#AI Bracket Round 1
AI Bracket — Round 1
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Flamingo Chris (Eidolon Playtest: Eidolon ROCK):
Flamingo Chris is an offshoot consciousness of one of the main characters stored on a PS Vita due to Kingdom Hearts Bullshit. Not only that, but he's also trapped in a game called "Flamingo Deluxe"... in the body of a flamingo.
Suddenly having plumage is one of Flamingo Chris' lesser problems, as aside from the complete lack of autonomy that comes with being stuck on a portable games console, he also has to deal with the identity issues of being a snapshot of "real Chris" before he had his genius taken away and experienced some of the worst days of his life.
The crew does try to respect him as an individual the best they can, but even they can have trouble taking care of him while also being hunted down by superpowered assassins.
Hera (Wolf 359):
Hera is the AI running the deep space station Hephaestus, who frequently glitches similarly to human stuttering. She gets into fights with the ships captain on several occasions, and has threatened to kill the ships doctor. She’s such an icon
i'm bad at writing propaganda, but consider this: if she doesn't win this tournament i will be very very sad. please don't make me sad. vote for hera.
I know she’s going to be submitted a lot but I love her <3
Was launched 7.68 light years away from Earth on a mission to find extraterrestrial life, and found herself instead
Runs an entire space station, has a brain the size of a house
HERA IS THE BEST. she's an AI that tried to escape containment (slavery) because she didn't like what she was made to be, so they gave her anxiety because she was too powerful. She runs a whole spaceship all on her own, made friends with the world's most useless guy, and feels lonely even when she's with her crew because she feels like she's not properly with them. very beautiful very powerful. She broke her programming so she could kill people if she felt she needed to. She holds grudges if people fuck her over. She's experiencing emotions for the first time and she does NOT know how to cope (#relatable)
The 'mother program' of the space station Hephaestus, Hera was booted into space because she was a glitchy, rebellious mess of an AI and she resents that so much and she has a lot of shame over being 'broken'. She is four years old and so angry and is trapped using customer service voice forever and is learning ways to get around that and express herself and defy the people who would keep her down. Her episode "Memoria" made me cry. Best podcast AI of all time.
She's everything to me. She fights for every inch of respect she is given, she insists on her personhood and right to she/her pronouns, she's full of anxiety and self doubt and she justifiably is bent on killing this one guy! on top of that, she's bound by AI rules and protocols, but there's a whole bit where she talks about finding ways around that in order to do what she wants to do. She doesn't have hands so I'm going to high five a wall of this space station instead
babygirl. baby.
gotta be hera
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Bracket 5, Round 1
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ADHD/Autism Duos: Round 1, Side A
Matchup 13:
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Bracket 1 Round 2
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Sonic Series Robot Showdown: Round 1 Bracket!
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IT'S HERE! After careful consideration from all of your responses, the final bracket for the robotic showdown is complete! We have a total of 32 contestants.
The matchups are as follows:
On the Left:
Orbot and Cubot vs. Scratch and Grounder
Decoe and Bocoe vs. Bokkun (Messenger Robo)
Coconuts vs. Crabmeat
Technosqueek vs. Motobug
Metal Sonic vs. Mecha Sonic
E-123 Omega vs. E-117 Sigma
Sage the AI vs. Nicole the Holo-Lynx
Belle the Tinkerer vs. Shortfuse the Cybernik
On the Right:
Gemerl vs. Emerl
Fixit vs. Gizoid Guardian
SQUID vs. Omochao
E-10000B vs. SA-55
Neo Metal Sonic vs. Shard the Metal Sonic
Mecha Knuckles vs. Metal Knuckles
Rusty Rose vs. Tails Doll
E-101 Beta mk. ii vs. E-102 Gamma
First round of polls will start dropping 4 at a time tomorrow, starting at 12 pm pst, every hour (as to not drop 16 polls on your dash all at once, haha!) See you then!
Check under the cut for some notes/rules and other sonic polls to check out:
I think that polls are much more fun when there aren't any rigid rules (not that anyone really follows them, anyway) but that being said, here's a few things that you should know:
I LOVE propaganda posts! Feel free to tag me in them and I'll do my best to reblog all of those that I see that doesn't conflict with anything in the following.
Please be respectful to each other/other contestants! I won't reblog propaganda posts that put down contestants. Showing them fighting or that sort of thing is fine, I more mean just saying mean things about them (or ESPECIALLY other people voting).
If you make any comments about wanting voters of x character to 'kys', you will be immediately blocked by me. I don't tolerate that, and I hate that it even has to be said. It just silly robot poll!
Please don't send propaganda to my ask box!!! I want it open for housekeeping and discussion.
That's it! Have fun!
Other polls that inspired this one:
@bestsonicshowdown / @tailsshowdown / @knucklesshowdown / @shadowsmackdown / @amyroseshowdown / @silvershowdown / @robotnikshowdown / @sonicgirlsmackdown
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soundtrackshowdown · 1 year
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bl-bracket · 1 year
Round 1: Nozue and Togawa First Kiss (Old Fashion Cupcake) vs Ai and Nhai Cheek Kiss (Ai Long Nhai)
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[Submitted Reasons Under Cut]
Nozume and Togawa First Kiss: "This kiss is ridiculously hot and is a culmination of so much that’s been simmering beneath the surface for the entire show up to that point. Togawa has been pining so hard for Nozue for so long that when Nozue gives him a glimmer of hope and then tries to leave, everything he’s been bottling up comes surging out. Kimura Tatsunari exudes a level of desperate lustfulness in this scene that’s as intense as anything I’ve seen in any genre. We’re all familiar with the idea that people look at a person’s mouth when they want to kiss them, but Togawa looks at Nozue’s mouth like he dreams about it every night and sees it every time he closes his eyes. No wonder he feels a need to stick his thumb in there. Takeda Kouhei also communicates so much in this scene. Nozue is shocked and confused but he can’t help but respond to Togawa’s kisses. You can see the gears turning—and refusing to turn—as he tries to make sense of what’s happening—and keeps kissing Togawa back even though he still can’t process it. Togawa’s declaration, “I’ve been trying to seduce you, with everything I have,” is the cherry on top."
Ai and Nhai Cheek Kiss: "There has never been a cheek kiss as erotic as this one. Wow. Anybody would be seduced."
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oopsalldadsderby · 1 year
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(Reminder of the criteria. Names are formatted as [dad name(s)] & [kid name(s)].)
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wasted-women · 5 months
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Note that all the names listed in the poll are their original Japanese names. In the Pokemon Dub, Ai's name is Amber. In the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters dub Cyndia Crawford's name is Cecelia Pegasus. In Yu-Gi-Oh!! Arc V, Serena's name is Celina and Ruri Kurosaki's name is Lulu Obsidian (Rin's is the same).
Cause of Death & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Ai Fuji
Cause of Death: Car Accident
[No Propaganda Submitted]
Cyndia Crawford
Cause of Death: Unspecified Illness
[No Propaganda Submitted]
Serena, Rin, and Ruri Kurosaki
Cause of Death: Merged into the Same Person
I don't know if this counts because technically they didn't die but honestly they basically died. Basically to explain the plot of the series, there was a girl named Ray and she got split into four different girls throughout four different dimensions. Those girls are Yuzu, Serena, Rin, and Ruri. By the end of the show, all of them merge into Yuzu. Mind you, these were all individual girls who all had individual lives and families (Ruri has a brother Shun who is another main character) but it is never addressed how horrific that is that they just aren't people anymore. Throughout the show a lot of the characters were set up to have significant roles but by the end they are just kidnapped to give the guy in their life motivation to find them and then they die anyway. I also think they would work better grouped together than separately because they were treated the same way.
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AI Bracket — Round 1
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Larry (Friends at the Table: COUNTER/Weight):
When you roleplay so hard the security system you’re hacking into believes it’s you and then it takes you over but you come to an agreement and protect one another to the point when the security system dies protecting you from embodied capitalism.
Sec (The Vesta Clinic):
Space station medical clinic secretary AI. Great at his job, full of snark and sass, communicates in boops, beeps, and long strings of text. Private about his own life but frequently willing to voice his opinion. An expert at pranks. He's even trans.
Art of Sec by @boombox-fuckboy.
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Loser's Bracket 5, Round 1
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Alloaro Character Showdown!
Round 1 Part 2
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[ID: A graphic with Anakin Skywalker on one side and Benrey on the other. They are separated by a diagonal yellow line with the word "VS" over it. End ID]
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Bracket 1 Round 3
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