#A Protege's Trust WIP
gemmahale · 14 days
WIP Wednesday (4/17/24)
Fandom: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reboot
Working Title: A Protege's Trust (link to the tag)
Pairing: Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick x Lisa 'Badger' Compton
Rating: E (eventually, but not in this snippet)
CIA operative Lisa Compton is assigned to the 141 - it's her responsibility to help Laswell coordinate infill and exfill, gather crucial intel for the team and provide plausible cover stories when they get into tight spots. There's one problem: Sgt. Garrick is the most insufferable, unprofessional, bull-headed boy she's ever worked with. Gaz's an immaculate soldier, ready to jump at Price's order and launch himself into the fray with his mind focused on one thing: completing the mission. But when Laswell assigns the new CIA operative 'Badger' to their team, he can't stop flirting with her, thinking about her soft curves and sharp wit more often than focusing on the job at hand. Laswell won't approve her transfer to another team. Price is threatening to bench him. Badger and Gaz won't talk to - let alone look at- each other. Ghost thinks Badger's nickname should be 'Insufferable Yank.' Soap wants them to fuck it out already.
AKA: This'n's a good ol enemies to [???] to lovers with a sprinkling of other tropes for good measure. (Something something Price/Gaz being mirrored in Laswell/Compton? 👀) Credit to @pfhwrittes for collabing and feeding the brainworms. Short snippet because I don't have much written yet, but the plot's simmering there.
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Divider by @saradika-graphics
Station Chief Laswell stood quietly in the corner of the briefing room, surveying the group seated in the briefing room. Her fingers idly tapped along the edge of her folder, watching operatives mutter alongside soldiers, the chatter covering the struggling projector on the table.
Captain Price rocked on his feet on the other side of the screen. “All right, settle in.” His voice snuffed out the conversations, chairs scuffling and people settling in the following silence. One last bark of laughter echoed across the space. “Garrick–”
“Sorry Sir.” 
Lisa huffed softly to herself as she caught Sergeant MacTavish punching Sergeant Garrick in the arm and the returned scowl.
At least one of the 141 seemed to want to take this seriously.
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doriians · 1 year
ur wips wee the coolest things ever <3
thank u so much laurie :(( you're amazing. have some of Them from the first draft (i'm now on the second and my writing style has changed a LOT, but still!!)
"How much further?" Erzse asked, quietly. Despite their break, she sounded wrecked. What little of her magic Llevan could sense shifted in the air around them, weak and exhausted from their near-death experience.
Pursing his lips, Zira shrugged. "I don't know," he said honestly, "hours? Minutes? A day or two? We'll just- There's no way to know for sure."
“A quart day,” Rilan said. When they all glanced back at him, he was holding the map, frowning at it and tilting it at an angle. “Look. If we try to find the path again, and then go left from it, we should be about a couple of hours out from Cantalon.”
Cantalon. The name was unfamiliar to Llevan, but Zira’s eyes lit up as he turned back to the horse behind. 
“Perfect. We can spend the night there recovering. Let’s push on.”
Gently, Zira urged Devak into a steady trot in the direction of the path, which, happily, wasn’t too far from them. Llevan could feel its magic, curious and disapproving of the unwanted intruders who chose to walk their own path. Arya whinnied unhappily underneath them. 
Erzse leaned down to kiss her again, stroking her mane as she began to follow Devak. “Come on, sweetheart,” she said, “just a little longer. You can rest soon.”
He hoped they could. They couldn’t continue to push the horses so fast and so constantly: they’d burn out and leave them to walk on foot. But Zira seemed adamant that this was the right course of action — he trusted him to know best.
@my-cursed-prince @ethaeriea @valpurgatory
[ask to be added to the fate's proteges taglist!]
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starkjoy · 2 years
Are you the author of the lovely fic Devil’s Advocates? Just wanted to say I love it very much!!❤️ This is not to put any pressure on you or anything and I understand if you don’t plan on writing more chapters but if you do, I am very excited to read more of it❤️❤️ Have a good day!!
I am indeed the author! I'm writing the next chapter as we speak, and as a thank you for your kindness (and everyone else's who've sent me messages like this), here's a small wip sneak preview.
Read below:
Frowning, Tom cocks his head. “Are you busy with something else?” he questions, suddenly on guard. He can imagine it now, Greg avoiding his eyes as he admits, “So, I actually met with my cousins and we brokered a deal? But um, you’re not part of it?” Or worse: “I’m in love with a girl I met yesterday at the HR mixer, so this narrative won't work for me after all. Good luck.”
“No, no. I’m ready,” the younger brunette quickly recovers, another weird smile on his lips. “Our calendars are blocked and loaded.” He points his index finger like a gun, cocking it and mimicking a kill shot at the Rubik’s Cube on his desk. He shifts again, clears his throat. “Come in.” 
Tom accepts the answer after a moment’s scrutiny. “Good,” he says before reaching out into the hallway and rolling his secret weapon into the office: a large whiteboard he’d snagged from the neighboring conference room. He shuts the door behind him, locks it just in case. 
Greg shifts. “What’s that for?” 
“Did you black out from the wine, Gregory? We have a big day tomorrow.”
“Of course, but why do we uh, need a whiteboard?”
“Need a demonstration, do you?” Tom picks up one marker from the bottom tray and unsnaps its lid. He turns toward the board, back facing Greg, and writes. “See, here we can document our hearts’ desires with gliding ease,” he instructs with a condescending lilt like a professor scratching out an advanced equation for an audience of toddlers. He turns around, gesturing to his finished work: CAN’T MAKE A TOMLETTE WITHOUT BREAKING A FEW GREGGS.
“This again—” 
“But wait!” he interrupts like an infomercial’s worst salesman. “The real magic?” Tom grabs the eraser brick from the tray, replacing it with the marker, and then disappears the text with one long swipe. “Gone into the ether! No paper trail, no email chains. A temporary haven without risk of Congress, the DOJ, or any other governing body finding our receipts.”
“I know how a whiteboard works, Tom.” 
He feigns confusion. “Well, you’re the one who asked what it's for.”
“I didn’t mean—,” Greg stops himself and spreads his lips in a thin line. “You’re razzing me,” he confirms rather than asks.
Tom smirks, satisfied, and stuffs his hands in his slack pockets. He cocks his head. “Yes. But no, actually. I’m going to quiz you on our timeline and write it down on the board for our reference. Then we can run through a few more times until we’re feeling good, yeah?” 
Greg nods, eyes flitting away from Tom’s and zoning out a bit. Social awkwardness is par the course for the leggy brunette, but something about his detached demeanor compared to last night’s casual intimacy sends a chill down Tom’s spine. Perhaps his earlier assessment was all wrong—maybe their little tête-à-tête made Greg like him less. Maybe Greg’s enacting one big long con against Tom, chasing the promise of a fancy promotion and cushy office, dreaming of some vapid heiress to entrap with his old-money heritage and gaudy, newfound riches. Tom’s always loved his protege’s slimy moments, those little testaments to his influence taking hold, evidence that the younger man trusts him enough to reveal his ugliest colors. This time, however? The scenario, even dreamt, makes him sick to his stomach.
Tom swallows. “What is it, Greg?”
His friend blinks, returning his gaze. “Oh, nothing. Sorry. I’m fine and dandy, all’s good in the hood. I don’t know if ‘hood’ is an appropriate term for me to be using, actually, but since my office is a refurbished mailroom, it could be considered the ‘hood’ of Waystar, I guess? Refurbished may be generous, it’s pretty uh, un-furbished, if you will? Never furbished to begin with—” 
“Okay, stop,” Tom interrupts. He steps toward Greg, pulls out the chair facing his desk, and sits down. “Tell me what’s going on.”
Greg stares at him with his big, blue eyes. “Nothing, man.”
“You’re squirming like a virgin hiding his first boner and rambling like a coked up parakeet. Did something happen after last night? Did the siblings reach out to you? Logan?”
“No! No, I haven’t heard anything.” Greg’s dark brows furrow over his down-turned blues, again evading Tom’s stare. “It’s not that.” 
Tom inhales, preparing himself for whatever blow comes next. “So what is it, Greg?”
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Anon Asks ! (+one NSFW one below)
1. Awe, you're not selfish. I completely understand why you feel left out. Unfortunately, people already read my SFW stuff at such a lower rate that I'm afraid a SFW Series would totally bomb. Unless I was extremely motivated, I don't see myself being able to do it.
Do me a favor and send me another Anon about SFW Series recommendations. I just asked my Discord, but I want to give them some time to respond!
2. You are so wonderful. Thank you for sending me such a lovely message not once, but twice. I appreciate you taking your time to read my work and then go even further and tell me about it.
I hope you have the best day ever 😭
3. They've been friends since they were teenagers! Las Vegas is a surprisingly small place, all things considered. They promised him back then they would let him direct a music video if they ever made it big. It's very cute.
4. Who, me? Naaah, I'm just a worm 😉 (does anyone recognize this reference? or do I just look silly?)
5. I'm assuming this is about Quid Pro Quo (although it could also be about Fuzzy Pants, lol), and I'm so happy you think so! I was worried it'd be a bit too niche, but it's great to see people enjoying it 🤗
6. I don't think I'll be able to swing a whole series of that, but I do have a couple Virgin Post-Prison Spencer WIPs. I also plan on writing a Virgin Spencer mini-series after TB&TB (called Centerfold), but it takes place when he's in graduate school/ten years later.
7. Ah, you are so sweet. And yes, I have been writing quite a lot of that lanky fucker, huh... The truth is, my answer is very simple and can be summed up in a very funny way. How do I keep writing him?
✨ a u t i s m ✨
I can honestly say I have never, ever bored myself out of anything. Other things just became more interesting for a little while. Matthew was one of my first ever special interests as a young teen. I cycle through mine for periods of a couple years at a time (I popped in here hot off my Naruto re-emergence).
Whereas a lot of people go through interests in much shorter bursts (especially those with ADHD), autistic people have a tendency to fixate for much, much longer periods. There is nothing wrong with you, we are just different ☺️
I use the "Other" MGG characters to grant myself the freedom to do other things. I honestly really wanted this to be a multi-fandom blog, but I was immediately inundated with Spencer requests that never stopped.
Maybe one day I'll introduce another obsession, but I don't see it in my immediate future. I usually have a pretty good warning that I'm slipping out of the fandom. Right now I'm mostly just sad people are leaving. I'm still going strong though, lmao!
8. I'm a firm believer in the idea that Laziness Does Not Exist, but I totally understand. You're actually describing something experienced by ALL writers, although having ADHD will no doubt exacerbate the problems. I do not have ADHD, but the good news is that ADHD has a large number of treatment options (both pharmaceutical and otherwise).
I think you can talk to a trusted adult about it if you'd like. I know very little about the diagnostic process of ADHD, but I do know that it's significantly more straightforward than most autistic testing. A number of my friends got a diagnosis in less than a month (granted, they are all adults, and their parents were willing to cooperate).
A diagnosis won't make your parents (or anyone else) believe you, though. It's just one of those things you have to learn to deal with. But with the case of ADHD specifically, because there are pharmaceutical treatments, it might be worth it. I personally absolutely abhor stimulants (and am also medically contraindicated). But I'm autistic, so they don't help me, lol!
As for being more motivated generally, I think a lot of it is literally just forcing yourself to do it. You have to get over this idea of writing it perfect and just start writing SOMETHING, even if it's garbage. You can always edit it.
Fanfiction is so much easier with this because it doesn't have to be perfect, or even good (lol). It's just for fun! It's not an easy thing to do, but it is so rewarding. I know a lot of people in my Discord like utilizing our Writer Bot to have writing "sprints" where you are timed and see how many words you can write in short bursts.
Not how I function, but it works for some people! We are all different, and that's what makes us wonderful 🥰
9. Awwwe, I have so many Hozier songs on their playlist! I listen to him whenever I need general inspiration. Like most basic white bitches, I do love me some Hozier. Also, I am honored.
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Hahah, good news is I have a number of fics about that premise! H2M, Different Kind of Daddy, Big Bad Wolf, Protege, sections of the NSFW Alphabet, Thimble of Honey, aaand... Spoiled. I think that's most of them.
It will come up VERY briefly in TB&TB. I'm positive I have other Spencer WIPs that include it, but I couldn't tell you which ones. It's requested of me very often 😅 which is fine, it is a kink I have IRL!
I agree, though. It makes me feel things.
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bran-writes · 4 years
Updated WIP Intro: Apocalypse Kings
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Apocalypse Kings
A group of friends investigate the deaths of two loved ones years before, stumbling upon a conspiracy involving a robotics company and dark intentions. A robotics engineer must decide what to do and who to trust when her boss’s contract with the military leads to the construction of an inter-dimensional gateway on their compound, and one of their frames is sent through before being trapped on the other side. All paths lead to horror and a brutal fight for survival as malevolent entities set their sights on our world and those involved are about to be introduced to a realm beyond their worst nightmares.
Genres: Action, Sci-Fi/Horror, Mystery
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Kwin Bergeron lives with the trauma of discovering the bodies of his uncle, Drew, and his younger cousin, Ritchie when Kwin was just twelve years old. Their deaths were officially ruled a murder/suicide perpetrated by the man Kwin looked up to the most. Plagued with years of nightmares, questions and regrets, Kwin is now coming out of a stint at The Morner Psychiatric Treatment Center, and he wants to move on after finally handling his grief. He wants to go back to his old life, get back to work, spend time with his family and finally confront the feelings he has for his best friend, AJ. However, Kwin discovers that he can’t let go of his past when he’s presented with evidence that his loved ones were actually murdered by someone who’s still roaming free. Fortunately for Kwin, he doesn’t have to search for answers alone. Kwin’s friends decide to help him pursue the truth. In the process, they discover a winding conspiracy of dead journalists, religious cults, a strange book and a dark plot that leads to Bergeron Robotics, the company Kwin’s grandfather owns and operates.
AJ Longoria has known Kwin since they were kids. He’s also been in love with him for as long as he can remember. AJ himself is no stranger to trauma, being orphaned and rendered mute by the violence of his mother’s death at the hands of a serial killer whose brutal attack also nearly killed him. From that day on, AJ never spoke a word, but when he moved to Three Pines with his uncle, he found family and comfort in his new friends, especially Kwin. However, besides his feelings for his best friend, there are other emotions AJ has never confronted: The fear he feels when he closes his eyes, the phantom pain in his back from long healed knife scars and the crushing realization that at any moment, everything could be taken away from him. So when AJ agrees to help Kwin find the truth, he not only does it for his best friend, he does it in the hopes that he might heal himself as well. Yet, when the group finds themselves in dangerous waters, that familiarity with the darkness may save AJ and his friends.
Lori Fowler is the lead engineer of the Bergeron Robotics Companion Initiative and the trusted protege of Sam Bergeron, the world’s most famous and successful roboticist. Their mission to build robots, dubbed frames, and bring them to life with personalized AI took a turn for the unexpected when the military approached Sam and offered him a spot on Project Meridian. High-level military personnel and scientists wanted to reconstruct an inter-dimensional gate at the Bergeron Robotics Headquarters compound, and they wanted to send one of the companion frames into it. Lori warned against this, but Sam was driven by curiosity and an urge to be on the forefront of this discovery. And when Sam chose Companion Frame AF-94, known as Alfie, to go through the gate, all Lori could do was hope for the best. Instead, the experiment went wrong and Alfie ended up stuck on the other side- in a dimension they only saw terrifying glimpses of before they were forced to shut the gate down and stop something from coming through. The problem escalates when Alfie begins communicating with them somehow… and he wants back in.
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Kwin, AJ and Lori don’t know it, but they’re about be caught in the middle of an insidious plot to open their plane of existence to something terrible. They have a chance to stop it, but if they’re too late, a very specific kind of hell will break loose. If Alfie has his way, he’ll bring more than a taste of The Other Side back home and reign as a king of the apocalypse.
Tag List:
@remi-writes-sometimes​ @writerinafury​ @the-violet-writer​ @anomaly00 @writinglyra​ @drabbleitout​ @carmina-solis​ @druidx73​ @pen-and-inks​ @myhusbandsasemni​
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raven-ink · 3 years
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Raven Ink Monthly Update: December
My third monthly update! It has been a busy month: I am working 7 days a week and not getting much writing time. I’ve worked on some D&D things, so I did get creative which was good. 
WIP: The End of Her Reign Start WC: 32k End WC: 36k
     ‘Don’t you understand? As a Goddess you have no choice but to become what your destiny means you to become. You must become the Goddess of Humans. If you remained with your family, untouched by my hands, you would have had to leave them for greater quests. The human race extends further than the mainland, further than what you could ever understand.’ Nora paused. ‘Being here gave you the skills to become just that.’
     It was then that Nora realised that it could not be Chamanara who would become her protege. No, it was not a possibility. 
     ‘Will you untie me?’ Isueda had no more to say. She was still processing the fact that she was. . . she couldn’t even manage to think about the words. But one thing was for sure, Lucile had been right about Nora. 
     ‘Can I trust that you will not harm another student?’
     ‘If they do not harm me first.’ 
Events: I did not take part in events once again this month. I am hoping in the new year that I will be able to.
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ettawritesnstudies · 5 years
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Storge Character Introductions - Meet Chara!
Age: 22
Gender: She/her
Race: Avian - one of the bird-people that live in the canyon city near Maaren. They have 4 wings, one large set at their shoulders and another smaller set at their lower backs and are usually a bit taller than the average human.
Occupation: Chara is a recent graduate from the avian’s prestigious university system and works as the apprentice, successor, and heir to the Magistra of Trade within their city-state’s government. While the avians are ruled by a queen, the various Magistras that comprise her inner circle handles all the workings of the city, and when the current Magistra of Trade retires or needs help, Chara is there to fill her role. Avian society is largely matriarchal, and so all the Magistras and their proteges are female Avians. This role comes with power and prestige, but also a great deal of responsibility.
Physical Appearance: She has primarily blue, white, and black plumage though if one looks closely you can see iridescent green on her wings and red about her face. She doesn’t closely resemble any one type of mundane bird, though she’s been likened to a falcon, peacock, and bluejay before - more for personality than looks. Unlike her younger brother, she takes great care in maintaining her appearance, dressing in immaculately pressed loose white gowns with delicate trim and blue and yellow colored sashes to represent her status. She also wears several silver bangles which Acheran made for her as gifts and rubs them for good luck.
Relationships: Chara is a gregarious extrovert who easily befriends and forms close relationships with those she lives and works with on a daily basis. She’s very close with her mentor, Tatiana, and her brother Acheran, and quickly earns the trust of the Laine siblings, especially Enne.
Likes: Clear-cut facts and plans, solving problems, and relaxing with her friends (something she doesn’t do nearly often enough)
Dislikes: Dishonesty, clutter or mess of any sort, and feeling helpless
Mannerisms and Personality: Chara is an extremely driven and determined Avian who will work herself until exhaustion to achieve her goals. She’s a public servant, first and foremost, and her focus is entirely dedicated to helping her city and friends however she can use her power and position to do so. She doesn’t approve of people seeing her shaken and keeps meticulous organization and appearance in order to uphold the facade, even if she’s stressing over her job. Despite being so ambitious, her heart is ultimately with her loved ones. She’s idealistic and prizes fairness and justice in her work. She’s furious when someone tries to undermine her position with ad hominem attacks or uses their own position corruptly.
Chara stood calmly and made her way to the debate floor, being careful not to drag her wings on the floor and holding a neat folder of parchment in front of her for reference. She doubted she would need it – she’d been pouring over these documents for days, carefully committing as much to memory as she could manage. She brought her lower wings around her body, raised her upper wings up and out so they were half extended, and sunk at the knees in the Avian equivalent of a curtsey. When she stood, she took a slow breath and began, voice as sharp as steel.
"Is the opponent ready?"
Image Credits!
Character portrait - All my character portraits were done by the amazing Annabel @midnightblueart._ on Instagram! My best friend commissioned all 5 portraits from her and she did an incredible job! Both Avian siblings in particular were really tricky and she was so patient and positive through the whole process. I highly recommend checking her out - she’s a fantastic artist and was really fun to work with!
Other images in the collage - all of these are stock photos from the website upslash.com. They’re all free, creative domain pictures that you can download for whatever reason. All credit goes to their respective posters.
More info about my WIP can be found on my blog’s page and by following the tags #storge and #storgewip. Ask if you want to be added to a tag list! More character intros are coming soon!
Acheran’s bio can be found Here.
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paladin-andric · 5 years
WIP Prep Tag Game
Tagged by @corishadowfang! Thank you, this is pretty big, but I liked it a lot!
Rules: Answer the questions, then tag as many people as there are questions (or as many as you can).
As usual, I’ll be doing Blackheart.
1. Describe your novel in 1-2 sentences (elevator pitch)
Demons invade the world, decimating a city and casting the land around it in a dark fog. A knight pierces through the blanket of darkness, in an effort to find the demons’ source and destroy it.
2. How long do you plan for your novel to be? (Is it a novella, single book, book series, etc.)
Single book. The ending’s VERY conclusive. Though the world itself? I think we’ll be seeing more of it...
3. What is your novel’s aesthetic?
Oppressive fog, monsters, lone figures walking down the road, ruined cities
4. What other stories inspire your novel?
The game Demon’s Souls inspired a lot of the setting (a ruined city full of demons wrapped in a fog), while D&D inspiring much of the world, with the various fantasy races throughout.
5. Share 3+ images that give a feel for your novel
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Once again, inspirations make themselves apparent.
6. Who is your protagonist?
Sir Alexander, of House Angelus. The youngest child of a large family, estranged from his noble family, who has forsaken any possible rulership for a life of knighthood. While he has prepared well for his mission, he still struggles. He’s not superhuman, nor does he know any magic, which puts him at a disadvanage against inhumanly powerful demons, well versed in unholy arts of magic. He IS determined, however. He can take a lot of punishment, and he never gives up.
7. Who is their closest ally?
Since he doesn’t really favor one of his group majorly over the others, I’ll just put the rest of the heroes.
Senci, an excitable young kobold raised by humans. He dreams of becoming a famous hero one day, and traveling the land to help people in need.
Leianna, a cleric who tends to stir up trouble. She always speaks her mind and throws jabs, even when not wholly appropriate. Despite this she cares deeply for others, it’s why she volunteered to journey to the shrouded city, and risked her life saving Tourthun.
Lexius, a quiet and unassuming priest. Unable to stand by and watch people vanish into the fog, never to be seen again, he used the last bit of money he had on basic equipment and set out, leaving only a note explaining himself to the rest of the monastery. His powers may seem lacking at the moment, but he’ll be pushed to his limits down the line...
Tourthun, a young, red dragon who was nearly captured by the demons. Borderline pacifistic and bitter over his past, the fall of Palethorn, the city covered by fog was an extremely trying time for him. Finally forced to fight, he finds himself lacking in this respect, his own disdain towards killing making it even more challenging. While he carries a deep love for humanity and the rest of the small races, his inexperience makes his support less decisive than it might normally be. Still he fights on, driven by a desire to save the others...
Razorwing, a birdman archer. Very much a classical hero, he is famous and beloved for his various exploits throughout his life of adventure. His ability to fly and pinpoint accuracy makes him a deadly adversary.
Paul, a bounty hunter. Cold, calculating and decisive, he is well versed in the art of killing, though demonslaying is something he’ll need to adjust to, his usual target being man. He hides both his face and his emotions behind a mask.
Charles, a young half-dragon magician. Most unusual for his kind, he’s shy, timid and often easily flustered. He shows extraordinary potential for magic, and already is quite strong. He has a ways to go before he’s a master sorcerer, however.
Andric, an aging paladin. Having raised Senci, he’s become something of a tutor in his older age, though he’s still incredibly powerful from decades of battle and honing his holy powers. Extraordinarily powerful, and a huge boon to the heroes’ efforts.
8. Who is their enemy?
Demonkind at large. Several demons, varying in power, have entered through the portal to the underworld. They have left corrupted in their wake, those who have fallen to demonic corruption and lost their minds, becoming thoughtless beasts bent on slaughter. They have to destroy the portal, no matter the cost.
9. What do they want more than anything?
To be left in peace, able to relax at his manor inbetween military campaigns.
10. Why can’t they have it?
Alexander has been honored as “Geralthin’s Finest Knight” for his heroics in war. As such, whenever a problem arises, or a crisis is revealed, the kingdom always sends for him right away. He’s constantly pulled from his quaint homestead out in the countryside, and thrown at the head of an army. He just wants a bit more time to himself, and slightly less overwhelming responsibilities.
11. What do they wrongly believe about themselves?
Alexander thinks of himself as bland, plain, boring and uninspiring. He doesn’t understand why he’s so often wanted to lead armies, seeing as zealous speeches and raw charisma aren’t his forte. The truth is that his unshakable courage and willingness to always be in the thick of the fight with his men is why the soldiers flock to him. He fights and risks dying alongside them, as opposed to most generals who lead from the back lines...and while he may order a retreat, he’ll always be the last to pull back, to ensure no one else is left behind.
12. Draw your protagonist! (Or share a description)
This is technically cheating, as my friend drew this, but I can’t draw for the life of me. He’s gonna refine this and color it at some point, but he’s a very busy man.
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Ah, and here’s a version done by the wonderful @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword!
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13. What is the internal conflict?
While the story’s mainly focused on the actual conflict, there’s some growth and character development throughout.
Alexander learns that non-humans aren’t as wild, barbaric and evil as he’s been led to believe, and understands that he has to trust his new, inhuman teammates.
Senci, for the first time, gets into real, actual fights. While he’s always wanted to be a hero, he is quickly forced to learn just what that entails.
Leianna is fairly static, though she does learn that there’s a time and place for jesting. While she may use humor to hide anger or fear, she eventually understand that it’s time to get serious, and that it’s okay to show those feelings sometimes.
Lexius is just a priest. He’s a weak and outmatched in almost every respect. Over time, he will find his courage and resolve when he needs it most.
Tourthun has to forgive the most grievous of crimes, and is forced to come to terms with the horrors of his past. In addition, a final enemy within himself will be the final challenge...
Razorwing overcomes the one part of his past that fills him with anger, hatred and fear.
Paul learns how to express his feelings, and that not everyone is out to get him.
Charles, timid and self-doubting, sees that he’s more valuable than he thought.
Andric is forced to trust Senci on his own, and see just how well he’s prepared his protege...
14. What is the external conflict?
The heroes journey through the ruined city of Palethorn, and seek out the source of the demons, the Blackheart, a great portal that allows demons to travel to the world. Along the way, many corrupted stand in their way, and demons plot against them. Finding the source of the Blackheart itself proves a challenge...
15. What is the worst thing that could happen to your protagonist?  
Failing his quest, unable to destroy the Blackheart, until demons overwhelm Geralthin and plunge the entire world into darkness. Just like the city, the entire would would be destroyed, the last specs of humanity surviving by hiding deep underground, praying that the demons above don’t find them.
16. What secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story?
A twist I’d rather not reveal. I think it’s going to hit you VERY hard, though.
17. Do you know how it ends?
Yes, and once again I’d rather not spoil it.
18. What is the theme?  
Trust and understanding. In the human realm, many non-humans are looked upon with suspicion, disdain, fear, hatred, or sometimes several at once. Notable examples are the wolfmen, feared and loathed for their violent tendencies, kobolds, looked down on with disgust for their pathetic and barbaric actions, and half-dragons, feared and hated for their frightening appearance and their great strength. In this ruined city full of corrupted beasts however, Alexander is forced into an alliance with the survivors, nearly all of them non-human, as this city is where the kingdom had exiled them to. Over time though living among these creatures, the knight learns that these preconceptions are very often wrong, and that just like humans, they’re not some predictable hivemind.
Forgiveness and redemption. Through several revelations, Tourthun has to make peace with his past, and though he’s been so horribly wronged, and he would be completely justified in never forgiving those that wronged him, he comes to understand hatred is a repeating, unending cycle of misery, sending suffering unto another, and making them hate and cause suffering to other innocents in return. He thus decides to break the cycle. In addition, corruption, no matter how powerful, is not all-encompassing. Not all who fall to the demons are lost forever...
Determination and hope. Though things are so horrible, the heroes seem so outmatched, and the end of the world looks to be drawing near, everyone works hard against the demons’ plot, never falling to apathy or stoic acceptance of the end. Every person that falls to the demons only furthers the convictions of the heroes. It can’t happen to the rest of the world. No more must die. This far, and no farther!
19. What is a recurring symbol?  
Ruin. The city, unmaintained due to the crisis, is starting to fall apart. It serves to emphasize how horrid the demons are, and just what’s in store for the rest of the world if the heroes fail.
20. Where is the story set? (Share a description!)
The Kingdom of Geralthin, ancestral homeland of humanity, once the heart of an empire that sprawled across all of the continent of Deaco. Through destruction at the hands of dragonkind, the empire was destroyed, and collapsed into city-states while the other races reclaimed their independence. Centuries of struggle, advancement and the discovery of magic allowed humanity to cast the dragons out of their cities, though many still roam the countryside. Afterwards Geralthin unified and become a powerful kingdom. Once a melting pot and the heart of trade in all the known world, Geralthin has become homogeneous as the most recent king decided to outlaw non-humans from the kingdom, rounding them up and forcing them into the city of Palethorn. This was a wildly unpopular move and led to uprisings, riots, and traitorous sentiment in many corners of the kingdom.
In the city, all was finally starting to calm down when the demons arrived. Now cut off from the outside world through the dark fog, no one knows what goes on inside, for all who enter the fog never come back. This dark, corrupted city is crumbling and abandoned, filled only with the husks of creatures that were once citizens, stumbling through the streets, seeking out any survivors to kill for their masters. Deep in the sewer systems that were never finished before the attack, the last remnants of the city hide out in an underground encampment, a few scavengers often traveling to the surface in a desperate bit to gather what the group needs to stay alive. It is here the heroes plot out their mission, and bring their wounded to rest and recover.
21. Do you have any images or scenes in your mind already? 
Yes. I’m pretty interested to see what I can do with them.
22. What excited you about this story?  
Mixing dark fantasy with high fantasy, knights and dragons with evil and darkness. I’ve always been massively interested in fantasy, particularly magic and monsters, and how they effect what would otherwise be a mundane medieval world. How does castle design and city defenses have to adapt when you need to account for dragons? How much do numbers count for in armies when the opposition can call down lightning, or teleport? How do monsters like griffins and drakes affect hunters, and villages out in the deep wilds? How would society see people who exchange their humanity for power?
Seeing this new, strange world, and forces like dragons and demons clashing is incredibly interesting to me, which is why I enjoy writing about it so much.
23. Tell us about your usual writing method! 
Eh. I put on some music and just...go, I guess. I have a basic framework for the plot, and I know the ending, but aside from that I just...write. I guess I’ll look more into the flow of everything after I’m done, editing and altering from there. Also upon rereading the chapter after I post I notice like 20 typos, whoops.
WOW. This was really long and tiring, but I really enjoyed blabbering about my book. Thanks again!
I’ll be tagging @oceanwriter, @lady-redshield-writes, @homesteadhorner and @sheralynnramsey. Honestly this is pretty insane, I’m not gonna tag that many people, and if you don’t want to do this I totally understand.
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oceanwriter · 5 years
WIP Prep (tag)
I was tagged by @paladin-andric -- thank you!!! I loved filling this out, and sorry for the delay!
Rules: Answer the questions, then tag as many people as there are questions (or as many as you can).
The Colors of War
1. Describe your novel in 1-2 sentences (elevator pitch)
Sent from London, England to Maine, USA by her guardian to escape The Blitz of World War II, Marjorie Borchert is left to navigate her young adult years in a tight-knit and foreign town. As the years progress, she learns war stretches far beyond the front lines.
2. How long do you plan for your novel to be? (Is it a novella, single book, book series, etc.)
A single book with possibly a collection of shorts from the other character’s lives.
3. What is your novel’s aesthetic?
Chilly mountains and moose.
4. What other stories inspire your novel?
Little bits from Number The Stars by Lois Lowry and the character of Emily Bennet from the Molly American Girl series.
5. Share 3+ images that give a feel for your novel
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
6. Who is your protagonist?
Marjorie Borchert. She is in her mid-teens at the beginning of the story. Moody to say the least, but she has a big heart.
7. Who is their closest ally?
Daniel Reynard. Nikita Savas is a close second but Marjorie’s had a special bond with Daniel from the beginning.
8. Who is their enemy?
Kate, Beatrice, and Gina. Kate is the worst despite the fact Marjorie shares a room with Beatrice.
9. What do they want more than anything?
For things to be as they were before the war.
10. Why can’t they have it?
Her parents were both killed.
11. What do they wrongly believe about themselves?
She believes nobody wants her -- which is understandable after being passed off to strangers by her guardian and, in a way, her brother.
12. Draw your protagonist! (Or share a description)
I’m not much of an artist and she’d look like a cartoon, do description it is.
Tall, though not towering over everyone. She keeps her brown hair short or shoulder length until she’s older. She’s thin, possibly malnourished, when she first comes to America. She fills out a bit the longer she’s at the farm and eating three full meals a day. She’s pale, partly due to locations she’s lived. She had prominent German features, most notable, her accent which is mixed with a British tongue.
13. What is the internal conflict?
There’s different stages I’ll say. In the beginning, it’s about Marjorie trying to find her place in this small and established community. Her biggest conflict being a target for the prejudiced Kate. Then it moves on to the progression of the war and her fears around America’s involvement. But she comes to see that war doesn’t just affect those fighting or being captured and bombed. She also sees how different people handle things differently. Priorities fall into place through this.
14. What is the external conflict?
Trying to get by and adapting to the changes the war is bringing to the community. Acceptance, too. Internal and external kind of work together.
15. What is the worst thing that could happen to your protagonist?  
Losing her brother for good and/or not being able to return to England.
16. What secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story?
My only secret might not end up working. There would have to be a second book. Either way, I’m not going to reveal it. It might end up being one of things only me and a couple of my writing friends will ever know....
17. Do you know how it ends?
Yes, unless Marjorie decides to change her course of action.
18. What is the theme?  
Acceptance and making the best of a bad situation.
19. What is a recurring symbol?  
20. Where is the story set? (Share a description!)
Jackman, Maine, USA. A small town with a population under 1,000 a few miles from the border of Canada. It’s a heavily wooded area with beautiful mountain and lake views. Lots of wildlife, too. The town is small, running along a single street branching out into houses.
21. Do you have any images or scenes in your mind already?
So. Many.
22. What excited you about this story?  
The time period. I’m a history buff and the 1940s has always been my favorite era.
23. Tell us about your usual writing method!  
Procrastination. That’s really it. I do my best writing at five in the morning and knowing I have to pick my little cousin up from the bus in a few hours. I tag (if you’d like): @throughwordsiescape @silverscreenwriter and @rachelradner
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imaginethatawriter · 6 years
WIP I have stored away
I feel like this is something interesting for people to see. I have a lot of ideas and most of the time they just sit in my folders waiting for me to get back to them if I ever do. This is also a reminder to everyone who’s thinking of starting writing that you should always write your ideas down no matter what they are. Even if you never end up writing them at least you have them. 
Have fun reading through these things. Some of them belong on other blogs. Some of them were never meant to see the light of day. But here they are. 
Unnamed Stephen Strange x Reader 
This is an enormous piece of writing that started out as an imagine for my best friends birthday. But looking back at it a couple months ago I saw how open ended it was and I decided I wanted to continue it and make it into something longer. 
Rough Summary: You move to New York in order to pursue your acting career on Broadway but you end up running in to an old school mate Stephen Strange. Except he is a very different man from the young boy you knew in school. You find yourself drawn to the man despite his attempts to distance himself from you. After digging further into the reason for your connection you’re told that Stephen Strange may be your “soulmate” or whatever the cosmic equivalent of that is. Yeah right. You’re just trying to act on the big stages, not get caught up in life and death situations. 
8662 words 
Nearly Fully outlined
Unnamed Jim Kirk x Reader
This is one of those ideas that just kinda came to me. I watched Star Trek: Beyond and fell in love with Kirk again so my mind quickly came up with a nice little self-insert story where I could be the hero and get the guy. But it developed further to the point where I felt like I should write it down. I’m actually pretty proud of the idea for this story and I want to eventually go back to writing it. After all James T. Kirk is fine as hell. 
Rough Summary: You’re part of a patrol ship that keeps out of touch colonies safe from harm. It’s a pretty boring job and nearly nothing happens until your fellow patrol ships begin disappearing one by one. And then your ship is next. It’s only by the fate of the stars aligning just right that The Enterprise arrives in time to save you a small number of your crewmates. Unfortunately for you this is only the beginning of the rest of your life. Now including adventure, injury, and a very dashing Starfleet captain. 
686 words
Half outlined
Rebel Barber Cassian Andor x Reader
If you’re not at least a little familiar with this piece then you haven’t been around my blog very long. I started writing this when Rogue One first came out and it’s probably one of my most fully fleshed out story that I’ve ever planned but never actually finished. There are a few parts on my blog already. Once again this is another story I’d love to get back to eventually. 
Rough Summary: Being the medic for the rebel forces is a job that simply never get’s boring. From treating the common blaster wound to giving haircuts no day is quite the same. But when Captain Cassian Andor becomes a regular in your makeshift barber’s chair you find yourself pulled into a plan that you can’t begin to understand.
8991 words
Fully Outlined
Unnamed Peter Parker x Reader
I think I was sitting at work with nothing to do except a couple pieces of empty paper when I wrote the idea for this one. It’s a fun idea, but not really fleshed out. It’d be fun to actually do but it’s not on my priority list. 
Rough Summary: Reader is a high school student who works closely with Pepper Potts as an assistant to get a feel for the business world. When Pepper Potts has Tony Starks child the reader is the only person Pepper trusts as her emergency babysitter. It’s a good thing the reader used to babysit her neighbors kids a lot. Along the way you make fast friends with Peter Parker, Tony Stark’s protege and biggest fan. But Tony Stark’s baby is somewhat of a liability and it shouldn’t be surprising that you find yourself, the baby, and Peter Parker kidnapped and held for ransom. 
No words
No outlines
Only vague ideas
Unnamed IkeSen Story 
If you don’t recognize the name of this one then you definitely are not in the circle that involves this fandom. It’s an otome game that I got into less than a year ago that has a lot of compelling characters and stories. So this was my attempt to write something for the small fandom. I even made a completely separate blog for this story because I was actually going to finish it and I knew the people that follow me here would have no interest in this fandom. And maybe some day I will. But for now it will remain in the work in progress folder. 
617 words
Fully Outlined
Unnamed Frank Castle x Reader
 I don’t really have any background for this. It was a request I started to write a very very long time ago and then I did a purge of all of my requests so i could stop stressing. Which is why this was stopped half finished. And it may very well stay that way. 
Rough Summary: Frank Castle is doing his usual thing taking down drug rings and taking breaks by taking down dog fighting rings. He’s in the middle of breaking apart another crime syndicate when he finds you as a hostage. He rescues you, but you had things under control. Clearly. 
280 words
Unnamed Poe Dameron x Reader
I was supposed to write this in honor of the release of The Last Jedi but I never quite got the motivation to actually come up with anything. This is the most abstract and incomplete a WIP that I have. I tried to brainstorm some ideas so here they are. 
Reader is from a farm planet where everyone kinda just minds there own business until they get the distress signal. Reader joins in and goes with a small group of people to find the new Resistance.
Reader is part of the small remaining resistance, but she is very much in shock and doesn’t believe that she belongs in the group. She’s a regular grunt who can kind of fly a ship but she doesn’t excel in anything. She ends up brushing shoulders with Poe a lot on the Falcon and while rebuilding the resistance. The story would basically follow her and poes budding romance while the resistance takes down the First order
Nil x Reader (Horizon Zero Dawn)
This story is for such a nonexistent fandom and from so long ago I literally had to look up the name of the character it was supposed to be for. This is a story that I started writing a long time ago during a very bad writers block spell for me. It’s purely self indulgent and will never see the light of day. I have over a thousand words of this story written but I never bothered to write down an outline so I no longer remember what it was supposed to be about. But I’m including it to show that even if you don’t ever intend to show it to the world, you can still write it. Write for yourself because it’s fun. Not because you’re going to get a bunch of notes or because it;ll make you popular. Write it because you want to. 
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astudyinimagination · 7 years
The Heir, Chapter 3
Chapter 3 of my WIP fic The Heir. Prologue can be found here; chapter one here; chapter two here; description here. Still need a tags page for my fics (somebody pester me, please!).
This chapter does not have a title yet, but it’s probably one of the most interesting thus far, and starts to dip into the Victorian legal system which I have yet to properly research. (In all seriousness, I expect there will be quite a few mistakes and spaces that will be fixed and filled later when I have a better working knowledge of the legal system.)
Feedback is much appreciated! (But gently, please, dear reader: yours truly is a fragile creature.) Also, any aid, insight, or corrections you can give to real life facts would be extremely appreciated!
An average Monday morning at New Scotland Yard typically consisted of several new prisoners from arrests made over the weekend and mountains of paperwork. Lately, however, every day had an extra layer of chaos due to the impending move to New Scotland Yard on the riverbank. With the move scheduled in two months, December, the pressure was enormous. Detectives and constables alike were expected to do their part on top of their normal duties, and the fact that the Criminal Investigation Department was expected to move last did not make things any easier.1
Lestrade had started his day by questioning the arsonist from Sunday morning, and after a fruitless and mostly one-sided conversation with the surly prisoner, he had to fill out some paperwork and see if he couldn’t sort a few more stacks of old papers into boxes.
Naturally, Sherlock Holmes appeared in the doorway of his office when he was about to start packing. “Good morning, Lestrade.” The amateur detective didn’t look as though he thought it was a good morning—the dark circles under his eyes and paler-than-usual skin told Lestrade the younger man had been awake through the night.
Conclusion: Mr. Holmes had found something very important in Clay’s flat.
“Good morning, Mr. Holmes,” Lestrade said blandly, resisting the urge to haul the younger man by the collar out the door to the nearest cab and send him back home. The man was going to burn himself out young yet—Watson had only delayed the inevitable, not stopped it altogether. “What can I do for you?”
“Have you spoken with the arsonist yet?”
“He refuses to talk. I even made him the offer of a lighter charge if he would tell who put him up to it, but nothing. He looked scared.”
“I’m not surprised,” Mr. Holmes said sourly. “Is Jones in his office this morning?”
“No, he won’t be back until this evening. New development with John Clay?”
The sour expression deepened. “Yes and no. It’s nothing provable.”
“Ah. Do you mind if I pack while you tell me about it?”
“Not at all.”
Lestrade rose and moved back to his boxes. “Take a seat. Smoke a cigarette. If you don’t mind my saying so, you look as though you could use one.”
“Thank you, Inspector,” Mr. Holmes said dryly. But he didn’t continue until he was seated with a lit cigarette. “Well, you know that I’ve been chasing after evidence to convict the elusive Professor Moriarty for years now.”
Lestrade nodded. “If it’s any consolation, you do have me convinced. The problem is convincing a jury.”
“Of course. And what I’ve found will not do that.”
“And that is?”
Mr. Holmes exhaled smoke. “Letters to John Clay. From Moriarty.”
Lestrade snapped upright and stared at Holmes. “And how is that not condemning?”
The amateur’s smile was bitter. “They are only signed ‘The Professor.’ There are no personal details, other than revealing an apparently close relationship with Clay.”
Lestrade frowned; that did not sound good. “Do you mean to tell me Clay is some kind… protege? For Moriarty?”
Mr. Holmes hesitated. “I… have no proof, Inspector.”
“Be honest: that’s never stopped you. You’ll go fifty miles on a hunch and prove it right in the end. Do you think think that John Clay is Professor Moriarty’s protege?”
The younger man looked down for a moment, then met Lestrade’s eyes again. “Yes.” He took a long drag of his cigarette before continuing. “Going by the content of those letters, I believe that Clay was intended to inherit Moriarty’s criminal empire. This robbery was just the beginning, meant to incite tense relations with France which would then be resolved to their satisfaction. Clay would then have travelled to France himself to expand Moriarty’s reach—a sort of foreign minister, if you will.”
Lestrade dropped the stack of files he’d been holding into a box. “Good God above,” he breathed.
“Indeed.” Mr. Holmes studied his cigarette. “What charges are being brought against Clay, Lestrade?”
“I don’t know—haven’t spoken with Jones yet today. Fraud, certainly, for the Red-headed League… but I’m not sure how he’ll be charged for the attempted theft, particularly since he was probably after the French gold.”
“The gold on loan from the French government,” the younger man clarified. “Intended to provoke tension between their government and ours. Inspector, I do believe the Treason Felony Act of 18482 could be invoked.”
Lestrade just stopped himself from whistling, and ran a hand over his hair, instead. “You could be right about that. He’s certain to be convicted—he was caught in the act, for goodness’ sakes!—and charging him with that would send him to prison for life.”
“Thereby putting him out of the reach of any grand schemes of his employer.”
Lestrade raised both eyebrows. “That it would.”
Holmes snubbed out his cigarette. “I would like to see Clay.”
Lestrade nodded slowly—he’d been expecting that. “I’m sure that can be arranged.”
“Thank you.”
Although, studying his amateur colleague just now, Lestrade wasn’t sure that was a good idea—there was something in Sherlock Holmes’s eyes that looked troubled, and altogether too personal.
For years now, he had carried on a quiet crusade against the master criminal the CID knew as “the Professor,” and Holmes was certain he knew by name. Years of frustrated efforts: verdicts of “innocent,” prisoners dead in their cells, no names, no records, tracks covered as thoroughly as any criminal could wish for. Too thorough even for the man people were now calling “the Great Detective.”
Letting him talk to someone so close to the root of this trouble did not sound like a good idea, but he couldn’t just refuse him now. Moving to lead Holmes to the holding cells, Lestrade hoped the man had a firm-enough grip on that impassivity he valued so much; he was going to need it.
Jail seemed to have done Clay very little harm, Holmes noted. The man’s face was no longer clean shaven, but he himself looked clean and well-rested enough. So much for “no rest for the wicked”...
Clay stood as the warden unlocked the door and let Holmes and Lestrade in. “Oh, hello again, Mr. Holmes.” He bowed to Holmes, then turned to Lestrade. “And I believe I have not had the pleasure.”
Lestrade gave the man a terse nod. “Inspector Lestrade of the CID. So you’re the infamous John Clay.”
Clay spread his hands in a gesture of modesty. “I do beg your pardon, Inspector, but I had hoped that if I got the chance to speak with Mr. Holmes, I could do so in private.”
Holmes shook his head; that kind of condition never boded well. “There is nothing you could say to me which you could not say before this man.”
“Perhaps not.” Clay smiled faintly. “But I’m afraid I will not talk unless he leaves—it’s nothing personal, Inspector, you understand.”
Lestrade snorted.
Clay arched a challenging eyebrow, and Holmes’s eyes narrowed. Not looking away from the prisoner, he said softly, “Lestrade, would you be so kind?”
He almost saw Lestrade suppress a sigh without actually seeing it. “If I must. I’ll be out in the hallway if you need me.”
“Thank you, Inspector.” Lestrade rapped on the door, and the warden let him back out and closed the door again.
The two men were left staring at each other, sizing each other up. This is the man Moriarty replaced you with? Holmes’s mind hissed. The polish was a veneer; Holmes could just see the traces of a coarser personality. Of course, only Clay’s grandfather was royalty; his mother had married far down in rank, leaving her son with few privileges and a commoner’s surname.
Nevertheless, privileged upbringing or no, Holmes could also see a mind active and clever enough to match his own.
Clay finally broke the silence, smirking slightly. “So. You are the celebrated Sherlock Holmes, the Great Detective.”
“And you are the man to whom Professor James Moriarty wishes to leave his criminal organization,” Holmes returned evenly.
“I’m afraid I don’t know who you’re talking about,” Clay said with exaggerated innocence. Holmes stared, and the other man chuckled. “Very well. Do you know the reason, Mr. Holmes, why I wanted to speak to you in private?” He leaned in conspiratorially, and murmured, “Because you cannot repeat what I say outside this room. It’s my word against yours.”
Holmes frowned. “I think that a jury is hardly likely to believe you over me.”
“Perhaps, but perhaps I can bring a little more weight to my words, when the time comes.” Clay grinned fleetingly. “I can see why he likes you, you know. You remind me of him.”
Holmes just stopped himself from taking a step forward. “I am not like him,” he gritted out.
“Why, of course you are! Similar family background, similar interests, similar intellect, similar polish. I may be the heir apparent, but you’re the prodigal son.”
“James Moriarty,” Holmes said, practically spitting out each word, “is nothing to me.”
“Oh, he’s everything to you, even after all this time, and you still are to him, trust me. If you went to his office right now to reconcile, you would be back in the will and I’d be out in the cold. But your morals are too strong for that, so it looks as though my position is safe, for the moment.”
Holmes shook his head. “There is nothing safe about your position, Clay.”
“I wouldn’t say that. You of all people should know: you can’t outmaneuver him. You try, and then you find out he had five contingency plans waiting and since the first didn’t work, he’ll use whichever did.”
Holmes shook his head. “No one is omnipotent—or omniscient. And I’m wasting my time if fruitless banter is all you have to offer.”
Clay laughed. “What did you expect? A full confession, signed and sealed? Just admit it, Holmes: you envy me, and you miss him. You miss the closeness, the warmth you two shared.”
“My dear boy, I am not a man given much to sentiment; however… could I ever have had children, I could not wish for a better companion in them than I have in you.”
“Whatever was between myself and the Professor is over,” Holmes said coolly, “and it is our own business—none of yours. In any case, I can see that his standards are slipping, if he was willing to take as his heir a man as petty as you.”
Clay snorted as Holmes moved over to rap on the door. “Give him my love?”
“Tell him yourself in hell,” Holmes hissed as he stalked out, Clay’s scornful laughter following him down the hall.
After Holmes had all but stormed out of Scotland Yard, Lestrade sent a telegram, a specific message he was to send out only in an emergency. Supper is laid out. Will you come?
He was wrapping up his work for the evening when the answer finally came, in the form of a visitor. The man strode slowly into the office, limping ever so slightly, and settled into the empty chair. “You do realise, I have work to do. I had a hell of a time getting away.”
“I understand that,” Lestrade said evenly, taking out his cigarettes and handing the man one. Smoking for the sake of calming one’s nerves was required when having conversations with this particular Detective Inspector. “I’ve been undercover, too, don’t forget.” After lighting the other man’s cigarette, he lit his own. “But there’s a new development regarding your target; you want to hear this, trust me.”
“Well, then?”
Lestrade took a long drag. “What do you know about Moriarty’s plans for the future?”
The other man shrugged. “Little enough, just like anyone else who’s only close enough to know his name. International politics? Beyond that…” He shrugged.
Lestrade nodded. “What about a replacement? If anything were to happen to him.”
“Well, everyone knows it would be Colonel Moran; he’s the man’s second.”
“What if I told you Moriarty had an heir?”
The other man leaned forward in his seat, blue eyes alight. “Son? Or protege?”
“Must be keeping him very close to his chest. Who is it?”
“John Clay.”
The man’s eyes widened in surprise. “Are you sure? Clay’s had some dealings with the Firm in the past two years or so, but he seems to prefer working as a loner, and in the short-term. Leading that large of an organization would not be his style.”
“Perhaps not his style as we know it. You know he was just arrested?”
“Yes, I’ve heard about it.”
“He was working a long-term job to steal money from the Bank of France. What was that you were saying about international politics?”
The other man took a minute, puffing on his cigarette in silence. “I think,” he said slowly, “we may have stepped on a hornet’s nest without realizing it. I think it’s time we assembled that team we drew up three years ago.”
Lestrade nodded slowly. “I’ll get on that first thing tomorrow.”
“Good. Things are going to escalate quickly; there’s no chance they won’t. If Clay is Moriarty’s replacement, he won’t give him up without a fight.”
Mycroft Holmes was rarely troubled at work by the domestic goings-on of Scotland Yard; it was typically only when cases took an international turn that he was apprised as to the situation. As soon as Inspector Lestrade had informed him of the arrest of John Clay, Mycroft had been expecting a certain visitor. Once the news hit every single paper in London, he knew that it was only a matter of time.
And, most unfortunately, the Duke of Essex3 did not disappoint.
“This is an outrage, sir! A scandal!”
Mycroft resisted the urge to massage his temples. “Please, sir, do take a seat.”
“I shall not!” The older man’s face was red with indignation. “How dare you sit there so calmly when a member of the royal family at this moment resides within the holding cells of Scotland Yard!”
“With all due respect, sir, your grandson is not, strictly speaking, a member of the royal family.” The older man opened his mouth to speak, but Mycroft dared to continue in spite of him. “I understand your feelings, sir, but the simple fact is that Mr. Clay was caught in the act of breaking into a bank with the intent of robbing it of its French gold. I trust you understand the implications of that act. We are in an economic recession.4 However, the City and Suburban Bank was holding its own well enough that the Bank of France entrusted it with a loan, and now, I am receiving messages from the French ambassador that speak of betrayed trust. Our relations with France are now strained. Forgive me if I do not concern myself so much with the current status of your grandson, but the Prime Minister and I are doing our best to clean up the mess he’s made.”
“There must be a mistake—John would never betray his country!”
“Perhaps, but if there is, he had best explain it to the police. I understand that, thus far, he has refused to talk with them.”
“He was waiting for his attorney!”
“As is his right,” Mycroft soothed. “However, he had best clear up any confusion soon; his case may go to the Crown Court next month.”
The old man’s dark eyes widened. “The Crown Court!”
“I’m afraid, sir, there is a strong possibility that your grandson will be indicted under the Treason Felony Act by 1848.”
“Not if I have a say in it. I refuse to allow my grandson to be tried for treason! If you will not act on his behalf, I shall! Good day to you, sir!”
The Duke swept out of the room, and Mycroft sank back in his chair with a sigh. “If I were to act in this affair,” he murmured dryly to the empty air, “I would have your grandson drawn and quartered for the trouble he’s caused.” The next few weeks would be long, indeed.
1 The London Metropolitan Police moved its headquarters from the original Scotland Yard to New Scotland Yard in 1890, specifically December 1890. The CID moved two weeks after the rest of the force.
2 Treason Felony Act of 1848: “If any person whatsoever shall, within the United Kingdom or without, compass, imagine, invent, devise, or intend to deprive or depose our Most Gracious Lady the Queen, from the style, honour, or royal name of the imperial crown of the United Kingdom, or of any other of her Majesty’s dominions and countries, or to levy war against her Majesty, within any part of the United Kingdom, in order by force or constraint to compel her to change her measures or counsels, or in order to put any force or constraint upon or in order to intimidate or overawe both Houses or either House of Parliament, or to move or stir any foreigner or stranger with force to invade the United Kingdom or any other of her Majesty’s dominions or countries under the obeisance of her Majesty, and such compassings, imaginations, inventions, devices, or intentions, or any of them, shall express, utter, or declare, by publishing any printing or writing . . . . . . or by any overt act or deed, every person so offending shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable . . . . . . to be transported beyond the seas for the term or his or her natural life . . . . . ." (The treasonous bit relevant to John Clay in bold.)
3 A royal dukedom of Essex has never, to the knowledge of the author, ever existed. Within this story, the Duke of Essex would be a cousin of Victoria Regina, 
4 Need to research this more, as it appears that the very real recession may not have begun until November 1890... and right now, we’re still in October in the story.
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