#6 year old kid. I do not think that was a great family situation and it's interesting to kind of pick at the threads of
rotzaprachim · 2 years
one thing that’s kind of poking at me a lil bit ficwise is kind of. unpicking the threads of Galen and Lyra and Jyn. I think there’s a fandom and to an extent a canon tendency to make her early childhood in Lahmu into Those Good Years, and to an extent that’s part of the structure of a film with a running time- the opening, before everything Goes Wrong. but I can’t stop thinking about how, if not fearful, then deeply paranoia-laced and isolated Jyn’s early childhood must have been. your father is on the run, your father took you and your mother with you in the night, you know literally no one else but your mother and your scientist father who has made himself a god? there’s such a kind of, cold, isolationist biblical patriarch narrative edge to the opening shots of lahmu and the Erso family as purposefully isolated and separated from everything. I’m not sure it’s quite a horror story- thought it sure has potential to be- but I do think there’s room to deeply unearth and nuance the situation there a bit. after all, by the time rogue one starts Galen and Lyra are terrified, and the story begins in many ways with their fear. what is it to be a child of that? 
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absolutebl · 3 months
These Weeks in BL - This Is Very Late, Or Right on Time depending on where you sit on the temporal debate team
Sorry I got distracted by work. In my defense: I was paid.
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
March 2024 Wk 1 & 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube grey) ep 12 fin - Unfortunately, there was singing. But what can we do?
A soft charming warm hug of a show about crushes and mind reading and self worth, with no-fuss execution from a consummate team and an OG lead pair proving why they remain eternal and deserve to grow up. Look, here’s the thing, Cherry Magic is a great Thai BL in its own right not comparing it to any other iteration. But even when I do compare (and I've seen all the Cherries and read the manga) it still stands. This is a great show, a solid adaptation, and a pleasing take on the original yaoi. I personally like it better than the Japanese live action, but I think that’s because I just really like Thai BL and I LOVE TayNew. I doubted them for this and I shouldn’t have. They did a great job, as did the sides. I will say all the kissing was both present and better than any other iteration. As it should be. Definitely one for the rewatch rotation. 9/10 
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Deep Night (Thurs iQiyi) ep 1 of 8 (10?) - Damn it, I love it. And I don't want to. It’s more classic BL than I thought it would be, and far less Only Friends or Playboyy. (Thank fuck.) We got a big cast and a lot of tropes going down out the gate, including SMITTEN popular hot guy versus nerd with secret identity. (Incidentally, Khem did drop into rude / informal when arguing with his Aunt and defending his ma. Bratty boy.) The leads have good chemistry (First always does), and everyone is very pretty. The main boy reminds me of J-Min's role (and look) in Love Class 2. I am entertained. (And faintly wonder why this isn't a MosBank vehicle.)
To Be Continued (Thai C3 Thailand grey) eps 1-3 of 8- High school sweethearts who had a bad break up reunite a decade later when both of them have full time jobs (celebrity & doctor). Dr Ji is a familiar face (hi Dream it's been a LONG time) and everyone is way too old for high school, but I guess I prefer this to child actors?
I'm enjoying it, actually, the cast may be older but they're solid as a result and the chemistry is on point for a pulp. Whether our celebrity is on the DL or cheating or something else remains to be seen but he sure is smitten. The way he LOOKS at Ji = hawt.
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Frankly? Celebrity/doctor is a good pairing and this is a solid Thai BL. I hope we have a nice angsty reason for the break-up and we're not in another Promise situation. I like the sides too. Carry on, little show, I'm disposed to be pleased with you.
City of Stars (Fri iQIYI) eps 5-6 of 12 - I am enjoying it, actually. It’s incredibly silly. But I don’t really mind. STOP SINGING. 
1000 Years Old eps 3-4 of 12 - I love that these kids basically adopted a vampire pet. And one of them accidentally got a vampire boyfriend. This suddenly turned from a PNR into a family drama about domestic gays opening a food stall and I'm not mad about it. Nothing makes sense and I don't care because... rainbow umbrella!
A Secretly Love (Thai WeTV grey) eps 1 of 10 - I don’t love it. I make no bones about the fact that a pining uke rarely works for me, especially if he’s younger (cute supportive besties not withstanding), the power dynamic isn’t good. I always like Kimmon, he’s a stiff actor but v pretty. (I shallow af.) Still it’s time he started acting his age… literally. Having to watch ads again as well… for this? Ooof. I'm not sure I'm strong enough.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Perfect Propose (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 6 fin - It was very cute. I liked that there was uke instigated kisses. However I have some reservations on this one, much as I enjoyed it.
Adapted from Mayo Tsurakame’s manga, production team included Tadaaki Horai (My Love Mix-Up!) and Takeshi Miyamoto (Old Fashion Cupcake). Essentially Perfect Propose was about finding hope in a person when all other hope is gone. This show focuses on apathy, and perforce is somewhat apathetic and un-engaging especially as the pacing was off (and with only 6 episodes? now) However, this is countered by great visuals, good archetypes, and a clean story of childhood sweethearts reuniting after loosing their way in life. I landed on 8/10 mostly for a demanding younger seme and some great kisses. 
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Unknown (Taiwan Tues Youku YouTube) eps 2-3 of 11 - Oh it’s great. I love it. I’m still worried by how gritty and "Taiwanese short-esk" it feels, but wow does this hit all my favorite taboo tropes and buttons. I also adore the little found fam, they the cutest gay older bros ever. The younger one who wants so bad to grow up and take care of the older one and pushes himself because into self sacrifice that’s the only model of love he has. ARGH. BOYS. Why so much pain, just smooch already! Sheesh. It's on YouTube for some of us, here's the schedule.
AntiReset (Taiwan Fri Viki/Gaga) eps 6-7 of 10 - They remain questionably cute, and that is probably going to be my ultimate review of this show. Awe cameo! (Hi babies, hope the ghosts are leaving you alone.) The irony does not escape me that the person in the relationship with the most emotional acumen is, in fact, the robot and not the human. I'm sure that's meant to be deep.
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Love is Better the Second Time Around AKA Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto (Japan Gaga) ep 1 of 6 - A tortured second chance romance featuring a reported and a successful celebrity(?) academic. The kid actors look nothing like their adult counterparts, but they do look much younger. So, okay. Ah the utter embarrassment of first love. Oh I like it a lot, so very messy Japanese emo. Sigh. Here we go again.
Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Japan Thurs Gaga) eps 8-9 of 10 - They are a cute couple. They both trying so hard and so confused and awkward and polite in trying to understand each other but TERRIBLE at communication. 
My Strawberry Film (Japan Thurs Gaga) eps 3-4 of 8 - I don’t know how I feel about this. But I do know it’s not my thing because it’s not BL. I’ll finish it because it’s short but… meh. 
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It's done, ready to binge, but I have no time
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - will binge when I have any spare time. 2024 is crazy busy for me so far.
The Servant and the Young Master (Vietnam YouTube) - I will try when I have a window of time.
Began Beginning (Myanmar YouTube) - A Burmese BL? @heretherebedork vouched for it, so I will watch eventually.
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It's airing but...
Dead Friend Forever (Thai iQIYI) - finished it's run and I won't be watching it. It's horror with BL elements and the ending, well, let's just say that's a "no thank you" from me.
Ossans Love Season 2 (Japan Gaga) - 5 years later, will anything have changed? This is Japan so… no. I'm not watching this. I dislike this franchise.
Time the series (Tue Gaga/YT) 10 eps - dropped it at ep 4.
Takumi-kun (2023) movie version AKA Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa released on FOD 3/5/2024. The original project was a 6 ep series. Having seen all the previous iterations and read the (terrible) yaoi I admit to being intrigued. If anyone finds eng subbed please let me know with a link in comments or in a DM? For those intersted in this show, probably the world's first true BL franchise I chat all about it here.
James Supamongkon has withdrawn from the series Love Upon A Time and the NetJames pair is no more. Net Siraphop will continue with the historical BL project alongside a new partner. Can I interest you in Tod Techit... almost as pretty, legs for days...
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The Complete Chronology of the Assault Case Against GMMTV Actor Win Pawin
I'm merely directing your attention to these articles, I do not wish for discussion of this content on this blog. Please don't ask for further info, I don't know the answer, follow the link that's why it's there.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Still Coming
3/21 Two Worlds (Thai IQIYI) 10 eps - announced here. One of those "he's dead Jim so time travel" thingames staring MaxNat. I'm over them but Asia flipping loves this trope and I do adore MaxNat. Phupha (Gun) and Khram (Nat) love each other but Phupha is murdered. Then Khram is pulled to a parallel world where, 12 years ago, Khram and Tai (Max) were in love. However, Khram was killed by Thai’s dad. Now Tai finds alter-Khram apparently alive. But then there is ALSO an alter-Phupha (played by Gun Thanawat who is Khom the repressed butler bodyguard from Unforgotten Night).
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
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How flipping adorable is this vampire with his big gay umbrella? SUCH A DORK and we got more vampire dorks coming.
Thailand has found its vampire line and it's awkward and geeky and quite cheerful. 'Bout what we expected, to be fair. It's a good look for them.
And vampires.
In other news...
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That's your random moment of thirst, Lim Jimin shirtless AKA my Just B bias (I mean, I could talk about how good his extensions are and how I love a husky voice in Kpop but really, just LOOK at him). I'm very very very shallow, remember? Full vid is here.
Why am I mentioning Lim Jimin (aside from the obvious)? If Just B doesn't break soon, I could some of them transitioning to BL. Jimin in particular would be a win for us, obvs.
Also, can we talk about Bain (my bias wrecker) KILLING it on Build Up? I had no idea he was that good. Anygay, this has been your Kpop end note.
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Seriously tho, is ANYONE else watching Build-Up?
(Last week - well, 2 weeks ago)
Streaming services are listed how I'm (usually watching) which is with a USA based IP
The tag bragade: @doorajar
If ya wanna be tagged each week leave a comment and I will. Easy peesy.
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franzkafkagf · 7 days
The fact that Aegon loving his children it’s even book canon. TGC is describing Aegon’s personality as it is hinted in the book and yet people is mad.
Tom literally acknowledges he is not a good parent but he loves his children.It makes total sense that he would have a complicated relationship with fatherhood based on how his father treated him. Or that in his mind, he wants to be better than Viserys.
Thank you anon! You're exactly right, we've always known from the book that he loved his children. Adding onto that is that we have barely seen 20 minutes of Aegon until now, if the early reviews are true we'll get 15 minutes of Aegon in the first episode ALONE. Of course we find out much more about the character, we barely know anything about him!
This made me wonder; what do we know about Aegon?
We meet Aegon for the first time in episode 3 of season 1. He is just a two year-old who plays with a wooden dragon toy and yet the older characters around him only see him as a threat, a pawn or, by his father, as a replacement— watching the episode it's clear to me that Viserys wanted Baelon, Aegon cannot be Baelon. It's pretty telling that the only positive on-screen interactions Aegon has with his father are in this episode. He is a little kid still, Viserys can project his wishes and fantasies about Baelon onto him, something he isn't able to do once his son is grown up.
I think it's pretty crucial to understand this part of Aegon's and Viserys' relationship— the perfect ideal of Baelon (he killed the only woman he ever loved for the perfect son; you cannot come back from that) stands between them, like a shadow Aegon could never escape and a standard he could never meet.
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We don't really see Aegon again until episode 6— he is a teenager now and thus a completely different person. The little baby from episode 3 has been shaped by years of neglect, unfulfilled expectations, and the toxic dynamics within the family. What has he become? He is a 15 year old with problematic relationship to alcohol that is used as the punching bag of the family. He jacks off from windows (welcome back Roman Roy!), leers at maids and bullies his younger brother.
Teen Aegon is perceived as a disappointment by his grandfather, who sees him just as a weakling and a pawn to be controlled (a belief he still holds at the start of season 2 apparently). His mother projects her own ambitions, resentments and fears onto him.
These behaviors are all very troubling and someone should've done something to prevent these habits from festering within him; no one did. I honestly feel like no one really cares about him that much.
And yet, there is also so much postitive to be said about this iteration of him too, glimpses of Aegon's potential for goodness and his capacity for loyalty. You might call it naivety, but Aegon seems to believe in the good in people— he trusted Rhaenyra not to hurt him or his brothers if she was to become queen (something I agree with). He also seems to treat his nephews well enough, he doesn't seem to care about the bastard-allegations -> he also seems to be friends with bastards as an adult! Eddard Waters belongs to his entourage, this informs his character— yes he is an entitled prince, but there's also an element to him that is endearingly down-to-earth.
Another notable example is in episode 7, he decided to protect his mother after Aemond blamed him for spreading rumors about his nephews' legitimacy . He never cared about the rumors, yet he stood his ground and shielded his mother when faced with his father's wrath.
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Ty Tennant does such a great job here. The scene highlights his complexity— he is not simply a drunken disappointment, a villain or a victim, but a young man trapped in a situation he doesn't seem to be able to get out of.
When we next see Aegon, he is in his early twenties, and the toll his upbringing took on him is evident. His introduction in episode 8 is a hefty one. He is shown sleeping off a hangover, his drinking habit from his youth has fully established itself in him. His mother yells at him, tries to get him to understand the consequences of his behavior— he has raped a maid, something that, disturbingly, is not new for him. This moment speaks volumes about the man the little boy from episode 3 has become: flawed, morally compromised, and numbed by his vices.
Further even, Aegon engages in activities that reflect a deep-seated cruelty and a disconnection from others— watching toddlers rip each other apart in brutal fights shows his general desensitization and apathy to everything. These behaviors are obviously unacceptable, but this is a fictional character we are talking about and you know what these behaviors tell me about him? These are just manifestation of the dehumanizing effects of his upbringing.
He is desperate to be loved but destined to be hated — Tom Glynn Carney
Because characters can be multi-faceted and complex, Aegon fights off insecurities and still yearns for love and acceptance from those around him. Him acting out like this can be read as misguided attempts to drown out the background noise, to try to assert control in a world where he feels constantly undermined and unloved. However, his actions only serve to alienate him further from the people he wants to be accepted by.
Aegon's aversion to the throne and his rejection of the responsibilities that come with it are just other manifestations of his deep-seated apathy. He despises the very idea of kingship and what it represents. He doesn't want to take up responsibility become a pawn, he yearns to run away but he himself knows that he will never be able to run.
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The carriage ride to the sept and the coronation are gifts that keep on giving. It's all so horribly tragic. He never wanted this. Crowning him will kill him, he knows this is his end deep down!
He is so preoccupied with what his father wanted, Baelon is absolutely still haunting the narrative— his father's desire for him to embody virtues he never possessed or could aspire to (BAELON) are still at the forefront of his thoughts.
As he walks to receive the crown, he is literally crying, this single moment encapsulates it all so well. He is man who, despite his privileged position, is trapped by the very power and responsibility he was born into but never desired for.
But then, at the very end of episode 9, we see a shift in Aegon— something else to him that will be at the forefront of his character in season 2. He finally gets the adoration and the purpose he always sought after with the crown. The moment he realizes that the smallfolk is cheering for him is the moment the apathy that defined him up until now begins to lose its grip, replaced by newfound determination.
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This change in Aegon will be furthered by the death of Jaehaerys, a source of pride and a reminder for him that he is capable to create and care for something precious and pure (thank you TGC) -> I won't go into this deeper, let's wait until the season airs.
In conclusion, a wise woman once said that apathy is death. For so much of his life Aegon embodied apathy, only for the very thing he feared most (kingship) to make him rethink everything. Aegon will be driven by his determination, but this path will lead to his destruction, consuming him until there is barely anything left of him. It will ultimately tear him apart; he is both redeemed and ruined by the weight of a crown he never wanted.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Buddy Daddies - Kazuki & Trust Issues
I was just watching the Episode 5 dub of Buddy Daddies, and it made me realize that they did a great job of building up Kazuki not trusting Miri and how that tends to lead to him getting himself worked up. 
In Episode 5 it was with Miri being able to keep their secret. While Rei is also doubting that Miri will be able to do it well, this issue with trust results in Kazuki working himself up while they are scouting their target. 
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“She’s gonna be spilling everything!” 
But she doesn’t. She works really hard at trying to use “Rei-kun” and “Kazuki-kun” when talking about them, instead of “papa,” and while she mentions Kazuki’s cooking, Rei playing games with her, and such, she doesn’t flat out spill everything like she did during the first daycare interview or something. She tries very hard to keep to the promise she made to Kazuki.
In Episode 5, we also see Kazuki not trusting Kyutaro. First, when Kyutaro offers to look after Miri, Kazuki’s first thought was that Kyutaro was going to harm her/kill her, instead of look after her.
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With Kazuki’s mind already being made up, so he jumps straight to “Not even you’d be cold-blooded enough to---” before fully processing the clarification that Kyutaro made that he meant “look after/babysit her.”
Later in the episode, when Rei mentions that Kyutaro is a bit popular with the ladies, Kazuki’s mind instantly goes here:
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To Kyutaro marrying a four year old Miri with Miri saying, “I’m gonna marry Kyutaro-san!” it’s a ridiculous conclusion and fantasy situation that Kazuki allows himself to get worked up over, but also definitely indicates a lack of trust.
Of course, in Episode 6, the lesson Kazuki learns is that he needs to trust his own child more. 
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(Kazuki, in the car, saying, “But maybe I oughta trust my kid more.”). This lack of trust is something we with Kyutaro, even Taiga (the boy from Episode 6). 
Kazuki instantly jumps to the worst case scenario and is already cursing out this four year old child in his wild imagination, because he doesn’t trust the kid and his intentions around Miri (there are extra layers of sexism and heteronormativity that could be unpacked here, but I’ll refrain so this post doesn’t derail, lol).
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(Kazuki stating: “You’re gonna regret making a move on my little girl!” when talking about a boy who is like four years old).
Of course, this all stems back to his issues with abandonment. 
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(Kazuki, from the beginning of Episode 6: “Parental abandonment is the reason I turned out this way!”)
Being abandoned by your parents can easily lead to trust issues and could easily make a person jump to the worst case situation on default. That’s what Kazuki does. At the end of Episode 6, we know that Kazuki understands that he needs to get better with this in regards to Miri.
We haven’t seen the results of that resolution and character growth moment quite yet, and we don’t know how that will extend to others such as Kyutaro or Rei. Though, in Episode 8, we see Kazuki wondering if they [he and Miri] have been abandoned by Rei, and he does seem to worry about this.
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However, Kazuki doesn’t allow himself to get caught up in any wild fantasies and ideas going through his head. He looks upset and concerned at the idea. But with Rei, he does seem to stay more level-headed. Kazuki reaches out to Rei (driving to him in the car) and brings him back.
Then they get caught up in their past, but Kazuki doesn’t get lost in any wild imagination. To me, this shows that Kazuki actually has a lot of trust in Rei. 
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And now, after seeing the way Rei was so shocked at the party they threw for him, smiling at his Miri, their daughter, and writing a “thank you” memo to Kazuki (via the transmedia marketing aspect), I think Kazuki won’t be as worried about Rei leaving them or choosing his old blood bound family over their found family. 
Rei is still going to have to make that choice, though I think Kazuki will trust him on that. After the contents of Episodes 8 and 8.5, it has become very clear that trust is going to be a very important thing.
I feel Kazuki has learned to trust Rei and Miri, but let’s see if his trust will fully extend to Kyutaro too and if Kyutaro will live up to being trusted (I hope he will!).
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adachimoe · 18 days
If this guy had just been a magician then we wouldn't be dealing with this shit
During one of his Social Link rank ups, Adachi implies some things about his career. I know, I know, he said "I became a cop because GUNS". But also: he's a dumbass.
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Thus far, the player has only seen Adachi being a bumbling moron running away from a little old lady at Junes. But we see a side of him we haven't seen before: It turns out that he has sleight of hand and he's quite good at performing magic tricks.
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He doesn't think he could have made a living if he had gone into a profession working with his hands, even if he does demonstrate that he's good at it. He does acknowledge that his life might have been different. And when fiction does things like this, we in the audience know that the unspoken implication is that he would be a lot happier this way.
Adachi doesn't exactly try to hide how much he hates his life. But, at the same time, it's not like he tries to do much to change it. Part of it we see in his rank 6 social link when he talks about how "I'm lonely, but it's easier that way". But another part of it is that by being a police officer instead of a magician or something else, he gets to work at a government job. Job security certainly contributes to one's quality of life.
But I think there is something else worth noting about this, and it's based entirely off the year Adachi was born - 1984. (Insert the "literally 1984" calendar meme image here.)
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Adachi was born when Japan's economy was flourishing and the Yen was quite strong. Based on the timing, I think his parents had a kid under the assumption that, "Japan is prosperous, the Yen is powerful, things are great, everyone has money, or other valuable assets (stock/land)". If you've played Yakuza 0, this might vaguely sound familiar when it comes to Kiryu's story and his adventures in real estate.
This is a hilariously bad and overly simplified explanation, but it wasn't until the year after Adachi was born when the country and the bank began having economic issues. This eventually lead to the big blow up in the early 90s, stock and real estate nosedived, and the whole country went into a period of economic stagnation called the Lost Decades.
During Japan's period of growth, the country was seen as a powerhouse. My dad remembers when Japanese tourists were traveling all over due to strong yen - really a reversal of how it is now with people flocking to Japan due to how weak it is. People there would get a job and be set for life. While this was thanks to their economy and the assumption that "Wow, we have a lot of $$ in land and/or stocks, things are great", the "hired for life" thing can also be seen as being tied to Japanese labor laws. This changed after the economy exploded, and some companies began taking on temp workers who had less rights and less protections.
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If you start to compare Adachi's situation and birth year to the main cast, it's really no wonder they make him so damn mad and frustrated lol.
Yukiko and Kanji can inherit their family businesses. Their families aren't wealthy, but they have stable businesses they operate out of their family homes. They can inherit both land and jobs.
In Yukiko's Social Link, she talks about getting licensed as an interior coordinator as a backup in case the ryokan doesn't work out... Hm, I think learning that she even has options would piss Adachi off further lol.
Naoto I am under the impression is doing well since she already has a career as a detective, plus the backing of her grandfather.
Yosuke's family doesn't own Junes, but his dad is the manager at the Inaba store, and nepotism is a thing. But it seems that he too has options, as in Ultimax, he's going to cram school so he can go to university.
Rise already has a career. Unfortunately, it's part of Japan's terrible and exploitive idol industry.
Even Marie has a career, it seems.
One can assume that if Adachi's parents got on his ass if his grades dropped, then Adachi does not stand to inherit something from his parents (or perhaps their assets lost value?), nor is he already successful.
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Chie feels like the outlier here. From what we know about her, her parents don't have a business she can inherit, no famous grandfather, she's not a popular idol, and she doesn't have Main Character privilege. We also know from her Social Link that she wants to become an officer like Adachi.
Really, I think Adachi is too young to have grown up on promises of some kind of prosperous future thanks to Japan's strong economy, merely to have the rug pulled out from under him and have his dreams crushed in 1991 (he'd only be 7, after all). So where Chie might optimistically see the ability to help and protect people as an officer, Adachi might see stability and survival because of his parents and how they raised him and the economic situation.
"Don't be a magician, get a secure job" is something our parents would tell us in the west too, so maybe it doesn't seem that special or related to their economic situation at all. Pretty sure his folks would say it to him even if he was born some 10-15 years earlier. But I think it does help illustrate why he would pick security (or why his parents picked security for him), his failure case (have fun being a replaceable temp worker while waiting for your big break as a magician), and what some of his ire towards the Investigation Team is about (he had to study; why do they get to go kill god after school???). In some ways, he feels like an American millennial whose life was affected by economic circumstance, but everything that comes out of his mouth makes him sound a boomer lol. Get off my dungeon lawn, you damn kids.
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deadmomjokes · 19 days
Do you have any adventures of bean to share before you sign off for a bit? good luck with the move!
I wish I had more specific ones, but life is all blurring together at this point so I must settle for Tidbits: Moving Edition
She loves to pack stuff. I have no idea where it's coming from, but holy cow this kid. She's going to be the only reason we're completely packed and ready to go on time. Every morning, she hops in my bed and goes "Can we pack another box?" And any time we're not actively doing something, "Should we pack more boxes?" Her dad whispered to me earlier, understandably dumbfounded, "What is with the packing thing? Why is she so into this?" And she somehow heard it from the next room and merrily hopped in holding the roll of packing tape and said "I dunno, I just really like packing things." So... yeah. She's keeping us on task.
She has Plans for the drive. -First, we need to eat at Subway (she was very excited to learn she can, in fact, have Subway in moderation). -Second, we need to stay at one of the number hotels-- those being National 9, Super 8, and Motel 6. (She is bummed there's no 7 hotel.) -Third, if we successfully get a number hotel for one night, we also need to do a Red Roof Inn some other night. -Fourth, she wants to go inside a gas station and look at the maps. (She means the visitors guides and brochures that truck stops have when they're near-ish to state lines and/or tourist destinations.) -Finally, she wants to borrow my phone to take pictures. Unbeknownst to her, we are getting an old digital camera tuned up and outfitted with a child-proof case so she can have her own camera, because when she starts taking pictures it's an hours-long affair, and I kinda need my phone for GPS purposes. We're presenting her with said camera next weekend when we get the trailer, so hopefully she'll stay occupied while we do the part of packing she can't actually help with. But yeah, she knows how to set realistic, attainable goals, and I honestly think we can make these things happen for her.
She's been obsessively watching that Bluey special every day, and it Concerns me. See, she's generally quite media literate, and knows how to separate fiction from reality, and we had our big group cry about leaving our friends the first time we watched it. But. I am deeply worried that she's under the impression that we'll get all packed and ready to go and then do what Bluey's family did and decide to stay. I desperately hope not, but hoo boy, if that is the case, that's gonna be one heck of a 4-day drive. We've tried bringing it up and talking about it, but we still can't tell what's going on in that little noggin.
She is really, really sad about leaving her friends. I know that's not fun to hear, but honestly, I'm really impressed and proud of the way she's been handling it. She's come up with some great coping mechanisms all on her own: asking if we can get everyone's parents' Facebooks so we can do video calls, asking if we can do a party before she leaves so she can play with her school friends again (both yes, of course), and the one that truly floored me-- she asked if we can find "a new therapy place" when we get to where we're going. My four year old asked if she can go back to therapy, y'all. She's been 'graduated' since before Christmas, but she remembered that it helped when she was feeling anxious all the time and wants to do that again after we move. I just... Holy moly! I am so, SO proud of her for how she's so in tune with herself and her needs.
Her requests for our next housing situation have been few, but very specific. It has to let her get a pet, either a rabbit (maybe two so they can be friends), or a ball python, or both. It needs stairs so she can bumslide down them. It needs a pantry with a shelf she can reach for her snacks. And she'd really prefer if it had hard floors so we can get a fuzzy rug. We don't have it on lock yet (fingers crossed!), but the place that looks most likely meets all of these criteria.
That's all I've got for right now, because I need to go pre-plan what tomorrow morning's packing adventure is going to be so I don't have to think about it two minutes after opening my eyes.
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devondespresso · 1 year
sometimes i forget season 4 happens less than a year after Starcourt. meaning the party had yet to experience a little 1 year trauma anniversary of the horrors from that summer and a good few new members would be so out of the loop for it
thinking about Scoops Troop getting hit particularly hard by the anniversary of kidnapping and torture (and especially because the Russian shit is distinctly different scary than the upside down horrors that plague the party year-round) and Max's conflict with Billy's death, all of those feeling from right after starcourt coming back like it happened last week instead of last year
so with the resurgence of the old pain, Scoops Troop all decide to reuse their old coping mechanisms too
meaning for the first week of July they are physically inseparable again, the four having nightly sleepovers and basically living side-by-side. Camping out at Steve's or Robin's or Dustin's or even Erica's house different nights of the week (Steve and Robin asking the week off from work, claiming a family vacation if they can't trust their manager with the truth that its a PTSD Extravaganza)
Max joining in often to avoid being alone with her thoughts (she also hangs out with the rest of the party splitting her time up pretty evenly but ofc Scoops Troop is the ideal choice for those odd hours of the night) and all 5 (or 6, ofc Lucas joins too if they're at the Sinclair's) have fun distracting themselves most of the week with whatever they need. Silly kids movies and board games and card games, playing with Erica's dolls and discussing MLP, looking at all Dustin's science projects and playing with Tews, going through Robin's instrument collection and language books, Steve trying to teach everyone basketball or little games like horse (Lucas joins too ofc, Max watches mostly and is deemed the 'judge' of if something 'counts' aka Dustin and Erica keep barely missing and want credit for almost getting a shot)
but just like last year, distractions only last so long. every day they're doing something harmless and someone at some point breaks. maybe they let themselves space out and think a little too long, sometimes theres a reminder nobody could've avoided, sometimes they just went a little too long without acknowledging it. either way they all work with it no matter who it is or whats bothering them.
Steve and Dustin usually need to sit with whatever emotion broken them, let themselves feel after spending so much time keeping it together for the people around them. Steve needs to sit and cry, if he's around people he needs to feel like theres no rush to be better again, like he has all the time in the world to sit and cry and be useless. Dustin needs a cry with reassurance, that he did his best in a situation he had very little control over and having him there helped everyone so much. This means Steve's crys are pretty quiet, filled with hugs and soft silence that lets time slip away, while Dustin's crys have a soundtrack of gentle words with them
Robin also needs spoken reassurance. She spirals and catastrophizes very easily and needs to work through stuff out-loud without being allowed to work herself into a self-deprecating frenzy. Steve is used to working that balance of letting her let things out without getting out of hand, and Dustin and Erica are great at giving logical solutions whenever she starts catastrophizing
Erica is a middle ground between the two. She needs to sit and feel her emotions because she constantly feels she has a reputation to maintain, and she needs to work things out out-loud like Robin but doesn't catastrophize as easily. The hard part for her is getting support without pity, which has a learning curve but eventually Scoops Troop has it down and it helps her a lot having a guaranteed safety net for her more vulnerable moments
Max doesn't break around them nearly as often, partially because she's not spending all her time with the group but mostly because she grew up having to keep that stuff in for so long she still struggles being seen while vulnerable, and having open emotions is extra difficult when the person you're sad about is also responsible for your struggles being openly vulnerable.
when she does break, she needs the control over those moments. she needs to be able to control whos seeing and hearing her, how long she cries and how hard, how much she tells and who she's talking to. she prefers to be alone or with only one person with her, ideally Lucas because they have the most familiarity and trust built up. She'll either find a room to leave to or everyone will move to a different room for the time, and Lucas sits with her and lets her let everything out at her own pace. When Lucas isn't there and can't be, she'll pick someone else to sit with her, usually Robin because she's pretty easy to read and Max knows shes good at sitting and listening with Steve when he's breaking. Sometimes she'll get Steve if she needs reassurance, someone who'll know what to say to bring her out of it.
and sometimes multiple people break at once. Steve and Robin's trauma have similar triggers so often times its the two of them breaking and clinging to each other like the earth beneath them will crumble if they let go. Robin usually holds onto Steve like a little teddy bear, keeping him close so she can protect him, and Steve loves how she'll hold him and makes him feel safe. Dustin and Erica help talk Robin through her breakdown while she's holding onto Steve.
Dustin and Erica will sometimes break if they loose sight of Steve and Robin for a moment, prompting a more-talk-less-cling-and-sob pile with Robin and Steve going back and forth helping talk them through it and letting them cry it out
And if everyone breaks? chaos, at least from an outside perspective. lots of hugging and crying with the talkers working through their shit together and reassuring the others. from the outside it'd almost be comical if it weren't for the circumstances causing it
It all becomes an unspoken agreement, taking less than a day for Scoops Troop to get on the same page (after all, they're treating it basically like post-Starcourt part 2) and about a day and a half for Max to join them. Even as the emotions come back full swing, its a lot easier to deal with because of the general understanding from everyone. Their parents realize its the anniversary of The Fire and are better equipped to support their kids however they need (even if it means letting them have sleepovers all week, they learned the first time that it helps a lot and the intensity of it will pass). The Party also understands whats going on (they all have their own trauma anniversaries that hit harder like the end of November for Mike and the Byers) and being supportive too, like inviting Scoops Troop and Max to any get-togethers instead of just Dustin (so he doesn't have to awkwardly ask if they can come too) and in general inviting Max a lot so she always has the option to not be alone.
Hellfire though? and the newest party members (Eddie, Vickie, Argyle, maybe Chrissy too because i love her)? they're Lost™ at first.
Vickie is the first to kinda grasp whats going on, being closest to Robin (and Steve by extension dtjsjysj) she was hanging out with her when Robin realized she needed to be around all of Scoops Troop again to be able to calm the panic and she joined their first sleepover
Eddie and Chrissy next (assuming she joined Hellfire, which she so would) who noticed the Upside Down Trauma a mile away and just had to piece together the reason this time ("no its not back, its just the third and fourth marks a year since the Starcourt 'mall fire'- yeah no not really a fire. a lot worse actually')
Hellfire never really gets the full explanation of why Steve, Robin and Erica all also need to attend this weeks session specifically or why Gareth still isn't allowed to do a Russian accent for his Chaotic Neutral Halfling rouge Geörgov the Gruesome. Eddie gives him the most intense stink eye if he so much as attempts an accent close to it and when asked he just insists and throws in a new excuse every time thats so wild its comical and almost distracts from the fact that he's refusing to tell them
and once they actually witness Scoops Troop together (especially Steve and Robin 'what do you mean they're not dating? not even like crushes? nothing?) they just kinda have to accept that they're Just Like That Sometimes with the Party awkwardly deflecting and Eddie being amusingly cryptic
and Argyle is the last one to know, entirely because he just assumed they were close like that entirely unrelated to trauma. And everyone assumed he knew based on how chill he was. Until he asked what a Starcourt was, wondering if it was a new Star Wars thing he missed
Just Scoops Troop bonding like stray cats that should not be seperated. They've seen so many horrors at this point they definitely give No Fucks about how weird they look as long as the rest of their group doesn't have a problem
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dahvampire · 5 months
I'll start this thing with the premise that I've only seen BNHA's anime, so I'm at the end of the events of season 6 and I don't know anything else from the manga. So, that's also a spoiler alert for anyone who isn't at my same point.
God I really, really despise Enji Todoroki.
Endeavor is a great hero, don't get me wrong: always on point, efficient with criminals, saves people and yada yada yada. Public interactions aren't his forte but anyone has his weaknesses, so it's fine.
But boy, boy if he's shitty. A shitty father, a shitty husband, a shitty person in general.
How can you beat your six year old son to the point of making him sick just because you're salty you're not at the same level of someone else? How can you try to erase your first son's suicide attempt that he did because you first indoctrinated him about being the n°1 hero since he was four and then discarded him at eleven because he couldn't keep up with your expectations? Enji told Touya his life was defined only by being a hero, and then he snutched the dream he put in his son's head from him when he was still a child. No wonders Touya didn't exactly take it well, his father just said he's actually worthless because of something Touya can't even control - the affinity that his body has for cold temperature.
And okay, maybe Enji wanted to keep him safe avoiding him to train, but the adult approached the situation wrongly from the start, since Touya's birth, for fuck's sake.
When Touya became useless, Enji focused his fixation on Shouto, feeding sibling rivalry to Touya and making him easily jealous of him because his younger brother became their father's focus of attention - and love, in his mind - .
Let's put the kids beside for a second.
Enji married Rei for her quirk, that's common knowledge, he even admitted it. After he finished using her for his convenience and after probably treating her just like he treated Shouto and Touya, he pushed her 'til the breaking point and then accused her of being unstable while the only reason for her unstableness has always been his presence in her life. We had a snippet of Rei before she married Enji, and she was a perfectly fine woman. Maybe reserved, but fine.
Then, Enji happened. She lost her rights on her body, the man married her just to breed a valuable heir after all. She lost her rights as a mother, because I think Enji hasn't ever allowed her to interfere with Touya and Shouto's education and lives in general, just think about how Touya treated her when she found out he was still training in secret. She lost her connections with the world, too, I guess, because I don't think she would be free to go and come at her will, considering how Enji thinks about his family members as his properties.
Then, she slowly started to lose her mind to the point of disfiguring her own child because his eye reminded her too much of the man she was forced to live with even though she clearly dreaded him, and she lost it. She crumbled under the pressure of what Enji did to her and to her children - that I guess she never actively tried to protect, maybe to save herself from the man's wrath, maybe because scared of aggravating things - and Enji took her out of the picture without even try to comprehend why she did what she did.
I'm not saying that she isn't guilty about the whole situation, I'm saying I can see her redemption arc. I can understand it. Now she's free of the shackles that held her down the whole time she was with Enji, and she wants to try and do something to make amends. I can see it, I can understand it.
What I cannot understand is the thing they're trying to do with Enji's redemption arc.
Like, are you kidding me?
He's an abuser, a manipulative man who hides himself behind a façade of ideals and stoicism, a person who looked his own kid in the eye at the age of eleven and told him he was not enough for his father and should get lost with his other two siblings, casted aside since birth because they too didn't meet his expectations.
Fuyumi is still hanging by the threads of hope that someday they will be an happy and functional family, but those threads started strangling her a long time ago, and I think she didn't even realized it yet.
And Touya.
God, Touya. He attempted suicide by the age of fourteen, being it consciously or not. Maybe he actually did it on purpose, maybe his emotions took the upper hand on him, but his mind couldn't accept the fact that his father's love was so conditional. Touya tried his best to satisfy the man, and Enji never acknowledged him beside to berate him for training without his permission. And Touya still tried, tried, tried to be seen by the man that put himself at the center of his child's universe since Touya was young enough to comprehend what heroes were.
No wonders Touya broke that night on Sekoto Peak, no wonder he died.
No wonder Dabi was born.
He's the incarnation of Touya's resentment after all, of the hate he feels towards Enji, towards the society that idolatries the hero without looking at the man, without understand that the monsters people fear aren't always the criminals and the villains on the streets, but hide themselves in plain sight, under a spotlight.
Touya was fourteen, he had all his life in front of him, and he still chose to trust the man he called father to care for him even without the incentive of his quirk, and his trust, his prayers fell on deaf ears.
I don't know yet what happened after Sekoto Peak, I guess what remained of Touya was find by someone - maybe Shigaraki's doctor himself -, put back together and brought back from the dead. And Touya didn't know what to do with the time that someone else borrowed him, so he set himself on the path of revenge to find some sort of justice for himself.
I'm not saying that Dabi's modus operandi is right. He's a murderer and his ways are almost always extreme, and his mind clearly isn't in the right place, but I can still understand him, his motives.
An hypothetical reception arc.
Before everything else he's a victim, after all, just like Rei.
Dabi wants to avenge what's remaining of Touya, of his inner child, and the only way he finds fitting is to take Enji's life to compensate the life Enji took from him.
Enji, on the other hand, doesn't deserve it.
He has seen that his ways were wrong only when everything came crushing down on him, and he cried on his hospital bed about being a terrible person after all the years he spent without questioning even one single time his actions.
How many times he made Touya cry? And Shouto? And Rei, Natsuo, Fuyumi? And his own fans, for God's sake? How many people he deluded without realising it, without even thinking it was an actual chance of him doing wrong?
Nope. Sorry, nope, I'm not fine with that. I don't think he deserves the pardon of all the victims of his actions, or surely he doesn't deserve to be forgiven so fast.
I don't approve the death of characters only because I don't like them, I know that's not how it works and it's simply stupid wanting someone dead just because, but fuck if i want him dead. Like, actually dead. Maybe it's because what he represents hit a little too close to home, maybe it's because I can't see a possible way to actually redeem him without stomping again on everyone he hurt, maybe I just can't stand him, I don't know.
I don't even know if I actually want Dabi to be still alive, at this point. I really like him, his character, his dramatics, but he's a dead man walking, literally. Maybe death would put an end to his suffering, maybe confronting Enji would be so cathartic to actually help him to recover the parts of his mind that he lost in the flames, in the walls of the house he grew up in, among the discouragements and the conditioned love he almost drown into.
The only thing I know is that I really hope Dabi lives long enough to see Enji's ashes scattering to the ground, being them the ashes of Endeavor's legacy or the ashes of his own body, cremated by Dabi himself.
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distantlaughter · 2 years
Nico Rosberg was already sure of his plans at the age of 15 - "My goal is F1"
By Raila Kinnunen for Apu, posted 28 November 2016, originally written in 2001 (x)
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Nico Rosberg became Formula 1 World Champion on Sunday night. The Rosbergs, Keke and Nico, are only the second father and son duo in history to both win the F1 championship. Apu met 15-year-old Nico in Monaco and is now re-running the story to celebrate the historic championship.
Keke Rosberg sighs deeply and says that it happened yesterday on a farm in France: a son beat his father 6-0 in tennis.
The gust echoes with both regret, the nagging thought of his own aging, and pride in his son. But Dad quickly recovers and, under the cover of his walrus moustache, his mouth turns up in a grin. Yesterday may be the most illegal time to play on a fast surface, as long as he pays for the pitch, he chooses the surface.
It's the same turn of events that awaits every father. Keke is 52, Nico 15, the son is almost a professional tennis player, having played since he was two, and in the last couple of years he's closed the gap on his dad: 170 centimetres against 176.
But when Keke is told that if Nico loses next time, the loss will be intentional and the tax will soon be paid in the form of "Papa, how about a scooter, a party…", Dad gets nervous.
"A year ago, we almost had a fight when my son announced a couple of weeks before his 15th birthday that you must be thinking of buying me a scooter as a present, I've been thinking about it, don't buy it as I won't have time to use it anyway! And Nico didn't even know that I had already arranged it. "After digesting the story for a while, I asked if anyone had threatened to scrap or steal the scooter. Something like that must be behind this, because he can't be that sensible. And that's what got him angry, claiming I underestimated him. "For me it was once the most important thing in the world to have a moped at 15, and this one says it's not worth it! Maybe he gets to ride so many other motor toys that the normal desire of a normal teenage boy to get a ride is already satisfied," Keke muses.
The story is actually a very typical example of the relationship between the men in the Rosberg family. There is partnership and love, the difference between generations, eras and situations in life, and a father's wonder at these.
That's what it's all about: winning
Nico Rosberg was 11 years old when he won the French karting championship in his second year of driving. He started cornering on a karting track at the age of two, around the same time the kid was using a tennis racket the size of himself to pull 50 metres of well-placed serves. I can testify to this as an eyewitness.
"Tennis was the other option for a long time. I was too small for tennis at first. I was very short until I was 13 and then I suddenly stretched," says Nico, making the all-important whoosh sound. "At some point, I decided that driving was the choice after all. That's the goal, I'll try to do as well as I can and then see how far I can go. I play tennis for fun now, and football. "When I won the French championship, I had an awful lot of fun. Winning is amazing, so sweet! The feeling is great, the whole atmosphere. That's what it's all about, winning. The funny thing is that in tennis, winning doesn't bring nearly the same joy. I guess racing is about the whole package, the pace and everything else. It simply feels good," Nico describes. "Sometimes when you feel like you're driving to the limit, everything is going smoothly and all that's left is the speed and the driving, it feels great. But that doesn't happen very often," Rosberg Jr. regrets.
He is a nice-looking young man in his last moments, somewhere between childhood and manhood. His body still has a cherubic softness, his blond hair curling in the same pattern as Keke's, which has begun to grey elegantly at the temples. His behaviour is almost that of an adult: a straight look, a brisk handshake, good manners, clear speech and then, in the middle of it all, he gets excited and starts giggling like a brat. Quite disarming.
And the eyes, they're a combination of green and blue among the curled lashes.
"Yeah, and grey. At least that's what the girls have said," Nico enlightens me and beams happily.
So Nico didn't want the scooter that people use to shuttle through the narrow streets of his hometown Monaco. It will be more than two years before he gets behind the wheel of a car. Does he mind?
"No, there's plenty of excitement to be had in Papa's car!"
Keke, the 1982 Formula 1 World Champion, one of the most brilliant and accomplished riders on the track, is a legendary and terrifying rider in civilian life. So ferocious, in fact, that wife Sina and Keke have jointly decided that to save their long marriage they will no longer share the same car. Sina is scared to death of Keke's driving, and Keke is uncomfortable in the passenger seat - so they take off in two cars, or in different modes of transportation altogether.
After receiving a burst of honesty, Keke calls himself an even worse hooligan behind the wheel.
"Nico certainly won't learn anything worth repeating while riding with me!" his father confesses.
"My dad is always telling me, 'don't learn anything from me behind the wheel.' I'm not scared at all when I ride with my dad, my trust in him is complete. He drives fast, but I trust him more than anyone else," says Nico. "Obviously, I'm not going to drive on the road like my father. First of all, I would never be able to pick up my mother, and I probably wouldn't even get a car!" the boy reckons.
How do father and son differ as drivers on the track?
"That's quite different from me. I was fierce and wild, the boy is totally controlled, calculating, and never looks fast on the track, you can't see how fast he is with your eyes," Keke defines when the main characters of this story were interviewed separately.
Nico never saw his father behind the wheel of a Formula One car, Keke quit when Nico was one and a half years old. As a DTM driver, he got to know his father.
"Dad is a bit of a bzzzzzz," Nico describes with a wasp tongue, "crazy, or not crazy but aggressive and wild while I'm calmer. Dad says that Alain Prost was very similar—I don't mean to compare—but that he thought Prost was also very calm, untempered and icy."
When it is said that his father described him as a calculating driver, Nico briskly asks what calculating means, explain.
He does the same a couple of times during the interview. When an unfamiliar English word comes up, he immediately asks what's that, explain.
The father tells an anecdote about the same thing.
"I have a friend who is totally impressed with the way Nico does things. He took Nico to a board-level meeting, so a big conference table, five adults and Nico. The idea was, of course, to leave a good impression of yourself, as you usually do when you want something, right? "I was really proud of the kid, but the water is pretty deep when you throw someone that age into a situation like that. My friend was speechless, told me that Nico did fantastically well and that it was the fact that he said ‘I don't know’ when he didn’t know that impressed him the most. He doesn’t try to pretend to play a role and be knowledgeable when he doesn’t know."
There you have it, you can see how successful you have been at parenting!
"Successful where? We have not raised a son. He's probably grown up under the influence of his environment, his friends, their parents. We haven't had to raise him once yet!"
Sina Rosberg, pretty, elegant, and slim, happens to arrive at this very moment on the balcony of the Rosbergs' studio apartment home in Monaco.
"We have never had any problems with Nico. He hasn't been mean, late, cheated, caused worry - not even now, even though he is in puberty. No worries whatsoever," his mother marvels. "When Nico was two years old, everyone said, wait until he's three and you'll know what the problems are. When he was five years old, they told you to wait until he was six, or nine, and at puberty you'll know what the trouble was! Now I just wonder how long you have to wait!"
Putting on the brakes next year
Nico is in tenth grade at the International School of Nice, where he is taught English and French. Next spring, he will have his matriculation exams, and because he skipped a grade at the suggestion of his teachers, he will finish his schooling before he turns 17.
Nico is now in his first year in Formula Super A, driving for Mercedes Benz and McLaren's teammbm.com team, as one of the junior drivers of Keke Rosberg’s team, alongside Lewis Hamilton, a 15-year-old dark-skinned Englishman, the other junior driver. There are 14 races during the season, with World Championship races in Canada, France, Italy, Belgium and Japan, plus six races in the Italian championship series and a couple of other races.
On weekends, he either competes or tests. Most of the testing is done at the team's home track near Venice, but recently Nico went to Montreal for a couple of days to test Bridgestone tyres.
"I thought I'd put the brakes on my driving for next year, so I can finish school in good shape. I’ll still drive, but as little as possible. Once school is over, I'll concentrate on driving hard. I'll still be so young, 16-17 years old, that it won't make sense to go to university yet." "Even if I do well in driving—which is my great hope—I will still be doing something else all the time. I'm very interested in aerodynamics, I like physics and mathematics. I'm going to look for university courses related to these, for example six-week courses in the summer. And then another course at a business school, maybe in Monaco or Germany. There are often suitable breaks while driving," Nico plans. "In any case, I would like to go to university and get a degree. Because what will drivers do when their career is over? My father was lucky to find a career in driving."
Do you have as good a business instinct as Keke?
"Absolutely," Nico laughs. "I'm studying business at school and I'm top of my class. I'm very interested in the subject, let's just say I'm excited, but I don't know how far I'll go yet."
Keke, the first Finnish athlete who knew how to make money out of sport, how to handle money, and make it work, answers the same hereditary question like this:
"At that age, how would you know? He's a thrifty boy, that's for sure. Otherwise, I can say that he hasn't inherited much from me, judging by his school performance. There are a lot of absences because of driving and yet his school results are really good! "The certificates came last week, and Nico warned me that tomorrow it's coming, and it was scary good! Maybe he’s so ambitious at school with the absences being exceptionally high. Or maybe a little bonus of such a hobby is also the ability to focus and set goals. "Never have I had to tell him to do some homework, but ‘that's enough, it's so late you're going to bed.’ That a boy of that age should be dragged away from his books, there was no such thing in my day!" his father wonders.
In almost identical words, father and son describe on successive evenings how meaningful it is to have two plans for the young person's future, A and B. If one fails or circumstances change, the second plan is put in place.
"I don't push or advise. The boy does what he wants. I hear much more about his plans for the future from my friends than directly from the boy, with whom he discusses them in the sauna in the country. Apparently it is easier to discuss and spar with them and when they ask questions, he answers." Keke knows that when dad asks questions, his mouth goes agape.
Nico says he has only just now realised the joy, benefits and advantages of sports.
"I look at my friends whose lives are dominated by school. They go to school in the morning, come home, do their homework and go to bed. Weekends are spent preparing assignments and holidays catching up on backlogged studies. I don't think you can live like that. That’s how youth is wasted and ruined! "I think it's nice to be able to take a break from school, do something completely different and enjoy it. "I don't really know how I'm going to get through my homework in the time I have to do it. Every night I work out, take a 45-minute swim and play football or tennis. On the weekends when I'm driving, I don't think for a moment about school, and I still have no problems at school. Teachers don't give me any slack or leniency for my absences—I have to keep up with everyone else," says Nico.
Short-haired little baby
The Rosbergs speak German at home, Sina's language.
Keke grumbles that he was in a terrible situation when he fell into speaking German—a language he had gotten out of at school by telling the old maid that he would never need one— when he really wanted to speak English, an easier and more familiar language.
"I was probably so blindly in love that I chose her language, and once you've said yes, you can't change it."
At the wedding, Keke does remember saying 'I do'.
"And you [Sina], who always protested against everything rigid and formal, answered the priest's question with "why not?", Keke still marvels.
Keke also regrets that the teacher from Iisalmi died before the cosmopolitan, who had moved to Germany, could confess to them that he had made a colossal mistake.
So Nico, who has dual Finnish and German nationality, learned two languages in parallel, German for the parents and English for the nanny, and then, as the environment shifted from home to yard to school, French. The three languages are still on equal footing. A couple of years ago, Italian was added to the mix, which Nico picked up from his best friends. Just the other day he announced: "From now on, please only speak Italian to me.”
In Finnish, he only gets a few words.
"I really got an earful about it ten years ago when someone in Finland found out that Nico doesn't speak Finnish. There were a lot of scolding letters. I think the language decision was quite sensible: one more language would have taken away far too much capacity. If the boy ever wants to move to Finland to live, I'm sure he'll learn the language too. The likelihood of him settling in Finland is quite low. Unless some pretty girl tempts him, and if she does, he's sure to be able to speak the language," says the father.
It is only in the last few months that Nico has become enthusiastic about Finland. He takes his dictionary with him on his travels and is very interested. Jatta Rosberg, Keke's younger sister, who first lived in London and married an Englishman, then divorced, moved to the outskirts of Nice, married a Belgian and now works in Keke's office, has been teaching her son Nikolas, a couple of years older than Nico, to speak almost perfect Finnish. Of course, things were easier in those days, when there were only two languages, English and Finnish.
Nico was motivated to learn Finnish for many reasons: to get to know Keke's mother, Grandma Lea, better, to have his own special language with his cousin Nixu. But the main reason is very clear.
"I want to be Finnish. In the world of racing, I want to move and be known as a Finn, not a German. I can't really explain why. Part of the reason must be that there are so many Germans, being Finnish is more fun!" Nico reflects.
So maybe one day we will hear the Maamme song when Rosberg Jr. climbs the highest podium?
"Let's hope so!"
"In any case, I think it would be wise to learn Finnish. I only know a few words. Bun, potty, short-haired little baby. The latter came from when Nixu and I were joking on the bus with a guy who had shaved his head bald. When there was nothing better to do, Nixu taught me: short-haired little baby. It would be nice to surprise Grandma Lea one day by speaking at least a little Finnish! I'm not afraid of grammar or pronunciation, it's in my head somehow, because I hear my dad speak Finnish every day."
Keke is very calm about Nico's preference for citizenship.
"At some point in the future, the boy will have to think about whether, if he goes to Germany to drive, he should be an exotic Finn or a German who’s more interesting to the sponsors. I can't answer that, and I don't think it's a burning question at all at this stage. Either you are a good driver or you are not."
Nico, when you watch a hockey match between Finland and Germany, which side are you on?
"In this case, you should be on Finland’s side, because they are so much better. In football? I haven't had time to pick a side because it's so funny to watch my parents in that situation, it's hilarious! I suppose I wisely try to be neutral halfway through. No, of course I would hope Finland would win, because that would be a surprise and newsworthy!"
And when you watch teammates Finnish Kimi Räikkönen and German Nick Heidfeld on the Formula 1 track, who do you root for?
"The Finn of course!"
Your cousin Nixu said that Mika Häkkinen is like a big brother to him, that they spent a lot of time together before he got married. What kind of relationship do you have with Mika?
"Not that close at all. Nixu is Mika's friend and the difference comes from the fact that Nixu speaks Finnish and it's easy for Mika to talk to him. But Mika is by far the best, I respect him enormously as a driver. I don’t like Michael Schumacher. Of course he is damn good, but I don't like his character and his style. Schumi doesn't seem fair, but what luck he has!"
Scared, of course
Keke Rosberg's team has three divisions, two junior drivers, two lower Formula drivers and two DTM drivers. Keke also manages Mika Häkkinen and Olivier Panis in Formula One, Kalle Palander in alpine skiing and partly handles Jyrki Järvilehto's affairs.
He is now rarely seen in F1, as Nico's racing schedule swallows up a couple of weekends a month.
"Nico already does the tests on his own, but I go to all the races." It's actually a deal with Sina: if the son drives, the father goes with him.
According to Keke, it's quite easy to keep the roles of team boss and father separate, as for Nico he's always first and foremost the father.
"The separation became even easier after Nico fired me from the mechanic job, and it didn't take long to get fired. At one of the French championships, when the front wheel came off, my son announced that it might be better if you didn't touch the car. I forgot to tighten the wheel. I'm not mechanically gifted at all," says Keke.
Keke's father Lasse, a veterinary surgeon by profession, competed with his son year after year. Keke often went along on his father's nightly sick trips, not so much to meet the cows, but because he was allowed to drive his father's Peugeot on the gravel side roads, kept secret from his mother.
"Nico has had a professional mechanic for four years, I used to have a veterinary mechanic from one year to the next. The biggest difference between my time and now is the professionalism of the work. We were hobbyists, they have computers and tuners, they have a lot of material, the drivers are involved in the development of the machines. I got the number 24 engine for the World Championship, the one that no Italian or Central European wanted. "When I was 28-29 years old, I was at the same level of technical understanding and comprehension of the material as Nico is now," Keke explains.
When Keke failed at the races, father and son sulked for three days, not talking to each other when he failed like that.
"I've always told Nico about these things. Yes, we may have a quiet life, but luckily I'm not a mechanic, I'm not in the line of fire and partly to blame. Sometimes, during the weekend, I say, 'I wonder what I'm doing here when you won't even talk to me! Good morning you have said today, nothing more.' The boy is so in his own world. "Of course a father is scared, it's only natural. When two cars go around a bend side by side, the insides turn. Then there's no other role in your mind than that of a father. The top speed in karting is not huge, 125-130 km/h, but the cornering speeds are tough. Fortunately, nothing out of the ordinary has happened to Nico. A few times he's been to the hospital for a mid-race X-ray—all fine. Nothing has been told to his mother. "Many times while I was standing there on the track, it also occurred to me that my father never saw Nico drive anything, he died just before Nico started. I think he would have liked what he saw," Keke says.
You can't watch Nico drive. Not on the track and not on TV either, when he moves to the televised leagues.
"There are mothers who want to be there and see everything and then there are those like me," says Sina. "I'm scared when Nico drives, it's terrible. I was there sometimes when Nico was younger, and I was terribly unhappy if Nico was unhappy when he was unlucky. And the parents would fight amongst themselves that your son was blocking our son's way, pushing! "When Nico was little, I was like a hen, always spreading my wings to protect the chick. Now Keke plays the same role, he is the rooster, ready to defend the chick and the rooster has even bigger wings," Sina defines.
Nico says that when things go very wrong at the races, Keke leaves him to his own devices.
"Usually Keke waits for me to start ranting, and then he says it's not the end of the world, that these things happen," Nico explains.
Rosberg must be beaten!
Is the Rosberg name a joy or a burden?
"In the beginning, I was worried that the name was definitely a burden," says Keke. "The attention Nico got as a ten, eleven year old was definitely a burden. Soon it became a burden in another sense: in many races you could see that they had nothing else in mind but to beat Rosberg. Today, in the world of karting, it no longer matters, since Nico stands so firmly on his own two feet. When Nico moves to the big cars, the same thing will happen again. First you get too much attention, then it's Rosberg's turn to get beaten up, and then he stands on his own two feet," Keke continues. "And there is no way to prepare a boy for that. He will walk there himself and learn. Next time it will be easier, Nico will be older and stronger to understand and accept it."
Nico himself has a much more positive view of his surname than his father.
Obviously it has been an advantage. It's probably impossible for me to even assess what the benefits are.
Is it obligatory?
"Of course it means you have to maintain a certain level, you are being watched. And maybe someone wants to pick on you. I hope one day to have a reputation and a name as my own person, so that people don't see me as just my father's son, but as an independent athlete. All will be well the day they say he's a pretty good driver and, by the way, Keke’s son, if you didn’t happen to know! "I've had more of a problem with always being the youngest and smallest in everything I do. It's hard to fight against the bigger ones, they were always pushing and shoving me off the track in the beginning. I'm a Rosberg and the youngest of the bunch, so I have to earn double the respect of others! "At the front? First some lower formulas, I'm too young for F3 or Formula 3000. No point trying to get in too early when I can't get to the top yet—what would I do in the meantime? I'd better go step by step, I've got time. The goal is definitely Formula 1," says Nico Rosberg.
By the end of the year, I'll be trying to explain to Keke and Sina what a great son they have, a nice, smart, multilingual cosmopolitan, a future charmer and champion.
Sina has the final word.
"Nico has inherited his father's intelligence."
"Because I still have mine."
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runningfrom2am · 4 months
extremely late chapter 14 thoughts:
1. sejanus as much as i love you- maybe not throw yourself inside the house when coryo is having an existential crisis.
2. i love lennox because there should be at least one person who thinks the right way. i hope lennox keeps him on his toes so he thinks three times before doing anything.
3. “Unless you still didn’t see it that way.” ohhhh… the drama.
4. “the back cover of an old book about a man who hunted humans.” is the book “the most dangerous game”?
5. trying to materialise her morals with her prize must’ve been awful. only having money to hold as you’re in a train for that long with that many thoughts, i can’t even imagine.
6. i truly love the family r has and how even that makes her different than lucy gray. the latter was the oldest in her unit, as far as i know, while r isn’t meant to take care of anyone. also you are doing an excellent job at not casting them aside, as side characters usually exist for a quick second in fanfics.
7. Coriolanus Snow Being Honest To A District Woman? It’s More Likely Than You Think.
8. well, ladybugs bring luck.
9. thank you so much for not making her jump to his arms in a few seconds. she went through hell in that arena and at least half of it could be traced back to coryo. the emotional weight of that isn’t something that will lift quickly. she is bound to him by something greater than her feelings.
10. “I am yours for the walk and especially when I walk away.” MA’AM IS THIS FORESHADOWING IN A WAY?
welcome back bestie!! also i hope you had such a great birthday !!
1. yeah he was not thinking LMAO he was just like “on my way to see my friend !” and lucy gray was like “bro cmon read the room”
2. yes i love him :’) he was ready to swing immediately. i really love writing sibling relationships bc with my brother i’ve had so many different perspectives on it through the years haha, but now it literally doesn’t matter i’m like “this person is annoying” and he’s like “i’ll fight them rn” lol. i really think lennox needs to bring that energy bc r is WAY too gentle for her own good, even after all that she went through. he’s a good kid, of course, raised by the same parents, but he’s not nearly as timid and i love him for it.
and ANOTHER thing ab lennox- him and lucy gray both know more than her parents do, and both are clearly protective of her but she is still willing to give coryo a chance. he sees coryo as untrustworthy and a threat to r even though he knows she cares about him, but lucy gray is more optimistic ab it. idk, i feel like they see the situation clearly but in very different ways.
3. he’s like “shit i came all this way to be shut down didn’t i-“ lol
4. yes ma’am 🫡🤭 i mean i know it’s a short story but i have seen individual prints of it too (i had someone on wp be like “but that’s not a book it’s a short story” like girl i know pls-
5. no literally i would lose my damn mind. like you’re staring at an amount of money that can change your life and trying to convince yourself it is somehow worth it (which i know she could never do) would be actual torture i think.
6. i love her family so much, like realistically i can’t imagine r being the person she is without having a loving and supportive family.
also thank you! i love lucy gray and the covey too much to neglect them. especially maude ivory!! we deserved more of her in the movie!!
7. no literally. especially r’s mom. i think he doesn’t consciously know it either but r had talked about her mom quite a bit while she was in the capitol so i think he trusts her more than he would care to if he didn’t feel like he “knew her”. also i think important to mention that his fathers death also affected her so deeply and even physically.
8. that they do 🤭
9. AH you are so welcome. like as much as that would have been cute or whatever i seriously don’t think that was even an option for her it wouldn’t have made even a bit of sense. honestly, she was more likely to bolt back out the door and make a run for it hahahaha
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acertainmoshke · 11 months
Time Traveling Anthropologists update
In honor of having 2 people on my tag list, meaning it now meets the actual definition of a list, I thought I’d let y’all know where I am on this project.
Part 1: Actual Writing
I am deep into chapter 2. Chapter 1 covered Esther’s first day of work. We learned a bit about how the world works in the 2080’s and met her team. This book takes place almost entirely in the past, but future volumes will explore the future more. So, let’s meet the team!
Esther Dahan: 24 years old. The POV character. Esther is outgoing and a bit awkward. She can be intense and has something of a temper but cares deeply about equity. She is the team linguist, unofficial fighting/weapons expert, and generally ends up being in charge of daily life routines. She speaks 6 languages fluently but is also in charge of collecting linguistic rules for languages that no one knows today. She’s Jewish—there are no borders anymore, but her great-grandparents on her mother’s side were from Russia and her father’s family was from Israel. She’s bisexual. When not in the past, she lives with her parents because renting an apartment only to give it up every year or two would be impractical.
Tony Mourad: 24 years old. He is a bit goofier, fond of lightening the mood, but can also be genuine. Like Esther, he’s pretty loud in general and intense about things he cares about. They will become best friends over the course of this book. He is the expert on fashion, fabric, and and manufacturing history. His hobby is the history of clocks and calendars. He is Muslim and, though he grew up in LA, his family is Iraqi and his mom was born there (when it was still Iraq; the no borders thing is pretty recent). He’s gay and currently rents a small house with his brother, which his wages continue to help with when he’s gone for work.
Valentina Pérez: 25 years old. In this book she’s generally fairly grumpy, distant, and cool. There are reasons for this and they are Spoilers and she’ll be less so in the future. She mostly keeps to herself and is much less interested in the studies they’re doing than her teammates. Her job isn’t even anthropological; she’s the team scientist. This involves multiple jobs actually that they’re just lucky they have a single person qualified for all of them. Her main duties involve sending data home using the circuits in the Time Machine, doing general maintenance on it, and keeping them healthy. She is not a doctor but she has studied immunology and is in charge of vaccines, basic medical care, and the decision when a situation requires returning early for proper care. However, most of those jobs aren’t constant, so she’s always getting drawn into the work of the others and having to observe or write up things for them. She’s a lesbian, has a 2-year-old daughter, and has been married for 7 months to her wife. She’s from Cuba and learned English in college. Their office is based in New York, so their work is mostly in English, but widespread speaking of other languages is more acceptable, so around the office there are plenty of people she chats in Spanish to.
Minerva Myerson: 39 years old. Unlike the others, she isn’t new to the office but joined at its inception 6 years ago. She has been on 3 previous missions and was made a team leader when the religious studies department expanded. She’s generally good humored, charming, and has a fairly loose leadership style. She does get snappy when people break the rules that are there for good reasons, but is otherwise fairly even tempered. Yes this is a little loose and I will develop her character more soon. Her specialization is food history, including how food fits into cultural contexts and the expectations surrounding eating. She’s also formatting and compiling the ethnography, since she has previous experience. She is a black trans woman from New Orleans who lives alone with no kids so she actually does rent apartments temporarily in between time traveling. I think she’s straight, but again am still developing her character.
Chapter 2 has a time skip—16 months in their personal time and 4 months into their time traveling mission. So far we’ve explored the city of Samandar a little, markets and the walls and the way houses work. They have a fairly expositional team meeting and then, a couple days later, Esther is taken by her 3 unofficial “guides” on an expedition to meet warriors returning from the capital of Atil. Her guides are 3 12-year-old girls largely because they have the time and interest to share their lifestyle with a foreign stranger. Also because I thought it would be funny to have 9th century horse girls. So they go to the corral and discuss horse care, which I 100% made up but I think is plausible. Next the men will return and Esther will start talking to Boker largely to fact check the kids’ excited reports on the way warriors work.
Part 2: Outlining
I split the plot into 3 sections: murder, mystery, and [redacted]. I finished the outline for the first part, which actually focuses on anthropology and romance and culminates in the murder, and now I’m working on the second part. As I said before, I haven’t written a mystery before and I think some hints and evidence are going to probably be added in later drafts. I have, though, come up with the first 2 suspects and the actual guilty party. I’m just beginning to figure out who says what and what evidence they discover.
Thank you for listening if you made it to the end of this post! I just realized I haven’t talked much about it yet since I’ve been writing.
Tag list: @amielbjacobs @kingkendrick7
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hide-in-imagination · 1 month
Ooookay, I need to ask. I just watched Soy Luna for the 100th time and I realized that we never got the whole backstory about how it was with Ambar and Silvana. How did she give Ambar to Sharon? How much was Ambar? Because according to what she said, she gave Ambar to Sharon when she was basically a toddler BUT Ambar would have to adopt her before the mansion fire, which doesn't make sense. And Ambar also told Luna that she remembers something from her childhood, namely that she used to play in the pink room, not in the mansion. Am I the only one who is super confused about how it was? Or am I just stupid and others understand? Because it doesn't really make sense to me. I don't even know if I wrote it well and understandably, so I hope you understand me at least a little.
Aaaaand I'd also like to know what you think about Simbar's situation between series 2 and 3. Do you think something happened between them over the holidays? I don't mean in a romantic sense, but in general, because at the end of the second season, Simon told Ambar that she lost him, that she lost everyone and that she was alone now, but at the beginning of the third season, he is hired by a completely different person. I mean he basically went from 'you're full of hate' to 'do you want to dance with me?' . I know he told her at the end of the second series because she hurt him even though she didn't want to and he needed to get it out of himself somehow, he thought she lied to him the whole time, about everything, including her feelings for him, but I still don't understand what not giving up on her and trying to help her in season three made him do this, none of his friends liked her, she hurt them, and him, but he was still there for her in the end. So to FINALLY get to my question, why do you think it ended up like this?
And not to forget, I have to appreciate your work, you are very talented! I love your stories! ❤️
So, as I understand it, Sharon adopted Ámbar after the fire (probably because she needed an heir and because she felt alone). If Ámbar has memories of her childhood, I always thought she must've been around 2 years old when she was adopted, which is still very little (my niece is 2, so I know). Or maybe she just has great memory (my best friend is like that, he says he can remember stuff from when he was even 6 months old). In that case, she could've been between 6-months-old or a year old. Who knows.
As to how Sharon came to adopt Ámbar, that's another mystery. Since Sharon is so rich, it probably wasn't 100% legal, since you can always bend the law when you have money. She probably would've wanted to skip the whole process of a real adoption (it can take years of psychological evaluations, home visits to make sure the mansion is a safe place for a child, different assessments and paperwork with a social worker) so she used her resources to find a woman who wanted to give her baby away, heard about Silvana, reached out to her, and after she agreed to the adoption, made her sign some document about how she had no right to Ámbar from then on: no visits, no conversations, no nothing. She registered Ámbar as part of the family in the Civil registration and that was that.
(Now, the reason why Ámbar's last name is Smith and not Benson has to do with the original idea for the script. In the original concept, Ámbar was indeed a foreigner (hence the last name) who lived in Argentina, but the producers liked Valentina so much that they changed it for her to fit the role. That's probably why in the first season Ámbar lied about having very rich, important, busy parents who worked abroad and that's why they were never around, but then it was disclosed that it was a lie and no one ever talked about it again or questioned why her last name is Smith. The script writers were lazy, but considering how much they get paid and in which conditions, I don't blame them. It was a kids show anyway.)
Moving on to Simbar between season 2 and 3. Why do I think it went like that? Because the writers didn't give a fuck about continuity, that's why 😂😂😂
I can't even come up with an answer with inside-the-show logic because it's very obvious to me that they needed drama around Luna, they needed to hinder Lutteo, so what did they think? Let's make her catch feelings for Simón. But since Lutteo had to be endgame, and Luna couldn't get what she wanted so easily or there wouldn't have been any conflict, they couldn't just make her get with Simón. So they thought "You know what? Let's write it like Simón had a change of heart during the summer regarding Ámbar. It's been a while, no one will question it."
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And here we are.
Now, if I had to come up with an explanation inside the story... it would be simply that. Simón had a change of heart because he had time to think things through, and after learning that Sharon lied to Ámbar about being Sol Benson, of course he felt sympathy for her. He probably watched her from afar all summer, either being alone or with Emilia, and felt bad for her and about rubbing in her face that she was alone after the competition. At some point, he must've come to the conclusion that not everything Ámbar told him was a lie, that she did have a heart because everyone does and Simón has always seen the best in people, and the rest was just his feelings for her that never really died pushing him to want to help her and get close to her.
I don't think they had any particular interaction in Cancún apart from what we saw. At much they crossed paths and said hi to each other whenever Simón went to the mansion to see Luna and Ámbar was there.
Thank you so much for reading my stories <3 I don't think I'm talented, I just try my very best 😂 Have good weekend ^^
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happymeishappylife · 6 months
TV Shows I Watched in 2023
1. Atelier
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To prove how long and old my watchlist is, this was one of the first jdramas I ever found on Netflix and I finally got around to watching it. But I loved this show. Yes it had its slightly annoying characters and scenes but ultimately the message of the show is that you need to learn to grow and to do that you need to be passionate about what you do. But you also need to take yourself seriously in that journey. So when fresh out of college Mayuko Tokito joins a small company of luxury lingerie, she has a lot of growing to do. But I loved the whole cast and they all go through their own journeys. Plus one of the underlying messages about the lingerie shop was that this wasn't just to sell underwear, it was to make women feel great and special in their own life.
2. Heartstopper (Season 2)
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Another great season of this show and I find this such a good adaptation from Alice's comics. Plus the things she has changed from comics to the screen still fit in perfectly to the overall theme and I love the extra side stories we get to explore outside of Nick and Charlie this season. I think Tao and Elle's relationship continues to evolve and grow closer, plus their date at the museum was super cute. Tara's hearbreaking scene with her mom and how that plays out with Darcy is so important to show and handled so well. Plus thank you Alice for creating more awesome and heartwarming Ace representation! I loved Isaac's exploration and discovery of asexuality and love that more and more young people are able to see themselves and identify so much earlier than I did.
3. Old Enough! (Season 2)
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I wasn't expecting to get more seasons of this, but I absolutely adore this show. Sure its still the same premise of watching Japanese toddlers run their first errand, but a cool thing they did with these new episodes is they showed videos from 20 years ago (because the show has been running that long in Japan) and then they would flash forward to today to see where that kid was now and see how they react to sending their own kids out to run their errand. It's so cute and heartwarming.
4. Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj (Seasons 1-6)
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Hasan Minhaj is smart, charismatic, and hilarious. And I've always appreciated him as a comedian and correspondent on The Daily Show, but he really shined in his own series. What was cool to me too, was while I wasn't watching these at the time they came out, most of the stories and subjects he talked about are still highly relevant and still as impactful as I'm sure they were when they released. And a lot of that has to do with how well presented they were, including the jokes that he had with his audience. Would love to seem him do another show like this, but until then, I'm excited to see his new standup show live.
5. The Dragon Prince (Seasons 1-5)
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I knew I was going to love this show when I finally got around to it since it was co-created but Aaron Ehasz, but I didn't know how much until I really dived into this show. I love the story and am actually impressed how much they have been able to tell in just 45 episodes with such a rich premise and cast of characters. The diversity is also fantastic. I absolutely love General Amaya and love that while she is deaf, she is a badass but someone who also adores Queen Jinai. I think the growth with the 3-year story gap was also great because we really got to see the kid trio grow into their roles, especially Ezren who I adore. And honestly after season 1, I thought I would hate Soren forever, but I love this man because is a good hearted weirdo and he's had a lot growth from his family's trauma which is great to see.
6. Jane the Virgin (Seasons 1-3)
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I added this show to my watchlist a long time ago and by the time I got to it, I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy it, but its just fun telenovella goodness. I think the over drama of every situation is hilarious, but it also has its tender moments. I think the cast is great and I love how each character goes through these periods of likability to hateable to redeemable and its what is keeping the show pretty fresh now that Mateo has born. My only gripe, I never was a fan of Michael and was sad to see them get married, but definitely didn't expect him to go out like that (if he really is dead, because who knows with a Telenovella). But I've been on team Rafael since the beginning because I honestly think, even when he's made mistakes, it's because the man is trying his best in the shittiest of situations he finds himself in. But honestly, Jane doesn't deserve him now.
7. Doctor Who Christmas Special (2023)
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This was a fun return to Christmas specials and I really enjoyed seeing Ncuti in command finally. He's a joy to watch especially because he is already showing the perfect switches of being happily enthusiastic with the love of learning a new alien language, the in command way he handles the police officer and the goblins, but also the same woeful timelord who is still carrying on despite learning his past. I also love Ruby and I'm curious how RTD is going to do a mysterious girl story, though I am a little wary still since I haven't been his biggest fans. But overall its a very solid story.
8. Good Omens (Season 2)
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I was curious to see where this show was going to go since their isn't a second book (or a third for that matter!), but I trust Neil at the helm. And the premise was enjoyable and entertaining with great appearances by our favorite characters as they tried to deal with this new issue of Gabriel appearing in Aziriphale's bookshop with no memories. The only thing I didn't like, was even in six short episodes, I felt like it took a while to really get down to the heart of the story and while it was fun to see how hell was responding to the issue, the rest of it dragged a little to me. Still I love the past scenes with Crowley and Aziriphale and understand why the ending happened. Now that its been renewed for a third and final season, it will be interesting to see where it goes.
9. Call the Midwife (Season 12 + 2023 Christmas Special)
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Another great season of this beautiful show. I'm still impressed that they can continue to tell heartbreaking and heartwarming stories all these seasons later, but its also great to see the growth of all our favorite characters. Though I am a bit peeved at how they wrote out Lucille and I feel so bad for Cyril because he cares so much for her and I wonder what will happen to him now. Still, I'm so glad to see Trixie so happy and now married to Matthew who is honestly such a great guy. Can't wait to continue seeing what takes place in Nonnatus House as this show always makes me feel things.
10. Miraculous World: Shanghai
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Finally getting back into this show now that I have Disney+. So far out of the two specials, this one was more enjoyable because it had way more story and didn't suffer from Marinette's constant cringe. And though it was a shit reason for her to visit her uncle, I know she got a lot more out of Shanghai than she was expecting and not just because Adrien happened to be there. Plus it really highlighted how much heart and how much of a hero she could be and introduced a great character in Fei. And who can go wrong with a superhero trained in kungfu?
Other shows I watched: 11. The David Tennant Specials Part 2 (AKA the Doctor Who "60th Anniversary" Specials) 12. The Flash (Season 10) 13. Hibana Spark 14. Miraculous World: New York 15. Stargirl (Season 3) 16. Explained (Seasons 1-3)
Shows I rewatched in 2023: 1. Doctor Who (Season 19-The Power of the Doctor)
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smacksmash · 1 year
Checking in with SCOTT CAAN
The Daily Courier
6 Jan 2023
In playing a Philadelphia police officer who is reunited with his missing son after seven years, Scott Caan found himself in unfamiliar waters. As a matter of fact, the character’s unique quandary makes it one that he’s sure no actor has ever played.
In “Alert: Missing Persons Unit,” an hourlong procedural drama that premieres Sunday, Jan. 8, on Fox (before taking its regular Monday time slot the following night), Caan (“Hawaii Five-0”) stars as Jason Grant, a Philly cop who is a member of the department’s Missing Persons Unit, who is reunited with his son Keith (Graham Verchere, “Stargirl”) years after the boy disappeared.
So while Jason and his ex-wife and fellow cop Nikki (Dania Ramirez, “Maids”) are overjoyed to have their boy back, they can’t help but notice things about the teen that don’t seem right and tell them he may not be their child. Which, Caan says, presented him with what he calls an “acting problem.”
“This idea of Dania and my character are trying to figure out if this kid is our son or not is really something that’s kind of unprecedented,” he explains. “You know, it’s not something you can go research, it’s (not) something you can talk to somebody who’s experienced . ... It’s something that you really have to figure out and dig into and it’s a complicated idea to try to figure out if this kid is our kid or not.”
“I read (the script) and I was like, ‘S..., I don’t know what I would do in these situations. I don’t know how I would act.’ ”
But while the role at times left him at a loss, Caan is thankful he had a very easy rapport from day one with his scene partner Ramirez.
“I don’t want to be too pretentious and talk about acting,” the son of “The Godfather” actor James Caan says, “(but she) brings a certain sensitivity out of me that I haven’t really been able to touch before . ... I think she’s great.”
Full name: Scott Andrew Caan
Birth date: Aug. 23, 1976
Birthplace: Los Angeles
Family ties: He and partner Kacy Byxbee have an 8-year-old daughter, Josie; is the son of actors James Caan and Sheila Ryan
TV credits include: “Entourage,” “NCIS: Los Angeles,” “Vice Principals”
Movie credits include: “A Boy Called Hate” (1995), “Enemy of the State” (1998), “Varsity Blues” (1999), “Boiler Room” (2000), “Ocean’s Eleven” (2001), “Ocean’s Twelve” (2005), “Friends With Money” (2006), “Ocean’s Thirteen” (2007), “Meet Dave” (2008), “A Beginner’s Guide to Endings” (2010), “Rock the Kasbah” (2015)
Did you know: In the 1990s, was a member of the hip-hop group The Whooliganz under the pseudonym Mad Skillz; has a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu
Favorite book: “There’s a book called ‘Rule of the Bone’ that was always one of my favorite books. I’m a big (Charles) Bukowski guy. ‘Women’ was one of my favorite books.”
Favorite movie: “I’d say my all-time favorites would probably be maybe ‘Raging Bull,’ any Hal Ashby movie, ‘Thief.’ ‘Buffalo ‘66’ is definitely one of my favorite movies. There’s a movie called ‘The Two of Us,’ this Claude Berri movie, a French movie ... . I used to be kind of a movie nerd. I’m not as much now but I could list off 10, 20, 30 of my favorite movies.”
Favorite musical artists: “I would say A Tribe Called Quest, Gang Starr, the Smiths and Joy Division.”
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littleperilstories · 1 year
15 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
Tagging: lol open tag :) come play!
Please welcome Bree Cooper, everybody.
1 Are you named after anyone?
No... My mother thought the name was pretty and decided on it.
2 When was the last time you cried?
*sets jaw, obviously lying* I'm afraid I don't remember. Sorry.
3 Do you have kids?
No, and I don't expect I will, now. *blinking rapidly* Perhaps that's for the best. It was... It was always something that frightened me a little, I think. The world can be very cruel, and I'd...I think... I think I would be terrified to bring an innocent soul into a world full of such awful people.
4 Do you use sarcasm?
If the situation warrants it.
5 What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes, I suppose. You can usually see how kind someone is in their gaze. *pausing to think* Or how fucking evil.
6 What's your eye colour?
7 Scary movies books or happy endings?
*definitely not tearing up* Happy endings, of course. Why would I want to read anything that reminds me of... *gesturing around* Of this?
8 Any special talents?
Until recently, I have been remarkably good at surviving. I'm not a bad thief, either. *flushing* Well, I know my track record lately isn't great. The thing with the flask doesn't count. There was literally nowhere to hide.
9 Where were you born?
In my old family home. I haven't been back there in years now. I wonder if it still looks the same. I wonder... Well, I suppose I'll never know.
10 What are your hobbies?
I used to like reading, when I still had a place to keep my books. I wouldn't mind having a few books right about now.
11 Have you any pets?
No, but I do like animals. Perhaps I'll... *long pause* Perhaps I would've had a cat or dog. Maybe even both.
12 What sports do you play/have played?
My mother never let me do such things. My father, too... He'd have been furious if he'd caught me doing something so undignified. *daydreaming for a moment* You know, if I were to get out of here, maybe I'd give it a try... What sports would you recommend?
13 How tall are you?
160cm, or 5 feet and 3 inches.
14 Favorite subject in school?
I liked looking at maps and imagining all the places I might go one day. History and literature were rather fun, as well.
15 Dream job?
Well, I suppose if life turned out all right, and things were better, I wouldn't mind— *turning bright red* I don't know. Why are you asking?!
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aajjks · 9 months
Potentially controversial topic: I'm not entirely against "child marriage." Ok so, hear me out...
Firstly, I'd like to point out that consent is very very important. Obviously, parents shouldn't force their children into getting married regardless of their age.
Secondly, according to Islam, as soon as someone has gone through puberty, they're physically able to reproduce and could get married if they wanted to.
In the Western world, legal age counts as 18-21 years of age, but that's not the same for a lot of eastern countries. I'm not saying either one is right or wrong. It really depends on the situation.
The prophet in Islam was arranged to marry one of his wives when she was about 5 or 6 years old, but the marriage only became official when she reached puberty at the age of 9. I think things were very different in those times though. She was a lot more mature than the average 9 year old these days. There were also more pious people with less pedophiles and things weren't so messed up that time. She was known as one of the wisest women of their time and he was known to be trustworthy, so it worked for them.
He married his first wife when he was 25 and she was 40, so age gaps are not an issue to me either.
All of my great grandparents got married in their teens.
I think that things were very different in those times though. People nowadays mature at a slower rate than people in the past, so there are a lot of people that shouldn't be getting married when they're not ready. Kids a hundred years ago had a lot more responsibilities with working and running households compared to kids now that are still learning to tie their shoe laces.
I don't think kids should be getting married straight after puberty. They should get some time to settle into life and to get to know their bodies before having to share it with someone else. Obviously marrying kids off before puberty is out of the question. That's entirely just wrong. They should have some time to figure out where they want to be in life and parent shouldn't just decide on their behalf before they have a chance to decide for themselves.
I also think that getting married shouldn't interfere with getting an education. If getting married and having to take care of a spouse and run a household is going to disrupt someone's studies, then I think that it should rather wait till after.
If getting married sooner is going to reduce sin and risks of children being born outside of wedlock, then go ahead and have a happy married life, keep your honour and stay without guilt. It's much better to have a married teen that is doing everything above board than to have a teenager sneaking around and getting pregnant, getting STDs, causing complications or bringing shame to their families and themselves.
I think it ultimately depends on the situation, so both the parents and the kids should think about it carefully. Personally, I wouldn't encourage child marriages, but I don't think it's entirely wrong. I would rather wait till I'm entirely ready and responsible enough to handle marriage before committing myself to it, even if that means I have to wait another half a century. It really just depends of the personal growth and development of the person which doesn't really have a specified age because everyone matures at a different rate. But yeah, hypothetically, if for example, a responsible mature 16 year old was done with their studies or able to continue studying, wanted to get married instead of having children out of wedlock, I don't see why we should judge them or disallow it.
P.S. If someone reading this is not Muslim, please don't be quick to judge the facts about Islam that I mentioned. Islam is a peaceful religion that wouldn't force anyone into something they didn't want to do. Times were also very different, so please put the information into context if you are quick to disagree.
(Also, this is kinda ironic that I'm posting about this here considering the smut stuff on this blog, but that's all theoretical imaginary stuff that doesn't affect real life compared to physically going out and doing nasty shit. I don't claim to be perfect. Just a disclaimer 🤷🏽‍♀️. A girl can fantasize all she wants about Jungkook, right? Lol)
I am a Muslim and I know this, but like those times were really different, nowadays most ppl act like p*dophiles, in Islam consent is also very important, the nikkah is not valid until the girl agrees to marry from the depth of her heart, if a person is forced to marry, the nikkah is null.
and yes, all of the stuff on this blog is strictly fictional. and I agree that Islam is a very beautiful and peaceful religion 🩷
Child marriage is a crime I think. :/
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