julian713 · 8 months
Bienvenidos sean a la 3ª parte del proceso del A.B.P (aprendizaje basado en proyectos)
En el día 19/09/2023 fuimos a la planta de control de plagas de ISCAMEN en km 8, donde nos dieron un recorrido por algunas partes de las instalaciones y nosotros pudimos entrevistar a algunas personas de las que nos dieron el recorrido, a continuación dejaré mis apuntes y las imágenes que tome
Controladores principales
Maestros ridens
Compiten distinto controladores para ver cual es mejor
2 veces por semana se sacan los huesos que pusieron los adultos comen: miel polen proteína hidrolizada y agua/ ácido citrico,come 2 veces por semana. Adulto mielifero, que come de todo. Viven en laboratorio un mes
Comen afidos, pulgones, caminan 30 metros buscando comida, los ponen los productores
Cada 3 días cambian agua y pulgones
Adulto vive: 1 año. 10 a 15 huevitos por coso amarillo, 8 millones de huevos al año
Ataca al trigo,la larva perfora el trigo
Se cría la plagap
Pone los huesos SOLO en otros bichos
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santi1223 · 8 months
Primero: recolectamos pallets y le tomo medidas para ver cuántas plantas podemos colocar ahí.
Tuvimos que hacer diferentes grupos de trabajo. El primer grupo era horizontal y el otro vertical. Cada grupo tenía que hacer diferentes ideas para poner los pallets y tuvimos que averiguar también dónde la vamos a poner. Cuando encontramos el lugar donde vamos a poner los pallets le tomamos medidas para saber cómo vamos a colocar los pallets.
Después hicimos un tipo de maqueta con los pallets para demostrar como lo queremos hacer a hací lo mostramos a la seño.
Segundo: recolectamos compost para las plantas y también recolectamos maples de huevos para a si poner tierra para ahí colocar las semillas haci crezca un poco para despues traspasarla a otra maseta.
Eso fue mi día a día en la escuela
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lanieto · 9 months
Huerta en la escuela
Hola, a partir de hoy les voy a mostrar mi a.b.p (aprendisaje basado en proyectos) y todo el proceso que lleva hacer una huerta en la escuela
Primero nos dividimos en dos grupos ( uno que iba a poner los palets orizontalmente y otro verticalmente), después fuimos afuera hacer un boceto sobre donde íbamos a trabajar y también tomamos medidas. Teniendo en cuenta las medidas y el boceto con mi grupo(grupo 1) teníamos que ver como íbamos a poner los palets (donde íbamos a poner las plantas), teniendo en cuenta cuantas horas de sol le daba, cuanto espacio podíamos utilizar y cuantos palet íbamos a poner.
Con la seño estamos haciendo compost (fertilizante orgánico) para ponerle a nuestras plantas.
Nuestra seño nos dijo que íbamos a hacer una salida a iscamen (un espacio verde) allí podremos hacer preguntas sobre cómo cuidar la huerta,como saber cuando las plantas necesitan agua, etc.
Unos compañeros nos dijieron que tipos de raíz avía y que tipos de suelo, como plantar semillas y que semillas eran más rápidas en crecer.
Con unos compañeros nos encargamos de hacer los plantines(plantar la semilla en maples de huevo) plantamos mucha variedades como zanahoria,zapallo, lechuga, etc. Lo hicimos un viernes y cuando volvimos el lunes nos dijeron que los plantines se avían volado por el fuerte viento de esos dos días y es una lastima por que nos costó mucho pero bueno hay que seguir adelante.
Llego el día, fuimos a ISCAMEN donde nos enseñaron todo lo que hacen,también nos mostraron unos insectos que utilizan para que la mosca del mediterráneo no crezca, como,la avispa, la crisol, la baquita de San Antonio, las mantis, etc.
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archivoydocumentacion · 3 months
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Método A.B.P (Metodología Basada en Proyectos)
¿Te gustaría que a la hora de aprender, tus ideas se pudieran hacerse realidad? pues desde la fundación Robotix, nos enseñan la colección “Pedagogía y Juego: Talleres para fortalecer la Práctica Profesional Docente” donde nos proporcionan herramientas, guías y cualquier orientación para aquellos docentes y personas del ámbito de la educación que quieran experimentar y enseñar a través de las creaciones de los propios participantes.
Esté método puede ser muy útil para dinámicas basadas en el juego y la creatividad.
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gmlocg · 7 months
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226.) A.B.P.
Release: 1987 | GGF: Action, Arcade, Racing/Driving, Vehicular Combat | Developer(s): Atari Games Corporation | Publisher(s): Atari Games Corporation, Domark Limited, Tengen Inc., The Hit Squad | Platform(s): Arcade (1987), Amiga (1989), Amstrad CPC (1989), Atari ST (1989), Commodore 64 (1989), DOS (1989), ZX Spectrum (1989), Lynx (1991), GameCube (2004), PlayStation 2 (2004), Xbox (2004), Windows (2006), PlayStation 3 (2012), Xbox 360 (2012), Xbox One (2012)
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beniju · 8 months
Hola,hago este blog para explicarles sobre el proyecto A.B.P,qué estamos haciendo en mi escuela (Rafael Obligado 1-033)nuestro proyecto se basa en dejar una huella en nuestro grado (7mo)antes de nuestra despedida, la seño nos hizo hacerlo con materiales de la casa, lo que necesitábamos eran padleds y cajones para hacer nuestro compost.
Un compañero,trajo semillas y otro más padleds y hicimos plantines y yo una bolsa de tierra fértil, examinar el recorrido del sol, ver como poner los padleds,las medidas de donde los vamos a poner, también hicimos bocetos, croquis en base a eso, para ver donde poner las distintas variedades de plantas, depende la variedad de sol que necesitarán.
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ipreferlush · 1 year
Always Be Petty
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antrod4 · 2 years
What is a Biodynamic Massage?
A lot of people associate massage therapy with beauty salons and spas, but massage therapy can also come from another source: nature. The Greek word kerastos means "to heal" and massage is derived from it. The Greek word for "to heal" is "kara," which refers to "earth/rock, mountain/water" and "aesthesis," which means harmony, balance, or harmony throughout all. According to Boyesen's healing philosophy massage can be considered a natural therapy that can restore harmony to the body. She described massage as a natural treatment that can boost the body's healing abilities in her book The Touch of Nature. Massage is one of many great ways to relax and soothe muscles and tissue. Massage helps loosen tight muscles. However, it is not enough to simply soothe and relax; it is also important for a patient to be able to identify and express their needs and to feel in control. This is why she worked with Dr. Gerda Boysen, a.B.P. (an Ayurvedic doctor specializing in specific modalities of healing), she developed an Ayurvedic specific massage that addresses the benefits of massage in relation to specific needs. In a traditional massage, the practitioner sits, holds the client's hand, supports the neck, holds the wrist, and applies pressure to the various points of the body. This "whole-body approach" to massage has been used for years to treat various ailments throughout the body. By developing her own version of a massage, incorporating both her knowledge and her own techniques with that of Dr. Boyesen and other Ayurvedic doctors, A.B.P. The practitioner performs some self-massage in a massage chair between massage sessions to help clients feel more comfortable. To help clients concentrate on the massage, rather than being held up by the chair, she uses this distraction. In order to do this successfully, however, the practitioner must be skilled in self-massage and know how to distract her client without losing focus. So, while doing the actual massage, she takes a break and performs a brief self-massage using her fingertips. This distraction allows her to give her clients a chance to get into the rhythm of the massage without feeling rushed or having her concentration distracted. To further enhance the therapeutic experience, A.B.P. A.B.P. integrates gerda boysen's theory on biodynamic psychology. This concept states that diseases are caused when there is an imbalance of energy within the body. This imbalance in energy can manifest as a mental or physical blockage, problems with blood flow, or blockages related to the body’s organs. A.B.P. was able to draw on this knowledge to help her clients heal. With this knowledge, A.B.P. Massage therapy is an integral part of A.B.P.'s holistic health approach. The therapist uses the body’s natural structures to promote healing. She uses touch and massage therapy to go beyond the superficial. A.B.P. is one example. For example, A.B.P. incorporates stretching and lengthening of the muscles, as well other types of massage such as cranial treatment, to promote full body alignment, and physical wellness. It takes more than just a relaxing experience to reap the benefits of a biodynamic massaging. The therapeutic massage treatment also includes exercises to strengthen the body and reinforce its systems. A.B.P. teaches her students a rigorous course of study that includes not only anatomy, but also nutrition, physiology, neurology, and biodynamics. These courses allow students to better understand the interrelationships between the mind and body, and how they can be used to improve the individual's overall health. Massage therapists must be licensed to practice their art. Massage is considered an alternative health practice that is not regulated by medical science. The practitioner who does not adhere to standard procedures while treating patients is at risk of being charged with a crime. There are many laws that apply to practicing massage in your state. A qualified professional will take all of these factors into consideration before deciding whether or not to offer a particular form of massage therapy.
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demb1981 · 4 years
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Foto de mi pedalera antes de una tocada con The Over-Manned Band en el Escena Monterrey (7 de diciembre, 2018). Le abrimos a Marrano Rosa quienes organizaron un tributo a Pink Floyd a beneficencia de los niños de la Fundación Enrique Yturria García, A.B.P. / Foto por Rodrigo Casas Gómez. 
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a-black-pegasus · 6 years
Mice Become Human: Convince
An interactive story prompt staring (Y/N) as a tiny deviant android. The story changes based on the descions you make. So please don't be shy, and vote! :D
//You chose to convince//
"Markus please, put me down. There may be someone down there. They might need some help or they might be able to help us. Who knows? They could— Whoa!" Markus cut off your reasoning...or rambling, and picked you off his neck.
"Ok. But be careful." He sighed. There was clear disprovel in his tone. "I'll be right behind you."
Markus lowered you down to the floor. As you got closer, you could make out a gurgle like sound, and some hissing.
You stepped forward into the trash, and gasped at the sight before you.
A huge rat haunched over a mouse man, its teeth clenched the mans shoulder, and pierced through the plastic like bread. The mouse man in question was flat on his back, but his legs twitched, and his other arm flailed trying to fight the rat off. His mouth gaped wordlessly, as if trying to yell.
For the briefest moment you were to shocked to do anything, but then you picked up a rock, and chucked it at the rat. It bounced off his head like a pebble, but slowly it turned its attention towards you.
You wished you had some sort of weapon, anything! A needle, or a stick or something other than the rocks that lay at your feet. You bent down, and picked another up. The rat released it's catch, obviously satisfied it's prey could not crawl away in his condition, and jumped towards you.
You turned tail, and ran! Darting back out towards Markus, you stopped in front of his leg, and threw threw the rock. It missed.
As soon as Markus saw the pest, he sucked in a sharp breath, and raised his other foot.
As the rat reared over you, he slammed his leg down on the rat, crushing it with a single stomp.
You panted, and scoot back on your hands till you touched his shoe. Your led flashed from red to yellow as you caught your breath. About to stand, you pushed your arms up, but in an instant a hand wrapped around you, and pick you up. A quick yelp of panick slipped through before you realized it was only Markus, but going by the look on his face that didn't make the situation any better.
"Are you ok??" He questioned, his led a steady red.
You shrunk back from his voice. "Yes..."
With a sigh, he closed his eyes, and his led turned yellow. "I shouldn't have let you down there. I should have—"
"Markus! There's a mouse man down there, and they're hurt!" You said quickly, before he could start a lecture. "Put me down. There's no more rat, but he needs help!"
Imediately, Markus stooped down, and shoved away the trash. He put you down next to him and scanned him.
"His vocal processor is broken, and he needs blue blood." Markus diagnosed, before gently sliding the tiny onto his flat hand. "Maybe Jericho can help. Come on we need to hurry."
Without wasting another moment you climbed onto his hand, and sat next to the other minitaure android.
You noticed something around his neck, like a metal neck cast. As you moved to touch it he grabbed your hand, and stared at you.
He griped your hand tightly not letting go as Markus wandered forward. It was only a few minutes later when he drops the flashlight to open a large yellow door.
Afyer turning it open, he grabbed the flashlight and continued down a creaking ramp.
It reminded you if the one outside...the one that broke. "Markus...."
As you whispered, your fear came true. Behind Markus the walkway began to fall away. He tried to run but it was to late. He cupped his hand over you and the other mouse man and held you to his chest as he fell. There was a heavy jolt, and clang, and then a final thud as he hit the bottom.
Rolling slightly to his side Markus got up on his knees and uncovered you.
"Are you alright?"
You nodded. You were safe in his hands. He grabbed the flashlight and shined it around at the nearing Androids. The beam fell on a blonde male android. He blinked.
"Welcome to Jericho."
As you looked around you noticed other mice men coming out; no one sat in anyone's palm. They seemed to herd themselves together in a group off to the side.
They gave you some odd looks as if confused, and glanced at each other. Someone pointed out the mute android you had rescued.
You weren't quite sure what to do. You felt that perhaps they looked at you that way because you were sitting in an Android hand, but you weren't sure why.
Should you ask Markus to put you down?....
......Or should you go off with him?
Which one?
Go down, or sit still?
//to get down comment or leave a 🦊//
\\to stay still comment or leave a 🐻\\
@sammigruber @sammie-skele-turtle @gatlily @nightmarejasmine @misfitsgalaxygt @obwjam @bee-wrecker @nerdqueenkat @tinyliltina @nini116 @queenofconspiracies @dc41016 @jasper-jazzle-zazzle @tiefling-trickery @tinyinabigworld @citrus-adventures @yourfreindlyneighborhoodnerd
Authors note:
Hey y'all this is the end of the chapter! Whoo! (Basciclly that just means I'll cut it off here when I make the Masterlist).
I had so much fun writing this chapter, and giving you this choice. Why?
Well this is one of the big decisions, believe it or not. What you choose here splits the story into two very separate paths, so choose wisely, and remember that you can make your own path.....
Once again I would just like to thank you all for reading and voting! Have fun ;) ~A.B.P
Link to last chapter
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mrs---nicole · 5 years
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Càso 3 Nível sócio-econômico: médio baixo. Marido: 33 anos; mulher: 31 anos; A: filha, 7 anos, só da mulher; B: filha, 5 anos, só da mulher; C: filha, 3 anos, de ambos. Duração do tratamento: três meses; duas sessões semanais. O casal nos procurou porque B estava apresentando problemas na escola, não conseguindo ser alfabetizada. Logo na primeira entrevista ficou claro que estavam buscando ajuda para o casal e que a ftlha, apesar dos problemas que estava apresentando, tinha servido apenas para que eles pudessem fazer o pedido de ajuda
. A mulher já havia morado anteriormente com outra pessoa com a qual tinha tido as filhas A e B. Há quatro anos morava com o marido, com quem teve a ftlha C, mas não eram casados. 54 A.B.P.4/80 A maior dificuldade do casal consistia na impossibilidade de dialogarem sem que toda conversa acabasse em brigas, com gritos e até agressões físicas. A fala do marido já vinha com todas as possíveis interpretações da mulher e vice-versa. Ambos se sentiam autodesvalorizados na relação e camuflavam seus sentimentos atrás de explicações intermináveis para tudo.
 A autodesvalorização da mãe colaborava para que as fllhas, que não eram do marido, se sentissem impedidas de crescer e progredir, e vivenciassem, de forma exacerbada, uma situação de desvantagem em relação à irmã, fllha do casal. O tratamento foi curto e se limitou a permitir que os não-ditos da relação pudessem aflorar, que a raiva pudesse ser raiva e o amor pudesse ser amor sem necessidade de disfarce ou negação. No último mês de tratamento, quando as dificuldades de B na escola já estavam bastante superadas, foi trabalhada a decisão, tomada pelo casal, de fazerem um casamento legal, o que ocorreu algumas semanas após o término da terapia.
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julian713 · 9 months
Hola!, en este blogs hablaré sobre el proyecto A.B.P. (actividad basada en proyectos) que se está llevando a cabo en mi escuela, explicaré todo el procedimiento ordenado cronológicamente, ¡empezemos!
Primero mi maestra nos dijo que empezáramos a hacer compost con residuos de nuestras casas, luego el padre de un amigo llevó palets a la escuela para poder armar una huerta, se dividió el grado en 2 grupos diferentes que tenían que planificar una forma de huerta diferente; uno lo tenía que planificar con los palets de manera vertical y el otro de manera horizontal, unos días después salimos con compañeros de mi grupo (horizontal) a tomar medidas de los palets y adonde los queríamos colocar y con la maestra de Plástica armamos un boceto de donde los queríamos poner y lo plasmamos en papel, unos días después con mis compañeros de grupo armamos con los palets como los pondríamos y en donde, a continuación dejaré una foto en la que lo demuestra
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Y hasta ahí llegamos con nuestro trabajo en la escuela, ayer ( 09/09/2023) fuimos con mi amiga Juana Baron a INTA con mis padres a escuchar una charla sobre la huerta agroecologica, a continuación dejaré mis apuntes:
Huerta orgánica:
Es una forma natural y económica de producir hortalizas sanas durante todo el año
Si cortas una planta a la mitad verticalmente se puede observar la paté femenina y masculina
Huerta: buena exposición solar, mínimo 6 horas, tiene q estar bien orientada de norte a sur para seguir el recorrido del sol . Luego se limpia el lugar en el cual se va a hacer la huerta
Más adelante se plantan las plantas con menos porte, las que necesiten cubrirse se les hace una estructura para protegerlas de los pájaros
Luego cierre perimetral con lo que sea (caña, tela romboidal, etc) la idea es que no entren animales para que no coman, excrementen y por los parásitos, se tienen que cultivar aromáticas en el cerco perimetral ( nunca cerca de otras plantas porque no necesitan mucha agua(casi nada))
Tmb hay que tener un lugar destinado a criar plantas, uno para compostar, una para herramientas, y etc
Para plantar en las escuelas porque salen rápido: rabanitos y rucula
Siembra directa: se siembra en donde se quedará para siempre
Siembra en almacigo: donde estarán temporalmente hasta transplantarse a su lugar definitivo
Almacenes en diferentes lugares: rollitos de papel, envases de leche, vasos, envases de yogur, etc, si se usan maple de huevo tiene que estar bien esterilizados, sino se contagia la planta de alguna enfermedad gracias al excremento IMPORTANTE si se va a usar males de huesos esterilizarlos bien llevándolos al sol directo durante varios días enteros
Cuando la planta en almacigo llegue a aproximadamente 10 cm se transplanta, al momento de trasplantar se humedece el lugar definitivo, la planta no tiene que sentir que se cambio de lugar
Luego de ir allí con mi amiga Juana discutimos e intercambiamos ideas y pudimos hacer el blog
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nevergiveupcenax · 5 years
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2. Casos clrnicos Será relatada uma experiência clínica por nós realizada, em consultório particular, num intervalo de dois anos, em que oito casais foram atendidos em terapia, num enfoque interacional. O tempo médio de tratamento foi de oito meses, variando entre três meses no mínimo e 1 ano e 8 meses no máximo, e cada casal foi 52 A.B.P.4/80 atendido em sessões de uma hora de duração. Seis casais tiveram duas sessões semanais e dois casais apenas uma sessão por semana. Caso 1 Nível sÓCÍo-econômico: médio. Marido: 42 anos; mulher: 40 anos; A: fIlha, 19 anos; B: fIlho, 18 anos. Duração do tratamento: três meses; duas sessões semanais. o casal nos procurou numa crise em que a possibilidade de separação já era bem evidente. Ele estava muito envolvido com outra pessoa com a qual pretendia morar. Ela demonstrava muita difIculdade em aceitar os fatos e nas primeiras sessões tentava localizar tal difIculdade nos fIlhos. Em vez de falar do quanto era difícil para ela perder o marido, tentava se convencer de que a fIlha não suportaria tal separação do pai. Ele, por sua vez, dizia que tinha nos procurado apenas para ajudar a mulher e que não tinha nada a dizer ou modificar, e evitava sempre falar de seus sentimentos. O tratamento foi curto e se limitou a fazer com que cada membro do casal pudesse vivenciar a perda e a separação sem ter que negar sua dor ou depositá-la ora na ftlha, ora no filho, ora na outra parte do casal, sem se permitir, cada um, uma certa elaboração do luto de uma separação após mais de 20 anos de vida conjugal.
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starinstarblr-blog · 5 years
STARINSTAR AHA.BHA.PHA, A.B.P Miracle Serum https://amzn.to/2QrjFHn ✅Sodium hydrogenate - Hyaluronic acid helps strengthen skin moisture. Adenosine - A functional ingredient that helps improve wrinkles.- Vitamin E with antioxidant properties cleanses the skin ✅MANUFACTURER GUARANTEE - If for any reason you decide that this serum is not a good fit for your skin, you Can contact us for a 100% money-back refund. Don't absolutely love it? We'll refund it - no questions asked. And we answer all emails. #AHAserum#moisturizers#oceansalt#dryskinexfoliator#laneigelip#topshelfie#eveningskincare#reactiveskin#hydratingproducts#gentleskincare#skincareroutine#skinserums#skincare#skincareroutine#skinserum#TuesdayThoughts#faceserum#faceserums#serumforface#serumforskin#serumliposom#serumtubuh#serumglowy #serumhoneybee#serumnuskin #serums#BoycottTrumpPrimeTime#TuesdayMotivation#txlege (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsijuPdnJrb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11gej9akuj26c
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nadiabones94-blog · 2 years
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Catálogo navideño para recaudación de fondos en Andares A.B.P.
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lemmeblog · 3 years
Silence is bliss when one finds peace.
too much to hold on, a.b.p.
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