mattodore · 11 months
But when r we getting Matthias and Theodore cowboys edition 🙈
anon i only just updated my game for infants last week......
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b1rds3ye · 9 months
AASAABSJS I'm so glad your requests are openn!!!! I seriously love the way you write for the characters! I think your writing is so in character an ARHBAHHA 😍😍🤩🤩🥰🥰SO may i request how the 141 boys react when the see their s/o has made them in the sims? Like they see him and his s/o in their little sims family. Idk I thought it would be cute.
Love you! Don't rush and take care of yourself 💗💗💖💖💋
Look, It’s Us!
How the 141 boys react to you making you, them and a potential family in the Sims (+ other little gaming shenanigans)
Characters: Captain John Price, Simon “Ghost” Riley, Johnny “Soap” MacTavish, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Genre: Pure Fluff
Word Count: 1.2k (~400 words each)
A/N: Gotta confess, I’ve never actually played the Sims before ACK-
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Captain John Price
It’s not often, but Price will occasionally play the Sims when he truly has nothing else to do. He’s not particularly creative with it though, just lets the game randomly generate a character and then lives their life with the quirks they have. Still, good fun!
John figured you’d play the opposite to him, testing the limits of the game and torturing your Sims with that simultaneously wonderful and terrifying mind of yours - beyond the army John doesn’t have the creativity to turn Sims into experiments that violate human rights. So imagine his pleasant surprise when he notices you playing relaxedly with a whole family that looked like you and him, taking the greatest care in making sure everything goes well
“Having fun there, love?” he smiles, looking over your shoulder. When you zoom in on the little Price you made in the Sims and then comment how it’s not nearly as handsome as the real thing, he swears you’re single-handedly warming up this jaded heart of his
He could watch you all day as you tinker on the game, but he naturally acts as your anchor. He doesn’t care if this is just a Sims version of you, you are not hijacking that spaceship and blasting off to god knows where! Ultimately he can’t stop you but the conversations that have come out of your antics are very entertaining
John nods along as you animatedly talk about the little virtual family you made. Whether it’s the family itself or your choices in customising the home, he’s listening and he’s remembering. He might not have infinite money like when you’re playing with cheats but it’s in his nature to give you his all, and he won’t stop giving until he’s made an imitation of your dream on the screen
Simon “Ghost” Riley
He hasn’t touched the game, he’s not particularly interested but he’ll definitely be around you when you play. Simon will be doing his own thing, but upon hearing the signature background music of the Sims you’ll see the slightest bop of his head
It was one day, he walked past you, his eyes flickering on the screen while you zoomed up on a character with features suspiciously like his. He watches silently as you zoom out, and there’s a character that looks like you as well and- is that a kid?
“Looks nothin’ like us,” he says simply at the family. “Not my fault you don’t have an imagination,” you stick out your tongue. “I’ll install some mods for more customisation.” He was just cracking a joke but it’s endearing how seriously you take your virtual counterparts
Simon doesn’t just observe the family, he also observes the rest of what you’ve customised. Is that your dream house? Ah, it seems you like that style of furniture. Simon will keep that in mind the next time you have to go shopping, or will find small gifts for you with the same general aesthetic
Has the uncanny ability to speak simlish - or at least replicate the sounds. It sounds straight from the game, you have no idea how he picked it up or why. If you ask he says it’s because “you’re bloody addicted to playin’ that thing”. All you know is that if one of the Sims shouts out something Simon will actually grumble out a response under his breath
Your Sims family has become a little mental vision board for Simon. To keep fighting to return home, to slowly but surely clean up the mess that is his broken mind until he can guarantee a future with you that is equally as tranquil and colourful as the little pixels on your screen
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
Johnny loves his action and exhilarating games, shooters, horror, you name it. As such, he doesn’t play Sims much but if he does, he’s treating his randomly generated sims as human lab rats
Roasts your character customisation to hell and back. Johnny’s gripping onto you, shaking you back and forth, dramatically whining about how his eyes aren’t that specific shade of blue, his mohawk isn’t that big and you’ve got his nose all wrong- what are you doing?!
He’ll complain but if you actually give him controls he’ll customise his own character to look noticeably worse. Just don’t ever give him access to this game because he’ll also make your character look nothing like you
That being said, Johnny gets really into the little family you’ve made. He’s actively discussing with you the furnishings that should be used in the house, if your virtual child should be a ghost hunter or a fortune teller, and if you need a bathroom break he’s ensuring no one sets the virtual house on fire
You better not tell Johnny that you’ve added pets into the virtual family because Johnny is already out the door to the nearest animal shelter. If there are things that these stupid little Sims have that is easy to get or Johnny already wanted, he will get
At the odd moment, you’ll catch Johnny getting quite sentimental over the game. Working in the army is chaotic, never mind his actual role as demolitions expert, it’s hard for him to ever imagine a day where he settles down. But watching you fret over whether this virtual couch should be placed on the left or right side of the living room has him looking forward to that day (by the way you should put the couch towards the back)
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Kyle has honestly tried every game under the sun if it’s casual and entertaining enough, from PVP shooters to laid-back simulators. If you’re not playing Sims, then he will be. But if you’ve beaten him to the punch he doesn’t make you stop, only sitting back and watching you keenly, commentating and giving you suggestions
He’s actually been part of the creative process since Day 1, when you made Sims versions of you and him, he tried to find the character customisation features that best resembles yours, but could only lament that he couldn’t make your Sim look as good looking as you
He loves starting off the game where your respective Sims are strangers, going through all the motions of wooing you all over again, proving to you that no matter the context Kyle will win your heart. You may have to comfort him with cuddles if your Sim version rejects his Sim’s advances though
Once your Sims are together, this little flirt will tell you that your Sims need more kids knowing full well what that implies
Kyle likes provoking you a little, discreetly suggesting using the ugliest pieces of furniture available in making your house. When you bite back that you’re going to make sure this house looks perfect, he’ll eventually relent after begging with his signature puppy-dog eyes
He’s memorised some of the Sim’s spoken dialogue, particularly the romance lines spoken in that exaggerated flirty tone. He’ll say it to you out of the blue sometimes, causing you to burst out into giggles
The game is all fun and, well, games, but it doesn’t stop Kyle from looking forward to the future. You might not have access to the grim reaper, you may never be able to build a pool surrounded with toilets in real life, but he’s excited to create his own little home and family with you, whatever it may look like
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Call of Duty Masterlist
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lea-andres · 2 months
Tumblr just knows, lmao. "Oh god she's gonna ramble about that fucking doctor again everyone run" Anyway-
Inspired by my desire to bite when I see Harvey modded to not have his glasses, I'm giving him an actual series of events from my life. 😎
An attempt was made to get contacts so Harvey could not wear his glasses sometimes, but... Ha... That didn't go over well.
Eye doctor: *wrapping up eye exam* Anything else?
Harvey: Yeah, I want to get fitted for contacts.
Eye doctor: Oh, certainly! Let's get that going for you!
Harvey, the second ANYTHING comes near his eyes: ACK NO NEVER MIND! 😭
(repeat this like three times before I- I mean He!- gave up for good lmao)
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noonaishere · 7 months
Online/Offline [C.S] - prologue | the inciting incident
“How the fuck did you get up there?” Keeho asked.
You laughed as you looked over the edge of the platform you were standing on. “I have no idea.”
“How do you have no idea?” He asked skeptically.
He sighed loudly and you laughed.
The notification for a donation rang in your headset. You turned to your second monitor to read the name. 
“Thank you…” 
Your eyes widened, stunned by the number that you were looking at.
“Oh my god.”
“They sent me thirteen million won.”
Keeho choked on his drink. “Ack-- what the fuck?”
“Um… hold on.”
You messaged your mod.
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“Um… so thank you for the kind gesture, the person who sent me that money. I don’t want you to think that I’m ungrateful, but I’m not really comfortable with taking so much. I’m going to refund it.”
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You and Keeho went back to your game. An hour or so later you both ended your streams and your phone lit up with another message from Quack.
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yeehawbvby · 2 years
Falling Away With You | Ch. 18
Sebastian x F!Reader and M. Rasmodius x F!Reader
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Chapter Summary: The wizard is finally here, and he is hot.
Author’s Note: Here’s the portrait mod I use for Rasmodius, which is how he’s intended to be pictured in this work! 
And here’s a visual reference, for those who don’t mod:
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Enjoy and take care x
Edit: Almost forgot to add, the tower interior is loosely based off how it looks in SVE. It’s much livelier than the vanilla version :’)
Table of Contents + Work Summary
Check it out on ao3!
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I’ve spent the past few days cleaning up a bit, and convinced Robin — with promises of tons of wood and fresh peaches, whenever the fruit saplings have fully grown in — to help me clear out the majority of the trees around my farm. With the exception of a bunch of rocks, which I still need a stronger pick for, the land is pretty much cleared out!
Cannoli has the zoomies, and there’s plenty of new space here for him to play, so he’s having a blast. I take a mental note to toss some ice cubes in his water bowl later — with the wretched sun beating down on us like this, he’s bound to need ‘em. 
While I bury a small handful of blueberry seeds in the freshly hoed dirt, I fantasize about setting up a small play space for him, maybe inside the small cave on my land. Could hang some string lights, put a few blankets and pillows in there, some catnip toys maybe… that shit would look cute. I’d just have to figure out a way to get him to coexist with all the fruit bats hidden in there.
The emo man sitting on my stoop speaks up over the soft lofi hip-hop playing from my phone’s speaker, breaking me from my thoughts.
“So… Sebby, huh?”
“What?” I look up, confused, as he puts out his cigarette in the ashtray.
It’s just a plain one I ordered online from Joja (blegh), but I want to commission Clint and/or Emily for a custom and cooler one. If they’re up for it. I know I don’t, like, have to give him anything in return for my sick bouquet, but the idea always pops into my mind.
“You called me Sebby unironically last week. I forgot to ask about that.” 
God, I’d forgotten about that. Not, like… the fucking part. Obviously. I mean the ~Sebby~ part. I was having the time of my life, the absolute last thing on my mind was how to address him. I blush, recalling that day. 
“Yeahhh, sorry. I didn’t really mean to.”
“You could call me that if you want, you know…”
Having just finished a row of seeds, I flip around to face the next one. “That’s a high honor,” I tease, “You sure I’m worthy of it?”
“You could call me anything with a moan like that, (y/n).”
I roll my eyes and snort at his horny remark and try to come up with something witty, ignoring how secretly proud I feel. “What if I were to call you… I dunno. Shitballs?” 
Perfect. Yes. 10/10 idea, (y/n). You’re so smart!
“Then I’d take back everything I just said.”
“Booooo,” I heckle, laughing at his absolutely fed up expression. “What about Bash?”
“Yeah, like Se-Bash-tian, ya know?”
He hums in thought. “Honestly, I don’t hate it.”
“…What if I pull a 180 and start calling you ‘darling’ and stuff?”
“Don’t push your luck, princess.”
Chills run down my spine. “Mmm.” A low, demonic chuckle emits from Seb at my reaction. A hot one. It’s not helping me simmer down at all. Without looking back to show my annoyance, I respond, “I’d rather finish up the last of this planting than feel things right now, so if you don’t shut the fuck up over ther—“
I’m cut off by a light flick to the back of my head.
“Ack!” I gasp. “Ya creep… your footsteps are so quiet.” I hover my hand over the area that my hat won’t block the sun from, and look up at the culprit.
He doesn’t respond verbally, simply winking at me instead. He kneels down next to me, using his bare hands to work a bowl into the soil. Reaching around to the basket on the opposite side of me, he steals a pack of seeds and gets to work.
“What are you doing?”
I grin and continue, scooting over to the next spot. “Well yeah, but like, you don’t have to do this. Could just hang out inside or something if you want to. I don’t care.”
“Maybe I want to help.”
I shoot him a quick, cocky grin. “What got you so keen on farming all of the sudden, hm?”
”Don’t worry about it.”
That sounded a little sheepish, almost. His cheeks are looking awfully pink too, but I can’t tell if it’s sunburn or blush. I decide to spare him.
“Fineee.” I sigh, thinking of how the only way that this moment could be better would be if the sun wasn’t so fucking hot today. “Thank you… Bash.”
“Hey, what’d I say about pushing your luck just now? Hm?” Seb scolds while I snicker to myself.
“What?! You literally just said you like that one.” I flick some dirt at him, and he scoffs. 
“I don’t like the way you said it.” 
“Whatever Bastion.”
“I hate you.”
“You don’t, actually.”
He groans while I snicker, moving onto the next and last row. He follows shortly after, but crouches behind me this time instead of helping. I think he’s feeling needy for my attention, which would be more adorable if I didn’t want to work. His fingers trail along my sweaty back, covered only by a black sports bra. 
“Whatcha doin’ back there?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Aren’t I, like, a little icky for this though?”
Not looking back, I notice Seb’s shadow, as he shakes his head above my own. “Somehow you’re still cute, all covered in sweat.” 
“Gross,” I whine as if I’m not a little flustered by the compliment. “Well, I’ve gotta shimmy over a little, so move,” I add, wiggling Seb’s hands off of me.
I scoot. He scoots too and keeps touching me. This time, his hands are brushing my hips… toying with the waistband of my light blue gym shorts… slipping into the waistband. 
“Mmm— You’re awfully distracting…” I breathe out, flustered. 
“Fine, I’ll stop.”
I laugh and shake my head as he steals my straw hat off my noggin. 
He plops down at the end of the row of soon-to-be crops I’m tending to. When I glance up, I’m not expecting to be super attracted to Seb in a straw hat. How foolish of me. How could I forget that he could look hot in literally anything?
He’s leaning back, propped up on his elbows, watching Cannoli explore in the distance. His short sleeved, black, button-down shirt is fully open, showing off his torso as well as the long chain that was hidden underneath the fabric. Looks like thin, silver barbed wire. Both of Seb’s legs are out in front of him, his right crossed over the left, as his rolled up pants expose some of his calves. His bangs are pinned back too, although that’s mostly hidden now thanks to my hat.
He’s way out of my league. Dude looks so frickin’ cool, without even trying…
Catching me looking, Seb tilts his head, smirks and raises a brow. I look away immediately, bashfully admitting, “You look hot…” 
“Didn’t you just shoo me away for ogling?” He squints at my rosy face as I look back down, nodding in defeat. “Back to work, (y/l/n).”
I rush through the last row before literally throwing myself at Seb. I wrap my arms around his neck and straddle his hips, knocking him off his elbows.
“Oh my god you’re so moist.”
I giggle mischievously and respond in the most seductive tone I can manage. “Embrace the sweat, baby. I thought you liked it.” I cut myself off with more laughter.
“You fucking goblin!” Seb growls. He tumbles us over so that he’s on top of me, picks me up with a grunt, and begins to fucking speed-walk towards one of the many ponds in my yard.
“H-hey, easy there buddy!” I try to wiggle from his grasp, eyes wide.
He wouldn’t throw me in, would he?
…Would he? 
“Let’s not noT BE HASTY NO—“
After Seb and I cleaned ourselves up from gardening and impromptu swimming (amongst other things, heheheh), we invited Sam to hang out. I feel cozier having more than one person over at a time, now that I have the seating for it.
I finally got some actual furniture, meaning the cabin looks more lived in. Still haven’t followed through with getting a kotatsu yet, but as soon as I can find one I like, you can bet your ass it’s going right where this table is.
We’d planned on playing some games, but instead, we’ve just been loafing around with cold, sugary drinks and a bunch of snacks Sam brought over from a subscription box he’s trying out. After a short silence, a frustrated thought comes to my mind. 
“I wanna be friends with Abigail!” I exclaim, slamming a fist on the table.
Seb silently looks at me with wide eyes while Sam clutches his heart, letting out a big huff. 
“That was so aggressive.” Sam sighs.
“Sorry. Got amped.”
“That’s gonna be a lot of work, you know,” Sebastian points out, a matcha flavored Pocky hanging from his lips. “She’s not a fan of most women.”
Sam nudges him. “Especially the ones who take her wittle Sebbykins away from her.”
I wince and mumble, “Gross,” before sipping some lemonade.
While Seb shoves him back, I explain myself. “I know it’ll be tough, but like, I wanna be able to hang out with all of you. Just… you know. Without running the risk of becoming a victim to some weird yandere outrage.”
The two of them nod, Sam adding a shrug and head-tilt of understanding to his. 
My attention is stolen momentarily by Cannoli, yelling for a water refill. Stretching my arms over my head and then behind my back, I leave my chair to oblige.
I shout over the running water in the kitchen, “Got any leads for me?”
“Well, she likes video games and food,” Sam suggests.
“She’s super into the idea of adventuring. Not sure if she’d actually be able to handle the mines or anything, though,” Seb adds on.
“Oh yeah,” Sam nods, “She practices with her wooden sword in the cemetery sometimes. Scared the crud outta me the first few times I found her out there.”
Placing the bowl down, I return to my spot, stealing a taiyaki snack from the box as I sit. “Why the cemetery?“ I ask.
“She has to sneak out to practice at night, and it’s close to her house,” Seb says. “Pierre is traditional. If something isn’t ladylike and Abby takes interest, he shuts it down.” 
I wonder if her aversion to women stems from an embedded defiance towards Pierre. This isn’t the time to psychoanalyze, though.
“Hmm…” I wonder aloud, “I could try and take her on a secret adventure, maybe. I’ve been wondering about that creepy tower in the forest a lot. Do you guys think she’d be into scoping it out?”
Seb nods, “Well… yeah, she’d love that.” Him and Sam look at one another, grimacing slightly. Ugh. There’s gonna be a catch to this.
“Go on,” I deadpan.
“Do you know how to wield a sword or anything?” Sam blurts out. “Nobody knows who or what is in there. What if you two get hurt?” 
“Yes, I know how to use a sword. How else would I be able to visit the mines?” 
“How far down have you gone?” Seb questions.
“I dunno, like…” I think for a moment, “5 or 6 floors maybe?”
“Oh, you sweet summer child.”
“What?! For someone who’s never been mining before moving here, I’d say I rock.”
“Was that pun intended?” Sam whispers meekly, as if he knows the reaction he’s about to get.  
As I groan out a “No, you little…”, Seb rolls a napkin into a ball and proceeds to hurl it Sam’s way. Sam pretends he’s been shot as it impacts, groaning and dramatically sliding from his chair onto the floor.
Without moving, Sam hums inquisitively. “What if some creepy old person lives there?” 
“It’s probably vacant, if the overgrown look is any indication.”
“Nah, definitely lived in,” Seb hastily corrects me. Hm. “There’s a garden just up the steps leading there. It’s really nice, actually.��� He shoots me a wink and a shit-eating grin, before adding, “Puts your farm to shame.”
I try to rebut by throwing my taiyaki wrapper at him, but it just floats off to the side, about a foot away from me. Damn it. Hearing Seb snorting at my failure, I opt to lightly kick him instead.
Sam’s head pops into view, his eyes and nose cutely making an appearance above the table. “You’ve gone that close?” Seb nods back. “Isn’t that, like, trespassing?”
Shrugging, Seb answers, “They don’t have any signs telling you not to enter their property.”
“Alright, I have a crazy proposition,” I suggest sarcastically. “Why don’t I just… knock and see if someone answers? Ya know, rather than trying to just go in blindly.” 
“If you have a death wish, sure! Go for it!” 
I squint at Sam, who’s still on the ground. “A death wish— bro, it’s probably just some shy farmer or something!”
“Whyyy don’t I scope it out before you and Abby try to?” Seb offers quietly, although it sounds as if he doesn’t even want to. Makes a gal wonder what he saw there, the last time he went. “That way you’re not risking anything.”
“What? No!” I sit there for a moment, contemplating the situation silently to myself. Ugh. “Y’know what, nevermind. I’ll figure something else out.”
A few days ago, I had told Sam and Seb that I’d avoid the creepy tower in the woods. 
I didn’t promise anything, though! 
I made sure to change clothes before leaving the house. My third outfit of the day, not counting the pajamas I woke up in… doing laundry will be a pain this week. In my defense, I was paranoid that I’d be caught red handed by a nighttime skateboarder or a wandering basement dweller, so I swapped out my white sundress for black leggings, black boots, and a black tee shirt. 
I am one with the night.
…Or, I just look like I’m about to burglarize someone. 
The former sounds cooler.
As I inch my way through the trees, the sound of crickets and cicadas are deafening, but in a peaceful sorta way. Maybe I’ll camp out here sometime.
The closer I get to my destination, the more… weird I feel. It’s that same uncomfortable pull I felt at the Flower Dance, towards that creepy hooded person.  If I’m recalling correctly, I felt a similar gravitation during my last endeavors in Cindersap. Like something is controlling me, in an effort to lure me in. Bloodbending me towards the tower. Punishing me with a nasty head and stomach ache if I refuse it.
With the structure now in my sight, my stomach is in knots from nerves. Seb’s reluctant offer to go here before me flashes through my mind, giving me second thoughts. He’s only human, but it’s rare he really seems scared about much of anything. What had him so silently irked about this place?
I take a deep breath, and continue my mission anyway. 
The lights are on, meaning whoever is there is probably awake. At least I know I won’t be ruining any sleep with my intrusion. I pick up my pace to a light jog, wanting to get this over with. 
I hope I can convince Abby to come here, should I not, like, die tonight. And if the resident gives me permission. And if Abby wants to, rather than doing it out of a weird obligation, that would be nice too. Unless… What if she uses the time alone to turn against me? I shake the paranoid thoughts from my head as I approach my destination.
The moment I set foot on one of the rugged, wooden steps, I’m hit with a dizzy spell. After regaining my composure, I take another step, this time feeling a pang in my temples. I lean on the dirt wall next to me for a moment. I don’t like this.
With some courage, I move again. This time, nothing bad happens. Interesting…?
Seeing that as the universe’s permission to continue, I jog up the final few stairs. Still in one piece, I breathe out a sigh of relief. I wonder if that was just my nerves… My gut tells me there was a barrier of sorts trying to keep me out, or maybe even entice me in, but that just feels nonsensical.
Looking out to the woods behind me, I’m met with a beautiful view. I can see the fireflies dancing by the river, the tops of the roofs and street lamps in town, and the cozy glow of the Stardrop as Gus and Emily likely begin their preparations for closing. On my right, the Gem Sea sparkles under the light of the full moon, offering a welcomed calmness to my current endeavor.
I turn back around and see the small crop area that Seb had mentioned. He wasn’t kidding — this shit is impressive. There’s a huge melon to the right, surrounded by several smaller ones. If I wasn’t keeping this whole thing a secret, I’d take a picture to send to the boys. Has big “Don’t talk to me or my sons ever again” energy. 
To the left is a beautiful garden of flowers and some more fruits. A mix of variously colored summer spangles and small, plump, vine-grown berries that I’ve never seen. They’re bright blue, bioluminescent underneath the night sky. 
My heart races as I take another few steps forward. Social anxiety aside, I think the encounter I’m about to have would freak anyone out. It’s not everyday that a person decides to spontaneously scope out some stranger’s home, and somewhat late at night, no less.
I swallow the lump in my throat, lift my hand to grasp the cold metal knocker, and—
“Well, it’s about time.”
A short, high-pitched scream escapes me. I shut myself up with a palm to my mouth, as to not attract the attention of anyone who might be nearby. 
“What the—? W-where are you? Who said that?”
A low, decadent chuckle flows through my head. I look around frantically, but not a single soul is in sight.
“I’ve been awaiting your arrival for quite some time, young one. I apologize for startling you, but I must say, it was fun doing so.” I don’t answer, and they sigh jovially. “Please, enter! It’s in my interest to make your acquaintance.”
Oh… they live here? Then why does it sound like they’re inside of my fucking brain what the fuck–
I shudder before twisting open the golden doorknob. Instantly, various scents waft through my nostrils. Cinnamon, pine, something musky and sharp too — maybe lemongrass. There are various shrubs, flowers, and vines lining the walls of the entryway; and multicolored lights shine above them, mostly of varying shades of purple, green, pink, and blue.
Shyly, I move forward, both admiring the well-kept shrubbery and the cozy decor of the room past the next doorway. From what I can see, it’s warmly lit. There are more plants scattered, a fireplace in the back, and bulbous fairy lights strung along the upper walls.
I hear footsteps getting closer, and my nerves rev back up. I pause in my tracks as the mysterious voice reveals their physical form.
Yoba, I thought Sam was large, but this guy has to be at the absolute least a half of a foot taller. 
The man’s purple hair sprinkles into his vision, slightly in the way of burgundy eyes that sparkle with intrigue. A black leather cord containing a small, corked bottle of something adorns his neck, and his pointed elf-like ears are decorated with a set of red dangling earrings. He is wearing a half-tucked, off-white button down, above black dress pants, and fancy black shoes with pointed silver tips to them.
I feel severely underdressed.
As he leans against the doorway and crosses his arms over his chest, I notice several rings amongst his fingers, each with a different colored gem in the center. Go off, Thanos.
He smiles down at me warmly with a single nod, making my heart skip a beat. Why is everyone in this stupid town so gorgeous? I think to myself. He tilts his head curiously, eyes narrowing with a wider grin, as if he’s reading my inner dialogue.
…Holy shit. I wonder if he can, considering how he was communicating with me before.
“I know you.” I whisper with furrowed brows, pushing my previous thoughts aside.
The moment I noticed the colors of his features — reddish-purple irises, gray skin, almost Abby-colored hair, the black beauty mark below his right eye — I realized this man is the same person I saw lurking around behind the Flower Dance.
“Well, not formally of course, but yes. I was sure you would recognize me.” Thank god he’s no longer speaking directly into my head. As lovely as his voice is, that was intense... “I do my best to keep to the shadows, alas, my hiding spots are sometimes subpar.”
Against my better judgment to just stay quiet, I question him. “Why hide?” 
“It would be unwise to bring fear to the townspeople. Only some know of me, but they fear the unknown presence I carry. Then again, it is possible I simply stick out too much for their liking...” He mumbles the last sentence as he observes the dust-colored skin of his hands. 
“Worry not, as it is something I’ve grown accustomed to over the years. Now, onto the matter at hand,” he announces, “I am Magnus Rasmodius. Seeker of the arcane truths. Mediary between physical and ethereal. Master of the seven elementals. Keeper of the—“
Magnus looks at my face and catches me biting back a giggle. I never expected this guy to be so adorably dorky. He blushes, his eyes fading from their natural (???) maroon into a light pink to match his cheeks. Oh my god, that was so sick?! “Er… you get it.”
“Sorry,” I snort, breaking.
His features revert back to their previous shades as he grins and shakes his head, silently accepting the apology. “Come, have a seat. There’s much to discuss.”
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
Hello, dearest Void, I'm writing this because I think you'd get a kick out of it
My brother games well into the night and I'd have no problem with it if only he stopped shouting conically mispronounced Harry Potter spells and other hilarious/disturbing things.
His current favourites are the following:
Avadakinekafasza (translation: avada-whose-dick-is-this)
Expecto Fasztronum (translation: Expecto Dick-tronum)
Avadakegrucio (lol)
And my personal favourites, even if not spells:
Bellatrix's fucking wig!
These are the dark's bitches!
Bitch got Voldemort's fucking nose that's why he keeps winning! It's a fucking magical mascot!
I~ killed~ Sirius~ Bla~ack!*demented laughter* (this one kinda makes me feel guilty)
*e-girl moan*
I have come for your virginity as your gender neutral sleep paralysis demon promised!
He fucked me and was done in 2 seconds but I'm telling you his dick must be big IRL I know it from vibes alone
I HAVE A FAMILY *panicked screeching*
*fake sobbing* Please take a shower Mr. Discord Mod, Sir
I didn't just fuck your mom, I fucked your dad too! We had a threesome! YOU MIGHT AS WELL START CALLING ME DADDY TOO!
God is dead because he got a whiff of how you smell you fucking pig
He also theorized that even if Snape had the alligance of the elder wand Voldemort would've had to kill/disarm Nagini for it because horcrux or not, it was Nagini that killed Snape. - Said this in the middle of a match.
Was Nagini named Nagini after Voldemort's schlong that he named after the Naga when he was like 16 because he's egocentric? - in a lobby
He also thinks that Voldemort searched after Rawenclaw's diadem so he could be even smarter but the enchantments either ran out in the last 1000 years or that tiara never did make the wearer smarter, but after the locket - which was a family heirloom therefore had a difference in significance - it was the first founders object he turned into a horcrux, because if he had to walk around in a tiara looking like an idiot for nothing then it's the least. And I mean he's petty enough. He thinks Voldemort never actually set out for the founders objects to make them horcruxes. The tiara didn't make him smarter so might as well make it useful. Hufflepuff's cup has been said to have magical properties but it was either not true in the first place, has run out in the least 1000 years or useless to him. So, once again he might as well make it useful. - This was in the middle of a match too.
Your brother on that next level shit and I love it
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alexlesuagz · 9 months
Hi mod ^^
I readed your Criminal Case fic. Update pls ;w;
ACK I’m sorry I haven’t updated it in a WHILE, I got HEAVILY distracted and ran out of motivation, pls forgive me 😭
Maybe I’ll update it someday, who knows-
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prototyp3d · 2 months
*BONKS YOU WITH LOW QUALITY HAMMER (this is mod's way of saying hi)*
„ ACK- ”
[ ough... he has been BONKED! GET BONKED IDIOT!! Hallo!! /ooc ]
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sinkableruby · 11 months
Gamer asks: 1, 2, 6, 13?
1 - Games you’re currently playing?
i almost forgot somehow, but im playing street fighter 6! super fun and i love the cast except for when the game is too hard and i feel overwhelmed by all the tech and things you have to do to learn characters :< at least they are all hot... 😔✊ but also the like player characters you can make are cool. it's a very good character creator and i always love it when games have that for my roleplaying brain. but again theres too much stuff and it takes too much time to get i dont wanna have to unlock moves :<
2 - Do you like playing with mods?
yes! mods are so good... you can tweak your experience to be just a little more comfortable, or revamp the whole thing. i usually only go through the effort of getting them when its a game i really like, like the binding of isaac or monster hunter or smth. i get all the enjoyment i can out of the base game, then do mods. its fun! theres also just cosmetic mods that change like appearances and audio and stuff like that, and those can get kinda goofy so probably i'd also wait til i'd done enough of the base game in general, but those are really good too!!
6 - Last game you finished?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hmmm i guess i would say... even though this is a replay, og pokemon platinum (emulated) i skipped the "buying the new remade game out of nostalgia" step and just went back the original without any of the annoying wait times due to emulation lol i like doing challenge runs on it like monotypes and nuzlockes, usually sort of building a team to a certain "character" (another roleplay thing, i really like doing that :p), its pretty fun! i dont always finish runs but theyre certainly enjoyable
13 - A series you’ve enjoyed since your early days of gaming and still enjoy to this day whether it still has games coming out or is one you return to?
i have so many of these!!! well, they more apply in a "single game i always come back to" sense, but still
i have to say smite first bc i still play that game sooo much (almost 3000 hrs ack...) the third person moba + characters u play as are gods from various mythologies combination is really good, hi-rez kinda struck gold with that
theres also left 4 dead of course (but really its l4d2 since it has all of l4d1's stuff) which ive played since i was a kid... its fun i love it! def a favorite of mine... altho the periods i play it are kinda intermittent
binding of isaac series... i played the original flash game which was not as fun but it was a more like, meaningful experience. which is definitely part due to the amazing music, and possibly in part due to that unfairness making it feel hopeless. i only play rebirth these days of course because it is much bigger and better in terms of gameplay, and gameplay is pretty important for roguelikes lol, but you can't talk about rebirth without talking about the original! also rebirth doesnt have good music :(( the only actually good track is the burning basement one (which is really good, but not enough to make up for a whole soundtrack of meh songs). although the recently added dogma fight song is great too, the cathedral ost is good, and the hush fight is one i personally like... other than that its all :l
oh and i still play long live the queen every now and then. a sequels coming out soon which is great!! but its not like the same setting where youre a princess trying to become queen and also theres cool magic which is sad... also the deaths in that game are adorable i love them
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look at it isn't it cute. go play this game everyone its fun you have to stop a princess from dying. i like how its written too. i recommend 👍
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waywardstraysau · 2 years
Hunting Jackals
(A Wayward Tides Story by Mod Nightmare)
Jack Spicer and DT! Hunter form an unlikely friendship, and it begins with trespassing.
You know, of all the things or people Jack expected to come and bother him that Friday night, it certainly wasn’t that sour-looking guy he saw when he first met King. He just... waltzed in through the lab door like he owned the place!
Especially since it was a heavy duty door, and LOCKED.
“Nice place,” he hummed airily, seemingly oblivious to Jack’s annoyance with the sudden intrusion, “I can appreciate some Techno-Gothic decor~”
“Do you just not respect the sanctity of a locked door or something?” the redhead asked, eye twitching as the two made eye contact for the first time. The blonde simply shrugged, a lot more laid back and unbothered than Jack remembered, despite how short the meeting had been. “How the fuck did you even get in here?! The lab is locked down at night, and I’m pretty sure you got the message I had about my bots dishing out the consequences of breaking in here without an emergency!”
“I stole your key-card during dinner~” the blonde cackled as he produced a VERY familiar square of plastic that sent Jack digging through his trench coats MANY pockets. However, just as he looked up to demand the card back (with excessive expletives) the blonde was already right in front of him, offering the plastic square back without him having to request it. “I didn’t really need this to get in anyway. I just figured I might as well impress the self-proclaimed “Evil Boy Genius” who makes the robots around here with a little mischief of my own. Make our meeting a little more interesting that way, ya know?”
“… you came in here with King, we HAVE met before,” Jack replied with the kind of intonation that made the statement sound a bit like a question as he took the card back. The blond blinked twice before tugging at his forelock and scowling.
“Right, I’m still wearing the old “Puppet Boy” look, which, by the way-“ Jack flinched as the shadows of the room streaked across the floor to envelop the stranger, before falling away to show a drastically different appearance, “-SO not me now, it honestly kind of disgusts me how I used to walk around like that. I looked like I belonged in a prep school, ick.”
Jack blinked several times, taking in the new appearance of the shapeshifting stranger, before “You didn’t change your face” slipped out.
“Well, yeah, I’m still technically the same person, just from a different timeline,” the other boy shrugged, waving his hand as he continued, “I guess you can call me Darkstalker if you want, it is my villain name after all”
“Wait, you’re evil?” Jack asked excitedly, because holy FUCK the constant stream of goody-two-shoes heroic types could wear on an evil genius. His visitor smirked with something akin to pride.
“More like “anti-authority”, but same difference,” Darkstalker chuckled, leaning back and catching himself on the table behind him with one hand. A purple monkey tail flicking into view as he drew a circle in the air with his free hand, producing an honest to god WANTED poster. It unfurled and displayed a stylized drawing of the smaller boy, along with a rather impressive bounty. “I’m a bit partial to arson, but general mischief is my favorite pastime overall.”
“YO, that depiction of you is sick,” Jack complimented as he took the poster from the air to get a closer look, “The black flames really make you look badass!”
“O-oh that’s nothing special for me, just a bit of shadowmancy,” Darkstalker stuttered a bit, before summoning a small flicker of black flames, edged by a glorious gothic purple.
“Sooo cool!” Jack pumped excitedly, reaching out to touch the obsidian fire, only for Darkstalker to immediately snuffed it out.
“Ack! Hooker rules!” Darkstalker yelped, snapping his hand to his chest.
“”No kissing on the mouth?”” Jack snickered, making the other boy blush a deep red and shake his hand dismissively.
“No, no!” he squeaked, looking flustered before correcting and composing himself. “STRIPPER rules! I meant to say stripper!”
“Ahh, “Look, don’t touch”, gotcha,” Jack chuckled, holding a hand out, “You’re my kind of crazy, dude. You need a hand with any scheming, I’m your guy”
Darkstalker seemed surprised by the offer, as if he hadn’t really expected this kind of outcome from the encounter. Instead, he shook his head, and accepted the extended hand as a mischievous smirk spread across his face.
“I’ll be sure to take you up on that offer, friend”
It turned out Jack shared a lot of classes with Darkstalker, and that’s where he learned the guys proper name was “Hunter”. When questioned, he simply replied that it was fine to refer to him a such when they were alone, but if his doppelgänger was around, Darkstalker would need to be used to avoid confusion.
The idea made sense to Jack, so he went with it.
Following their discussion was the fastest week Jack ever had attending the school. Hunter was a goddamn delight to sit next to, fiddling with different types of magic whenever a lecture or class activity got particularly boring. The evil boy genius was exposed to some very interesting spells during these times, including one that could make semi-conscious minions out of purple goop that the violette had smuggled into class the previous day. In their exchanged notes, Hunter explained that these minions were called “Abominations” but while they were useful for some aspects of combat and petty work, synthesizing good quality “goo” took up a lot of valuable time. This severely limited the amount of practice he could get in and left him relying on other forms of magic.
It was conversations like these that found Jack in the school’s kitchen for the first time in- well, ever,- during the middle of the day.
“So if I could manage to synthesize enough of this “Abomination Goo” you could make me a mindless slime slave?” the redhead mused, stroking his chin as he held the vial of purple slime up to the light. He also dodged a mixing bowl that had been thrown by one of the more violent cooks in the kitchen.
“Well, I don’t know if I’m skilled enough to make a more permanent one, seeing as my specialties are in Oracle and Illusions, not Abominations. I could probably manage something that might last a few days at a time with my current skill level. I’d have to re-stabilize it after a while though,” the violette mused. He snatched one of the knives thrown near his head and using it to dice up some chives, quickly going back to the stove once that task had been finished. He seemed a little lost in thought. “What’s with the desire for a goo slave anyway? Your robots are way more efficient.”
“Umm, what evil genius WOULDN’T want a purple goo slave to do their bidding?” the redhead argued back, making the violette chuckle as he pulled down a tray and filled three bowls with noodles and broth. “Awful hungry today, are we?”
“Oh, no, Edric is gonna be joining us for lunch,” Hunter hummed, drawing a circle in the air to make the dishes wash themselves while he garnished the warm bowls with chives, before freezing up a bit as a thought occurred to him. “You’d be okay with that, right? Buddah, I totally forgot to ask-“
“It’s fine, Hunter,” Jack chuckled, amused by the way that even the violette’s studded ears turned crimson when he was embarrassed, “Though, I wouldn’t be opposed to a pudding cup as compensation-“
“You drive a hard bargain, Spicer,” Hunter chuckled, drawing another circle in the air. Jack was offered a rather fancy looking chocolate pudding in a wine glass, topped with whipped cream and two pieces of dark chocolate stabbed into the side. “I tend to make fancy desserts from scratch when I can’t sleep, anyway. The community fridge is chock full of those from last night.”
Sunday came around, and it found Hunter stretched out over a rather uncomfortable looking armchair playing a Switch while Jack worked on his latest project. The violette may have looked completely enraptured by his game, but the constant stream of chatter between the two teens proved otherwise.
“Man everyone in your world just sounds like an asshole. Who the fuck drags someone off the back of their ship for three miles in frozen waters just because they find you “annoying!?”” Hunter asked, purple tail tip twitching in a very well masked fury. “Buddha’s sake, some heroes those fucks are. Even I had better sense than that when transporting the “enemy”, I just tied them up and secured them somewhere!”
“Apparently being associated monks absolves them of “minor transgressions”,” Jack shrugged, flicking his googles down and activating a blowtorch.
“You could have DIED from that stunt though!?” Hunter shouted over the noise, but Jack simply shrugged again. “I’m surprised you never stabbed one of those guys, just out of self defense, damn.”
“I mean, I wanted knife throwing lessons as a kid, but mom decided figure skating would be more useful,” Jack replied, flicking the blowtorch back off, setting it aside and picking up a socket wrench in its place. “Turned her juicer into a robot for that one.”
“Pfft, WOW, your mom doesn’t know you at all,” Hunter chuckled, flipping over onto his stomach, lowered the switch and crossed his arms over the side of the chair. “Though, if you’re still up for learning knife throwing, my dad did give me a few lessons, I could probably teach you a little bit on the subject.”
“Why did your dad teach you how to throw knifes???” Jack questioned, catching the violette’s gaze.
“He said it was a valuable life skill. He’s taught me a lot of life skills like that actually, I could probably make it out in the woods for a few months if I really wanted to,” Hunter mused, drawing another spell circle and causing his Switch to vanish, before flicking a knife out of his sleeve, “Like how to make comfortable and incognito sheathes for extra weaponry, for in his words, “You’ll never know when you’ll need to stab a bitch”.”
“Can’t you just magic those out of thin air?” Jack questioned, to which Hunter just giggled, a bit like a child.
“Sure, but that’s a lot less fun, and there are probably artifacts out there that can drain magic,” he hummed, tossing the knife into the air and catching it by the tip of the blade, “Better safe than sorry, yeah?”
“Wait, then what was with that shit in the kitchen yesterday?” Jack questioned, to which the violette blushed, pointed ears turning red all the way to the tip.
“Um… I was showing off?” He muttered, flipping the knife back to the hilt side, using the blades reflection to avoid eye contact, “I don’t know how to make friends, so I tend to try and impress people I want to associate with whenever I can, I suppose.”
“… did you do that kind of thing with Edric?” the redhead questioned, setting aside his wrench. The pleasant green haired witch being Hunters only friend he spoke of.
The voilette just turned a darker shade of red.
“No…. Edric actually caught my attention with his knowledge on wild magic. I was always into the subject, and I caught him with one of the books banned by the Emperor’s Coven on my first day of school,” Hunter explained, looking a little wistful, “We’re kind of just a pair of lonely people who happened to share a lot of interests, so we got close really fast…”
Jack took in the look on the violettes face, something wistful and fond. It was something he’d only seen in those Hallmark movies he’d watch when he was feeling extra lonely when he was younger.
He knew that face. Knew it well, despite never having seen it directed his way.
“… do you like him?”
“No!” the violette hissed angrily, his calm demeanor burned up in an instant. He glared at the redhead with a snarl that displayed the gap between his rather sharp teeth. Jack took a step back with a flinch, the aggression something he had been unfamiliar with when it came to the other boy until then. Despite his diminutive size, he was terrifying when angered. “I’m not gay. Don’t you EVER imply such a thing of me again-!”
“Sorry! Didn’t know you were homophobic!” Jack squeaked, cursing the voice cracks that never fucked off.
The statement seemed to knock all the air out of the smaller male, and he immediately relaxed once more, looking ashamed.
“No. Not homophobic. Luz is Bi, and has a girlfriend to boot, I could never hate my little sister for that,” he clarified, looking a little downtrodden. “I just… wasn’t raised in the best environment when it came to someone’s orientation. Or for anything, really, but that’s not my point”
“So accusations of being gay didn’t go over well, then?” Jack asked quietly, a rarity for him.
“”Didn’t go over well” is putting it mildly,” Hunter sighed, popping the button on his hood and pulling the neck of the shirt underneath down, displaying a rather nasty looking, jagged scar running from the side of his neck. It traced down his collar and over the side of his chest, the wound had just barely missing the carotid artery. It had healed completely at that point, but it was newer than the one on his cheek, perhaps only a few years old. “My…. Guardian, you could call him, the one before my dad took me in, did not react well when I looked at a boy my age “wrong” during one of those castle galas we had. After that, let’s just say that if I was gay at some point, and I never was, I had the homosexuality beaten out of me several times over.”
“… Hunter, your orientation can’t-“
“Yes the fuck it can,” the violette hissed, trembling a bit as he sat upright in the chair, one hand clutching the fabric of his shirt over the scar, the other digging into the armrest with sharp claws. “It can and it has. I don’t have a thing for Edric, end of story”
“Okay,” Jack simply replied, putting his hands down and moving back to the work table, pulling his current project back in front of him. “Consider the book shut”
“…thank you”
The silence that came after that wasn’t exactly uncomfortable, but there was still some tension in the air. Hunter just curled up and showed his back to the redhead, trembling slightly.
Eventually, after maybe half an hour, he finally spoke again when the genius wasn’t using a loud tool.
“… you won’t… tell anyone about that, right?” he asked, shifting a bit to peek over his shoulder.
“As long as you don’t tell anyone I sleep with a nightlight, we’re even,” Jack replied simply, earning himself a confused stare.
“You sleep with a- oh”
A more comfortable silence followed for a bit. Then;
“Thank you, Jack”
“No problem,” he replied, going back to his project with a small smile, “After all, what are friends for?”
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msm-tsotmw · 1 year
Ah , Nothing Better Than Lying Down Outside And Looking At The Aurora Monstralis ! It’s Really Pretty , And It’s A Huge Relief From All The Worrying A Few Days Ago .
Wait ,, what ?? Worrying ??
crysta, you probably-
When I Got The News About The Music And Light On Light Island Going Out , I , Uh , Panicked .
I Thought Everyone , Including Crysta Lost Their Ability To Sing !
(Ritika winces.)
But It’s A Good Thing That You Didn’t . At Least You’re Safe !
Yeah !! Least we’re safe !!
* Sigh *
(Toorie lays her head down on one of her pompoms.)
you know what, crys, maybe we should try and leave toorie be. i think she deserves to relax on her own.
Awh ,, but —
crysta, come on.
But the Monstralis !!
we can always see it tomorrow night, right?
…… Right ..
(Toorie’s sisters head back into their house, going to eat dinner or something.)
… Huh . I , Uh , Didn’t Know Being Alone Could Feel Nice …
… Unlike Before My Sisters Came Along …
… Hm .
(Suddenly, it hears a rustle somewhere behind her.)
Mondo ? Is That-
Ah !
(Mondo somehow tripped on themselves and landed face-down on the ground next to Toorie.)
… Mondo ? You Okay ?
(Mondo gets up and dusts his matted fur.)
uh nothing just
i was trying to walk outside but i didnt wanna bring a fire lantern to light the way so here i am
Ahahah , Okay ! That’s Understandable .
* Snrrk *
whats so funny
You Have Something On Your Face , Silly !
whats on my face
Here , Let Me Get It .
oh uh
(Toorie awkwardly inches closer towards Mondo and plucks a small piece of thread off of their face.)
There !
(It’s the same shade of brown as the stitches on his beanie, which is kind of coming apart. She looks down at Mondo’s face, and notices that it’s as pink as her fur usually is.)
Huh ? Why Do You Look-
Looks Like We’re Gonna Have To Get Someone To Fix Your Hat Tomorrow .
(The two Monsters exchange an extremely awkward silence.)
You Know , The Monstralis Looks Super Pretty Tonight !
it does
Do They Have Stuff Like That On Cold Island ?
its called moon rainbows for some reason
Ooh , Moon Rainbows ! That Sounds Pretty .
it is
Hey , If We Ever Visit Cold Again , Do You Think We Might Be Able To See The Moon Rainbows ?
wait wdym we
by the time this journeys over all of us will probably just go home to our home islands
By “We” , I Mean The Two Of Us . I’d Like To See The Moon Rainbows Without Sprigg Taking Notes About Everything , Haha !
Cool !
enjoying your date?
(A very flustered Mondo looks up to see Flitz flying above them and Toorie.)
Oh , Flitz ! Hi !
Wait What Date
y’know, since you two are togeeeether, under the staaaaaaars, aloooooooone, talking about stuff…
Yeah ! We’re Just Hanging Out Under The Stars And Talking About Things That Are Special To Us , Like Friends Always Do .
i dunno, sounds like a date to me.
alright, alright, fine!
(Even more awkward silence.)
… Anyways , Where’s Jeeo ?
what about the others?
Huh ?
you know, Sprigg, Mauna, and that Fluoress—I dunno, Mop Opera—she’s dating?
i think you mean moperetta
yeah, Moperetta. where are they?
I , Uh , Don’t Know .
oh ok
Probably Still Looking For Where The Light Is .
I’m Sure They’ll Be Back Soon Though , Right ?
sorry for leaving on a cliffhanger shgsjhgsjyvusybuysbuysb
anyways I have summer school tomorrow so gn 🛌
-Mod Jimmy 🗣️
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( ack
Hello )
("Hi, how are you?!" - Mod)
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theofficersacademy · 1 year
ack hi this is leon again. change of plans, i want to drop my sigurd reserve and instead reserve arthur from jugdral please. sorry for the trouble praying emoji
Sigurd has been dropped and is now available!
Arthur has been reserved!
You have one week (2/20) to submit your blog and application to the Masterlist. Thank you for your reserve!
- Mod Ree
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ask-gaikari · 1 year
“Alright annnnnnd…”
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“Hello! My name is Hikari Kyoryuko! I am the Ultimate Paleontologist and Hope’s Peak Academy’s History Teacher!”
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“And I’m Gaikotsu Tokei. Ultimate Adult Caregiver and the Literature Teacher, along with Hikari’s Wife.”
“Sooo we found out about ask blogs and decided it would be fun to make one with our family. But before you all start asking, we should probably introduce you all to everyone else!“
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“Just FYI, they all agreed to be part of this. We’re not one of those ‘family vloggers’”
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“Starting with our first child, Mikan Tsumiki, the Ultimate Nurse!”
“H-hi!!! S-sorry I,um…I get nervous when t-talking to strangers…”
“No worries, we understand!”
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“Our second child, Sagishi Tokei, but you all probably know them better as the Ultimate Imposter!”
“Yep. I finally got things I always wanted…mainly a name and identity!”
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“Our third and fourth child (they’re twins), Chiaki Nanami and Chihiro Fujisaki, Ultimate Gamer and Ultimate Programmer respectively!”
“Hi. ” - Chihiro
“Hey-hey. It’s actually nice to be here.” - Chiaki
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“Just so everyone knows, i’m the older sibling!” - Chihiro
“...by like 15 minutes.” - Chiaki
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“And our newest chi-Ack!”
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“…yeeeeah, we, or rather, Tokei adopted him and now he’s here.”
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“Oh yeah, there’s also my (adopted kinda) sister Sachiko Gamen, Ultimate Game Developer!”
“And her girlfriend, Ichika Takahashi, Ultimate Scriptwriter!”
“Hello there!!!”
“And their adopted child, Shuichi Saihara, Ultimate Detective!”
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“The crippling depression is manageable today :)”
“Anyway, hello everyone!”
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“Oh, also since Tokei can’t control herself, a few of our kids’ partners moved in with us…apparently almost all of them (bar one) had a bad home life. Buuuut, they’ll show their faces eventually.” 
“Anyway, feel free to ask us anything as long as you read the ‘before asking us’ section!”
(Based on an AU fanfic series us mods are making)
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oogaboogaspookyman · 2 years
Celeste: L is for the way you look at me...
Mewtwo: O is for the only one I see...
Celeste: V is for very very extraordinary~...
Aliza: EGG!
Mewtwo: wHEEZE-
(thank you so much for the quote, @esmam1ss2n9shu773r !)
✨ Random Quotes From The Fam!✨
(lotsa @pmseymourva in this post)
Adam: f is for friends who do stuff without you.
Mewtwo: u is for uninvited.
Adam: c is for clinging onto hope that you won't keep getting forgotten.
Mew: k is for krispy kreme yum!
Mewtwo: this is not what i wanted this post to turn out like.
Adam: one time i got in the shower and came out and no one was home and the lights were off, my entire family went bowling and forgot about me.
The three in unison: DOWN HERE IN THE DEEP BLUE SEA!
Mary: *sends positive pregnancy test*
Mewtwo: damn get well soon.
Mewtwo: quarantine 🙏
Mary: are you stupid?
Celeste: Pro tip about relationships, you can call your partner all sorts of cheesy things and they have to sit there and take it because they love you. If I ask Mewtwo "who's the cutest legendary in the world?" He has to sit there, whole bunch of feet of grown ass mon, and say "...I am"
(@xxtc-96xx remember him? Also @the-hydroxian-artblog for the originating Beth art)
Bby Huey: one day i will break out of this fictional world, and on that day... You'll be begging.
Mewtwo, who drank two glasses of wine: ay que pasa apyr i'm walkin' 'ere.
Adam is playing Poppy Playtime: Chapter 2
Poppy: "keep going..."
Adam: nahhhh nahhhh how 'bout you- *???*
Adam: listen, the last time she said that, she almost got pregnant cabrones...
Adam: okay- *he begins to crack up and profusely apologize for the dirty joke*
Mewtwo: i can't believe you both broke the bed last night, what were you even doing???
Adam: uhhh...
Adam: bet ya can't jump high enough to touch the ceiling!
Mary, feeling chaotic today: try me.
Mewtwo, who immediately got the joke: gOD DAMN-
Huey: wanna hear my science headcanon?! :D
Pig: can't you just say "hypothesis" like a normal pokemon?
Huey: ... So my science headcanon is-
Adam is watching scary tiktoks sent by peeps on Twitter for a video.
Adam: *immediately jumpscared*
Adam: *near-death expirience*...
Adam: I WASN'T READYYYYYYYYY, NO ESTABA LISTOOOoo *mexican music imitation idk*
(again, Nano is on Youtube, please go see his stuff)
Adam: *got to destroy a wholeass tank in a WW2 game with an RPG*
The random players are cheering him on.
The random players are laughing.
MEMORY: STOP EVERYTHING! Mewtwo, get the banana!
MEMORY: get the banana, mewtwo.
(Sr Pelo, The Mandela Magazine)
The lights are off...
Adam turns the lights on, mewtwo is standing there... With black eyes.
Adam: *literally just pokes his eyes*
"mewtwo": *down below*
Mewtwo: i only had Aliza for a day and a half, but if anything happened to her i would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Aliza: :3
Adam: hey look *sends gif of a spear shaking* it's Shakespeare.
Mewtwo suffers.
(thank you @emositecc )
Mewtwo: i'm bi.
Mew, trying to roast mewtwo: BI YOSELF!
Mewtwo, Adam, Mary and Celeste are all holding hands.
Mew: •_•
You: sir, i must know: tits or ass?
Adam: both are good, but may i suggest a third option?
Adam: whether you're male, or female, nothing is more powerful than the thighs.
Mewtwo: -.////-.
(@pukicho )
MEMORY: hey.
MEMORY: all of your bones are wet.
Adam: why would you say something like this.
MEMORY: no one said hi back.
Mew: Turgle Turgle.
Adam: !
Their pokemon:
The TC fam, mewtwoandme fam, dailymewtwos fam and literally every fam where mewtwo/newtwo has a child:
The future characters:
The mod peeps:
The infected:
That one guy that once said "hey everypony" that is no longer spoken of:
Adam: who turgled. 🗡️
Mewtwo: hey where's Mew?
Adam: she drank lots of coffee and thinks the humming birds are talking shit about her.
Mew, who punched a humming bird: F I G H T M E I A M S O U N D!
Adam, again with My Friendly Neighbourhood: p stands for puto! :D
(it's supposed to be the mexican flag btw)
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"ok, camera's on, everyone ready-?"
The camera blinked on
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"ok, my name's bamberly! The friendly neighbourhood historian AND playwrite"
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"I'm bamburai, and I'm just the average artist on deviantart except my posture isn't like a deformed banana..."
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"haha i sure do look like one!"
Then there was silence. The pink one of the 3 was going through a photo album. Absent-mindedly forgetting that it was his turn to speak.
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"banji- banji, your lines-"
Bamburai nudged banjex, causing him to jolt back into reality and shut the album quickly
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"ACK- UH-"
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"*sigh* banji- we rehearsed this- hahahaha- you goofball ilysm"
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No nsfw, please, mod is a minor and it makes them extremely uncomfortable
No killing the characters, i am emotionally attached to them
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Banjex 💖
Bamburai 💛
Bamberly 💙
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