3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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evanhunerberg · 1 year
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heyhellohihowareyou · 2 years
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Who knew male hairstyles could be so hard to draw 🤔
The Girls
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dice-wizard · 2 years
If you get why this is hilarious, follow me.
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igorlevchenko-blog · 1 month
A word on Elder Scrolls' "Oblivion Crisis"
Am dismayed to find people here believe in it. I mean, have you yourself ever found a single remnant of "oblivion gate" the entire time you've been playing Skyrim? There were more than 60 documented cases of arson that occurred throughout Imperial Province in 3E 433, that is certainly true. Yet you choose to believe 'twas dEmOnS cOmInG oUt Of DaEdRiC lEtTeRs rather than, you know, the one person inexplicably present at every single crime scene—the (certifiably insane) player character? That this individual was able to evade justice by vanishing so completely, forms a singular discredit to Imperial Guard and Cyrodiil as a whole.
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sharkiethrts · 18 days
i LOVED the karma hcs! they felt so accurate for his character! do you have anymore for him?
Haha thank you! So sorry for the late reply, I tend to smile at the notification but forget to respond…
As for one more headcanon to start the day: he would absolutely pose as the perfect poster child when he first meets your parents. Occasionally after that, the facade falls from time to time but he tries to just pretend nothing had ever happened.
“Oh? Why I ended up in class 3E when I was in junior high?” He pauses for a moment before pulling the most outrageously pitiful look you’ve ever seen, “I… stood by justice against a bully. Giving him exactly what he deser- I mean, standing up for my upperclassman that had did no wrong”
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darklordazalin · 4 months
Azalin Reviews: Darklord Ivan Dilisnya
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Domain: Dorvinia then Borca Domain Formation: 715 BC Power Level: 💀💀💀⚫⚫ Sources: Secrets of the Dread Realms (3e), Domains of Dread (2e), Realm of Terror (2e), Domains and Denizens (2e), Ravenloft 3e, Ravenloft Gazetteer IV (3e)
Ivan Dilisnya is the Darklord of the former Domain of Dorvinia and now the co-Darklord of Borca with his cousin and aptly named “Dark Twin”, Ivana Boritsi.
Dorvinia was a small region of mountains, evergreen forests, and valleys without any form of formal rule. How it managed to survive for 25 years based largely on the decisions made at the whims of a small, petty man with a love for overacting and toxins is beyond me.
Dorvinia functioned much like how a child would rule a courtroom – bribe the child with the right “toy” and you would find whatever justice they felt like dealing out. Of course, said justice changed from day to day much like a child who enjoys broccoli one day then decides its the absolute worst thing you could put before them the next.
The Dilisnyas’ history in Ravenloft is as old as the first Darklord (but decidedly NOT the first vampire), Strahd. The family was present at the von Zarovich wedding where Strahd thought it was a wonderful idea to murder his brother, then attempt to woo his would-be sister-in-law. We all know how that worked out, but perhaps some of the Dilsinyas had a bit of foresight into these matters, for some claimed illness and left before Strahd’s transformation and murdering of the majority of the wedding guests.
Ivan was born on the same moonless night in December as Ivana. This day is known as the Night of Dead Man’s Get in Borca and every year these cousins celebrate their birthday by inviting everyone to their birthday celebration. Their separate birthday celebrations. It is a way for these jealous, bickering cousins to determine where their subjects loyalties lie. I wonder if anyone has attempted to attend both parties in one evening?
Ivan was cruel at a young age. He enjoyed torturing animals as early as 6 and committed his first murder by 10 by poisoning a young serving girl for the crime of taking a pastry from the kitchen. At 12, with no real motive, he committed matricide by poisoning his own mother in such a way to make it appear that she died of an unknown disease. I, personally, would have named this disease “Ivan”.
Ivan seemed to only show affection towards his elder sister, Kristina. This affection was more akin to obsession than actual love and drove Ivan to acts of violent jealousy. Kristina truly loved her brother and was blind to obvious evil little poisoners ways. Something she would come to regret once she married Edgar Leskovich.
Ivan was the sort that would destroy anyone or anything that stole attention and affection away from him, so Edgar was an obvious threat. The jealousy seethed inside him over the course of their courtship and marriage. Once they had a child, Ivan finally snapped, poisoned them both, adding sororicide to his ledger. The child was saved by their midwife before Ivan could get to them.
Ivan, unable to conceal his crimes from his family, fled into the Mists to avoid their wraith and Dorvinia was formed. A year later he married Lucretia Marzeya. Somehow he managed to go four years without committing uxoricide and Lucretia had three children with Ivan. All of which, he was told, were stillborn. Though, far more likely his wife spirited the children away before Ivan could add filicide to his murder bingo card.
Dorvinia was a short lived Domain, surviving a mere 25 years before it was absorbed by Borca during the Grand Conjunction. Ivan loves to wave his fingers and pout while throwing an overdone and far too dramatically acted temper tantrum and say this is my fault, but he was the one who decided to leave Dorvinia to visit his dear cousin because he was scared of a few tremors.
Ivan now co-rules Borca with Ivana. Ivan never learned how to share, so instead of working with his cousin, Ivan despises her and does all he can to gain favor from the many poisonous peacocks that make up the Borcan nobility.
Ivan surrounds himself with lavish plays, ballrooms, and feasting halls in the Degravo estate, which is well guarded. I suggest never asking Ivan about his “Playroom” unless you want a first hand demonstration of some of his favorite torturing devices.
As a Darklord Ivan is known for his subtle manipulation hidden behind his foppish demeanor, over the top temper tantrums, and, naturally, the ability to poison any object he touches. He is cursed to no longer have a sense of taste. Not to be confused with his love of “acting” and dressing in costumes, this sense of taste is quite literal. Food and drink hold no actual taste to him and turn to ash upon his tongue. This drives him to hold lavish parties where he enjoys serving both delicacies and rotten, maggot covered food. He takes great offense if someone appears to enjoy the food too much or not enough.
One may wonder how such a person manages to maintain loyalty. As Ivan has solved all things in life with poison, it should come as no surprise that he uses poison for this purpose as well. Most of his servants have been poisoned with “Borrowed Time”. These servants will die unless they are administered an elixir, Mercy, each day before sunset.
Ivan continues to age whereas Ivana does not. This leads our jealous, overgrown child to believe Ivana is hiding the secret of mortality and eternal youth from him. Perhaps she is. Who am I to give away such secrets?
Despite his child-like and foppish mannerisms, Ivan should not be underestimated. He holds a powerful position in Borca and can make or break anyone with the wave of his hand. His ability to poison any object has been the downfall to invading armies. Though it was Vlad’s army, so we can’t give him TOO much credit for defeating that failure mercenary. Though, if anyone ever gets a hold of the recipe for Mercy, I feel Ivan would quickly have a rather large uprising to deal with.
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Domain: Dorvinia then Borca Domain Formation: 715 BC Power Level: 💀💀⚫⚫⚫ Sources: van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft (5e)
Ivan’s ties to Dorvinia are not mentioned within Dr. Ricky’s new guide, nor is he named Ivana’s Dark Twin, but is referred to as her elder cousin. I’m sure Ivan is very pleased by that development and isn’t throwing a temper tantrum right now as he reads this.
His beginnings are similar to previous accounts, though we a few less “cides” checked off on his frequent murderer club card during his childhood. Instead, it was the Dilisnya’s pets and servants that fell to his murderous ways as his parents covered them up.
Ivan had no desire to grow up. Honestly, I can’t really blame him there. Growing up is very overrated. I can’t remember the last time I felt that naïveté of youth that we so often take for granted. Anyway, I digress…Ivan surrounded himself in fantasy to escape responsibility. He indulged in child-like behaviors and crafted toys and games he forced his sister, Kristina, to play with him. His parents, ever the enablers, allowed this behavior to continue and even set up whimsical rooms and diversions for him throughout their estate.
Being a very stable individual, when he discovered that Kristina was being sent away to a boarding school, Ivan snapped and murdered his entire family in a single evening with his toy creations. Perhaps he wanted to fill up his murder club card before it expired.
As the co-Darklord of Borca, Ivan is a feeble, ancient man who uses a large spider pram to get around. The spider pram carries him throughout his estate, which now mostly resembles a demented child’s playroom full of murderous clockwork toys, animals that would be better off in Markovia, and toy-enacted operas. Well, at least he still retained his curse of having “no taste”.
Ivan is afraid to leave his home, so our Tormentors gifted him with the ability to deliver letters to anyone anywhere he pleases. Ghosting him doesn’t work, so try not to get the attention of this childish stalker or after sending you hundreds of letters he may set forth in his trusty spider pram and greet you in person.
He’s also very good at convincing other’s that he’s a helpless child. Well, they say that the best lies are closest to the truth…
Lastly, he can make any toy he desires. Mostly this amounts to servants and fake versions of the family he killed because he’s a sad and lonely man with only a spider pram to keep him company.
He still retains his hatred of Ivana, though it’s more because she now holds the position he was supposed to inherit. Ivan…you did inherit it. Perhaps spend a little less time writing fan letters to everyone and a little more time investigating this little tidbit.
A childish toy maker in a spider pram makes the creepiest of stalkers, but not an overly powerful one. Although Ivan’s toys are immune to Ivana’s poison, his overall presence and influence over the realm of Borca no longer holds the same force that Ivana holds. Despite the lovely spider pram, this new Ivan does not appear to be as powerful as his predecessor. 2/5 Skulls, mostly for the spider pram.
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christophe76460 · 4 months
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Voici encore des proverbes émanant des sages : la partialité, en justice, est une mauvaise chose. Un juge qui dit à un coupable : « Tu es acquitté » s’attire la malédiction des foules et l’indignation des gens, mais ceux qui le condamnent s’en trouveront bien et ils obtiendront bénédiction et bonheur (Proverbes 24:23-25).
(1re maxime-versets 23-25)
Ici, commence la seconde collection de proverbes attribuée à des sages. La partialité dans le jugement était interdite par la Loi (Deutéronome 1:17; 16:9). Elle a déjà été condamnée (Proverbes 17:15, 26; 18:5) et le sera encore plus loin (Proverbes 28:21). Les juges véreux qui se laissent influencer par la popularité de l’accusé, l’argent, ou la réputation de l’avocat sont une vraie plaie et des instruments du mal. Malgré tout, la tournure de phrase laisse entendre que l’auteur croit que même ici-bas, le triomphe de la justice est possible. Hors du système judiciaire, les hauts fonctionnaires, les patrons et tous ceux qui ont une position d’autorité doivent se montrer équitables dans leurs décisions afin de bénéficier du soutien du peuple.
Des paroles droites donnent un baiser sur les lèvres (Proverbes 24:26).
(2e maxime-versets 24-26)
En d’autres mots, celui qui dit la vérité à un comportement aussi agréable que cette marque d’affection.
Assure ton travail au-dehors, prépare bien tes champs, après cela, tu pourras bâtir ta maison (Proverbes 24:27).
(3e maxime-verset 27)
Il est sage d’ordonner ses priorités dans le bon ordre. Sois d’abord en mesure de subvenir à une famille, et ensuite tu pourras fonder un foyer.
Ne témoigne pas sans raison contre ton prochain, et ne trompe pas par tes paroles (Proverbes 24:28).
(4e maxime-verset 28)
Précédemment, c’était la partialité des mauvais juges qui a été condamnée. Maintenant, c’est au tour des faux témoins qui font aussi partie des 7 choses que l’Éternel déteste (Proverbes 6:19 ; comparez Exode 20:16).
Ne dis pas : « Je le traiterai comme il m’a traité, je rendrai à cet homme selon ce qu’il a fait » (Proverbes 24:29).
(5e maxime-verset 29)
Le sage exhorte une nouvelle fois le lecteur à ne pas se venger lui-même, car c’est une prérogative divine (Proverbes 20:22; 25:21-22; Romains 12:17-19).
J’ai passé près du champ d’un paresseux et le long du vignoble d’un homme sans courage, et voici que les orties avaient tout envahi, les ronces recouvraient le sol et le muret de pierres était en ruines. En voyant cela, je me suis mis à réfléchir et j’ai tiré une leçon de ce que j’ai observé : « Je vais juste faire un petit somme, dis-tu, juste un peu m’assoupir, rien qu’un peu croiser les mains et rester couché un instant », mais pendant ce temps, la pauvreté s’introduit chez toi comme un rôdeur, et la misère comme un pillard (Proverbes 24:30-34).
(Proverbes 6:10-11)
(6e maxime-versets 30-34)
L’auteur a voulu voir de ses propres yeux jusqu’où conduit la paresse. Il est passé près de la propriété d’un homme autrefois prospère et a découvert que les murs étaient écroulés et les terrains en friche. Le champ du paresseux est plein de mauvaises herbes et lui-même est frère du mendiant.
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alan-p-49 · 4 months
Another thing I find it interesting is that in 3e Waterdeep, flogging was PUBLIC meanwhile in 5e Waterdeep flogging is done behind closed doors
Yes I'm interested in the crimes and criminal justice system of a fictional city this is literally my shit and honestly this shift within a century (bc 3e takes place in the 1300's and 5e in the 1400's) also shows how Waterdeep is ahead of it's time like name me a city during the Renaissance that has public transportation system. Honestly we need Waterdeep: City of Splendors 5e version player compandium and we can analyze how much the city has advanced within a century
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verite-jesus-libre · 6 months
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Dans la tradition chrétienne, la couronne symbolise la royauté et le martyre, elle évoque le messie-roi, Jésus venu dans la crèche. Le cercle formé par la couronne symboliserait aussi l’éternité donnée à la vie par la résurrection du Christ, le vert symbolisant la vie, les cierges la lumière de Noël qui vient et éclaire le monde dans la nuit sainte.
Première bougie, 1er dimanche de l’Avent : le pardon accordé à Adam et Eve. Ils mourront sur la Terre mais vivront en Dieu.
Deuxième bougie,  2e dimanche : la foi des patriarches (cf Ancien testament). Ils croient au don de la Terre promise.
Troisième bougie, 3e dimanche : la joie de David. ll célèbre l’Alliance et sa pérennité.
Quatrième bougie, 4e dimanche : l’enseignement des prophètes. Ils annoncent un règne de paix et de justice.
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jebloguemoinonplus · 6 months
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« Noël Gospel » est un spectacle mettant en vedette les réputés Jireh Gospel Choir et Montreal Gospel Choir menés par Carol Bernard. Lors des trois représentations, présentées à la Salle Pierre-Mercure du Centre Pierre-Péladeau les 9 et 10 décembre, c’est 100 interprètes qui seront sur scène!
« J’adore l’évolution de la musique gospel – des Negro Spirituals au hip-hop, et j’adore Noël! Nous travaillons fort pour présenter au public une vraie expérience gospel, remplie de joie : un cadeau pour tout le monde. Notre message de Noël est : paix, justice et amour pour tous,» déclare Carol Bernard.
C’est un rendez-vous en prélude au temps des fêtes hors de l’ordinaire que propose Carol Bernard, la directrice des célèbres Jireh Gospel Choir (composé de 15 membres de la communauté afro- montréalaise) et Montreal Gospel Choir (85 chanteurs montréalais d’origine africaine, asiatique, caraïbéenne, européenne et latino- américaine). Au menu de ce spectacle de 90 minutes des chansons de Authentic Gospel, du Black American Gospel, du Negro Spiritual, du hip hop, plusieurs classiques du Noël ainsi que des compositions originales en français et en anglais.
L’album « Get Up » du Jireh Gospel Choir a reçu le prix de l’Album gospel de l’année, décerné par Gospel Music Association Canada. En juillet 2022, les 15 chanteurs et 5 musiciens ont pour une 3e fois enflammé la scène extérieure du Festival international de jazz de Montréal devant de dizaines de milliers de personnes; en 2019, ils ont participé aux trois concerts de Noël de l’Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal diffusé par Ici Radio-Canada Télé.
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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evanhunerberg · 1 year
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gaboninfoslive · 8 months
Operation "Dignité" : La justice gabonaise ne veut toujours pas se pencher sur le cas Ali Bongo
Alors qu’il était bien le chef du régime déchu, Ali Bongo continue de bénéficier d’un traitement de faveur de la part des nouvelles autorités de transition qui l’ont reversé alors qu’il souhaitait rempiler frauduleusement pour un 3e mandat à la tête du Gabon. C’est encore ce qu’a révélé ce lundi à RFI le ministre de la Justice Paul-Marie Gondjout. Alors que plusieurs figures du régime tombent…
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jogallice · 11 months
Annecy Journée : dimanche 25 juin 2023.
See on Scoop.it - JamesO
Aujourd’hui, dimanche 25/06/23, Journée mondiale des gens de mer et Journée mondiale du vitiligo 👌⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
  Plusieurs dizaines de milliers de morts. Depuis 2014, entre 30.000 et 35.000 personnes sont décédées l'été en France à cause des effets de la chaleur, a annoncé avant-hier, Santé Publique France (SPF). Il est impossible de faire systématiquement un lien entre ces décès et le réchauffement climatique, mais l'augmentation du nombre de périodes de très forte chaleur contribue indéniablement à cette mortalité 😱
  Le tribunal administratif de Paris a annulé avant-hier, l'arrêté d'avril 2021 qui avait renouvelé l'agrément judiciaire permettant à Anticor d'intervenir en justice dans des dossiers de lutte contre la corruption, ont souligné à l'AFP la présidente de l'association et l'avocat des demandeurs. L'association Anticor a annoncé avoir l'intention de déposer deux recours devant la cour administrative d'appel pour contester cette décision 👩‍⚖️
  « Une puissance de déstabilisation de l'Afrique. » C'est ainsi qu'Émmanuel Macron a qualifié avant-hier la Russie lors d'un entretien sur Franceinfo, RFI et France 24 en marge du sommet de Paris 👍
  Un vaste coup de filet dans une affaire d'escroquerie à la fausse convocation judiciaire : dix-neuf personnes soupçonnées d'avoir usurpé l'identité de policiers, de gendarmes et de magistrats pour escroquer des internautes ont été interpellées le lundi 19/06/23 en France et en Belgique ont annoncé avant-hier la gendarmerie et la police dans un communiqué. Des centaines de milliers de fausses convocations pour consultation d'images pédopornographiques ont été envoyées 👮‍♀️
  Les 34 millions de propriétaires en France ont finalement jusqu'au lundi 31/07/23 pour déclarer la situation de leurs biens immobiliers au fisc, a annoncé avant-hier le ministère de l'Économie, « compte tenu de l'afflux de déclarations » avant la date butoir initiale du vendredi 30/06/23 ⏳
  Bon septième et dernier jour de la semaine à toutes et à tous ⁠⁠⁠⁠🌴⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
  📷 JamesO PhotO en Savoie le vendredi 23/06/23 📸
  JamesO's insight:
  JamesO © AlPy News ® StudiO 147 ℗  2SC ™
  Par JamesO (Presse & Édition)
Le Blog, le Stream, le Print…
⛲️ Depuis le lundi 29/02/88 🦢
  Annecy - Grand Annecy
Haute-Savoie - Savoie - France
Union Européenne - Europe - International
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  ⚪️ Le fil blanc de JamesO.InfO
Les jours, les journées et l’aube.
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zunadokei · 1 year
I strongly believe and enjoy crimes and act of justice. it simply pure curiousity.
surviving is a sin, killing is a expression, such is justice for years, theft is more deadly then dead itself, torture for simply survive. meanwhile murder is considered as a human act even thought it unhuman.
acceptable as a self-defense or even revenge if no one did anything and have proof they were trying to get help.
everyone and nobody wish for equality because of the freedom but the power they need to control and share and humanity doesn't like sharing.
such equality is hopeful, simply hope a insucessful hope but of it was real, I believe women and men should share, job, position, power such a equality justice. but I don't believe in such thing happening once in every futur I seek due to all our humanity story.
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