tamaaya68000 · 2 years
I won a prize in the 3RRR radiothon. $100 worth of coffee.
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New Video: Aussie Punk Outfit CLAMM Wrestle with Impatience and Yearning in "Something New"
New Video: Aussie Punk Outfit CLAMM Wrestle with Impatience and Yearning in "Something New" @CLAMMband @ChapterMusic @meatmachinerecs @nathanisariot @riotactmedia
With the release of 2020’s full-length debut Beseech Me, the Melbourne-based punk outfit CLAMM — Jack Summers (vocals, guitar), Maisie Everett (bass, backing vocals) and Miles Harding (drums, backing vocals) — quickly exploded into national and international punk scenes. Originally released by the band on cassette, the album received airplay and praise from Aussie radio stations 3RRR and FBi.…
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sweetdreamsjeff · 9 months
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On the 31st of August in 1995 Jeff Buckley played live to air on the Triple R Rooftop at Victoria st in Fitzroy. It was one of those hallowed gigs that many remember and a lucky few were able to attend. Listen back to this special performance that originally aired during The Skull Cave, featuring an interview between Stephen Walker and Jeff Buckley hosted on Max Headroom by Max Crawdaddy.
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thenerdyai · 2 years
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1nf3ct3d-x3 · 3 months
■■ H4111!! K3WL 1NTR0 P05T 1NC0M1NG!!! ^_^
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H411111!!!! 1'M 1NF3CT3D, 4ND TH15 15 MY 45K 8L0G!!!!! K3WL P33P5 0NLY!!!!!!! >:3
N4M3: 1NF3CT3D!!!!
G3ND3R: 5TR0NG 80Y!!!!!
PR0N0UN5: 3RRR.. H3/5H3/TH3Y???? @_@
S3XU4L1TY: Y D0 U W4NN4 KN0W??? XD [8153XU4L... =_=;]
3XTR4: h4v3 y0u guy5 533n my c4t?? :[
[OOC Info Below]
Hi!! I'm the mod for this blog, call me Kai
This is a mainly-text ask blog for the goober up there!! Posts may occasionally come with pictures if I feel like it, or if he just wants to post a picture, but it'll mostly be text with action descriptions if necessary. This blog is connected to the @unpleasant-colors and @partehnoob blogs!!
I'll update this post when something happens!
Asks: Open!
Event?: N/A
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hyperdrama · 7 months
anyway my 2 cents...if you've seen any of the current discussion on twt re: discovering music through a certain national source in australia (which became hostile real fast bc a certain group of fans have absolute worms for brains stumbled upon something outside their personal bubble) i just wanna say..
community radio is infinitely better than whatever that wealthy man programming a national 'youth' station for like 30+ years has to say. far more diversity in genre and programs. some faves of mine who have played my music: 4ZZZ, 3RRR, PBS, 2SER, FBI, RTR FM (my local beloveds!!!! right now you can listen to the 3pm-5pm gender diverse showcase spanning all genres and eras) are great starting points. there's probably many more as well.
you go a long way through engaging with your local community and music scene. get out there and see someone play at a show. talk to people of different ages, backgrounds etc. can't begin to say how much i've learned talking to older punks and metalheads in my city that have given me extensive histories, let me borrow stuff they have that you cannot find anywhere online. if you can't do any of those things, that's fine too because the internet is at your fingertips now. plenty of sites, forums, reddit threads. look at what your mutuals are posting about. i use spotify blend playlists with groups of 3-4 friends, i also have that collaborator (?) feature where people can throw in songs they like onto a playlist. it's a great way to exchange music with ppl.
generally...approach things with an open mind and you'll be more than fine. you absolutely do not need to rely on something that churns out the same 5 racist upper middle class white dudes w mullets who play indistinguishable festival friendly whiny alt psych rock or whatever.
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Graveyard Train - Even Witches Like to Go Out Dancing (live at 3RRR)
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lemoncranes · 10 months
Sharon Van Etten - 'Seventeen' (Live at 3RRR)
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Say, it's the end of the year
Say, it’s the end of the year
A brief note – thanks very much to reviewers and DJs that supported The Doomed Bird of Providence’s fourth album – A Flight Across Arnhem Land. We were pretty proud of this release. Thanks to Davey Graney/ 3PBS, 4ZZZ, Sun-13, Monolith Cocktail, Neil Rogers/3RRR, Freq Magazine, Kerosene/KFUEL, Jan Willem Broek/De Subjectivisten, Lee Ashcroft/One Man Underground, Lee Fisher/Narc Magazine, Club…
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pesterloglog · 6 months
Meenah Peixes, Latula Pyrope
Act 6, page 5263
MEENAH: question
LATULA: shoot b4b3z.
MEENAH: seeing as what a hot shit gamer gurl you have a reputation for and all
MEENAH: i figured you would be a lock to join my party
MEENAH: to go fuck up clamilord or whoever
#lord of clams
LATULA: w41t. who???
MEENAH: skull guy
MEENAH: kills ghosts
LATULA: 3rrr nop3. h3lp m3 out p4ymon3y.
MEENAH: dont you keep up with current events
#current like water current yessss
LATULA: tchhh, your3 r3m1nd1ng m3 why 1 thought you w3r3 cr4zy mp. just fr34k1n sp1ll 1t.
MEENAH: the shit in the sky
MEENAH: it cracked
MEENAH: a monster did that
LATULA: oh why d1dnt you s4y so!!!
LATULA: sounds l1k3 4 r4d pl4n 4nd you know how 1 f33l 4bout th3 r4dpl4nz....
MEENAH: but??
LATULA: h4t3 to b3 4 buzzk1ll but... 1ts b33n wh4t.
LATULA: 4pprox1m4t3ly H3LLA y34rz s1nc3 1 d1d 4ny f1ght1ng????
LATULA: k1nd of rusty. sh1t dont l3t kk know 1 s41d rusty, 4h4h4.
#tw #h3mophob1c slurs
LATULA: so 1m s4y1ng 1 h4d SCADZ of t1m3 to p3rf3ct th1s K1LL3R HAND PLANT!!! >8D
LATULA: w4nn4 s3333?
MEENAH: no pretty sure dont give much a shit about a trick you do on your four wheel device
MEENAH: tho i will say
MEENAH: "scads" is actually a fish pun you made probly on accident
MEENAH: which kind of makes me want to give you a hug so it balances out your dumb shit answer
#fish puns are #my one weakness :(
LATULA: 1m sorry mp. 1 r34lly 4m!!! f33l l1k3 such 4 w3t snuggl3pl4n3 b41l1ng on you l1k3 th1s.
#tho m4yb3 you l1k3 w3t snuggl3pl4n3s? #s1nc3 you c4n l1v3 und3r w4t3r?
LATULA: 1 should prob4bly run 1t by mt. s33 wh4t h3 th1nks.
MEENAH: oh shit you and captor
MEENAH: thats still a thing after all this pseudotime or
LATULA: h4h4 y3444h.
MEENAH: still red??????
LATULA: uh huh. >8]
MEENAH: mother glubber
MEENAH: seriously didnt think T)(ATD last
LATULA: 1dk, th3r3z w4y mor3 to h1m th4n. w3ll, 4ll th3 t3rr1bl3 4nd stup1d sh1t h3 s4ys 4ll th3 t1m3.
LATULA: 4nd 1ts 4lw4yz f3lt l1k3 h3 n33ds m3 1f th4t m4k3s s3ns3, 3v3n 4ft3r dy1ng. so th3r3z th4t!!!!
MEENAH: fuckin afterlife
MEENAH: i know im new here but
MEENAH: almost seems like
MEENAH: you die and nothing means anyfin and then you date forever
MEENAH: sort of makes me want to puke
MEENAH: couldnt see that wink behind your radspex fyi
#anemone waaay...
MEENAH: if you change your mind
MEENAH: just lemminnow
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annemccuemusic · 1 year
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Today at 9 am Melbourne time I will be guest hosting the first hour of Off The Record on Triple R - 3RRR 102.7FM ! Thanks for inviting me, Brian Wise. Link is in first comment. You can hear the show from anywhere via the net or on Melbourne radio at 102.7 fm :-) rrr.org.au @3rrrfm @briangwise https://www.instagram.com/p/CnFtVoeOxfs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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poppypeach · 2 years
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Rock on tonight with Courtney Barnett 🤘 (at Triple R - 3RRR 102.7FM) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClqWk_VPa2E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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1nf3ct3d-x3 · 1 month
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3rrr.. 4nyw4y!
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eqwhy · 2 years
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andrewweldon · 2 years
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Fellow drawer, Oslo Davis had Age cartoonist, Megan Herbert and I on his 3RRR radio show earlier today for an extended chat about making funny pictures. You can listen here, on the internet, where it will reside in perpetuity:
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nofatclips · 3 years
Risk Reaps Reward by Tangents, recorded live at Melbourne's radio Triple R - 102.7FM
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