#Aiden Hale
st-dionysus · 1 year
Note from an angry trans man.
Of course, I’m angry. Who wouldn’t be. Dead children, dead teachers, a trans man to blame and the world ready to blame every single one of us instead of a single person -- instead of mental illness -- instead of guns -- instead of all the horrors that surround us. Eager to blame our HRT, our transitioning, our existence. Trans sisters who should be standing up against the abuse and shame put on their brothers – who instead decide to reject us, to blame us for anti-trans legislation, to group us all with Aiden Hale. To further stigmatize testosterone and trans-manhood. To act as though we are the harbinger of doom.
Of course, I’m angry. Dead trans people fill the news and wiki articles. Trans men among the corpses, but we don’t say their names. The bodies of FTM children left on the road, genitals mutilated, and newspapers printed with the wrong name and pronouns. Misgendered in death. Misgendered in rape, assault, and murder statistics. Misgendered in the publication of his horrific crime.
Of course, I’m angry. One of my brothers killed six people – three children and three adults. “Police then killed 28-year-old shooter Audrey Aiden Hale, who investigators said left behind a manifesto and detailed maps about how to carry out the attack. Law enforcement officials have not shared details about a suspected motive.”
Of course, I’m angry. The Nashville shooting was the 128th US mass shooting this year. There were 127 other mass shootings this year (and it’s only the end of March), most of which we did not talk about, most of which we did not address. More than 348,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine. There has been 89 school shooting incidents in the USA so far in 2023.
I want to rip something apart with my hands. I want to scream. I want to bleed. There is rage in my body, and it’s locked away behind tears and prayers. I consider cutting for the first time in over a year. I think about drinking myself to death or blowing my brains out in protest, but I don’t want to leave my cat alone, I don’t want my friends to cry about me, or to leave my lover heart-broken. I don’t want to be another dead trans man. I don’t want to be another name on the list of FTMs that have killed themselves. I’m already a part of the 50% of the FTM population who has tried at least once, I don’t want to try again. More than that, I don’t want my deadname to be the name I die with. I don't want to be seen as a dead woman.
I watch people die every day. I fear the deaths of my grade-school siblings. I fear the death of my loved ones. I fear walking into a gay bar and being carried out in a body bag.
Of course, I’m angry. It must be the testosterone.
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literal-fiction · 1 year
The Aiden/Audrey Hale (I've seen conflicting info about his name so I'm not sure) situation makes me especially sick to my stomach as a queer person who also went to a Christian school (against my will). Yes, I absolutely resent the religious trauma they caused me and yes I literally still have nightmares to this day about being in school there but have I ever ONCE thought about showing up there with a gun and shooting a bunch of innocent kids??? fuck no!!!
Also this is NOT an excuse to be transphobic but this is yet another reason we fucking need gun control.
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undeaddirtboy · 1 year
man. i’ve been in a constant state of dread since learning the shooter was ftm. things have been getting bad and this just made it all 100x worse. i’m traveling alone in a red state soon and i’m terrified. i’m terrified to even leave my house. everybody across america is going to see this and hear about this and hear the debate about the shooter’s gender and fuck.
i just don’t understand- why would he choose to “prove his point” like this? protesting the declining acceptance of transgender people by murdering kids. what the fuck. what good was that supposed to do for anyone on any side. what are we supposed to do anymore. i feel hopeless for the community at this point. how dangerous is it going to be to exist as a trans person because of this.
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audreyhalessaviour · 5 months
A post to assist Audrey Hale research.
Links that Audrey made herself.
Useful links for research.
Audrey Hale Memorial might take a bit of fiddling around with in the archives because wayback doesn't work very well for archiving Tumblr pages but it's worth it. If you can't get it DM me and I'll send you the local archive AHM sent to me. It's not complete and it's too big to link somewhere else but it's better than nothing.
I'm not a professional by any means but maybe these tips can help somebody. Imagine the places you are searching are old dusty places lost to time. Places where nobody would look for Audrey. Search things like obscure websites, profiles of people she knew, places she frequented think outside the box.
If you find something and don't want to share it yourself or need help with a search please feel free to message me.
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bloodflood99 · 7 months
Just call him Aiden its not that hard
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feminist-fog · 1 year
Aiden Hale, the Nashville shooter, just jeopardized all trans people. What he did was reprehensible and now we are all probably going to be seen as violent.
There is no excuse to what he did. No person cis or trans supports what he did.
Of course the truth doesn’t matter to transphobic legislators, they just have a new form of propaganda to spread against us.
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miat-tcc · 7 months
Manifesto of transgender shooter Audrey Hale released.
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sparepartsbacc · 2 months
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theravengoddess · 1 year
Yeah let`s make it about "trans discrimination" and not regarding the actual problem "the death of 3 CHILDREN and 3 adults"
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tragicgirl2007 · 7 months
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humanlyimprobable · 1 year
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I was trying to avoid this topic like the plague but transphobes are already trying to shove this shit in my face sooooo 🙃🙃🙃🙃
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undeaddirtboy · 1 year
Hey given the % of mass shooters that are male (absurdedly high %, given a 49-51 split of male-female population), either Hale was truly “male in spirit” (i don’t believe that because souls aren’t real) OR testosterone levels really do cause aggression and amorality in humans and Hale was on a lot of T, OR perhaps Hale saw himself in mass shooters (very male dominated area) and saw this as ultimate masc gender euphoria to be like them, when so few female people ever do this. Obviously wrong and horrible but you can see how the psychology make sense. Masculinity and femininity concepts are shitty drugs we’d do better to forget.
(this is really hard to read but i’ll do my best to respond)
or maybe he was just deeply fucking mentally ill and his gender has nothing to do with this situation. people were finding ways to make this about his transness before they even knew if he was mtf or ftm. we still don’t know if he was on T. we don’t even have his manifesto. his actions need to be addressed and condemned but what if we don’t do this armchair psychologist theorizing shit before the investigation is even complete?
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journish · 1 year
I guess I was assuming this most recent school shooting was done by a trans woman. Every news media said the shooter “identified as transgender” and used she/her pronouns in their report. Come to find out it was a trans man and every outlet has just been universally misgendering him. Come on, folks. I do not CARE how horrible a human being he is. I thought we were better than this. I hate Caitlyn Jenner, and I still have the humanity to know she’s a woman and refer to her as such. People are calling him the first woman mass shooter… I don’t know what I expected. I feel gross for advocating for him and empathizing, but I do fundamentally believe everyone deserves to have their humanity recognized no matter what. I’m tired. I could really use some good news.
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audreyhalessaviour · 9 months
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Some quickly done motivational wallpapers.
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miat-tcc · 7 months
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Hale, a transgender 28-year-old man going by the name “Aiden” Hale, entered The Covenant School on March 27, 2023 in Green Hills, Tennessee – killing six, before being shot and killed by responding officers.
The never-before-seen manifesto details how Audrey Hale planned to carry out the targeted massacre.
7:00am - Get dressed [COVERED]
7:05am - 8:55am - [COVERED]
w/ stuffed animals + possessions
9:00am - Eat breakfast at home [home encircled in heart shape]
9:30am - Pack up special belongings
in backpack(s)
---9:50am - test knifecor glass breaker
(dads old cars)
10:00am - Leave for Royal Range
(19-20 min)
10:20am - Gear up + setup guns in
trunk (assemble) + get out rest
(w/ mags inside)
11:20am - Final video tape (0 min)
11:35am - Leave for Covenant school
12:00pm - Arrive at Covenant
(Check parking lot for security)
12:05 - arrive in designated parking space
12:05-12:10 - prepare for attack
12:-- - Lock + load all weapons
12:33 [circled] Open fire towards SW entrance
Let massacre begin Time2die [circled] XXX
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