horsetailcurlers2 · 4 months
i think i’ve realized (as i have waffled back and forth many times on whether i actually like addek as a ship) that what bums me out the most about their divorce isn’t the end of their marriage, it’s the end of their friendship. like, no other character on the show has that extensive of a history with another character really. most of the other core friendships and relationships begin at the start of the show. but then addison comes in and it’s like “oh they’ve been married for over a decade. they met at the beginning of med school and have spent almost all of their adulthood together” not to mention mark who is revealed to have been friends with derek since childhood, practically his brother. like, these three have such an extensive past that is just basically over before the show even really begins. and yeah sure, they’re kind of still friends. derek saves addison’s brother, mark and addie hook up in the early seasons of private practice. but it’s not the same! it just makes me sad, with the things they have revealed about what that trio dynamic was like in the past. they ALL hurt each other horribly but i think that they also know each other in ways that nobody else ever will. and obviously derek loves meredith deeply and they had a beautiful life together, but there’s just this whole chunk of his life that she doesn’t really know. she’s not close with his family, they don’t talk about his dad or his sister. she didn’t know him before he was Dr. McDreamy Shepherd, Certified Neuro God. idk. i’m rambling again but maddek just makes me so unbelievably sad when i think too much about it lmao.
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thepasteldoctor · 5 months
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earth-14512 designs i made in october!!! because im crazy!!
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homoeroticgrappling · 2 months
When you say enough sad boy stuff about Best Friends betrayal that your non-wrestling friend checks in
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dutybcrne · 6 months
Kaeya was definitely the kind of kid who never threw tantrums and was willing to accept the bare minimum for everything, thinking he didn’t deserve to press for more (at first bc he thought he’d be kicked out if he did, then bc he just felt so guilty and uneasy doing so out of habit).
It’s only thanks to Diluc and especially Adelinde that he eventually came to advocate for himself more.
#hc; kaeya#//Lets face it; Diluc was prolly his biggest advocate throughout their childhood#//Kae had to be careful how much his gaze lingered on anything; bc otherwise Luc would jump the gun and either ask for it for him#//Or get it for him himself; which Kae found Utterly Mortifying#//Appreciated; but felt embarrassed when a Crepus or others stared at him like they Knew he was the one who actually wanted it#//Adelinde is the one who actively worked to help Kae be more independent; otherwise he would have just relied on Diluc for everything#//Damn near passed tf out asking Crepus for his own sword to follow in Diluc’s footsteps (Crepus already made the order bc he knew he did)#//Prolly still let Diluc do things for him even as they got older bc it made him feel important and relied upon#//Letting him play best big bro of the year; with that one#//Fell back into his old anxious habit when Diluc left. Stopped asking for things from anyone#//Addie took over getting things for him or being there with him for a bit while he emotionally readjusted to Luc’s absence#//Mostly the former; it’s the very reason he’d stayed at the Winery instead of running off with nothing after The Fight#//He felt so bad; but she understood he was still emotionally Reeling and needed a bit of support before he got back up on his own#//He still hates asking for things and such; but he hides it well#//Under charms and jokes or favors#//Or bc mom friend instinct overrode his nerves; that too#//Got thrown so bad by Diluc coming back; the first time he tried to ask him a favor; he just pissed him tf off on accident#//Wanted to hurl himself into Cider Lake first chance he got immediately after#//Still believes Diluc would refuse any favors he requests of him rather than accept#//Even if he has yet to actually do so; and everyone and their grandmothers Know Diluc wouldn’t either#//Thinkings bc am Obsessed w the idea that Diluc is still so doting; he let himself get arrested for a kid he didn’t even know#//After Kae outright falsely accused him of murder to his face; and Everything that happened That Night#//Just bc Kae asked him to#//And even rewarded Kae on a job well done with actual booze & let him stick around after the ordeal#//And that’s without mentioning the OTHER things Kae has gotten out of him in game with minimal effort/cost#//Lisa & Elzer are Aware Diluc would cave to Kae’s requests for things; w only mild complaining (& Elzer even says he doesn’t rlly MEAN it)#//And yet Kae still thinks he is like all the other things Diluc ‘got rid of bc he doesn’t need them’ anymore#//Heck; I veered off topic. RAAAAHHH#//But yeah; bby Kae was a shy nervous Wreck; and present Kae stole Bby!Luc’s confidence; send tweet blah blah blah
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mythosphere · 1 month
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Three lads on a ship that eats people five feet apart cause they’re not gay
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stqrsworn · 1 year
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fuck this, tumblr is my diary
anyways on todays episode of characters i need carnally: zack addy from bones
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flythesail · 9 months
Me every time one of the writers mentions they wanted Tristan to join the crew in s5: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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summoning-potema · 10 months
Listening to my shane playlist again totally not because I'm depressed and stressed but it made myself feel better cuz it's a kickass playlist if I do say so myself. So sharing here lol
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mazzystar24 · 3 months
Every girl has like at least 2 couples they know which if they broke up she’d throw a party and one couple which they would SOB, they would be in MOURNING if they broke up
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
You've followed me for a while so you probably already know of the way I approach the ouroboros in my own art, but I'd still like to note how interesting I find the contrast between the ouroboros as a horror concept, as an endless self-destructive cycle of depression (and possibly addiction?), and ouroboros as a symbol of renewal and rebirth (which is usually what I associate it with). Its like the life/death duality of the ouroboros present even on a meta level. I don't know if this ask makes sense I'm just beaming this into your mind. 🐍
MAKES PERFECT SENSE AND YEAH I LOVE IT. I love you symbols that contain multitudes and that can be used to reflect either or both sides of a duality bc the symbol also represents the relationship between those dual concepts and how they are inextricably linked. 🐍
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mxdotpng · 4 months
kicking my feet as i imagine sid and rielle reacting to adaline's wonderful new bright yellow eyes after shadowbringers. now they really can't look at her without seeing someone else. how sad.
#.text#adaline rozovy#quick. wdyd when your best friend family partner guardian person thing dies and fuses his soul with another person#and they refer to themself as fray sometimes. what if they talk like they knew him - and they do. now. they probably know him#better than you did. and what if all of him and who he was slowly seeps into this new person and you are forced to#come to realize that these two are the same person now. but you cant acknowledge it. so you dont.#and then they disappear for a while. months. maybe a year. you thought they had died.#and then they come back with the same eyes your friend had.#what then. what do you do then#fray getting injured and disappearing and thought to be dead vs addie getting injured and disappearing and thought to be dead#FIGHT#imagining what sid and rielle did during that time makes me sooo. hehe. theyre not having fun#theyre training. doing small hunts. cleaning their apartment in case adaline comes back unannounced.#finally retreating to mor dhona in hopes the scions have any news on her. they dont. but they have a room full of almost corpses#and a single bed lacking a certain someone. so that is enough. and they start stopping by more and more#rielle gets a little training from the conjurers they have employed. tataru wrestles sid into doing chores for her when she cant#get ahold of estinien. he relents. it becomes routine.#months past. no sign of the warrior of light. everyone is still hopeful somehow. sid isnt.#and then she shows up slowly dying from an incurable illness with new scars and bright. bright eyes. he cant look at her anymore#and everything is normal again 👍#i think about it sometimes. like i can see them talking and not paying attention to the door and tataru is trying to get#sid to do another job or something for her while he supervises rielle doing some conjurer lessons with coultenet#and addie walks in like didnt know you employed just about anyone these days tataru. thats bad for business#as if sid is being paid more than pennies.#theyre so fun to me#npcs only i care about
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yoistars · 5 months
Hey! Thanks for liking my stuff! Please list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here! I hope you have a nice day.
OUUHHH this is cute :o
i really love all of my friends (gf included RAHHH 🔥🔥🔥) and family!! they're all so nice and sweet and i can't express how much i adore them <3
i love love love writing!!!! all of my dumb poetry and stupid fan fiction... so dear to me
little details... so deranged about them!!! like the lyricism in maroon ("a real fucking legacy to leave," compared to "a real fucking legacy, to leave.")... or the twinkles in crywolf's songs.... or the rendering on art pieces..... or oddly specific metaphors..... god
other people being happy makes me smile a bunch :)))) i love it when people
beauty and the beast live action version idc IDC best movie of all time i don't care
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hmmmmm i wonder who Addie learned the tits out look and the love for bling from
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dutybcrne · 9 months
A little known fact is Kaeya usually tends to cry out of frustration. Little known, because he tends to be so good at masking it and holding back when it comes to a head, with only Adelinde having been the one he felt comfortable enough to cry around, back in his youth.
Nowadays, he will adamantly refuse to cry in front of anyone, even those he’s closest to. But if one who knows him well enough might happen to witness his lashes seemingly fluttering as he rolls his eyes after a verbal bout with Diluc, they’ll know.
They’ll know.
#hc; kaeya#//He felt comfortable w/ Addie bc he wanted to be strong for Crepus & Luc. She was safe to confide. Nowdays; he feels ashamed to w/ her#//Back as a kid; he only (genuinely out of heavy emotion) cried in front of Crepus and Diluc ONCE; each#//Him crying crocodile tears to get something out of them is a WHOLE different story. But yeah#//Crepus; after he got scolded for going to Sumeru—bc he realized then how much the man cared. Crepus realized what it meant to him; too#//With Diluc; he never once legitimately cried in front of him up until The Confrontation#//Would make faces and almost tear up; at times yeah#//But he TRULY cried only that time; and it wasn’t even BECAUSE of Diluc himself#//It was because of Kaeya's Vision#//Kaeya had already only been in a bit of a spiral over Diluc lashing out & conflict of his loyalties; of Crepus' death & guilt of mourning#//But it’d been made worse by the Vision bc how was it KAEYA got to have a Vision & thus be saved from certain death by the gods#//But CREPUS; the good; kind man who’d taken him in and been nothing but loving to him; & courageous to the end was left to DIE?#//WHY would the gods spare a SINNER and not HIM?#//It had been too much to bear and utterly broke him in that moment; his sobs more akin to screams drowned out by the downpour#//Of others he’d cried in front of; Lisa and Rosaria are the only others. And even then; it's been AWHILE since either event#//Even with the extremely vulnerable moment he had with Jean after Diluc left; he kept it together for her#//Lisa and Rosaria both caught him while drunk and his fears and frustrations (respectively) bubbled right to the surface#//Significant others/close friends will NEVER see him actually cry unless it's MASSIVELY serious. Like; genuinely life-or-death serious#//Anywho BACK to the post's actual subject#//With Diluc; ever since he's come back; Kae gets so easily frustrated with how they can't get along; even if he gets Why it's so#//But it's much rarer for him to actually get upset enough to tear up in the moment; so unless you're LOOKING for it; it goes unnoticed#//Those times tend to coincide with when he up and decides to head out early for whatever reason#//Bc he Knows he's about to break; and thus tries to get away#//It's not really that he doesn't think Luc would care; it's that he Knows the man would be utterly Awful handling it#//And thus Kae would much rather take the L and lick his own wounds alone than let Luc's rep take a hit#//He does cry a LOT more than most people think; but Diluc actually has nothing to do with it then—it's actually over his paperwork#//It frustrates him the most of everything; esp since he'd always struggled with writing and reading; no matter the help he recieved#//In the privacy of his office compared to his lessons as a lad; he's actually able to get his frustrations out#//Which does help LOADS bc he's forced to take a break to cry it out; then continue a lot calmer after he's gotten it out of his system#//It's one of; his not his Only; healthiest coping mechanisms
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walshies · 9 months
okay but amelia asking if addison was sent by MEREDITH to check on her????
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esoraluco · 2 years
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they're posing for an ad, but one of them seems to not take it seriously.
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