#2023 battle rap
vibezzonerrythang · 6 months
Battle rapper Brizz Rawsteen brought out by battle rapper Nu Jerzey Twork against Murda Mook 🔥🔥🔥 | URLTV HOMECOMING 2 - Dec. 10
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
One of my classmates and my Math teacher started rap battling in the cafeteria without prompt. I had to beatbox.
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moon-toons · 8 months
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He's the schoolteacher and battle-rapper with stage fright-- Rosho Tsutsujimori from Hypnosis Mic Division Rap Battle~👓🎤
I'm doing HypMic, Honeyworks, Ensemble Stars, A3!, and Charisma House characters for Blacktober this year~
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kindlythevoid · 11 months
Me, preparing for Barbie (2023), directed by Greta Gerwig, starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling: Dutifully watching all of my favorite Barbie movies, reading through analysis of said movies, thoughtfully looking over the comparison of the chronology of Barbie dolls and how Margot Robbie is pulling it off at every viewing, looking over interviews, researching Greta’s past movies
Me, preparing for Oppenheimer (The Same Year): Read one (1) article that informed me that he died of lung cancer (I think), EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HIIIIISTOREHHHH: THANOS! VEEEEEEERSUS OPPENHEI—
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saitama-division · 5 months
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ARB Birthday Special: Kureha Koizumi
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~~ December 25th ~~
“Most things will be okay eventually, but not everything will be.”
Login Lines:
“I woke up to my phone going off like crazy, it nearly scared the hell out of me, I had thought something was wrong until I went to check it. Turns out it was just everyone wishing me either happy birthday, merry Christmas, or both. It was…nice…I’m still getting used to celebrating my birthday but having so many people wishing me well helps a lot.”
Voice Lines:
“Haah…It’s that time again, I’ve been trying to finish all of my holiday commission before Christmas but I’ve been getting more and more requests, I’m not complaining though, I could really use the money.”
“The snow looks really pretty today, it’s cold which is good. I remember watching the snow fall with…him…he was really pretty too…I miss him…”
“What do 22 year olds even do on their birthday? I don’t drink much and I refuse to go clubbing no matter what Lola says. Honestly, I much rather stay home or spend time with Sayaka, it’s always nice and warm whenever she’s around.”
“Ehhhh?! No way!! I can’t believe the Vox wished me a happy birthday! I mean, I know we’re in the DRB together but I never thought he’d noticed me! Holy shit, holy shit, this is awesome!”
“The art museum in Saitama did something special for me, the recently opened up a new art exhibition in my honor, it had all my favorite paintings and works from my favorite artists there! There was even some of my own works! I was so shocked but also really, really happy!”
“Thank you, Merry Christmas, Sayaka! I hope you liked my gift…Ah, that’s good, that makes me really happy, you’re welcome….Er, mom please, that’s so embarrassing, I’ve been grown up for a long while now besides, you have Yoshiko to dote over, I’m fine!…Mooom! Please! My face feels like it’s about to melt off!”
“Oh sick, mom! This is so cool! Thank you so much, I’m sure Kazu will love it! No, no, it’s fine, I’ve been meaning to get Kazu one of these for a while now but they’re usually so expensive and it looks super cool too, I love it and he’ll definitely love it. Aw, even when you’re looking for cat toys you’re still thinking of me, thank you, mom.”
“Merry Christmas, Lola. I see you’re back from wherever you’ve went, what? Did you not think I’d notice when you’re gone? Tsumugi’s a good actress but I’ve known you long enough to be able to tell when you’re not yourself or if there’s an imposter. I won’t ask for details, I’m just glad you’re back in time for Christmas…is that…is that blood?…Y’know what, nevermind, yes I’m sure now what is it that you got me?”
“Whoa! Are these gemstones? Wait, these are Yule Gemstones! Where the hell did you get these?! And how the hell do you know about them?! Ah…oh yeah, that’s right, I didn’t think you were listening…it’s not witchcraft, it’s Paganism, yes there’s a fucking difference. Shut it, he has nothing to do with my beliefs, still though, thank you for this, it’s really great.”
“Yoshiko! Hey, merry Christmas baby sister! Wow, you got that many presents huh? Well that’s no surprise, you’ve been a good girl all year and Santa knows that and is very happy with you. Hm? You got me something?”
“Awww, Yoshiko, this is so pretty! And well made too! You’re getting better and better each year, I’m seriously impressed, nicely done!”
Sayaka Lines:
“Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday, Sweetie! I really loved your gift, I never knew that I needed something like that, thank you so much! Oh, I can’t believe another year has gone by, I really wish that time would so down for once, my baby is all grown up! *sigh* I guess you’re right but just know that no matter how old you get, you will always be my baby….okay, okay, I’m sorry, here, I got you a present.”
“Ta-daaaa~! I got you a cat tree for Kazu-chan! I know it’s not something that you yourself can use but I figured that since you take such good care of Kazu, you’d want to get him something nice. I was thinking about what you usually wear when choosing which one to pick and I thought this one fit the bill. Oh, I’m glad you like it! Happy Birthday, honey!”
Lola Lines:
“Meeeeeeeerry Birthmas, my darling! Ehhh?? How did you know that I was gone?! Aww, and here I thought I was so clever to fool you…AWWW, Sunshine!! I’m so touched!! What did I do to deserve such a kind and considerate best friend?!…Hm? Oh, shit, I didn’t even notice that, you sure you don’t wanna know? It’s quite the tale? Okay, okay birthday girl, here you go.”
“I remember you telling me about those crystals you’re so interested in, something to do with witchcraft or some shit like that? Is there a difference, sweetheart? *sigh* I swear, sometimes I think I shouldn’t have let you met Lyall, didn’t think it was possible for you to become more goth than you already are, well, you look happy so I guess that’s good, merry Christmas sunshine.”
Bonus! Yoshiko Lines:
“Big sister! Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas! Did you look at the tree?! I got soooo many presents! Hehe, mommy said that too! Yoshiko’s a good girl! Hey, hey! I have a gift for you! Here!”
“Yay! I’m happy big sister likes my present! I made it alllll by myself! Merry Christmas!”
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edogawa-division · 6 months
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ARB Birthday Special 2023: Yuriko Kuromiya
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~~ December 22nd ~~
“Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.”
Login Lines:
“Forgive me, I’m a bit too busy to stay and have a chat. So please make it quick.”  
“A gift for me? Christmas isn’t for another few days…hm? It’s for my birthday, oh it appears I forgot all about it again. Thank you for reminding me.”
Voice Lines:
“Once again, it seems like my birthday has come around and surprised me. I suppose that I never truly celebrated it growing up, so it makes sense that I would forget all about it. Of course, nowadays I have two gremlins who love to celebrate it for me.”  
“35 years old…goodness if you had told me 15 years ago that I’d reach this age I would’ve laughed in your face. …Father’s death sent me spiraling so badly that I took job after job, each one more dangerous than the last. A small, dark part of my mind hoped that one of them would do me in. *chuckles softly* Yet here I am still alive and a mother to boot.” 
“Several of my old mentors called today to wish me a Happy Birthday. Some of them even sent gifts surprisingly. None of them could be said to be the most generous of people. Master assassins aren’t usually the type.” 
“It’s been oddly peaceful lately with no sort of trouble coming from either Kaoru or Kanra. *sighs* Why does that stress me out more than if they were causing chaos? Goodness, I never thought I’d appreciate being born with white hair. I just know that if I had any other color I’d be going gray early.”  
“Speaking of going gray early, You’ve been surprisingly quiet, Kaoru, not even a peep coming from inside your lab, something that is extremely unusual coming from you. So I ask what have you done? …Kaoru, the words “hidden project” do not give me a sense of comfort. Don’t believe giving me a gift is going to distract me. We’re coming back to this Kaoru.” 
“Oh, this is quite elegant, Kaoru. You made this? …What did you do? Only you would turn a watch into a deadly defibrillator, Kaoru, but you do know I don't exactly need it to be dangerous? I suppose I’ll add it to the other “tricks” I have up my sleeve then.” 
“There you are, Kanra. You’ve been pretty quiet recently as well. Want to explain to me where you’ve been? Uh, huh, something tells me you’ve been doing more than that. Oh? Let’s see it then. I can only imagine what you got me to spend so much time saving up money for.”   
“Kanra, where did you even get this? Let alone even afford this?! Even at their cheapest, these still run a person $10,000 easily. You’ve been doing what? That is extremely dangerous, and you could’ve gotten hurt. The point is Kanra, you shouldn’t be fighting anyone for money, let alone in a cage fighting ring. You’re not getting off the hook that easily. You’re grounded, Kanra.”
Kaoru Lines:
“Happy Birthday Yuriko…what do you mean? Oh, so just because I was quiet, that means I did something. Well, if you must know, I've been working on a project of mine hidden on the coast of Edogawa’s portion of Tokyo Bay. Don’t worry about it, Yuriko, but if it makes you feel better, I was working on this for you, too.”  
“You bet I did, and guess what? You know my Spider Bites, right? They function pretty similarly. Just press the dial on the side, and it fires a dart that delivers an electrical shock strong enough to disrupt the cardiac system. I know you don’t need any weapons to be dangerous, but better safe than sorry. Think of it as a hidden trick up your sleeve no one will ever expect!”
Kanra Lines:
“Happy Birthday, Yuriko-san! Oh, just out and about, you know. *smiles* I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve just been here finishing up your birthday cake. Anyway, I got you something for your birthday! It took me a while to save up for it, but I managed to get you this!” 
“Well about that…I might have spent the last few weeks in an illegal cage-fighting ring. What? Not like any of them could ever beat me! Fine, I’ll stop going out to do cage fighting for money. Now let’s have some of the cake I made you! ...Fuck.”
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akihabaradivision · 6 months
ARB Birthday Special: Keiko Yumi
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~~ December 22nd ~~
"The first draft is just you telling yourself the story."
Login Lines:
*Sighs* "Finally done! Hopefully once I send these in, my publisher will get off my back for the next month or so. ...And in record time too! Once I drop these off I can head to work and see what assignments Nemu-san has for me. ...Hmm? A message from... Nemu-san? 'Work is canceled. Enjoy your birthday.' My... birthday?!"
"How foolish can I get? I've been so busy with work I neglected to notice today was the day of my birth! I messaged Nemu-san back thanking her, though canceling work was unnecessary. ...She didn't message me back, but I assume it was because she was busy with work of her own. ...But still, what am I going to do with this free time I have?"
Voice Lines:
"I received a lot of 'happy birthdays' and such from the people of Akihabara, which is nice. ...You know, it's funny. Back when I was younger, nobody really paid me any attention. I was just another face in the crowd, so to speak. And if they did pay me attention, it was usually always negative. I can't count the number of times I got bullied back in high school. I definitely don't miss those days."
"...I don't believe it. Otome-sama, herself, sent me a 'happy birthday'! I don't believe it! I always figured that I wasn't worthy enough to be in the Prime Minister's shadow. That I was just one of the many people working under her. I mean, not that I don't mind working for Chuohku, but... too be recognized by the Prime Minister, herself. This is an honor I don't take for granted!"
"What the...? Where did all these gifts come from?! Are these all for me? Most of them are from my friends at school. ...Ha. Like I mentioned earlier, when I was younger I was used to being ignored or bullied. But now, I'm adored. I don't know if its because of my manga or just because I'm in the D.R.B. ...One thing is for sure, I definitely don't miss high school. Uni beats that place any day."
"Sheesh, it's going to take a while to get through all of these gifts. Here's a fancy one! It says it's from... my mom. Tch, great. What did that hag have the audacity to send me for my birthday? ...Some cash for my birthday? How original. And what's this now? ...A photo of my high school graduation? ...Tch, I won't ask how she managed to take a photo of me like this. Probably asked grandma for it. The nerve of her! She thinks me so soft sending me this will make me forgive her?! To hell with that, and her!" *Throws the present in the garbage, not giving it a second thought*
"Criss? What are you doing here? I mean, not that I'm not glad you're here, but I thought you mentioned in your last letter you were stranded on Hokkaido exploring a haunted hospital or something. ...You hitched a ride with someone? How many times do I have to tell you that's not safe? There are a lot of dangerous people out there, Criss. Any one of them could do something to you if you're not careful." *Sighs* "Well, I suppose the important thing is you're back home and safe. But please be more mindful next time."
"...You got me a birthday gift? Not that's it not unappreciated, but how? I thought you were out of money? ...Ah, that explains it, I guess. So, what is it? ...A hoodie? Oh, and it features a manga artist on it. Cute. It looks really nice. Plus, you got it in pink, my favorite color. Thanks Criss. This was really sweet."
"Nikki? You're here? Wow, someone alert the papers! The recluse actually left her room, for my birthday, no less! I'll definitely have to mark this date down on calendar! ...Haha! Sorry, I couldn't help myself. But really, I'm glad to see you've gotten out of your room, at least, once this week."
"Anyway, are you here to wish me a 'happy birthday' too or... A gift? From you? ...Wow, I'm definitely going to have mark this day down. ...A drawing tablet? ...Wait, this is a Wicom Cintiq Pro, isn't it? Do you know how expensive these things are, Nikki?!" *Sighs* "Fine, I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. But I really find it disgusting that you earn more than I do when you work far less. ...Yeah, whatever."
Criss Lines:
"Hey Keiko! Happy birthday! ...I was stranded, but thankfully, I managed to hitch a ride with some nice gentlemen who gave me a lift back to Tokyo! Oh, come on, Keiko! They were really nice gentlemen! Trust me, I have an inkling if I feel someone is dangerous or not. ...Alright, I'll be more mindful, but I'm really okay, as you can see."
"Anyway, here's your birthday gift! ...Oh, my check came in from my YouTube videos! It wasn't as much as usual, but it was enough to get you a gift. Ta-da! It's a mangaka hoodie! I saw it on the way here, and thought it would really suit you! ...Thanks Keiko! Glad you like it. Promise me you'll wear it, okay?"
Nikki Lines:
"Hey Keiko. ...Are you quite finished? ...You know, if you're going to act like this, then I'll just leave. I don't have to stand here and be ridiculed for my life choices. ...Whatever. Anyway, here's your birthday gift. ...Yes, it's a drawing tablet, one of the most expensive ones on the market, FYI. The guy I ordered it from said this would help with artists who draw digitally. ...Look, if you don't want it, I can always return it and get my money back. ...What can I say? Video games are my bread and butter and they earn me money."
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okinawa-division · 6 months
ARB Birthday Special: Evelyn Rose
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~~ December 20th ~~
"If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, then I know I can achieve it."
Login Lines:
"I wonder why my producer, like, cancelled practice for today. He told me to just go out and relax today. He said it was an early 'gift' for me, but I don't, like, understand what he meant. Was he referring to Christmas or something? Not that I, like, mind or anything. That just means, like, more time for me to do some, like, shopping! ...Hmm? A text from my mom? Probably, like, checking up on me again. 'Happy Birthday, sweetie!.' ...Wait? It's my... birthday?"
"...Holy crap... it's, like, my birthday! How could I, like, forget? And why didn't anybody, like, tell me? I guess that explains why my producer canceled practice. But seriously, why didn't anybody, like, tell me sooner! I've got, like, tons of stuff to get done and now I'm, like, totally late doing it!"
Voice Lines:
"Wow, hard to believe this is, like, my first birthday since I've been here to Japan. I won't lie with the way Acey talked about it, I was sure this place wasn't, like, going to be anything nice. ...But I've actually grown to love this place! The people here are, like, so unique and, like, cultured and stuff! There's, like, so much stuff here you'd probably never see anywhere else, even in New York or L.A.! I still miss home from time to time, but Japan is still a nice place. ...Yeah, I, like, really love this country!"
"A lot of my fans wished me a 'happy birthday' or sent me a lot of gifts. It was, like, really cool of them! It's always nice having people to, like, support and encourage you! I think without them and my friends, I would have, like, never been as famous as I am now. I still often, like, think negatively about myself. Like, I wonder if I'm really doing my best and being all I can be. ...But, I know I'll, like, reach my full potential someday. I, like, owe it to myself and everyone who helped to, like, get me this far!"
"Thank you so much, Acey! And it's no problem! As long as I, like, get to celebrate it, then I'm, like, happy! ...Oh Acey... That means a lot to me! Thank you so much! I really love you! ...Haha! No need to be embarrassed, Acey! We kiss in public, like, a lot! ...What's this? A necklace? It's beautiful! A message? ...Oh! Acey, you... I really love you! Haha, you really need to be, like, more confident, Acey!"
"Thanks so much, Rashaad! I'm glad Acey and I, like, got to know you as well. I'll admit, I was, like, really bummed out when I found out her hotel was, like, being renovated or something. I wasn't sure about rooming in a bar, but I'll say it now: Eagle's Nest, like, beats any hotel, any day! ...Aww, thanks Rashaad! That really means a lot!"
"Ohh, what's this? ...A phone charger? But it charges more than my phone? Ohh! I've seen these before! But I, like, never thought of getting one! Thanks so much, Rashaad! This is definitely going to help! You are awesome, with, like, a capital 'A'!"
Ace Lines:
"Happy birthday, Eevee! Sorry you have to celebrate your birthday here in a foreign land instead of in America, but I'm glad to be able to celebrate another one with you! I... I know I don't say it often enough, but... I'm truly glad and grateful to have you as my girlfriend. I know I'm probably not the easiest guy to be around at times, but despite that I'm glad you're still here. So... thank you. ...Gah! Okay, okay, I-I love you too, Eevee, really!"
"A-anyway, here's your birthday gift. I know it's probably tasteless, but I hope you like it. It's a charm necklace with a message inside. I had it custom-made and ordered. ...You like it? I'm glad. I hope the message proves to be true. But... well, that's just part of the suspense of a relationship, right? ...Eevee? Gah! Wait, Eevee! It's appreciated, but not in public, please!"
Rashaad Lines:
"A most joyous and happy birthday to you, Miss Rose. I'm truly happy to be able to celebrate your birthday with you. I know it's been well over a year since you and Master Ace first came to Japan. I know you both probably didn't plan on staying here this long, but personally, I'm glad you both made the decision to come here. If not, I never would have gotten the chance to know either of you. I'm truly glad to have the friendship of both of you."
"Haha. Thank you, Miss Rose. Now then, for your gift. You mentioned the other day that your phone charger was acting up. I was planning on buying you a new one, but that would have just been boring. So, I purchased this, instead. It's a 3-in-1 charger, so you can charge more than just your phone. I hope it serves you well. ...Thank you, Miss Rose. I'm glad you like it. And again, a most joyous birthday to you."
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shinagawa-division · 7 months
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ARB Birthday Special: Sumire Shinomiya
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~~ November 6th ~~
“Your pretty empire took so long to build, now, with a snap of history’s fingers, down it goes.”
Login Lines:
“Haaah…it’s that time again, I’ve been counting down the days and I still feel a sense of dread whenever this day comes, you’d think I’d be used to it now but no, it’s always the same…this wretched excuse I call for a li-huh? Oh…you have a present for me…thanks.”
Voice Lines:
“Holy shit, has it really been 20 years? Well, it’s been 8 for me but it’s not like anyone would understand if I told them, they couldn’t anyways.”
“What’s with all the weapons and protection gear? Look, you don’t get to be where I am and not have a shitton of enemies, my birthday may seem like a time to let loose and relax and it is don’t get me wrong, but it’s also a prime opportunity for anyone to come get their licks in so I have be on my guard.”
“The Den is once again celebrating my birthday to the extremes. This year they decided to hack into the Nation’s airwaves to play all my favorite songs and that’s not even all, they haven’t anything to me yet but they did mention that there would be a big surprise when I show up at the Den. Good grief, I love those guys.”
“̷͇̌I̵̧͑’̶̤̀ṁ̶̳ ̸̪͆t̷͇̆î̸̲r̸̭̈é̶͉d̴̲̈.̶̣̐ ̶̘̕Ï̷̢’̴̱̈́m̶͇̌ ̵͖̿ș̸̍o̸͉͆ ̸͕͋s̸̬͂o̸̭͊ ̶̞̂t̴̬͋i̸͍͐r̷̦̽e̴̜̓ḓ̴̇,̸͚̓ ̶͉̍Ị̶̈ ̵̥́j̵͕͝û̶̥s̴̜̿t̴͇̃ ̴̡̎w̶̕ͅá̵̬n̷͘ͅț̶̄ ̴̨̋i̶̱̾t̸̜̂ ̶̦͐å̴̘l̸͙̀l̷̼̀ ̸̨͐t̶̲́ó̵̫ ̶̻̄e̸̫͆n̷̺͂d̷͎͂,̴͖́ ̴̯͂p̸̗̃ḽ̸͑e̶͇̊a̴͉̐s̸̢͛e̶̱̐,̶͌ͅ ̵̩̇Ǐ̸̫ ̴͕̇ḍ̴̋ȍ̷͜n̶̯̒’̴̠̀t̸̠̕ ̶̙̾w̴̻͐a̷̝͊n̷̟͝t̸̘͛ ̶̩̆t̸̟͌o̵̼͘ ̵͌͜d̴͖̚o̶͙͒ ̸͎̽ṫ̵̜ĥ̴͈ị̶̉s̸̙̾ ̷̺͑a̷̻͌n̴͎̊ÿ̶͕́m̸̹͂o̶̤̽ṛ̸͗e̴̘͋.̷͈̇”̷͖̚
“My dear Malphas had his hivemind perform a show for me, dozens upon dozens of spiders spinning synthetic webs and doing tricks that would remind you of a circus, it was so lovely and I gave Malphas all sorts of upgrades as thanks for the lovely present he gave me.”
“Ritsuko! My favorite batshit scientist! Is it bad to say that I’m glad to see you? Oh shut up and take the compliment. Wow, I feel so special to know that I’m your only other friend besides Miho. Oh? You got me a present? That’s three years in a row Ritsuko, I’m amazed by your consistency, alright let’s see what you got.”
“Are these…chemicals? Wait what?! And you managed to make all these from our DNA samples?! Holy shit! Ritsuko, I can’t believe you just made liquid superpowers! That’s fucking amazing! Thank you!”
“Miho….Thank you….oh, um, thanks…you didn’t have to but I guess I appreciate it?”
“This is…a bracelet…I mean, it’s pretty but…it looks worn, why did you give me this?…W-what?…My…mother? This was hers? I…It’s my favorite color…and it looks so pretty…h-huh? Wait! Miho! You can’t just drop this and leave! Wait!”
“Oof! Ack! Aiko! I know you’re excited and thank you for the birthday wish but you’re k-kinda crushing me r-right now…*gasps* It’s alright, I’m glad that you’re feeling happy, just seeing you as you are now makes me happy too…*chuckles* y’know you don’t have to get me anything right? You as whole are already a gift. Alright, alright, let me see it.”
“Whoa…this is..really fucking cool! Where’d you get this? You made it?! Ah, with the help of the others, well, that’s still awesome, thank you so much Aiko, I’ll treasure it.”
Ritsuko Lines:
“Happy Birthday, Sumire. My, I think you’re the first person to have ever say that, are you feeling well? Fufu, fine, just know that besides their aunt, you are the only one that can say such things to me and still live another day. But enough of that, I have your gift here with me and I’m sure that you’ll like it.”
“Yes, they’re chemicals, but not just any chemicals, thanks to you and your friends…assistance, these chemicals, if ingested will significantly improve and boost an aspect of your biology. The yellow liquid will increase your speed, the dark green one will increase your strength, the pink one will give off potent attractive pheromones, and so on and so on…*sigh* Yes, essentially, they’re “liquid superpowers” as you so crudely put it.”
Miho Lines:
“Sumire….Happy Birthday…*coughs* um, I know you must have a lot to do today so I’ll make this quick. Here you go.”
“Yes, I know it’s not your usual style and I tried to keep it as pristine as possible but…your mother loved that bracelet so much that she wore it everyday so of course it’s not going to be the same. Yes, that bracelet belong to her mother and now it’s yours, I…trust that you’ll take good care of it, if not for me then at least do it for her…right, I’ll take my leave now.”
Bonus! Aiko Lines:
“BIG SISTER!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hm? Ahh! I’m so sorry! I’m just so happy because it’s your special day! Yay! I’m glad you’re happy too big sister! Oh! I even have a present for you! *pouts* Big sister! I’m glad that I have such a positive influence on your life but I still want to show my gratitude! Pleeeease? I worked very hard on this! Great! Here! Open it! Open it!”
“Ta da! A scorpion bracelet! With a little ring attached! I made it myself!…Well, I did had some help from everyone else but I did most of the work! So? Do you like it? Yaaay! I’m so glad Big Sister likes my gift!”
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I kept having to win rap battles to fill my car up with gas.
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uenodivision · 7 months
ARB Birthday Special: Shisuta Heisha
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~~ November 1st ~~
"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything You gave me.'"
Login Lines:
"...This I pray in your darling Son's name, Amen. Okay, daytime prayer is done with. Now to prepare breakfast for Aranai before she wakes up. ...Wait, where is she? And... did she already prepare breakfast? But why? ...What's this? 'Happy Birthday, Mom.' ...Oh my. It's my birthday?"
"It is! I can't believe I forgot my birthday again for the second year in a row. It shouldn't be hard to do, especially since it occurs after Halloween. ...But I've managed to make it again to another year. ...Thank you, God."
Voice Lines:
"It's hard to believe I'm 28 now. Believe it or not, the number, itself, symbolizes balance, harmony, service to others, empathy, divine life purpose, and so much more. I pray that I and my friends can achieve these things not only this year, but also the next."
"The people of Ueno greeted me today and wished me a 'happy birthday'. I'm truly glad to live in a city where everyone is nice and kind. Though there are a select few, thankfully, they are harder to find."
"My mother called to wish me a 'happy birthday', just like she did last year! It was truly good to hear her voice again. She asked me to stop by sometime today so she could cook me up a birthday dinner. I'll admit, I'm looking forward to it!"
"Good day, Aranai-chan! I have to thank you for preparing that lovely breakfast for me this morning. I don't know how long it took, but it was truly nice and wonderful. Thank you again. ...Yes, I'm glad to know you as well, my dear. I pray that we will still be good friends even as time goes by."
"And what is this? ...A bracelet? With a cross? ...Oh, Aranai, how many times must I tell you not to spend money on store-bought gifts? You know that I prefer things that are made from the heart. ...Very well, I'll accept it. But please promise me you'll make me something next year. ...Thank you, I really appreciate it."
"Good day, Kisouna-san! Thank you for making your way here to visit me. I know you are busy with work, but it is greatly appreciated. ...Thank you, Kisouna-san. That truly means a lot. But promise me you won't overwork yourself. Remember, you are no good to anyone if you collapse."
"What's this? A... jar? And it's filled with... scrolls from the Scripture? Oh! A scripture jar! I've seen these on occasion and have been planning to make one. Thank you ever so much, Kisouna-san! I'll be sure to use these every day, I promise!"
Aranai Lines:
"Happy birthday, Shisuta! ...Oh yeah, think nothing of it! There was a reason I went to bed early last night. It was so I could wake up and prepare everything this morning. I... I just wanted to show some form of appreciation for... you know, for everything you've done for me. ...Thanks 'Mom'. That... that really means a lot."
"Okay, so here's my gift. I saw this while browsing the Internet, and I knew I had to get it for you. ...I know, I know! I know you don't like store-bought gifts, but I promise, I had you in mind when I bought, okay? ...Alright, I'll try to make something next year. But don't be surprised if it's tacky or ugly or something."
Kisouna Lines:
"Happy birthday, Shisuta-san! ...Think nothing of it. My job will still be there, but occasions such as this only come once a year, so I can make time to be late for work. ...You know, I can't promise that, Shisuta-san. Until I see that all criminals are locked up where they belong, I can't afford to rest or stop. I'm stubborn like that, sorry."
"Anyway, here's my birthday gift. I saw this on a commercial a few days ago, and thought it would be good. Basically, it's a jar filled with scriptures and texts from the Bible. Whenever times are tough, just open it up and read one of them. ...You're welcome, Shisuta! I'm truly glad you like it!"
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kumamoto-division · 7 months
ARB Birthday especial:Natsume Kurome
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-October 30rd-
"the mind is the great slayer of the real"
Login lines
"Hi! Why are you in my pandora box?..a gift for me?"
"it's for my birthday? Thank you,how my birthday is the day before halloween i usually received sweets and thank you for this"
"hahaha it's strange but I almost forget my own birthday but the phantoms in the house was acting strange but they always do it in autumm...well it and dad called my for wish me happy birthday"
"hello, Aoba-chan it's strange see you here without ruri....for me? What's that?"
"God, those are beautiful,y can use one on my halloween costume and the jewels...i have a use for that"
"hi love...for me but Kunio you gaved me a flowers bouquet today... darling i said you that you don't need give me much things"
"God darling stop say things like that you will made me cry... thank you Kunio i needed it for my new paints...i love you too darling so much"
"Ryukyu San!....you have something for me too? It is strange...okay hahaha"
"a fan?...but this is-... hahaha o my gosh it is awesome...it will be very useful, thank you Ryukyu San"
Aoba's voice lines
"hello Natsume-chan yeah...that's true...but i have something for you"
"yeah my gift are two earrings and Kururi's gift are this fingers jewels ....i don't will ask because I know you're talking about"
Kunio's voice lines
"good morning my love i have a birthday gift for you..but i want do to,i love you after all"
"ta-da...a new oil paint box,i glad you like it Natsume...i love you and i never will get tired of say how i love you...i love you so much"
Bonus: Ryukyu's voice lines
"hello Natsume...yeah i have something for you...shut up"
"My gift is this and it's not only a simple fan,yeah is a war fan with blades...i know...your welcome Nastume"
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kanazawa-division · 7 months
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ARB Birthday Special: Joey Kurusu
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~~ October 9th ~~
“The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is a duty of the living to do so for them.”
Login Lines:
“Oh shit! Oh shit! I’m late for work! Haaah…why didn’t my alarms go off?! I set up six of them! Man, I knew I shouldn’t stayed up all night gaming! Wataru’s gonna have my a-huh?”
“What’s this? A present? And it’s for me!…Oh crap, so that’s why my alarms didn’t go off, it’s my birthday, haha!”
Voice Lines:
“Damn, I’m 24 now. I know it’s not a huge milestone or anything but after all the shit I went through and coming close to death more times than I would like to admit, I’ve come to learn that time is very precious and I’m thankful for every minute, hour, day, and year that I’m alive….wow, that was hella sappy lmao.”
“Everyone at the station sent me a happy birthday! Even the Narcotics Unit and those guys don’t talk to anyone! Man, it feels like yesterday I was just joining the force, I’m glad to make such nice and cool friends.”
“Hm? Oh, yeah, I’m fine. I just got a text from my dad, he wished me a happy birthday….’why do I look angry?’ I’m not angry! Really, I’m not! It’s just….this is the first time he’s reached out to me in four years…yeah…I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Hahaha! Oh man, my mom is hilarious! She sent me a book a puns….a book of police puns, hehe. Oh, I am definitely going to use these on Wataru and Kyler, maybe this is the day I finally get a smile out of both of them! Wish me luck!”
“Hey Shanny….I’m sorry I haven’t visited in a while, work’s got me in a chokehold right now, especially with all the DRB stuff happening…but I haven’t forgotten you, I would never forget you. I hope you’re doing okay wherever you are, I hope that you’re happy, your big bro is working really hard to find whoever took you away, they’ll get what’s coming to them, I promise.”
“Sorry guys but I’m spending the day with my lovely Mamoru! It’s been a while since we’ve been on a date, I know it’s my birthday but I wanna make this special for him….Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, call me a simp, whatever, I’d gladly be his Tier 3 Sub!….Wait-“
“Wataru! Buddy! You’re here! And here I thought you forgot about little ol’ me!…Ouch! That’s so mean! C’mon man, we’ve known each other for how long?…You’re so cold Wataru, you’re lucky I’m here to thaw that frozen aura of yours, otherwise you’d never have any friends haha, ooooh! A gift! From you! Let’s see what it is!”
“It’s a….a….okay, I’m stumped, what even is this?….Ohhhhh…This is…nice….I guess…Hey! My desk is not messy! Maybe to you but I can easily find whatever I need no problem! It’s called ‘organized chaos’, dude, there’s a method to the madness…Holy fuck, you’re old-“
“Kyler! My dude! Good to see you, man! Feels like it’s been forever since we last hung out…that’s still too long! C’mon dude, not only are we teammates but we’re friends! We should hang out outside of our jobs! Hm? You got something for me? Your bestie? Aw, you shouldn’t have…I’m joking, gimme.”
“Whooooa, sick! A new game! Deadpool huh? This is a character from your American comic books, right? Niiiiiice! I’ve been wanting to play more western games, this is just what I wanted! Thanks Ky! We definitely have to play this together, a game night with the boys! It’ll be awesome!”
Wataru Lines:
“Hello Joey, happy birthday…to be honest, I had completely forgot it was your birthday and even when I remembered, I originally wasn’t going to do anything…*sigh* For the umpteenth time, we are not friends, we are coworkers, I don’t know why that hasn’t clicked for you…Good grief, just take this.”
“It’s a desk organizer, something I noticed that you desperately needed ever since you started working here. It’s irritating to pass by your desk and see all sorts of junk everywhere, I implore you to use it, there is only so many times I can see your Hatsuno Miki pencils and notebooks lying around so haphazardly.”
Kyler Lines:
“Sup Joey, happy birthday, man…we literally just solved a case four days ago, alright, alright, you might have a point. Speaking of, I got something for you, I figured you would like it….fine then, I’ll give it to someone else…yeah, yeah, you’re welcome by the way.”
“It’s the Deadpool video game, I had it imported all the way from America to here so you better enjoy it…Nice, I’m glad you like it, I’ll admit, you do kinda remind me of him sometimes…but without the regeneration abilities, ducked up face, and is somehow more annoying. *Sigh* Y’know what? Sure, just text me when and I’ll be there, happy birthday, Jo.”
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kobedivision · 7 months
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ARB Birthday Special: Kaiji Sano
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~~ October 27th ~~
“If you were mine, if you were only mine, I'd bring you so much further down and twist your mind until the end of time.”
Login Lines:
“Hey cuties! It’s your favorite adorable cosplayer, Jinx here!…Ahaha! Wow, all of you are coming in fast, I can barely keep up! Oh! Thank you for the donation JinxLuver76! Let’s see here…’Happy Birthday Jinx!’”
“Oh that’s right! Haha! I can’t believe I forgot my own birthday, thank you soooo much everyone! I guess we can make this an impromptu birthday live! Let’s make this something to remember, okay?”
Voice Lines:
“Damn, 22 years old and I still look like I just graduated high school, not that I’m complaining, I mean who wouldn’t want to look young and beautiful? I wouldn’t trade it for anything, even if I have to deal with having to get carded at every bar and club I go to, how infuriating.”
“I’ve gotten to many messages and gifts from my fans, it just warms my heart! There’s nothing like the feeling of being pampered, I tell you and I especially deserved to be celebrated after all the shit I’ve gone through.”
“Yes mom, thank you and for the 14th time, I’m okay, Nagisa’s okay too, we’re both fine, you don’t have to come over, we know your busy with the boutique….fine, I’ll pop in just to say hi but I’m really busy today so I don’t have much time. Yeah, I love you too, tell Dad I said hi or whatever.”
“God, having 4 older brothers fucking suck. You’d think that being one of the younger members in the family, you’d get more attention and don’t get me wrong, I do, just not the attention I would like. Henri only gave me a list of various rehab clinics, Izana gave me a guide to healthy relationships book, Mikiya gave me five fucking dollars, and I haven’t heard jack shit from Claude! At least Nagisa was considerate enough to get me something that I can actually use! Sometimes I have to wonder just why my parents decided to have so many fucking kids…”
“ReeeeenReeeeen!!! Aw, I was hoping to see you! After all, how could you forget your best and most cutest friend ever? Hey, it’s MY day today! I can be as selfish as I want! Ha! That’s right, and this monarch demands gifts and I know you got some so hand it over, my loyal knight!”
“Dude, holy shit! These are so fucking pretty!! Way better than the ones I have! Awww, Ayano really knows her stuff! Good to know that at least one of you has a decent sense of fashion…Dude, I swear I see you wear the same leather and chains combo almost every day, it’s so overdone. Hehe, I’m right and you know it but seriously man, thanks for the gift.”
“GAH!! Oh goddamnit-MAX! Don’t fucking appear out of nowhere like that! You scared the shit out of me!…We both know you’re not sorry you little shit, I can see you smirking! Yes you are! Ugh, I swear, it’s like talking to a fucking wall-Huh? Oh…wow…thanks..?”
“Max…these are fucking rocks…hold on, you got these from a river?! I didn’t think there were rivers in Kobe…er, whatever, huh…well, look at you finally socializing and making friends, never thought I’d see the day. Jeez, okay! Okay!…Look, thank you Max, I know we don’t talk much but I want you to know that you mean a lot to me, y’know? You’re like another brother to me, one that I actually like, haha!”
Ren Lines:
“Hey Kai, happy birthday! *snorts* Yeah, okay. I know it’s your birthday and all but try not to get too big of a head. Fine, fine, whatever you say, your majesty. *chuckles* Damn, guess I’m not as subtle as I thought, yeah, you got me, here you go.”
“I know you already have some finger jewelry but I figured you could always have more, Ayano actually helped me choose which ones to give you, she’s surprisingly got a good eye for accessorizing…hey, what the hell’s that supposed to mean? I’m totally fashionable! *sighs* Fine, whatever, you’re lucky we’re friends, dude.”
Max Lines:
“….Kaiji…Sorry…Didn’t mean to scare you…*smirks*…No, I’m not….Shush…here you go…a gift…it’s your birthday, yeah?…Happy Birthday, I hope you like it….I spent a long time getting them…”
“Yeah….they’re rocks…I got them while in the river…and I had someone make necklaces out of them…*scoffs*…just shut up and take them…Thanks Kaiji…you and Ren…the both of you…you guys make me really…happy…brothers…yeah, we’re brothers…and we’ll always stick together.”
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aoyama-division · 8 months
ARB Birthday Special: Luis Kōkyū
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~~ October 25th ~~
"Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity."
Login Lines:
"...What do you mean I don't have to work today? In case you forget, Wednesday is one of our busiest days. ...No, I didn't schedule or request a day off. ...What? My employees told me to take today off? Why? ...Because... it's my birthday? ...Oh. October 25th. It's that day, already?"
Voice Lines:
*Sighs* "31 years old. I can scarcely believe it. It doesn't feel much different from any other age, to be honest. I know they say you get wiser as you get older, but I don't believe it. My teammates are living proof of that. ...Still, I can't help but feel as if I've gotten better at controlling my temper this past year. Though... that would be a lot easier to do if there weren't so many people out there trying to get a rise out of me."
"My parents didn't even bother to wish me a 'happy birthday'. I'm not even sure if they knew today was my birthday. I can't say I'm surprised, though. They didn't do anything last year. I'd be a fool to expect anything different this year. I stopped my Abuela from getting upset. Like I told her before, their actions aren't a reflection on either her or me. I know she knows that's true, but I can suspect she still doesn't like it."
"Tomi. ...Yeah, thanks, I guess. ...Look, I'm really not in the mood to deal with any of your shit today, okay? So if you just came here to be an ass, then please leave. *Sighs* ...Fine, what did you get me for my birthday this time? What is this? ...An electric lighter? For grilling food? ...Huh. Okay, I'll admit. You've outdone yourself this time. Thanks a lot, Tomi. ...Yeah, I said 'thanks'. Don't let it go to your head. If it gets any bigger, it may explode."
"Hey Karada. ...Thanks. Glad you took the time out to do so. ...Maybe because you did miss your birthday this year? It may have something to do with the fact that you were too busy bugging me about helping you find a gift for Lola this year. ...Yes, it took the better part of the day, remember? ...Right. So, what is it? ...An electric massager? ...Huh. I did say that, didn't I? It completely slipped my mind until now. ...Thanks, Karada. I really appreciate it.
Tomi Lines:
A most joyous and welcome birthday to you, Luis. ...'Thanks'? That's all I get from going out of my way and wishing you a 'happy birthday'? How tasteless. ...Ugh, nice to see your vulgar language is still the same as usual. But fine, if it meets that much to you, I'll cease being a... lesser animal for you. Now would you like my birthday gift to you, or not? ...Good. Now take this."
"The other day I ate some grilled meat at your restaurant, and I could taste the burnt wood on it. So, I had Hino purchase this for you. I hope you use it and make the taste of your food much better. ...I'm glad you think so. ...What's this? You actually 'thanked' me? ...Ugh, your crude way of speaking still does you no favors, my friend."
Karada Lines:
"Happy birthday, Lu! I had to cancel my afternoon lesson with one of my clients to come wish you a happy birthday. ...It's no problem, man! You're one of my best bros! Besides, we have to celebrate birthdays any chance we get. I don't think we celebrated mine this year. ...We didn't?! Why not?! ...Oh right. We needed to find those roses for Lola. Man, I hope she liked them! Thanks for that, by the way."
"Anyway, here's my present, bro! I noticed you been rubbing your arms and necks lately. You mentioned that you've been getting aches and pains, so I got you this massager to help you after a stressful day. ...Glad you like it, bro! And no problem! You deserve it! Hope you enjoy the rest of your day, man!"
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katsushika-division · 8 months
ARB Birthday Special: Akihisa Mashiro
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~~ October 19th ~~
“Nothing is not only nothing. It is also our prison.”
Login Lines:
“For obvious reasons, I don't get many visitors. So I will only ask you this once. Why are you here?” 
“This is a gift for me, ah, so it's that time of the year again. I suppose a thank you is in order. You came out to deliver this even while shaking like a leaf.” 
Voice Lines: 
“It's been a little over a decade since I last celebrated my birthday. Frankly, I would be content never to celebrate it again, but Touya has gotten it in his mind that birthdays are to be celebrated. *sighs* Fine, just this once, I’ll indulge him.” 
“46 years old…never thought I would make it this far. I must admit that when most people get to my age, they start to slow down.  However, I am still one of the most dangerous men in the world. It’ll take more than aging a few years to take me down.”
“I was awoken at dawn today by the scent of something burning. While it's not an uncommon scent considering who else lives in this house, I would prefer not to be awakened by it. So imagine my exhaustion when I walked into the kitchen to find Touya, Rintaro, and Akari trying to extinguish the flames coming from the stove. They wanted to make me breakfast for once. They…tried. I’ll give them that.” 
“I can only imagine what Sophie would say if she saw me now. *softly chuckles* She’d laugh her ass off at the sight of the many children I've gathered and ask if I was growing soft but not before knocking me on my ass for getting caught.”
“Hello, Touya. I suppose it was your idea to throw me a celebration. To be honest, you didn't have to do anything today, Touya. It's just simply another day for me. Ah, how foolish of me, then I suppose. *sighs* Fine but only because you went through all the trouble of acquiring me something.” 
“Touya…may I enquire as to why there’s a bit of dried blood on this? Your…collection? …It's wonderful, Touya. Thank you. I’ll make sure to put it somewhere safe. Now then, Touya, does anyone else know about your collection? Okay, so now you have to make sure to never tell anyone about it. It would potentially be disastrous if you do.”
“I suppose you’re here to give me a gift, Rintaro? Anyone with eyes could tell, but I digress you didn't have to get me anything. I am perfectly content with not receiving anything. A part of me dares to hope that you got me a perfectly ordinary gift, but knowing you that’s a fool’s hope. Fine, let's see it.”
“Rintaro dare I question where you got this gun or how you were even able to afford this for that matter? The ban Chuohku placed on guns made them expensive to acquire. What part of lying low is so hard for you to understand? Rintaro, what did you do? Maledizione Rintaro, I swear if this comes back to bite us in the ass.”
Touya Lines:
“Hisa-chan~! Happy Birthday~! Of course, I did! It's your birthday! We have to celebrate Hisa-chan! Don’t worry. I have a whole bunch of things for us to do today! Now the first thing on the list is presents!*giggles* Here! I hope you like it!”
“Hm? Oh, right! I went to where I stashed my collection! Uh-huh! Sometimes, I would take all the pretty and shiny things from the people I “played” with. So when I saw this watch in the collection, I thought it would look really good on you! I'm pretty sure I got this from some high-up Yakuza member. Nope~. Just you. Okay, Hisa-chan~! I promise~!”
Rintaro Lines:
“Hey, Old Man, you got a second? That fucking obvious huh? Fuck that. Look I understand you’re not big on celebrating your birthday but I wanted to get you something as… thanks for everything. You better fucking appreciate it, Old Man. I went through a lot of damn trouble to get it.”
“You know me, Old Man. *smirks* Just sold a little bit of homemade angel dust and molly here and there. If it makes you feel better I wore a fucking disguise while buying it. That fucker seller tried to scam me when he was selling it to me though. The bastard quickly learned his lesson about why it's a bad idea to try to cheat me. Hahaha! Don't get your panties in a bunch Old Man. The son of a bitch is still alive if that's what you're worried about but he's down an eye.”
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