booksncalm · 25 days
Don't Buy An Acne Cream Until You Read This
Instead you should opt for a treatment known as punch excision or grafting. Unfortunately there is no universal cure to blot out acne marks. Ice-pick scars can develop into depressed fibrotic scars over time Louis and the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute has discovered that acne bacteria contain “bad” strains associated with pimples and “good” strains that may protect the skin. By…
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catsmeow39 · 25 days
Don't Buy An Acne Cream Until You Read This
Instead you should opt for a treatment known as punch excision or grafting. Unfortunately there is no universal cure to blot out acne marks. Ice-pick scars can develop into depressed fibrotic scars over time Louis and the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute has discovered that acne bacteria contain “bad” strains associated with pimples and “good” strains that may protect the skin. By…
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drjaveriajia · 2 months
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what do you Think about this transformation??
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csuitebitches · 2 years
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My Personal Goal Progress and Steps to Achieving Them: Part 3, Skin Care
Hello there. For today’s article, I decided to talk about what my personal goals are and how I plan to go about reaching them.
I’ve realised that I’ve made a lot of content on creating goals, but I haven’t shown how it works for me with real life examples. Maybe showing this little insight in my life will help you manage your own goals better.
My Goals for 2022-end
* Read 6 books
* Lose 5 inches off my lower waist
* Get rid of acne scars
* 20 Medium articles by the end of the year
* Go back to playing tennis
* Be able to read the language I’m studying fluently
Getting rid of my acne scars. Phew!
I struggled with acne because of PCOS for many years. Let me get straight to the point- Accutane, in my experience and my friends, is the only drug that 100% works.
I tried everything. I tried the herbal methods, I tried cutting dairy out, I went as far as having collagen injected into my face- nothing worked. Until I completed one round of Accutane, which I began in April.
I did experience a slight purge but the way my active acne went away… miraculous. Why didn’t my doctor give this to me before?!
The reality is that to treat acne scars you have to be treating the acne as well. So here’s what I use for my skin in addition to the meds:
- Cerave face wash
- Toner
- Vitamin C from Sephora
- Sunscreen
- Moisturiser
- Make up
- Cerave face wash
- Toner
- High Frequency: Neon (bought it from Amazon, I try to do this everyday for 1.5 minutes on my face)
- Sacara goji berry moisturiser
- MeDerma intensive repair scar cream (the overnight one)
- High Frequency: Argon (bought it from Amazon, I try to do this everyday for 1.5 minutes on my face)
Once a week
- The ordinary’s AHA+BHA red serum
- Clay mask for my oily skin
- Steam face + remove blackheads
- Remove facial hair
You can see my progress below.
(row one, L-R) Pic 1: April 2022, Pic 2: May 2022
(row two, L-R) Pic 3: April 2022, Pic 4: August 2022
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cnsmedspa · 9 months
Age-Defying Beauty: Skin Tightening Solutions for Every Skin Type
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Skin tightening is a universal desire that transcends age, gender, and skin type. As we age, our skin inevitably loses some of its youthful elasticity, leading to sagging, wrinkles, and fine lines. However, the good news is that there are skin tightening solutions available to address the unique needs of every skin type. Whether you have dry, oily, sensitive, or combination skin, understanding the right approach is key to achieving the firmer and more youthful appearance you desire.
Dry Skin: Hydration and Nourishment
Individuals with dry skin often experience more pronounced signs of aging due to the skin's reduced ability to retain moisture. To tighten and rejuvenate dry skin:
Rich Moisturizers: Choose moisturizers with hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramides. These ingredients help lock in moisture and improve skin texture.
Nourishing Oils: Incorporate facial oils, such as argan oil or jojoba oil, into your skincare routine to replenish lost moisture and promote skin elasticity.
Collagen-Boosting Serums: Look for serums containing collagen-boosting ingredients like vitamin C, peptides, and retinol to enhance skin firmness.
Oily Skin: Balancing and Tightening
Oily skin can still experience sagging and loss of firmness. The key is to balance excess oil production while tightening the skin:
Oil-Free Moisturizers: Opt for lightweight, oil-free moisturizers to provide hydration without exacerbating oiliness.
Salicylic Acid: Incorporate products with salicylic acid to help control excess oil and improve skin texture.
Non-Comedogenic Products: Choose skincare products labeled as non-comedogenic to prevent clogged pores while addressing skin tightening concerns.
Sensitive Skin: Gentle Approaches
Sensitive skin requires extra care and gentle solutions to avoid irritation while achieving skin tightening:
Fragrance-Free Products: Use fragrance-free, hypoallergenic skincare products to reduce the risk of irritation.
Mild Exfoliation: Opt for gentle exfoliation methods, like enzyme masks or lactic acid, to promote skin renewal without causing redness.
Patch Testing: Before incorporating new products, patch test them to ensure they don't trigger adverse reactions.
Combination Skin: Targeted Care
Combination skin requires a balanced approach, addressing both oily and dry areas, to achieve skin tightening:
Zone-Specific Products: Use different products for the oily and dry areas of your face. For example, apply a lighter moisturizer on the oily zones and a richer one on the dry zones.
Spot Treatments: Target specific areas with skin tightening serums or treatments, focusing on the regions that need the most attention.
Balancing Masks: Consider using masks designed to balance combination skin, which often combines clay and hydrating ingredients.
Normal Skin: Maintenance and Prevention
While normal skin types may not have extreme concerns, maintaining skin elasticity is essential for long-term skin health:
Preventive Care: Implement a preventative approach by using sunscreen daily to protect against UV damage, which accelerates skin aging.
Collagen-Boosting Ingredients: Use products containing collagen-boosting ingredients like vitamin A, vitamin C, and peptides to maintain skin firmness.
Regular Skincare Routine: Stick to a consistent skincare routine that includes cleansing, moisturizing, and using targeted treatments for your specific skin tightening needs.
Mature Skin: Advanced Treatments
Mature skin often requires more advanced skin tightening solutions to address deeper wrinkles and sagging:
Retinoids: Incorporate prescription-strength retinoids or retinol products to stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture.
Professional Treatments: Consider non-invasive treatments like radiofrequency therapy or ultrasound therapy, which can provide noticeable skin tightening results.
Consult with Professionals: Schedule consultations with dermatologists or skincare experts to explore customized solutions, such as chemical peels or microdermabrasion.
Achieving skin tightening for every skin type is not only possible but essential for maintaining a youthful appearance and promoting skin health. By tailoring your skincare routine to your specific skin type and concerns, you can effectively address sagging, wrinkles, and loss of firmness. Remember that consistency and patience are key to achieving and maintaining skin tightening results. Consulting with skincare professionals can also provide valuable insights and guidance on the most suitable treatments for your unique skin type. Whether your skin is dry, oily, sensitive, combination, normal, or mature, there are solutions available to help you achieve the firm and radiant skin you desire.
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cithaerons · 1 year
sorry i literally need to spend money on something that will up my dopamine like pronto . maybe some new tights or something or a nice new work dress ugh
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iconhub2023 · 1 year
Revamin Acne Cream -Acne
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Revamin Acne Cream is a topical skincare product that is marketed as an advanced solution for various skin imperfections, including acne, blackheads, whiteheads, and oily skin. According to its manufacturer, Revamin Acne Cream is formulated with natural ingredients that work together to combat these skin concerns and improve overall skin health.
The ingredients in Revamin Acne Cream include salicylic acid, tea tree oil, aloe vera, allantoin, and niacinamide. Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) that exfoliates the skin and helps to unclog pores, while tea tree oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and prevent the formation of acne-causing bacteria. A sensational cream for acne-prone skin!
Aloe vera is a soothing and hydrating ingredient that can help to calm irritated skin, while allantoin is a natural compound that can help to improve skin texture and promote healing. Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B3 that has been shown to have a range of benefits for the skin, including reducing inflammation, improving skin barrier function, and reducing the production of sebum, which can contribute to acne.
To use Revamin Acne Cream, you should apply a small amount to clean, dry skin once or twice a day, depending on the severity of your acne or other skin imperfections. It is important to follow the instructions carefully and to avoid using the cream on broken or irritated skin.
While Revamin Acne Cream may be a helpful addition to your skincare routine if you are dealing with acne or other skin imperfections, it is important to remember that individual results may vary. It is always a good idea to consult with a dermatologist or other skincare professional before starting a new skincare product or treatment. See how Revamin Acne Cream affects the condition of your skin. Take up the challenge and get rid of acne!
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bloodyke · 2 years
listen im the first person to tell you you dont need fancy elaborate ten step skincare routine and that the skincare industry is just inventing insecurities to sell people 'fixes' for but some of y'all bitches are being willfully obtuse and irritating i just saw a post where everyone was bitching about the fact that someone listed the order to apply specific products in and had used vague terms like "treatment" and "serum" instead of listing products AND THEN GOT MAD THAT THERE WERE SO MANY STEPS like ??? of course it was a vague term bc there are a million different treatments and serums out there? "whats a treatment" its LITERALLY what it sounds like dumbass this is the catch all term for things to treat scarring or acne or hyperpigmentation "toner? are we printers now???" i personally dont think toners are necessary or important but its literally a known product to help with hydration after you use a cleanser which is helpful if you have drier skin..... its literally not that hard.... and the video wasnt even talking about NEEDING all these products it was literally just a helpful guide so people know how to layer things in THEIR OWN ROUTINES so they absorb properly it said nothing about all the steps being 100% required it just listed every type of product on the market (bc surprise some people prefer their active ingredients in a different formula and texture).....
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ikyw-t · 2 years
this is a moodboard for how my brain has been feeling the past couple weeks. yes i spent like 10 minutes organizing these pictures if that tells u anything about how im feeling
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#not that anyone asked but it's bc my adderall rx changed a month ago from extended release to short release#bc the extended release was making me feel super anxious in the afternoon when it would start to wear off#which is obviously counterproductive and i am already anxiety-inclined if that's even a phrase#so ive been on the short release version of adderall for the last month and overall it was going a lot better#the anxiety in the afternoon pretty much disappeared which was nice#the past like three weeks tho ive been dealing with being unable to stop picking at my skin and cuticles too#which is something ive struggled with since middle school in various degrees and tho it was getting better in the past couple years#ive never struggled with it LESS than i have since starting adderall in like march. and my god. what a joy and relief that was#so now that it's started happening again it's honestly pretty upsetting bc it's kinda physically painful and also just rly embarrassing#like i dont even have that bad acne probably but being unable to stop picking at it makes it like ten times worse#like i haven't had acne on my back in like three years since i finished taking accutane#and in the past three weeks i have but it's rly only bc i can't stop scratching at it and so there's gonna be scarring too#it's just very embarrassing and also disappointing nd disheartening since i was finally able to NOT have to deal with this for a few months#it's appalling and upsetting to realize that this was just my life for like a decade before i got treatment for adhd#and once i did it a lot of my impulsive and unconscious skin picking pretty much disappeared.#like damn bro the amount of times my mom and everyone in my family told me how nice my skin would be if i could just leave it alone. yeah.#anyway. im gonna talk to the doctor about this next month when i get my refill obviously bc i am not having a good time#even tho this was working rly great for the first three weeks. like whyyyy can't medicine just work. whyyy#anywayyyy if u read all this no u didnt bc it's embarrassing for me lol#i just felt the need to talk about it cause it's been upsetting me today
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booksncalm · 25 days
Types Of Acne Scars - Can Acne Scars Be Removed?
Aloe Vera works like magic in acne prone skin, applying tomato juice, pomegranate paste with fresh lime juice, neem paste and above all drinking lots of water will reduce the occurrence of acne. The leaves of lavender, red clover, and strawberry plants can be used as a steam sauna for the face. Including large amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet and drinking lot of water are part of acne…
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catsmeow39 · 25 days
Types Of Acne Scars - Can Acne Scars Be Removed?
Aloe Vera works like magic in acne prone skin, applying tomato juice, pomegranate paste with fresh lime juice, neem paste and above all drinking lots of water will reduce the occurrence of acne. The leaves of lavender, red clover, and strawberry plants can be used as a steam sauna for the face. Including large amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet and drinking lot of water are part of acne…
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gigamuffin · 2 years
the nightmare that is looking up references for anything that isn't conventionally attractive and all the results being how to "fix" it
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scartreatment · 2 years
Get rid of any scars with zeta scar treatment cream ✨
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It works deep down to soothe and remove damaged skin cells ❤️ Try now! Get a discount of up to 30% on your first purchase 🛍️
Visit Also here - https://scarsspecialist.com
Key Benefits ✅ Reducing the appearance of scars. ✅ Other marks due to surgery, aging & acne, etc. ✅ Fast-absorbing cream. ✅ Non-comedogenic formula won’t clog pores. ✅ Helps improve the appearance of both old & new scars. ✅ Helps supplement the skin’s natural oils. ✅ Tone aging & wrinkled skin on both the face & body. ✅ Treats skin blemishes.
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anoosbeautyclinic · 2 years
The various factors that cause excess oil production, home remedies in treating excess oil and latest treatments in dealing with excess oily skin
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There are numerous factors that can cause the skin to accumulate too much oil from sebaceous glands. Some of the factors are:
changes in hormones during pregnancy and menstrual cycles in women
increased level of stress,
 excessive consumption of dairy products,
alcohol consumption,
skipping the mositurizer
inadequate sleep
high levels of humidity,
use of wrong skin products,
certain medications like birth control pills,
over washing of the face,
large skin pores tend to produce more oil
Tips to minimize excess oil production:
Avoid creamy and sticky skin lotions
Avoid smoking
Get the right amount of rest each night
Eating a healthy and balanced diet
Use water based skin products
Wash face at least twice a day
Use lukewarm water for washing face
Use sunscreen lotion
Gently exfoliate your skin
Manage your stress levels
Use makeup products that is suited for oily skin
Remove your makeup before going to sleep
Maintain good hygiene
Use of oil-based shampoos and cleansers
Use light, oil free moisturizer
Avoid irritating skin products
You can use coconut oil to reduce the overall level of grease on you face
Apply aloe vera gel and gently massage. Wash off after 15-20 min
Use cleansers which contain  salicylic acid
Apply multani mitti face mask at least twice a week
Milk, turmeric and besan face mask
Maintain a healthy diet
Use good toners
Drink plenty of water
Use oil free and perfume free face wash
One of the major benefits of oily skin is that, those with oil skin may not show signs of aging as quickly as those with dry skin.
Anoo’s provides excellent treatments to deal with excess oil condition. Its board-certified dermatologist understands the requirements of the client and would create a treatment plan tailored to suit their skin’s needs. All the treatments can be done on both men and women. Results may vary from person to person.
Advanced Treatments for excess oil at Anoo’s:
Deep skin therapy
Chemical peels
Spa oil control treatments
IPL therapy
Contact us for more Info : 7097298070
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scarhealing099 · 2 years
Keloid scars: Every thing you need to know
keloid scars are a type of raised scar which is pink or darker in colour. they are basically shiny and hard which arises from a minor skin damage. it takes more space than the damaged area on your skin.
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Reason behind keloids: There are many reasons which causes keloid scars like: scratches, burns, from acne, surgical incisions, any damaged tissue etc. How to treat keloids: there are many treatments available to treat keloids according to some scar treatment clinic in California these are the best treatments: 1) using corticosteroid creams you can treat keloid scars. 2) laser treatment can also be used to treat keloids. 3) cryotherapy: here dermatologists use liquid nitrogen to freeze the keloids with repeatative sessions. 4) otherwise you may go for a surgery to get rid of keloid scars quickly.
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