wewontbesleeping · 1 year
booked plane tickets to Seattle and my first thought was Hello Seattle by Owl City, who I was obsessed with for a very short period of time around 2008, and it’s just. Amazing what things stick around in that noggin
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sparkly-skies · 7 months
Kris has to bend down a little when he sings NGVOT with Bojan's mic and I promise it looks so goddamn funny irl
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midnights-wish · 13 days
|| 26.05.2024, sunday. ||
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been thinking a lot, today.
i'm exactly two months away from turning 27, & while i'm not usually one to sweat about my age, but instead look forward to growing old, i'm still finding myself thinking about what i want out of life exactly. i've always been drifting through life, more living in my own mind in order to fight some inner struggles & demons. and now, that i've managed to gain control over what's going on in my mind for the most part, i've found that i've automatically started to take the reins of my life in my own hands. this is obviously a good thing, but i also want to make sure that i choose the right things to do, as to not fall back into old patterns. it'd be a shame to continue drifting through life even though i now know how to deal with the lies my mind is trying it's best to convince me of. i want to be more conscious of my choices.
i'm starting by changing my career. i'm currently applying for a new apprenticeship. it's something that is a little bit more suited for the kind of life i want. i want a quiet, calm life. i want a job where i can have a quiet, calm day at, & when i go home i want to be able to concentrate on the things i'm interested in. something where i still earn enough to live comfortably. but i don't know what all of that entails. i have a concept of how i want my life to be, but more concrete plans are still missing. i'm sure i'll find out in time, but for now i'm concentrating on the career switch. after that i'll see what comes next; although i'm sure the rest will fall in place with time as well. all i need to make sure is that i don't lose focus; but this alone is already a sign of progress.
› pictures are from a walk i took at the start of april, i believe. :) ‹
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dontfindmerain · 1 year
for the lovely @consequencesbylovejoy
i hope yall enjoyed this shitty play through, i will probably upload a better one when not everyone in my house is asleep :)))
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Cleaning out my closet today, and I found a notebook from when I was maybe 13 where I wrote down a bunch of Owl City lyrics in Morse code
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thornilee013 · 5 months
Happy Wednesday! YAY!! I’m so excited for you! I hope you have the most amazing time! Also, as someone who spent roughly 14 years with a marine biology special interest, I absolutely did not notice that you didn’t include the names of fish so you are so good haha. I’ve really been enjoying the aquarium scenes in baby Jean! I spent years watching documentaries about aquariums/aquarium construction/marine biology and begging for trips the the aquarium any time we were close to one. The little aquatic theme to baby Jean so far has been so fun for me!
When you have some time, could I please get some baby Jean? I hope you and your dogs are staying warm!! 🤍🤍🤍
prev | Baby Jean | WW 18.1.2024
Jean fought the urge to cry as he looked around himself for any hint of his family. Instead, he was surrounded by strangers. He leaned back against the glass of the exhibit and sat down, cradling his chin in his hands.
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touchlikethesun · 3 months
i want to go so many new places. i also want to go back to places i've already been because i didn’t get enough time. the list of places to go just keeps growing and i never cross anything off
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
Not to sound creepy but I started looking at your Spotify and fellow Inland Territory by Vienna Teng enjoyer??????
YESSSSSS PENNI VIENNA TENG'S INLAND TERRITORY!!!! :'D I LOVE The Last Snowfall and Antebellum very much and am slowly going through her discography (like.... super slowly the way one might savour each tiny bite of a huge slice of chocolate cake)......... literally just discovered her music this year. Super in love with the sound of her voice!!!
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ukulelegodparent · 2 years
Taking off my headphones on the train BC I need to charge up on hearing people speaking sächsisch around me while I still can 😌
#it's a beautiful dialect you're all just wrong and incredibly predjudiced#you've never heard an old woman lovingly refer to you as Küken in a heavy Leipzig accent and truly I'm so sorry for that 😔#it should be considered a human right BC it's actually incradibly healing#Helgard my dear I miss you so much you mean so much to me <3 my choir grandma :)#or had your beloved flatmate unwillingly break out into a bit more erzgebirgisch than usual while talking about Christmas#or one of the leftist forest camps she went to or politics in general#I'm so sad that she's not more confident in speaking in her dialect like I understand why like she doesn't want to deal with all the stigma#that is attatched to that dialect but 😔 dialect beautiful why you no speak?#plus like that stigma is not going to change unless reasonable people stick to their precious dialects#it pains me to say it but bavaria really is extremely rigjt about the way everyone there speaks dialect and it's not looked down upon#like people talk shit about other dialects but still#like the only professors I've ever had who spoke in a stronger regional accent were almost all from Bavaria#except one who was from Vienna#and one incredibly wonderful person at the linguistics department who is from the Erzgebirge and the bravest person there is#and I mean did people constantly complain about not being able to understand the Bavarian/Austrian professors?#yeah sure but like learn bitch <3#also like ideally you'd move to an area and then learn to speak the local dialect and switch to that but I fear that's wishful thinking 😔
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cypresssalmon · 2 years
i have to CALM DOWN and stop pumping out pictures every single day but ohhhh...i have another pmd animatic idea.....
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honeybeekao · 2 years
on the wing by owl city always makes me feel better
maybe i'm dreaming is one of my favorite albums of all time. i love it so much i adore it i cherish it. i love owl city
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sweetht0th · 4 months
When I talk about Vienna, often referring to myself as such, I mean the emotional and psychological space— my lowest, the worst I've ever been. To me, Vienna is a representation of the miserable me, the fifteen-year-old me, the angry me. See, I wasn't a happy teenager, I'd rather say I was a... difficult one. I was more if a hater than a lover, a beast living amongst people of peace.
When I was in Vienna, it was pure pain and suffering— slammed doors, screams, and sobs seeking, begging for help. When I was Vienna, I was miserable, no longer the prey but the hunter, the fallacy of control.
Someday I'll go into details about it, because it really has such a meaning to me, but not today.
This is just the ramblings of a lost student in the world.
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centralpark1981 · 4 months
watching 13 going on 30 and very heavily considering cutting bangs for the first time in like 3 years please keep me in your thoughts on this frigid sunday
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pyrovilian · 5 months
They’re going very wild and crazy with the special effects this year
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spacedust-ghost · 10 months
There's something just too unexplainably personal for me, an overly-independent, young girl (kinda), about affectionate father-son songs that make my heart ache and twist in pain in some way
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dontfindmerain · 1 year
fucking lilly and vienna are gonna make me cry I love you guys 😭😭😭😭
also 'no u' to all of ur compliments
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