#2024 congressional elections
taviokapudding · 7 months
There's bipartisan talks in US Congress to send back all Palestinians (yes even US born ones) back to Palestine via a bill
In my opinion every single member of Congress and staff showing support for the idea need to be removed from office, have their hard drives investigated, and banned from all levels of public service and public office until further notice.
Palestinans don't want to leave home, but Congress using US tax payer dollars to fund Israel to murder all Palestinians regardless of religion (yes, some of the Christian families who's ancestors knew Jesus Christ personally who had been living in Palestine have had their bloodlines fully eradicated) or ethnic status (there are US citizens who are mixed that have been unaccounted for or trapped in the bombing zone) is why Palestinians are US citizens and permanent residents in the first place.
Israel has universal health care, education, and access to US weapons because of Congress lying and gas lighting US tax payers about their spending. There would be no Israel if the US never got involved in the first place. And the majority of US citizens bipartisanly don't want to fund Israel at all at any level - we want our money to go to our infrastructure. It's ridiculous to suggest a mass deportation that would solve nothing the US masses want and only hurt more innocents.
Let it be known- that bill and backing it is an admission of guilt for the enthic cleaning and genocide of the Palestinians by the US government- US Congress is okay with sending unarmed civilians (even US citizens) to their deaths to hide their crimes.
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nyiiwest · 16 days
Politics are not for the people, politicians are not for the people, not anymore at least, not in the past four decades. They do not care about the tax payers, they care what the tax payers can do FOR them. The people that are currently in power sell lies about what the country should be and it’s all these radical far left or right ideas that sound like heaven to voters but once they’re in office nothing gets done. This system is what pushes the tax payers that run for congress out of the race or off the ballots, to make real change and flip this country we collectively need to start;
A,) looking to our communities for who’s running for state, government, senate, president and picking our options from there. There is still a lot of people in the 2024 race that are independent but not being shown on mainstream ballot
B.) we need to learn as much as we can about politics now and be the change we want to see, it’s not impossible with the right motivation and conviction. Run for office, it’s never too late.
C.) young people! We are the true voice of America and our countries governments. It’s our job to learn about politics and world issues and make our own educated opinions and stances on the uncomfortable topics. Looking to other people or parroting our elders views will get us no where.
We loose everything when we stand for nothing, nothings to be lost when we have everything to gain by fighting for a better world.
Oh but Nyi, your views and ideas seem to radical, too ahead of your time. Every idea was seen as radical at one point, the very same ideologies that brought us to this point today were once too radical. When it comes to anything but especially politics NOTHING is too radical if you’re truly dedicated to change and changing voters minds.
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tomorrowusa · 6 months
North Carolina may have just gerrymandered 3 US House seats out of Democratic control. But the New York Court of Appeals (what the state supreme court is called in NY) just indirectly gave the Democratic legislature the power to draw a new Congressional map. It will probably result in Dems flipping 3 or 4 seats and possibly as many as 6. In effect, the North Carolina gerrymander has been neutralized – or even more than neutralized.
Under a new map, Democrats could flip as many as six seats currently held by Republicans, enough to seize control of the closely divided House. The New York Republicans who rode a state-level red wave to Congress in 2022 are about to watch their districts shift dramatically to the left. The big question is whether New York Democrats will squander this opportunity with the kind of mismanagement and infighting that led them to disaster last year. Tuesday’s decision was the latest episode in the years-long saga over redistricting in New York. It began when residents voted for a constitutional amendment in 2014 that gave primary responsibility over the process to an Independent Redistricting Commission, or IRC. The 2014 amendment, however, divided the IRC equally between Democrats and Republicans, and the commission deadlocked on a plan after the 2020 census. So the legislature stepped in with its own congressional map—which the New York Court of Appeals struck down as an unlawful partisan gerrymander by a 4–3 vote in 2022. (The Court of Appeals is the state’s top court.) The conservative-leaning majority, appointed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo and led by Chief Judge Janet DiFiore, directed an outside mapmaker to redraw the plans. The mapmaker’s submission was heavily influenced by analyses from experts who specialized in GOP-friendly redistricting. It gave Republicans an edge while pushing two top Democrats into the same district, forcing them to compete against each other. As a result, Republicans seized five or six additional seats (though one was vacated when the House expelled indicted Rep. George Santos).
So we probably have that 2022 NY map to thank for George Santos's brief House career. His district, NY-03, is currently a tossup. But with a redraw of the map, much of that area would probably find itself in bluer territory.
In the peculiar world of NY politics, nothing is simple.
First crack at a new map will go to the IRC (Independent Redistricting Commission). But it will deadlock because it is evenly split along party lines. Then the task goes to the legislature with Dem majorities in both chambers. Dems will get out their mapping software and have a go at it. Republicans will inevitably appeal the new Democratic map and the case will end up back at the New York Court of Appeals which just handed down this decision on Tuesday.
All this has to be done before filing deadlines for the 2024 US House primaries. However, no date has been set for those primaries in NY. The primaries can be held as late as early September. Stay tuned!
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vaguelyaperson · 4 months
To anyone who's considering throwing away their vote if the only option against Trump in 2024 is Biden: the federal labor union I work for has been desperately trying to establish bargaining rights that would be untouchable by executive orders, in case Trump wins. Or as our lawyer said today, "[Unions] face virtual annihilation in the next administration."
There is a difference between the two candidates. Even if it does come down to a lesser of the two evils, please vote.
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kp777 · 1 year
Surprise US supreme court ruling could help Democrats take House in 2024
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glompcat · 2 years
Yesterday I debated on sharing screenshots of various news sites when the Dems won the senate and then decided not to since for some reason I could not imagine anyone not knowing already, so since I have been proved wrong since then-
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Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.) is “thinking of running” for U.S. Senate, according to a fundraising text his campaign sent out on Friday.
Why It Matters: The text comes just hours after Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema announced she is leaving the Democratic Party to sit as an independent, which roiled Arizona Democrats already infuriated with the centrist Senator.
What It Says: “Ruben Gallego here, humbly asking you to donate to my campaign. Yes, I’m thinking of running for Senate,” says the text, a copy of which was obtained by Axios.
• Gallego, a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, is a fourth-term Phoenix congressman and Marine veteran who has long been floated as a potential candidate to primary Sinema from the left.
• Gallego put out his own statement which didn’t address his own plans, but said: “I have never backed down from fighting for Arizonans … Unfortunately, Senator Sinema is once again putting her own interests ahead of getting things done for Arizonans."
Zoom Out: Arizona Democrats are sending strong signals they aren’t concerned about the risks of potentially splitting the Democratic vote if Sinema runs again.
• “Senator Sinema may now be registered as an Independent, but she has shown she answers to corporations and billionaires, not Arizonans,” the state party said in a scathing statement after her announcement.
• “Sinema just made our jobs easier by bowing out of a Democratic primary she knew she couldn't win,” said the Primary Sinema PAC. “Now, we'll beat her in the general election with a real Democrat."
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monetizeme · 1 day
Congressional Progressive Caucus Proposition Agenda Executive Summary
Lower the Cost of Living
Boost Wages and Worker Power
Advance Justice
Protect Our Planet and Our People
Make Our Democracy Work
Break Corporations' Hold on Our Economy
Provide World-Class Public Education
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andymartinusa · 11 months
Ukraine supporter Andy Martin runs as a Republican for Congress in New Hampshire
New Hampshire’s Andy Martin will announce he is running for congress in the Granite State’s First District. Andy recently returned from his second trip to Ukraine. He will run as a strong supporter of providing assistance  until Russia is completely ejected from Ukraine.  “Supporting Ukraine is the existential challenge of our time,” Andy says. “We cannot repeat the mistakes of the 1930’s and reward mass murders for attacking peaceful nations. To pretend we can isolate and insulate America from what happens in the rest of the world is a mass delusion.”
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inwokewetrust1981 · 1 year
Watch "MoT #367 Obama Hopes To Repair His Broken Image" on YouTube
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timeclonemike · 4 months
Recent Developments Regarding KOSA (February Edition)
Some folks may have been following the recent congressional hearings on internet content and content handling, which involved big names in the industry. Given both the topic and the timing, it comes as no surprise that some of those involved in it have been trying to push the Kids Online Safety Act both in terms of congressional and public support. It's gone through some superficial changes but the heart of the legislation that makes it a threat to free speech on the internet is the same.
Quick reminder that if it does pass into law, it will allow various states to:
Block access to / sue the providers of any information on abortion resources
Block access to / sue the providers of any information on gender affirming care and transition resources
Censor any talk of what is happening in Palestine / Sudan / other regions threatened by genocide, as well as any protests against such treatment
Monitor and surveil internet use in general, both in terms of what people say and in what they search for
Allow state attorneys general the power to arbitrarily criminalize content with no appeals process
Allow conservative states to get a head start in pushing their Project 2025 agendas
The good news is that this legislation has been pushed back over and over again throughout the whole of 2023, and 2024 is an election year with a LOT of seats up in the air, meaning that the danger of losing voter support carries much more weight than it normally does. In other words, we pushed this back before and we can do it again. You can find the contact information for the senators from your state at the official Senate website, and given the timing of the hearings any such calls / messages / letters should have a somewhat greater impact than they otherwise might.
Remember to be polite and respectful, and to phrase your concerns in such a way that it aligns with the politics of the senator you are calling; conservatives WANT to restrict access to stuff like abortion services and HRT, so you have to scare them with something else, like gun control. Be sure to do your research on who and what has bought your senator and tailor your complaints accordingly for maximum impact. For most democratic senators, the abortion rights issue might be enough on its own, since they've been watching the GOP step on that rake every election since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade and they want that to work for them, not against them.
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ireton · 4 months
6 Feb 2024 - Eli Crane Straight-Up
Elijah James Crane (born January 3, 1980) is an American politician and businessman elected as the U.S. representative from Arizona's 2nd congressional district since 2023. A member of the Republican Party, Crane served in the United States Navy SEALs and co-founded Bottle Breacher, a company that manufactures bottle openers made of 50-caliber shell casings. In the 2022 House elections, Crane defeated incumbent Democrat Tom O'Halleran.
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tomorrowusa · 8 months
Gym Jordan's attempt to become House Speaker ends with a whimper rather than a bang.
The Republican conference on Friday voted to no longer back House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) as its Speaker nominee. The secret ballot vote came hours after Jordan’s third failed ballot on the House floor. He had lost GOP support with each successive vote. Friday marks the latest drama in the more than two-week saga since eight House Republicans joined with Democrats to oust former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Oct. 3. Jordan was the GOP’s second shot at Speaker replacement. It had first narrowly nominated House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) for the post, but resistance to his candidacy — mostly from Jordan supporters — forced him to withdraw a day later.
Scalise said after the Jordan vote on Friday he would not mount another bid for Speaker.
Don't expect a Speaker until Tuesday at the very earliest. Republicans only hurry when they're trying to regulate women's bodies, suppress voter turnout, or persecute the LGBTQ+ community.
If you hear anybody shooting off their mouth and spewing bothsiderism about the House fiasco, remind them that House Democrats have offered to work with those Republicans who are more interested in governing than conducting a freak show on Capitol Hill. So far there have been no takers.
There isn't much we can do right now regarding the House. But there's an election next year and we can help elect a Democratic majority
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
If you live in a US House district carried by Joe Biden in 2020 but currently represented by a Republican, contact your state or county Democratic Party to see what you can do about replacing that Republican with a Democrat next year. Here's a list of those 18 districts.
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If all 18 of those Republicans lose in 2024 then Dems would have 230 seats – 12 above the number needed for a majority in the 119th Congress.
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alwaysbewoke · 9 days
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House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries spoke at Al Sharpton’s National Action Network 2024 Convention, activists and organizers from Black Alliance for Peace and PSL disrupted the event. They denounced Jeffries and Sharpton as Black Misleaders, boldly proclaiming that the duo doesn’t represent the majority of Black/African people and instead provides a Blackface cover to U.S. imperialism. Jeffries received over $700,000 in Israel lobby funding in the last election cycle alone. Last year, Jeffries led a bipartisan Congressional delegation to the CARICOM Heads of Government Conference where NO HAITIANS were in the room as the the invasion and occupation of the country was planned. The collective liberation of Africa and Africans is not guaranteed without the liberation of Palestine, Haiti, or even the Borough of Brooklyn that Jeffries was elected to represent instead of approving more money to IOF-trained NYPD!
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simply-ivanka · 4 months
Did You Forget 1000s Of Violent Rioters Tried To Stop Trump's Inauguration?
Thousands of violent rioters attacked the Trump inauguration and other cities around the country. Arson, bodily injury, police officers assaulted and injured, damage to cars and buildings, hundreds arrested, hundreds injured.
But, no FBI investigation, no Congressional commission?
Americans, when is enough, enough? The answer is TODAY! Dig deep, prepare for the battle of right and wrong, woke and traditional principles, Americans and those who hate America.
A vote for Democrats in the 2024 election, is a vote AGAINST America, against freedoms and against the traditions and principles that made America the greatest country in the World. MADE! Because these United States are not the greatest and have not been for some years.
Step out of your lane and fight for us, fight for your way of life, fight for your family.
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These politicians denied democracy on Jan. 6. Now, they want your vote.
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This is a brilliant editorial by Washington Post cartoonist Steve Brodner. This is a gift🎁link, so anyone who uses it can read the entire article, even if they don't subscribe to the Post. Below are a few highlights, focused on the chief congressional players in the failed coup.
While the violent mob swarmed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, aiming to subvert democracy and keep President Donald Trump in power, another group was already working on the same project inside. In an unsuccessful bid to prevent Congress from certifying the results of the 2020 presidential election, 147 Republicans formally supported objection to counting Joe Biden’s electoral votes. Some have already left office. But as many as 117 members of Congress are running for reelection in 2024. Here they are, drawn together; a collection of American politicians engaged in using democracy in order to attain the power to subvert it. [color emphasis added]
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I encourage people to use the gift link above to see the minor GOP Congress members who aided and abetted Trump's attempted coup and now will likely be campaigning for reelection.
________________ NOTE: The order and arrangement of the congressional players above has been modified from the original editorial.
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