agreementtale · 3 years
Chapter 27: The Great
Taking advantage of the fact that both human and skeleton were distracted with greasy breakfast, Flowey disappeared on the ground.
The last thing he wanted was to leave them alone with him, but after a week of nothing but jokes and not lethal pranks, he had to make a choice.
And there wouldn’t be much more time, if the determined hue of their eyes this morning was any indication.
Since he woke up on the true lab, Flowey had to make a lot of hard choices.
Abandoning his name or being guilty of all the events his previous life triggered.
Not meeting his father or being held expectant to what he used to be.
Never seeing his mother or being swallowed by her madness.
Give up on trying to help people or being merciless murdered.
Kill and live or hide and survive.
And after many and many failed resets, he had learned his lesson.
For a long time he had chosen to sneak around the cities, to help just enough so he wasn’t caught. To live just near enough to meet people and preach a more pacific way of life, but distant enough to flee at the first threat.
“Are You Ok?” the concerned voice had cut through his fear like the sharpened bone sword would cut his vines at any moment now.
It hadn’t yet, that had been last timeline, before he was captured and sent to the labs, this time he dodged the attacks in time. This time the guard looked at him with an expression he hadn’t seen in years.
“You Aren’t Dusting Are You?” The monster looked frantic, abandoning the fight instance, concern and guilt making him lower his guard “I Didn’t Lower Your HP That Much” not that Flowey could do anything to harm him, his pellets were too weak to harm a guard’s HP.
But if he lowered his guard, maybe a surprise attack now would dust him and allow Flowey to escape. He couldn’t go back to the labs, he would do anything to not go back at the labs! He thought about taking the easy betrayal kill, but he knew sooner or later he would regret the idea, and go back to his last save file.
“Your Soul” Flowey stopped, his body going colder than the snow below him “What Happened?” he looked at the new guard, really looked for the first time.
He was a skeleton, instead of eyes he had two holes on his hollow head, dim white lights trembling inside his skull. It was nothing he had seen before, it wasn’t nostalgic, it wasn’t relatable, it wasn’t recognizable in any way… But looking at those fearful eyes, something inside coiled at the genuine show of feeling, even if Flowey couldn’t feel it, he was compelled to say something to the monster in front of him “I’m fine”
“NO! YOU–/” He stopped himself and looked back to where he came from “YOU ARE NOT FINE, I CAN’T SENSE YOUR SOUL” Flowey never thought that shouting and whispering could go together, but the skeleton just proved him wrong.
“I don’t have one” There was no sense in lying, not when he could experience a reaction so genuine from a new monster, he was tired of the same faces.
“You Don’t…”
There it was, the moment of realization where every monster sported an horrified face, and gave him either pity or disgust, he wondered which one of the two his reaction would be.
“FEAR NOT” but the skeleton got on one knee, getting near his height, chest puffed with pride, like a real knight “THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL FIND A WAY TO FIX THIS” and extending his hands he started to heal him.
A guard that was ordered to find him, dead or alive, actually healed him.
And on his magic he could feel, all the kindness and sincerity of his words, not a speck of malice, nor the lingering residue of disinterest of the paid healers, no, this monster wanted to heal him, not because he agreed on a price, but just because he wanted Flowey to be better!
Flowey was capable of healing, he had learned it from his parents. But being healed was so much better…
The feeling… that someone cared… that someone was there for him…
The new monster’s magic spoke more than he could ever describe with a straight face. He would cry, if he still had the ability.
“THE DOCTOR SHOULD KNOW WHAT TO DO” the sentence drowned all the warmth of his chest, or lack of it.
“No, please!” he tried to retreat, startling the monster before him “Not her, anyone but her!” but he was caught on his grip and couldn’t stop trashing “She will cut me open, please!” but he was trapped again, that’s what he got for dropping his guard “Please, don’t let her experiment on me again”
“It’s her fault! I’m like this because of her!”
The lights in his head went out, he was terrifying like that “She… Took Your Soul?”
He wanted to say yes, but he was scared the skeleton could see through his lies, skeletons were powerful monsters, he remembered the stories his mother would tell before he slept.
“She… didn’t build me one”
The silence was palpable.
Neither of them moved.
He wanted to escape of the other’s grip, but it was useless.
His lights were still out.
He didn’t know what to think, and the environment was too charged for him try to say anything without being prompted.
“Cadet!” Came the strong yell, the monster went stiff, getting up abruptly, and Flowey saw himself free, but more trapped than before “What are you doing standing there?!?”
She approached, and he knew that at this distance, if he so much as tried to move she would see him, if he kept completely still the skeleton’s boot gave him the cover he needed.
“FORGIVE ME CAPTAIN!” yelled, body completely stiff “I WAS LOOKING FOR THE FUGITIVE”
“And did you find him?”
“I” that was the moment they sent him to the doctor “COULDN’T FIND A SOUL, CAPTAIN” was… was he covering for him?
She shouted aggressively, hitting the trees behind with spears “What are you waiting here for?! Move!”
“YES CAPTAIN!” he made a symbol with his finger… ‘up’, Flowey climbed his boot. Hiding inside.
The first person to try to help without knowing him… The first person to still treat him as a monster once he found out he didn’t have a soul.
This memory had been lost in time, many, many resets ago…
Papyrus didn’t need to remember that. No one need to know that. He escaped the lab before the scientist could know of his existence, made a point to avoid Undyne this timeline, and was sure that this timeline neither Papyrus or Sans had the chance of using the blue magic directly on him, and finding out his secret…
This timeline he did everything right… he tried, he really tried to make a difference… but it always got to the same point…
“But... Papyrus... You are my only friend...”
The lieutenant sighed, not looking at him “YOU ARE MY FRIEND TOO, FLOWEY, Just Not In Public, Ok?”
“But…” no matter what he did, it always came to this.
He took a brief moment to think, was there anything he hadn’t tried to say? “... No one is going to hurt you for it” he was sure he hadn’t said that one yet, but it seemed to be the wrong choice either way.
“ARE YOU SUGGESTING I AM SCARED?” He was scared of be seen as weak, of becoming a target, everyone in the underground was, and everyone would kill before admitting that.
“I can protect us!” but Flowey had to try.
“It’s true!” He didn’t want to lose his best friend.
“I can! I can tell what is going to happen and–/”
“AND I WILL HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. OR WILL YOU RETHINK YOUR FOOLISH IDEA OF MERCY?” He didn’t understand, Papyrus didn’t understand what he was asking.
“But no one has to die! If monsters can just–/”
“WOULD YOU KILL FOR ME FLOWEY?” He just didn’t understand… He had killed, and then he hadn’t.
“...” He always reseted after killing, it was just wrong, even Papyrus agreed that if something like this could be avoided, it should be.
“I... could avoid us having to kill them...”
He gave an empty laugh, and Flowey knew he had lost him again.
Like all those other timelines.
“It’s Funny, Because Until Now I Would Kill Almost Anyone For You” Papyrus got up from the rock and walked slowly before turning to him “SEE WHO IS A TRUE FRIEND, AND WHO IS A FILTHY LIAR!”
“Wait, Papyrus!” He tried to follow when the skeleton started to walk, but a bone attack materialized in front of him
“IN THIS WORLD IS KILL OR BE KILLED, FLOWEY! I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN UNTIL YOU’VE LEARNED THAT, AND IF YOU STILL HAVEN’T, I WILL MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND!” he threw a wave of bones in front of him, uncomfortably close, and disappeared on the snowy path.
So this time instead of resetting a few days and trying again, like he did so many times he could swear an entire year had passed. This time Flowey left his only friend at his own luck, and went to the Ruins, to talk with the flowers.
He knew no one was listening, but it had become a habit.
He was glad he did, because a human fell the next morning.
“WHAT IS THIS OBSESSION WITH THE HUMAN?” Papyrus always paced when he was conflicted “FIRST THE DAMNED DOGS CLAIM THEY ARE ONE OF THEM” It was a sign that there was still a chance “THEN MY USELESS BROTHER TAKES THEM TO THAT GREASY TRAP EVERY MORNING” The harsh movements and the agitation were scary, but gave him hope at the same time “THEN YOU COME BEFORE ME ASKING ME TO SPARE THEIR LIFE? HAVE YOU LEARN NOTHING ABOUT THIS WORLD FLOWEY?”
Apparently not, since he was standing in front of the Lieutenant of the Royal Guard, trying to convince him to commit treason and let a human reach Waterfalls.
He nodded profusely, his leaves were trembling, Papyrus last threat still hanging in the air, only now he couldn’t come back to life if he died.
“THEN DON’T LET THEM FACE ME” His right eye light flared red as he stared directly into Flowey “BECAUSE I WILL KILL THEM AND BRING THEIR SOUL TO THE KING”
“Papyrus...” he was so tall standing in front of him.
“Please...” standing still…
“There is another way” Floyey pleaded, but he had seen this end too many times to hope.
“MAKE YOUR CHOICE FLOWEY” and with this the skeleton left.
Flowey couldn’t make a choice…
It was not his choice to make, not anymore…
And somehow he was glad.
One of the two would die… many, many times… until they gave up.
He just hoped they gave up from the fight, and came back to Snowdin.
He just hoped that they weren’t like him…
That when they got stuck in a challenge too big to surpass, that they didn’t got angry… and striked the enemy down.
They were human, and humans could deliver so much damage when they were angry…
He didn’t want to see it…
He didn’t want to see his sibling’s blood… over and over again staining the snow.
He didn’t want to see his – former, he forced himself to think – best friend’s dust… blowing on the wind, just like any other monster… not even a proper burial…
But even if they did kill him in the end, they would certainly be guilty and try again, right?
They wouldn’t go ahead if they killed, right?
They wouldn’t save over a monster’s death…
They couldn’t…
His leaves were still trembling, even without the eminent danger, if he still had emotions he would think he was scared.
But he wasn’t.
He didn’t have emotions.
He didn’t have a soul.
And if he, who didn’t have a soul, still had the hearth to do the right thing, and not save after killing someone. Then they could do the same.
And if they didn’t?
He just had to make sure to remind them.
The easy or the hard way.
Luckily for him, he learned a thing or two with past resets.
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agreementtale · 3 years
Chapter 25: Prepare yourself
“Stop wasting your food” came the familiar screech.
“Hm?” they turned around, trying to find him on the snow “You’re back!”
“Yes, I’m back” they quickly put the boot down and allowed him to get comfortable “And I saw you giving that away! You can’t do that, do you know how hard is to get food around here?”
“I already ate today” They were carrying the boot since he left, they hoped it still had a lingering warmth on it, ice shouldn’t be pleasant on roots.
“Then keep it for tomorrow” They wanted to ask about Mom, to know how she was doing now that they were gone.
“He was hungry now, it didn’t cost me anything” But if his only concern was them feeding the homeless, they could conclude that Mom was mostly alright.
“It costs you tomorrow’s food” And if Mom wasn’t alright, did they even wanted to know? They wouldn’t come back to the Ruins, not without breaking the barrier first.
“Tomorrow I’ll have breakfast with Sans again” And it would be a long journey until they broke the barrier.
His spooked expression caught their attention “You what?”
“Or is it lunch?” why was he surprised? They had talked with the brothers a few times now, and Sans had shown no intention to kill them, was it so weird they went to Grillby’s? “Is it lunch if I haven’t eaten breakfast yet?”
“What do you mean you had breakfast with Sans? Didn’t I told you not to do anything stupid?” Or he could just be Flowey, and be finding something to complain no matter what.
“It wasn’t stupid, it was free food”
“There is no thing as free food! You gave him something in return”
“He paid” Not actually, but he did put it on his tab.
“Yes, but I know you, you talked to him! What did you say?”
“We… traded jokes”
“And?” And they started a passionate rant that they didn’t remember all the details.
“He told me a bit about monsters” they don’t think they let it slip anything too bad or that could be used against them “And I told him a bit about humans”
“You should never tell him those things!” Flowey snatched their finger from their cheek, as if he could emphasize his words with the sudden action.
“He already knows I want to befriend everyone” They got their finger out of his vines with ease “he don’t believe me anyway”
“You didn’t tell him about the barrier, did you?” He was quiet, like he was afraid someone was listening.
“Nope, I’m not that stupid” There wasn’t, the homeless guy was long gone, there was no one even close to them.
“Yes you are” now he was just being petty “but anyway–/”
“Anyway” they interrupted whatever rude insult he was going to make by walking faster “he told me I’m smart, so me being stupid is just your opinion”
“…” eyed them warily, if they didn’t know any better they would think he was looking for signs of lying “He was being sarcastic”
They wanted to roll their eyes at him “Nope” was that so hard to believe? “he actually said I was smart”
“That doesn’t sound right”
They were about to retort when a blurry something entered their field of vision, they only had time to turn a bit to the side, taking Flowey out of the way before the impact.
They were thrown on the ground, just like the blurry someone.
“Hey!” a yellow and black shirt, instead of blurry was now covered in snow “Watch where you’re going” A single yellow stripe on a black shirt, with a little yellow monster inside “You wanna die today?” He still yelled from the snow.
“Not really” they remembered him, even if he seemed to be older that when they first met “I’ll prefer to die some other day, but thank you for asking” they got up, patting themselves and Flowey.
“Are you messing with me?” He was still on the ground, they got closer to help him.
“Why do you have to be like this?” their brother grumbled almost inaudible.
“No, I’m just new here, you can call me Weird Puppy” They extended their hand to help their friend.
“You are messing with me!” He somehow managed to get up and away from them in a single movement.
“Yes” Flowey said in a tired voice “Offer your hand to the kid with no arms, very clever”
“What – no!” Oh, god, why did they extended their hand to him? “I’m so sorry! I just wanted to help you get up” How could they remember being friends with him and forget this ‘detail’?
“I don’t need your help!” He shouted, still agitated “I don’t need anyone’s help” and with this he ran away.
“He looked distressed” they couldn’t help but think out loud.
“They just got thrown in the ground by a stranger”
“Oh…” he was still a kid, right “yeah, that would make anyone distressed, but why did they run away without even saying their name?”
“Monster Kid”
“No, I know their name, I just wanted to make a conversation so we could be friends” He and the little bunny were the only kids they saw in Snowdin.
“With someone you just pushed to the ground and as far as they know, wanted them dead, but was too coward to call them to an encounter”
That wasn’t what happened.
Why would he think they would kill him? They were also wearing stripes…
“You talk like making friends is impossible here”
“It is when you start by tackling someone to the ground” … he had a point… but they were not ready to admit defeat just yet.
“Tell this to the Froggits or the Vegetoid on the Ruins I made friends with” in this world tackling someone was a completely valid way to make friends.
“Vegetoid never attacked you” yes he did “she introduced you as her child” oh… no, that was just the second time, the first time they had died.
“Then to the Dogi or Greater, or Lesser, they all attacked me”
“They are not your friends, they just tolerated you because you wear stripes” that was not true! He saw how they clicked with Lesser dog.
“Now you just want to hurt my feelings” Stripes or not, that had been a nice game of fetch, and nothing he could say would convince them otherwise.
“I’m your only friend, you should listen to me” Oh, so that was the point he was so desperately trying to make?
“Ok, ok, I’m listening” if he wanted them to stroke his ego “Please drop your fabled knowledge, my dearest and only friend in this whole world” they would oblige.
“I hate you” and annoy him in the meantime.
“What a terrible burden to keep an idiot such as myself alive for so long!” said putting a hand to their forehead in their best acting voice.
“I really want to kill you right now” the irritated way his vines twitched was so funny!
“On the dreadful day of your death I’m sure you’ll go straight to Heaven” They put the boot on the ground before he decided to smack them “Because you atoned for all your sins here on Earth, by putting up with a vile and annoying being” but made sure to walk in circles around him while monologing.
“You’re not even making sense” but still keeping enough distance his vines wouldn’t reach them, in case he tried.
“Oh, sweet relief the day you are finally free from the claws of stupidity” a snowball straight to their face stopped them mid rant, they looked at him confused.
“Stupidity, I’m listening” he was smiling, holding a snowball, when did he had the time to make one? Two actually, they had just lowered him there, there was no time!
“Oh no, you didn’t” cleaning snow from their mouth, confusion morphed into determination.
“Keep going, I’m listening” still staring at their eyes, he slowly made another snowball, as if he hadn’t proved he was able to produce one in less than two seconds..
“And” the attack was expected, they dodged one snowball and another “So you can” But a vine moved the snow near their foot, distracting them enough to be hit by other two balls.
“I can what?” asked him sweetly “~I can’t hear you over all that snow~”
That was all the taunting they needed “Oh, it’s on!”
“Snowdin is nice” they said while laying on the snow, they were in the middle of the city, being goofy and all, and no one had tried interfere on their snow fight.
“Don’t get used to it” Flowey was looking away, keeping guard while they caught their breath “If you are really doing this, it will only get harder from here”
“I’m sure we can figure a way out” They enjoyed the fresh snow on the ground, while looking at the small flakes falling lazily on the ‘sky’.
It was just a cave ceiling, but with the diffuse illumination of the reflecting stones, it was clearly day outside.
The light in Snowdin was just like a, slightly dark, day in a cloudy weather.
“You don’t understand” His tone of voice was concerning.
They turned to him with their full attention.
“There are places, really bad places, places you are always being watched and can’t escape” he looked at them, the playful mood from before long gone “You can’t go there, you have to listen to me when I tell you where to go, so you can avoid getting stuck” he avoided their eyes, looking at the ground instead “I’m not strong, if you don’t listen to me, then there is nothing I can do”
“Ok, I’ll listen to you” They wanted him to stop worrying so much “What do you want to do now?” He wasn’t strong enough, but they knew they would be when they needed to.
“Stay in Snowdin a bit more” Easy done, but why would he want that?
“Are you sure?” They would prefer to keep going, but a bit of peace before the storm was welcomed.
“You want to make friends, right? You’ll need practice” And they knew that if Snowdin was calm, Waterfalls would be one hell of a storm “And more important, do you see that house over there?” he pointed to the brothers house “Never go past there”
The path to fight Papyrus.
And the barrier ahead.
“Ok, we will stay here for a while” they blew the snowflakes from their face “Does that makes you happy?”
“I don’t get happy” sure he didn’t.
“Does that makes you less annoyed?” They started to move, to make a snow angel and decorate the city, everyone passing the main road would be able to see it.
They could hear his eyes rolling in the tone of his voice “Sure, why not”
“I love you, brother” they said truthfully.
“Whatever” They chose to hear this as ‘Me too’, it was not like he was going to admit it anytime soon.
And maybe, just maybe, they were expecting too much.
He couldn’t feel love as a flower, or so he told them. But since they got here, he had been nothing but kind to them, in his own way.
And he proved he cared several times, so maybe ‘not feeling love’ was just the way he chose to interpret it? A way to cope, to exaggerate the fact so he could accept and move on?
They had done something similar after all, back on the – Cold, cold, cold!
“Get out of the snow, stupid, do you want to catch a cold?” the whole body sneeze forced them to sit down.
“Is just a sneeze, Flowey” they patted the excess of snow out of their neck.
“And next thing you know you are bed ridden and can’t breathe” now he was the one being dramatic “Get up, now”
“But it’s so comfy!” they laid down again, nor ready to abandon their snow angel “it isn’t even that cold” magic snow was the perfect temperature to lay onto.
“I’m telling Mom”
Low blow.
“Ok, ok… I’m going…”
“You’re not moving”
With a unhappy moan they got up “There” said opening their arms to make a point “Happy?”
“Less annoyed” he smiled as they picked the boot “Now go there, the heat of the bar should keep you warm enough”
It should, standing near the Grillby’s should warm up both of them, and hey, he was the one to suggest they stayed in the city a little longer, right?
If they happened to find more people to introduce themselves to, it was an added bonus!
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agreementtale · 3 years
Flowey the Flower
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* Default expressions are Annoyed or Bored.
* Can be as tall as 1m.
* Stem change sizes.
* His head does not.
* Petals are malleable.
* Do not uproot, he will fight you.
* Bud scale stipule below the leaves can grow into tendrillar stipule with magic, creating his vines.
* Green roots, not vines.
* His roots keep the boot together.
“You idiot”
“It will be interesting to see you try”
* Can morph his voice and face at will.
* Mimics other people expression and speech pattern to look as threatening as possible.
* Sometimes copies someone’s voice just so they hear how annoying they sound.
* Strong vines, can use for attack or defense.
* Soft leaves, can use them to healing.
* Secretly cares.
* Will deny it.
* Will steal your pie and eat it in the most cursed way possible.
Other Agreement characters:
The Human
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agreementtale · 3 years
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Ok, so no new chapter yet, but I'm working on the references for the characters of Agreement.
Until now we have those 3, and please if they look like a mashed up of a few drawings already existent, is because they are!
Since I can’t exactly draw by memory, I tried to use at least 5 different images to compose the rough sketches of each character and then drew the final result over it.
I'll post them individually when they are ready.
I hope you guys enjoy it, I'm quite pleased with these guys myself.
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agreementtale · 3 years
Chapter 26: For now you will face
He was stress cleaning, putting too much strength on the balcony, trying to get rid of a dark spot that never really managed to get properly clean.
Normally that sight alone would be enough to Sans make himself scarce for the rest of the day.
More concerning than that… Boss was in full armor.
It was past lunch, he either just got here from nightshift and was so incredibly stressed he had to clean before even eating…
Or he was about to leave for work, but too stressed to get out of the house without leaving everything spotless.
Sans would be an idiot if he as much as breathed near Boss in the state he was in.
Sans was an idiot, tenfold.
“Boss… ‘s just a free-EXP… ‘s still on stripes...” a stupid kid that would get hurt from too much pepper on their burger, but ate it anyway.
“SHUT UP, SANS!” he didn’t stop to look at him, still keeping himself busy “DO YOU THINK I DON’T KNOW THAT?”
Boss’ cellphone signaled a warning light, someone was walking from Snowdin to Waterfall, Sans cursed himself internally, he knew they looked too focused today, his brother looked up and dismissed the notification, cleaning the darkened spot even more vigorously.
“and they’ve been good”
He had been watching them, as his brother told him to, they had just eaten breakfast on Grillby’s and traded jokes, like every day for the past week, they were good, he had nothing bad to report, not even a petty crime or a single encounter gone wrong.
“didn’t hurt a single–/”
“I SAID SHUT UP!” Papyrus turned fully to him with a deep scowl, with the uniform on, the height difference between the brothers more apparent than ever.
“s-sorry Boss” he wanted nothing more than to teleport to his room, to look away and make himself smaller, but he knew he had to stay where he was and keep looking at his brother’s eyelights. For the good or for the bad.
“I WANT TO HEAR NOTHING OF THIS” it was Boss that broke the stare when he started to pace around “I’M A ROYAL GUARD, THE KING IS COUNTING ON ME TO NOT LET ANY HUMAN PASS SNOWDIN” his angry steps were loud and his fists were clenched “IF THEY FACE ME I WILL KILL THEM, AND BE THE HERO THAT BROUGHT THE SEVENTH SOUL TO FREE ALL MONSTERKIND!” Sans didn’t doubt it “CAN’T YOU BE HAPPY FOR ME SANS?” Papyrus turned again to him, an air of disappointment with a hint of hurt that he tried to hide behind all the rage “WHY DO YOU HAVE TO TRY TO SABOTAGE ME?”
“that’s not…” he would never, ever do anything to sabotage Boss.
“I do…” with all his soul.
“THEN WHY ARE YOU NOT CHOOSING MY SIDE?” he stomped the ground “BUT THE SIDE OF THE ENEMY? A HUMAN OF ALL THINGS! THE ONE THAT TRAPPED US ALL HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE” he was pacing again, now with wide arm movements.
“I ain’t allying to the humanity, Boss” he flinched a bit when one of the hands passed too close to his direction, but Boss was just walking “ ‘s-‘s just this one little kid... ‘s not their fault...they weren’t even born! ‘nd they not just a free-EXP, they’re… good… kind…” They remember him of little Boss, how he used to be.
Refusing to fight because he thought that was the right thing to do, striving to making friends, even if the other kids treated him with disrespect, little by little making the people of Snowdin trust him.
He felt his brother’s eyelights piercing the back of his skull, careful, attentive, thoughtful. He had to have noticed the semblance too, maybe it would matter, maybe just a little.
His brother had stopped pacing around the room.
The silence was deafening.
Slowly, he heard him walking closer.
“ARE YOU ON MY SIDE OR ON THEIRS?” Sans turned immediately, looking his brother straight on the eyelights.
“on yers, always” he said without a hint of doubt or hesitation.
“I WILL KILL IT, SANS, DO YOU HEAR ME?” the look on his face, Boss had made his mind.
“yes, Boss” and when he did, there was nothing Sans could say that would change it.
“ARE YOU ON MY SIDE?” Boss eyed him, tauntingly “WILL YOU FIGHT FOR ME?” he knew the answer “WILL YOU KILL FOR ME, SANS?” for all the stars, he had to know the answer.
“course, Boss” he would, always, no matter what “ya never have to ask me that”
His brother always would come first. There was nowhere to run, if Boss told him to kill the kid, no promise would stop him from tearing them apart.
At least if he did it, it would be quick, old gal had to forgive him… or not...
It’s not like he wasn’t used to losing friends over impossible decisions like this one, that’s just how things were on the underground.
“GOOD” with that single word a weight was lifted from Sans soul, Boss knew, he knew Sans would always have his back, he closed his eyes in both relief and resignation.
Now was the moment Boss would make him prove himself useful by–/
“STAY ON THE HOUSE” what? “YOU ARE NOT TO LEAVE THIS COUCH UNTIL I COME BACK” Papyrus walked to the door, leaving him behind, confused and uncertain.
“ya don’t want me to...” Boss knew, right? He knew Sans would do it. That he wouldn’t screw this up on purpose.
“IF YOU SO MUCH AS MOVE” his gloved hand gripped the door with so much pressure the wood creaked “I WILL PUNISH YOU, AM I CLEAR?”
“yes, Boss” with a final glare the door closed shut. Sans laid on the couch… welp… “I’ll just lay around...”
At least it would make his job easier, he didn’t want to kill the human, seemed a nice kid, even liked puns… it was a waste… but there was nothing he could do. Once Boss put something on his mind there was no way out of it.
He closed his eyes, now it was the perfect time for a long nap, maybe by the time he woke up his brother would be a hero and they would be crossing the barrier… Maybe he would be happy then.
Sounded like a nice dream.
“Didn’t you want to talk with MK a bit more?” Flowey asked, hoping the question would slow them down “It seem like the two of you are this close to becoming friends”
“I did my best, and honestly, I think every time we talk I do something that makes them hate me a tad more”
“That’s just for appearances” they were getting close to crack them “I know them, you are doing a good job, just need more time”
“Well, thank you” they looked pleased for the praise, as he expected, but quickly amended “but I spent too long on daily quests, have to go back to the main quest sooner or later”
“So” ignoring the weird way they phrased that sentence he continued “You know Dogamy? I’m pretty sure I saw him training how to do the pet thing you show them, I bet with a little practice you could teach him how to pet!” the way he made a paw movement on the air when he thought no one could see him and looked at whatever direction his mate was, it looked like he was gathering courage to attempt something.
“That’s awesome!” they got excited, as expected, time to his next move.
“So why don’t you go to their post and encourage him?” he offered, but their expression fell.
“That’s like, the opposite direction, you know” they said, using both of their hands to pointing to the directions, like he didn’t know what ‘opposite’ meant! They would drive him insane.
“Who is gonna teach him then?” He tried to remain calm.
“He is a good dog, he will figure it out” that would get him nowhere, he had to think about something a little less – he knew what.
“How was your lunch with Sans?” He wasn’t fond of the shorter skeleton, but they were “Did he tell any joke?” it had been a pain in the ass going all the time to Grillby’s and having to hear the two stupid talking.
They laughed without a care in the world “Of course!” the only reason he didn’t convinced them to miss the encounters was because the skeleton was providing them food, he was probably in charge of watching them, and found an excuse to be at Grillby’s at the same time “Is Sans we are talking about”
“So you like his jokes” the two didn’t talk about anything else, just the dumb jokes. He guessed this was motive enough for the skeleton to want them alive, he didn’t have any friends that didn’t want to kill him, he must think the human is safe enough to just enjoy their company.
“They are a bit heavy, but nothing I can’t take, he is really good at making me relax. And the food” they moved their arms excessively, making the boot sway “Ah, the food! Almost, very close to a perfect burger, if there was only a way to take the pepper off! But Sans said that the ingredients are spicy and not just the sauce” they loved their food, he could use that.
“Aren’t you excited to eat there tomorrow?” that did make them stop walking.
They looked at him confused “I won’t” again pointed to where they were going “We are going to be in Waterfalls tomorrow, I can’t just go back for lunch”
When he didn’t answer they just went back to walking again.
They were way past the brother’s house.
The snow was starting to fall heavier.
“Put me down”
They startled, immediately crouching and putting the boot on the ground.
“Sorry, did I say something?” they were worried “I didn’t meant to” so annoying…
“Why are you apologizing?” he knew how he sounded, he didn’t care.
“Because you look like you are going to disappear again”
They weren’t wrong.
He sighed heavily, thinking how he could say this in a way that they would listen.
He didn’t have his power anymore, he only had one chance at this conversation… maybe he could start with that?
“Look” he never had been honest with them, maybe this could work “This… power you have…” they had never asked either, it had been easy to ignore the subject.
He had never asked why they had never asked… someone had to come clean at some point.
“Before you fell down, I could save and reset, just like you do” just like he wished he could do right now “But apparently there can only be one person with this power at the time, so, now you have it” he looked them in the eyes.
They were listening very closely, none of the usual reverie, their eyes were focused and a bit too intense for his taste, but at least he knew that they were not going to get lost on their thoughts right now.
“My point is” how he put that in the right words? “There is just so much you can die before… a part of you breaks”
“You’re worried about me?” the usual softness of their voice was absent, their expression still unusually serious, if not a bit surprised.
He turned to look at them angrily “Can you let me speak?” he didn’t like when they were being weird “I don’t interrupt you so much when you are taking forever to say a simple sentence!”
They lifted their hands in submission “Ok, take your time” their smile softening their expression.
He huffed, he didn’t have time for this “My point is, you are too stupid to change your mind, but you don’t have a choice! It will happen whether you want it or not” he pointed a leaf to the ground “I’ve been here before you” then to their face “I’ve done what you are trying to do” then to his stem “and I can tell you”
They had to listen to him.
“I know Papyrus! And there is NO WAY” he yelled to make a point “he lets you walk to Waterfalls. He knows you are a human, he knows where you’re going, he will kill you” the last part he said slowly, with all the weight the information deserved “You have three options here”
He tried to mimic their antics, to see if at least this way they would understand. He didn’t had fingers to lift, but he had vines, and the ability to control them. He usually only used two, but to make a point he could make a third one.
He extended his right vine, and made sure it grew in three different directions, extending it in front of them, like a hand.
With effort he made only one of the extensions drop. It was the opposite of what they did, lifting their fingers, but it was easier than having the vines grow at will.
“One, you can reset, all the way from when you first fell, so, when you leave the ruins, he don’t find out you’re a human”
Their face scrunched at this one “And make Mom forget us? Make her miserable all over again? Absolutely not”
He dropped the second vine, this time having to concentrate to keep the last one up “You can go another time, when we know he is busy and can’t confront you”
“He is always ready, you said it yourself” He was, he hadn’t left the path unattended since they got here, he had even switched the training sessions to times they were usually asleep or resting.
“You can calm down a bit and avoid him” he dropped the final vine, retreating it to his stem “Find another way to get there, like, all the ways I suggested before” they were bound to find the Riverperson at some point, they just had to wait for some monster to take the ferry, no one liked to go on that boat alone, so the chanced they would be killed were minimal.
“Flowey, I know is difficult to understand, but I know I have to do this, I have to face him, or I won’t be able to free all monsters”
“You stubborn idiot. He will kill you!”
“I can take it” they foolishly insisted.
“He won’t let you pass” he didn’t want them to do this.
“I’ll find a way” but they didn’t care.
“I know you will!” he didn’t want to be in this position “But will you do whatever it takes to get there?” Why did he had to choose?
“Of course!” and that right there was the problem…
Talking was useless now “Then I’ll meet you on the other side” they were overconfident, they wouldn’t believe unless they saw it for themselves.
“Why are you so heartbroken over this?” They looked like someone that cared, they didn’t, he knew they didn’t “You know me, you’ve seen me doing this since the Ruins” If they cared about what he wanted they would listen to him, like he told them to “I’ll be fine”
“I know”
They would ‘be fine’.
“I know you, maybe better than yourself” He knew their soul could be strong under the right motivation “And that’s why I know that whatever I say, you’ll still walk out there to fight him anyway” strong and stubborn.
“And I’ll get to Waterfalls, and the barrier, and free all monsters no matter what” he mimicked their sentence, mouthing every word, he had heard them saying this since day one. They stopped when they noticed, he used this moment to talk again.
“And I’m not heartbroken” he was impassive, he literally felt nothing “I just…” but that didn’t mean he had to like what would happen next “Don’t want to see” they just didn’t know enough of this world to understand it, like he did, he smiled weakly, not looking at their attentive eyes “my best friend dying”
“I’ll be fine”
“I know” there was no relief on his admission, again he wasn’t able to change the outcome “I’ll wait for you on the tall grass”
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agreementtale · 3 years
Chapter 21: Why the Pup couldn’t find the rabbit?
There may had been an error in their calculations…
Their foot was not hurting per se, but it was weird… it was a bit numb and couldn’t hold too much weight, or they would fall straight on their butt, which after learning this new information, was a bit sore.
They were using their stick to help them walk, it alleviated the weight on the leg, and didn’t bothered them too much.
Flowey hadn’t come back yet, and despite being concerned for his safety, they were also pleased they could prove they were able to survive all the traps along the way by their own.
Papyrus’ traps had been non-lethal today, more focused on just delaying the progress of whoever came from the Ruins, while at the same time stopping whoever came from Snowdin. Puzzles mostly, they missed that.
It seems he was taking all precautions for them not to reach Snowdin, and at the same time, keeping the citizens safely inside the city.
But that wasn’t a problem, they were fairly good at puzzles, so with more mentally challenging traps they could take their time analyzing the trap, and not tire their foot from excessive walking, they would always solve them in a couple of tries.
They found another dog station, in front of an empty field, the scene felt wrong, like the lack of people meant something else entirely… But they shook the feeling off and pressed on, finding a box of pomeraisins inside the station.
“Jackpot” they jumped inside, putting the box on their inventory.
Food was another thing they were going to struggle all too soon, but not today, so it was tomorrow’s trouble.
Now they just had to jump back to the path and keep–/
They forgot, why did they forget?
Why didn’t they plan to land on their good foot? Why were they so… dumb sometimes…
Breathing heavily, they massaged their foot. Now it was hurting, and it was hurting bad. They couldn’t go on like this. They needed somewhere to rest.
They considered going back inside the station and waiting for the night, but there was still a few hours of light ahead, the guard responsible could come and find them anytime.
So they kept going, even if in a slow pace.
They could walk… it was just not very smart of them doing so. They considered eating the pomeraisins, but they had already eaten today, and they doubted it would heal a physical wound.
For their luck, the next puzzle was a sliding one, so they could just sit down and slide through the slippery ice, using the stick to move them around and solve the puzzle. After the sliding between some trees, for an indefinite amount of time, they remembered a place.
There should be a cave around South where they could rest.
With difficulty they walked just a bit more, taking full advantage of their well-slept bonus HP on the encounter with Gyftrot, as they weren’t in the best conditions to dodge.
They thought about saving before the fight, but were not sure if they should. What if something had happened with Flowey and they saved over it? They couldn’t risk it.
Luckily, he relented after they undecorated him fully and offered a proper gift, gold, the only proper gift!
He let them pass after that, but somehow they could still feel eyes lingering on them through the mountain, it was a bit unnerving, but all their problems were solved once they reached that cave.
It was warm, way warmer than it should be on Snowdin. It was calm, way calmer than what it should be on a kill or be killed universe. They could feel in their soul the different atmosphere, listening to the music resonating in the magic of the place.
It lulled them to rest near the door in the center of the room. Despite all logic, they knew here was a safe place. So they accommodated their foot above one of the mushrooms, and slept.
The next morning they found their foot more swollen than before, harder to move, and hurting way more, but that was to be expected, didn’t matter that it was cold and in a soft an high place, or that they were compressing it with a shirt and cold water.
A sprained ankle wouldn’t heal overnight.
What made them figure, maybe if they played it right, they could make it heal faster. So they ate the pomeraisins, it didn’t even raise their HP fully, they had taken too much damage on the Gyftrot fight. But it did help with the pain.
Comfortably laying on the soft grass, in a room illuminated by mushrooms and eventual shinning specs of magic, they let themselves sleep the day away.
Next day they woke when the light still barely illuminated the cave entrance, dumping the soaked shirt above the ice and waiting for it to get cold again, they were on a dilemma.
They were hungry, there were three items in their inventory, only two they could consider eating right now, only one unimportant enough they could safely eat, without risking future trouble. And still… they weren’t sure if they could afford to eat it now…
They hadn’t heard of Flowey, their ankle was still swollen, they still could barely walk, and their toes were covered in frostbites… They were in dire need of healing, but if they ate the mustard now, they wouldn’t have anything to eat tomorrow, and who knows how bad would they still be tomorrow.
They had to save it for when they were about to fight, so they would have the energy to face the day and dodge…
Yep. They decided. No food today.
They were just going to lay there and sleep it off anyway, no need of energy for that. Time went by excruciatingly slow, but they refused to acknowledge it, their stomach growled more than once, but they just tried to get some sleep, which they did, only it was restless and nightmarish.
There was no one to comfort them, so they tried to go back to sleep, when they couldn’t they tried calling their mother, when she didn’t answer they tried finding patterns in the ceiling, when they couldn’t concentrate they tried losing themselves in their memories.
The last one was surprisingly easy.
They were awaken by yells.
“Flowey?” he looked worried, but it could be the sleepiness pulling pranks on them
“I thought you would never wake up!” They cleaned their eyes with their sleeve, not able to blink the sleepiness away, but awake enough to notice his voice sounded concerned too.
“Good morning” Opening their eyes again, they tried to get used to the darkness.
“Is not morning, it’s night, you idiot!” he pressed something on their hands, it was cold “Eat it before you pass out” It was cylindrical too.
“Is that?” a popsicle! They ate it with gusto “Thank you, Flowey” it was sweet! A bit reddish than what they remembered, but who cared at this point? They always liked red fruits.
“You got out of food, didn’t you?” Busted.
“I still have some mustard” They could feel the magic working on them, passing through their mouth to belly and limbs.
“What did you eat yesterday?” As expected, the magic consumed turned into a green light emanating on their raised foot.
“Some Pomeraisins” if Flowey didn’t know they were wounded, now he knew.
“And before?” Or not, he didn’t turn to see where the light came from, more interested in his interrogation.
“Relish?” Why was he asking that? he had seen them eat it…
But he looked angry with their answer “You missed a day” at their confused noise he continued “Today is the fourth day I waste looking for you, do you have any idea what kind of trouble I went through?”
“Sorry…” Missed a day? How? Did they sleep that long?
“At least you found somewhere decent to hide” he said, slowly calming himself “if I couldn’t find you, no one else can”
Well, that’s exactly why they chose this cave in the first place “How did you?”
“Saw a Gyftrot walking around happy” he looked them in the eyes, making sure they saw his annoyance “Not just undecorated, but happy, so I thought, who is the only idiot stupid enough to go into the Gyftrot’s territory?”
“Me?” That was rhetorical.
“Then I thought” but he seemed to be having fun by making fun of them “Where is the most dangerous place they could go from here?” and didn’t the image warm their heart? “So of course I walked under the giants’ gaze on the hungry mountain and ended up in an abandoned cave”
“A cozy, warm and clean abandoned cave” They lift a finger to punctuate the corrections.
“… I didn’t understand that yet…” neither did them.
“You never been here?” but they would be safe resting here, that was all that mattered for now.
“What part of the ‘monster eating mountain’ you didn’t understand?” Safe and warm on the soft grass.
“Monster eating?” they yawned...
“Whatever!” he pushed them back to the ground “Just stay still, I think I can heal you again”
They hadn’t felt it on the first time, maybe they were sleeping? They were still tired, so they closed their eyes, just for a few seconds.
And soon Flowey was giving them another bisicle.
“I’ll eat it tomorrow”
“It is tomorrow” They opened their eyes just a little bit, the light on the entrance of the cave proved him right, so they ate it reluctantly
“It was because she went down in the rabbit hole!” They chatted energetically while he took the damp shirt from their foot, for the tenth time today.
“Then why didn’t she just crawled back up in the first place?” Human stories were dumb “Even if there was a barrier, you said Alice was human, her soul should be strong enough to pass”
“Well, she fell so much she couldn’t find the entrance anymore” but he could see why they thought of this story right now.
“And you think this place is like that world? Somewhere where the rules don’t apply?” It made no sense, nothing here was supposed to be like this, it was like someone had cut a room in waterfalls and hid it in Snowdin.
“I can’t think of a better explanation” except it didn’t feel like there were hundreds of monsters lurking below the water, ready to dust him when he least expected “you feel it too, right? How its safe in here”
He nodded, as he felt the temperature of the shirt “As long as no one find us” it was not cold enough yet.
“No one found Alice” They should have been more careful, now their foot was broken.
“The chesire could” stupid human, always putting themselves in danger.
“And who would that be?”
He abandoned the shirt on the ice, turning to them “You have to ask?”
“You’re the one making associations”
“Grinning all the time? Appearing out of nowhere? Pulling pranks?”
“Not a clue” they lied, still smiling.
“Whatever” Stupid human with their stupid humor and stupid foot.
“I think we can go now”
“Do I look like I can carry you?”
“No, I mean, I’m fine now, can walk”
“No you’re not” their foot was still wrong, he could feel it in his attempts of healing it.
“I mean it, I can–/” he pressed the swollen part with a vine “/– walk… just fine”
“~So your foot is healed?~” he pressed harder.
“Yep” the way they grabbed the grass on their hands and held eye contact said otherwise.
“~Then you won’t mind a massage~” he put a wicked smile, the one that made smaller monsters uneasy and grabbed the foot with two of his vines.
“It would be very kind of you” they said between tightly closed teeth.
Not backing off, not even when he wriggled the vines on their leg, they usually flinched a little at the sensation, but not now.
It shouldn’t be hurting so much then.
“Tomorrow” he said taking his vines off of them and using his leaves to heal whatever damage he had just done “Its almost night, we stay here for the rest of the day”
They agreed, not saying a thing.
“How did you hurt yourself this bad anyway?”
“Oh!” there it was, the childish excitement again “You should have seen them, they were 2 meters tall!”
“They were what?” there they were, talking nonsense again.
“Two meters high”
“What the hell are meters?” And the excitement turned into confusion.
“What do you mean what are meters? How else do you measure the height of someone?”
“Feet?” Obviously?
“Whose feet? My feet?” they eyed him, tauntingly “Your feet?”
“I don’t know?” what did they mean, whose feet? It was just a foot! “The feet of an average footed monster? What even is a meter?”
“Its easy!” they perked up “Just a hundred centimeters”
That sounded dumb “So you have to count a hundred of something else? How dumb!” Really dumb.
“Not as dumb as feet! What am I supposed to do? Ask them to lay down and walk beside them, to see how high they are?” What? No! Idiot!
“At least everyone knows what a foot is! What the hell are centimeters?”
“Centi means a hundred, so, a centimeter is a meter divided by a hundred”
“…” what did he ever do to be mocked like this? “What is a meter then? – And if you say a hundred centimeters I’m going to scream!”
“Like…” they lifted their good leg in the air making a mark by the door “this tall”
“So is not based on anything?” was he supposed to know a random distance? “At least a foot exist”
“Several feet exist Flowey, in several sizes! A meter is a meter independent of the person”
“Then tell me what a meter is” surprisingly, they didn’t answered right away
“Is…” they didn’t answer at all
“~iiis?~” after so long living with them, he knew when he had won an argument.
“Wait” they said closing their eyes.
“You don’t know!” They always did this when were trying to remember something.
“I studied this I will remember…”
“And how much is a feet anyway? I don’t remember either…” Everyone knew what a feet was!
He extended his vines, making two marks on the ground near the lawing human.
They looked at the marking, then twisted on place, careful not to jostle their foot, but enough to touch the marks.
Carefully they put their thumb on the first line, extending their hand, then touched their pinky and moved their hand again.
“One and a half” they murmured “So twenty one times one and a half” oh, he knew what they were doing!
“So…” he couldn’t keep the smile out of his voice “You are telling me that when you want to know how long something is” they looked at him, still unaware of the irony “~you use a part of your body?~”
They frowned “I use my hands, Flowey” how funny was that? “I don’t step on it!”
They bantered like this for a few moments, then he went back to healing their foot, it was looking better, but he still wasn’t totally convinced they were ready for another fight.
Out of nowhere, they jumped in place, like they had just been told the barrier broke by itself.
“I remember!” almost screamed with a giant smile on their face “It’s like, one ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the pole measured on a meridian!”
“A what?”
“A meter!”
That made no sense.
They being so happy for it made no sense.
He shook his head and smiled.
What a stupid sibling he had.
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agreementtale · 3 years
Chapter 20: A Pupsicle
Flowey ditched them to prove a point.
A point that they couldn’t stand their ground.
That they were too weak to both survive and keep their friends safe and happy.
That they were weak.
He didn’t know how wrong he was.
“I’ll take the boot with me” they yelled to the trees “to keep it warm for when you come back”
He had to still be in hearing range, but they didn’t know how much the dirt and snow muffled the sound.
“I’m sorry if I crossed a line, we can talk about it later”
He would have to promise not bring up their nightmares again, it was a low blow.
“I’ll be on my way to Snowdin, but don’t worry about me, take your time!”
He could catch on to them after he cooled off a bit.
Maybe that would be a good thing, they were mad at him, a time to chill would be greatly appreciated
“It snow problem” they muttered under their breath, hanging out with Snowdrake had really put them on a punny mood.
Argument aside, they had a goal.
Right now they had to prove him wrong.
So they walked.
They could see two silhouettes at distance, the Dogi. They remembered that.
And god forbid they passed through so many dogs and not be able to pet a single one!
* Knowing the dogs deserve all the pets, fills you with determination
What they did not remember was how imposing they looked. The black hood and giant axes made them look like they were going to rip their soul out.
They were probably going to… but still.
They had to pet!
“What’s that smell?” A male voice asked, sniffing the air while the cloak apparently covered his eyes.
“There is the smell” A female voice answered, grabbing her axe and quickening her pace.
“You with a weird smell…” He wasted no time to pick up his axe.
“…identify yoursmellf!”
“I…” was their eloquent reply, in the eagerness to pet, they didn’t think the encounter through.
* Dogi assault you!
And now was too late to think.
But they didn’t
Reset          Continue                                                  138741:49                              Timeline 19 end.
They could at least have tried to dodge… but hey, they could try again! In five.
Dogamy smelled them at the distance.
Dogaressa charged at them.
Wrong smell.
* Dogi assault you!
They jumped to the side.
Reset          Continue                                                  138741:49                              Timeline 20 end.
Truly a pitiful decision. There are two of them, coming from both sides, swinging their axes horizontally...
“Aaand I just remember why Flowey told me to wait…”
They had to stop getting lost on their own thoughts and pay more attention to their surroundings, or they would die a lot more than necessary.
Starting now.
This time they jumped back, avoiding both of the axes, but the Dogi swung again quickly and they had to choose.
They ducked to Dogaressa’s side, being hit on the leg by her enormous axe, throwing them to the ground, the wind knocked out of them.
That was a much stronger blow than they were used to, they couldn’t avoid a quick look at the red number going up.
“You took 20 HP?! Are you serious? That’s like my entire life!” They screeched while red tainted the snow.
“Smells like human” She declared.
“It makes me want to eliminate” He confirmed.
“Eliminate YOU!” As both of them raised their axes, they quickly performed a check.
* Dogaressa – ATK 14 DEF 6
* This Alpha finds her mate lovely.
Reset          Continue                                                  138742:02                              Timeline 21 end.
“She shouldn’t be that strong” Murmured to the wind.
But that made no difference, they would still have to face them.
“Why didn’t I die when she hit me?” This puzzled them just for a brief moment.
A quick unfocused blink revealed HP 30/20. Sleeping in a bed would really help today.
* Dogi assault you!
They jumped back, then, against all self-preservation, straight into Dogamy’s axe.
* Dogamy
* Check
* Dogamy – ATK 7 DEF 10
* Dogaressa’s mate.
* Trust only what he smells.
So they have two chances, three if they successfully avoid her, interesting.
* The dogs keep shifting their axes to protect each other.
“Let’s kick human tail”
“Humans have tails?”
Their bleeding arm did not stop them from dodging the magic bullets, to their credit they only got distracted by the heart shaped pattern twice, so it only cost them 6 HP this turn.
And they already had one action in mind.
* Dogamy
* Pet
But the dogs didn’t let them get close, retreating to defensive stances. How do you even pet someone over 2 meters tall? Even their axes were bigger than them!
“It’s ok, I just want to pet you” They extended their hands in a pacifying motion.
“Paws off” He growled showing off his teeth and grabbing the axe strongly, it was their impression or there was a scar covering his hand? “You smelling human!” Not just the hand, seeing through the sleeve, pulled to his elbow by gravity, it looked like it covered the majority of his arm.
“That’s MY mate!” She was not behind, a deep scar ran down her cheek and covered her neck, in what once could have been a fatal blow, the sight made them wince in sympathetic pain.
“I’m not gonna hurt you” The dogs didn’t deserve to be hurt.
By the strength of their axes, they made sure they wouldn’t.
Reset          Continue                                                  138742:19                              Timeline 22 end.
The Dogi hit hard.
Reset          Continue                                                  138742:23                              Timeline 23 end.
The axes were too coordinated.
Reset          Continue                                                  138741:55                              Timeline 24 end.
There was no way out.
Reset          Continue                                                  138741:58                              Timeline 25 end.
Too quick for their legs to follow.
Reset          Continue                                                  138742:36                              Timeline 26 end.
They refused being approached.
Reset          Continue                                                  138742:28                              Timeline 27 end.
Even when they rolled around, they refused to re sniff them.
Reset          Continue                                                  138742:16                              Timeline 28 end.
Reset          Continue                                                  138742:44                              Timeline 29 end.
Why they already knew they were a human?
Reset          Continue                                                  138742:13                              Timeline 30 end.
They were missing something, weren’t they?
Reset          Continue                                                  138742:14                              Timeline 31 end.
“What’s that smell?” Was the first thing he asked
“There is the smell” A smell, of course.
They wasted no time to roll around the snow.
“You with a weird smell…” Still? Rolling around did nothing?
“…identify yoursmellf!”
“I’m a friend!” they spat extending their wrists to them “There, you can sniff me!” If Flowey was here he would have berated them to need 13 reloads to think on that.
Dogaressa approaches and without breaking eye contact sniff in their general direction.
“You smell as weird as before” She growled.
“Wait, was I already smelling like this before rolling on the snow?” This was strange, for the brief memories that flashed in their mind, they had to roll around to disguise the smell.
“Suspect action”
“Action of an enemy”
“Is that a yes?” They tried again “What do I smell like right now?” And it seemed that both of the dogs complied.
“Dirt and snow” He answered, cornering them for one side, leaving the blade of the axe in front of them.
“And mystery smell” She said, going for the other, surrounding them completely.
They had nowhere to run but the axes if front of them.
But between the two sharpened blades and the four very big pair of canines, they would rather face the axes.
Welp. If they were going to die again anyway...
“So, I could be a weird monster with a weird smell, why…” As the words left their mouth, another memory flashed before their eyes “why can’t I be just… a weird…smelly… puppy?”
That was it, right? What they had been before. The missing piece.
Roll around, smell like a puppy and pet them.
“A lost puppy?” his tone changed, it was still aggressive, but he was hiding something.
“Yeah” they looked at their own hands while the Dogi whispered between themselves “I…” their hands had been covered in dirt since the day they left the ruins “I think I’m lost…” since they left their mother all alone in her empty house “I miss my mom…”
“Smells like salt and stripes” He said quietly, they blinked and cleaned their face, that was not how they were planning this to go.
“You will find no sympathy here” She said coldly, pulling the axe closer to herself at their neck’s height. They were now effectively trapped between the dogs at their back, the handle at their sides, the blade right in front of their eyes.
“There is a human around” He followed her lead, despite the blade of his axe standing further from their neck, they were trapped nevertheless.
“You smell like an enemy” They breathed in.
“Puppies have to stay close to their pack mates” They breathed out.
“If” She growled, buy it didn’t seem to be directed at them “you are a puppy” they needed to calm themselves to take full advantage from this run.
“And how will you know?” they tried to turn to her, but the axes didn’t allowed it “If I’m a human or not”
“Humans don’t dust” Her words made his axe tremble just a bit, so they knew they had a chance to talk with him.
“So you kill a child and wait to see if it was a monster or not?” The reply had been too morbid for them to take it seriously. No one killed children, it was a rule “And when you find out I am a monster and you killed an innocent child based on a rumour, which one of you will deliver my dust to my crying mother?” It had to be something more to it.
“I will” He answered promptly, no hesitation, but… grief maybe? They couldn’t tell, they had to turn and look at their faces, but the axes would cut their cheeks if they as much as trembled.
“Smells like anger and…” Screw it. They turned to face them, the sting in their checks and neck was worth the surprise on their faces “tea?”
“So which one of you will have the honour of harvesting my EXP?” They seemed more shocked than angry, if they were facing the wrong side they would have missed the hesitation on their simultaneous growl.
“Don’t test us” He threatened.
“You won’t be sure until you kill me right? Why the change on demeanour? Weren’t you ready to put a child’s dust in a jar?” He hesitated.
He turned slightly at her, looking for confirmation. Truly, she had been silent, interesting.
With her eyes fixated on her own axe, she said only two words “Didn’t dust”
Their death wasn’t instantaneous, there was not enough damage to their soul to break it.
But the wounds in their neck did the job quick enough.
The red blood painting the snow.
Reset          Continue                                                  138742:52                              Timeline 32 end.
The blood… She was waiting to see if the blood would turn to dust. That was what happened with dismembered body parts! They turned to dust!
“They won’t kill a puppy”
They wouldn’t, but that information was useless unless the Dogi truly believed they were a puppy.
“Aren’t I” they asked themselves “Just a lost and slightly weird… puppy?”
If they could admit to themselves that they were not just ‘slightly’ weird, and commit to their full weirdness, then maybe… yea… maybe they were just a dumb puppy that believed every problem could be solved with pets.
“I am a weird puppy” they said out loud to the Dogi if front of them, ready to swing their axes.
“Smells like dirt and snow” He said, lowering his weapon and looking for her confirmation.
“Smells like mystery smell” She answered, unconvinced “Stay still” her axe went for their hand, they instinctively pulled back.
“Don’t move” he reprehended.
“Stay” she commanded.
The axe was sharp, just needed to touch one finger slightly to cut it, staining the axe with a few drops of fresh blood.
“Can I pet you?” They asked, ignoring the small wound, making grabby hands at her. To distract her of the test they were about to fail or to just satiate their needs of petting at least one dog? No one would ever know.
“Don’t touch my mate” But even now, it didn’t work.
Why did they bothered? It was clear this was not how they would win the encounter.
“But I haven’t pet a single dog! I want to pet…” But in life we don’t get what we want.
“Dogs can’t pet dogs” Dogamy was confused, and… maybe smiling a bit?
“Why?” Because she is going to realize the blood is not dusting nor turning to magic waste at any time by now.
“Because that’s how puppies get bitten” any time now.
“Why would you bit a puppy?” aaany time.
“Better me than her” he got closer and bit the air in front of them, they stepped back by instinct, but he seemed to be just showing off.
Ok, by now she should be…
She wasn’t looking at her axe, she was looking at Dogamy!
“Still want to pet a dog, puppy?” He taunted, and she seemed to be enraptured by the view.
“I do” they extended a hand to him, just to have him bite the air in front of their fingers again.
“You need glasses if you are missing bites” She said playfully. And who knew? Love is blinding…
“I’ll take their fingers off next time, you’ll see”
“You better, or I’ll doubt your aim”
“Hotdog, you know I would bit anyone for you”
They extended their hand to try and–/
“Dogamy” her voice changed, along with his posture “Eliminate” Her axe swung before his, but it was quick enough.
Reset          Continue                                                  138742:27                              Timeline 33 end.
“I know what to do now” they said confidently, instead of going out there and doing it already “But I can’t do it alone”
… Said to no one in particular… Since they were sure Flowey would have intervened if he was around.
“I can’t be hit, if they see the blood they’ll know” they had to dodge all the physical attacks then “And we both know I’m terrible at dodging”
They were in fact terrible… they were never a fighter to begin with, much better at acting their way out of things.
“So I need you. I know you are out there, I remember you, and I know you remember me”
Their soul was called out to an encounter. But they didn’t mind.
“We made a promise, you and I, we would keep all of them safe on the surface. Help me achieve that once more…”
Both axes swung simultaneously. But they didn’t try to move.
As a last word left their lips, their feet moved by themselves.
The next 22 timelines were a blur. But they remembered a cocky smile on their face as the axes swung on them on the last second.
Reset          Continue                                                  138749:59                              Timeline 55 end.
Still with a smile on their face, this time one of real joy, they ran to the Dogi.
“Hey!” They screamed at them, closing the distance before they could search for their scent “Did you know? Did you know?” They chanted as they ran in circles around the guards.
With the sudden approach, both of them attacked, but their axes didn’t seemed to reach the puppy running around and rolling on the ground excitedly.
“Did you know that dogs can pet other dogs?” They asked with an innocent smile, there was only kindness on their intent as they reached their hand to Dogaressa, trying to pet her.
“Who are you?”
“Why are you?”
“I’m a weird puppy!”
The name coming out of their mouth was so familiar, they embraced it with all they had.
“I’ll give you pets!” they couldn’t contain the euphoria, dodging another swing by their feet, they jumped as high as they could, reaching and touching the back of Dogamy’s head.
“Don’t touch him!” Dogaressa charged immediately.
They stepped back and to the side, rolled down the axe and jumped up, in a motion as natural as if someone had trained it for the last half an hour. They didn’t even register what they were doing, too focused in talking.
“I can pet you too!” said to a growling guard “I’ll show you!”
“Beware of dog” They only heard him say it, but if they were more aware of their surroundings, they would have noticed he was not in a battle instance any longer, but standing confusedly while touching his nape.
They only had eyes to Dogaressa’s fluffy head, in her rage uncovered by her hood.
They went for it, jumping as high as their legs allowed them, extending their hand.
At the apparent attack, she ducked, but they managed to slide one hand on the top of her head.
Victory at last.
Both dogs have been pet.
What they didn’t realized, was that with her motion, she also managed to put her axe right where they were supposed to land.
A new movement. One they had never seen or trained for.
Milliseconds from hitting the blade, they retracted their legs, throwing their arms to one side and spinning their torso to the other in a circular motion.
The quick movement was enough to make them miss the blade, but threw them ankle first on the ground. They spun twice on the snow before stopping in a ungraceful fall.
“Ouch” they whimpered with a mouth full of snow “That wasn’t fun…”
“You are lucky to be alive” She murmured.
“Never sneak on the guard” He chastised.
“I didn’t sneak” they retorted, sitting on the snow “I screamed as loud as I could!” Facing them, their axes were lowered, the encounter ended.
“Weird action” He got closer, sniffing the air around them.
“Lucky puppy” She was touching her head in a mix of anger and concern.
“That’s me!” They smiled at the Dogi “I’m Weird Puppy” They couple looked at each other before facing them.
“Where are you from?”
“Who are you from?”
“From…” backstory, quick “That way” they pointed to the general direction of the Ruins “And from my mom!” Well, they wouldn’t be caught in a lie if they weren’t lying…
“Go back to your mom”
“There is a human running around”
“But I wanted to show you” they tried to stand, but the leg they fell on wasn’t helping much “That dogs can pet other dogs”
“No pets allowed”
“Too dangerous for petting”
“But…” they had just pet them… why weren’t they happy? “Pet pet…” they motioned twice to pet an invisible dog, much smaller than them. In turn looking like a dog giving paw.
“Guards don’t pet” She said simply, but from behind her Dogamy copied the hand motion, looking at his mate “Go home Weird Puppy”.
“We will find the human” He said dutifully.
“You can pet when we are on the surface”
“Can I?” She had said it herself “I’ll hold you to it” They could pet them all on the surface “I will pet the two of you once we are free!”
They looked at each other and smiled, softening for simple moment, before putting their ‘royal guard’ face and telling them to get out of there.
It was fine.
They pet two dogs today.
Their leg was weird, but it wasn’t hurting.
And they had just caught a glimpse of hope blooming on these monster’s eyes.
Today was a good day.
Today was the worst day.
‘Stop dying you idiot’ He wanted to scream!
But calling attention to himself was never a smart thing to do. Specially because he couldn’t reset anymore.
He just held himself on the fishing line, waiting for the moment the world would be turned back in time, and he would be teleported to a ‘quick swim’ on the icy lake.
He never realized how resets could be so disorientating.
His 5 minute shortcut through the river was turned into what? Half an hour? An Hour? Two? How should he know? Everything seemed to be slower on that damned freezing water.
He would make them pay for this!
But now he just wanted his head to stop spinning...
The minutes passed and it seemed like time would stay where it was. He climbed the fishing pole and let go of the log he was using as a boat. A horrible boat if he had a say on it, it turned upside down half of the time.
Once his roots were in the snow, he didn’t even complained they were cold, he was just glad they were firm in a single place after ducking on the water for so many times.
Burying himself on the ground, he went first to one of the few dimensional boxes still intact, this one he had hidden below Snowdin town, on the ‘Undersnow Tunnels’, the project had been abandoned after a cave in decades ago, only he could get to them now.
Emerging on the safe bunker he had created to himself, he took the glowing mushroom out of his inventory, placing it near the box and illuminating the buried tunnel.
He put a few exceeding items on the box, for later use, and picked up two bisicles.
He had paid Monster kid to buy it for him ages ago, since he couldn’t enter the shop himself. But he never got to eat them… Not since that argument…
There was one idiot out there who hadn’t brought enough food for their ~oh sooo well planned~ trip to Snowdin. And now were eating discarded condiments just to survive the day!
“Stupid” they made him like this “Stupid human that don’t know the first thing about how not to die!”
He could shout here, he was safe, no one would hear.
“Here is your food, you pathetic and weak and dumb human!” He wavered the bisicles in the air, hitting the mushroom in the process.
The puffing noise caught his attention, he pointed his vines at it aggressively.
“You better be grateful I got you food!”
The mushroom didn’t answer.
He huffed satisfied, putting the bisicles on his inventory and the mushroom on the box, he went to find the starving idiot on the Snowdin forest.
It wasn’t an apology. As a flower, he was incapable of feeling guilty.
He didn’t overreact. He was right punishing them for making fun of him.
The special edition bisicles were just food.
No further meaning behind them.
Is not like he could eat the treats with anyone else now.
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agreementtale · 3 years
Chapter 19: What do you call a frozen dog?
“Get up already!”
“Hm?” they tried to balance themselves into an upright position, body still heavy from dizziness they propped themselves on the ground “Did I sleep?” they didn’t remember going to bed.
“How many fingers am I holding?” the blurred mess before them sounded like Flowey.
“God, I hope none” Their tongue was kinda numb, it was weird, imagining Flowey with a human hand. Human shaped fingers were weirder.
“Why do I still bother?” He asked while face palmed, witch it was funny because… palm…
They had to remember this one.
Flowey with a huge green palm covering his face, like a coconut leaf… or a…
A green…
Green was so nice…
It was warm and told them to ‘take a better care of themselves’, called them ‘sibling’, called them ‘stupid’ and… wait, what?
“Why are you calling me stupid?” they opened their eyes, white snow on the ground, Flowey emanating a green light, the absence of a maze “And where are they?” no skeleton in sight.
“I didn’t call you stupid” they looked at him suspiciously “You still are stupid, I just didn’t call you one this time…” they felt there was something more to it, he just kept healing them with green magic… unusually quiet…
“I could swear I heard you calling me stupid”
“Maybe you found your conscience, was about time” ha ha, very funny.
“No, seriously” he stopped, admiring his work instead of paying attention to them “Am I hearing voices now? ‘Cause that can be problematic. Are you sure you didn’t say it?” He seemed thoughtful for a while before answering.
“What did you hear?” Suspicion was clear in his voice, but after their body being so carefully healed, they didn’t find in them to be annoyed with him.
“Well… it was your voice, but…” not quite? “it wasn’t…” corporeal? “a voice, I mean… more like a thought?” but they heard it either way “and it said I should take better care of myself” they looked at their hands, fidgeting, the inability to speak properly again plaguing their mind “and that I was your stupid sibling” they weren’t stupid, they just struggled sometimes.
A noise they weren’t expecting caught their attention.
He laughed…
“You are, aren’t you?” Asked, amused for some reason, they glared, squinting their eyes at him, they were not an idiot.
“So you said it?” by the way he was laughing they should assume this, but there was something more… genuine about his whole demeanor.
“No” he denied “But apparently my magic said it to yours”
“I didn’t know you could do that” they had seen this kind of communication before, what was the name again?
“I can’t” the admittance didn’t allow them to be lost in thought, focusing on him instead “I mean… every monster can project, some better than others”
Oh, that it was, the word they were looking for was ‘Projection’.
“Magic come from a monster’s soul, so every time they use magic, other parts of their soul, like feelings and thoughts, also go out with it”
“Like their intent?” That made sense, no matter how good you were at separating things, magic always carried a signature, color, intent and feelings, among several other things.
“Yes” but the surprised way he was looking at his leaves was concerning “I just didn’t know I could…”
“Project?” He had magic, why would he think he couldn’t project?
“Yeah… project…” by the way he looked to the side he was not completely honest, they thought about questioning more “Whatever” he said batting his leaves, like dismissing his own thoughts as stupidity “You passed out on the snow after we won, Papyrus said you could have the honor to see the next puzzle before you die”
“Well, how nice of him” Maybe he was putting up a front “For someone you said was angry all the time, he is being pretty tame” not letting the world to see how he still was the same Papyrus on the inside.
“Tame?” He mocked the word “He just killed you what? Five times?”
“He didn’t kill me though, the traps did”
“Why is this not a big deal for you?”
“I’m alive, aren’t I?”
“You’re weird”
“You have no idea”
The last battle may have been too much excitement for a day, and they had no intention of facing another trap so soon.
In fact they slowed the walking to a sluggish pace, and as incredible as it sounded, Flowey didn’t complained about that, he even seemed to enjoy the break.
“Ball game!” they yelled throwing their hands on the air, victorious.
Flowey read loudly the message displayed near the red flag “Bravery. Justice. Integrity. Kindness. Perseverance. Patience. Using these, you were able to win at Ball Game, you won 50G”
“Seriously?” they could use that kind of money “Why does this one still works?”
“The others are easy, they ran out of money fast, but no one is so stupid to lose an entire afternoon playing enough to discover that there is yet another level to this thing”
“Well, I did” They said, watching the cash disappear with magic as they touched it, a quick unfocused blink and they could see the money added on the black screen that displayed their status. A menu, as they liked to call it.
“And you are my favorite idiot” Maybe they could use the money to buy something for him.
“You know what, that was kind of nice” something to eat perhaps “I’ll take it as a compliment” Oh, oh! They knew just the thing!
“Whatever, but we should find some place to sleep in, is getting dark”
“I wish we had some Nice Cream though” They remembered faintly how they used to ask for a single milkshake and two straws. He would get brain freeze every time, but refuse to drink it any slower. They would both end up in a race drinking as fast as they could, just for the right to eat more of the dessert, despite Mom’s insistence to buy them one milkshake each, they always–/
“A what?”
“A Nice Cream?”
His face remained blank, they felt scared and anxious.
“Don’t you tell me you don’t have Nice Cream?!” The universe couldn’t be cruel enough to deny them of ice cream! “Delicious frozen treat?” What dessert would they share on their ‘sibling bonding’ moments? Pie was too common to be a treat, and chocolate always ended up in fights.
“Sweet, creamy, makes your head hurt when you eat it too fast?”
“Yes!” Pure relief washed over them. ‘Sibling bonding dessert time’ was still a viable option.
“You mean Vice Cream”
“I guess” the name was unimportant, but they had to make sure the taste would be the same “Why vice, though?”
“The treat so delicious it will get you addicted”
“Sounds about right”
“That is just the slogan, idiot, you won’t actually get addicted” his voice dropped to a whisper “Mom’s pie is way better” he was silent for a moment, maybe he missed her already? “Anyway, you won’t find it here, the guy is in Hotlands, Waterfall at most, he never gets here”
By Flowey’s advice, once it was dark, they headed North to find two empty guard stations, they slept on ‘Hers’ station, as it was far down on the road and, to their delight had a comfortable mattress underneath the balcony.
Next morning Flowey woke them up before it got bright, which made sense, they had to avoid the guards after all. Still they thanked Flowey profusely for the information, sleeping in a bed again had been so comfortable and relaxing they even got 10 more HP from the ‘well-rested’ bonus.
But even with the status improved, they couldn’t help but notice the beginning of frostbites, they wished they could take a bath on mom’s house, it was only the fifth night sleeping on the forest and they were already smelling like dirt and snow.
Determined on hitting the red flag on Ball game, they spent the morning playing and got quite the amount of G! They also were lucky enough to find the same Snowdrake, that didn’t attack them this time, instead they gave him some tips about the ball game.
At first Flowey was against telling the monster his life hacks, but relented when they argued that he needed to eat too and that make money in a game was better than getting into fights.
And getting killed, it passed unspoken between them.
The drake wasn’t in stripes anymore, so it was a very likely possibility.
Flowey as very useful on that, telling him the best spots to hide and to get food, Snowdrake listened attentive, dropping a few puns here and there. They tried a few too but they were equally bad at it.
They had to improve their pun game, they were terrible out of practice, maybe they could think of a few before reaching the city, but after talking with Snowdrake so much all they could think were ice puns.
At the afternoon their stomach grumbled, so Flowey told them to pull off the main road and go eat near the trees covering the hidden switch, while he stood behind a tree and looked out for possible troubles. They begrudgingly left him there and had Relish as lunch, they turned their nose, but ate it anyway.
“You are lucky I’m here with you” he said while they picked the boot of the ground.
“Yep, I’m lucky you are here” their stomach wasn’t complaining anymore, apparently pacified with being ‘not empty’. Their mouth on the other hand, was asking for better food for a few days now.
“Lesser was just here, but he went down the road for his patrol, we won’t have to worry about seeing him till tomorrow” Oh, bummer, they wanted to pet him “You are lucky I know the guard routine. Now we just have to wait here a bit until the Dogi go to their post and we can keep walking”
“Very lucky” he was so proud of himself, with his little leaves puffed out, like he was trying to imitate a hero’s pose, they couldn’t disagree “Anything else happened while I was eating?”
“Papyrus stopped by to know why were you taking so long to walk a one way road”
“Really?” Was he worried about them? “And what did you say?”
“I told him you were an idiot”
They sighed, it was such a Flowey thing to do, they didn’t know what else they expected “Right… and what did he said?”
“To hurry”
“Ok” straight to the point, somehow it sounded like Papyrus.
For the way he presented himself he seemed to be very straightforward, and maybe a little bit difficult to handle?
Or that was the way he wanted to be seen at least, they were sure he was as sweet as before below all the front he put.
“I told him how you wasted your time rebuilding the Snowman” It took a few seconds to process what Flowey had interrupted their thoughts with, but when the words made sense, they were definitely not happy.
“Why did you tell him that?” Why would he? How would they even get to this subject?
“What? Was it a secret?” He didn’t seem to see what the big deal was.
“No, but… I didn’t do anything!” In truth, they didn’t know what the big deal was either, they only knew that it bothered them.
“Yes you did!” Why did that bothered them?
“I know, but…” they tried to figure out why they were feeling like this “You don’t just tell people you helped someone” but this was the best explanation they got, he eyed them confusedly, they probably were making no sense.
“Everyone does it” He was right. They had to elaborate it better if they wanted to make any sense.
“Ok” they breathed in and out, to help them put their thoughts together “Sometimes you may do this, but not when helping was the only decent thing to do! You don’t brag about doing the bare minimum!” they said exasperated, but he still didn’t look like he saw the problem “Besides, it was your idea, I’m not taking credit for it”
He seemed to understand, or at least drop the subject for now.
They were silently sitting by the tree, why couldn’t they just keep going again? He had said something, but they weren’t exactly paying attention then.
“…and how you taught the Snowdrake how to get money” he said after a minute of silence.
Ok… why?
Why was he telling him that?
“You did that one”
“It was your idea”
“Yes, but why would you tell him that?”
“He asked”
“And you what? Gave him a full report?” They were pissed now, he wasn’t even seeing what was wrong with talking about them behind their back.
“Why do you care? Is not like I’m telling him something bad, I’m not even lying!”
“Exactly! You are only telling him the ‘good things’, now he will think I’m some kind and selfless saint, and then he will meet me and be disappointed, because I’m very much not just good things!”
“Fine! next time I will also tell him how stupid you are” His face morphed to his twisted smile “Oh Golly, I already did that!”
“Coming from you, is not like it means anything, you use ‘idiot’ like a period in every sentence”
“Well, then I will tell him how stubborn and annoying you are”
“As if you were any better!”
“I’ll tell him how much of a crybaby you are!”
“I’m not a crybaby”
He morphed his face to something human like, it was bizarre “~Mom! Please Mom!~” Not just any human… that was their face.
His voice was both mocking and in tune of what they sounded like when too sleepy.
“~I’m sorry”
He was mocking their nightmares.
“~I don’t hate you!~”
“Stop” they murmured, he didn’t know what that meant, if he had known, he wouldn’t be bringing it up so lightly.
“~Please don’t leave!~” Their eyes watered at the cruel display.
“Stop.” They gritted their teeth, they wanted to punch him.
“~Sorry, so sorry, please~” he kept going, they took a deep breath and waited until he ended the theatrics with a gut wrenching scream “and that’s my every other night” said smugly.
They had little droplets of water on their eyes, but were avoiding to cry in front of him, it was so funny, how a dumb nightmare made them cry like this even when they were awake.
She was right there on the ruins, if they wanted her so badly they could have stayed there!
But nooo…
They had to get out of the safety of her home and go to an adventure in a world full of monsters trying to kill them, and him by proxy.
And now he was basically a traitor, and they didn’t even appreciated his efforts to keep them alive.
‘Why did you tell him that?’
To convince him not to kill you on sight, duh?
At least now they were as annoyed as he was with all this.
And almost crying…
Such a baby…
“I’m telling mom!”
They grabbed their phone and started to push buttons.
“Hey, wait!” he tried to take the phone of their ear, but they started to spin around to dodge his vines.
“Too late, you had your – Hi, mom” they cut in chirpily.
“Don’t say it” He pleaded still trying to take the phone away or at least mimic an apology before they said anything.
“Not really” They were ignoring him, he couldn’t let her know “Flowey just made me cry”
… no…
“Yes, hm, the nightmares, okay” he panics as they put one hand on the speaker and turn to him to say “she wants to talk to you” she was going to kill him.
He grabbed the phone quickly on shaky leaves “They started it!” he yelled, waiting for his mother disappointed reply… but there was nothing…
Just their muffled laughter.
His confusion lasted only for a second, he looked at the phone, discharged since the night with the Snowman, and remembered the lack of outlets on their path.
They wanted to make fun of him?
They wanted to make him feel scared?
After all the trouble he went for them, they wanted to make him think SHE was disappointed in him?
“Serves you right” they showed the tip of the tongue, like this was just a common prank.
You know what?
They think they are clever?
They can freeze for all he care!
“Put me down”
“Aw Flowey, you got mad?” they teased, he was done.
“Put me down!” with his vines he started to undo the laces of the boot, but they quickly kneeled, putting the boot on the ground.
“I didn’t think you would actually get mad”
“Shut up, stupid!” he got out of the boot and into the ground, it was so cold he almost thought of going back to the boot.
But no. They messed up, so he would get back at them. And he would do that by proving a point.
“You think you are so clever! That just because you have this power you can do anything” that was what he had thought, and boy was he wrong, at least if they learnt this tiny lesson now, maybe they could avoid learning the big one the hard way “Well, you can’t, you know why?”
“Because actions have consequences?” The mirth was not on their voice anymore, and they were almost somber, like that single sentence aged them a decade.
But he could find out what that was all about another time, now he had a point to make “Because you are too weak to hold your ground”
Surprisingly they were listening, like they actually cared… fat chance, they probably were just lost in thoughts like usual.
“You did something I could kill you for” any ally would turn on them if they made fun of them like this, they were lucky he was incapable of feelings or he too might want to attack them for it “And you have no intention of attacking me even if I called you to an encounter. You are stupid if you think you can survive like this and still keep your friends around”
“In this world” he continued, not letting them talk, and they let him get away with it... they had a lot to learn “you are punished for every mistake, for every encounter you don’t fight, for every EXP you don’t take, you will lose something”
They frowned, hand moving likely to signal they were trying to speak, but still too polite to speak over him.
“I’m done losing things” he ignored their look “A real monster would kill you for what you just did. But I know I can’t kill you so, I’ll do the next best thing” he made sure to have a playful and carefree voice just to put them on edge “After all someone ought to teach you how things work around here! I guess little old me will have to do”
He winked and disappeared under the ground. Speaking just loud enough so they could hear.
“You are on your own”
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agreementtale · 4 years
Chapter 18: Aware wolf
Waking up by the Snowman’s side was the closest they got to a well-rested night, the snow barricade helping them keep the heat within, hugging the old boot, their brother coiled safely on their sweater.
They were in such a good mood they could almost fall right back to sleep, wasn’t for the light that now illuminated the snow. A gentle awakening.
Today was a good day, they could feel it.
Their stomach growled loudly, despite being right next to it, Flowey didn’t woke up, just stirred a bit. They would know if he did woke up, he always grumbled in the mornings, they would offer him coffee if they didn’t know for a fact that he preferred tea.
Not that they had any, but it was the thought that counted.
Quickly, they grabbed a candy, letting the flavor melt in their tongue and feeling the healing magic work its way into the frostbites. It wasn’t enough to satiate their hunger, nor had the vitamins and minerals every human needed. But it was magic, and it had enough energy to keep them going for an entire day, so not much different than surviving on junk-food.
Ok… so maybe they didn’t think things through…
Looking at their inventory, the only edible items were a single donut, relish and mustard, so basically, they had enough food for tomorrow, and condiments for two days more.
Ketchup they liked. They saw no problem in eating it from the bottle, the taste and smell were familiar and weirdly calming. Mustard they liked a little bit, but only when mixed with something sweeter. And relish, well they didn’t relished it.
Bidding the now happy Snowman good bye, and touching the saving star for good luck and a bust of energy, they went South, back to the original path, then East, to Snowdin Town.
He was safely tucked on the boot, below their, now dry, sweater. He had worked so hard yesterday, they had no idea when they went to sleep, but it must have been after midnight, maybe four a.m.? Well, no way to know for sure, the phone had discharged yesterday.
It was a good thing he had a fluorescent mushroom, what brought the question, wha–/
Reset          Continue                                                  136872:32                              Timeline 10 end.
/– aaat?
They were standing in front of the star.
Flowey stirred.
They panicked, freezing in place.
“And stay safe!” shouted a joyful voice on the back.
The Snowman, of course. They turned around and waved, they didn’t shouted back like last time, Flowey hadn’t almost wake up last time.
And more important…
It was quick.
It was painless.
But they had died…
If Flowey had been awake he would chastise them about being distracted, and that it was kill or be killed, and they were an idiot for dying like that…
And a double idiot for doing it all again.
Reset          Continue                                                  136869:06                              Timeline 11 end.
They saw it now.
Flowey stirred again, this time mumbling a little, but went still soon after.
“And stay safe!” shouted the Snowman, they bid him goodbye and started walking, now with renewed care.
The path to Snowdin had traps, not puzzles, like actually bear traps, giant metal traps.
It was big enough for it to end on their chest, they must have been pierced through the heart last time by one of the spikes, that’s why they didn’t even remember it, it had been too quick.
They had to be careful, they scanned the path for irregularities that could indicate the triggers, and poking the suspicious ones with a stick, they walked slowly, trying to memorize where the traps had been.
One missed step and they heard the metal sound of the device, out of reflexes their arms shot upwards and they tried to duck.
But the metal crunched their skull like a dry roasted peanut.
Reset          Continue                                                  136900:48                              Timeline 12 end.
That had not been a completely bad idea.
Crouched as they were, it was right on the head. No immediate pain, quick. Strong enough to cut right through. And in that height it avoided Flowey completely.
“And stay safe!” they made a sign with their hand and went back to the path, remembering every trap they had passed until now.
And avoiding to step on the new ones, still unknown to them.
They didn’t saw this one.
Reset          Continue                                                  136915:18                              Timeline 13 end.
Welp, those traps were very well placed.
But not enough to stop them!
They did everything and again and it looked like the field was clear now.
Looking before them the snow hadn’t been moved at all, behind them laid the traps they successfully avoided. On their arms the boot, with the precious cargo safely grabbing their sweater, he stirred and yawned, mumbling something.
* Dodging all the traps all by your own, fills you with determination.
“What are you so determined about at this hour?” his voice was full of sleepiness while he crawled to poke his head through their collar, they contained their giggliness as he looked around “Where is the Snowman?” they looked as his face morphed from curiosity to surprise and them turn to them mimicking irritation “Are you stupid? You could have died!”
They did, but he didn’t have to know that “I passed all the traps on my own, aren’t you proud?” they continued walking smiling victoriously.
“Proud of what?” he said with a hint of mocking to distract them from the slightly upwards curve of his mouth “You should have woken me up! What if you died?”
“What if I died?” they asked teasingly.
“You…” he held his head on his leaves growling a little “stupid human” and turning back at the path, all sleepiness gone “Next time wake me up”
“Ok” only if he was well rested though.
“I’m serious! Those traps are dangerous, you don’t–/”
“IT SEEMS” the loud voice caught both of their attention “THE HUMAN SURVIVED THE TRAPS” Papyrus was standing on the path, only twenty meters from them, how he got so close without them noticing was a mystery “LOOKS LIKE IT ISN’T COMPLETELY CLUELESS”
“Hi Papyrus!” they waved energetically, it had been almost a week without seeing him, it was nice seeing a familiar face, even if said face was scowling at them “Those were your traps, weren’t they? They were really hard to see, almost caught me, but I dodged them all! Even Flowey is proud of me!”
“Shut up” he said quietly instead of the shouted ‘I am not!’ they were expecting, they turned to look at him, but a silhouette behind them caught their attention.
“he is, isn’t he?” Sans was less than a meter between them and the traps, they were surrounded.
“Don’t move” Flowey said serious “And let me do the talking, and we may survive this” he looked at them meaningfully and they understood. If he failed, they would do the talking next time.
Sans laughed behind them “shoulda gone back when ya could” they turned to him, but a loud noise quickly made them look back at Papyrus, that was as close now as his brother.
“You’re not my enemy, P–/” a leaf muffled their mouth, right, he was supposed to do the talking this time.
“Papyrus” Flowey started meekly “Papyrus, I–/” but the loud skeleton interrupted him.
“I THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS” He put a hand on his chest in a grand gesture “HAVE DECIDED TO GRANT THE HUMAN THE HONOR TO TRY ONE OF MY PUZZLES, SANS ESCORT IT” and he turned his back to them, maybe he didn’t considered them an enemy after all.
“ok Boss” a hard poke on the back startled them.
“Ouch” they protested, the skeleton only smiled.
“too slow” he poked again.
“Ouch, stop it” they walked faster, trying to put some distance between them and his pointy fingers, approaching Papyrus.
“Stop making noise” whispered Flowey “You are lucky Papyrus is fair and believes in rewards”
“So you do think I deserve a reward for dodging the traps?” they tried to tease, but he was still tense, looking at the monster in front of them.
Papyrus walked very quietly for a monster his size. One would think that with those big red platform boots his steps would be loud, but the one making noise was Sans and his untied sneakers.
And by the way, why the extra height? He was already a giant! Must be bigger than 2 meters tall, even if they extended their arm, they were still smaller than him.
“IT IS A COMMONLY FORGOTTEN FACT” they walked a bit slower, in their eagerness to guess his height, they had gotten quite near his back “BUT ANY MONSTER THAT OBSTRUCTS THE ROYAL GUARD DUTIES IS GUILTY OF TREASON” what?
Flowey held them tighter, was Papyrus threatening him? That wasn’t good. They didn’t like it at all.
They heard a bitter laugh on their shoulder “Or? Does a traitor get to choose? How merciful our king”
Those sentences were horrible! Fifty years? Torture? Why were they talking so casually about this? This was so wrong! A vine pressed their shoulders, Flowey was looking at them, he understood their struggle. It was his father’s rules after all.
“MERCIFUL INDEED” They couldn’t see his face, and he walked too fast for them to outrun… unless they started to actually running, what sounded like an easily misinterpreted action “CAPTURING HUMANS AND FREEING US ALL IS THE PRIMAL DUTY OF THE GUARD. IT SHOULD BE HIGH TREASON INSTEAD”
“Is there a difference?” Curiosity peaked in his voice, even if it was a threat, he appeared to be calmer than before.
“about this much” Flowey turned to look, they did it too.
“That doesn’t seem much” Flowey was faster and beat them to it, San’s fingers were almost touching.
“yea, go figure, they separate yer head from yer neck just this much” suddenly the small gap seemed to be huge “and people go screaming bloody murder”
He stopped.
They didn’t.
They collided with Papyrus’ back.
“Sorry” quickly apologized, but the taller’s attention wasn’t in them.
He was slightly trembling, which was odd, his piercing gaze, and somehow bigger scowl, directed at his brother. Sans in turn was paralyzed, his eyes never left Papyrus’ face, but eyelights were dim, like he was expecting something horrible to happen.
“We are lucky no one here is obstructing anything” Papyrus turned to Flowey as he spoke, then to his brother and resumed walking.
“GOOD” said gravely with his back turned to them, they felt like Flowey had just avoided a situation here, but couldn’t quite put their finger on what or how it happened. For now they should just trust him.
“that includes no cheating on the puzzle, Weed” they could hear him on their back, but kept looking forward, they didn’t want to bump on Papyrus again.
“BEHOLD” he proclaimed after a while “THE INVISIBLE ELECTRICITY MAZE”
They looked… but… “I can’t see anything” there was just a snowy field ahead.
“ ‘Invisible’, you idiot, learn to listen” well that was anticlimactic.
The emptiness of the field didn’t stop Papyrus of standing proud of his puzzle, so they shrugged the disappointment and paid attention to him.
“there ya go” Sans put something cold over their head, lifting their hand to inspect it, it was some kind of a ball that got stuck to their hair “if ya can go to the other side carrying this, ya win” it seemed to be an easy enough concept.
“Do I get a prize? Can we do more puzzles later?” he seems surprised with their enthusiasm, but didn’t answer, just walking to the end of the puzzle, where Papyrus was waiting.
“How difficult is for you to let me do the talking?”
“Oh, sorry” they forgot that.
“On the case the human manage to cross the field” Flowey shouted, catching Papyrus’ attention “You let them pass unharmed”
“Deal” He said loud enough for the monster to hear, then directed his whispers at them “Now we just have to – What are yo–/”
But they weren’t exactly listening.
* The prospect of completing the puzzle of the great Papyrus, fills you with determination.
“/–u doing?!” he ended exasperated “Why did you do that? What if you can’t pass the puzzle? Now there is no way of turning back!” fortunately he kept whispering, so the brothers didn’t hear it.
“Is hard work, I can work hard” this and it wasn’t completely intentional, they were just really excited to try a new puzzle.
“Whatever” he mumbled angrily with and added “Stupid human” under his breath.
They paid him no mind following the steps on the snow.
It was supposed to be easy.
Why did they expect this to be easy?
They remembered this one to be an easy puzzle, it didn’t looked so easy now...
The deaths had only rendered them a few carefully placed steps, each of them had a chance of being their last on the current timeline.
They could see Papyrus’ displeased face, but they couldn’t go any faster! It wasn’t hard work, it was suicide! One wrong step and…
They had to choose.
Following the brothers’ steps was useless, as they had walked right through the deactivated walls, and now they were very much activated, they had four timelines to prove it.
But they could use the steps to know where some of the walls could be.
Papyrus had walked evenly among the field, with his large legs’ stride. But Sans, with his shorter legs, hadn’t. They could see some of the steps were closer and others were farther apart, as if he was avoiding stepping on imaginary lines.
Now they were standing on one of his steps and by the way it ended abruptly, there was a wall before them. What left the question… right or left?
They memorized the path until now and stepped right.
An excruciating pain burst from the orb, they were knocked out before they knew it.
Reset          Continue                                                  137157:42                              Timeline 18 end.
The feeling of electricity still lingered on their fingers, they looked at their hands and questioned themselves if it was their imagination or if there was really remaining static on their fingertips.
“We can’t keep doing that with every step” he murmured, they questioned if they could give him a little shock with static “You are dying too much, its going to take at least – why did you poke me for?!” he ended in a screech.
“No reason” the answer was no, they couldn’t, that was a common surprise screech, not a pained one.
“Go over there already!” he took his vines from the boot, spreading them over the air and around them.
They remade the steps on the last timeline, slow enough to pretend doing it for the first time. And of course, going left instead of right on the last step.
“Now stop, and let me work” was it safe to keep going? That was the question. Flowey extended his vines striking a thoughtful face.
“Can you feel the electricity field?” it was the only explanation for what he was doing.
“A little? But everything around here is very charged, is hard to tell” his vines extended a little wider “maybe if I tr– AAAH” a scream plus a zapping sound and soon he was healing one of his vines, they braced themselves for the reload, but it never came “Not that way” he pointed out instead.
“Be careful, you could have died” they caught themselves saying, Flowey looked at them unimpressed.
“Yeah, look who’s talking” he extended two more vines for the other directions “Gaaah” one was burned in similar manner “That way” he pointed.
They took another step, but before Flowey could do it again, magic filled the air, they were surrounded by bone attacks. And it was absurdly clear they were attacks, they were all jagged and uneven, what gave them a scarier appearance, or so it felt.
“How is that fair?” Flowey shouted back, pointing to the place they had just shocked him “You said they could win through hard work and pain” the roots in their shoulder didn’t lie, he was nervous.
“EXACTLY, AND I WILL ALLOW NO MONSTER ENDURING PAIN FOR A HUMAN, NO MATTER HOW DESERVING OF PUNISHMENT HE IS” they heard the venom in his voice, did he really thought Flowey deserved to be punished only because he was on their side?
“How that can be a ‘hard working’ challenge” he made signs with his vines, his posture not betraying any insecurity “when the first mistake would kill the human?!” only anger filled his voice “Is a stroke of luck! Not endurance!”
“It doesn’t matter the intent! It’s too strong! It would kill a human! One shock! Just one!” Yelled the flower with all of his breath.
Both of them stood silent, the human shared a quick look with Sans, one that can only occur between two spectators of some great confront, each of them wondering if the other would intervene.
“It’s the truth Papyrus...” Flowey deflated, petals indicating a kind of sadness and… comprehension? “Humans can die really easy, they are not strong like monsters to sustain damage like that”
“NONSENSE!” The taller glared with fury “IF YOU WANT TO LIE FOR THEM, FINE!” he stomped the ground, the bones shattered in little specks of magic “AT LEAST WE KNOW WHERE YOUR ALLEGIANCE LIES!” they could hear in his voice, more than anger, more than rage, he sounded… hurt “BUT DON’T YOU DARE THINK THAT I CAN BE SO STUPID TO BELIEVE THAT HUMANS ARE WEAK, UNDERESTIMATE YOUR ENEMY AND YOU ARE AN EASY KILL!”
“actually Boss” They heard a meek sound while Sans toyed with the joy buzzer.
“WHAT!?” the hate glare made the smaller skeleton recoil, he stayed with his head down.
“humans are... weird, they are not magic, they are meat and electric impulses”
“sh-shocks could kill ‘em” he still fidgeted with the joy buzzer “they could, could mess up with the, uh, inner electric impulses and s-stop the muscles from moving” he refused to meet Papyrus eyes, but that didn’t seem to matter.
Papyrus became quiet, a puzzled expression on his face, they thought Flowey was going to say something like ‘I told you’, but he didn’t. Thinking about it, he hadn’t antagonized him at all… So he could be civil, huh?
“WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, THEN?” the older quickly looked up “FIX IT”
“ok Boss” he extended his hand and–/
“Ouch!” the sticky ball was lifted abruptly, yanking a bunch of hair from their head.
While they massaged their head, Sans fidgeted with the orb, his left hand glowing red.
“Do you know how low it has to be for you to survive?” Flowey asked quietly.
They did!
They did…
What was that again?
Ok, maybe they didn’t remember… but it was something they definitely knew… at some point.
“You know” he interrupted their thoughts “Since we are already stuck here, you should go from the start again” they looked back, seeing the star at the beginning of the puzzle.
It would be smart to save, who knew if they could survive the next shock…
Walking back, that was exactly what they did! Completing the puzzle still filled them with determination after all.
They heard the sound of Papyrus cleaning his throat. It was funny that they could hear that that far away, especially because he didn’t have a throat.
“I PROMISED A FAIR CHALLENGE” he was back to his old self, imposing and confident “THERE IT IS” Sans lifted the orb way too high over the empty field – Just how big they thought humans were to build walls that high? – It was placed again securely on their head “NOW, PROCEED WITH NO HELP OR GIVE UP ENTIRELY”
They were ready.
The first steps were already marked on the snow. The next was already planned, one more and–/
They felt their whole body recoil in pain, they wanted to curl and hug themselves right then and there. Now the electricity lingering on their fingertips was real, but they had no will of subjecting their brother to the same fate.
“You’re ok over there?” His voice, they nodded “You don’t look ok” they tried to make the ‘ok’ symbol with their fingers, but they were just shaking too much, too hot and kinda exploding on the tips? That wasn’t going to work was it?
“I’m ok” they said, breathing deeply, they didn’t know how many of those they could take before passing out.
“IF YOU GIVE UP IT WILL BE PAINLESS” Papyrus was standing there, proud of the results, but his smirk just rubbed them the wrong way.
It was just pain. They could take it. They had it worse.
Another step, no shock, they could do this.
Panting on the ground, the cold snow was a welcome sensation on their sweaty body, they let themselves fall backwards, briefly thinking about doing a snow angel to celebrate, but dismissing the idea when the tiredness settled, a victorious smile adorned their face, and gathering all the strength they still had, they lifted a closed fist in the air.
‘Victory’ they tried to say, but were breathing so hard they didn’t verbalize it.
Looking around Flowey was saying something to the brothers, surely confirming that they were free to go.
The snow was soft on their cheek, it didn’t melt, and it was a comforting kind of cold.
Papyrus stood tall as always, was he proud of them? They worked really hard this time. His face betrayed no emotion, settled in his ever present scowl as it was, no one could tell.
The exploding sensation on their finger and toes subsided, a numbing feeling crawling on their arms and legs.
Sans was looking directly at them, he seemed to be amused, they smiled at him and he looked away, more interested on what his brother was saying.
They tried to pay attention and listen to his loud voice, but the buzzing sound was still louder on their ears.
Their sight was blurred, exhaustion calling for them.
Maybe they could take a quick nap.
Just for a little bit.
They earned it.
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agreementtale · 4 years
If you missed something, here are the links to my fic, which i will tag as AGF! and later AGT! (for reasons...)
Agreement Story
Book One - The Ruins     (Complete - 29k)
Book Two - The Forrest     (Complete - 46k)
Book Three - The City     (In Progress - 22k)
Book Four - The Waterfall     (In Progress - 15k)
Book Five - The Return     (In Progress - 6k)
Book Six - The Core     (In Progress - 25k)
Book Seven - The Home     (In Progress - 12k)
Agreement Art
The Human
The Angel
Flowey the Flower
Preview of Papyrus, Sans and Flowey reference sheets
  Agreement Ko-fi
I’ll try to tag everything, if I miss something feel free to send me an ask, my most used tags are:
long fic, my crafts, my art, my ramblings
13 notes · View notes
agreementtale · 3 years
Chapter 22: They were having a bad hare day
Yesterday had been full of telling stories about the surface, and how big and different it was. Flowey pretended to be annoyed, but listened with rapt attention, appreciating this foreign concept of countries and continents.
Today they would go one step closer to make those tales a reality.
With healed legs and arms, or as healed as they would get considering they refused to let Flowey exhaust himself trying to heal it properly, and had only ate one Bisicle today, they marched on.
They ran their fingers through their hair for the tenth time this afternoon, it didn’t matter what they tried, it always looked like a bird’s nest. Maybe laying down for so long on a icy environment had frozen the hair strands.
“Now go that way” Flowey pointed to the wrong direction, just as they left the Gyftrot’s territory, reaching the intersection.
“You know that’s where we came from, right?” their hair felt pointy like dried straw, they wished they could take a bath.
“You missed something” A warm bath on their cozy home, they could eat a pie when they finished, and could help Mom with the dishes “Look alive! I have something to show you! And quit touching your hair, its not gonna get better than this”
“You think that too, huh?” they dropped their arms and slid down the path where he had pointed, at least sliding didn’t put any weight in their foot.
“Hard to miss when you keep shaking me every time you raise your arm”
He huffed annoyed.
They struggled not to absentminded touch their hair again, just enjoying the slide and keeping their hands down.
“Here, now slide over there” he pointed to the abyss below the puzzle.
“Hm… Flowey?” when was the last time they saved? “I know the Ruins may have given you the wrong impression, but you know humans do take fall damage, don’t you?” maybe they should try to save now?
“Just trust me on this” and who were they not to? They trusted their brother after all.
If he was wrong and made them die, at least they could rub it in his face the next reload.
With a deep breath they moved forward, to the abyss, fully expecting to fall from the puzzle into certain death.
And fell they did.
But instead of a long descend, they quickly were rescued by a soft path of snow.
“Look!” Flowey faked enthusiasm “You have a star right over there!” As if he didn’t know exactly what he was doing “You should go there and…” he didn’t even tried to pretend anymore, his face showing all of his mockery “pet it”
“Pfff” the absurdity of the situation… “You know me so well!” if he wanted them to save he could just had said so. They touched the shining light, feeling refreshed by the unusual amount of positivity it gave out.
Opening their eyes, there were bits of snow still on their clothes, they patted themselves, looking upwards they could see the light going through the ice in the puzzle, the path with the soft snow was impossible to see from above.
Maybe only those who failed it had the chance to find this soft piece of land.
Maybe that was the reason why this snow was so white.
“It’s pretty” said still taking in the view
“I found it a while ago, thought you would like it – And look!” He pointed to the star, no… past the star…
“Is that a snowman?” They came closer to the red caped figure.
“Better” They could hear the smile on his voice “Is a snow Papyrus!”
He was right!
It was the spitting image of Papyrus! His lean figurine, and the red cape, it even had the scar over the eye!
Which… honestly didn’t felt right… why would Papyrus have a scar over his eye? It didn’t seemed right…like it didn’t belong there.
“Its black marker” they stopped themselves from reaching to touch the black line, turning to their brother instead “Don’t ask me why, but Sans always carries a black marker with him, so when Papyrus made a snowman, he painted the scars”
They stared at the snowman again “How did Papyrus got this scar?” it still felt out of place.
“He always had it” said dismissively “look there” he pointed to a big lump of snow “there is one of Sans too”
“It don’t look like him” they had a smile on their face, somehow seeing how despite everything the brothers took time to play in the snow together was just what they needed.
“Of course it does! It has his scars too!”
Indeed, the lump of snow had three black dots on his… ‘head’ … imitating the scars on sans face. Two near the mouth and one on the side of the cranium.
“And he is just lying on the ground doing nothing, while Papyrus does all the job, it’s like a mirror image”
The rest of the day was spent with Flowey telling stories about the brothers and his findings from the underground, they didn’t know why he was being so nice, but were extremely grateful, he wasn’t even as annoyed for their eventual puns, just ignoring instead of actually complaining.
When the night fell they slept on Lesser dog station with a smile on their face and their brother at their side. Thinking about the day and how much they had progressed made them so happy they unintentionally created a save point then and there.
And thank god for that, because the next day they were awoken by a suspicious Lesser dog, if it wasn’t for their grogginess waking up the encounter would have been quick, but since they had just been awoken it took 3 failed attempts for them to pet him.
And after a useful tip from Flowey they even played together! It was a good morning and put them in a great mood. Talking about greatness… Greater Dog was a bit more difficult to manage, he threw them down 6 times before they manage to win.
But it was midday and they had already petted two dogs! At this pace they would reach Snowdin today, they knew it!
Their leg was finally as good as normal so they didn’t need to sit down to down the mustard, it was a bit too spicy for them, but was what they had and nothing would sour their mood.
“What’s wrong?” he asked just as they finished the condiment.
“I don’t know…” said sheepishly “Getting so close to the city” seeing and taking the opportunity “Just getting a little… never mind”
“Tell me” he was too attentive and nice since they hurt their foot, weirdly nice “A little what?”
“I don’t know… a bit” they raised their already healed foot, making him look at it concerned for a second before delivering the punch line “cold feet” ended up smiling at him, he was not amused.
“… I can’t believe an idiot like you managed to get this far…”
And there it was their brother back to normal.
“At least get different jokes”
“You love my puns”
“I hate your puns” he didn’t “and I hate you” Nope, he didn’t
“I wonder if they are ok” But it was nice seeing his annoyed self again, it was better than overly nice and secretly concerned.
“Sans and Papyrus”
“Papyrus is a royal guard, don’t worry about him, worry about him finding you”
“But how will I know if they are ok if they don’t find me?”
“Because they are strong enough to protect themselves, unlike certain people”
“I still worry. What if something happened while I was resting?”
“…” he was looking like he knew something, they stared at him until he rolled his eyes and spoke “I saw Papyrus looking for you the other day, he was fine”
This made them smile in relieve “I hope I can see them soon, I want to tell him how I completed the puzzles” despite the deadliness of some, completing the puzzles were the most fun they had since they left the Ruins “I hope he has more”
A vine hit them in the head.
“Hey!” they shot him an angry look “Why did you do that?”
“To knock some sense into your head”
Part of them wanted to say how rude that was, the other wanted to laugh at the pun, they decided to do neither and deny him of any reaction.
The closer they got to Snowdin more common were the saving stars, they wondered if this was for a reason or just a coincidence, meanwhile they took advantage of the great amount of condensed magic, each time feeling the energy wash over them and refreshing their determination.
For their relief, it wasn’t long until they found the brothers again.
They were on the other side of a stone bridge and loudly announced the final trap, Papyrus detailed it in a very proud manner, and in fact it looked like this would be a real challenge.
The bridge was filled with traps, all more than ready to snap their head off, metal spikes, barbed wire, even a flamethrower sat there, ready to fire.
“Regret asking for more puzzles yet?”
“Then you are an idiot”
“I thought you already knew that at this point” they smiled defiantly as he rolled his eyes.
Banter aside, they had a challenge to win.
At the first step on the bridge Flowey was already shattering a rock with his vines, they didn’t even saw it coming, but it was a good start, on the third step he healed their skin torn by the barbed wire and pulled them to the side avoiding being hit by a second rock.
Despite his apparent knowledge of how the bridge worked, they ended up dying on the fifth step. There were thirteen, Flowey told them at some point, along with the order of the traps.
Every time they tried they died, until a sort of rhythm fell over them.
Walking a few steps, finding the brothers, hearing Papyrus, rushing to the bridge, Flowey always ended up falling off the bridge at the seventh step, thankfully it spared him from the more gruesome deaths, and by the little time the bridge took to get the job done he wouldn't have hit the ground, but that wouldn't do, if they ever got past the bridge, he had to be securely attached to them.
But no matter how hard they tied the bandanas, the boot always ended up falling. At least he didn’t seemed to mind too much.
On their ninth attempt they had figured out a better option.
“Wait! Before you turn it on...” they waved to get the skeleton’s attention.
“I actually have to admit the deadliness of you trap”
His chest puffed in pride, and they couldn’t contain a smile at the sight.
“ya can always surrender” Sans offered dismissively “no need to get mauled” and if they weren’t a red soul they would have accepted.
Yeah, they would avoid getting mauled if they could, unlike the traps on the path, the ones on the bridge were less deadly and more leg snare bone breaking, all while the flamethrower and stone shooter did the dirty job.
Being stoned to death still beat burning…
But that wasn’t the point.
“So, seeing that I will die at any wrong step” they paused pointing at the bridge like they were counting each one “and that would give me about thirteen chances of screwing this up in…” eyeing the flamethrower regretfully “several very painful ways… Papyrus, could you hold Flowey for me?”
There was tree degrees of confusion there. Honestly four, part of them didn’t know what they were doing either.
“What are you doing, you idiot?” Of course he would oppose to the idea, always looking after them, he was even insisting he was fine with all the falling.
“I don’t want to make an error and cause him to die” they said loudly, Papyrus’ expression was unreadable, Sans seemed amused.
“Don’t ignore me! You think you have any chance of doing it on your own!?” They had less chances, but not null.
“And what? I take you with me, and make you burn and bleed and suffer?” he recoiled at the mention “Risking losing you forever to a deadly fall?” he remembered, but somehow it wasn’t enough to discourage him.
“If we are doing this, we are doing this together! You can’t dodge all that, you'll need healing! I'm staying right where I am!” they could see the determination in him, and he got a point, it would be harder to do it without healing, but…
“Flowey, I know you want to stay” they looked to the other side of the bridge “But is not up to you”
Papyrus stared at them unimpressed, they felt Flowey start a retort when he interrupted “I’LL ALLOW IT” thank god “SANS”
The boot flew over the bridge surrounded by blue magic, the bandages fell undone easily with the strong tug.
They didn’t expect it to be that sudden, neither Flowey, given his long screech.
“YOU SEEM SURPRISED” if they had one chance to guess what was his expression, they would say he was looking smug “DON’T YOU SAY THAT YOU WERE EXPECTING ME TO FALL UNDER THIS HORRIBLE PRETENSE AND LET YOU CROSS THE BRIDGE UNHARMED TO ‘HAND ME’ FLOWEY?”
“No, that just scared me a bit” they admitted, for a short moment they thought the sudden tug would push them down the bridge “Didn’t know you could reach me from all that distance” and move objects above all things… “It’s really impressive, Sans” souls should be easy, but objects? Someone had been practicing magic control.
“that ain’t…” he muttered something under his breath, they couldn’t hear what, but were sure they heard at least two swears, but that was muffled by whatever complaints Flowey was shouting at the skeleton, their voices were not so understandable over all the wind.
“And Papyrus, the bridge” as far as they knew “seems to be fool proof, you must have worked really hard on it, the flamethrowers specially look really cool and terrifying at the same time” said loudly, in hope they could be heard.
“FLATTERY WON’T HELP YOU, HUMAN” his strong voice traveled above the wind with no trouble.
“Oh, no, don’t worry. I know someone as great as you wouldn’t let yourself be fooled by words of a mere human, as true as those words might be” Flattery wouldn’t help, but it wouldn’t make it harder either, so they would use it in moderation.
They took a deep breath, concentrating on the challenge ahead. They had a clear idea of the traps until the middle of the bridge, and there were a few instances where being wounded was inevitable. The secret would be making sure the wounds didn’t slow their pace in any way.
Flowey struggled in the distance, loudly proclaiming his dissatisfaction with the idea. But he was safe, and that was all that mattered.
Another deep breath, they aligned their shoulders and flexed their legs, they could take the barbed wire if that meant dodging the first and second stones.
“Take me back!” Flowey shouted, struggling on the boot held by Sans’ magic.
And the flamethrowers could be –/
Nope, impossible, no way.
They had to deal with him first.
“I know you are worried” they shouted closing their hands way too tight “But could you please shut up?” they wouldn’t be able to concentrate with his constant noise.
“Don’t tell me to shut up, you idiot! You can’t do this alone!” He kept screaming… and screaming…
This was absurd, he knew they could go back, why he insisted in making things difficult? Why couldn’t he just shut up for a second? They gritted their teeth, they would not be able to memorize the rest of the path with him screaming like that.
“Look” they said loudly, trying to convey the seriousness of the situation “Flowey” they breathed deeply so the words didn’t sound too rash “You are my best friend, and I love you, but we both know I’m gonna die here, and that’s why I’m not taking you with me!” Too much… they were being too aggressive “So…” Deep breaths “Just…” Calm down “Just let me focus, ok?! So I have the minimal chance of learning something” they took a few seconds to breathe, they had to memorize the patterns, he was in the way, but he was not an enemy. He was their brother and he would be safe over there while they were torn apart a few times over here. That was more than what they could ask for.
There was no response from the other side.
That way they could concentrate on the challenge ahead.
Their breathing was uneven, so they took a few seconds to correct that.
Their legs and arms were cold, so they warmed them up with a couple of movements, jumping from one feet to the other.
They noticed how one of their legs was still faintly weaker than the other and adjusted it by fastening the shoelaces around their ankle, so they would not feel it for a brief time.
They puffed their chest, filling their lungs with the cold air, put their shoulders back and opened their eyes, vision focusing only in the bridge.
“I’m ready” said bending their knees, preparing to sprint.
* Knowing your brother won’t suffer for your mistakes fills you with Determination
The loud sound of the wind was replaced by mechanical noises when Papyrus pressed the button. And the roaring of the engine fully started… only to die down moments later.
“What happened?” it didn’t sound like the other times, abandoning their posture, they looked at the other side for answers.
“IT APPEARS THE MACHINE IS BROKEN” why? It hadn’t broken on the other timelines, it shouldn’t break in this one. What could possibly have changed?
“it sounds like the source of energy died down” Sans said, scratching his neck “I don’t smell any burning so –/”
“What are you waiting for, you idiot?! Get in here before the trap turn back on!” Oh Flowey was livid. But it was really like that that this was supposed to go? They didn’t remember the puzzle being a failure...
“But… isn’t that like cheating a puzzle?” Flowey kept screaming and for some reason Sans facepalmed, Papyrus didn’t answer though, so they didn’t move.
“Get in here!!!” But maybe this was how they crossed it last time? They didn’t remember so clearly.
In the middle of all the curses, they crossed the bridge, being careful with the barbed wire and the ankle snares, the flamethrower and rock thrower threatened to turn on a few times, but died down soon after.
They ended up crossing with just some minor scratches.
“Hm, sorry for that, I’m sure it would be deadly” Now this close they could see that Papyrus seemed utterly dissatisfied, they felt bad for him “We can try again when it’s fixed … but maybe instead of the rock thrower, could it maybe be water?” the comment earned them a glare “To be soaked with cold water can be very deadly on this freezing temperature, and kinda would be like an opposition of the flamethrower?” he wasn’t speaking to them “you know, water opposites with fire, and air opposites with earth?” and very irritated “sorry, I’m just rambling, feel free to ignore it” and angry “are you ok?”
He turned around and walked away silently. They knew they had done something wrong, but couldn’t guess what.
“are ya that stupid or just have a death wish?” They turned to Sans.
“Hm?” he had a funny face now, it had anger on there, but it was mixed with something else.
“They are that stupid” Flowey deadpanned with his ‘I’m done face’ while floating in the air.
“What did I do?” Everyone was unhappy, maybe they should reload and try again?
“ ‘Try again when its fixed?’ ” it was weird to hear their exact voice coming from his mouth “Are you insane?!”
“Papyrus was disappointed, he probably worked very hard on that trap” and didn’t had the chance to see it in action, like they did, it should be frustrating.
“yep, death wish fer sure” he moved his hand and the boot was shoved on their chest “here’s yer Weed” and followed his brother’s steps shaking his head.
“Flowey?” Ok, reloading may be a bit extreme.
“What?” But they still felt like they had to do something, like they were missing something.
“I’m not happy with this ending” And they had no idea of what it was or where to start.
“Welcome to the underground” he said simply, looking them in the eyes “no one is happy here”
“This is Snowdin” Said to the stupid human carrying him.
“Finally” they had a smile on their face, like the ones they had at the end of a day of exploring when got to mother’s house.
“We have to find somewhere to sleep, staying out after curfew will draw too much attention” It was night, people were not supposed to be out at this time, unless they were walking home, and anyone disobeying it could be arrested by the guard or fined.
“There is an inn somewhere around here, isn’t it” they asked without a care in the world.
He pointed them to the right direction.
They didn’t waste time in getting inside the warm house.
“And remember to eat. You’ve been running on just mustard all day, it won’t help your foot, do you want to be–/”
“They’re so cute!” they interrupted him and before he could complain, he was dragged to the little bunny on the inn
“Don’t talk to them, they are a kid!”
“So am I” they put him on the counter, so they could get to the bunny’s eye level.
“You are a middle stripe, people will think you are bullying them” and would make getting a room here either harder or more expensive.
“Why would people think that?” aaand they were already petting the little bunny.
“Why else would an older child be interested in a Full stripes?” and stretching their little bunny cheeks.
“Because they’re cute?” by the way the little one smiled, they liked the attention.
“Whatever” he would have more luck convincing someone to hug Jerry than convincing them not to pet a ‘fluffy’ monster, why were all humans so obsessed with soft fur? “Just finish petting before anyone sees us”
“Little late for that, traveler”
He spun to face the Innkeeper, the tall bunny was smiling at the interaction of the two idiots, but quickly turned to him.
“Welcome to the Snowed Inn, are you staying the night?”
“Yes, bed for one” he quickly answered.
“Didn’t plan for the curfew?”
“I did, but this idiot wanted to see the trees from the bridge”
“I heard the guards weren’t letting anyone past that bridge, how did that go?”
“We aren’t home after the curfew, and now have to pay for a room, that’s how it went”
“Lucky me then, it will be 80g”
“Here” they interrupted, but instead of putting the money in the balcony, like any normal monster after interrupting people, they took their time to go through their inventory, and they took way too long.
“Are they always this aloof?” She eyed him suspiciously, could they be more suspicious than that?
“Don’t look at me, I’m just trying to keep the idiot alive”
“Just a moment” they said apologetically, using the two hands to mess with what he assumed was their inventory... is not like any other monster could see each other’s items.
“Here” she handed him the key “Just pay me tomorrow” while they kept fussing over the invisible window.
He nodded before turning to them “Are you listening?” they weren’t.
He jingled the keys in front of their eyes, that seemed to grab their attention.
“She said we can pay tomorrow”
“Oh, Thank you!” they smiled at her, without insisting to pay right away, so they probably didn’t understand what ‘pay tomorrow’ meant.
Maybe tomorrow they would try to pay her when they found the ‘The Inn is no charity, next time get home before curfew’ note. That would guilt trip them to be faster.
“You’re welcome” she said smiling at them “Honey, show them their room, would you? I have something to talk with this one” the little bunny got upstairs and they followed, leaving him alone with the Innkeeper.
She looked at him curiously. There it was…
“So what are two stripes doing in Snowdin?”
It always came to a point where she would ask him the same questions. She was the only one in Snowdin that ever implied he was a child. Every other monster saw no stripes and took him for a full grown monster.
Maybe it was because she was the only one in Snowdin that had had a child. But he couldn’t know for sure.
“First of all, I’m not a stripe” He gestured to his stem “And no, I didn’t just took of my shirt” the next question should be about how long “I got out of them a while ago” if she asked it meant she was still suspicious.
“How long?”
“A few weeks” he lied, if he tried to say it was any longer she wouldn’t believe him, and if it was less than a week, she would make more questions to try to find his parents
She nodded “Not my business then”
“How about the other one?”
He never had this bit of conversation before, but he knew her tics enough to survive it without raising suspicion.
“Mother asked to take care of them”
“You’re their brother?”
“No!” her brows were a bit furrowed, it meant she didn’t believe him “Kinda” she kept the same questioning face “They call me that… but I’m not convinced, being a brother is too much of a responsibility, I don’t like them that much” she was almost believing him, just one more thing. Flowey stood on the boot with a menacing face “But don’t go on telling anyone that, or you will have problems, got it?”
“None of my business” She raised her hands in a peace offering, and by her smile she got what she wanted from the conversation.
So this timeline he would be a monster fresh out of stripes, taking care of his sibling, but not so attached to them… he had to remember that… and also, he had to convince them to use the same story so no one blew up the cover.
She disappeared on the Inn and he waited for them to come back and pick him up, if they took more than ten minutes he would go upstairs by himself and scream at their face.
It would be a hassle to climb the stairs carrying the boot, but it would be worth it to get to the room and see their apologetic face the moment they realized their mistake, then he would chastised them for forgetting about him.
He could already see the scene and hear their apologies and declamations that he ‘was important to them’ and they ‘would never leave him behind’ in a panicky voice.
He smiled at the thought, they could be so emotive at times, and so easy to manipulate, he hadn’t had this much fun in forever!
He wouldn’t wait, he would go upstairs right away, so he could have the upper hand and yell that they ‘made him’ climb the stairs all by himself.
He would start yelling the exact moment he opened the door.
Unless they were sleeping… then he would leave them be, sleeping in the snow for so long must be tiring for their body. And since they would be unconscious he could heal their foot a little bit more, just for safety.
The fun and yelling could wait until the next morning.
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