#2023 valentine’s day event
doctorgerth · 1 year
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a/n: This one was so much fun to write!! Mihawk is always daunting to write for at first, but I always end up having fun and am usually pretty happy with the results when it comes to him. Want to know if Mihawk gets a smooch? Read on to find out! 🥰
pairing: Mihawk x GN!Reader
word count: 1.4k
candy heart prompt: True Love - Something on their/your lips
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It was the first beautiful day Kuraigana had experienced in quite some time.
The thick fog that perpetually decorated the war-torn land was lifted, and the clouds above were broken enough to allow rays of warm, unfiltered sunshine illuminate the hidden beauty of the gloomy island.The lush greenery and produce the three of you had worked so hard to maintain practically sang in the light of the sun. Leaves glistened with dew, some reaching toward the rare blessing of light as if to grab it and hold onto it. It was a perfect day for farming.
“It’s such a beautiful day,” you sighed happily, stretching your arms out above you. Mihawk grinned from beside you, but you were too busy basking in the comforting warmth to notice.
“It is rather…bright,” Perona stated as she gripped her umbrella tighter.
Mihawk thought quietly to himself, determining that Perona’s discomfort might work to his advantage for once, “Perona, how about you go back to the castle and prepare some snacks. The weather is nice, maybe we can have a picnic.” He felt his heart squeeze in his chest when you smiled widely in his direction, your head nodding enthusiastically.
“Don’t order me around!” She huffed, though a reprieve from the too-bright sun sounded ideal. She turned the other direction and floated towards the castle.
“Oh, and don’t forget to pack something for the humandrills!” you called out to her.  
“What am I, everyone’s servant?” She stomped her foot in annoyance and puffed out her cheeks, “I’m too cute to be bossed around like this…”
When Perona was out of sight, you laughed to yourself, “She’s particularly moody today.”
Mihawk hummed beside you as he dropped some seeds into the earth, “And it’s only going to get worse.” He used a hand shovel to gently pat the dirt back over the seeds.
You peered over at him, “What do you mean?”
He laid the shovel down beside him and wiped his gloves along his dirt-stained pants. Retrieving a folded up newspaper page from his back pocket, he handed it over to you. Your eyes scanned the paper, the bold title Gecko Moria Alive! caught your eyes instantly. It was a strange sensation. You had no ties to Moria aside from his pink-haired subordinate, but still, for Perona’s sake, you felt warm tears well up in your eyes.
“Oh, Mihawk, she’s going to be so happy,” you said in a hushed whisper, though Perona was hardly in earshot, “And also really angry that you haven’t told her sooner. This newspaper is from three days ago.”
He chuckled, “I know.”
You felt a pang in your chest, “I suppose that’s another chick leaving the nest.” You were still recovering from Zoro’s departure and now Perona was soon to follow. You’d grown quite accustomed to your family you shared in the last two years. Though two years wasn’t a very long time comparatively, it felt like it’s always been the four of you.
“It’s for the best,” he replied, “Danger is coming.”
You stiffened, “You don’t mean…?”
“I believe the Reverie attendants are going to vote in favor of the abolishment of the Warlords. That means Marines will be surrounding this place very soon,” he sighed and closed his eyes. “I don’t want Perona to get in harm's way for something that doesn’t involve her.”
You smiled in his direction, “You’re a kind man, Dracule Mihawk.” The tightness in your chest was easily replaced with gentle thumping. If anyone else were to refer to him as kind, he’d scoff in their direction. Hearing it from you, he felt a familiar heat creep up his neck.
Much like Zoro and Perona, Mihawk just ended up being stuck with you a few years ago. He warily offered his hospitality, but miraculously, it didn’t take long for Mihawk to warm up to you. When you proved yourself to him, you became the unofficial first mate to his unofficial crew. Though, with your time together on Kuraigana, you hardly acted as Captain and Crewmate. You tended the land together, sought peace with the humandrills together, and lived your day to day lives in the castle of Kuraigana together. Waking, working, and wasting the days away together. You weren’t sure what you were to Mihawk, but it definitely felt different than a mere subordinate.
“I suppose it’ll just be us again, then.” The thought of it going back to just the two of you simultaneously excited and saddened you. Mihawk looked over to you. He didn’t utter a single word, just stared. Though you’d assumed you’d be used to the intensity of his hawk-like eyes, they still had a way of making you feel embarrassingly shy. You absentmindedly wiped at the sweat forming on your upper lip. The sun was beginning to burn.
Just the two of you. Mihawk always loved the sound of that. Though he’d enjoyed his time training Zoro and cooking with Perona, he often thought fondly of when it was just the two of you. Why then did it make him so nervous to return to that? The dab of soil on your upper lip caught his attention and stole his thoughts.
You had mistaken his silent staring as a denial to your statement, “Unless you intend to send me away with Perona?” Your throat suddenly constricted. Surely he didn’t mean that. “Mihawk, I know things are about to get intense, but I promise I can protect myself and will help you with whatever you need. Just don’t…”
You stopped your sentence when Mihawk shifted beside you to turn and face you. His right hand reached up to your face and you waited with bated breath as you were unable to process what was happening. Mihawk’s never touched you like that before. You gasped when his finger swiped across your upper lip. Holy shit, he was going to kiss you. You instinctively closed your eyes and sighed against his finger, awaiting his lips to meet yours. A cool, empty breeze brushed against them instead.
“I’m sorry. You had dirt on your lip,” he said simply.
How embarrassing. You felt unbelievably hot under the small pockets of sunshine now, “Right, of course. Thank you.”
You wanted to leave his hold, leave the garden, leave the whole entire island, but Mihawk held you firmly; his left hand mirroring his right as they both caressed your face gently, “I’m not going to send you away, (Y/N). I want you by my side.” His face lowered to yours, noses brushing. The words he spoke stole your breath from your parted lips, “Stay with me as long as you wish.”
“Mihawk…” you managed to huff out. His name on your lips, so unfamiliar in this low tone — he could drink it right up. How long has he been holding himself back from falling completely into you?
“Say it, please,” he murmured. The movement of his lips caused them to bump against yours. A tease of a kiss, “Say you’ll stay with me.”
“Mihawk,” you whimpered once more. You weren’t sure you’d be able to say anything else. Not when his intoxicating warmth and tender embrace was robbing you of air. But, you wanted him to know how you felt. How you’ve always felt since joining his side, “I want to be with you forever.”
Your confession was the gravitational pull to at last close the distance between the two of you. His lips slotted against yours with promise, a silent oath to stay with you and protect you for however long you’d want him to. Your skin no longer burned, instead kissed by sunlight as his lips rained down on you, moving with yours as if he’s planned this moment out for years. In truth, he wished he’d done so much sooner.
You pulled away for air, but Mihawk wouldn’t, couldn’t stop. His lips tickled against your tender pulse line as he continued his kisses along your neck, pulling you tightly into him by your waist. He muttered confessions in-between kisses. How long he’s wanted you. How long he’s loved you. How long he’ll continue to want you. How long he’ll continue to love you. Forever, forever, forever. Your fingers tangled in his hair, tugging him back up to your aching lips to let him know you reciprocated his devotion. Years of unchecked desire was evident in the urgency of your shared kisses, spilling forth like an endless fountain as you lost all sense of time against each other’s lips. Nothing would hold either of you back now.  
Perona rounded a corner and caught sight of the two of you embracing each other. She silently gagged, but decided to leave the both of you to your moment. The sun was a little too bright for her anyhow. As she turned and floated away, a smile stretched along her face. She always thought the two of you would be cute together.
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a/n: Hate to see him go, but love to see him kissed 💋 We unfortunately say goodbye to Mihawk for this event, but I have a feeling we’ll see him around in the future. 🤭 Thanks for reading!! 
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candysweetposts · 1 year
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Here it is! I love how it turned out. I chose Leif because Erika looks at him and also because I like him... and the rest, but more him.
I've noticed how rushed this is. Like the artist didn't have time to look for mistakes at all. And I'm not sure what was the process and I don't want to speculate more about this. But yeah. At some point, I looked at the game sprites and went to "accuracy mode" trying to match everything to the illustration. I'm no expert myself. I went more with what looked good in my eyes and a bit of common sense. If this was in the right hands, it would've turned out a masterpiece and everyone would've been too busy to praise it rather than criticize the art and story behind this. It's a bit odd. And it's not the first time they have done this.
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blake-elladonna · 1 year
♡ Deliverance ♡
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐊𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐚 𝐱 𝐘𝐨𝐮 (𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟓𝟑𝟖
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞: 𝟐 𝐦𝐢𝐧. 𝟑𝟕 𝐬𝐞𝐜.
���𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Kunikida’s heart stopped when he saw you with his notebook in his hands. Did you see what he had written about you? Why did he have to be so foolish and leave it behind; and how can he find out how you feel about him?
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Kunikida’s head went dizzy, fuzzy and light. He was going to pass out. You were in front of his desk, stood with his notebook in your hands.
He opened his mouth to say something, to stop you, but nothing came out. He wasn’t sure if it was because of your overwhelming beauty; the way the sunlight peeked through the uncovered windows of the office or the way that you looked over to him and smiled. But he kept coming up empty handed.
“Kunikida, sorry. I wasn’t trying to snoop or anything. Dazai just told me you could help me out with something.” You had an awkward smile and Kunikida cleared his throat, walking over towards his desk and taking his book from you.
His heart beat pounded when his fingers grazed yours for a short moment; and he stuttered, “Did you read anything interesting?”
“I didn’t read your soulmate list if that is what you are worried about. I have some self control. Even if I was a little curious.” Your confident smile lessened the burden he felt on his back. At least you didn’t find out this way; the most anti-romantic way imaginable. He would have never forgiven himself for being so foolish.
“So, Kunikida..” “Yes, what is it?”
“Is it true that anything you write in your notebook comes to fruition?” Kunikida scratched the side of his head while he adjusted his glasses with one hand; trying to calm himself down. Why were you asking this so suddenly? “Well, in some sort of capacity; yes, but there’s some conditions. For example, the pages only create nonliving objects and it can’t create anything larger than this book here.”
“So, you could make something for me?”
“Of course!” Kunikida cleared his throat when his words came out in too much of a hurry, too eager. What is wrong with him. But that made you laugh with your hand reaching out and touching the back of his hand. “Thank you..”
He once again cleared his throat. Reaching for his pen as an excuse to take a step away from you; opening his book to an empty page. “What is it you would like for me to make?”
“A reservation for two at the really nice restaurant down the street, the one where the moon and the stars are visible so beautifully at night. Booked for Valentine’s Day.”
“I’m not sure I can..” Before he finished his sentence, your finger lowered his book to place a piece of paper atop his page. “Dazai kind of told me what he read earlier..but the joke is on him. I already had plans to ask you anyway.”
Kunikida stood in silence until you started to widen your eyes. “You aren’t rejecting me are you? I mean, was he just messing with me? I swear I’m going to..”
Kunikida silenced you by stepping forward, his arm tucked beneath your torso as his book laid open flat against your back. “Kunikida..?”
Your breath and heart sped up against his chest; and with the small space your face turned a shade of pink. “I’m not rejecting you.” He said. His arm pushing you further into his personal space. “I’m going to spoil you my entire life.”
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Feeling festive? Click here to read more from the Valentine’s Event!
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭: @ashthemadwriter, @sky-drgn, @silverbladexyz
𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭? 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
© 2023 @blake-elladonna™ — all copyrights reserved. Please do not translate, steal, repost or claim my writing or ideas as your own. Click here for further details.
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voidcoining · 9 months
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[id: two flags with 6 even stripes. in order, from top to bottom, they are dark violet, plum violet, violet red, dark hot pink, bright maroon, red purple. the flag on the left has 3 white doodled hearts spanning the middle two rows. the heart in the middle is upside down. end id]
[pt: valenostic end pt]
a gender related to valentine’s day nostalgia! this might include heart shaped decorations, passing out cards, candy, teddy bears, nostalgic movies, and more!
coined as revenge for @xyrthemost! worth 8 points! (5 base + 3rd revenge). tagging @kiruliom (sorry! point total is now in pinned coinfight post)
please let me know if this has been coined before!
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[id: a purple background with white stars. black text with a white outline reads "read my dni before interacting” end id]
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Mael/Estarossa x Goddess clan! Reader
Part 2!
Link for part 1!
I hope you guys have enjoyed part 1! Now for part 2, I will skip to when Estarossa was around.
Tw: Blood, injury.
Tsuki's note: here the archangels aren't dead, because I said so XD
Ever since Estarossa could remember, he had someone on his mind all the time. He couldn't tell who it was, all he knew is that they were from the goddess clan.
He had few chopped memories: them smiling, walking on a field with him, pulling his arm and the strongest memory: They were crying, bloodied, injured, because of Estarossa.
He had that memory almost clear, the trembling lips, the tear stained cheeks that mixed with blood. But he could not remember their whole face. Who was it?
He thought it could be Elizabeth. But something felt off, his memory of her was one on which she approached him when he was alone in the fields.
Now, Meliodas knew his brother was looking for something, but he didn't know what. Estarossa never said anything to anyone or showed any hints of what it could be.
After the 10 commandments were awakened again, Estarossa resumed his search.
It was so frustrating. Someone, an angel, he could not recall. He didn't know their name or face, but their bloody cheeks and clothes made his heart ache so bad.
It was not common for Estarossa to feel bad about hurting others, but in this case, it hurted so bad knowing they were crying because of him. Was it when he killed Mael?
A little before fighting Escanor, he found someone kneeled down. He had a nostalgic feeling seeing that person kneeling near some trail, they seemed to be studying it.
He approached the person, silently, but they noticed him and whipped their heads towards the demon.
Both seemed awfully surprised for a moment. Estarossa remembers them. It wasn't quite their body, but those eyes, the expression, the mannerism:
Estarossa: Y/N? Ah! Y/n!
You flinched upon hearing your name coming from him and you soon took a fighting pose:
Y/N: !! What do you want?
Estarossa: Me? I was just looking for you!
You squeezed your eyes, not trusting him. He took a few steps closer to you, arms open as he spoke:
Estarossa: You know, you have been quite annoying!
Y/N: Annoying? I haven't seen you since… since…
Estarossa: Since I killed that angel?
Those words felt like daggers to you. Yes, since he killed Mael, your dear childhood friend. You wanted to hate him so much, but something about Estarossa was terribly familiar. You couldn't pinpoint what it was. He approached a bit more and you took a few steps back:
Estarossa: What? You running away? After all my hard work to find ya?
Y/N: ….
You felt tears running down your cheeks and that moment Estarossa expression changed. He wasn't grinning anymore, he seemed to have a mix of pained expression with surprise:
Estarossa: Why so scared? I am not going to hurt you. I promise!
He took a few steps closer. You knew he was faster than you, you couldn't just run. But it seemed that something listened to your silent prayers.
A huge blast of energy nearby caught both of your attentions. You took this opportunity to cast an Ark to have enough light to blind Estarossa and leave.
You could hear him shouting your name and trying to follow you. But soon enough, you were gone.
Estarossa was left frustrated. He finally remembered the face of those memories. Finally got a name and you were gone. With a foul mood he went to join the other demons in the fight.
As Estarossa lost to Escanor and left to heal in the tank, he kept seeing those memories with you in repeat. But this time, your face was clear.
He woke up with you in mind. And took the chance of gathering the commandments to look for you as well. Being stronger wouldn't allow you to run right?
But he could not find you in time. He lost control before finding you again.
In the moment he was roaring and teared up about who he was, he heard a familiar voice, a voice he knew for long, but it sounded so far away:
??: Mael? Mael!
His vision was a bit blurry, he could feel hands on his cheek, he could see a form in front of him and what gave away who it was, was the scent. Familiar scent he knew:
Estarossa/Mael: …Y/N?
You smiled. You held his face a little closer to yours:
Y/N: Yes! It 's me!
His focus was 100% on you and he stopped attacking King and Diane. He was struggling to form some kind of thought of words, but he managed to stutter:
Estarossa/Mael: I am… I am not Mael.. I… not Estarossa…
Y/N:... It doesn't matter who you are, Mael or Estarossa. Just listen to me ok? I am here for you.
He frowned, but he wasn't fighting you:
Y/N: You need to let go of the commandments. Please. They are hurting you.
Estarossa/Mael: But… then, I- my grace is gone. I will be… powerless.
Y/N:  That 's fine! I will look for your grace with you! I can protect you too. We will find a way. Please release them.
He hesitated. You were apprehensive, you could hear Gowther telling you to be careful. You felt Elizabeth 's and Deireri's eyes in you. A silent prayer for success.
You slowly felt him relax. Tears appeared in his eyes, he finally fully relaxed leaning his face towards one of your hands:
Estarossa/Mael: I… fine, I-
You smiled. He didn't get to finish what he was saying - your smile was gone, instead you had a surprised face mixed with pain.
You got hurt. You saw your blood spilling on Mael's face and his expression changing to surprise and sorrow. You both could hear a smaller demon yelling from below:
Demon: You will not take Lord Estarossa from us! You filthy Angel!
You could also hear Deireri yelling, Samiel and Tamiel screams as you started to fall. Mael tried to hold you, but he wasn't fast enough. You ignored what everyone was yelling and focused on talking to the man in front of you:
Y/N: Mael! It's ok, I, I - don't…!
As you fell you saw a trail of blood coming from you, his face contorted with pain and piercing yell coming from him. Yelling your name.
Estarossa saw Elizabeth running to you, but his eyes were dead set on that smaller demon. He ignored Deireri, King, Samiel, all of them.
Everything turned black again. Pitch black.
The darkness lasted until Gowther entered Mael's mind. Gowther tried to convince the angel to let go of the commandments, he mentioned you were alive to Mael, but he hardly believed it:
Gowther: They are waiting for you! Ludociel,  Elizabeth, Samiel, Tamiel and Y/N! They are waiting for you! Y/N is alive! They are!
Mael: Why would they be waiting for me? I did nothing but hurt them.
Gowther was expelled thinking he lost the fight. In truth, Mael's memory of everyone, but especially you, was echoing in his head.
Your smile on that flower field, you pulling his arm to go somewhere, you scolding him, your hugs.
He decided to see for himself  if you were truly alive.
Thank you for reading!
Are you guys up for part 3?
No? Too bad ! It's coming anyway :D
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【 Miracle Nikki CN 】
Valentine Day 2023 • Event
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【 Miracle Nikki CN 】
Valentine Day 2023 • Event
🌹🌹[City of Love] 🌹🌹
Love is a holy oath, but also every moment.
This road may go through difficulties and trials, but the flower of love will eventually bloom the beauty of people's hearts.
The love theme park located in Helavi is in full bloom in the city of love, attracting many tourists to visit and play.
On February 14th, the fragrance will be fully released, and the romance will start
Suit Display ::
Pink Suit :: Love is like a Poem (绮恋如诗)
Red Suit :: Love with Thorns and Roses (棘花瑰恋)
Collection :: Festivals (Valentine Day 2023)
Date :: 14—20/02/2023
Type :: Event
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cheaploafs · 1 year
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drawing jayce in pretty things should be my fulltime job, the grind never stops
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Happy (almost) Valentines Day 2023!
As I have for the past two years, I will be hosting a Valentines Day event!
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How to play:
Send your favourite character a love letter, and you will get one back! This can be through inbox or submissions.
Fandoms: attack on titan, (I’ll try some haikyu this year as well but pls be kind to me)
They will not reject you, happy endings only from my end! Unless you want to get an angsty letter back, in which case, write me an angsty letter first! I take my cues from your letter to me.
It also does NOT have to be canon! Just let me know what trope you’re going for, what AU you’re in, etc and I can make do with that too.
Please let me know your preferences for pronouns, nicknames, etc if it applies in your letter. Feel free to use a pseudonym, initials, or your first name if you’re comfortable. You can also let me know your preferred pet names and I’ll try to incorporate them.
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Rules, tips, and tricks to have a good time
Send me detailed letter with backstory for a more inspired reply. An intricate letter giving me an idea as to the context provides me more material to work with in my reply.
I will HARD close my inbox at 7pm PT on February 13, 2023. Letters received after that time may not be replied to before February 14.
I will allow back and forth replies to letters, but I will prioritize letters to those who have not received one yet before replying to response letters.
My regular blog rules apply. If you’re writing a suggestive letter, you must indicate you are 18+ either to me personally or on your blog.
If I see a Valentines Day letter in my inbox that was sent to another blog as well, I will delete the letter in my inbox. Explanation for why is here.
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All letters will be posted HERE in a masterlist
Block the tag “Valentines Day Letters 2023” to avoid seeing posts about it!
That’s all from me! Happy writing everyone! 💕
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
💝 Candy Heart Event 2023! 💝
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It’s (almost) that time of year again!
Hello everyone! I hope y’all are having a great January so far! If not, I wish you good fortune and better times in the future! Last year  we did this and it was an absolute blast! I’ve been so excited to do it again this year with all of you, and here we are! Now with additional fandoms and sentence starters! :D
This was inspired by @tickly-trashcan​’s Boba Shop Event! Check out their blog for all sorts of awesome content!
💝 Rules💝
- Send me a pairing (Platonic or Romantic) from the fandoms listed below along with a candy heart phrase (Sentence Starter) from the list! (Ex: ObaMitsu- True Love) and I will write a short dabble for it!
- The event will be open from January 27-February 14th, ending at 8:00 PM EST. I will make an announcement when prompts are officially closed!
- Dabbles will start coming out Feb 1!
- I do write “Character x Reader!” (If you want it to be platonic, please specify with “Platonic!Reader”)
-Multiple sentence starter requests are allowed!
- Requester’s Choice: This is essentially a blank Candy- you can pick whatever sentence starter you want for it! :)
💝 Candy Heart Sentence Starters 💝
❤️Be Mine: “Oh that is IT! Come here!”
🧡Miss You: “When’s the last time you smiled?”
💛True Love: “I could do this all day.”
💚Cutie: “Why are you trying to hide?”
💙XOXO: “Hey, do you like raspberries?”
💜Angel: “What happens if I do this?”
❤️I love you: “You smiled at me- I think I’m in love!”
🧡Bestie: Requester’s choice: Pick your own sentence starter!
💛Sweet Heart: “Oh? Is someone ticklish?”
💚Cupid: “I’m gonna get you!”
💗 Say Yes: “Your so ticklish, aren’t you?”
💙Smile: “I didn’t know you were ticklish here!”
💜Hug: “I just want a hug!”
❤️Darling: “Do you want me to tickle you?”
🧡Love bug: “What’s so funny?”
💛Soul Mate: “Not there? What about here?”
💚Sweet Pea: “Is this a bad spot?”
💙Adore: “ Your laugh is adorable.
💜Kiss me: “Don’t stop? If you say so!”
❤️Me + You: “No way! I didn’t know you were ticklish!”
🧡Always and Forever: “Look how red you are! How cute!”
💛I’m Yours: “You like being tickled, don’t you?”
💚Puppy love: “Where are those giggles I love so much?”
💙Only You: “Hey could you...you know?”
💜Hot Stuff: “Come over here and make me!”
💝 Fandoms 💝
-Some of the fandoms on here will have **Limited Request** beside them. This means I will only be taking up to a limited amount of that fandom.
If the fandom is crossed out, it means all slots for it have been filled!
Black Clover
Blue Lock
Buddy Daddies
Bungo Stray Dogs
Chainsaw Man
Code Realize
Collar x Malice
Demon Slayer
Dr. Stone
Fire Force
Fruit’s Basket
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
Hell’s Paradise: Jirokuraku
Hunter x Hunter (Up to Greed Island arc)
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (Parts 2-5)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Komi Can’t Communicate
Mob Psycho 100
Moriarty The Patriot
My Hero Academia **Limited Requests**
Pokemon **Limited Requests** (All Gens)
Sk8 The Infinity
Spy x Family
Toliet Bound Hanako Kun
Tokyo Revenges
Happy Valentines Day everyone! I’m so excited to do this again with y’all!
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doctorgerth · 1 year
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a/n: I know this is supposed to be a fluff event but my heart said angst for this...it just fits the prompt haha please forgive me. There’s a happy ending I swear! Law has already claimed your heart...will he claim your lips too? Read to find out! 💋
pairing: Law x GN!Reader
warning: slight angst
word count: 1.5k 
candy heart prompt: Sweetheart - Goodbye (For Now)
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Today was the day you’d been dreading since your Captain brought it to the crew’s attention.
Today, Law would be leaving to traverse solo to Punk Hazard in efforts to defeat Doflamingo. You’d known about his plan for weeks. Able to prepare in said amount of time, yet your heart still felt so unbearably heavy in your chest.
You’d been avoiding him all day. You knew it was immature, but why did he insist on going alone? Though you were well aware of Law’s obstinance and preference for handling things on his own, you argued endlessly with him about it. Wasn’t this what having a crew was for? To help him succeed; to protect and support him in his endeavors? He denied everyone’s help incessantly, and so you remained in your room as the rest of the crew were seeing their Captain off. Bepo’s pitiful wails echoed off the submarine walls, reminding you of your own sorrow.
You were confident in your Captain’s abilities, but those little bouts of doubt, along with not knowing exactly when he’d return was what left you restless. You’d never been without Law for very long since joining the crew a couple years ago. Now that you knew what you felt for your Captain was too romantic to be considered anything else, you weren’t sure how to handle not having him around for an indeterminate amount of time.
That was another reason you decided to close yourself off. You didn’t trust that you’d be able to keep your feelings in check in such a tender moment. You didn’t know if you could say goodbye without telling him how your heart yearned for him. It was inappropriate, untimely, and surely unrequited. You didn’t want to weigh your Captain down further with awkward feelings from a subordinate. Plus, you couldn’t possibly handle the rejection and having to say goodbye all in the same moment.
A familiar clicking of boots resounded down the hallway. You hoped and prayed they’d stride past your doorway, but of course, they stopped right outside your door. He knocked three times, waited a few seconds, then entered upon his own volition.
“Are you not going to say goodbye?” Was that disappointment in his voice? You hugged your knees tighter to your chest, avoiding his eyes.
“Goodbye, Captain,” you muttered begrudgingly.
A smirk tugged at his lips. Law was shamelessly amused by your pouting. He gently closed the door behind him, setting his duffle bag and Kikoku to the side. He walked casually over to your desk chair, turned it around, and sat down in it to face you, “You know I’m not accepting that.”
“What do you want me to say? ‘Please don’t go’? We both know that won’t stop you.” Your words spit out like venom, stinging deep in his wounded chest. If only you knew how hard it was for him to leave. How hard it was to leave you. How if you had begged for him to stay, it’d be impossibly harder to leave than it already was. If anyone could make him stay, it was you.
“I promise I’ll return,” he reassured. He looked and sounded confident, but you didn’t miss the hint of uncertainty laced in that promise.
“When?” you pushed.
He shrugged his shoulders, “I’m not sure.”
You turned to look at him now. His eyes bored into yours, golden and uncharacteristically soft, making you want to leap into his arms and plead for him to stay right there with you. “Can you at least promise to return safe and sound?”
Another shrug. His nonchalance was pissing you off and he knew it well, “I can’t guarantee that.”
“Then don’t go!” you begged louder than intended. He remained stoic as you stared at one another, but underneath the surface, his resolve was crumbling piece by piece. So many unspoken words begging to be heard were lost in the deafening silence.
Law was the first to break the tension, exhaling a deep breath as he motioned you to the edge of the bed, “Come here.”
You wanted so badly to defy him, but you couldn’t. Not when he stared at you so longingly, nor when he offered for you to be close to him like you've always wanted. You huffed as you shuffled along the bed, sat along the edge, and faced him. In this new position, your knees brushed, and that small moment of contact made your saddened heart immediately jumpstart to life; quickening its pace when he reached out and took your hands in his.
The silence returned as Law observed your hands intertwined. You’ve never touched like this before, but it was exactly the kind of intimacy you’d both been craving from one another. The calluses on his hands smoothing over the skin of your own felt comforting, and when he laced your fingers together, neither of you could ignore how perfectly they fit. As if your hands were meant to be held by one another; puzzle pieces at last fitting into place. Law was only making it harder for himself by touching you like this, that much he knew, but he couldn’t leave you without this embrace. In truth, he needed this gentle reassurance just as much. The warmth of your hands in his would be enough motivation to come back alive.
“At least take me with you,” you disturbed the peace with a small sob, “Or anyone. Just don’t go alone, please.”
Law squeezed your hands tightly when you offered yourself to his mission, “I can’t let you come.”
You’ve heard this before, but still, you just wanted to know why. “Why not? I can help with anything you need. I can…”
His fingers untangled from yours, but you didn’t have time to feel empty before his tattooed hands grabbed either side of your face; holding you steady and making you look right into his solemn eyes, “Because if something were to happen to you…” his throat tightened at the idea, voice hoarse as he finished his confession, “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”
Though the way he was touching you so intimately should have been proof enough, those last eight words were the final confirmation you needed to realize that your feelings weren’t as unrequited as you had assumed. Law had deeper feelings for you and your heart soared at his indirect confession while his beat uncontrollably in his chest. It was time you knew.
You could feel the warmth of his ragged breathing against your lips as his face was suddenly inches from yours. His golden eyes flicked down to your lips, holding them in an enraptured stare. His mind was dizzy, fingers numb, lips buzzing with anticipation to feel yours against his own. Law has wanted to kiss you for so long now, but now that the opportunity has arisen, he was embarrassingly unable to do so. Though basking in the comfort of your warmth and wasting the day away with long overdue kisses was a dangerously tempting offer, he had things to take care of elsewhere. He knew you understood that despite your vexations.
His eyes slowly blinked back up to yours, “You’ll be safe with everyone else in Zou. I need you to stay safe. I need you here when I get back. Promise me?”
It took everything within you to nod, feeling lightheaded from the tension. You rested your forehead against his, “Promise me you’ll come back to me?”
After some time, he nodded. When his thumb brushed across your lips, you closed your eyes and sighed. “Save these for me?” he whispered, visibly struggling to not close the distance upon feeling the invitation of your soft lips beneath his fingertip. He was only furthering his torment. “Need something worth fighting for.” 
You scoffed with a light smile, “I’ll save a thousand kisses for when you come back.”
Extending the wait to claim what he’s yearned for since his feelings for you were realized would be agonizing, but he was glad to have something to look forward to upon his eventual return. He’d try his best to have a proper confession by then as well. Law pulled you into a tight embrace, cradling the back of your head with one hand and wrapped around your waist with another. You buried yourself into him, imprinting his scent into your memory to hold onto when the days without him were long. Pitiful as it was, Law missed you already, although he was closer to you than ever before.
“Goodbye, Captain,” you whispered into his neck. Your words and heart felt much more full.
“It’s just goodbye for now,” Law muttered, “I’ll claim what’s mine when I get back.” He smirked as he pinched your bottom lip between his fingers. 
And we won’t have to say goodbye ever again; a silent promise held safely in his thoughts.
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a/n: I told you there’d be a happy ending! Maybe more bittersweet...But! Imagine how sweet the smooch will be in Law’s next chance(s). I have nothing but good intentions, I swear. 😇 Thanks so much for reading! <3
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candysweetposts · 1 year
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Valentine's day edit (2/3)
Yeah, this is my favorite no questions asked.
HC: Chris and Carla went to said love festival. They didn't dress too fancy, just something in the theme. And yeah, at this festival everyone brought flower bouquets for their significant other, and so did Chris. And also pigeons for some reason. They stayed up until the event was over and there were also some fireworks in the heart shape.
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blake-elladonna · 1 year
♡ Blame ♡
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐀𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐱 𝐘𝐨𝐮 (𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟐𝟗𝟔
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞: 𝟏 𝐦𝐢𝐧. 𝟐𝟔 𝐬𝐞𝐜.
𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Akutagawa knows he is to blame for your injury; no matter how You — his long time crush — try to convince him. But that won’t stop him from tending to you when you are hurt.
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“Are you sure you aren’t hurting.” For some reason his statement didn’t seem to be a question, but a direct sentence; as if demanding you that it was in fact hurting and you were going to blame him for your suffering.
“I’m okay; Akutagawa. You need to—” “I need to what? Start lying to myself?”
You gave him a look while tending to your wound and his aura seemed to darken. He crossed his arms with his mind drifting away. “I’m not about to do that. I’m not going to turn into your superior; I’m not about to turn into Dazai.” “I didn’t say you needed to.”
You breathed in sharply with a flinch. The alcohol had soaked into your wound to disinfect it. The gash was nothing; at least compared to what could have been but that didn’t stop it from hurting like hell or Akutagawa from walking over. “Just, let me do it.” And although he mumbled, you heard his tone soak in dominance.
So you let him; his tone may have let on he would be rough, assertive; but his touch was the opposite of those two things. As though he was handling fine china. “You’re so annoying.”
“Oh, really? You don’t enjoy my suffering?”
“That’s not funny. You know how I feel— about—”
You knew what he was trying to say by the way his body language was closing himself off, “You’re trying to say I know how you feel about someone from the ADA. How you feel about me. Don’t you want to say it; that you’re in love with me?”
Your teasing tone caused him to squeeze lightly onto your hand once slipping underneath. “I do,” And just when you thought he had a ounce of romance; “I hate you.”
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← Previous Drabble Master List Next Drabble → 🎊 ♡ Sweet tooth ♡
⇐ Last Akutagawa Drabble Next Akutagawa Drabble ⇒ 🎊 ♡ Heroic ♡
Feeling festive? Click here to read more from the Valentine’s Event!
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭: @ashthemadwriter, @sky-drgn, @silverbladexyz
𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭? 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
© 2023 @blake-elladonna™ — all copyrights reserved. Please do not translate, steal, repost or claim my writing or ideas as your own. Click here for further details.
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frozensamantha · 1 year
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I wasn’t able to prep for the Helsa Valentine event this time but I thought today would be the best day to share this awesome Helsa valentine card my dear friend @queenelsawestergaard made and sent me as a surprise gift  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Loving all the new Helsa content for the event everyone!!! thank you!! (side note: there’s only 1 card here but I posted all 4 pics of it because the lighting was different in each one and I couldn’t decide!!! words on the card are based on lyrics Hans’ voice actor Santino Fontana sings when he was in Cinderella on Broadway - we like to use some of the songs for Helsa love songs)
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tropicalflavors · 1 year
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everyone: ( ͡° ل͜ ͡°)
mathieu: (ツ)
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jxcotts · 1 year
rich couple energy💋💅🏽
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Hello! This is a self request, as I like to call it.
Just some angst ( fluff- ish?l with Mael from nanatsu no taizai. I am not done with the anime, but I am almost there. Almost.)
This came out really long… anyway!
Mael x goddess!reader Part 1.
Tw: mentions of death, blood and injury.
You have known Mael ever since you two were children. It could be said you two were best friends - you cheered up each other, got each other's back, played around a lot and comforted each other.
On the comfort topic, you always comforted Mael, when you guys were younger you used to hug him tight whenever people called him weak.
As you grew older things started to get a little awkward and it didn't help he got ridiculously tall compared to you and people would often tell him he would break you in half if he hugged you too strongly.
Of course you didn't mind. Mael would never hurt you, but he seemed to get concerned about it.
That didn't stop him from leaning on you or hugging your dorso - if you were standing while he sat down - whenever he felt sad about his crush on Elizabeth and went on an endless rant.
You didn't mind he ranted to you, it was quite understandable how he was feeling, considering how you were raised. But you didn't think of demons as evil, you had your doubts.
With the holy war going on everything got stressful. You were on the healing squad - helping the ones on the front lines to get back on their feet - so you saw a lot of death and violence.
But that didn't mean you didn't fight. You did, whenever you had to protect an injured comrades or it was a trap using the fallen.
It was starting to get to you emotionally to not be able to help your fellow clan mates and other species, like the fairies and gigants.
Mael's rant was getting into your nerves too. It seemed like he only came to you recently to complain about Elizabeth seeing Meliodas, he stopped asking about you or even talking about other things like a different creature either of you saw, a food he craved or something like that.
It got to a point where you didn't want to heal yourself from the last fight and you didn't want to see anyone. It felt like you didn't deserve to be cared for.
So you decided to go to a lake to be on your own, badly hurt. It wasn't long when you heard a familiar voice calling your name. You sighed. The voice grew closer and closer:
??: Y/N?
You didn't reply. The owner of the voice, Mael, saw you:
Mael: Y/N! There you are! What are you doing here?
He seemed to not have noticed how bloody you were. You faintly replied:
Y/N: Hello Mael. What can I do for you?
He approached you and sat next to you, looking forward towards the lake. You tried to hide your wounds with your hair and your wings:
Mael: I was looking for you. I heard you were back, but I couldn't find you.
Y/N: Is that so?
Mael: Yes… I was worried, you were gone and Elizabeth hadn't been back yet, probably with him.
Y/N: I am sure she is fine. Lady Elizabeth can handle herself.
Mael: I don't know… those demons aren't trustworthy. I just wish she would see that…
Y/N: perhaps she sees something else.
Mael: Are you supporting that?
Y/N: … I just- ah, never mind.
You heard Mael shuffle next to you. He called your name very harshly:
Mael: Y/N! Y/N….?
As soon as you turned to him, he could see your bloody face. He stayed in silence for a bit staring at you, while you stared back:
Y/N: Yes?
Mael: Are you… is that… are you hurt?
You didn't reply to him. You moved your head to stare forward again, this time Mael's voice was sounding frustrated but also worried:
Mael: Y/N! Why don't you heal yourself?
Y/N: It's fine. I don't want to be healed.
Mael: Y/N, you are terribly hurt! What are you trying to pull?
Y/N: I just… I … don't feel like I should.
Mael: Of course you should! Allow me to aid-
You slapped his hand:
Y/N: I said no!
He was dumbfounded. He never expected you to reject him like that:
Mael: Y/N? What are you doing?
Y/N: Please leave.
Mael: Leave? When you are like that?
Y/N: I want to be alone. Please leave. I can't stand to look at anyone, I am so tired.
Mael: I will not. You need to rest and heal, just let-
Y/N: Mael, I need to be alone, please leave!
You turned to him, so frustrated that you were crying. Blood and tears got mixed together, your wings seemed to melt away with your sadness.
Seeing your face like that broke Mael's heart. He wanted to do something for you, so he tried to reason with you again, gently holding your shoulders:
Mael: Y/N? Please… let me help.
Y/N: You can't help me now. I won't repeat myself, please leave.
Mael didn't leave and his grip on you tightened. At this moment you let out a whimper, not like he was hurting you, but you were so tired that his insistence started to make you get more and more frustrated.
You started crying harder which made Mael's grip loosen up a bit. He seemed a bit confused whether he hugged you or left you alone or dried your tears.
You took that moment to let out a very bright light and to leave the area. At that moment you heard Mael calling out for you.
But you flew far away without looking back and with no destination in mind. Eventually you reached another lake in the middle of a foggy forest, far from the safe place of the fortress of the goddess clan.
You were so busy sobbing, you didn't notice someone approach you:
??: Hey…. Are you ok?
You turned around startled, to see a blond, short man - Meliodas was standing a few feet away from you:
Meliodas: What happened?
He didn't approach you any further. You sniffed a bit, with no strength to reply to him and turned back to face the lake.
After a little a while Meliodas spoke again:
Meliodas: Can I sit here?
You nodded. He sat next to you and remained in silence. He stayed there until you calmed down and looked at him:
Meliodas: Are you feeling a bit better?
Y/N: … Why are you here?
Meliodas: Why? Well, it's dangerous to be around here on your own.
Y/N: I am sorry.
Meliodas looked very confused at your apology:
Y/N: You stayed here with me. I am sorry.
Meliodas laughed. That caught your attention, was he mocking you?
Meliodas: There is no need to apologize! I am glad you seem better now! But… those injuries…
You frowned and proceeded to explain how tired you felt because of it all and didn't want to keep fighting this senseless war.
He listened to you quietly. His eyes looked so sad at each word you spoke. But what made him snap his head at was what you said in the end:
Y/N: I think you guys are just trying to live like we are. So… Wouldn't it be nice if we could just chat?
Meliodas: You truly think that?
Y/N: I do… What is the difference between you and I?
At this moment, another voice called out for you:
??: Y/N! There you are! Mael said you were gone and hurt! He is looking for you everywhere!
You recognized that voice. That sweet, kind voice:
Y/N: Lady Elizabeth!
Elizabeth: Dear me! Y/N, what happened?
You rubbed your arm and sighed. You explain it all to her again. She looked terribly sad:
Elizabeth: Oh, Y/N… I am so sorry…
Elizabeth hugged you and you let out a whimper. At this moment Meliodas laughed again:
Meliodas: You do know that doing this to yourself isn't quite helping, right?
Y/N: I know… is just… I will heal myself soon. Just not now.
Meliodas: Do you promise?
You smiled at his question:
Y/N: Yes!
Meliodas: But… you know, Y/N, about Mael…
Now Meliodas' face was annoying. You sighed and explained to them how you were tired of people and him only looking for you to rant was exhausting. You admitted you were wrong to lash out at him, but you were so tired:
Elizabeth: Y/N, please go apologize to him! He is so worried!
Y/N: Yeah… I am not so sure about that… I feel like I will lash out again if I see him.
There was a bit of silence and the couple exchanged a little nod:
Elizabeth: Then, I will tell him you are OK and-
Y/N: Don't tell him where I am, please? I promise to come around. Just not now…
Elizabeth sighed and agreed with you. She soon left to Mael you were OK. At this moment, Meliodas got up:
Meliodas: Well, you still need some time it seems. I will take my leave. But if you need something, just ask ok?
Y/N: Oh… sure. Thank you, Lord Meliodas.
He smiled and started to walk away when you called him again:
Y/N: Lord Meliodas?
Meliodas: Hm?
Y/N: One day… we should hang out all together. I would love to meet your family.
He smiled at you. A genuine smile and agreed to your proposal.
You stayed in that forest until nighttime. You healed yourself and got ready to return home.
As soon as you arrived, you were greeted by the same chaotic scene - injured people, dead people, angry people.
You walked around for a bit lost in thoughts. Until you hear your name being called, but before you could react, your feet left the ground and arms were around your stomached - you were being back hugged, no, lifted:
Mael: There you are! Y/N, I was so worried! Lady Elizabeth told me-
You sighed quite audibly. He noticed your sigh and leaned his cheek on your back:
Mael: I am sorry. I am sorry for not treating you right.
You couldn't be mad at him, right now. You were wrong too:
Y/N: It's… I am sorry too. I shouldn't have been so mean.
Mael: But, But I!
Y/N: I am sorry for worrying you.
Mael relaxed his grip on you and placed you down:
Mael:.... I am sorry I was inconsiderate. I can leave if you-
You turned around and flew to his height, you said in a gently voice while squishing his cheeks:
Y/N: You don't need to go anywhere. I just wanted some time without people. That's all. But you can stay now.
Mael: Are… are you sure?
You nodded, smiling. His eyes shined so brightly at your smile, he seemed to be smiling too, but as you were holding his cheeks, you could only feel his muscles move.
Mael caught you off guard, hugging you very tight and snuggling on your neck. You giggled:
Y/N: How long has it been, since you hugged me like that?
You could see his ears burning and he let out a little whimper. You just patted his head and heard a deep sigh from him:
Mael: It feels so much better having you around.
You blushed at his statement:
Y/N: Does it?
Mael: It does, like having a safe place…
You smiled at him. He could be annoying at times, but he did have a good heart. It still sounded like a lie that he was looking for you so hard, though.
His words were quite bitter sweet to you. But it was fine. As long as he was OK, it was fine.
Little did you know, how things would turn out and what you would learn later. Both of you.
Thank you for reading!
I may or may not have a part 2 for this?
Anyway let me know what you think!
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