wolves-and-stars · 2 years
They’d figured out the vulturing media in under two weeks, finding that when someone was trying to manipulate you they wouldn’t expect to be manipulated. 
Remus gathered hiding in plain sight was easiest, as long as they didn't know who he was, it wouldn't matter. 
Masks, gloves, shades. Anything worked. 
There were pictures of them everywhere, just without the information of who 'them' might consist of. 
He’d grown since he was sixteen obviously, taller even stronger which made Sirius tease him. Standing behind him to hide when they saw the cameras. 
Admittedly some of his favourite pictures of them were caught by the paps, ones they hadn’t been able to catch, him twirling Sirius around, laughing. 
The act though vile had lovely developments. 
They’d had close calls, getting caught coming out of allies too many times for it to be considered a mistake anymore, no matter how Lily tried to play it off. 
Instead, she chose to yell at them for being careless, which didn’t seem to matter when he felt the exhilaration of getting to whisper how they’d be caught any minute into Sirius’ ears, promptly kissing his pout away. 
Lily hadn't pushed them into hiding, none of them had, it'd actually be easier to come out. but realistically the way he saw James and Lily's relationship being torn apart, it just wasn't for them. 
Sirius gave a lot of himself to the job, but that’s exactly what it was, a job. 
Not something he owed to people, not something he was comfortable with. Plus, Sirius Black lived for the thrill of getting caught, McGonagall knew a little too much about that after the incident in the broom closet.
When the fans started speculating and digging, bless their curious souls because if Remus lupin saw Sirius Black in the papers, he would want to know everything about him too, they found out about Remus.
The day the media found out about Remus was a frantic one, they'd sat up all night trying to think of how to play it off.
Eventually, they decided that everyone could speculate and chatter and gossip but in the end, only saying it out loud would confirm it. 
Prompting Remus to hold a press conference about 'the prank.’ Sirius cried himself to sleep that night, except Remus was right there reassuring him that it was only for the media and how he'd forgiven him. 
He was technically telling the truth, mostly because James was a terrible liar. 
Everything had changed after the prank, but for the better, Remus realised the reason it hurt him so much was because the boy that did it to him held Remus’ heart in the palm of his hands, finding it easier to crush it if necessary. Thankfully for him, Sirius chose to treasure it. 
Teary apologies led to heartfelt confessions and moonlight kisses. Ending with a very willing Sirius in Remus Lupins' bed. 
So, naturally, they made James practice in the mirror before talking to the paps. 
Relieved when he got it out without blurting anything else out randomly. 
Reg like James had a hard time saying anything except for the truth, he was advised not to open his mouth or Sirius would ‘kick you in the balls'.
The engagement wasn’t very hard, a trip to James’ parents' house where he proposed on Sirius’ birthday which happened to fall on Diwali. 
Sirius wore rings on all of his fingers, even before Remus proposed, luckily for him the engagement ring was a black diamond, very on brand for him. 
At first, it was fun and games, and then it became privacy and respect. Besides, the more they showcased it the more people insisted they were ‘best friends'
They got that one from Marlene and Dorcas. 
Pure genius. 
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thedigibazzartdb · 2 days
Tourism and Hospitality: Key Drivers of Varanasi’s Economy
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Varanasi, the spiritual capital of India, is a city that pulses with history, culture, and an unmatched vibrancy. This ancient city, situated on the banks of the sacred Ganges River, attracts millions of visitors each year. Tourism and hospitality are not just pillars of Varanasi’s economy but also the lifeblood that sustains its unique charm and cultural heritage. The Best Digital Marketing Agency in Varanasi has played a significant role in promoting this sector, ensuring the city’s allure reaches a global audience.
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velcrackers · 8 days
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Are you ready to light up your celebrations with a bang? If you’re on the hunt for top-quality crackers and want the convenience of online shopping with cash on delivery, look no further than Veltraders Crackers in Sivakasi. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about buying crackers online, why Veltraders Crackers stands out, and how to make your purchase as seamless as possible.
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One of the standout features of shopping with Veltraders Crackers is the cash on delivery (COD) option. Here’s why COD is a game-changer.
No Need for Online Payment Hassles
Not everyone is comfortable using credit or debit cards online. With COD, you don’t have to worry about entering your card details or dealing with payment gateways. Simply place your order and pay when it arrives at your doorstep.
Secure and Reliable
COD ensures that you only pay for the product once it’s in your hands, adding an extra layer of security to your purchase. This method is particularly useful if you’re ordering for the first time and want to ensure the product’s quality before making a payment.
Ideal for Last-Minute Shoppers
If you’re shopping last minute, COD can be a lifesaver. You can place your order quickly and pay upon delivery, ensuring you get your crackers in time for your celebration.
How to Shop for Crackers Online with Veltraders
Ready to start shopping? Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process.
Step 1: Visit the Veltraders Website
Head to the official Veltraders Crackers website. The user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate through different categories of crackers.
Step 2: Browse and Select Your Products
Take your time to browse the extensive range of crackers. Use filters to narrow down your search based on type, price, or popularity. Read the product descriptions and customer reviews to make an informed choice.
Step 3: Add to Cart
Once you’ve selected your desired crackers, add them to your cart. You can review your selections and make adjustments if needed.
Step 4: Choose Cash on Delivery
During the checkout process, select the cash on delivery option. This ensures you’ll pay for your purchase when it arrives at your doorstep.
Step 5: Place Your Order
Enter your delivery details and confirm your order. You’ll receive a confirmation email with the estimated delivery date.
Step 6: Receive and Pay
When your order arrives, inspect the products to ensure they are in good condition. Pay the delivery agent in cash, and you’re all set to enjoy your fireworks!
Top Crackers to Buy from Veltraders
Here’s a quick rundown of some must-have crackers you can buy from Veltraders.
A favorite among children and adults alike, sparklers are perfect for any celebration. Veltraders offers a variety of sparklers in different sizes and colors.
Flower Pots
Known for their beautiful display, flower pots are a staple in any fireworks collection. They emit showers of sparks and create a mesmerizing effect.
Chakras (Ground Spinners)
Chakras are ground-based fireworks that spin and create a stunning visual effect. They are safe to use and add a unique element to your celebration.
For those looking to add some excitement to the sky, rockets are the way to go. Veltraders’ rockets are known for their impressive height and vibrant colors.
Fancy Fireworks
If you want to make a grand statement, fancy fireworks like multi-shot aerial cakes and fountains are a great choice. They provide a spectacular display and are sure to be the highlight of your event.
Tips for Safe and Enjoyable Fireworks
While fireworks add joy to any celebration, safety should always be a priority. Here are some tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
Read Instructions Carefully
Always read the instructions on the packaging before lighting any cracker. This will help you understand how to use them safely.
Keep a Safe Distance
Maintain a safe distance from the fireworks while they are being lit. This will minimize the risk of injury.
Supervise Children
Never allow children to handle fireworks without adult supervision. Ensure they are at a safe distance and understand the safety guidelines.
Use a Long Candle or Lighter
When lighting fireworks, use a long candle or lighter to keep your hands at a safe distance from the firework.
Dispose of Used Fireworks Properly
After the fireworks have burnt out, soak them in water before disposing of them. This will prevent any accidental fires.
FAQs about Buying Crackers Online from Veltraders
Q1: Can I track my order after placing it?
Yes, Veltraders provides order tracking options. You’ll receive a tracking number via email, which you can use to monitor your delivery status.
Q2: Are there any additional charges for cash on delivery?
No, Veltraders does not charge extra for the cash on delivery option. The amount you see at checkout is the final price you pay.
Q3: What if I receive damaged crackers?
If you receive damaged crackers, contact Veltraders customer support immediately. They offer a return or exchange policy for damaged goods.
Q4: How long does delivery take?
Delivery times vary based on your location, but most orders are delivered within 3-7 business days. You’ll receive an estimated delivery date when you place your order.
Q5: Are eco-friendly crackers available online?
Yes, Veltraders offers a range of eco-friendly crackers that you can purchase online. Look for the eco-friendly tag while browsing products.
Customer Reviews
John D.: "I’ve been buying crackers from Veltraders for years. The quality is unmatched, and I love the convenience of cash on delivery. Highly recommend!"
Priya S.: "Shopping for crackers online was a breeze with Veltraders. The website is easy to navigate, and the delivery was prompt. The best part was not having to worry about online payments!"
Amit R.: "Veltraders has a fantastic selection of eco-friendly crackers. It’s great to see a company taking steps to reduce environmental impact. Plus, the COD option is super convenient."
Conclusion: Light Up Your Celebrations with Veltraders Crackers
Buying crackers online with cash on delivery from Veltraders Crackers in Sivakasi is the perfect way to add sparkle to your festivities. With a wide range of products, a commitment to quality and safety, and the convenience of COD, Veltraders makes it easy to celebrate in style. So, why wait? Visit Veltraders Crackers today and get ready to light up the sky.
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